Sajid Ahmed Umar – Surah Yusuf for the 21st Century #11 – How to Stick – The Art of Da’wah

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the harm of Subhanhousing words and the negative consequences of Subhan's actions. They stress the importance of understanding the natural world and the natural process of creating wine. The use of signs and sea water saved people's lives is emphasized. The importance of learning from the past and seeking advice to avoid becoming nervous is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Hill Karim Allah Allah He was so happy that you were in my back We begin in the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala glucose praises and blessings upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Hamdulillah we thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for yet another day and night from the month of Ramadan but Subhanallah we are heading with full force to the last 10 How many nights do we have left? Till the last 10 of Ramadan who's counting?

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On one night, Tuesday night

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Subhan Allah, may Allah accept from us all, what has passed and bless what remains and inspire us to be the best we can be. I mean era let me welcome my brothers and sisters in Islam, both on site and online to our Ramadan series for use of lessons for the 21st century yesterday, we stopped at the point where use of Allah he Salam was saved about Allah subhanho wa taala. And he actually made dua for Allah to save him. And he asked Allah subhanho wa taala, to literally place him into prison, because prison would be his only safety net, his only means of safety is only means of remaining upon the commands of Allah subhanho wa taala. And and we spoke in detail we went into the

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psychology, if I can use that term of the events, recognizing who he was as a human being, and the proposition that was in front of him, and Shavonne and the neffs and desires and so on and so forth. And he was definitely two options, either you do haram, and you do haram. After Haram is the punishment of Allah and the anger of Allah, or you go to prison, you survive and that is difficulty for you in this life, use of Allah he Salam chose the lesser difficulty to avoid the greater difficulty. And we learn from this, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, a principle that we find in Islamic jurisprudence in tech, which is,

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if you meaning if you are faced with a situation whereby both your choice choices are harmful, whereby both your choices are harmful, then it is upon you to engage the lesser harm to avert the greater harm, you engage the lesser harm, to avert the greater harm. But this fear this understanding leads us to have have a greater fear and the greater focus the Arcada

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belief in the hereafter if you don't believe in the hereafter.

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How will you understand what is the greater harm and what is the lesser use of Alayhis Salam understood Allah subhanho wa Taala he understood the punishment of Allah subhanho wa taala. He understood the reality of the life of the hereafter that is far longer lasting than the life of the suave, he understood what he stood to lose in terms of his gender, what he stood to lose in terms of

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ending Allah subhanahu tallas displeasure for him, this was the greater half going to prison, of course, it's harmful. It's difficult, it

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it brings to you a difficulty it takes you away from the amenities of life. But the life of the world is the of this world is temporary. And you will have as a result of prison and this difficulty, Allah's pleasure, you will have your agenda, you'd have safety in this life and the next, you would have respected your father because the teachings are the teachings of your father as well that you'd be adhering to. So now he had the right scales to use to understand the greater harm versus the lesser. When people think about benefit and harm, and the only mechanism for understanding events is the life of this world through before the grave. They make mistakes. They

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make mistakes. But a believer lives not to the grave, but beyond the grave. So when the he or she looks at things, they look at things holistically. They look at things holistically. This might be difficult, but how difficult is this in comparison to the difficulty of the grave? How difficult is this? In comparison in the difficulty of standing in front of Allah on the day of TM? How difficult is this in comparison to the difficulty of the punishment of the Hellfire? Uh huh. Now you have an understanding of what is the lesser harm and what is the greater harm. And now you know what to engage Yusuf Ali Salam engage the lesser harm prison was the lesser harm

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to avert the greater harm which is I think Allah subhanho wa Taala is displeasure now, did he do this in a depressed way? Did he do this in a sad way?

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Do you see him doing this and like, you know, complaining about life and feeling depressed and feeling like life is not worth living? And what is the point of life and and no, we see that he made this decision.

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with utmost belief and faith, and who sure humbleness, grounding, serenity, peace with Allah subhanho wa taala. And how do we notice? Allah tells us or dukkha, who sees fit and this is from the beauty of the Quranic stories, Allah moves it forward, and we can fill the gaps through our understanding of life when he goes into prison to other people and to prison with him to young people.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that they

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each had a dream. They each had a dream. They have this dream.

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Now, they in the prison, they have this dream, the dreams that they have confused them. What do they see in the dream?

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One of them he sees himself, pouring wine for the king

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Subhanallah are not exactly he is squeezing the wine out of the grapes, what's needed to make wine out of the grapes, in the astral camera

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has 100 Look at the the Quranic eloquence, meaning you don't squeeze alcohol from the grapes. You squeeze grape juice from the grapes, then there's a fermenting process and so on and so forth. Then you get the Hummer that we intoxicant. He is saying I'll see hombre, the Quran is describing him as saying I see myself squeezing alcohol. Because the Quran takes you from process to results.

