Sajid Ahmed Umar – The Hajj of the Prophet ﷺ as described in the Hadeeth of Jaabir RA #01

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The importance of narratives in hedge's stance on the Prophet sallama Alayshi wa's statement is discussed, including the use of hedge's stance on the Amara and the importance of complete actions in Islam. The speakers emphasize the need for a journey to the throne and the importance of following the Prophet's stance on the journey to the throne. The transcript is not a conversation between a customer and an agent, but rather a listen-only text with the host explaining the process of signing an insurance policy. The agent provides information on how to request a call back if needed, and the transcript is not a conversation between a customer and an agent.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen alim r Rahim. Allah Kadir, WA Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah amin al Bashir another or Allah Allah He up by being a PA hearing while as heavy Allah herbal Miami

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Allahu Allah is Melina lm lm tener indika Antal animal Hakeem Allah alumna Marian foreigner when foreigner Bhima Alam tena was it in their element watermelon. Yeah. Kareem Rob Bish, roughly surgery. westerly Embry was a little awkward. That was a little awkward attempt melissani yufka who toli

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Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilaha illa Allah who Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa ala Hill and we begin In the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. seeking His blessings. We praise Allah subhanho wa Taala. We seek his assistance, and we request his guidance, and we request and seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evil of ourselves and the adverse consequences of our deeds. We testify that Rousseff Allah subhanho wa Taala guides them can miss guide and whomsoever hemus guides, the nine can guide and we request praises and blessings upon the final messenger, Muhammad Ali Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I bear witness that there's no one worthy of worship besides one Allah,

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and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is His messenger to my dearest brothers and sisters in Islam.

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To the Anwar Mohammed Salah Friday he was Allah, those whom I love for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala I greet you with the greetings of peace, the greetings of Islam and the greetings of the people of paradise. Salaam, Allah He aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. May Allah peace May his blessings and may He safety be upon you all mean your Bellamy brothers and sisters in Islam I welcome you all to a special sitting during the best of all days, I sitting dedicated to the best act of these days, the best act of the best days of the year. And that is the hedge and to sitting dedicated to the best program ever. Mohammed Abdullah, our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I

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welcome you all to a setting dedicated to one of the best acts of worship, seeking knowledge. And I welcome you all to a setting dedicated to the study of the Sunnah. And in particular, the hadith of Jabir Ravi Allah who I'm in which he describes in detail, the Hajj of our beloved messenger, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam as part of this amazing opportunity, brothers and sisters in Islam to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. Today, the eighth of this day when the Hajaj are making their way to Mina the day of teruya. And some are already there because I have received messages from the Hajaj who Allah subhanho wa Taala from some of them who Allah has picked to be part of the

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edge of this year, that they are already resting in Mina. So as part of this amazing opportunity brothers and sisters in Islam,

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I would like from the outset to put everything in its place. No doubt we must prioritize and in doing so I would like to first thank Allah subhanho wa Taala and praise Allah subhanho wa Taala for inspiring our sitting together. And I praise Allah subhanho wa Taala for the internet and the technology in making a virtual sitting like this possible, especially during the unprecedented times we've been living through since the latter part of 2019 all of 2020 and Subhan Allah already most of 2021 as we go through the unprecedented affair of COVID-19 and the corona virus after thanking Allah subhanho wa Taala brothers and sisters in Islam I thank you all for a from the completeness of

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thanking Allah is for us to thank each other. So Jakob Allah hiren for your attendance to everyone attending this particular session via YouTube via to Facebook pages via Twitter as well. May Allah subhanho wa Taala reward you all and bless your time and in making this dua. I would like to expand and this is the second aspect I want to share from the outset and from the beginning of

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Our time together, I would like to supplicate and ask from Allah subhanho wa Taala for myself and yourself. I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant each and every one of us who had a sincere intention to perform the Hajj of this year, but could not perform the Hajj due to the restrictions due to COVID-19. ask Allah to grant us the reward of Hajj in full. Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala is upon all Abel and indeed actions are judged by the intentions. I also asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to make our sitting together solely for his sake alone, solely for his sake alone, seeking His pleasure only and ask Allah to make our sitting a means of attaining the rewards of hedge for Indeed

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Allah subhanho wa Taala His mercy is vast. I also ask Allah subhanho wa Taala My dearest brothers and sisters in Islam to make this gathering one which is beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala one in which one which our love for Allah subhanho wa Taala and our love for the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and our love for the Sahaba increases and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make this gathering one that is a means for us to enter through those photocell Allah the highest paradise without any punishment, and without any accountability. I mean, you are barely I mean, last but not least brothers and sisters in Islam, ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to decree for all of us to perform

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Hajj sooner rather than later. Whilst we are filled with faith and good health and to make us a group of people that hear and listen to a good word and follow it and a group of people that insha Allah forgiven upon our departure I mean the honorable alameen brothers and sisters in Islam in terms of our program over the course of today and tomorrow and the format of it well as has been advertised, it will take place on the eighth of the ledger which is today and the ninth of the ledger which is tomorrow, across two days from 1pm maca time to 3:30pm maca time, if need be, we might request you all to stay on but we will provide a break maybe a 45 minute break for us to

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perform the salah and freshen up and then inshallah resume only if need be. But inshallah we'll discuss that if the need arises insha Allah also we will have a reader with us in the form of chef with one Muhammad Javi the hola me Allah subhanho wa Taala preserve him and increase his knowledge he is about to graduate from the faculty of Sharia at Alma, Mohammed even sir wood is now big university in rehab. So he will read for us in sha Allah, the relevant portions of the narration that we want to take in both Arabic and English. And then from there, the explanation will take place. If you have any questions. It's important right now for each and every one of you to access

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the feed on Facebook, I'm sorry, on YouTube, on my YouTube channel slash build your agenda. That's my channel slash build your agenda.

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Over there, you'll find one of the feeds to today's lesson, I direct you there for those who are on Facebook and Twitter, because in the description box of the video, you will see links from them a link to the course notes from them a link to or should I say the program's notes, that translation of the Hadith for you all, which I've translated in a particular way to help you understand it. So please do use the translation that I've shared with you via the link as opposed to anything online. And also you'll find a link to a Google form for you to ask or sorry, a, a link to a a web page a landing page that will take your questions we will be able to place your name and your questions

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there and inshallah we can take it from there also if you are tuning in from YouTube and Twitter then I am able to see any messages you put in the chat box. So please do communicate. So it helps me also always remember that there is life on the other side of my computer screen and inshallah I will try my best to look at your your messages via the chat and accordingly try and assist when and if possible. So please, everyone do go to the youtube broadcast to access those links. In terms of certificates, we have announced that they will be certificates for those who sit with us over the course of today and tomorrow and if you can't sit the entire period then at least you do view the

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video recordings giving it to Allah Allah subhanho wa Taala MC makes everything come to a perfect completion. There's no hiccups in terms of the technology. The videos will be up on the same YouTube page and Facebook pages as well as the Twitter page make sure you catch up and then take the quiz. The quiz won't be easy, but it won't be difficult it will be moderate. And inshallah for those who pass that moderate quiz with the lighter Allah, you shall receive a certificate also do take note of the information in the description box highlighting dates in terms of when

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the quiz will go live. Currently, the plan is for the quiz to go live on the first floor.

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After three have read and for the quiz to last until the last day of the hedger vanilla hit Allah but please do revise the description box. Now in front of us brothers and sisters in Islam and hopefully by now you've already downloaded the notes we have the hadith of jab or the Allah and in it he describes the Hydra of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, this particular generation brothers and sisters in Islam is from the longest, of narrations found in the books of Hadith. its presence is so mighty in terms of knowledge and direction that scholars have written books dedicated to explaining the hadith of jabber, Ravi Allah and in fact from them we have a man a

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blue moon, and Lisa booty Rahim Allah, who passed away in Makkah during the fourth century, the Islamic century meaning the fourth century in the history calendar. He was a great scholar with beneficial books. So beneficial his books were that they were recognized by other major scholars as well from them. Mm hmm Hola, shamsudeen, Abu Abdullah Mohammed Mohammed Abu Dhabi, as the hubby is from the hub and they have means gold in reference to his father's craft because his father was a goldsmith, but Subhan Allah, Allah bless the mammoth hubby with golden knowledge in fact today we say Platinum is more expensive than gold than maybe Platinum knowledge Masha Allah because he too

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left amazing books. Remember the hubby he says about him remember? Allah Allah him as a marine that implement there was the author of books that never had anything like them authored before

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I paraphrase the translation of course.

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Also we have Imam

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Abu Zakaria and never we the famous Shafi scholar, Rahim Allah, he passed away in the seventh century of the history calendar and he said that a man has knowledge in his books that cannot be compared Subhan Allah and this Imam he dedicated a his one of his writings to the study of head of the hadith of Jabba which is the Hadith we'll be studying. inshallah, over the course of today and tomorrow and in it he extracted just over 150 benefits, so panela

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and 150 benefits but listen to this

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puppy up Subhana Allah who is another amazing scholar, a Maliki scholar who passed away in the sixth century of the history calendar, he said that if Imam abnormal bill went further and he saw letter B as he had mindat he says if mm if the movie went further, he would have extracted even more than 150 benefits from the hadith of jab Ravi Allah I mean, we she describes the head of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, such as the reality and greatness brothers and sisters in Islam have the Hadith in front of us that we are about to study. And as such, remember the hubby and he may have been here and others. They would say that this narration is equivalent to a man sec. They would say

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well, he Jabir men circleville hedge so Han Allah that Jabir has

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something which amongst that is like a religious right ceremonious, right, he says, Jabir has this religious right with regards to the Hajj Subhan Allah because of the detail in it, regarding the Hajj of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wasallam and Subhan Allah, there is no better days for us to look at this hadith we are in the best days of the year, in which there are no deeds done in during these days which are more beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala besides the deeds done during these days, and we are in the days of Hajj Alhamdulillah and we are studying the hydro who from Mohammed bin Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam This is a hadith dedicated to the Hajj. So no doubt this is

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a hadith that is massive, it is most suitable in terms of its content and the time that we are in. Now in terms of Jabara Ravi Allah Who am brothers and sisters in Islam, he is the famous companion Senior Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam jagruti bin Abdullah, Al Ansari, Ravi Allah who I'm and

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he witnessed the second pledge with his father, second Pledge of Allegiance with his father while he was a young boy, and it's a Muslim. He himself says Subhana Allah and and this is testimony This is highlighting exactly who he is. So pay attention to this. He says Kazuma Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this ash Arata.

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He says that I participated in 19 battles with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then he says Lem ash had burden. Allah Subhana Allah He missed the two big ones, right?

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Well, we can say the two bigger ones because there were others that were big as well. He missed better. And he missed why men or any Abby, my father prevented me from attending these battles for Mr. Patel, when his father was was killed during the Battle of God.

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He says you're hurt. orfeome you're hurt in the Battle of lemenager holophane Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he has worked his way up to he says I never missed a battle with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they are

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No doubt until the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away, because Jabu he lived much longer after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away as we will see, because he robbed the Allah who passed away in the 78 year after the hatred of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam from Mecca to Medina. So he was from the marine from the Sahaba that lived very long from them as Anna seabin Malik Ravi, Allah who.

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And Jabir was from the last of the companions that witnessed the second pledge, and also from the last of the companions

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in Medina Subhana Allah in Medina because other companions they spread out especially after the passing of Mr. Abel kopparberg Allah and after he was made to Shahid Omar he was, he made an effort to keep the Sahaba in Medina with him. But after he passed away, the Sahaba spread out and in fact, after the caliphate of Ottoman robiola, and the Islamic capital, or this Islamic capital moved from Medina, to Iraq, given the expansion of the Muslim empires of the Sahaba was credited. But in terms of jab in terms of Jagger, he remained in Medina, and when he passed away, he was 94 years of age, according to some counts now, in terms of that, in terms of him as a person in terms of him as a

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scholar of Hadith as a narrator of Hadith, then he is from the prolific narrators of Hadith. He narrated 1540 narrations and in the hierarchy of those who have who have transmitted the most generations from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Then jagruti bin Abdullah is fifth in this hierarchy in front of him is Abu hurayrah, who's number one, and then even armor, the son of formidable hapa, Ravi Allah, and then NSE bin Malik, and then I shut off the Allah

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and then even Abbess Robbie Allah who I'm home

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and then we have jabber, and then we have

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jabber robiola one. So he's he's 50. In front of him

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is Robin Sharma, nse, bin Malik and Ayesha and then we have Ibn Abbas and and we haven't been our best and we have jabber, Ravi Allahu Allah Jermaine Rahmatullah he la him, Edmonton. So he was from the prolific narrators of Hadith, and Subhana Allah not only that brothers and sisters in Islam, he was a unique narrator of Hadith. Why do I say unique and you will see this in the height in this Hadith, in which he describes the Hydra of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because jabil was was known for this quantity, and he can I guess, route a hadith. Certain This is how he's been described when he narrates a hadith. He doesn't just focus on the content matter of the narration,

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but he also narrates matters attached to the event. And around the event, as you will see, when he is describing the Hajj of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam he will say what happened when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam wanted us while announced the Tobia, but then he'll go on and say and I, I looked as far as the eye could see. And I saw groups of people on the right of the messenger on the left hand behind the men in front of him trying to describe how many people attended the hedge. So you'll see this

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in his narration, and you see this in his other animations as well. And he mentions matters pertaining to the point at hand, as well as matters

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circumstantial matters that existed when a particular event took place that he was narrating about, and accordingly, he is from the companions that have his narrations compiled as a slave

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asahikawa referring, meaning when we say sahifa, we mean a type of booklet with Hadith have been gathered

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as a gathering, and this was a famous concept before the books of Hadith were compiled. After the books of Hadith were compiled, these songs were incorporated into the books of Hadith. So, when we say jabil, had the Sahaba we should understand it was before the books have had to compile so we can understand how prolific he was as a narrator and also unique as a narrator, because also in terms of the Sahaba

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not many companions had a Sahiba To my knowledge, I believe, I believe last robiola, he had one and he said Abu hurayrah robiola one, he had one and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best in terms of

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this Sahiba of Jabba that we're talking about.

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And we said it was important, if we look at the famous tabular, right, the generation after the companions, they are known as the tabular in front of them was famous scholar Ted Bundy, a sadducee he passed away around 118

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the 118 t after the age of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he and he can he said can you tame it? He he used to really raise in value and in rank the Sahaba of jabber In fact, once it is

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said that he said let Annalisa fit jab me Abdullah, for the Minnesota tillbaka Subhana lies, he was very well versed to sort of to Bukhara, and anyone who remember I sort of Bukhara and understood it and was very strong in terms of its memory and its rulings. They were considered to be, you know, at scholarly level and considered to be amazing. In fact, a person who had Bukhara would be put in front to lead the prayer

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by Qatada

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running this comparison in terms of his history of Al Baqarah, and the Sahaba of jabil we see Subhanallah how he is highlighting how well acquainted he was with the narrations of jabber, robiola, and how important the Sahaba of

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jabber was. Members of Han who Allah gather us with them in the hereafter. I mean, you're behind me.

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Brothers and sisters in Islam moving forward.

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This narration of Jagger

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has reached us as we presented today via email Muslim,

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in his sahi, famously known as Sahih Muslim.

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once this hadith has come to us, when I when I say that this hadith

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comes to us from Sahih Muslim I mean, how we have it

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in its form, right from its beginning to its end, as per the narration of jabber himself, and the details within it.

