Sajid Ahmed Umar – Seerah S4 E22 – Lessons from the Battle of Mo’tah

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The "Art of Islam" series covers the history of Islam and its impact on the Muslim community. The Prophet sallali alayhi wa sallam's vision is to achieve Islam's goal of reaching four corners of the world, and setting leaders up for Islam before they pass away is crucial. The importance of learning to not act treacherously and not kill animals unnecessarily during a war is emphasized, and setting leaders up for Islam before they pass away is crucial. The conflict between the Romans and the United States is due to the implementation of Islam, and the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Hina sparing monosol Liana Salim Allah hotman Levine Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira laomi Dean my bad

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rubbish rally sadri where sadly I'm very lucky that Emily Sani yufka who Cody or praise belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala we praise Him and we request praises and blessings upon Rasul Allah, Mohammed Abdullah Salallahu alaihe alayhi wa sallam, I bear witness that there's no one worthy of worship besides one Allah and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is His messenger to my dearest brothers and sisters in Islam. I greet you with the greetings of Islam and peace in the people of paradise. Salaam, Allah here are my two who are Bearcats who made the Peace and blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala be upon you all.

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Brothers and sisters in Islam. It's an honor to be with you all again. And this time for Episode Number 2022 of our

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series fear of zero series blast from the past zero in the 21st century. Of course, this is episode I sorry, season number

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two, please do take a moment to invite other people to join in. If you find it beneficial, especially in Kerala, we can benefit each other and I sincerely believe that our time together is one that constitutes an act of worship and Alhamdulillah we are experiencing a special days What

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can I just ask those joining in from Twitter and YouTube and Facebook to just give me a thumbs up that you can hear me clearly. And that the feed is getting to you clearly, the audio is good, as well as

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as well as the video was paired with Allah bless you all. Yesterday, brothers and sisters in Islam, Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah, we completed an important part of the Sierra Alhamdulillah we've completed it, and we discussed its lessons. And that was no doubt related to who can remind us what that was related to.

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It was related to the Islam of highly developed elite. And it's mainly mobile high and last. And we also discussed the different circumstances in terms of how

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to Islam and the lessons from that. And as promised yesterday we want to discuss in other segment from the Sierra, an important segment in this era. There's many lessons for us from it, but also it shows us panela how Allah subhanho wa Taala overtime brings things together because finally now we have highly developed Waleed, who is a Muslim, and he had a pivotal role to play in the next expedition we're going to discuss and that is the

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the Marta expedition.

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And regarding this particular expedition brothers and sisters in Islam, it has a backdrop that we must discuss or briefly discuss, because also, this particular battle was not with the desert Arabs, but rather the Arabs offering civilization it was with the Arabs of a civilization. And in particular, it was with the Romans. Right, so this is unique brothers and sisters in Islam. It was a unique battle, because we've always been hearing about the Quraysh. Okay, we've heard about bonavia, we heard about the Jews of the region, right now. This is a whole different beast. Why? Because Firstly, these are the Christians. Secondly,

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this battle entails dealing with an entire civilization. Right? You're dealing with a group of people that were considered part of a civilization if I can

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say that, right? We spoke about how you had the Romans and the Persians, they were considered civilizations, they were considered to be advanced. And then you had the desert region in between, and nobody really cared about these Arabs in the middle of the desert that, you know, worshipped idols. And then they also practiced desert pie, you know, piracy in the sense that they were Pirates of the desert and they were usurping caravans and stealing from caravans and it was, you know, there was no real I mean, they'd

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Have we've seen that the Arabs in all the jewelry and ignorance, they had values, they had values, but generally, generally, you know, it was a tribal system. And every tribe had the mandate and they carried on. As they did know this was different now to the Romans, it was different to the Persians and the Arabs themselves, the desert Arabs, they looked up to the civilizations, they looked up to them, right. And there was a yearning in some of them that, you know, if if they could have the amenities, the financial standing, the material well being of these powerhouses, the Roman Empire and the Persian Empire, right. When we've been speaking about the battles between the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi, wasallam, and the parade and balloon Avi and haber, we speaking about, okay, we said 1000s, right. And we consider that to be big. And when we speak about the Battle of the Confederates, or the expedition of the Confederates, were talking about 10,000 and we said, Wow, that's a phenomenal number. Well, let's get into the details of motor. And then you see what happens to these numbers, and how the numbers of this expedition from the side of the enemy, Eclipse anything that the Muslims ever face Subhan Allah. So in terms of the backdrop to this particular expedition and battle, what happened was, over time, the Arabs in the north of the region they began

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taking in a stronger way, a stance against the Muslims the Muslims no doubt were being recognized. They were being treated as a formidable force. What happened in hybrid was spreading amongst the region. And they started you know, taking a position against the Muslims from before I heard Abia but after alpha day be especially it increased and remember we said hybrid also happened after her debut. Now what did they do? They troubled the Muslim traders heading back from from Sham from the Levant.

