Shadee Elmasry – Giving up Dua EP. 18 Ramadan 2024

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of praising and loving people in businesses to achieve success. A man named Salah emphasizes the importance of praising and loving people in achieving success, citing examples such as building a business without a woman's help and losing his job after a woman lost her life. He also discusses cases of businesses where a man owes money to his family and eventually falls on hard times, but eventually moves the rock and needs money. Each case is a different level ofventh grader, and the rock is a way to]].
AI: Transcript ©
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During the filler for Abubakar and Omar, there were a lot of battles

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that the Sahaba went into. Once a hobby I want to point them out to

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you. His name is Allah ignant Hubbard I mean, he's out far away

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in the lands of Bahrain next to Persia. And there he's leading a

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group of Muslims who are traveling through the desert to face their

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enemy. When the camels for some reason, got nervous and all

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scattered, leaving the the soldiers in a patch of desert with

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no food, no water and no transportation. This used to

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happen to Arabs all the time, and they would sit and just dig their

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graves and wait to die as you're lost in the desert, the journey so

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long and you have no transport, no food, no water. So he saw all

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these, these soldiers in complete state of desperation, he gathered

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them all. And he said, call them that and it was salata and feta.

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They prayed French, he stood up after salah, and he gave a rousing

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speech. He said, Oh people, have you traveled out and left your

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families? They said yes. Have you gone out for the sake of Allah and

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nobody else? I said, Yes. Are you going to face the enemy and lose

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your lives? They said yes. I said, Have you just prayed slotted

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feathered in Gemma for the sake of Allah, nobody else? They said yes.

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He said, Do you think someone will do all of these things, and then

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Allah will abandon them.

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They said no.

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Infinite hub that me is doing something which we call tow us

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suitable, amen, is to draw near to Allah with your DUA by presenting

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deeds. This is one of the best ways to get your DUA answered,

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which is to present your good deeds to Allah, not boasting and

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taking credit for it. But you did do it. You intended it, and you

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did it only for the sake of Allah. And now you're looking to cash

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out. Some people think if I do this, I get my reward in this

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life, and not in the next life. That's not true. Once I'm a man

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came to the Sahaba, we're sitting around after a battle, and saying

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so and so was amazing. He did so many kills, he kills so that he

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did so much to the enemy. And another Sahabi said, Too bad, you

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all praised him. Now he won't get his reward in the afterlife,

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because you only get one reward in this life for the next. That's

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what he thinks. The Prophet said, No, he will get his reward in this

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life by you praising him and loving him, and he will get his

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reward in Africa. Because if you did something for Allah, you can

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get both. If you did it for the dunya you only get the dunya. So

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to us, Salah is saying Oh Allah, I did this for your sake. So grant

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me this. So they start started making dua and Allah had that. I

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mean, it's such an intense dua, and the people were watching him

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all the way until the sun came up. When the sun came up and they

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could start to see each other clearly. They listened and they

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said, quiet. Listen up. They heard bubbling coming out of the ground.

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Lo and behold, a spring had erupted out of the ground. They

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all drank from it. They dug it up the water Gosport, they drank from

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it, they washed themselves. And the camels came throughout the

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day, one at a time from all different directions to drink that

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water. And they got their stuff. And they said, By Allah, not one

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thing was missing. Not one package fell, not one. Campbell went

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astray, everything that we needed was there. We have another story,

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from this time of the bene of Surah e to the children of Israel,

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where three youth were stuck in a cave. And in this story, one of

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them asked Allah subhanaw taala to move the rock that made them stuck

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in the cave, by a good deed he did, which was he was very good to

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his parents. He said, Oh Allah, my parents were old. And I had taken

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an oath never to feed my kids before my parents, except one day

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I was late. With the herd of sheep came back, my parents had fallen

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asleep, and I had an oath. So I sat guard over the milk, even

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though my kids were crying, and I waited for my parents to wake up,

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gave the milk then I gave my kids milk, Oh Allah, if I did this for

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your sake, then move the rock. So a rock moved 1/3 of the way. Now a

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third person, he didn't have such a general mid such a such a good

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deed. Such a pious good deed he had just honest business, who was

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just honest in business business is not charity. Honesty in

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business is enough to give people their dues, is enough the prophesy

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centum said the honest merchant is with the martyrs on the Day of

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Judgment. So one was generous to his family. The second was just

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fair. So a man worked for him. And he owed him a male sheep and a

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female sheep. Right after his work, the worker said, I'm going

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to travel. I don't need these sheep now save them for me for

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later. So the man left and the owner of the sheep took these

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sheep and married them together or mated them together after 10

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yours the men remembered, oh, I need to sheep. That guy owes me

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two sheep. So he went, and he said, Remember me, I worked for

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you that one day you owe me a male sheep and a female sheep. He said

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that oh Valley over there. He looked, he found it filled with

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sheep said all that's yours. He said, How? You only owe me two? He

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said yes, but I made them. Therefore anything that comes out

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of that product is yours to so that is fairness and justice in

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business, okay? Because he was told, save them. For me. They're

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not your sheep anymore. They're my sheep. But just save them to me.

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So if you take someone's money, and you go and invest it for them,

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while they're away, without their permission, and you make a ton of

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money, that money should be theirs. And in fact, of course,

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there are discussions about that. They may say you did haram, but

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the money's also check your your your fit for that. But this man

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was fair in business so that he said, All right, if I did this,

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for your sake, move the rock in Iraq moved. Third one was neither

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generous nor fair in business. In fact, he was very sinful, but he

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had enough fear of Allah not to go from minor, from major sins to

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worse since you have to realize that this two deserves in the

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sight of Allah, it earns you some reward with Allah. This man he

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had, he loved a woman. That woman was a cousin of his. And in his

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eyes, she was the most beautiful person in the world who wanted to

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marry her so badly, but she rejected him. She didn't want to

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marry. Time passed. She fell on hard times. She needed money. He

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was rich. She came to him and she said, I need money. I'm in a big

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debt. He said, Well, you need me. No, you know what I want. She

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capitulated, she came into his house, he closed the door, and she

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sat down on the bed, he pushed her down onto her back, began doing

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what he was planning to do. Until she spoke. She said, fear Allah

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and don't break the seal. She was a virgin. So he's already done all

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the sins, but He feared Allah, and he got off her. So here, you don't

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even have someone pious, you have someone who's a sinner, but he

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fears Allah enough not to make his stet sin really bad and hurt

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somebody else really already hurt her. He already disgraced her, but

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he didn't go too far in it. And just as a result of that, Allah

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moved the rock even more he said, Oh Allah I moved off I got up off

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of this woman whom I wanted so badly. And uh, you know, when a

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person's desire to take over, it's extremely hard to make a sound

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decision. And the rock moved. If I did this, for your sake, move the

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rock. This is all called to us soon, the AMA. And why did the

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Prophet choose this story? Because each one was a different level of

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piety. Not everyone's going to be like that such a pious son. Not

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everyone's going to be in the opportunity to be a fair

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businessman, but most of us will be of the opportunity that I'm

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gonna go commit 100% of this and I stopped at 50 I stopped that 60 At

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least I didn't make it worse. This is all called tell us soon, Bill

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Amell and we should utilize this in our in our dua so that it can

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be more likely to be answered.

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