Shadee Elmasry – Christianity is Like…

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The customer is reminded of the public library and the fact that people don't know about it. They also discuss a fine book that reminds them of Jesus' death on the cross and how they have been forgiven for their actions. The customer is interested in the book and questions what to do next.
AI: Transcript ©
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Christiania always remind me of the public library. Most people

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don't know about the public library anymore. It's not a thing

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that people go to get out of book for free, let's say gives you

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three weeks to read it. So the books in there, oh my god, I gotta

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return it here a week late. Seven cent fund, seven cents. What is

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this, right? A month past two months past three months, I get

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back, okay, you find 15 cents, then you start realizing this fine

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is a joke. You know, that's kind of the view I get when Christians

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talk about Jesus. No matter what you did, He died for instance. And

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so tell me something, what do I have to do? Because on one hand,

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Adam and Eve went and ate from the tree. Now I have original sin. And

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then Jesus goes dies on the cross. Now I'm forgiven. What do I have

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to do here really reminds me of the public library, right? Like

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nothing here is gonna scare you ever. In contrast, the people who

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really cared about their product in my day was blockbuster movies.

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You get a day and a half to watch it. So that night you're watching

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the movie. If you don't give it back.

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