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And the system, the systematic narration of the details, the form of the Hadith as we have it has come to us from a Sahih Muslim, a Muslim he narrates it in this way. However, there are portions from the narration that we find in Sahih al Bukhari okay. But this particular Hadith this hadith of jabber is unique to him a Muslim or him Allah, for he, meaning is unique to his sight. Unique to inside a Muslim is not the only narrator. His teachers had the narration and other scholars who are not from his teachers also had the narration. But in my Muslim he places this narration in Asahi, now things might get a bit technical, as we move forward to understand perhaps why mamil Buhari

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didn't place it in his psyche, and these technicalities will come inshallah, when we start the reading and go through some of the narrator's that Imam Muslim highlights your highlights to some of his teachers and who they got the narrations from, and inshallah we'll touch on, in a very brief way, what some of the scholars of Hadith have said, and why possibly we see this narration unique to,

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to Muslim and not found in Buhari, even though the scholars agree that this narration is authentic. Or maybe there's some portions in it that are disputed, but they disputed for

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reasons which are part and parcel of the realm of Islamic scholarship. Sometimes what happens is the other people down the line who fabricate narrations and attribute it to us to a companion. And then there might be a narration related to that companion or someone, not a companion apologies not a not a when I say companion, I don't mean Companion of the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, but a companion of a teacher or a student, that's the better word a student of a teacher. So they attribute these false attributes to him, which makes the scholars of Hadith more particular with the narrations of this person, but anyway, inshallah without complicating things too much right now.

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We'll leave that for the discussion coming up. But I just want to introduce that reality to you. in case somebody has this question that How come a narration of this eminence is only in Sahih Muslim and didn't find its way in sahale Buhari now in terms of Sahih Muslim the book Sahih Muslim very quickly. Its full name is Al Jameer al Muslim Asahi. Some have said and look dasar bin Abdullah Abdullah Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam but some scholars have said this is more a description of, of the Hadith of the book as a Muslim and not the name of Sahih Muslim is famously known as a Muslim the authentic narrations of Muslim meaning of a Muslim, but also, a more direct

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name, as has been reported to us is a jammy jam, meaning it's a comprehensive book. It covers narrations from diff, all the chapters of Islam, be related to believe be related to worship be related to transactions, marriage, etc. It's Jeremy it's comprehensive, almost Ned and mustard means it has narrations that are connected all the way back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Asahi means that a Muslim was not just looking at any narration, which went back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But the narrations that were authentic, this is important, but this is in Islam because there are some books of Hadith. And the methodology of the scholar when the scholar

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discussed that book was to only place anything that was attributed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam or not anything but certain things, and it wasn't necessary for those variations to be at the level of authenticity that

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Remember Bukhari stipulated when he gathered narrations for his, for his book of, of Hadith. And so he Muslim. And I highlight this because sometimes what do we see we see people forwarding Hadith.

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And they just right at the bottom which book of Hadith it came from, without explaining whether the Hadith is authentic, whether it's authentic because it's absolutely authentic meaning Sahih authentic beyond doubt, or whether it hasn't meaning it's acceptable. But there's doubt about it, but it's acceptable because there's other narrations that corroborate it, right? We don't see people forwarding the messages like this, especially in the social media age in the WhatsApp age, and then sometimes it causes confusion, especially if you narrate a narration that is related to halal and haram related to the do's and don'ts. So if you share that Hadith and someone reads it, someone says

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no, this is what the prophet SAW. This is what

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a companion from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did so someone reads it and says, Okay, so this must be a Sunnah and they just follow it. They don't know that this hadith is it? Or is it did the Imam who placed the Hadith in his book, place it there because it's authentic, or place it there because he's trying to highlight a certain lesson in terms of how the grading of Hadith happened, did he place it there because it's part of an interesting consideration, that it might have

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been abrogated. Sometimes it could be authentic, but it could be abrogated, meaning the ruling existed for a period of time. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala, lifted the ruling, right. So this, always remember that whenever you share something, be sure to check with the scholar that if you sharing it as you sharing it, right? Is it going to lead to any confusion. And if you do share it, and people are confused about it, then for those who receive it, be sure to speak to a scholar rather than than is reading the narration firsthand. And then taking from the narration and implementing it for this is how we can end up being mistakes even though we don't intend to do any

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mistake. So

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when we say Asahi, we mean in my Muslim he stipulated that I'm only going to place in this narration, narrations that reach this level of authenticity, which the scholars of the oma have said.

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Meaning his criterion makes the narrations in his book from the authentic beyond doubt narrations now there is some discussion pertaining to a handful of narrations in Sahih Muslim, but this is not the point of our discussion. Generally, the oma has agreed that what we find in Sahih Muslim is authentic. In fact, they agree that Sahih Muslim is the second so that the second most authentic book of Hadith, and the third most authentic book after the Quran, the Quran is the most authentic, then sahale Buhari and then Sahih Muslim now who is the compiler of these narrations and the narrator of the narrations in this book, while he is Muslim Ibn Al Hajaj Abolhassan Aleppo, Sherry,

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and Lisa aburi. When did he pass away, he passed away in the third century, the third hijiri century, 261 years after the passing of Rasulullah Salallahu alaihe alayhi wa sallam, but this doesn't mean brothers and sisters in Islam, somebody might say 261 years, this was a long time, after the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. Where were these Hadith before this, before the completion, the Hadith, and the Hadith existed in the hearts of men and women brothers and sisters in Islam. And also, as we said, there were so there was the cipher of jabber, and others, and it existed in writing in,

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in different capacities in different amounts. It doesn't mean it didn't exist in writing Alberta, in that there was no existence of any writing before it. But just like the Quran, the first mode of transmission was verbatim was verbal, from the heart of a teacher, to his tongue and from the tongue of a teacher to the ears of his students. And then the students would either write or they would memorize and they would revise with the teachers. These were the majorities of Vicar, brothers and sisters in Islam, the majority would dicker with these with the sittings of Hadeeth. Right, so they were as used today you see majority Sukkot and students sitting and memorizing the Quran and

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revision, and they would they teach and they revise and the teacher listens to them and the teacher corrects them. This is what was happening back then. So these narrations were being transmitted and they were being checked. And the science of Hadith is phenomenal, right? It's not our discussion today to go through maybe in the future luck and bless us to run a series of lectures introducing the sciences of Hadith. But this the science of Hadith is so phenomenal, where even the non Muslims when they look at the science of Hadith, those from the non Muslims who have studied some of the science of Islam, they themselves put their hands up and say that it's from the miracles of the

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time. Remember, today we say miraculous when we talk about where technology is leading us and what we discover through technology, so panela we're talking about a generation where technology didn't exist, there was no marketable Sharmila mctavish MLS we have today is an electronic program which gathers 1000s of books and at the push of a button Mashallah you get straight to what you need to get right now.

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There was nothing like this. There was nothing like this. And sometimes there was no ink, right with ink at least if you turned the page, you go back to it, you find what was there, you memorize it. And today Subhanallah we have some of the young members of the Omar Mohamed Salah who AlLahi wa sallam memorizing the Quran, just by writing it with the input on a wooden plaque. And that's all they have. That wooden plaque they have is like gold for them. It is the means of education. And the teacher recites the Quran, and they write it on the wooden plaque. And then they memorize it, and they reread it to the teacher. And when it's solid, they have to rub it out because now they need

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space to write the new lesson. When the rabbit out is gone. It's now inscribed on the heart. So Pamela, so if people are doing it today, and they are and in a day and age where our memories is, it decreases as time moves on. And I'm not trying to be stereotyped and say this is absolute absolute in any way. We have exceptions like we see in our brothers and sisters, in some countries in Africa and how they memorize the Quran. Think about it at the time of the Sahaba who were the norm was, they were unlettered nobody was reading no one was writing but they would remember this make gave gave them an acute focus in terms of lessons that were given to them, and how they dealt with those

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lessons and how they quoted those lessons, and so on and so forth. So this is just a brief answer to those who feel how did he vamoose impossibly so late or the compilers have had his way with this hadith before inshallah you have an understanding that the primary mode of transmission was verbatim they existed in the hearts of men and women until they were compiled. Now, we said that Jeremy and Mr. Asahi is better known as a Muslim. And it is a collection of Hadith compiled by Imam Muslim narrations that he sought out over 16 years Subhan Allah, traveling, meeting teachers, taking from them, and then applying his conditions to them and then placing them in his book Rama hula, and his

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name was Muslim Ibn Al hejin and Nisa booty as we said, and his collection as we said, is considered to be one of the authentic collections.

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with Sahil Bihari his book is known as one of the two sides and that's why sometimes you you find in the English language and aeration is mentioned and then it says Sahih hain. When they say Sufi hain they mean the two certainties.

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Right sometimes to translate literation, a word becomes famous in the English language, sometimes without any explanation. So he means the two. So he's and

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in it, we find

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roughly 7388 narrations, including the

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repeated narrations because

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the scholars have had he sometimes with repeat narrations in the book, because in a narration, there's an addition that's not found in the earlier narration or in the chain. There's something to take note of which you don't have in another narration, so 7388 in terms of the unique narrations, then they are about 3033 roughly, and

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Sahih Muslim consists of a mocha Dima, which is again one of the unique aspects of Sahih Muslim it has an introduction and in this introduction, he mentions his methodology, in terms of Hadith, and the placement of Hadith in his book, and also lessons in terms of

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our lessons that a student of Hadith can extract in terms of understanding and learning the method of the Imam when looking at Hadith, and dealing with nuances, or any technicalities between narration so he teaches this in, in the macadam and thereafter he has between 5454 or 56 books,

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each book,

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it has many chapters, and this was the way of the scholars have before so they have a book that is the master book. Within the master book. There's many books within those books, there's chapters of worship. So if you open the book Sahih Muslim, you will find keytab keytab, kita kita, up, right, so these key tabs, like our books in and of themselves kuttabul. Even the book of Eman within the book of Eman, he has chapters. Right. And then within the chapters he has narrations pertaining to those chapters, but they collectively are related to the keytab. With the book itself, this was the way books were written before and we see this. We for those who are familiar with Islamic literature and

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books are Falcon Heavy, and so on. And so when you open this, you see that it's not strange. When did he pass away he passed away to him a whole lot. As we said

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261 after the header of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said it was around five years after

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the passing away of Emanuel Bukhari. Rahim Allah, and he said he was around 55 years of age, and he was buried in the Sabu. Right where he was from, and there's a story surrounding him and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best.

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how authentic This is, but this has been said about him a Muslim. He said that he

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spend the entire night

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because someone asked him about a hadith which he didn't know. So he spent the entire night in his home with his manuscripts whatever he had with him. He lit the lanten and he was researching and searching the entire night. And some sources say that to give himself energy to make sure that he doesn't sleep, he would eat tomorrow he had a temper with him and he was eating the time or eating the time or eating the tomorrow Subhan Allah throughout the night, and then they found him the next day having passed away Subhan Allah Subhana Allah Allah subhana wa to Allah knows best some today, they try meaning to do today we know food better. We know if you know the concept of sugar and

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diabetes Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best what gave him but this is a story related Tim you call it he said that this is what happened with him and Subhanallah even if not true, but an If true, and even if not true. It's testimony to his dedication and we don't need any of these stories to highlight his dedication really because if someone's been 16 years, just compiling one books with Han Allah, how phenomenal is that? May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant Amalfi Rasul Allah Ameen and make a sadhaka to God for him. I mean, you are behind me. Now this narration Jabari bin Abdullah in Sahih. Muslim brothers and sisters in Islam also has weight in Islamic jurisprudence. I know we've

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we going through the introduction here, but it's important we take all these points I share bisha Youth car,

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you know, things attached to things should be mentioned especially since we don't know when we will be able to have the sitting again so please bear with me. But everything I mentioning is is very is connected to this hadith of jabon Sahih Muslim in terms of Islamic jurisprudence of this generation of image of Jabari bin Abdullah also has massive weight brothers and sisters in Islam, and some scholars have made it a pillar in terms of evidence proving the fifth stances with regards to the Hajj, the fifth rulings of the Hajj, as we see some of the scholars have offered when they when they discuss the way of the fuqaha you get you you get this idea from them such as for example emammal

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miroir De La Hoya, the famous Shafi scholar in his book on how we enter this when you when you read how they deal with when you read what they mentioned, in terms of evidences of some scholars, you do see that some scholars they they, they forcefully maintain the fixed stance in a matter pertaining to the hedge. Why? Because it was found in the hadith of Jabba robiola. And so this is the way that they gave to the hadith of God or others. They didn't give it extra weight. Rather, they

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the narration of jabber robiola one in its place. It's an important narration and also other generations in Sahil Bukhari and other books of Hadith, especially sexual Buhari importance because of its eminence. And also they will use other factors to try and understand what is the correct fix stands like for example, if Jabba narrated something in a shadow Viola and generated something else, and this matter was something that jabil wouldn't have known. So the ratio was closer, or ns was closer for example, or even amarante Allah Allah was closer than they would say that no, even our Modus view here, or his discussion about what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did what needs

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to be done here is more correct than what we find in the hadith of Jabari because he was closer This is a matter of Islamic scholarship, brothers and sisters in Islam. Like we said, it doesn't mean that something exists in the Hadith that this becomes final. Remember the scholars look at Hadith in light of other narrations, and they compare and contrast and they look at authenticity. And then they also look at these factors, like I said, who was closer to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, who could have known more about this Jabir or somebody else? And accordingly, we find the Messiah, he's taking it stances, and this is one of the reasons why we have differences of opinion

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between the method

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but just highlighting how some of the scholars gave importance of the hadith of Jabba, they would some scholars would

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maintain a point, a fixed stance based on what we find in the hadith of jabber, even if it went

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against the narration found in Sahih al Bukhari Subhan Allah so this shows you the eminence of this narration. However, however, it must be said that, even though we have all this detail in the narration of Jabir ibn Abdullah robiola, and it's impossible for him to know everything brothers and sisters in Islam, right, we must understand this it's impossible for him to know everything. So there are going to be things that you won't find in this narration. And for example, we see it like for example, some of the instructions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to his wives in terms of

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in terms of of the of the movements we don't see this mentioned, in the hadith of jabber, for example, Layla through Gemma Layla to Gemma refers to the night of gathering which refers to Miss deliever.

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Jibril says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed and he slept until a sober handle the federal prayer but in other

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narrations you see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was awake prior and speaking to some of his companions. So, you can say went to sleep also. He would the Prophet went to sleep jabber went to sleep and jabber woke up and he saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam awakened This is how he narrated the narration so it's impossible to know everything right? He knew a lot, Masha Allah, Allah, but not everything. So for those students or knowledge out there, understand this, that it doesn't mean that it didn't exist in the hadith of jabber that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam didn't do it. And sometimes, if we overzealous our students have knowledge, somebody says

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no, this is the sooner we say, But wait, is it in the hadith of Java? Right, Jaguar didn't place this in his generation, we say, Well, if you didn't place it, it doesn't mean it didn't happen and the scholars of Sunil effect, the scholars of jurisprudence methodology.

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jurisprudence methodology is the science, which teaches us how to where to find evidence and how to understand that evidence and how to deduce a ruling. Okay, so the fucky, a scholar, he uses the science known as a Zulu to derive a ruling the scholars of Zulu from the principles is mythbuntu Sahaba de macadam

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right that something which a Sahabi affirms, it has precedence and weight over something which another companion negates, so you have a companion that says the prophets of Allah Allah wa sallam did this, you have another one that says he did he didn't. Both generations are authentic. What do you do here? Just as a general principle, this

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can jurisprudence methodology they state that this habit that affirms something takes precedence because he has affirmed something that didn't reach the other companion. Right and not having knowledge of something doesn't mean that that's something doesn't exist as a principle. Okay. Let us bring in chef Reuben very quickly Bismillah heeta Allah

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to read for us the beginning of

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of the hadith of jabber as per the narration of Mr. Muslim Rama hola salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato hakodesh ridhwan. Calling Salaam Alaikum wa. Katusha markelov Allah Allah subhanaw taala Bless you. How's everything Alhamdulillah handle the house? How is the days of the head jabeen Alhamdulillah beautiful. Makes

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efforts in sha Allah. I mean, Mashallah, I mean you're I mean, you're a martial I see you like me hairier than normal.

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adhering to the teachings regarding the the base of the hedgeye sent

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with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever intends to sacrifice they shouldn't touch they shouldn't take from the Bashara from the skin or from the nails or from the hair. The majority of scholars say it's only mcru.

