Shadee Elmasry – Following Instincts

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of having an "ironic" instinct when making decisions, such as renting a property or purchasing a drink. They also mention a recommendation for a person named Speaker Takara, which they believe can help improve one's credit score and avoid big mistakes. The speaker suggests going to Florida for a vacation and emphasizes the importance of avoiding any loss or foul.
AI: Transcript ©
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Can we Muslims follow instinct I find my heart telling me to do

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something because it seems to be good in my heart. And the answer

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is yes and no. The answer that is no is in matters where there is a

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ruling and the sheer. Number two you don't go by instincts feelings

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in matters of investment, such as a husband, a wife, a home a job, a

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move a roommate, you must do is to Shara and it's Takara highly

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recommended for you to ask experts. This is a person wanna

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marry. You need to ask people who have dealt with this person you

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need to have your Willie check his credit score, make sure that you

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can rent you can't just go with your gut you will end up making

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big blunders in life if you go by instincts. Now what can you go

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instincts by you can follow your instincts when to Halal options in

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which there will be no possible loss or very minimal loss. Well,

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my gut instinct says you know what? Let's go to Florida for this

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vacation is no loss, no gain no loss no foul.

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