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Because we know that the Muslims would go there for trade, and we spoke earlier about the discussion between Abu Sofia and and, and and hierarchal when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam invited her call to Islam. And remember we said Hara was was noteworthy in terms of his character and how he respected the letter that came to him and how he read the letter and how he engaged Abu Sophia and to find out exactly who Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wasallam was and how he said if I, you know, I knew about this and had I known he was going to be from you I would have done the desert travel and gone to him and hugged him and washed his feet to honor him and kissed his feet and so on and so

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forth. Right so all this was was said then,

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now when the the Muslims were coming back, they were being disturbed by the Arabs in the north. In addition to this brothers and sisters in Islam,

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they went on and killed the messenger of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who was sent to the king of Bazaar, or the king of basara was a viceroy to the emperor of Rome. Right so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. As we said, the strategy changed he was engaging now emperors and leaders and kings and princes and so on and so forth. On the wider scene, one of his messengers was killed. Now the messengers name was on Had it been Amir LSD, and his killer was Shura veal, even amor Alka Sahni. Now remember earlier when we spoke about the slander of eyeshadow Viola. And had we said that the Sahaba were very, you know, they were very observant of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wasallam of his facial features of you know, his actions. And when this thing happened with isogg Allah and all the slander happened in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was waiting for revelation and Omar had this Ansari person if Omar was absent, the Ansari person will update Omar in terms of what's happened with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that day, and vice versa. If Ansari was absent, Omar would do it. Remember? And then once

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the Ansari comes to Omar, and he's stressed and he says something major has happened. And Omar said what any additional fasani remember that? I almost said what you mean the sun is coming meaning the emperor of Rome, the leader of Rome is coming. And remember I highlighted them that this for the Muslims was a matter of of, you know, it's something that would would create natural stress because you're fighting a superpower. So Maria saying, Are you saying the superpowers coming technically, and he said no bigger than that? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are separated from his family. Remember that? So I'm just bringing context here in terms of how the daily discussion would

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happen as well, because in this instance, a Hassani person killed the messenger, the messengers messenger, the ambassador of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this means if you're going to avenge the death of your messenger, and if you're going to bring a stop to this madness that is taking place and this disrespect that is taking place, guess what, you are going up against a superpower. Right? And now this killing happened, and we spoke about how they were troubling the Muslim traders, but also on top of

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They were sending threats. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was aware of these constant threats that were being sent. They were threats coming in from the rule of Damascus. They were the leaders of the Roman Empire the Christians of the Levant they were sending in these threats that you know what, we have our eye on you kind of thing, right and we we ever ready and prepared for you? Right and if we feel like we need to, we will just, you know, wipe you off wipe you out this this was the kind of messaging I'm I'm paraphrasing brothers and sisters in Islam, but just to bring the necessary emotion into play here. You know, these kinds of statements are being passed on the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is no child, he's got bigger things to worry about. He wasn't giving these threats importance, but when they kill these messenger, obviously everything had to be placed into the scale of consideration. So in eighth or eight H in the eighth year of the hedgerow, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam decided enough is enough, after this killing happened, he made the call for the Muslim army to he made the call for the Muslims, the Muslims made up the Muslim army brothers and sisters in Islam, that he called for the Muslims to come together and get ready to depart and Subhanallah without hesitation, without hesitation, I highlight this because

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guess what you going up against a superpower without hesitation? The Muslims, they come together now, this when you open the books of Sierra, I mean, one thing that catches the eye is that they call this the expedition of motor or husba. And if you remember in season, I think it was season three, we discussed this whole thing of Syria and Hezbollah. And some of the scholars explained that if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam went out with the peep with the army, it was called the hustle. And if he didn't, it was called a Syria. But if you open the books of Sierra, they always he has word Mota has word mortar, they use the term hustle. Now this is interesting for one reason, and