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Not Haram, but nonetheless, excellent as a student of knowledge, it's important that we don't treat mcru lightly. So Baraka lovick numbers for animals, Allah bless you. Unfortunately, sometimes we say today it's only my guru, so it's fine. No, we should not belittle anything. If it was something which the prophet SAW It was important the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we venerated as well to the best of our ability, by

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chef Edwin Baraka lofi. Can you I hope by now brothers and sisters in Islam, you do have the notes downloaded and in front of you check the gun is going to be reading from those notes, and he's going to read us the introduction to the narration. Thomas Quran Shaka Shaka

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smilla Rahmanir Rahim. alameen wa Salatu was Salam on ashrafi lambier he will move celene Nabina Muhammad while earlier he was talking he remain a lot more fertile. Enter Alisha, Tina, what have you been rubbish roughly suddenly, when sadly Emily, Emily, Sonny Ali, all an email Muslim. He saw he had death in Abu Dhabi surely better what is happening Brahim Jamie and her team Uber Queen

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Mary little Madani and Jennifer evening Mohammedan and Abby abubakr him their shaver and this happened for him both narrated collectively from heart in this reporting question in the chain of narration backup says that had in place Mary al Madani narrated to them on the authority of jaffery Mohammed who narrated from his father the following following barakallahu comm Alright, so let's stop there for a moment and tap into the so here brothers and sisters in Islam.

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We get we become introduced to the narration a Muslim Rahim Allah he presents to us the narration and in it he teaches us some of his teachers from them, Abubakar Burnaby, Shiva, Rama hola he passed away in the year 235 after the hatred of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he was considered a trustworthy narrator. We also have his help even Ibrahim, another teacher of Imam and now he famously known as Abu Mohammed Ibn Ahuja.

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And he was a contemporary of Mohammed Rahim Allah He passed away in the 238 after the hedger of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he's also considered a a trustworthy narrator after this brothers and sisters in Islam a Muslim goes on to mention exactly whose weddings he is relating this hadith to us from right so he's got two teachers who shared with him the Heidi

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right but now he's going to tell us which teaches words exactly is he using and this is from the precise unique

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attributes of Mr. Muslim in his Sahih in his Sahih he takes extra care to precisely mentioned exactly which teacher of his he is quoting and narrating from, even though the differences in weddings between the teachers may not may not create any differences in meaning, right. So sometimes you say what's, what's the point any there's no difference in meaning, because we know that the narrations of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam are different to the Quran, the Quran was transferred word for what I have for Isaiah,

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to us. But with the narrations of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, it was fine for a narration to be narrated in meaning, as long as the mean the word the interpret interpolated word, or the word that was exchanged with another word, this word didn't

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end up changing the meaning of the narration bringing into the narration, something that didn't happen, right. So remember any moment, remember still himself, he allows a reliable manner This is called a reliable manner, or reliable man to narrate a hadith in meaning a Muslim allows it, right. But despite this, to be extra precise, and to be you could say pedantic to be

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so precise, he Rahim Allah He mentions which Teacher He's narrating from, so which teacher and we say this is unique. By the way, why do I say this is unique? Well, because this is not something that he Mahmoud Buhari does, but this doesn't mean that this doesn't take away anything from the level of authenticity of the narrations in Sahil Buhari All he does is teach us a unique man has a unique methodology of a Muslim in His sight. Now, this generation

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has a story to it, which is sometimes missed in the English translations. Right? There's a reason why jabber Rahim Allah robiola, Han is mentioning to us this narration and we'll come to beenleigh hit Allah in the next paragraph. But in terms of

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him a Muslim, he teaches us who he is to teach us Firstly,

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and then he tells us exactly who is narrating from who is generating from his teacher, Abubakar Ibn abee shaybah. Now, the next question is, did these teachers meet jabber?

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The answer is no. So if they didn't meet jabber, where did they get the translation get the narration from? They got the narration from their teacher, who was their teacher

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had its color known as a hat him or her. There's two ways in which the name is written. Some sources say Hatem. Some say Hatem even, is very well Koofi, then Alma Danny Hatton even is married. He was from Kufa and then he settled in Medina and he passed away in the year 186 or 187, after his.

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Now, we said earlier that the teachers of Muslim there there's no issue they are considered trustworthy. There's no

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sensitivities with regards to the narrations or them as narrators, but with regards to has been hedger Ellis colony, the famous Shafi scholar and Master of Hadith, he mentions that Hatem so I do call Yom Yom Sahil keytab he says that Hashem is trustworthy. But yeah, yeah means he sometimes makes mistakes when he's narrating from memory, but he will keytab what you find in his writings is say,

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Okay, now, I'm just tapping here because Ellie is tapping into this some into a drop from the ocean of what constitutes the sciences of Hadith, because earlier I told you that even the non Muslims I know, have the science of Hadith that Subhan Allah, there was even k taken in understanding personal circumstances around the narrator's of Hadith. Sometimes you find that

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you know, you find that there was a narrator, anything he narrated when he was under a certain age is authentic, and anything he narrated after a certain age, it needs more study before it can be authentic meaning needs to be compared with other generations before you can grade the narration to handle because as you got older, his memory got weaker. So to this level, and this 1000s of narrators and so we have the equitable region of the books of region these books which gather all these names all these people and mentions, matters pertaining to them, not to put them down

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Not to criticize them, but because this is religion, brothers and sisters in Islam, these chains and these people, they represent the religion, we must remember this right? They represent the religion, right? Everything that they are teaching us, they telling us that this is Islam, this is from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So this extra care and special care was placed into not just what they narrated, but also them as personalities. And this is what has been said about hat. Now, what does this mean? What does this mean if Hatem has this issue? What does this mean? Does this mean that we have an issue with the narration is a Muslim? No, not necessarily, because the scholars

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of Hadith have a process that needs to be carried out when you have an aerating the chain with this criticism attached to him.

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So what do they do? They say if a scholar of this nature is in the chain, then the Hadith is acceptable if other people narrated the same if he his colleagues narrated the same narration, and this narration, it revolves around one person in the chain known as Jaffer, as we will see just now. Alright, Jennifer, and my dad, Senator alley. So the chain revolves around Java and many people narrated the narration from

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Java. Thus, there is no doubt that this narration is authentic. Now, when we say that many people narrated this narration from Java, when we compare those narrations to the hadith of Jabari, some scholars have said, there's one paragraph in the hadith of Jabba which we will take, which isn't found in other narrations. And maybe because of this and because hatam is in the chain, that emammal Bihari Allahu Allah, Allahu Allah. Allah knows best Emanuel Buhari didn't place this narration of jabber in this in its entirety in his or her body. Because remember, we said, if we have in the chain of narrator, someone who has this criticism that he doesn't mean the narration is weak.

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Rather, we look at others who narrated the narration, when we look at others who narrated the narration, there are many and they all trustworthy without there's many more trustworthy without criticism. Right? However, there is one aspect in the hadith of jabber that isn't found in some of the other narrations, and that is the portion related to earlier Allah, and when he came from Yemen, with the animals of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, or more, more precisely, some of the animals of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he found Fatima in normal clothes out of eHarmony became angry with her and said, What have you done? You're not supposed to wear normal

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clothes until you sacrifice the head. Right head, the Global Head you held. As Allah tells us in the Quran, you have to come out of your harem. So what are you doing? So she says, Don't be angry with me. I'm only doing what my father told me. So then he went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the prophets of Allah and he said what he said and he said, I'm annoyed with her. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said sadaqa sadaqa, meaning she has told the truth you will find this in the hadith of jabber, read it in Sharla. Today after the session, you will find it there. So some have said maybe this is unique to this narration as a whole from jabber robiola one so perhaps

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because of this, and because of hat and being in the chain, Emmanuel Buhari refrained from mentioning it in his psyche, and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best but nonetheless, as we've said, this narration is authentic now, we have had where it had him get it from did he meet jabber? No, he didn't. So who did he get to get it from? Well, as you heard in the reading, he got it from Jeffery but Mohammed, who is your effort even Mohammed? He is the famous one known as Assad Assad, and he was the great, great grandson of Ali robiola when he was the great great grandson of Ali robiola one and no doubt being so he is someone that the Shia have a special interest in as well. And

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unfortunately, we find many fabricated

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narrations from Jafar

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meaning not from him, but attributed to him apologies many,

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you know, people the way they narrated, they attributed false narrations to him, but the people of the Sunnah, they don't just disregard narrations because a person's name keeps popping up next to fabricated reports. Rather, they sift through it and they take out what is fabricated and they leave what is authentic. And based on this, they judge the person. So Jennifer Osijek. He is

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he is an acceptable rate of that of Hadith. He was criticized lightly like Hatton was earlier like I said, he was criticized by Ahmed and others, but his criticism was not narrated to anything cynical brothers and sisters in Islam, because had Jaffa Jaffa aside that he drafted even Mohammed who was known as a subject he specialized in he was known for his factory in fact, Abu hanifa Rahim Allah

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meaning that we have statements in which his ability

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knowledge has been recognized his ability and knowledge has been recognized. So as such brothers and sisters in Islam, we understand that these criticisms, they're not cynical. It doesn't mean if Jaffa was criticized by Muhammad, or others. It doesn't mean that

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that Jaffer was, he was intentionally narrating Hades, in an incorrect manner know what it means? It's similar to how we have criticism of Abu hanifa and some of the scholars of some of the narrator's of the Quran, right? They didn't specialize in Hadith. So naturally, they would narrate Hadith in a way different to the methodology and mandates of who the methodology and mandates of those who specialize in Hadith. So based on this, it's possible that a scholar would give offer some criticism because they weren't taking super special care, when they were narrating these words, the same care that was taken when the scholars of Hadith narrate these words, and we find criticism of

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Abu hanifa as well.

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In terms of Hadith, and even criticism,

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in relation to some of those who were known to be the Quran of the Quran, they specialize in Quran, they didn't specialize in Hadith, it doesn't mean they were a liar. So the point is brothers and sisters in Islam, right, even though Mr. Mohammed criticized

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Jaffer, it wasn't because of anything cynical, but due to, as I said, things that were mentioned regarding those who specialize in fact, like Abu hanifa, and others, and it's natural for the scholars to not focus on the writing things at the level that the specialist of Hadith would that said, as mentioned, perhaps this is also another reason why Emanuel Bukhari didn't

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place this hadith in his in his hellobar. And again, I reiterate, this doesn't mean that this narration isn't authentic, it is authentic Alhamdulillah. Now where did Jaffer able Mohammed? aside, they could get this narration From where did he get it from? Alright, so can you can you see we going up the chain? Where did Java

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get the narration from Java, even Mohammed Osijek. He heard it from his father, who was known as Mohammed Al Bakker. And Mohammed Al berker would then be the great grandson of Ali robiola one. All right, so this is where we've reached now we have the great grandson of Le Ravi Allah who I'm telling us

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this narration from who from Jabir, Ravi Allah who himself so let us inshallah take the next paragraphs within later and let's bring Chef ridhwan on apologies brothers and sisters in Islam if you are asking questions via

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via YouTube or Twitter Unfortunately, there seems to be some technical difficulty on the in the chat overlay I can't I can't access it. So please forgive me I am not seeing them currently. But I will make a point of looking over the session again thereafter and picking up on any questions that you might have. And as was mentioned earlier, we also have the Google form for you to ask your questions on

00:58:10 --> 00:58:16

very quickly I'm just accessing the feed via my mobile phone and Alhamdulillah I did not see any

00:58:19 --> 00:58:33

any pressing questions we have a request for the for the narration to be read again from the beginning Okay, so inshallah chef with one can read for us. Let's bring him back. Chef chef one if you can kindly read for us the narration from the beginning.

00:58:34 --> 00:58:40

jackal O'Hara and then take continue reading inshallah until I ask you to stop barakallahu

00:58:44 --> 00:59:32

li li Ma Ma Muslim ora Hema hula hoop. So here is an Abu Bakr movie IV che bath what is happening Ibrahim, Jeremy and her team all over clean hypothenar Mary Ellen Madani and Jeffery Mohammedan Irby all at 100% and I need home heightened to her in a year for Apple to enter Mohammed of new I leave no Hussein ba de la Roxie Salazar as a real man, is it real as well? Like? I said a Yo, yo ma even Nicola mutia Paulette mobile hub MBK Abernathy, Salam festa sell to who?

00:59:34 --> 00:59:37

to solar Murphy and he said Yeti

00:59:38 --> 00:59:54

cooler lemon water I lemon Kiwi rajyotsava la himanshi Baraka walidah woohoo Isla Jim Lee, Miss JB for Sol La Mina, purple to have been near and hydrojetting rasulillah here's a logo for it. He was

00:59:58 --> 01:00:00

Mark Luffy casebook let's have

01:00:00 --> 01:00:01

English translation after the article avec

01:00:02 --> 01:00:46

Abubakar been a shaper and is happening Ibrahim both narrated collectively from hat in this report in question. In the chain of narration Abubakar says that Hashem Denise married Almaden. He narrated to them on the authority of Jaffa Mohammed who narrated from his father the following. We entered upon Jabir Abdullah during a visit, and he began inquiring about the people who had come to visit him until it was my turn to introduce myself. As I said, I am Hamad bin Haile bin Hussein, he then placed his hand upon my head. Then he opened up a button, followed by the lower one, and then placed his palm on my chest. I was a young boy during this time, He then said, almost welcome, oh, son of

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my brother, ask whatever you wish. And so I asked something of him. He was at this point of light blind, and the time of prayer entered upon us. He stood up covering himself with his cloak, and whenever he plays, he plays its ends upon his shoulders, they slipped down due to being short in size. I noticed, however, that there was a garment for covering the upper part of the body beside him hanging on a type of clothes hanger. He dragged me and then led us in prayers there after I said to him, tell me about the Hydra of the Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was, it was at this point when he indicated the number nine with his hand is

01:01:26 --> 01:01:30

by him. So we have many talking points here, brothers and sisters in Islam. So earlier we said

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01:01:35 --> 01:02:13

Jafar Ibn Muhammad Osijek, he got this narration from his father, who was his father, his father was Mohammed Al burka, Mohammed Al Baca, and he would be the great grandson of Ali robiola when Mohammed Al berker, he said, and as you can see, in the narration, he says we visited jabber meaning he visited jabber with a group of people and jabber asked who, who they were, he asked them to introduce themselves. And everyone did until it was his turn. And when he did jabber rhodiola What did he do? Haha de la si. Vanessa is the real Allah as a manager as a real asvel sumava for Robaina 30 a year, or anioma Hola.

01:02:14 --> 01:02:17

Hola, mon, Cheb pipe. So here, he tells us

01:02:19 --> 01:02:25

that jabber ask them to introduce themselves and everyone introduce themselves. And when he introduced himself,

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right when he introduced himself, and he announced that I am Muhammad. And he mentioned his lineage. And jabil understood that oh, this is the great grandson of Ali arugula. And what a jabber, jabber he lowered his hand upon his head and then lowered it to his upper button.

01:02:46 --> 01:03:08

And this is known as a DSR sometimes an A rated as you saw, he summarizes and shortens. So he's saying that jabber lowered his hand on his head, but then he doesn't say then he lowered his hand on his chest. Right? He just says then he opened his upper button. So you understand from it, that jab lowered his hand onto onto his chest.

01:03:09 --> 01:03:16

And there's many talking points here, brothers and sisters in Islam from the talking points. Let's take them in sha Allah, step by step

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from meaning, firstly, it's not forbidden, to ask your guests to introduce themselves to ask them about the lineage to ask them about their background. Right or to request from them and introduction, it's not rude to do so. And this was the practice of, of the self and one of the wisdoms behind this, as I was called to say

01:03:37 --> 01:04:11

that they would do this so that they could follow another teaching of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, which we have in the hadith of Isola, in which she says, Amara Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and New Zealand NASS men as Ilan, right? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam commanded us to put everyone in their place, meaning to give them the juice, put everyone in their place in accordingly. Give them the juice, this doesn't mean favoritism. But this move this is this is part of human interaction. Allah subhanho wa Taala has created people and, you know, raised in ramparts of his creations over over others.

