Shadee Elmasry – Did the the Salaf have Madhabs Ep. 3 Debunking Madhab Myths

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The conversation is about the concept of "med hubs" and their significance in the WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp
AI: Transcript ©
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med hubs were the concept of med hubs the concept of following

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someone when you don't know an answer, and there's a lot of

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discussion around this. But one of the major statements that relate

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to this is from all of the above. And so I'll let him clipped up

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when it comes to one inheritance question said, I'm ashamed from

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Allah subhanaw taala to go against Abu Bakar.

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In other words, there was a question in inheritance, the

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inheritance of courses.

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But there are details there are exceptions that are not in the

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Quran. In one of those, we're not gonna get into that specific but

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in one of those, every bucket had an opinion and Ahmad, how are

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they different, but almost said here,

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I'm ashamed in front of Allah to defer to go against Hubble bucket.

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When I boubakeur passed away, and Obama became the Khalifa almost

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said, I will go I will go by the book of Allah, and the son of his

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messenger peace to be honored, but I will not restrict myself that

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will go. So while Abubaker was alive, yet, he was a funny funny

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follow them afterwards. He didn't consider himself obligated to

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stick with the opinions of

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the Prophet peace be upon him himself, said why as a judge? And

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he said, why? And he said, Why will we rule by he said the book

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of Allah. And if it's not at the book of Allah than the son of his

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refer, ESP water, and if it's not there, he said, then by my

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opinion, so therefore the Prophet in this hadith is confirming that

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opinion exists in Sharia, yet, opinion becomes part of Sharia.

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The opinion of course, based upon principles, a third one are all

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made up of Dobson I'm Marvin Yasin and Abdullah and Miss ode to the

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people of Kufa in Iraq. And he said, Falco, the one who Mao

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didn't we

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take from them and follow them? In other words, oh, people have

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Gouveia? You don't know. You don't have knowledge? I'm sending you a

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modern Yes. And I'm sending you a relevant message. These are your

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events. The whole city was commanded to follow them. I was a

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method yet, why would I follow them? If they're pointing me to

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something upon which there's no difference? They're answering your

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question that may not be directly in the Quran.

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But why don't offer him a job simply say, learn the Quran from

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the law. And so far, it didn't take them as it said.

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Everyone was said Ashati

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on any matter of discussion, would not make an opinion, but would

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first ask what it said that he said.

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If it had an opinion, do you follow that a bit, and he loved

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him. So

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they had been service

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if he had an opinion,

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and then he felt that will be been kept by the different a bit he

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left his own opinion followed a living camp. So what are these?

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Why did Zaven tablets follow Ali? Why didn't ever Musa Sid follow

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him up?

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They saw that this person knows most in the Quran. This person

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knows most in judgment this person knows most in financial matters.

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Yet all the prophets of Allah who it was some of them said

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a frog Lucozade walk doc Molly, the best in matters of judgment,

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like in court is the best in knowledge

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of inheritance law is a so the prophet is recognizing expertise.

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He's the expertise of this automatic lookup dog was

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approached by obey of uncap the companion and he said to him, I've

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always said why don't you use me as a governor? He said someone

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with the knowledge of the Quran like you can never leave Medina

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and all whatever helped us to say bits and MACOM they said Vidya,

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but he was traveling one time at a question came up.

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What did he say? He said, What a terrible place. A place that

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doesn't have

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any said Lola I knew yonder had a calmer now the words there are

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questions that he could not answer and he's home.

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And who did he follow? I leave it every thought. Even though he's at

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a higher level. He's the Khalifa and said he's not the Khalifa. But

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he recognized it knows things that I don't know. So the Sahaba

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themselves, they were 120,000 Upon the death of the prophets of Allah

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what He was said that not all of them are scholars. In fact, in the

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finitude says you can count them. Look, these are the people that we

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would today call muftis yet, what we're doing yours we looked at

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everything in common sense. We looked at the meaning of what a

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method is the definition why methods exist. We looked at

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Quranic verses. Now we're looking at the sahaba. This in the Thomas

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Abba, there were seven tonight

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People will give rulings who give judgments said there are many

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teachers teachers have the basics. But to give a fatwah to give a

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religious Berdych ton of matter, that had not come up in the time

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of the prophets, Allah. So there were only seven or nine. That's

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it, and you can count them on your hands, and different Sahaba

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followed different ones. Let's look at the second and third

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generation. Even before the format dubs existed, there were two.

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And they weren't based on people. They're based on locations, and no

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Muslim says all these people were innovators. The first division of

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matters of opinion were the people of Kuva. And the people of McCann,

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muddy, we call them Edward, Edward Hadid, where as you're right, the

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people who followed who had more knowledge in Hadith, more access

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to Hadith and they followed that versus the people who would really

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do a lot of thinking and analogy

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and those are the people you don't see any Muslim saying all the

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entire second and third generation were all deviant because they

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followed by those Mali the the whole OMA was really in two

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different methods as well. Hadith. Alright, and in the south in the

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Hejaz andalo Right in Herat,

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