Sajid Ahmed Umar – Introduction to Fiqh Part 7

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The conversation discusses the negative impact of not forgetting that Islam has caused harm and the need for everyone to be mindful of the length of time they've been in the world. It also touches on the importance of not giving anyone a false statement and not backbcribing them. The segment ends with a statement that "besides the waif," it is time for everyone to be mindful of the length of time they've been in the world."
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen are beginning starting on a Sunday on a Sunday Mahatma bien Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira Allah with Delia Marburg once again a salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. We thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for bringing us back for yet another session as we learn from the inheritance of Mohammed, Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Alhamdulillah, we've gone through a lot we started earlier today discussing Philip and the meaning of film in the Arabic language. And then we discuss the meaning of film in the context of the Sharia. And then we discuss the rulings related to the study

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of physics. And thus we understood what it means both the sovereign was declared right, we discussed the meanings of the software, and we discussed the meanings of the stick. And then we went on to describe the stages of fixed developments. And we began discussing the first two to three phases of fix developments and the intricacies surrounding the development of and how each stage forged a pathway for the development of the next phase. And we discussed examples, between the two schools of thought I will Hadeeth, an array

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and an array and how the schools of thought different from one another. And the formidable reasons that was a reason for the difference of opinion between these two schools of thought, or the reasons that cause these two schools of thought to adopt a specific methodology. And obviously, we again fundamentally mentioned that even my surgery was the teacher of Iraq, and even Omar rhodiola and Houma and Abdullah have an ambassador of the level and whom I was the scholars of hijas. And the methodology between the Sahaba differed, and that methodology was passed on and so on and so forth. Was that we start one of the two methods that I wanted to share with you this evening. We have the

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Hanafi madhhab, the first of the mothership that we know that exists still today. The Hanafi madhhab was called the Hanafi madhhab because it was attributed to the great Imam Abu hanifa Norman even sabot Zopa al Khushi, great Imam Abu hanifa, and his name was not a man, even fair bit Zopa and he was from Kufa that's how we say al coochie. Man even fabric in Abu hanifa was of Persian origin. And obviously as we said he was from Kufa but we're talking about his origin just like today you could be British but you have an origin. And as I said it he said that he met NSE bin Malik the Allahu Allah and narrated the Hadith followed me forever to Allah, Allah Muslim always said that the

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majority of Torah Lama weaken that particular generation, and it's different whether he met as a heavy thus became a Tabby, but there's no doubt that is from the senior of the a tabular piece from the senior of the x back a tablet. Right. And Abu hanifa Rahim Allah was a very pious person. And Abu hanifa was lashed and jailed and he died in jail because he refused to be a judge. He was asked by the ruler of the land to take on the post of Bobby, because he was considered the most knowledgeable in the land. And he refused because he feared Allah subhanho wa Taala in that, and he was lashed. And he was placed in jail and he died in jail Rahim Allah. Abu hanifa was known to

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recite the Quran once every night and twice a day in the month of Ramadan. So he was from those that completed 64 and recitations in the month of Ramadan. This is attributed by the scholars of theory. This is certified by the scholars of theory and attribute this practice to Abu hanifa Rahim Allah, and he was also known to be a person who would complete his five times daily Salawat with one ablution with one which tells you how he continued in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala, from Salah to Salah, and also Allah subhanho wa Taala blessed Abu hanifa Rahim Allah with great intelligence, great intelligence and this was testified to by other imams like Imam Shafi and Imam

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Malik rahima, whom Allah for Imam Shafi said, unnecessarily Yeah, Luna Allah, Abu hanifa that people are dependent upon Abu hanifa. So remember, Shafi didn't meet Abu hanifa if my memory serves me, right, he was born after the death of Abu hanifa. But he studied with the students of Abu hanifa and through what he learned from Mohammed even Hasina shibani and others are Hema hormones.