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that is because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam didn't join the Muslims on this particular journey. Now, it wasn't that he was some Allahu alayhi wasallam just, you know, deciding not to go. The fact is that you know what he has an army upon to hate. He has a loyal army. He has a skilled army. He has an equipped army. He has a vision, the army, he has an army that has been with him since the Battle of weather, and they just completed hiber right, they trained, they know the do's, they know the don'ts, they trustworthy delegation can happen now. And this is a visionary move from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if I can say so. Right. So he decided that the army will go

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in his absence, and he will delegate he will pass the leadership to a person. And as we will see three people

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and also if I can say brothers and sisters in Islam, it could be he was obviously he was always inspired by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Let's not forget his time to return to Allah subhanho wa Taala is coming up.

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All right, so it's Allah subhanho wa Taala his wisdom and decree that this happens, that the Muslims get to taste

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right, the task at hand without the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam because the messenger his vision is too big for his lifetime. So his, his his sub vision is to pass away leaving a team that can go ahead and achieve his ultimate vision, which is Islam reaching the four corners of the world. And as we always say, Islam spread far and wide after he passed away. salallahu alayhi wasallam. But all credit and reward goes back to him because he said the team, he trained the team, he prepared the team, he vision, the team, and so on and so forth, of course, with the Father, and the decree and honor and blessing of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we could say that this was also a form of of

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training them to manage things after his departed sallallahu alayhi wasallam. This is a test before the test if we can say that, right? And this is what visionaries do. They always have succession plans in play, they don't build projects or organizations that fall in the absence. And this is problematic. We see this today sometimes brothers and sisters, and it's not that we build the whole effort on the name of one person.

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And minus that person. It's a project on matchsticks

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right, so this is an oma vision. This is a timeless vision of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he's building it effectively. So panel I want us to also take note here that

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we know the seniors of the Sahaba Abubakar Rama with man

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raga Anima. Germain, right. In this battle, when we look at the narrative of this battle, you don't see these names. You don't see these names, right, you're going to see new names, you're going to see zedi been haritha Alright, he's not new. We discussed him when we discussed how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam abolished the class system and the adoption system, but generally in terms of strategic management, etc, etc, etc. We don't hear the words eight. Here, we're going to hear a different haritha we're going to hear jaffery whenever you type, we're going to hear

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The labor hour huh? Yes, we did discuss of the labor hour has poetry during the Battle of the Confederates. But again, in terms of logistics, in terms of warfare, these are new names. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he instructs the army, the armies together, he looks at them, he's going to set the leaders, he says to them, that the leader of the army is a Debian haritha and should he pass away, then jaffery gonna be a pilot. And should he pass away? Then Abdullah, even Raja Ravi, Allah

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Subhana Allah. Now, this concept of appointing a lead, and then to viceroys afterwards, after them is something that has, that also was practiced

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after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. In fact, today, for example,

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just me thinking off the top of my head, if we think about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for example, many times when the king passes away, you find before he passes away, he has a vise King and someone who will come after that that was the norm. Right now, it's not a set rule. That's not a set rule. But we find this being a norm where does this norm stem from? Allah knows best from what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did during this particular battle, where he said a leader and two leaders to come thereafter.

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Now this particular army had 3000 men 3000 that's massive, right?

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Yes, that's massive. But it's nothing compared to what we're going to hear about the opposition and their numbers. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told them, instructed them to go to the same place where al Harris was killed, where the ambassador of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was killed. And then he told them, invite them to Islam first. And if they choose to,

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if they choose to fight you, because of this message, fight them, they should be fought now. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam really set them up for success. And we spoke about this, that leaders set people up for success, not for failure. We've spoken about this time and time again. And this is consistent with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We've also spoken about this principle of that the scholars have oodles of jurisprudence, jurisprudence methodology, they speak about La La giusta, here Albion and worked in hedge, that you're not allowed to delay an instruction beyond the time that an instruction needs to be shared.

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Right? Because if you delayed then people are oppressed because they didn't know when they're going to do the wrong thing.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sending the army out. So he taught lessons that we find in the books are fixed today. When you open the books of faith, and you go to the chapter related to jihad, and striving in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala what I'm going to share with you, you find there and it's from the instructions that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave in the Sierra during the expedition of water. And this again, highlights how connected the Sierra is, to the Quran, and how it's connected to the Sunnah, and how all the sources from them. We understand the do's and the don'ts in Islam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he when he

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instructed them, he said, number one, Fear Allah.

