Shadee Elmasry – Allah is the Creator of All Actions (Good & Bad)

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The importance of remembering the "has" of Islam is highlighted, as it is the creator of all things. The speaker emphasizes the need for thorough learning and development in order to achieve goals, including the importance of following Sun priority for guidance and avoiding waking up by setting alarm. The speaker also touches on the power of negative actions causing things to happen and how they can be released by others.
AI: Transcript ©
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When we're doing something in the world, whether resisting or not,

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it's all about resisting resistance against Israel. And the

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zeitgeist or the status quo or the matrix, whatever you want to call

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or anything. You have to have AKA, a correct Akita and a correct flip

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of the question Who is the real DOER of things? This is so

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important you begin with this, who is the real DOER of things? That

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is the first question you have to ask yourself. And of course, the

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answer is Allah, Allah is the real Doer things, to what degrees do

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the real DOER of things, he creates every action? This rate I

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rose, I raised my hand, I intended to raise my hand and Allah created

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the raising of hands. I intended it and Allah raised it, there are

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people out there who intend it and Allah doesn't create the raising

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of it, if they're paralysed, or if there's a weight on his hand.

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Right? I intend to go on a trip. I run out of money. So I intended it

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but Allah didn't create it. Okay. I did not intend

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to, for example, Yes, last night at 11pm be at a gas station. I

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didn't intend that. But I found my tank is empty and I had to go.

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Right. So I didn't intend something and Allah created. I

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didn't intend for example to to sneeze. But Allah created a sneeze

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I didn't intend to yawn or fall asleep, but Allah created it. So

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some things I don't intend on Allah created. I never intend to

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my heart to be an Allah creates involuntary actions.

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Alright, so Allah is the real DOER of things. This is so important.

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He is the real DOER of things we intend. We intend things and Allah

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creates it or doesn't create it.

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If you intend something that is lawful and good and rewardable and

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Allah creates it for you, that's called tofield.

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Right? So I intend to succeed over the enemy, and you do succeed over

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them. That's called tofu. I intend to make Hajj and you do make Hajj

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that's called tofield. I intend to memorize the Quran and you do it.

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It's called tofield. If you intend it, but Allah doesn't create it

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because Allah has another will.

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prepared for the world. And for you, you get the reward of it.

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Even sins, Allah creates it.

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Even a murder you intended it, yes, Allah created it. See, this

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is so important for us to understand he is the creator of

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all things even your enemy even Israel, even the Zionists even

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everything here. Don't attribute it to them. Yes, they're guilty.

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But ultimately, what's the source said? No Musa said in here inlet

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fits in Africa to little Looby Harmon Tasha, what's the idea

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behind mentorship?

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When said no Musa had a terrible fitna that occurred to him

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something so bad that happened to him as a 70 liters of the bene of

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Surah he died when they were all went out to make repentance. And

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they said oh we we wish to see Allah subhana wa Tada we don't

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believe until we see Allah directly. Falco that's gonna sign

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up for that so saya

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a loud noise came and they all died.

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Now I'll say no Musa is trying to improve relations with his tribe.

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They view him as an outsider, they're not. They're not following

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him well,

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so he took 70 out to to repent to Allah and draw near to Allah Now

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he's gonna come back and tell them all your dads and

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uncles and grandfathers and brothers are all dead.

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So it was something that was for him. The worst possible thing that

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could happen?

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What did he say? He said, Oh Allah, this what happened here is

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your fitna, you have created this test. By this fitna, you guide

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some people

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and you misguide others.

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Okay, so, who is the doer of all things good and bad. It's Allah

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subhanaw taala.

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In here Illa fitna, Toka, to the lobia, Manisha What's it been

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mentioned? So so we don't even give power to the enemy. Our enemy

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has no power. He's a tool. He's a tool, and my deeds to fight my

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enemy also have no power.

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This is the next part. We are not allowed as Muslims to believe

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in our actions. You must take action actions here when we take

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There are two parts to it. There's the obligation and there's the

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belief, the action and the belief, the physic

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Luckily, you're obligated to take every single action that you

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possibly can with education. You cannot just, if you're not

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following the Sunnah that Allah established for us or the prophets

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of Allah is Adam established.

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If you're just trying to wing it yourself, we don't allow this. You

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have to go get a mentor, go get a teacher. First Oh Allah, Vicodin,

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controllata animal if you don't know as somebody and outside of

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religion, it doesn't matter what the religion what their deen is,

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in matters that are trial and error expert, experiential and

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experimental science, technology administration business. And in

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matters that irrational math logic it coding, using is just rational

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things, right? Doesn't make a difference with the religious.

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If I put an equation up, there's one solution to the equation

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right? To the math equation.

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Doesn't make a difference who answers it

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doesn't make a difference who answered it. Hindu Buddhist Muslim

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saw that half as Quran half is torah, half as Gita doesn't make a

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difference. Because I can see the equation is right or wrong right

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in front of me, right? If I'm saying hey, I had a hypothesis, if

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I mix blue ink and green ink, it's going to become blue ink and

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yellow ink is going to make green

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that hypothesis can be tested irrespective of the person pouring

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the bottles in. Right? He could be the biggest one Africa in the

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world, he could be the biggest sada in the world, the result will

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be the result, right? So into gdb and an ugly to gdb means knowledge

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is that of trial and error.

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Okay, which is bulk of knowledge in the world. And knowledge is

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that our rational knowledge,

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math, all these things,

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then I don't need to know what his religion is only in matters

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related to the religion to the Quran and the Hadith and the

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Sunnah, and morals and ethics and these things do I need to only

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take from a Muslim? Okay, so the first rule here is that actions

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have to be thorough. When you take an action, you have to go learn

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from somebody, get expertise, don't wing it, you have to put I

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do low muster thought to Minkow you have to have sit, what is the

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difference between a gloss and sit is loss is spiritual sits because

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external EClass is that I only seek my reward from Allah. Okay.

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I'm sincere, sit

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is truthfulness or it sits is that I don't leave any stone unturned.

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So that if you want if you say hey, listen, I have a New Year's

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revolute resolution. I'm gonna pray Fudger every single day, all

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right, wonderful.

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And the first day comes around, I say set your alarm.

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I think I'll wake up, then you know what I tell you, you don't

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have set

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you will exit.

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You don't have set sets coming to you don't leave any stone

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unturned. So Allah gives her his reward and he creates, he creates

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the results for the people who have sits

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sick also. I mean, I knew a brother, he really had a hard time

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getting a professional.

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He would set an alarm next to his ear

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and an alarm next to the bathroom.

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Such that the only way that he could shut that alarm off is that

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he had to get up. And by the time you get up unless you're in the

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bathroom make wudu

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All right, another person realized that his hardest part of waking up

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prefetch is will. So what did he do? He's is his feet in wood.

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Nobody has a problem with washing your arms at face. It's the feet.

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Let's we're going to be honest. Right?

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He forced himself to sleep with a cough.

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So he lowered the temperature in the house so that he wouldn't be

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too hot at night.

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And he forced himself

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to sleep with the hoof.

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So he sleeps with the cuff on wudu puts the cuff on when he has wudu

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where's the cuff sleeps? wakes up? Wife's on the hoof. Okay, that's

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it. All right. Sounds good to leave no stone unturned.

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But now there's a second half to action. You cannot believe that

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your actions are the doer of things.

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And that's to free you. It really frees us. Okay. It totally frees

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us from the limitations of those actions. What happens now?

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If in a situation of the power goes up, I can't set my alarm My

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phone's dead.

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So we are not the doer of things is something that frees us from

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the limitations. It also frees us from being paralyzed by the power

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of our enemy.

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