01:04:12 --> 01:04:15

Sometimes through knowledge, sometimes through

01:04:18 --> 01:04:48

as we see here, this is this person is from the home of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, from the family of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. So when you find out who people are you able to give them the Huck you hate, you're able to give them the view. It doesn't mean you take away anyone else's help. But you make sure that you don't, in the process, take away someone's help because if you don't know who they are, you might take away from them. This is what can happen. You don't know who they are. So you might take away from them. Right? If you don't know who they are, you take away from them. And if you know who they are, then you give them they do.

01:04:49 --> 01:04:54

So this is what Jeb Bush did. And the scholars say this is a benefit that we get from this narration.

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Then jabber teaches us the importance of being gentle with those

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That are young especially, right especially if they from a lineage of piety and then you do have knowledge or you see in them Subhanallah that this young person Mashallah tabarrok, Allah, you know, they have a future, they can be a future scholar, they can be a student of knowledge we can, by me being gentle with them, I can make the knowledge beloved to them. Right. And we see this.

01:05:21 --> 01:05:31

You know, in my time in Saudi Arabia from my teachers, I've heard many beautiful stories related to jacobin, basil, Himalayan Shakib and what they mean, Kamala, in fact,

01:05:32 --> 01:05:40

one of my teachers, he mentioned to me that, you know, he was a young boy who attended the lesson by Shekar booth, I mean,

01:05:41 --> 01:05:42

Rahim Allah

01:05:43 --> 01:06:02

in Ibiza, and which is a small city in Saudi Arabia. And he says there was so many students around and I was this young small boy. And then at the end when she finishes obviously, everyone loves the chef so they're all going to hug the chef and you know, kiss Tasha on his head obviously, this is before Corona right?

01:06:03 --> 01:06:04


01:06:06 --> 01:06:34

you know, he was there part and parcel of the crowd and seeing because you imagine you're such a short person you so short and on top of you are giants, alright, seniors, and he says Subhan Allah the chef picked me out from all of them and he made sure I came all the way to the front and he glimpsed me and he picked me out brought me to the front and he touched me on the head and he held me and he said Kay for Hallo Kaya Billy and how are you my son and may do for me etc. Goes On that day, I just wanted to be like,

01:06:35 --> 01:07:12

Alright, and the sheer Subhan Allah Honestly, I only saw from him amazing character that I can only say came from his chef and even knowledge as well. Happy the Hola. And as for sharing everything with me he passed away or him Allah. So where did they get this from? Where did the scholars get this from? They get it from the Sahaba who got it from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam etc. But Malik robiola, one was reported to really shake the hands of the children and greet them with a Salam. And as if he's greeting an adult, give them so much importance and give them so much do and sometimes it will be said to him that you know, meaning I'm paraphrasing to the words to the effect

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that you know, are you not overdoing it and he will say about Allah that this is how he saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meeting, meeting the young so

01:07:19 --> 01:07:26

it's important brothers and sisters in Islam to sometimes be light hearted with the young. Some scholars have interpreted job Your

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job is actually here in terms of putting his hand on the head and opening a stop button and touching him between his chest as type of job as a type of play.

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Some translated as a natural means at the time to bring people closer to you, we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, when

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when Mousavi been or mayor was secretly following his movements, and then went to see him

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in the earliest stages of the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he entered upon the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam placed his hand on his chest and he said, when he did this, it enlightened my heart, and he became a Muslim and announced that she had to despite his parents anger towards towards the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in the consequences that were naturally going to happen if they found out that he was a Muslim, and he excelled as a Muslim Subhan Allah, Allah just became a Muslim, he excelled and he became the first ambassador of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he went to Medina to teach Quran

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to the unsolved, so he was the first ambassador in fact, he was the first Imam of Juma Allah Subhana Allah many people don't know this, because the first few more hours was

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occurred in in Medina before the arrival of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So this is what we learned from NSS actions. And in doing so, naturally, brothers and sisters in Islam, when you tell the young boy after that, ask any question he'll ask. And we will see here this, the bulk of this narration is from this young boy asking jabber

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jabber said ask, so he said, tell us about the age of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Also brothers and sisters in Islam we learn or before we move on to the next point, allow me to add some context here. jabil was very old by now, as we will see he was blind as well. Right? And Mohammed elberfeld

01:09:10 --> 01:09:20

was a young boy. He was young, he hadn't reached the age of puberty. He was young. And in terms of the Islamic rulings, purely

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Islam doesn't forbid a person from putting his hand on a young person's chest on condition. There's no view of it now. There's no view of it. Now, when I say fit in I mean,

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you know, there's no fear that this will lead to child abuse or anything else. later on.

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jabber was old, he was blind. And this was a norm so there's absolutely no fear here. And there was muscle high in doing it by muscle high mean benefit. And by doing it Subhanallah we have this narration today. Right although we can't say that if he didn't do it. Mohammed Al Barker wouldn't have asked, but we say that this was a means of Mohammed el berker. Asking so confidently. The point is brothers and sisters

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In Islam, the fact that jabil did, it doesn't mean that now we should all do it. What it means is that it's done with conditions. And sometimes it's acceptable in the place and not acceptable in a place. So I highlight that, especially in the sensitive day and age that we are in. Sometimes it's not appropriate, it's not appropriate to even touch the head. And sometimes in some places, it's not appropriate to even touch the head touching the head can be

01:10:22 --> 01:10:49

misconceived, and misconstrued to entail something else. your intention is pure. But then sometimes you have allegations that face you. So we should be we must remember everything about Islam is far deeper. It's not shallow. When I say deep, I mean, we don't just take it at face value. Right? So nobody should say, well, Jagger did it. So it's allowed Yes, it's allowed with with conditions, okay. Also brothers and sisters in Islam from the lessons that we learn is

01:10:51 --> 01:10:54

that it's permissible for

01:10:55 --> 01:11:06

a young person who understands right from wrong to narrate a hadith later on, when he or she has reached the age of puberty. Why do I highlight this point to your

01:11:10 --> 01:11:12

I highlight this point to you all?

01:11:13 --> 01:11:16

Because this is a matter of discussion in the books of

01:11:17 --> 01:11:22

Headey, right, what are the conditions for

01:11:23 --> 01:11:37

the books of the science of Hadith? What are the conditions for a person to narrate the Hadith, say from the conditions is that they should have a sound mind they should have they should have reached the age of puberty. Okay, so here we have a situation where Mohammed Al Baqarah hasn't reached the age of puberty.

01:11:39 --> 01:11:44

So how, how is this head has been transmitted? And the answer to that question is Mohammed el berker

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narrated the Hadith when he after he reached the age of puberty, and he was narrating what happened to him before he reached the age of puberty and the scholars of Hades do not have an issue with the person carrying a narration before the age of puberty, they only have an issue about him or her narrating the Hadith, after the before the age of puberty. Why, because before the age of puberty, there's chances of mistakes and so on and so forth. You're not even held accountable before the age of puberty after the age of puberty held accountable. So there's that extra responsibility upon you, right? So there's no issue in a person capturing a hadith when the younger The issue is in when they

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narrate it if they narrated when they younger than that Hadith has rules that govern it, but if they narrate it after they reach the age of puberty, then it's fine. And this is the case with this particular narrator, Mohammed alberca. Okay, so this is a little insight into, again, some aspects pertaining to

01:12:37 --> 01:12:39

the sciences of Hadith. Now, here,

01:12:42 --> 01:12:46

Mohammed says that jabiru placed his hands

01:12:47 --> 01:13:28

Yanni been a third year, third year, a 30 linguistically, literally refers to one's one's * and 32 *. So here, the fact that he's a male, and he's using this term, we see that this term in the Arabic language can also be associated with the liberals of a male, right. And this is the the Arabic language in context, when they say being their third year, they mean on my chest. It's just a descriptive way of saying on my chest exactly where So between one's two *, some scholars have said 30 here refers to the * of a female but if we look at this Hadith, this is for the students have not issue a following, we see that the term 30 can also be used in association with

01:13:28 --> 01:13:48

the * of a male. However, in the Arabic language, there's another word called fen. fen dua is, has been reported as a word in the Arabic language, which is which refers to the * of a male specifically and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best also brothers and sisters in Islam. We learned

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01:13:53 --> 01:14:35

saying, marhaba when meeting someone is permissible, where do we learn this from? Well, earlier you had in the Arabic translation, reading and the English translation is that when these people ended up on jabber, jabber said Mara haven marhaba and so they, they greeted him and he said, marhaba so what's the ruling about using this term and saying mahabang Well, this was a norm to say Marhaba when you meet someone is is a norm and we see today Mara Harbin become a Helen was a Helen warmer haven't become we hear this right what happened is a form of welcoming somebody and announcing that they are welcome. Now. This was something that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did himself we

01:14:35 --> 01:14:36

have in many narrations.

01:14:37 --> 01:15:00

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying himself marhaba such as in the narration of Omani been Tabitha lip when she visited him during the conquest of Mecca. And when she entered upon him, she, he the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was bathing and he was being covered by his daughter and she greeted him with the Salaam and he said more haben be Hani also

01:15:00 --> 01:15:23

Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to Robbie Mr haben welcome Hosea Whelan. Needham, right. And the prophet SAW meaning it's a type of greeting you know, like today we it's it's a it's a it's it's a type of greeting when you say welcome and you are welcomed in a way where you are where you won't be where you won't be disgraced and you won't regret right and today we have marhaba an elf marhaba million.

01:15:24 --> 01:15:38

As we see some of that obviously, when you when you when you visit them and they are happy to see you they say Marhaba l 1000. Or happens whatever million or 1 million or happen so this was a type of style. More haben Bella comhairle has

01:15:39 --> 01:15:54

also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he is reputed to have said it to his daughter Fatima many, many times he would say to her marhaba divinity as we see in the Muslim Ummah, Muhammad so the point is brothers and sisters in Islam, you can use this term or haben when people arrive, however, however,

01:15:57 --> 01:16:00

can you use the term more haben?

01:16:01 --> 01:16:04

Can you use the Marhaba to respond to a Salah?

01:16:05 --> 01:16:43

There is the question. Someone says As salam o Allah, can you respond by saying marhaba sometimes we see this, you enter into a place especially in some Arab countries, you enter into an office say Assalamu alaykum Omar haben, Amara hava right they have this style of greeting you Is this something permissible scholars FTP two views on the Some have said it is permissible because of the narration of Omani. She said Assalamualaikum and then it she says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said might have been beyond behind. So some say it is permissible. Others said no, it's not permissible because Allah said in the Quran way that for you to be hated for how you reacted I mean

01:16:43 --> 01:17:00

how to do that if you are if you if you are if you receive a welcoming, then your response to that welcoming should be equal to it or better, equal to or better and the scholars have have discussed this. So they've said if someone greets you and says Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

01:17:02 --> 01:17:16

or if someone says assalamu alikum then the least response that should emanate from you is for you to say why alikoum Salah, but it's better for you to say why lucuma salam Rahmatullah and better for you to say what la cama salam wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

01:17:19 --> 01:17:56

If someone says As salam aleikum wa rahmatullah, then it's not enough for you to say simply why they call me Salah. This is not enough. Right? You have to say wailuku salam wa Taala is the minimum because the greeting said assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah. So your response has to equal be equal to the greeting received so you say why ecommerce Allah Muhammad Allah, and even better our ecommerce salam wa rahmatullah wa barakato. And if someone says assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Then you have to respond by saying in the least to alikoum salam wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. Because Allah in the Quran said, if you are welcome to the welcoming, then make sure your response

01:17:56 --> 01:17:59

to it is equal or better, equal or better.

01:18:01 --> 01:18:39

So, they say that if someone says a ceremony condensing bourbon doesn't suffice, it doesn't suffice. You should say Why lucuma? Salaam Marhaba. Right. Now, what do these scholars say about the hadith of omiana? When she said, I said, I greeted the Prophet with a Salam. And he said, What happened? Boom, honey, they say that he doesn't mean that she didn't say that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam responded to the Salam that he didn't respond to the salam, especially since responding to the Salaam or something known Anyway, it was something known anyway. Right. So earlier, we said that sometimes there are readers TSR, we said, we said,

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the narrator, telling us what jabil did here. He said, jabil put his hand on my head. And then he opened my buttons. He didn't tell us and then he lowered his hand to my buttons. He said, he lowered his hand to my head, but he didn't say lowered his hand to my buttons. It's understood, because it's known, the buttons can open unless the hand was lowered. So in the same way responding to the Salam or something known, so there was no need for her to say it. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best this had the estate land on it. This is suitable

01:19:07 --> 01:19:24

evidence and the and the response. Thus we say brothers and sisters in Islam, when someone gives you with the salon, do not say my husband only say well, alikoum salon, or anything equivalent to the salon received and then afterwards you can say Marhaba, Allahu Allah, Allah. He then says the job he said, ask whatever you wish.

01:19:25 --> 01:19:27

And so I asked something of him.

01:19:28 --> 01:19:40

But then now we see that the narrator, what's he doing? He's Mohammed is is giving us certain aspects. He's saying, at this point of his life jabber was blind, and also the time of the prayer came in.

01:19:41 --> 01:19:49

Right? So we learn from this as a student of knowledge, when you with your teacher, if the prayer time comes in, don't ask your question there and then wait till after the prayer.

01:19:51 --> 01:19:59

He was ready to ask his question. The teachers had asked you a question. But look, he's saying jabiru was blind at the time. I forgot to mention this. He was blind. While he didn't say I forgot to mention but as if he's

01:20:00 --> 01:20:35

Because this is a form of his thought, he just added this in, he was blind. And the time of the prayer came in. Now maybe the Mohammed alberca is telling us this for because of another matter coming up, right? Because jabber is going to lead them in prayer. So the question is, what is the meaning of a blind person leading you in prayer, although Allah, but jabber is saying, sorry, Mohammed Al Baghdadi saying, jabber was blind, and the time of the prayer came, entered upon us. Okay, so here we learn brothers and sisters in Islam, as I said, Be conscious about you and your relationship with your teachers. Be conscious that they are human beings as well. They have families

01:20:35 --> 01:21:10

as well. They get tired as well. They might need a bathroom break. May Allah I know y'all as well. Sometimes, you know, you're teaching a course in the breaks people are surrounding you. And, you know, our teachers, they will not just desert us brothers and sisters in Islam, as long as there's questions in here, they will stick with us and they will remain with us. All right. So in this circumstance, we should be conscious of their circumstances situation that they also have a family, they also have responsibilities towards them, they have responsibilities towards themselves, they have their own worship. So let us also take heed and not and be patient and say okay, I'll wait. So

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he waited naturally, as we can see from the narration. And this brings us to the point that I mentioned earlier, what is the ruling about the blind leading Salah, the scholars have discussed this. And the Hanafi is in the ham bellies. They said it's disliked for a blind person to lead a Sahih. Asahi, this what we find in the books of course, it means a person who can see insular,

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which disliked him, I'm sure if he said, The matter is equal. A person who can see can lead and a person who's blind can lead him and Malik he was of the view that is better for the one who sees to lead but it's not disliked if the one who is blind doesn't, if the one who is blind leads. So we see the scholars have different views here. Each method has their reasons for the view. This is not the place for it brothers and sisters in Islam, but I will say that each mother has views which are plausible. And if you look at the evidence, as you see that evidence is more surround the idea of the Salah being done in the best way possible. So if that is the case, it is possible for a blind

01:22:11 --> 01:22:40

person to have length of Salah in the best way possible, right because some say that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam physically showed the Salah to the Sahaba. And then they narrated it and people saw them praying and it went through generations like this, and the blind man didn't actually see the Salah. But that said it's not impossible to teach a blind man to pray exactly how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Great. So if that is the case, then there's no harm. Some scholar said it's better for a blind man because a person who can see has a greater chance of being distracted. A blind man has less a lesser chance of being distracted or he has the ability to be to

01:22:40 --> 01:23:15

have greater focus and concentration in the prayer. But again, this can't be it's not something that can be proven and that's why Allah knows best the yardstick the general yardstick for deciding who is the best person to lead the prayer is what we find in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in which in which he said, You're on Malcolm akara whom Leakey tabula that, the that the the one who should lead the prayer is the one who is most knowledgeable of the Quran, and NSR robiola and he reports that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would appoint even when Maktoum who was the blind more oven of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to lead the Salah in Medina

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when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went for some of his expeditions. So here we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself appointed

01:23:25 --> 01:23:32

someone who was blind to read the prayer. So there's no issue in it. And as we said, all the mother has agreed that there's no issue in it, that discussion is about whether it's disliked.