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Number two, treat the Muslims Well, he's speaking to the leaders, brothers and sisters in Islam. Teach your people well, number three, invite them to Islam. But if you have to fight, then do it sincerely for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and not for the sake of any worldly gain.

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So that's number three. Number four, do not act treacherously. Number five, do not kill a female, or a child or an elderly person.

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Number six, do not kill a priest, or the followers of a priest who are in isolation in the place of worship.

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The next instruction do not cut a tree, no go near a date tree, no tear down a building. And you can understand by default here, it also means to not kill the animals unnecessarily.

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And then he said, when you meet, when you meet the opposition, and the polytheists invite them to Islam. Invite them to Islam.

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If they wish not to become Muslim, then they need to live under the justice and mercy of Islam and pay the jizya which is the head tax, which I explained briefly in previous sessions. And if they still refuse, then there's no other solution but war because Islam is going to remove oppression and the system is one of oppression.

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Now, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Muslims they went out with the army to bid them farewell they marched with them a certain distance, and then they bid them farewell. You can imagine how emotional This was brothers and sisters in Islam. I mean, think about it. This time you're going without Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. For the leaders for example, they thinking no doubt you think about it right? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Zaid as the lead and then he said

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Java as the lead and then he said don't live in Rwanda as the lead. So you can imagine Zaidi is thinking I'm not coming back from this Java

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thinking, I'm not coming back from this. I've done lies thinking, I may not come back from this. Right. And as the Army goes out, it is reported in the Sierra that Abdullah ibn raha, he cried.

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He cried.

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And the people who are bidding him farewell they asked why are you crying? Oh Abdullah, Han Allah listen to this answer to this answer brothers and sisters in Islam.

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He said, he said by Allah

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I am not crying because I'm in love with this life.

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Or because I have some ardent love for you all that goes beyond my level line is Rasul sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the life of the hereafter. I am crying, because as I am walking out, I remember the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reciting a verse Subhan Allah, they are connected they want to talk. I remember the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reciting a verse where he

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redo can Allah Baker had men pagi Yeah, Subhan Allah. He says, I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reciting a verse, that there is none of you, except that you will come to it, and you will pass over it meaning the Hellfire,

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meaning the hellfire.

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And then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, This is upon your Lord and inevitability decreed. This is the universal decree of Allah. Everyone is going to pass it. So he says, I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recite this and I don't know where I will go meaning Well, I pass it.

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And if I pass it, which part of genda Allah

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Subhana Allah. So his mind was in a different atmosphere, brothers and sisters in his lap. In his mind, I'm not coming back. He's already thinking of the next part of the journey. Think about this Subhanallah right. It's like when we in Ramallah we only think of Ramadan. So he was in a different place. He was thinking of that place and the reality of that place and the Hellfire and the punishment of the Hellfire and the bridge that is so thin, over the Hellfire that everyone will come to and have to pass over? And will they pass over it and get to Jannah? Or will they be pulled into the Hellfire? This is where his mind is? La ilaha illa Allah? He is not thinking of the family, and

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what will they do? And how will it be? And when will I come back? And how will it be when I come back? And will I be a hero and Nothing? Nothing brothers and sisters in Islam, and we will see the reality of this man later on as well.

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So this is what he says Subhan Allah, you know, what? Can you imagine living at the time of the Sahaba? Any? Today we say we know I want to listen to the lecture of that share. Why it's a mind boosting?

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Right? Can you imagine when you live with us? How about the Allah? I know what you mean? Just the interactions where demand boosting? Don't you feel boosted by by this event brothers and sisters in Islam?

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So the army Subhana Allah moves along, and the news reaches the Romans. Now listen to this. This is a superpower. They don't need to gather people they have the armies ready. It's like how today modern day countries, even before modern day countries even during the caliphates, right, they had people who are soldiers who already It was a full time job from morning to night. They are in gear, they are training, they are prepared, they are ready. It's bread and butter for them. You're dealing with a superpower nobody needs to call people together. The Romans immediate immediately call out the armies, they consolidate the powers the different leaders bring them in together. And guess what

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happens? They put together an army of how many? Guess? Who's gonna throw me a number?