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He grew in all of the fear of a man. And his family famously said that I met a man who was so intelligent, that if you told him that there's gold in these pillars, and he was pointing to the wooden pillars of machinery Nebo he, you told him that is gold in this wooden palace, La Palma, behold, Jay would have extracted the evidence to prove that gold is there. And it's well known that hanifa had, he would extract from a hadith and even though Allah and Kufa would send questions to Abu hanifa when it came to understanding the core criterias of Hadith Allah blessed him and Allahu Allah Masha Allah subhanho wa Taala does as he pleases. So if he was from the pious servants of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala. Also Imam Abu hanifa was a trader. So he wasn't somebody who took money from others rather he and the living for himself. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to count upon him continued mercy. I mean, and obviously we know today's lessons are vast and spread and as has been accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala and everyone who practices then he has enough sleep a portion of the rewards, Rahim Allah. Now we know that if I'm a chef, even though used to debate Mohammed even has an a shave, anyone remember Shafi? Remember chef is special because I'm a chef. It comes from the lineage of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And remember, Chef, he was a

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specialist in the Arabic language, and he was in Iraq, and he lived in Egypt, and he learned from the other imams. So even though you know, he would have when we say debate, we mean scholarly debates, not debates of lack of right debates of without a full of an edit when he had these debates with Mohammed Manhattan regarding certain things you might have deferred to with regards to the Hanafi madhhab. Even though with all those debates, he still said that people are dependent upon Abu hanifa and Armand hammer Hala Abu hanifa. And with regards to who was his teachers, when Abu hanifa learned from a scholar who was known as Hamad even obese when a man Hamad even a be silly man, it

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doesn't mean he didn't have other teachers but this was the most famous teacher of Abu hanifa Rahim Allah, it's important that we have adequate these Imams and the scholars that Allah subhanho wa Taala blessed with him and Amen. Right they had him and it wasn't a matter of El Mundo ml ml. I mean, look, we've had the practice of Abu hanifa Rahim Allah so we should say Imam Abu hanifa and make dua for them Rahim Allah This is from the adept of seeking knowledge. And the Hammadi bin Sulaiman learned from many scholars, the most famous of whom was Ibrahim and Now hurry, and Ibrahim and hurry land from urban Missouri there'll be a loved one and even Mr. Ravi Allahu and land from

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honorable ha Pavarotti, Allahu Allah, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Omar he will have learned from Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So it's a noble lineage. And obere lineage, you know, these weren't people who were speaking about Allah Deen Lucy, right? Even if they said something that you and I disagree with the way above us in weight and honor and rank and they spoke about it at a time when it didn't exist as it exists today there was no Buhari and Muslim and and soon in Abuja old and unless I had this one compiled in book form that what will happen after that all happened after. So even if we disagree, we have adapt in the way we disagree. Because their

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mistakes are definitely better than ours. Right and we have it on the plate really because they did use the rule and placed rulings from what they deduced. And that needs bravery, right. And the fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, when we basically when we read the books of and we find the scholars in the books of physics, say this is the view of the School of array, then we should understand that what they mean by it is this is the School of Imam Abu hanifa. This is the view of Imam Abu hanifa. Okay.

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By who are the students of Eman Abu hanifa Rahim Allah. Well, there were many the famous of which were Abu Yusuf. He had famous students and these were imams in and of themselves. It's good for you to have this knowledge of them as Arabs when you read the books of faith, you know, like for example, if you open al hidayah they'll say violent Imam Kava, or Pilar Sahib been Kedah, whoever sahibi to know Abu Yusuf and his name was Yaqoob Eben Ibrahim al Koofi passed away in the year 182 after he which was 32 years after the death of Malmo honey for him Allah for your information in Bamako. hanifa was born in the year 80 after his era and passed away in the year 150. After his

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eight years after his era was his birth date, and his death date was in the year 150 after his death, and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best sometimes

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He was born. He was born 50 years after his era and died in the year 130 after he died, but the stronger view is that he was born in the 80th year after his era, and passed away in the year 150, after giving him a lifespan of 70 years. So from his students famous of which were abuse of Jacobian, Abraham, Abu Yusuf was chosen to be the judge.

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Right. And, obviously, they knew that he was produced by

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a man of honor Abu hanifa. So he was chosen to be the judge, and he took on the post, and what a blessing of a judge he was. And he was known as Avi alcova. He became the head judge, the judge of judges, he was given the title of Avi al COVID. And Abu Yusuf is definitely from the senior members of the method because the other students such as Mohammed bin has an A Shea Benny, Mohammed bin hasn't spent the last years of spend time during the last years of Abu hanifa his life. And then he continued learning from Abu Yusuf so another famous student, and this is another heavyweight he's Mohammed even has an ashay Benny Muhammad ibn hasn't a shibani and then I say, if Abu hanifa did

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nothing besides produce Mohammed bin Hashanah shibani then that was enough. Like they say that if you've been Tamia Rahim, Allah did nothing but produce. Rahim Allah, that was enough. Right? So these were the blessings that Allah subhanho wa Taala gave. So Mohammed even has to shave it now, when you read the books of the HANA fees. And you see, the scholar writes, this was the view of Sahaba. In the two companions they talking about are the Abu Musab and Mohammed bin has these two in particular, are being referenced. Okay. They are being referenced. So now you have an idea how to understand something there's we can do a whole course on how to read the books of them or that