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Basically, we understand in just a few words, that he's he seen all this in his dream, he was squeezing it, he was preparing it, he was involved in the fermentation process. And he was involved in the poll reporting process in the serving process. Recall eloquent the Quran is in just a few words, Allah told us his entire dream.

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But you have to wonder, this is from eloquence, linguistic eloquence, and some of this exists in English language as well. And in other languages, you find it in poetry as well. Subhanallah where you read poetry but you don't understand you need to really think about, read it over and over again to figure out what the poet is trying to say.

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Allah didn't say he was squeezing grape juice, but you squeeze grape juice squeeze grape juice, Allah says, he said I see myself squeezing as you turn meaning squeezing alcohol. So in this in these few words, Allah has told us the whole dream Subhanallah that he saw.

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If it was a tough seat, listen, I will go into the finer details the linguistic details but you know we are in depth per lesson when you get to the benefits or call. The other one took said in the irony amulet, Volker as you hope is, I see myself strangely, carrying on over my head bred to occlude the Roman hand Subhanallah I see birds eating away at this bread that's on top of my head. Now, Allah doesn't tell us about when did they get into the present? How did they get into prison? Which cell were they in? You know, how do they interact with Yusuf white, Allah just takes us straight to it immediately they telling us of alayhi salam, they're beaten, beaten a wheelie in

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Ramadan. Massini. And this is key for us. In these few words, this alone can produce the Quran, Allah He, I mean, I feel this need to make this a see lesson. Because it's so beautiful. So Hala, but there's so much

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prior lessons that are needed for you to appreciate this because I'd have to go into the nuances of the Arabic language for you to appreciate Subhanallah just how eloquent This is. This is next level, let's say the Quraysh they were from the family of eloquence.

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But when they had this Quran, they knew this is next level stuff.

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This is next level stuff. They knew it. And that's what they say. Only a doctor knows how really good a doctor is. You as a patient can say this doctor is amazing. But really, who really knows how amazing if this person is amazing, not only another doctor, a person who knows the craft can recognize special a special craftsman, but not so

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Subhanallah the Qureshi they knew but they arrogance Allah Who was that and prevented them from believing in this crime.

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They are telling you to interpret for us to dream. And guess what? You know, why are we asking you in America? Myanmarese need we see you from the people who do good. How do they see us from the people who do good if you went into the prison crime, if you surrendered into the present depressed, if you went into the prison in the corner, sitting with his legs close to his face, not wanting to engage people because he's just going test after test life keeps hitting me, no matter how much I try. Life keeps hitting me my brothers did this to me. Then I was put down the world then I was stolen and abducted for a second time. Then I was transported out of my homeland. And then I came to

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different homeland then I was sold as a slave and then I was in the scary slave market. And then I lived in this house with this woman who Subhanallah she didn't even she doesn't have morality she tried to seduce me and make me disobey Allah subhanho wa Taala And previously, all this idol worship and

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And then I'm 40, I need a break, and I need to breathe. You don't see if he was busy saying these kinds of things with these people go to him and say we see you from those who do good. What do you think? In these few words, Allah tells us how proactive use of was in the prison.

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He went into the prison smiling, he is helping people, he is assisting people, he is listening to people's problems, he is giving them life advice, you can only imagine him to be this this type of person for these two people who have the strange dream, to choose him to be the one to give them guidance about the dream that they saw.

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What do you guys think about this? Put the pieces together? Why would they say we see you from the Dewar's of good if he was doing everything else, but good. If you look like everybody else, depressed and lost, nobody would go to him. But when you are in a place, where Subhanallah you know, by default is a place designed for a specific group of people. And then you bring someone who is an anomaly to the group, everyone recognizes this person is different. Not so this person is different,

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useful for shining, this character was glaring. We spoke about it over the last few weeks. Not only was he beautiful face, but it was a beautiful character. He was a beautiful believer. He was a beautiful submitter, Subhan Allah.

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And he was beautiful in the present. Now, use of Allah he Salam, he

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says, To these people, and this is from the science of excellence in Tao.

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And from the signs of him being a prophet. He says to them, lay a Tico Mata, you know, the food that we about to eat this meal, this next meal we are about to have, it's not going to come, it won't be served, except that I will I will answer your question. You know, this interpretation you're looking for before the next meal comes, I will answer it.

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And when I answer it,

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it will be from that which My Lord taught me.

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Wow. What is he doing here? Firstly,

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in in a show of excellence, he is keeping them with him.