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Right? Who's gonna throw me a number? All right. But anyway, time is moving along quickly. So let me let me just tell you, 100,000 men, 100,000 men. And guess what? There's no trench. When there was 10,000 men there was a trench that he that that neutralized the threat of this number. We have 100,000 men, and no trench brothers and sisters in Islam. But does it end there? No, it doesn't end there. What happens? Remember hero

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hero called the one who was respectful of the letter of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. Just in case, he says I'm sending in support fighters and a group from me. Guess how many? Another 100,000 men another 100,000 men La ilaha illa Allah La hawla wala quwata illa 11 la la la la la honestly 200,000 men are going to meet 3000 men brothers and sisters in Islam. Right now, when the Muslims get to man, this place man, which by the way today would be in

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in more than they do.

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All right, it's a place called man. Today in modern day Jordan, when they reach there, they learn about this mountain of 200,000 men in front of them.

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And not just 200,000 men, but 200,000 men of an empire of a civilization. They are well equipped, they are well dressed, they are well fed, they are well prepared, they are well looked after. And they have animals that suffice, whatever agenda they out to achieve.

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Now, you can only imagine the impact on the Muslims brothers and sisters in Islam. Yes, they will people have amazing Amen, but they will human beings as well.

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This impacted them. But guess what, as is the way with the true believers, negative impact is only short lived, why? They stayed in man. And they had a shoe. Where did they learn the shoe from Allah praise them for the Shura from the leader, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they get together to discuss what should we do? Guys? What do you think we should do? Should we fight? And let's be honest, this seems like a suicide mission? Or should we send a message back to the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam about the situation and wait for him to decide. Maybe he will call us back. Maybe he will tell us to fight. So a lot of the voices that were coming out, seem to favor

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number two, the latter option that you know what?

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let's let's send a message back to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam it's not do anything to engage this army. Right? Because even though this was historical warfare, they had the, you know, the rule of law understood in the region. Right. So if if they were settled in a place, and the opposition was settled in a place, and there was no instigation made, then they were settled at that place. Right. So they said, Let's send the message back. Right, and let's see what the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam says, especially since it's it could be a suicide mission, in the sense that, you know, we Let's be pragmatic here, right? What's gonna happen 3000 against 200,000, you

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outnumbered what's between 60 and 70? to one, I don't know 66 to one. So massive difference here. So for every one Muslim you got, he got 66 people on the other side.

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So these voices were coming out. And then suddenly, Abdullah ibn raha speaks, and boy, did he speak Subhana Allah, Allah

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intervene with helium, as the poet said, those are my father's bring me people like them.

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Bring me people like them. He spoke words, brothers and sisters in Islam that should be written in Golden ink. He said, Oh, people that would you fear now, is that what you came out for in the first place to seek martyrdom when you left Medina, you knew that there's a possibility that you could pass away and this was a real possibility, you would be a martyr, Allah would take you as a martyr, and you know, the gifts that Allah gives to the martyrs. And if and we, we know, we've been with the messenger, we've been taught, we don't fight people based on the strength of our numbers, based on our strength, or the numbers of the opposition, whenever did the numbers work out in our favor? No,

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by Allah, we fight them based on Islam, and we fight them based on that which Allah subhanho wa Taala has honored us with to Han Allah. This is what he says.

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When he says to them, in my view, we should proceed for we will get one of two things. And both are good. I the martyrdom of victory. Now, obviously, he's talking from the perspective of the person is speaking from the perspective of the person, okay, because

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as an army, you could get victory and martyrdom where you have victory and you have your soldiers, some of them who are mattered, but from the from the perspective of a person, you either martyred or you live to see the end of it, and that is victory. So this is what he says and Subhanallah, how powerful these words were, and how powerful can words be in level Bayani? Let's say, you know, in speech, there is magic. It can shift people's emotions. It can it can, it can bury. So Pamela depression, just words, it can motivate people. So Pamela, and that's what happened. After he spoke. They sort of agreed that you know what, let's go ahead, forget about number two. Let's focus on

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number one. The only option that we have is option number one. Now the Muslims obviously were led by Zayed to monitor

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as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam instructed them to head to the same place where

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the killing happened, but Zaid marched them over to monitor as a as a as the leader of the army, he had to implement a strategy. Now this wasn't going against Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, because he already did what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, but now we have a situation of 200,000 people in front of us, and now we need to strategize and he felt if we if we settle at monitor, this would be the preferred place to face the enemy gives us some advantages, and we need to take any advantage that we can find

