Shadee Elmasry – Ibn alJawzi on God’s Transcendence through Ta’wil.

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The conversation is difficult to follow and appears to be centered around a quote from hipster Josiane's book. The speakers discuss the importance of faith and the use of words in interpreting verses. They also touch on the topic of addiction and the need for people to wait for the cure.
AI: Transcript ©
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It's a beautiful quote from ignorance Josiane humbly from his

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book, an MOA, when Majelis

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if you're able to negate tests to be

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outwardly and inwardly, in other words, purify your data from

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imagining that Allah to Allah is like an object in the universe as

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many, many religionists, Christians, Jews and Muslims have

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fallen into this, okay? On all of their hood, all of them, one 100%

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of those who still believe in God,

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they are upon this. And 100% of the Christians are upon there's

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not a single Munna, zyk amongst the two. One of them was telling

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you directly he's sitting is his, his Jesus, right? He's come in the

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form of a man. And they draw him on the Sistine Chapel. What's

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wrong with you, people? The sistine they draw him right

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putting his finger to Adam like this.

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Guy's there as the ignorant of the Italians call it the 16th Chapel.

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Could you call your home with a bear? Well, what's the result?

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That religions, no atheists?

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Most of the Jews are atheists, you know that. They're like that

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atheism to them is widespread, and doesn't take you out of Judaism.

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But believing in Christ does take you out to Judas, go figure.

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If you're able to purify your heart from this tissue be

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terrific. But if you cannot cleanse yourself from the Shinnick

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of tisby, because your mind keeps racing, like what does this verse

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actually mean? I need to know. Good.

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And you want to arrive at pure toe heed and 10 Z.

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You cannot do that. Except through the interpretations of weed.

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The Weed of whom the Sahaba and the self not your own set weed?

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Because you don't have the qualifications to make that we

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Norbert a probably anybody in the last 1000 years, we would trust

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them that we that we that the Sahaba was self?

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Yes. How about we don't even miss Odin, even our best had many we

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let go say 92.

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He said then we'll is better than it used to be. So if we're between

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210, z 10, z is removing these thoughts. And Tasha B is having

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these bad thoughts about Allah, then to wean interpretation is

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safer and better. Right?

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Kashmir is a sickness to imagine your Lord and you're the creator

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of the universe is something like this some object within the

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universe get is an illness, that we're interpreting these verses

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is the cure. If the disease isn't diagnosed, then the cure isn't

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required. Like if you don't have the disease, then you don't need

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to wait. That's why you got all the farmlands of the Muslims, and

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people praying and fasting for 60 years. Okay. And you say something

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about Edmund Colombia know what you're talking about? Right? He

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doesn't have the disease. Likewise, you tell him something

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you know, people in America go to therapists, you know what a

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therapist is because you have mental disorders in those

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countries, right? You go to go go to your great grandma, and tell

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her great grandma, you have your therapy. What are you talking

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about therapy? What's therapy? Say? Because if you're depressed,

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what's depressed, right? They don't have certain sicknesses that

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the city folk might have. Okay,

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