01:23:34 --> 01:24:04

And, as we've said, the yardstick and Allah knows best is to choose the one who is most knowledgeable of the Quran. If the blind person is the most knowledgeable, then he is put forward and if the one who can see is most knowledgeable of the Quran, then he accordingly is put forward. Then Muhammad says the Jibril stood up covering himself with his cloak, and whenever he placed its ends upon his shoulders, they slipped down due to it being short in size. So Subhan Allah we see here, you know, the companions were not or Jabu himself, they were not

01:24:05 --> 01:24:17

the you know, they were simple people. They were not simple in terms of faith. They were not simple in terms of religion, but they were simple in terms of there will be standing and material well being. And he had an sh, I think

01:24:18 --> 01:24:40

that's what the Arabic says motif and behat. This refers to a cloak. And that's how I've translated it for you. And by the way, this translation that you have in front of you has been done to assist you understanding the narration, our environment with the literal translation, you would have, it would have been very difficult to understand this point. So I've translated it for you, covering himself with the clock, meaning he covered himself with a cloak

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which is similar to how the lower garment is worn.

01:24:48 --> 01:25:00

And I'm going to tell you why this is the understanding of the scholars from this, because you might think a cloak obviously is something that is that that dresses you but he covered it in the form because as you can see it sort of

01:25:00 --> 01:25:06

Alarm Clock alarm clock and cover you fully assured clock and cover you fully. I sure can't cover you from your shoulders. Right?

01:25:07 --> 01:25:24

Because it's short and he's telling you that whenever he placed it on his shoulders they slipped down due to being it being short so he tried to cover his shoulders but he couldn't which means he tied the clock in a way that looked after his our his bottom part of his body was covered from his navel. up to his lower part up to his knees and beyond.

01:25:25 --> 01:25:28

This is what jabil did. And

01:25:31 --> 01:25:36

as you heard in the in the in the Arabic and the English translation,

01:25:37 --> 01:26:16

Mohammed says next to jabber was a type of clothes hanger like a clothes stand like two pillars that were placed in the sand that meet up together and they would hang their clothing on it. He says that all there was what the reader what is the reader very there are that which is similar to that he they're very there is something that you used to cover your upper part of your body there is our is what you use to cover the lower part of your body jabiru was using the cloak as the izhar is used to cover the lower part of his body and when you place it on his shoulders he showed us would become exposed but he was the Imam of the Salah. And I'm highlighting this because there's a discussion in

01:26:16 --> 01:26:16

the books of

01:26:17 --> 01:26:20

regarding a praying Salah

01:26:22 --> 01:26:47

with your shoulders uncovered and we can see here and Allah knows best jabiru was trying to teach them the ruling that it is permissible if if need be to pray Salah without your shoulders covered. It is better to cover your shoulders, but it doesn't invalidate the Salah if your shoulders are uncovered. Why because he did it whilst he had the ability to cover his shoulders. Now

01:26:48 --> 01:27:14

it's worth also speaking about this here especially if there's anyone on hedge with us because during the height sometimes you see when people are praying Salah what happens they sometimes if it's windy, you see a situation whereby they are on the top of government blows off or sometimes falls off in salah and they complete the Salah just what they bought them government for covering the belly button up to the knees and the complete the solid. So what is the status of that Salah. So we say the status of that Salah is and Allah knows best

01:27:15 --> 01:27:19

is a matter of scholarly distinct difference, a matter of scholarly

01:27:20 --> 01:27:55

difference. But as I said in terms of what is closer to the evidence based on what we see Jabu doing, then the Salah is correct, the Salah is correct, but just to add some completion to this discussion and thought process the majority of the scholars, the hanafis, the Maliki's and the chef he is and in one view reported to him. Whenever we say one view report the team Imam it is because you know Mohammed used to pass fatwa. And then these students would travel and release that view as the moms view. But the man could change his view later on. And these students were not there. So someone else asked him a question and he would narrate it. So that would be a rewind, it goes back

01:27:55 --> 01:28:09

to the Imam. So in one of the views which go back to him, it states that the Salah is correct, but one should cover the shoulders, but the slide is correct, but one should cover the shoulders. Remember chef theory. He said that the narration in explaining explaining this

01:28:12 --> 01:28:16

base narration I might add, I missed for informing you about it.

01:28:18 --> 01:28:38

And that is the narration in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said lie you Selena had to confess Oh Bella had laid it to him in who Shea Alright, so this is a narration which we find in the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in which he said no one lucidly and this is an emphasis no one should ever pray Salah wearing one cloth, and there's no

01:28:39 --> 01:28:41

there's no there's nothing covering his shoulders.

01:28:42 --> 01:29:15

Right. So this is why we have discovered the difference. Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said you shouldn't Does this mean that the Salah is invalid. So as we said the majority of the scholars said no, what is the explanation of this hadith? Mmm Shafi, he says, we looked at this narration where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, with emphasis that no one should pray Salah without the shoulders being covered. He says when you look at the narration, these are the words of remember chef in his book alone. He says that when you look at the words here of the prophets of Allah and he was saying you can understand two possible rulings one, he is commanding

01:29:15 --> 01:29:33

you to do it. And two, he is encouraging you to do it. And when we look at other events around the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, such as the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his home with the nature of the Allah and her. And in some events, we are taught that the shoulders of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam more exposed

01:29:34 --> 01:29:36

than we see here that

01:29:38 --> 01:29:59

Eva Shafi is deducing when we look at how he prayed in his home and actually are telling us that sometimes his shoulders were exposed. Then this teaches us that when you join between the two narrations, you understand that it's recommended to cover your shoulders, but not compulsory, and if your shoulders are not covered, but you are our, the place that you have to cover from your belly button to your knees is covered.

01:30:00 --> 01:30:04

Then your Salah is correct. Okay. In my Mohamad as we said,

01:30:05 --> 01:30:11

we have one view which is which matches the view of the majority. However, in another more famous view, he considered it forbidden

01:30:13 --> 01:30:14

except in the nephew prayer.

01:30:15 --> 01:30:36

So this is how he joined between the two narrations. He said the prophets of Allah Allah He was sending him when he was praying in his home, which Salah was he praying compulsory or voluntary was praying the voluntary self and we know that the follow the Salah has rules that are relaxed in relation to it. The relaxation of rules with regards to the voluntary Salah we don't find with the compulsory Salah

01:30:37 --> 01:30:46

say Mohammed Muhammad is saying if we join between the two narrations, we see that your Salah is invalid if you pray the obligatory prayers with your shoulders uncovered, but if you pray the voluntary prayers

01:30:47 --> 01:30:57

and the Salah after tawaf is from them but if you want had you be praying compulsory Salah with your harem, but the point is, if you pray, the volunteers, Salah, and your shoulders are

01:30:58 --> 01:31:04

uncovered, then the ruling is relaxed. So this is how he joined between the two generations. But Allah knows best.

01:31:06 --> 01:31:11

As we said, the shoulders are not from the hour. And if the shoulders are not from the hour, then

01:31:12 --> 01:31:17

we know that from the conditions of Salah is that the hour should be covered.

01:31:18 --> 01:31:40

Right and we know that the shoulders are not from the hour. So if you pray and your shoulders are not uncovered, then you haven't done something recommended. Because in reality, you've done something which constitute you fulfilling the condition, which is your outer being covered. So as long as your outer is covered, your Salah is correct, if your shoulders are uncovered and your outer is covered, your Salah is correct and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best but it shouldn't be a habit. It should be something we should avoid.

01:31:42 --> 01:31:46

As much as we can. And Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows best now

01:31:50 --> 01:31:51


01:31:57 --> 01:31:57

this I

01:31:58 --> 01:32:22

mean Barbara Shay, be sure you've been Barbara Shay bisha Youth crab generation for you all, which to which is a benefit, you can say it's a footnote. It's a side note. And this footnote teaches us that not knowing is not knowledge. Some people think when they don't know that they have knowledge. How not knowing is not knowledge. And I'll tell you why. Because we're speaking about jabber, there's another narration that goes back to jabber

01:32:23 --> 01:32:52

in which Mohammed Al Qaeda, he says, the whole night, Elijah Baron robiola, and oh you suddenly if he told me why he'd worry there who worried that Oh, Alisha, he says, We entered upon jabber Allah who I'm and he was praying the Salah, and his upper garment was upon this type of clothes stand. So when he finished our Salah, someone from the gathering, someone from the gathering, went to jabber. I spoke to jabber everyone could hear

01:32:54 --> 01:33:11

he said to jabber Rahim Allah, may Allah have mercy on you? We all have mercy on you to suddenly fito been way ahead in worried Oh, can we ship you praying in 1/3? just covering your aura and you have you have the upper garment hanging on the clothes and you didn't cover your shoulders?

01:33:12 --> 01:33:30

Can you imagine? This is a student talking to the teacher like this. So what did you ever say? It is reported? That jabber said Nam in MFO? too delicate, you're on a hammock with luck for your child? He says yes, I did this so that a n

01:33:31 --> 01:33:33

refers to someone who's lacking.

01:33:36 --> 01:33:41

If I can be frank, you could say in colloquial English like a stupid person.

01:33:42 --> 01:34:12

Allah forgive me a new right he says I did it so that someone who's lacking in the ability to understand like you sees me doing it so they can ask so we can teach them. And this teaches you brothers and sisters in Islam, that not having knowledge is not knowledge. Alright, sometimes you think you've learned something and then you see your teacher doing something. Don't start talking to your teacher as if you are the teacher ask, say I saw you do a teacher doing this. And I'm not sure why you did it. Can you explain please? And then you learn by him? Let us listen to the next portion. Let's bring a chef Ridwan back.

01:34:13 --> 01:34:14

Have you the hula

01:34:15 --> 01:34:35

chef with one earlier he read to us teaching us that the time for Salah came and Jabir led the salah and then Mohammed Al backup here he's asking his question. So let us hear the Arabic moving forward from here as well as the English equivalent. I sound like a chef

01:34:37 --> 01:34:43

emammal Muslim for pilot in nanostone en la he's a long while he was sent lemma Methodist I see Nina Lamia

01:34:45 --> 01:34:55

fineness if Elia Sriracha and nanosuit Allah. Allah love Harley, he will send them a john hardy Melman Nina turbo Sharon Kathy on kulu homie and Tammy so hmm you're also

01:34:57 --> 01:34:59

maybe also Lila Hispaniola while he was selling them.

01:35:00 --> 01:35:19

We are met Miss Lee I'm only here for corrigendum or who had attained the hola if for while edit Esma obion Toro Mason Mohammed Abu Dhabi back Korean for our salad you know Rasulullah Salallahu la he was a key for us not all of us he was that really be open we're actually me personally

01:35:21 --> 01:35:33

Wiley, Ms in SGD from muraki Bell costumer EDA stoked to be here now Part Two who parallel be the element diva sorry bear with me, can you

01:35:35 --> 01:35:38

please present us the English version?

01:35:41 --> 01:35:42

Now father,

01:35:44 --> 01:36:21

the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stayed in Medina for nine years but did not perform hydro. Then he made a public public announcement in the 10th here that Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was planning to perform it for that season. A large number of people came to Medina with all of them seeking to complete the journey with with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and to emulate his practices, we set out with him until we wish to go forever. It was here with a smile being two roommates gave birth to Mohammed, Vivica. He then sent a message to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asking him what should I do? He

01:36:21 --> 01:36:31

sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said take a bath cover properly, your private parts and then enter the state of Iran. The Messenger of Allah passbook has spoken

01:36:32 --> 01:36:37

by so brothers and sisters in Islam, following on with your notes and you have them in front of you in sha Allah.

01:36:38 --> 01:36:56

Mohammed Al Baraka he asked to jabber about the Hajj of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Subhana Allah and look how quickly jabber responds now we learned a few things here brothers and sisters in Islam. Firstly, brothers and sisters in Islam, the children of the Sahaba and they grandchildren. They knew it was known that Jabari bin Abdullah,

01:36:57 --> 01:37:10

he has knowledge of the Hajj of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. Why else would they come and ask like this, right. So they knew that he had knowledge of the hedge of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

01:37:14 --> 01:37:16

This is point number one, point number two,

01:37:17 --> 01:37:22

we see brothers and sisters in Islam, when a student of knowledge that is respectful with his or her teacher.

01:37:23 --> 01:37:34

Right, then the teacher is going to respond to you in an even more excellent way. Right? If we say excellence that levels then you know,

01:37:35 --> 01:37:47

the more palatable you are with your teacher, because remember, your teacher is a human being your teacher is human being sometimes we find people criticizing the teachers, or the chef is like this, and the chef is like this. So I went to that chef and I asked him well that she doesn't respond.

01:37:48 --> 01:38:09

We have to understand that everyone's human beings, right and you sometimes you know, there's a responsibility upon you. You can't just demand you can't just ask you can't just behave any way you want when you want to how you want this if you dress smarter, and you come early to the lesson, and you sit in the right way, this is going to extract from your teacher

01:38:12 --> 01:38:43

a response that is going to be even better. And we see this in the hadith of gibreel because you really he said um he came from the heavens as a teacher and a student, as we see in the hadith of Rama Rama Rama Han, in which he says, If Allah Alina Raja Shadi do Baya be fiap Shadi de sala de Sha, Allah, Allah Allah Allah Rahman who suffer Allah animal ly animal human. Right, he says this, this person arrived into the gathering and he had the whitest of clothes and the blackest of hairs, but we didn't know him.

01:38:44 --> 01:39:19

somebody saying it was strange because when you come on your visit and you come into Medina, we can see on your clothes and on your beard and on your hair that you are a traveler. So we know you from outside of Medina. This person came as if he's from one of us, and obviously there's no hotels in Medina, and none of us know him. Now you're no one from us knows him so he didn't stay in our house. And then he enters the masjid and he walks through the front of the masjid had that jealous or Indian Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam for us another Aqua healer, Aqua tea or coffee I love coffee. He's saying he went and he sat on his knees and his knees were near the knees of the Prophet

01:39:19 --> 01:39:21

sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he placed his hands on his face.

01:39:23 --> 01:39:30

And it's understood that the prophets of Allah Allah He was sending Mossad like that, so with utmost respect, with utmost discipline, in here in appearance in,

01:39:33 --> 01:39:35

in status in how he

01:39:36 --> 01:40:00

handled himself in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during the annual Islam Tell me about about Islam. So we learned as brothers and sisters in Islam that when you seek knowledge when you with your teachers behave appropriately and you will see the response from your teachers as well generally Masha Allah tabarrok Allah even when we don't behave appropriately, our teachers teachers, why because they know it's an Amana. They know that they didn't learn this knowledge for your respect. They learnt it to be

01:40:01 --> 01:40:38

in the service of Islam and the Muslims for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala, not the sake of anyone's recognition. But you in front of your chef, you have an ability to build gender by having the adab and the etiquettes. And this from the advocates and we see when this person behaved like this, Mohammed alberca, he is taking into consideration It's time for salah and jabber, he is blind. And he's not asking questions in a silly way. He's not criticizing jabber as we see the other question I do. And the other narration, and now he asked his question, after jabber, he said, Ask what you wish. Remember this jabber did ask? jabber did tell him ask what you wish he asked his

01:40:38 --> 01:40:44

question. And immediately jabil moves on with the Hadith and he says it the Prophet. You know,

01:40:45 --> 01:41:06

it was at this point when he started doing things with his hand, right? That's what Muhammad Barker is saying. Now, what did he do with his hand, he says he did something with his hand to indicate number nine. Now, this doesn't mean brothers and sisters in Islam. But you and I think today when we think number nine, we think we just hold 10 fingers up and we we put one finger down and this means nine. Now back then

01:41:07 --> 01:41:14

it was different. There are different ways that each finger represented a number, each finger represented a number.