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Then the battle ensues. And the battle is fierce brothers and sisters in Islam, it is fierce and Zedd leads and he holds the banner that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam gave him and you need to understand that back then. It was the norm of warfare that they fought based with the banners. The more banners you saw up, the more strength you understood the enemy to have and as the ban is fell, then you understood that the leaders and the fighters around them had lost the leader when the leader is lost, that things fall into disarray. The more banners that fall or the less banners you see up means you are getting the upper hand. Zaid hos the ban of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam and he was fearless and he was clinical and he pierced through the ranks of the enemy until Subhan. Allah He was punched and product and stabbed so many times that the wounds were too many and he bled and Allah subhanho wa Taala took him as a Shaheed meaning he passes away as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam instructs Jaffer then takes over and obviously brothers and sisters in Islam I'm summarizing here. If you want to feel if you want to feel the Bank of events, pick up the books of the Sierra and read Subhanallah some of the narratives that we have about what was going on Jaffer picks up the banner La ilaha illa Allah Jeffery bin Abu Talib, he follows and walks in the

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footsteps of Zaid, he leads from the front and he holds up the banner and he is fierce as well against the enemy. And he does everything that a leader should do. And the Romans notice that this flag is back up. And back in the day. As I said, when they noticed that the flag was up, they would focus the enemy would focus his attention on that flag and try and surround the leader and the people that were with him like a bangle around your hand or like a ring around your finger. That's what they would try to do. And they successfully got to Java, and they surround the Java. They surrounded him and Jaffer Subhanallah he doesn't see a nobody, he doesn't fear anything. He doesn't

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fear anyone Subhana Allah Allah, he jumps off the horse. And in some of the narratives of the Sierra say he stabs his horse and kills his horse. Allah Allah, whether this was to show the enemy that surrounded him that he has nothing to live for. He's going to give it his all. And some scholars say that he did so so that they couldn't take his horse and use his horse against the Muslims. Because there was there was no time to give them any favors. They were already people of 200,000 in number.

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Jeff Jaffer, he continues being surrounded by the enemy and Subhanallah he defends blows, he dishes out, blows from himself as well. He holds up a shield he holds up his sword. He fights diligently until when someone manages to cut his right hand in which he is holding the banner of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and that banner falls his hand is bleeding to his bleeding out brothers and sisters in Islam. The narrative say Subhana Allah He picks up the banner with his left hand and he holds it up and the Muslim seed up so the Muslims carry on fighting until the Trump of his left hand La ilaha illa Allah now his left hand is chopped. He has no hands to hold. Both hands are

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bleeding it he said that he hugs the banner. And I'm trying to imagine what this hugging was that you only have your arms. You don't have your hands. So you tried to hug it and hold it against your chin. Well, no. He holds it up. The banner isn't straight, but it's slanted. But the point is that it's up and the Muslims continue fighting Subhanallah until he is given the blow of death and Jaffer robiola when he is taken by Allah subhanho wa Taala as a Shaheed this happens a billable hour hi takes over Robbie Allah Who am Ravi Allah who and whom he brain, he picks up where Jaffa left off, and he was diligent and he fought like a mighty warrior. And he led from the front as his leader,

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam toward him. And towards the end of the day, the books of sera say that he too was martyred Subhan Allah, so it was a day of fighting. And at the end of the day, the three leaders have expired, they have returned to Allah subhanho wa Taala as martyrs, and the Muslims have no leader, but as was the norm. At the end of the day, the fighters would recede and the fighting would stop and rest would take place. And whilst this is happening, fair bit, even out of time, I'm sorry, he goes and he picks up the banner.

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But he doesn't pick it up with the intention of assuming leadership. No, he was humble robiola one

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but he could have brothers and sisters in Islam he was humbled but it's not like he wasn't able this you know, sometimes we confuse humble for someone lacking confidence.

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No, he was able. He was not shy in front of Allah. He fought better. And he was phenomenal in the battles his knowledge of warfare, his strategy, his intelligence, his skill sets, he added all he could have been the leader, but he doesn't pick it up with the intention of being the leader. He picks up the banner and he says all Muslims

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easterly who originally mean come agree to someone from us, who will be the leader moving forward tomorrow

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or moving forward period. The Muslims is the norm they never do anything without an Emil.

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So people said you do it. You do it. Yes habit. You be the leader. And fabried said, No,

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no, I didn't pick it up to be the leader, but rather I picked it up for someone I have in mind someone and his name is Harley Davidson. Well, it Harley Davidson worried robiola one. How amazing are the Sahaba Allah

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Subhana Allah look at them wanting good for each other, not trying to make everything happen only from them.