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If he gave them the answers, where would they go with they stay with him? Or would they be gone? Did they come to him to be his friend but they came to him for the need?

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are you with me?

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Is this this is too deep, or he came for a need. So if someone comes to you for a need and you fulfill that need what's left?

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You go away, but Yousuf has a bigger plan for them.

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He said has a bigger plan for them.

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Use of

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this is this is a sign of his character and his power and who he was put him in any environment, he is going to rise above, he is not going to let the environment define him. He's not going to let the moment define him. He is going to define the moment he is going to define the character. This is who used to find a histogram is teaching us to be whether you had work, whether you at home, whether you in the community, whether in the masjid, whether you with your in laws, whether you with whoever people work with you, they don't work with you, they work against you, they miss you, whatever the situation is, you are that person SubhanAllah.

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That happens two things, things don't happen to it, you come to the moment, and the moment feels you and changes because of you. It's not the other way around when the moment hits you and changes you because of it.

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This is the way of a believer use of is with it. I'm a daddy, these people are isolators they don't know Allah. So what do I need? I need to teach them about Allah. But to teach them about Allah, what do I need, I need to keep them with me. If I give them what they want, they're going to go away. So I'm not going to give them what they want. I'm going to give them what they need, then I'm going to give them what they want. And to make them stay. I'm going to tell them that the food don't come except I'll tell you a dream. So now they have an endpoint. And this teaches us human psychology, how to work with people don't leave people hanging. If you tell people don't worry, I'll tell you

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Don't worry, I'll tell you Don't worry, I'll tell you don't worry about let's see this guy is leaving behind you forget about him, and they're gone. But if you put a timeline that you know the media served at a fixed time before this meal comes I will tell you now they're going to sit around because there's it's just now it's going to come I might as well sit where am I gonna go? Right? And use have has secured their attention.

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And in the process of securing the attention, he introduces them to Allah, how when he tells them I'm not going to interpret your dream, I will interpret your dream before the next meal arrives. And my interpret interpretation will be from that which Allah terms

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he's planted in the head something that I will tell you what you want, but I just want you to know when I tell you what you want to know. It's not from me, it's from my Allah. So in their minds is a question Who is this Allah? Not so? The ilaha IL Allah, phenomenal, phenomenal strategizing here

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In Transit Subhan Allah He plants that seed, and then he waters it.

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Now he's there with him. They believe in him. He's under the trust. What does he do? He goes in for it. Why does he go in for it, meaning he's not attacking anybody, but he is going in for the meaning he wants to pull these people out of falling into the hellfire, out of idolatry. He wants to help them. And this is what happens in life. People many times come to us and they tell us what they want. But when we look at them, we know that they want something. They know we can help them with it. But there's something that they need, and we can also help them with it. So we will give them what they want. But before we give them what they want, we should give them what they need.

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As parents, you do this with your children, as teachers, you will do this with your students. That will should be the same when we interact with people, we should be the same many people want things from us. But we as the owner of Muhammad and Omar Dawa should be on top of things, knowing who really needs something and they don't have it and we have it and we can give it to them. And we should be searching for those opportunities to give them what they need before we give them what they want. And also this is from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it is from the way of the Sahara of the Gambia, Idaho. Salatu was Salam. Once they came to the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and they said in in under a couple Bahara we * we live off the sea we always on the sea because we fish and we have limited water

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into are gonna be here partitioner if we use the water for wudu we'll be thirsty.

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Because we can't drink the seawater. It's salty. If you've been to Jeddah, you know, the water is salty.

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If we use the water that we have, we will be thirsty. I'll find that out. That will be my oil, but they need something from the Prophet can we use sea water to make so we can save our water to drink and cook? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Who are the WHO Roma who are limited to Allahu Akbar. He told them what they wanted. And he also gave them what they needed. They didn't ask him, you know, we see dead fish, can we eat the dead fish?

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But he told them, he says you haven't asked what you need to know. The water is permissible for you to use for wudu. And the dead fish of the sea is also permissible for you to eat. It's the exception to the rule.

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Take drink from the lives of the prophets, but Brothers and Sisters in Islam, this is who we are.