01:41:15 --> 01:41:15


01:41:18 --> 01:41:26

accordingly, well, so they would, they would touch different fingers and fold different fingers and accordingly they would understand the number accordingly they would understand

01:41:28 --> 01:41:46

the number this this language. This is number language, and he had the local authority, meaning it doesn't exist today. It used to exist before but it doesn't exist today. But we do find people like even higher as Kalani. emammal show Kenny Emerson Annie in Subala Salaam

01:41:47 --> 01:42:18

and his books about a Salaam they allude to how this was done right. So what they did with their hands to mention certain numbers, and Jabari did the same to point out number nine. And then he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in Medina for nine years but he did not perform Hajj. Then he made a public announcement in the 10th here. Okay, so this is a point of discussion between the scholars brothers and sisters in Islam. When did Hajj become compulsory? When did Hajj become compulsory? If the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

01:42:20 --> 01:42:55

announced the Hajj in the ninth and then he went on the 10th. When did hedge become compulsory? the hang of is the Maliki's and the ham bellies. They say that hedge became compulsory in the ninth year of the HR or during the ninth year of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in Medina and they see this as the evidence that Allah subhanho wa Taala says what he lay here Allah nasya hit jewel Beatty many stopper IE Sevilla, that Allah says Allah Allah knows upon the people from Allah as an obligation is to perform the pilgrimage, whoever has the financial and physical means to do so, meaning that the condition of his stupa is met.

01:42:56 --> 01:43:04

Mr. Musharraf theory he says he is of a different view. He says Hajj became compulsory during the sixth year, during the sixth year

01:43:05 --> 01:43:31

Mashallah Shafi was it was AB curry Mashallah was very intelligent. So, listen to how he looked at this. He said Allah subhanho wa Taala also revealed why Tim will hedger will tell you why Tim will hedger or the umbra tallinna. Allah commanded us to complete the Hajj and Umrah for the sake of Allah and scholars have deduced from this that if a person starts Hajj or starts a murder, they can't break it they have to complete it. And if it's not completed, they have to do the cover. Right as we know the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did

01:43:32 --> 01:44:04

when he went for for oma today BIA or the X the the expedition of the hood ABS we know that they were prevented from entering Makkah, and then they were allowed to come back the following year. So this verse means if with regards to hedge and Amara, you have to complete it. If you started when Shara IV for la de la command, whoever begins it he has to complete it. Mmm shafia He says, Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah revealed who attained mahad Yama Rotella in the sixth year.

01:44:06 --> 01:44:07

And he says

01:44:09 --> 01:44:52

he says this verse is not to command towards completion, but rather it's commanding to the actual act. Why? He says, How can we have a verse commanding towards completion of something before we have a verse commanding towards doing something in the first place? He says before Allah revealed to our team, we'll head you along Rotella ways the verse about hedge being compulsory. Right where where is that verse? Do we have it? Right, so who has the st louis j it this is a suitable Estate Law brothers and sisters in Islam. So he's saying that Allah commanded to complete the Hajj, yes, you can understand that it's completion. But this is an understanding that this is a command to do the

01:44:52 --> 01:45:00

Hajj and complete the Hajj, go and do the Hajj because you can't have a command towards

01:45:00 --> 01:45:11

Completing something when you don't have a command towards it being something that you should do in the first place. This is a member Jeffrey's understanding and as we said he is still alone. Jay it is good. It's suitable estate lead. However, however,

01:45:13 --> 01:45:15

it seems that the vast amount of shares are used

01:45:16 --> 01:45:26

to prove his point is actually associated with the Amara. That was attempted during the year of Abu Dhabi. Why do I say this? Because brothers and sisters in Islam,

01:45:27 --> 01:45:46

we discussed the Omar of al Qaeda in Ramadan during the season for blast from the past in details we spoke about the year and the month in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam went for it. Right. And we know that the Muslims were present prevented from entering Makkah during the day because we suddenly had to go the following year to do what was called to cover.

01:45:47 --> 01:45:52

So based on this brothers and sisters in Islam and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best

01:45:53 --> 01:46:14

we see, we see that this verse is related to actually completing, if you started, you should complete it. And as for the verse that was revealed during the ninth while he lay his head drill bit, and this is the verse being revealed to denote the Hydra being apart from the Pillars of Islam and being something compulsory upon the Muslims for those who can.

01:46:17 --> 01:46:55

Who those who meet the the financial and physical requirements to do the Hajj and that's why we see it in this first one Allah Allah unless he will at many stop early sebelah. In the verse to complete the Umrah and Hajj after you begin it. We don't see this, this condition being said, but in the area that was revealed during the ninth will Illa here lns Angel Beatty minister, Lisa Villa Allah revealed upon Allah, I mean upon the people as an obligation from Allah is for you to perform the Hajj minister is still here refers to physical and financial ability. So if we say that Hajj became compulsory in the ninth, we just heard that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did it in the

01:46:55 --> 01:46:55


01:46:57 --> 01:47:04

So this is another discussion of the fuqaha when Hajj becomes compulsory, does it have to be done immediately? Or can it be postponed?

01:47:05 --> 01:47:15

Right, so let's say a person meets the financial and physical threshold. So hedges compulsory upon them, do they have to go in that year? Or can they delay to next year or two years or three years after that?

01:47:17 --> 01:47:20

There are two famous views about this. Number one is

01:47:21 --> 01:47:40

fully well had you added therapy. This is the Arabic terminal terminology of the Torah means it can be delayed in amateur theory, obviously is going to have this view. Because we said earlier that he was of the opinion that hedge became compulsory in the 60 and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did it in the 10th. It is also a reporter view of human Malik and he reported view of

01:47:42 --> 01:47:44

the evidence for Mr. Musharraf, you is because

01:47:45 --> 01:47:52

it became compulsive in the six as we said, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam announced the Hajj in the ninth year, and he went for hydrojetting the 10th here.

01:47:53 --> 01:47:59

The second view is which is the view of Imam Abu hanifa. And it is also reported we have Mr. Malik and a report a view of Mr. Mohammed

01:48:01 --> 01:48:22

Abu hanifa says that hedgy is compulsory immediately an LFO for evil head Jew alpha, as we find it the books of shock. Alright, it's been made compulsory immediately. As soon as you have the means you can't delay. Right, you have to do it. And all our Ireland brothers and sisters in Islam and also Phil, Phil ammeraal, Buju

01:48:23 --> 01:48:29

will also fill out as we see what the scholars have, or the scholars have.

01:48:30 --> 01:48:36

Or we say absol Phil amor, and who yocto the alpha? Yeah.

01:48:37 --> 01:49:13

This call is over Sunil discussed this when a command when someone gives you an instruction in the form of a command? Do you understand it as a command or something that you have a choice in? By default, you understand it as a command. Why? Because if you don't do it, then if they have authority over you, they can punish you. And nobody will say that they oppressing you, because you didn't listen. Which means if you if you if it said that you didn't listen, it means what you were told, was sent to in the form of a command. That's one aspect. What's the other aspect? When someone commands you to do something? Do you understand from immediately that it needs to be done now it can

01:49:13 --> 01:49:13

be delayed.

01:49:15 --> 01:49:47

If there's nothing to show that it can be delayed and immediately linguistically you understand that it should be it should be done. Now when you tell someone bring me a cup of water does it mean next year? Does it mean tomorrow? Does it mean after one hour? Say someone bring me a cup of water You mean now unless the person says when you go to the kitchen Hello. Now this is something else added to the instruction that gives us the understanding that a delay is suitable. So with this understanding, Allah said when Allah Allah Allah said you will beat it from Allah as an obligation upon the people is to perform the Hajj. This is a matter of compulsion, and when should it be done

01:49:47 --> 01:49:59

as with the view of Abu hanifa immediately, however, brothers and sisters in Islam, how do we explain now this whole idea of Hajj only being done in the ninth and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam only going on the 10th we say that as with everything in

01:50:00 --> 01:50:12

Islam that is why when the situation is not suitable Allah subhanho wa Taala relaxes the rules right? hygiene is compulsory it should be done immediately if it can be done immediately if it can't, then it should be done as soon as you can before you pass away.

01:50:13 --> 01:50:22

That's the time for Hajj it lasts the span of your lifetime, like Salah, we say pray your Salah immediately but if you can't pray as soon as possible before the time of Salah ends

01:50:24 --> 01:50:36

right so that's the time span for Salah. Right? So when Allah commands us to pray, we should pray on time and this is the view of the majority that the best time to pray Salah is at the beginning of its time. Why? Because

01:50:39 --> 01:50:48

you are answering the call of Allah immediately and from the outset, when you are commanded to do something, you do it immediately. So you should pray immediately. Haha, but what if you can't?

01:50:49 --> 01:50:55

Right so we say with everything that is worship, and exists within the time span. If you can't,

01:50:56 --> 01:50:58

then the ruling is relaxed.

01:50:59 --> 01:51:21

The ruling is relaxed as long as you get it done in its due time. In its due time. Okay brothers and sisters in Islam with other collaborators or if the as the day started, the principle goes when the situation becomes too too too. When the when the normal situation becomes restricted, the Islamic rulings become relaxed. So what is the wisdom behind the Prophet sallallahu it was him delaying the Hajj there's many firstly

01:51:24 --> 01:51:28

before before the ninth, Makkah was not Muslim.

01:51:30 --> 01:51:38

When did the opening of Macau happened? We have to take that into consideration. Right when did the opening of Macau happen? And if Mecca

01:51:39 --> 01:51:47

at that time, was not Muslim, then we know that Macau was surrounded by a 300 and stick the Kaaba was surrounded by 360 idols.

01:51:48 --> 01:51:51

That's the point. Another point the women were doing naked.

01:51:52 --> 01:52:09

There's another point and if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is going to do hedge and people want to lend the hedge, how many people are going to go for hedge with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is it appropriate for the prophets of Allah and he was going to take born Muslims, new Muslims, all the Muslims all together like this intimate

01:52:12 --> 01:52:38

with this more chance of distractions as opposed to focusing on what the aspects of hygiene tale and these people announcing tell we are sure we know that the Qureshi is to announce the Toby of shark they used to they tell beer they love bake was not the Bake Off though hate as we will see in the hadith of jab but it was something else. So we have to take this into consideration as well. So all these things are scholars have said wisdoms as to why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

01:52:40 --> 01:53:00

went on the 10th of the ledger or during the 10th year, not the 10th of Dhul hijjah sorry, during the 10th here, so handle I've been speaking almost full time since a while now. So, the neurons are getting crushed a little bit. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam wins on the 10th year because in the ninth year, there were idols around the cab All right. So,

01:53:01 --> 01:53:03

this is a plausible This is plausible.

01:53:06 --> 01:53:07


01:53:08 --> 01:53:12

then, another related matter to discuss quickly before

01:53:14 --> 01:53:31

moving on to the next portion is how many hedges did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam mentioned the scholars have to discuss this. And the scholars of Sierra discuss this scholars of history discussed this and they agree that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did two hedges one after Islam and one before Islam. And before Islam he did Hajj upon the way of Ibrahim alayhis salam

01:53:32 --> 01:53:38

and opposed the way of the courage the courage during the day of alpha. they would

01:53:40 --> 01:53:45

they would stand in Metallica. They would say why because out of his out of the heart and bounds

01:53:47 --> 01:53:52

and Allah Alright, so they would stand in was deliever and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went to

01:53:54 --> 01:53:56

to clarify as we find that the hadith of Jubilee but not him,

01:53:58 --> 01:54:10

because he saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam doing this. He was performing the hajj upon the way of Abraham alayhis salam so we know that he did it once before this is established and we know that he did it once after this is established, however, did he do it for

01:54:11 --> 01:54:20

a third time or more? There's some reports that allude to this that there was a third hedge and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best This is just a bit of general knowledge for you all. Then

01:54:21 --> 01:54:50

Jabari says a large number of people came to Medina was one of them seeking to complete the journey with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and we learn from this brothers and sisters in Islam, that the sooner the better. So panela as soon as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam announced the Hajj and the new spread people this is we're not talking about people in Medina, we're talking about people from all over people all heard Subhanallah He's going for Hajj, let's all get ready for Hajj. Now remember, this journey is not easy. It's a long journey. And we will see that this journey to move to Mecca happened in a quicker way happened in a quicker way

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than normal meaning that they were they were pushing with the journey. So you know people are coming and you will see Subhanallah this love to witness for this. This is his story.

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As you can imagine, you need the profit Mark has opened. This was amazing. Okay, now the prophets of Allah who it was I was going for hedge, this is the hedge you want to be there for. You want to make sure you there. That is the hedge you want to see firsthand. Right? You want to get secondhand reports you want to see certain things first and if you can,

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and you will see some Han Allah what type of people came out Subhan Allah, right from the Muslims, they came brothers and sisters in Islam. And they came in the numbers, as jabber will teach us that a large number of people came to Medina with all of them seeking and not just Medina, they also came to the midcard. As we will see, they wanted to emulate the practices of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and this is the Muslim brothers and sisters in Islam with worship, that we always try to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam in what we do, right as close as we can. And this is why we should learn this and we should ask this and many times I have been

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saying recently, especially in this day and age where some strange fatwas are being shared. Let's stop asking, you know, what is the ruling on this? What is the ruling on that? What is the ruling on music? What is the ruling on shaking hands? With the more what is the ruling of mixing with with members of the opposite gender or shaking the hands? Which we should stop asking questions this way. And we should ask it in a better way to help those who teach us about Islam as well. As everyone's under stress and under pressure brothers and sisters in Islam. We shouldn't help scholars help us we shouldn't we shouldn't assist our scholars in helping us for our desires. put it that way. Because

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every way there's a difference of opinion. And if you are referred to our shop somewhere, somehow some way in some corner in some creaking in in the books of 50 you will find a view that will help you follow your desires. So what's the best way forward? Ask your scholars What did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam do? Did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam listen to music let them answer you did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam shake the hands of a female let them answer you did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam mixed with females that the man see this is the way to ask take it back to the man himself. salallahu alayhi wasallam our master our teacher, our

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leader, Mohammed Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Candela kung fu rasulillah he was in your messenger is the best example. And look at the sub Sahaba how they lived the verses of the Quran that they knew that Allah has said in your messenger is the best example so when he's going for Hajj, we want to be there and we want to do the Hajj as he does the Hajj because he's the best example for us. Then, he says that we set out for the believer, the MacArthur, Khalifa brothers and sisters in Islam is also known today famously as Masjid a shujaa. The mosque of the tree literally, if we translated that way or Masjid halifa

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the master of the halifa and it's in a place that many people call today a br Ali so if you go to Medina and you take a taxi to the to the Makati of Medina and you say take me to a VR rally, they know where you're going to, if you say take me to murshid forever they know where they need to take you. And this particular part is the main part of Medina it's west of where the alactic

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It's a famous valley of Medina and this location

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is around seven kilometres

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just over four miles from Machida Nebo

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right because we no matter the number was expanded now and Medina is expanded and then the parts expanded and so on and so forth. But if we look in the books of fifth grade when they discuss the death distance between Medina itself into her life and not the masjid and why should never be and and then the court but the Medina and Aamir Khan. They describe it as being around six miles or plus minus 11 kilometres.

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This is just some general knowledge for you all today obviously that the McCarthy's part of Medina you're considered to be in Medina when you add them you're caught.