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He says highly dependent valid. Now some reports they heard it said that No, I will not take it fabric is more deserving fabric for to better and he fought or her debit is, is more deserving. Remember, Harley just entered Islam.

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And fabric wasn't having it. And this is leadership without being the leader, brothers and sisters in Islam, that it wasn't having it. He said Harley just take the banner, I picked it up for you.

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So while it knows this is not a situation to waste time Holly takes over. And Khalid sits anythings carefully.

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He thinks very carefully

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seeking the help from Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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He puts all his skills and knowledge of warfare together. And he thinks of what can be done here to salvage the situation. And how he thinks of one way and that way is retreat. Now you might say What?

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What? retreat, the Muslims never retreat.

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Hardly thought about retreat.

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But this wasn't a retreat, as we think of retreats. This was being pragmatic.

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This was being practical. You facing 200,000 people, like I said, What's the number guys for those doing the count? Is it what? between 60 and 70? to one, right? I think about 65 or 66 to one for everyone wants to be 66 people or 65 people? Right? He's being pragmatic. So Khalid thinks that you know what the best way forward is for a retreat. But Khalid knows that retreat is not easy. Why isn't the retreat easy, because we too close to the enemy. There is not enough space for us to retreat. For the retreat to happen successfully, we need space. Because if we retreat based on the current positions, they're going to humiliate us and annihilate us.

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So while it now thinks, how can I create a space between me and these 200,000 men, or whoever was left from them after battle they want

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and Khalid comes up with an idea with the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Khalid says,

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you know, he plans this, he says we need to work at night, when it's dark, what's going to happen, we're going to change the positions of the units. Those on the left, you go to the right, those on the right, you go to the left, those in the front, you go to the back, those at the back, you go to the front,

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right, so your banners change as well. And your faces are all different.

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Okay. And whilst we are shifting in the darkness of the night, I want you to make noise with your feet. I want you to bang the weapons, bang the weapons on the shields make noise. Now, what was he talking about? What is he talking about? Hide it wanted to trick the Romans to believe that overnight, the Muslims got reinforcements. Now part of Holly's thinking and this is amazing.

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Part of his thinking is he's saying to himself, these Romans, the 200,000, they just faced 3000 people for one day.

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They face the might of 3000 people for one day.

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Right 3000 people for one day. So no doubt as these Romans go to sleep. As these Romans go to sleep,

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they're going to be thinking that, wow, these Muslims are tough. Right? This was look at our numbers and look what they've done to us. So if they have reinforcements, this is going to bring about a psychological downfall. He's going to affect the mentality.

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Right? This is amazing from harlot. So this is a plan will it work? Won't it work Allah knows best. So Heidi does all this. And when dawn arrives, Khalid commands the Muslims to charge the Romans and Subhanallah they did. They did and call it once the Muslims to charge them as if they didn't even fight the day before. As if they fresh and the Muslims did Subhanallah the Romans Get up. They see new faces, they see new banners. They see these people charging us like as if we didn't have war the day before. The Romans are still feeling the aches and the pains they still being

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lethargic and the Muslims are coming at them. Subhan Allah This led to the intended outcome that Khalid wanted. They mentality changed. They felt scared. And what do people do and they naturally fear or they leaders naturally fear, they retreat. And when they retreat, they people retreat. And when this retreat happened, the space that Khalid was looking for occurred. And Subhan Allah, the Muslims retreat in a phenomenal way. You know what commentators will talk about warfare throughout history, they actually highlight this retreat that Allah subhanho wa Taala gave to the Muslims at the hands of holiday, Walid as the most effective, noteworthy, noteworthy retreat in the history of

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warfare of desert warfare.

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Right now, despite all these brothers and sisters in Islam, it's amazing that you when you when you think of this battle, do you think that many Muslims passed away? The books of Syrah say only 10.

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Muslims passed away.

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But as for the Romans, we don't have a number. But I leave you to imagine how many of them passed away. If you think about how Zaid fought and you think about how Jaffer fought and you think about how

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Abdullah ibn raha forte, and then you think of holiday even worried because it is stated in the sun by one of the companions? if my memory serves me, right, it's up to live in Arma Allahumma. He says, On the day of Naropa harlot broke nine swords.