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This is who we are and who we should be. Now that he has them. He goes in for it. He says to them in neoteric Tamil letter Comilla, you know, Nabila or humble era to whom Kathy Ron, he goes, You know what, me, I left the way of the people who deny Allah subhanho wa Taala and deny the ACA. I left the way of those people. I feel bad be scratching their heads and saying, oh, what's the one about here? Was he gonna vote? Yeah, he just came in with this line. Drinking, isn't it intriguing because he can see what they are upon. And he is telling them, You are telling me I'm from the good news. Let me tell you, I'm from the good news because I've left the way that you are on. I've left the way of

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the people who you follow. I've left that way. I'm not on that way. I'm not on that way. I'm not on the way of the people who denied the Hereafter. And then he goes on to, to, to make certain his identity. He says what better to me later eBay. He calls me, you know, who's where I'm upon. I'm upon the way of my forefathers. You know me, I have an identity in a way I learned about this identity when I was a seven eight year old boy in the home of my father before my brothers took me. Yes, I lived in my through my teens through my 20s through my 30s all the way to 40, in a home of idolatry in a home of all different identities. But me, I never forgot who I am.

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I'm upon my fitrah I am upon the way of my father's

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Subhanallah Ibrahim, what is halfway a COVID. Remember we said Yusuf is a prophet, the son of a prophet Yaqoob. The son of a prophet is Huck the son of a prophet Ibrahim. Ibrahim was the father of his heart. His heart was the father of Jacobi. Jacobi is the father of use of.

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He knows his identity.

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He knows his identity. I know who I am. I know who I am. I am a prophet. My father is a prophet. My grandfather is a prophet. My great grandfather is a prophet and I'm upon the way I have no identity crisis.

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He has everything about me everything around me is wrong. Everybody thinks I'm weird. Everybody thinks I'm strange. Everybody tells me I should be doing this and I should be doing that. But you know what, I don't lose sleep over it. Because I know who I am. And I know what I am. And I know how I am. And I'm fine with it.

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The people who feel the pressure of the hijab who feel the pressure of the day Islamic

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conduct because of the environment and then people telling pointing fingers at them, you should do this. You should dress like this. You should go do this work. You should study this industry.

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And they become confused because of everybody's you should you

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You should, you should. They are people who are not grounded in their faith, not grounded in the knowledge of where they came from, where they are going and how to get there successfully. That's the reality. It's not that there's a problem with the hack. The hack is the Savior, but the problem is with them. And their solution for them is to seek knowledge. Seek knowledge and you'll find all this you should you should, you should, you should

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not bother you anymore. We become nervous with everybody's advice. When we don't know why we do what we're doing. Everyone has opinions My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam. Everyone has whether it's to do with marriage, whether it's to do with children, how many children when you should have children, when you should stop having children with school, there will always be opinions around you would sit to you should move to which country you should move to what you should study, why you should study it, everyone will have opinions.

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But ultimately you need to have the opinion that is based on your why it's connected to something great. The world you want to see the day you die. Because everything you do from today is to help you see the world you seek to create the world you wish to see the day you die. What you study has to be connected to the world you want to see the day you die, who you marry needs to be connected to the world you want to see the day you die, how you dress, what you learn, how you choose to be how you choose to present yourself needs to be connected to the world you wish to see the day you die. If you don't know the world you wish to see the day you die everybody's you should and everyone's

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opinions will confuse you

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will repeat you and strip you of your identity.

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Use of knows the world he wants to see the day he dies.

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And he knows that that vision is built on the heritage. And that's the heritage of Prophethood I don't care what happens around me. I don't care where you put me where you throw me. What you

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labor, how you label me, I don't care. Right now he's in the prison. Who knows what the women of the city are saying about him? Do you see him carry? Because he knows who he is. He knows why he is. And he knows how he is. And he's articulating it to these people. This is who I am. I am not on your way because this is who I am. This is my identity. And guess what? You see me empowered because of it. I welcome you to it. I call you to it. I invite you to it. And that will be tomorrow's lesson in sha Allah when we go into the power of use of Alayhis Salam, and we go into the interpretation of the dreams and we go into the events after the interpretation of the dreams because in the heater Allah

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until we get to the point where the king of the land now has a dream and an hamdu lillah Allahu Akbar, Allah subhanho wa Taala indeed plants people plan, you plan, I plan you want I want but Allah plans that Allah does what he wants. We will see this inshallah end up coming lessons with Elijah Allah will keep it short today. I know tomorrow's Monday. Today Sunday is late. Everyone has preps but inshallah tomorrow will resume be the light enemy Allah preservers in his obedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala ALLAH blessed us with beneficial knowledge. We all accept our fasts, our prayer, our ibadah, our sadaqa our supplications we Allah accept the first 10 of Ramadan and accept our

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second 10 of Ramadan and bless us.

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In the marathon tent, the main 10 the last 10 of Ramadan bless us with diligence during every night and bless us with little other I mean, your umbrella mean I love you all for the sake of Allah wa sallahu wa salam ala Baraka Allah and Avena Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam ala here la comarca to over a cat

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