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In fact, when you're traveling by plane, you pass them out very quickly and many people they have this difficulty they don't make the intention for for Amara and the first time you're caught. Right they don't say Bella Bella Coloma Umbra, for example, when they're going for Amara so you have to be aware of this, that you make your intention because as soon as you take off from Medina you're going to pass them you're caught very quickly. Now, as for this Masjid, there's a Masjid there now it's the second biggest Masjid in terms of the market. The prophets of Allah what cotton Naboo sallallahu alayhi wasallam the market the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam highlighted as he was taught by

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Allah, Allah and jubril and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was taught the market meaning the borders before Makkah for those intending hydro Amara, those borders that cannot be passed except that you pass it in the state of Europe. If you intend hydro Amara, Brunello nurserymen, attallah, hinda, Marina Neiman rod al Hajj, Umrah

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as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said after he highlighted the different meal card he said these miracles are for the people that are coming to that meal card for those who intend hydro hombre so meaning if you intend hygena tomorrow You shouldn't pass it except that you are in the state of Iran.

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01:59:51 --> 02:00:00

Meerkat as we said it has a Masjid is the second biggest machine the biggest machine to my knowledge is the masjid for the people.

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All right so um basically up as your reward is also based around when we go formula we don't the the ROM if we're going by road by the Macedonia's current almonacid which is at a place known as a sale le KVL right which is near pif or adjacent to pif

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or even considered part of the vicinity of five

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and he said that this Masjid today is bigger than the one in Medina obviously, as different

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leaders come about they expand the massage it and so on and so forth. Well halifa was defined as the record of the people of Medina.

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As we find it the narration is a * Buhari which I explained which I said to you just now and Allah subhana wa tada His Messenger, he fixed a little halifa as the record of the people of Medina, and holy for this name. halifa is a linguistic play on the name Hellfire, or the term alpha. Alpha refers to a known plant that would grow in this valley.

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The valley, the valley where this mule cart is, right so it's linguistically on the term Halifax refers to a plant so Google halifa refers to the place where these plants are unknown to be. And this valley is the only meat cut considered blessed as per the authentic narration of Omar Ravi Allah who and in which he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said attorney Laila at mean rugby for call it rugby football, suddenly, if you have no idea Mubarak, he says that

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Allah subhanho wa Taala sent to me, and we understand from this the angel and the angel to this blessed Valley, and this angel commanded me to pray in this valley.

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Now, it's important to provide context here.

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Especially since we fly through the market, mostly most of us going into Makkah, we fly through the market, right. So let us add some context here about praying here.

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And that context is in the form of unrest in the form of understanding that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he settled Abdullah halifa overnight and it is reported that he left Medina after he prayed for her unless you did gnabry then he left for the halifa he wasn't in the state of Iran. He was heading to the Meerkat. And then he prayed to us are there and maharrey there and Russia there and 5g are there.

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In the head a find there's a difference of opinion whether he

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has an adversary says that he prayed for God.

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Probably yet. rbdr says that hustler bursary mentions that the Salah that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was commanded to break when the angel came to him was fudger.

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When he said suddenly, if he had no idea Mubarak praying this blessed Valley is referring to the fudger prayer. And I highlight this because there's a difference of opinion between the scholars and you might have seen this in some books regarding whether there's two records to pray for Trump or to Raka to pray at me caught.

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Alright, so it all boils down to this evidence. Because if we, if we look at this hadith

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some scholars have said that it was really it was in relation to the fudger prayer. Even though they mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stayed tell her the next day and he prayed, though her prayer has two units of prayer, meaning casa, the Salah for travel. And this is also a matter of discussion between the jurists, right because as we know,

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some Bible of the view that you pray your Salah, you shorten your Salah, you consider the traveler, if you cover what around 48 miles, or 52 miles, somewhere around this kind of distance, the distance that a traveler on a camel, a normal traveler would cover if they traveled the distance of three days and three nights with rest.

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But if a prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam prayed to units of the heart, if it's established, then this means this is evidence for those who say that Salah of the traveller applies as soon as you leave the buildings of the city. Doesn't matter how many kilometers you cover, as long as you intend travel, and you've left the border of the city and Salah times come comes in. You are now a traveler, and you pray.

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Salah, so this is just a side note for you all.

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But anyway, there's two views here in terms of when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam went into the state of Iran, as we will see some has an album he says it was after fudger the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed the size of Salah as per the instruction of the angel, the command of Allah and then he went on his camel and he announced the Tobia and he says no he stayed over until

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and and did so and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. Now

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regarding the Salah for the Meerkat just to add some completion to the discussion.

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Some scholars opined that there's no solar space

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For a while, based on what has an adversary said that the Salah that the prophets of Allah Allah He was sending was commanded to pray was faster. And if it's said that the Salah was for the McCart, if it is said that there is a Salah for the miracle, then it would only be it will only be specific to the halifa because the angel said pray in this blessed Valley, and this is the only MacArthur was considered to be blessed, which means there's no specific Salah for Iran. If we say there's a Salafi haram then there's no Salah specific for the MacArthur besides good life. I just looking at the evidence, but if someone wanted to pray generally, that's fine. Right. But the question here is, is

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the fella known as the seller of the market, or the seller of the home, based on the opinion of based on what has an adversity has said that the angel men pray Salat al Fajr, then there's no evidence to say that we have a Salah for your home, or we have a Salah for the market. And if we could use it as evidence for Salah for them because then it would have to be specific to them. You're caught in Medina, because in that narration where he was commanded to pray, the MacArthur there was described as being blessed and that's why he should pray and Allah subhanho wa Taala to Allah knows best. In any case, brothers and sisters in Islam, I highlight this, not to confuse you,

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but to clear the confusion because these questions do come through, you hear something from your chef, then you get a book when you land in Saudi Arabia, or on your way to Saudi Arabia, somebody gives you a book and you read this book about hedge and then you see this and then you get confused. Now you understand that, you know, every scholar has the evidence with the difference of opinion came on how they looked at the evidences and as a footnote met, let me add, just as a footnote of the library, Mr. Ravi Allahumma, he was renowned for his love to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam to the extent that he would even try and make his animal work at the

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places where he remembers the animal of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam walking during the Hajj when he did that when he did the head Subhan Allah, this level of following the Sunnah, so it is said that the Abdullah bin Omar whenever he would pass by the halifa, irrespective he would

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pray Salah here, right because of what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did based on the instruction of the angel praying is best at Valley However, other Sahaba told him not to do it. They criticized him for it and said, this is not a general sadhana. This is not something just to do to make the journey and then make a physical intention to stop to pray Salah here as if there's a Salah for this place. If you stop and pray any Salah Salah Doha, any other Nuffield, that's fine, but to do it, as if that there is a Salah as part of the religion of Islam. So he said that some of the Sahaba criticized him for this. But if somebody did it brothers and sisters in Islam, we don't say

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that they do not be there. Why? Because even Omar did this during the time of the four caliphs. And we know that the prophets of Allah we know that the first three generations of Islam, righteous generations, and as Ibn taymiyyah, and others say Ramadan, Maharshi, Merchant Marine, they say that if someone doesn't act at the time of the four caliphs,

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or someone

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puts into, puts into practice an act that they learned from a companion that they did during the time of the full collapse, then, even though if that act is considered to be wrong, we don't consider it to be a bit right, given the time span that it was done in and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best so as you can see, brothers and sisters in Islam, it's not something to frown upon or to be worried upon. If you pray

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Alhamdulillah if you don't pray Alhamdulillah and this is important because some people is the first hedge and they focusing on following everything to the tee and they didn't manage to pray and then they feel like the hedge has some. Now cut some knucks some

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you know, he has a portion of it that has been lost. And this is is not the case. Brothers and sisters. In Islam. As you can see, the discussion is more nuanced than the paragraph that you read in the summarized Hydra books. Now. Another discussion between the scholars is whether the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam adorned the clothes of a haram and entered the state of haram after fudger odour and as I said, has an elbow so he says it was after fudger epi Rahim Allah He says it was after the heart of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stated

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and then he entered the state of of Haram. And

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a question might be asked, and this is something that did pop up in my head

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when I was looking at the hadith of jabber, and that is related to why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam go and spend all this time in her life? Why did you leave Medina? Medina he had his home his wives had the home to the halifa is America. It's it wasn't it was just a place. Right? And now you there and you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you know you, you are with the Sahaba and you are the journey to Makkah is long anyway, there's still a long journey ahead why start the journey before you need to start the journey. Why not just rest in Medina and go the next day pass through the river and do the do the necessary and leave and in looking at some of the teachings of

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the scholars

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Rahmatullah we see that they say there was a wisdom and that wisdom was in allowing or making easier. The travel for this the Muslims from the surrounding areas who wanted to come join the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and go with him on the Hajj. So he was there at the McCart. It was easier for them. It will it could cater for them. They didn't have to go settle in Medina, they would come and settle immediately there. And they they would learn how to do the Tobia, they will do the intention and so on and so forth. They would get this first time from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And by the way, as we will see, in the Hadith or as we read in the hadith of Jebel

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Ali, I think she had one good read for us the portion where Jabari is saying I looked as far as my eye could see and I saw

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people all over one over 100,000 people came for this hedge over 100,000 people came for this hedge the higher than he imagined brothers and sisters in Islam. Imagine hedge today 2 million we see the congestion back then over 100,000 where the camera was small and meaner was small and and and Suppan or Bill and I can you imagine the congestion that was there

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100 over over 100,000 people came for for this hedge. So this was the wisdom that if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam went out, it's on the way to Makkah this shortens the journey for those coming to meet him from outside of Medina and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows best let's listen to the next section. Let's bring Shia Ridwan if Chaka Khan could please read that portion.

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Okay, no infection could one could you repeat repeat for us what he read in terms of asthma? We are let's bring him in insha Allah

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to mush Quran Sha one as

02:11:42 --> 02:12:07

well. I'll call him Rahim a whole lot for bola in the Salah while he was sending him in lemmya for gentlemen, then a fineness up another soon Allah is Allah Allah Allah, Allah Maha epidemiol Medina Shabbat shalom Kathy meltemi Sonia 10 maybe also Linda has a lower Harley he was way out Miami family he Faraj and Emma who had to attain as well

02:12:08 --> 02:12:30

as been through maze Mohammed epfp back Korean is our salad Eros hula isn't La La or LA he was selling them. Okay for us not all of the city was that Philly with openweb Remi masala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, Tapia barakallahu casebook give us the English translation just off the portion, a small bit almost gave birth.

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We set out until

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it was here where a snap into Romania gave birth to Mohammed bin Abu Bakr. He then said sent a message to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asking him what should I do? He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, take a bath cover properly your private parts and then enter the state of the hand. Now, okay, so here

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Why do I highlight this brothers and sisters in Islam or we must highlight it because it's in the hadith of God but first and foremost, understand that even a female who was pregnant came out with a hedge Subhan Allah. And today how many excuses do we make about hedge and when we go for Hajj when I get older, we you know, as if you saying that missing some more and then when I get to 40 I'm going to go for Hajj. Right. She even the female who was pregnant Subhana Allah she's making her way to the hedge. Imagine and not just pregnant, third trimester about to give birth. It could have been any time La Ilaha Illa. She makes her way forward to the hedge brothers and sisters in Islam. Now

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who was she she was the wife of Abu Bakar Bella Han. And she gave birth to Abubakar his son. And when she gave birth, she sent a message to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this teaches us that there's no shyness in in the deen when you're learning about Islam, and you're learning about the religion. There's no shyness brothers and sisters in Islam. Right? If you're asking about that, which which is between you and Allah, and you're asking the people of knowledge you must ask respectfully but you shouldn't be shy. She immediately sent she didn't think what are people going to say? And I'm giving birth and I'm on hedge and now they're gonna say you know why did you come

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out Didn't you think didn't do this? Did you so embarrassing, you know, and remember there's no hospitals then there's no birthing centers. This is giving birth in the middle of of no way and you you are literally not at home you are literally

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you basically you're traveling you're out of Medina you into halifa Subhana, Allah and she delivers the child of Abu Bakar and she asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what to do and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says number one, take a bath. And then number two cover properly your private parts and number three enter into the state of a home. Now

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this there's a few points of this number which is firstly,

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the bus here that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is telling us to do is the most authentic evidence we have to teach us that it's from the recommended acts of harm to baith. Because remember, when you give birth you are in a period of the fast the fast is the postnatal bleeding, the postnatal bleeding last weeks. Okay, so if you are in this session

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circumstance you are not in a state of ritual purity. If you're not in a state of ritual purity, the bath that you're going to take doesn't help. It doesn't help you become pure. So why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tellers, teller to birth scholars have said this is the most authentic evidence we have about this bath being at the from the recommended actions of getting into harem that you bathe. So it's for the harem, and then you enter the state of your heart when he told her to cover herself properly, meaning to pad up properly so that she doesn't experience any

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any leakage and so on and so forth, that we should make our clothes dirty, and make that around her impure. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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answered her question accordingly. Now, some scholars meaning before we get to that point of clearly brothers and sisters in Islam, what what's the what's the most loudest lesson here? From what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam shared the loud is less than no doubt brothers and sisters in Islam is that a female in her menses can enter the state of haram also, why because menses is a state of ritual impurity, but a lesser state and the ritual impurity of a female in postnatal bleeding. And if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught asthma while she was experiencing postnatal bleeding, right, taught her how to enter into the state of Haram. This teaches us that a

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female who is experiencing her menses can also enter the state of Bihar. This is the four point number. And aside of this point, this lesson from the hadith of jabil, we know the hadith of Asia, or the Allahu Akbar in Al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim as well, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allowed to enter the state of Iran but he restricted from visiting the Kaaba until she came out of the state of menses and bathed and was ritually pure. And this is the same for a female who is in the state of

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in the state of postnatal bleeding now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam didn't tell her what type of haram to make the matter which is Amara and hygiene one journey or Quran, which is Amara and Heidi joined together or if rod which is Hajj by itself.

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But people around her on that day, some intended tomatoes, some intended Kieron and some intended fraud. These were the three that were mentioned and there's a whole discussion between the scholars and this is not our place to take them regarding which is better. Is tomato better is Quran better, is a fraud better we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he made Hajj he intended the Hydra of Iran, but he commanded his companions to maintain to tomato after they

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finished the rituals with the Kava.

02:17:42 --> 02:17:57

So this is not the discussion for here but it is the discussion that the scholars have which is which is best. But nonetheless all of them are noble, all of them are reputable and all of them are rewarding and carry the same rewards of you returning back to your home the day you are the day you found yourself when you are born meaning

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the day meaning you you will you return back home having been completely forgiven. Now did the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam tell her anything about the Koran? No, he said enter into the state of Haram. But does this mean that she could go and she could

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do tawaf and go to the Kaaba, etc, etc. No, doesn't mean that I even hasn't.

02:18:23 --> 02:18:43

He said that a female in postnatal bleeding can go. Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade Aisha who was on her menses only if you're in your menses, you can't go. But if you are in your state of postnatal bleeding, then you can even have them was the well known mm of a method known as the VA he might have. It might be strange to many of you.

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Many of us know the Hanafi madhhab the Maliki method, the Shafi remains the Hambali method, but there's another method known as the viry method.

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But even has a little doubt was mistaken here. Because the asthma I didn't ask the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam about these matters, she just asked about what to do. In terms of getting into harem. He didn't ask about the Lisak, the loss of meaning the actions of the Haram the actions of the Hajj, had she asked the prophets of Allah Allah He was and would have told her to do everything as a hedge does, as a pilgrim does, except that you don't go to the harm to do until you become clean.

02:19:19 --> 02:19:47

Right? So this is this was a reality. And this teaches us that she would only get to do that off of hedge a long time after the rest because she had to wait until she became clean. And then she would go and do the Hajj. Then, sorry, do that off. Then jabber says the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed inside the masjid. Can we just have the English reading please for the sake of time we about to end so let's have the English reading from Shia reborn very quickly.