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I may be mistaken, please forgive me, in terms of the narrator, but there's a narration that also is attributed to Khalid himself, in which he says that on the day of mapa, I broke nine swords in my hand. That's how fierce the fighting was until I was left with a Yemeni ablate

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with a Yemeni ablate I please forgive me if I had a slip of the tongue or cross towards if with regards to with Abdullah Rama was narrating. But in any case, what I'm sharing with you is something established that this is what Khalid eblen Walid robiola who narrates from this battle, the Battle of nine blades. So when you think of this brothers and sisters in Islam, you can only imagine how many of the Romans were killed during this battle. Now, as a highlight from this battle, again, I've highly summarized it, so please go back and read it. But as a highlight, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam remember wasn't there. But Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah blessed him with a

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miracle. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was blessed to see the battle happening live while he was in Medina, as if he had satellite TV Subhana Allah how today we see a football match live or something happening live, we see it on TV, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is seeing it live, Allah is feeding the feed to him, and he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is describing it as giving a commentary to the Sahaba around him. Can you imagine the the thoughts At the time, the imagination at the time, and he said Subhan Allah, that it was an emotional commentary that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his eyes would filled with tears when he's talking about who's

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passing away, and who's picked up the banner and what's happening with Java and so on and so forth. So Pamela, so before the army gets back from the Muslims know what happened, and when the army get back, Subhana Allah brothers and sisters in Islam, guess what happens? The Muslims of Medina go out to meet the army. And guess who goes out with them? Their children even go out with them? To Han Allah? But why did they go out with them? Did they go out to chair and welcome them back? Find Allah brothers and sisters in Islam after all, that they went to throw sand on them? And they said to them, how could you flee? How could you run away? How could you leave the battle.

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And it is reported that the children were doing this as well Subhan Allah, they were throwing sand onto the Muslims coming back. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam corrected everyone and said, they did not flee. But they returned to resume fighting later on. And we will hear about the book. And then there are episodes during the time of the rashidun after the passing away of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we know that both the patient and the Roman Empire fell into the hands of the Muslims. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was highlighting to them that they were being pragmatic. And you see Subhanallah brothers and sisters in Islam, that by the

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Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, delegating the circumstance in the situation. And all this, it led to more lessons being taught to them, it led to the Muslims being more prepared for life after the passing away of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam for here, they also lent

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you know that, that there's a difference between fleeing and being pragmatic. Now I know our time has come to an end. So we won't take the lessons from this. Or the pitstop lessons as we do. We'll do it tomorrow at the beginning of the next episode insha Allah and then we'll get into the next segment of the Sierra, which is a very important segment so please don't miss tomorrow as well.

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But one thing I want to say

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Before I leave is when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam was giving his commentary about what was happening at mortar. In his commentary he described Khalid literally there's the sword of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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as the sword of Allah subhanho wa Taala and there's a lesson to learn from this which will take tomorrow insha Allah and this is where Khalid even when he got his famous title, the sword of Allah subhanho wa Taala interesting. Interestingly enough brothers and sisters in Islam, this is a side point, holiday Villa Walid He died on his deathbed, he didn't die in the battlefield, as a martyr.

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He died on his deathbed because during the time of ameriglo, kopparberg, Allahu Allah took him out of being the leader of the army, for one reason or the other, this beyond our scope to discuss now, and also gave him other roles, which meant he didn't participate with the Muslims in the battles that took place he passed away on his deathbed, but Subhanallah it was something that he felt sad about because given that he was the sword of Allah, and who he was known what he was known for, in the regions panela you know, someone who's known like him, you think that he would pass away on the battlefield, but he passed away with the decree of Allah safely on his bed. But no doubt, when

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you're in the battlefield, you can't be reading the Quran as much. And towards the end of his life. He got the opportunity to connect in different ways with parts of Islam that he was late to, because he accepted Islam later towards the end of this year of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam In any case, that is it for today, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, I love you all for the sake of Allah, everything correct said is from Allah alone, and he's perfect and any mistakes for myself and Shere Khan and I ask Allah subhana wa tada to forgive, to forgive me and ask Allah subhana wa Taala to forgive us and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless us to witness the night of power and

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decree in virtual a little further and to make our ending to Ramadan stronger than our beginning and to make us from amongst those fleet fleet freed from the Hellfire and ask Allah to grant us sincerity in our time together and to make us a people that listen to a good word and follows it I mean, Europa alameen until tomorrow salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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