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Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed inside the masjid then mounted Alka swab his cheek Campbell stood up straight with him. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on its back

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This plane of alveda I looked as far as I could in front of him, and they were riders and pedestrians with the same holding true for his right, left and posterior sides to

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the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was prominent among us with the revelation of the Quran still descending upon him. He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was most knowledgeable of its meanings and interpretations. And whatever he did we also did that. He would then pronounce the way the word of Mattel we're saying the baker loving melodic the baker lashley color color bake in Alhambra, one year matter Nicole mill, Ashley Calico, okay, has spoke about a colloquium. So jabil says this and there's many lessons from this brothers and sisters in Islam. Firstly, we learn Subhan Allah, how many people attended the Hajj with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and Jabari is

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adding, you know, he wherever he looked at what they were pedestrians, they were riders, they were pedestrians, the same holds true for his right for his left the profits, right, the profits left the profits, pusteria sides to everything, Pamela was filled with people season, just a sea of people around the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and then he says, and Subhanallah This was he highlights and this is a yes rudall Hadith saladan he brings this into the narration because he saw this and then he says something to the to you might think what's his relevance here? Why is he saying that the Prophet was with us in the Quran was coming down, of course the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam was what you are describing is hedge. And of course, if he's alive, the Quran is coming down. And we see this brothers and sisters in Islam, the Japanese teaching us that look what I'm sharing with you and what I'm going to share with you. It's not from my pocket, it's not from me, it's something that's from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam you need to understand that if I'm gonna, if I was to say anything from my pocket, back then then the Quran was coming down, which means it you know, it will it will be corrected, and also, I'm telling you what the Prophet did under the instruction of Allah because the Quran was coming down when he did all of this. So it's as

02:21:53 --> 02:22:13

if Subhan Allah, we've been prepared. Now he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mounted Alaska it stood up straight right? with him. sallallahu alayhi wasallam on its back at the plane of albedo. What is this plane of albedo? The plane of albedo brothers and sisters in Islam

02:22:14 --> 02:22:14


02:22:16 --> 02:22:59

Allah knows best? is it part of the halifa accordingly, meaning if we look at different narratives and different historical accounts of Bader is part and the preferred view Albania is part of of the other Some said it was at the end of the array for after the labor. What seems clear is it's part of the labor. And then he says here, this is his account. This is his account. We have other accounts. This is his account. He says that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Did the Tobia now the question is did the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. Do the Toby upon Bader or or after mounting his camel by the masjid when it was ready to make its way to Mecca? what's what's the situation

02:22:59 --> 02:23:29

here? When we look at all the narrations brothers and sisters in Islam, we have authentic reports which say that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Did they tell me tell me Oh, by the way, refers to the bake Allah home and a big he did the Tobia after praying this is one report. Another report he did that tell me after mounting password password refers to the karma of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam he had another camel called the bat, there was another camp. This is Casper, the commonly used phrase hedge. In another report. He did it upon the Bader as we see in the hadith of Jabba rajala one in another report by the tree, the famous tree that was part of this

02:23:29 --> 02:23:56

Meerkat. So we have 40 points. How do we explain this the scholars say to explain this, it can be said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did his Toby at all these places and all those who are with him at these places they heard him and they reported what they heard from the place that they heard it. So this is simple. which teaches us that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he announced the tel BIA for his, for his Hajj. When you say the break Allah, Allah, Allah Allah azza wa jal hijack.

02:23:57 --> 02:24:32

It teaches us that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam repeated this many times. Many of us think that you can only you only say it once, and then afterwards you do the Tobia. But here we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam based on this explanation, he announced his musoke By the way, there's a difference between what you say on your tongue and the intention in your heart, the intention is in the heart. Right? But for hygiene aroma, it's preferred for you to pronounce or your your, your your Lusaka. That's what you're doing, you are pronouncing the type of hedge that you're doing. And if we take this explanation of the scholars, we can see that it's permissible to

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pronounce the last look that you're doing at different stages in between your Tobia there's no problem. So after many times of you know of repeating that Ella Bay kolomela Bagla, big luxury Caligula back in the hem the one near Metallica, well, MK luxury color. You repeated many times and then you can say like bake Allahumma Amato had just so people heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam where they heard him and thus they said it so if you do see in other books, diff citation is different what you're seeing in the hadith of God

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But it's not a contradiction that's problematic. It just means that jabil had it, where he was what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and other people heard it when they were with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam at a different place. And accordingly, people narrated the, the, the narration, the narration, a related note is a narration which they said even Omar Ravi Allahumma, the son of Omar Abdullah, who said to a group of people that this VEDA, tech, the Buddha, that you are a tech tech, the boon in the language of hijas doesn't mean lie. That's why it's important to always remember these things, brothers and sisters in Islam that when you read, you must read with a

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teacher preferably or with a sound understanding of the Arabic so you don't misquote people. When we talk about

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the in the language of hedges, when they say tuck the boon, they mean to the own you've made a mistake. So when Obama is saying what he's saying, He's saying to them, that this Bader, that you people are mistaken about regarding the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam rather he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered into the state of Johann by the masjid.

02:26:04 --> 02:26:37

Right. So it can be understood to be him saying that it's not correct that he only entered the Haram at Bader, which jabil is telling us about, but rather he announced the Tobia before that. So he prayed, he entered the state of your harem. And then he went to us while he was doing the Tobia. He got onto Casa Casa was upright facing Mecca. And he did he announced his his use of his type of hijab again, and that's when jabil had it. So here we see brothers and sisters in Islam, how we can create a synergy between the generations. Also we see a wisdom.

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In fact, we discussed this at hamdulillah.

02:26:44 --> 02:27:13

I wanted to highlight to you but I shared it with you earlier the wisdom behind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam going to the MacArthur making people come there because through the through this, many people could witness what the hedge is about and the rituals of hedge and how we should be done in Islam with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam under the instruction of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then he pronounced that towhead as we heard in the text, what is that? Oh, he jabber says that. Oh, he said he pronounced the tauheed though he means the words of Tobia.

02:27:14 --> 02:27:26

I've added the explanation for you in brackets in the text. Everything in brackets that you find in the translation is a paraphrase translation to help you understand the text better, okay? Otherwise it would be very difficult to understand the text.

02:27:28 --> 02:28:09

So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam announced that Oh, he jabber says that ohira the words of Toby Ella Baker lamella bake here I am Allah here I am or I submit to you, Allah, I submit to you meaning Here I am again and again. And I submit to you again and again. Love bake luxury, color, color bake, here I am and I submit to you no partner, do you have no partner? Do you have this to hate? Here I am. I submit to you indeed praise and favor and sovereignty and ownership is yours. lashley collect you have no partners, and from this will and brothers and sisters in Islam, that the Sahaba understood that the essence of tawheed is Lama Abu Dhabi, Huck Finn Illa Allah, there is no

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one worthy of worship besides one Allah. Some people say the essence of the Hadees la Haleakala Allah is no creator, they they focus the concept of, of, of Joe Hayden, the oneness of Allah in association with the Lordship of Allah subhanho wa Taala, He is the Creator, he's the Sustainer, and so on and so forth. We say that's true. Allah is one as the creator as the Sustainer as the maker, but the essence of the Hadees will hear that there's no one worthy of worship besides one Allah subhanho wa Taala. And they said, in the in the books of theology, and in theology, theological related lessons, this is a matter that has consequences, right? Because it's related to when do you

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When is it established that a person has committed shirk? When is it established when a person has committed shirk? Um, some people say, a person hasn't committed shark, even if they prostrate to an idol, except if they believe that the idol can benefit or harm them. This is a false understanding of what constitutes to hit and what constitutes shark. And we can see here from what God is teaching us he's saying that the words of the prophets Tobia is the tawheed it's teaching us that tawheed is there is no one worthy of worship besides one a line all this necessitates that there's no creator except one Allah. Allah is one in his lordship. He is one in his worship, he is one in his names and

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his attributes subhanho wa Taala. This is the reality of the heat, right? There's no one worthy of worship besides Wonderland jabil understood this. So this is the Toby brothers and sisters in Islam. Now, quickly, very quickly, before we end we have a few minutes left saying love bake is a manner in which a call is answered linguistically, as we see in the hadith of Abu Zubaydah, in which he states that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam taught us or stated that on the day of PM, Allah will say yeah, Adam, yeah, Adam, and Adam will say like bake. Salah bake is how you answer someone who calls you someone calls you and you say

02:30:00 --> 02:30:31

The bake here I am. I've heard you Yes. What can I do for you? I'm here I'm present. Right so linguistically we see this term there. It also carries the meaning of residency because the Arabs would say I love Babel McCann Fulani, Allah berbil McCann Fulani, olive baboon McCann meaning he's taken this place as a place of residence he settled. So linguistically if we look at the understanding of love, bake, bake, you are saying yeah Allah I answer your call again and again and I am telling you that I am settled upon your righteousness again and again.

02:30:32 --> 02:31:10

So this is what you are announcing when you say love bake Aloma love bake. Now, what are you saying the big two there's a weak narration that goes back to when our boss Ravi, Allah who I'm in which it's these days, that when, when when Ibrahim alayhis salam built the Kaaba Allah subhanho wa Taala told him to announce the Hajj. So Ibrahim Alayhi Salam said who will hear me and Allah subhanho wa Taala said you announced the Hajj and its Allah will convey the call of Ibrahim and Allah flatten the lands and Ibrahim made the call, but the lands were made flat in front of the call of Ibrahim was in financeable hajia to curry jallianwala colada Maria Tina min Khalifa genomic, right? Allah

02:31:10 --> 02:31:47

says as we find it suitable Hajj Allah tells Ibrahim what infinitesimal hedge we use Allah commands you to announce the hedge and Allah says yeah to curry gela they will come to you region and what does regional mean here regional here is not the plural of magic. This is not correctly gel here means working they will come to you on foot as pedestrians. How do we know this? Because Allah said well Allah colada Marine, the marine is the opposite of regional they will come to you riding on vehicles. So this is an important principle in the science of the Quran interfere with of sera left be the de as the scholar say, well you understand the meaning of a loved by looking at the meaning

02:31:47 --> 02:31:55

of its opposite. So we understand Allah says they will come to you walking and writing mean qualified genomic from all deep, distant parts.

02:31:56 --> 02:32:34

So based on this, you could say that love bake is your answer to Ibrahim's call to come for the hedge. Allah is called to us upon the tongue of Ibrahim alayhis salam. But if the narration is weak, as some scholars have said that this narration is weak, we say that the Tobia then means that you are announcing that you are settled upon the righteousness of Allah subhanho wa Taala now you notice the Tobia is done twice now bake, bake, bake Aloma bake is the twice here intended or is it mukluk would love to eat what what do we mean by mukluk? When you when you repeat it twice Are you saying that you are upon Allah is call and His righteousness twice? Or it's not like you're saying I'm

02:32:34 --> 02:33:04

always upon your call and righteousness but you're doing it twice to denote something which is not like something which which is which is confirmed? And no doubt the latter is true. When you say the big Aloma no big you not saying you're lying upon you. I'm answering you twice and I'm upon you righteousness twice No you are saying your Allah wherever your command is you will find missing the bait. You command me to do this love bake. I'm there. That's what you're saying. And this teaches us that the Tobia It teaches us the heat but it also trains us brothers and sisters in Islam. It trains us

02:33:05 --> 02:33:44

to cause you repeating love bake Allah Humala bake love Baker lashari color club Baker in Alhambra, one near Metallica, McClatchy correct you repeating if you repeat it was thinking brothers and sisters in Islam, what are you doing? You training yourself? You are creating neurons in your brain and teaching yourself and reminding yourself that you are created to answer the command of Allah wherever that command maybe that's what you're doing. Right? Right and and along with this lesson, you're also teaching yourself that Allah is the owner of praise. He's al Hamid, He's the owner of all praise. Whether we praise him whether we don't praise him whether we remember to praise him

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whether we don't remember to praise him He is the praise one from ever and will be praised forever. So you teaching yourself Why do you teach yourself this because you're saying lashley color you have no partner? There is no one worthy of worship besides Allah. Why? For many reasons from them, because you are the owner of all praise from them because you provide all blessings when near matter. You provide all blessings like our ultimate sovereignty and ownership. You have it only Allah, if you have ultimate sovereignty and ownership then you are the king and Lord of the Day of Judgment. So who else should we worship besides you?

02:34:16 --> 02:34:51

And you say last should he care like you also the only one was worthy of worship? Because no partner Do you have to handle what Allah subhanho wa Taala then jabil goes on to say that some would pronounce that LBA in other forms, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't reject those tlbs but rather he maintained his own Tobia. So here we learned that it is permissible. It was permissible for others to announce a type of Tobia different to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, as long as its meaning was true, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam permitted it but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam maintained his own, and this permission from the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is known as a permission given through silence as soon as Korea as soon as Korea is the

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tacit approvals of the prophets of Allah Allah he was in a way in front of him something is done. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam doesn't say it's wrong, because he would never allow something wrong to remain. But the prophets Allah But does this mean it's must have been recommended? No. As the majority of the scholars have also will say they say, as soon as the creator Joe has stepped up, as soon as Korea todo lo Allah, Allah Wa, let's talk about the SoonerLater. Korea teaches us that something is permissible or not, but not recommended for it to be recommended. We need an addition something specific from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and as Jagger

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says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam maintained his own

02:35:41 --> 02:36:09

Tobia but then Jabari says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam only maintained the TLB and you can understand from it by looking at the Arabic text when he says he only maintained the tel via that he didn't do anything else and we say no, he also did other things as we know from other narrations, because you know, the narrations, we know that he did test B and he did to Hamid, he said, Subhan Allah He said Alhamdulillah as per the hadith of Anasazi, Allah, which is authentic also, we know that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went up,

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you know, land which was raised, he would say that there could be Allahu Akbar, and when he would descend, he would do the tasbeeh. So between the Tobia he was doing tech, Mead, and takbeer, NTSB, but if jabber means this, then jabber is just telling us what he heard and what he knew. And we have other narrations to benefit us in terms of that which jabber didn't know. And with that brothers and sisters in Islam, we come to today's close the day of Tarawa, Masha, Allah, Allah has blessed us to spend the two and a half hours together Alhamdulillah with this narration, tomorrow being Allahu taala we will continue and move swiftly into the journey into Makkah, and what the prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did there, and then the days of Hajj, please do join me if you found this session beneficial. Please do inform others. And please, during this special days, and the special times make dua for your parents, for your teachers. For those who benefit you those who love you and you love those who make dua for you and you will have to make the raffle and for the Omar Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Don't forget to make dua for myself and share with one insha Allah. We did an entire shift with one too much and he will be with us again. Tomorrow be the Lucha Allah with his brothers and sisters in Islam. We come to the end of today's session Allahu Akbar,

02:37:22 --> 02:37:33

Allahu Akbar La ilaha IL Allah Allahu Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Allah he'll hand It has been a long session with no breaks. So it is now open for your patience and please forgive me for any slips of the tongue.

02:37:34 --> 02:38:06

Everything corrected is from Allah alone, and he's perfect any mistakes are from myself and Shere Khan and I see colossal panda who were to add his forgiveness. As promised, I will look at the Google Sheet to see your questions and look at the video feed to see if there are any questions there. And tomorrow we'll begin by answering those questions. I love you all for the sake of Allah. Until tomorrow May Allah preserve us in his obedience except our worship and make these 10 days of hedge our best ever. Please don't forget to fast tomorrow for those who have the length of the ledger tomorrow, the day of arafa whoever fasts Allah subhanho wa Taala will inshallah forgive them

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this the minuses have to have two years equivalent to two years so that is a reminder to you all please take take care brothers and sisters in Islam until then. salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato or sallallahu ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi remains behind Allah we have the Subhana Allah home we'll be having the measure to Allah, Allah. Hi, land, Mr. Furukawa to buoy Lake

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