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because it is not a science in itself, honestly, but these are just a few pearls that I can share with him. When the scholar says so he been referring to these two, and what it means by the two companions as the companions of Abu hanifa. And Rahim Allah by another student was zophar. He wasn't as famous as these two, but you might see his name in some of the Hanafi books like Al hidayah. And others, they say this is the view of zophar even who they are. And another student was, for example, Abu layth Louie, but he wasn't as famous as the first two. So they're not referenced, but you might find mentioned Abu layth Louie. Now, the Hanafi madhhab. Now pay attention is the Hanafi madhhab is

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based upon the narrations of the sahibi, the Sahaba, the Hanafi madhhab ripess in Golden ink.

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The Hanafi madhhab is based on the narrations of these two companions. Remember, we said Abu hanifa didn't write any book right. So, these people are narrating what they have said. Now, the Hanafi madhhab differs from the other method because it was a method of sure method of sure Abu hanifa would sit with the specialist in fic and the specialist in school and the specialist in language from his students and reproduce a circumstance and situation and tell him to research then he will come back and listen to what everyone had to say. And then he would give his ruling.

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Right so it was it was based on Shura, right, which is different to the other meta

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was based on individually he had, in most cases was the Hanafi madhhab, in most cases was based on communal, he had this concept of Shura, which makes it unique, which makes it unique. And this is why these two students of Abu hanifa are really imams in and of themselves even though they attribute it to the Hanafi measurement. They attribute it because of the issue of using the ruler of Abu hanifa and deriving the rulings. But you will find that they differ if you if you if you put together the difference of opinion of Abu Yusuf Fatima hanifa. And have you been hassling with Abu hanifa. They probably differ with him in two thirds of the method. But they are Hannah V's and

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considered Malema of the Hanafi Meza ban, they are considered the actual, you could say founders of the Hanafi madhhab, after the Imam and teacher because obviously it all goes back to the school that was used. And this is true in my son like breaking news to some of us

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that whoa, hold on a second. It's not avani. It's the students of the differ in two thirds What's going on? Well, you can write it as breaking news, put some stars next to it. Now, obviously, we must understand what does it mean when we say Abu hanifa said, and what does it mean when we say is the view of the Hanafi madhhab. So you can put a heading Abu hanifa versus the Hanafi madhhab.

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Right, because this is important, right? We know that the students do fit into that. So what does it mean? Well, in my humble view, through my humble readings and following of teachers of the Hanafi madhhab from the different parts like Eros,

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And the Indian subcontinent and so on and so forth, they all have different criteria in terms of what they please forward or whose view they give credence to when when coming up with a ruling. So, in some parts of the Indian subcontinent, they will put forward the view of Abu hanifa irrespective and in some parts of the world, like in Sharma and so on and so forth, they sort of use the methodology of urban Aberdeen, who was a, I think 12th or 13th century mahaki, he was a revise of the method, he was a hanafy and he brought all the different views of all the scholars before him, and he discussed them and he looked at the evidences and he then from they extracted what he thought

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was the closest view to the evidence and produce these evidences to support his view. And Mashallah, he was so confident regarding himself that when he did his book, he said Anahata, Ma, and mahaki and the seal of all those who revise the Hanafi madhhab. So he has Mashallah very Leonard scholar, and he uses as a methodology that in a bar that we use the statements of Abu hanifa and in Cava, we use the statements of Abu Yusuf and in marital matters and other trade issues. We use the views of Muhammad ibn Hasson. So the Hanafi method can come together this way depends on now the issue of the Hanafi scholar when he produces rulings, right. And that is why for example, you can go for Hajj and

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you find some benefits will revert and answer at a time. And some other Hanafi camps will join between the harasser.

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Right, so the view of Mohammed bin Hassan and Javi Abu Yusuf and the majority of the allameh the chef is the hammer is the Malik is is that you join the herd and answer when you turn on the day of alpha right this is something which you probably weren't accustomed to. So you will find in in the Hanafi camp, some Hana V's who will observe Salah var at the time of the harasser at the time of us, because they followed the view of Abu hanifa In this regard, and some Hana fees as well. And it might even be Hana views from the from the subcontinent. They will observe her and answer together on arafa, because they sort of give credence to the view of Mohammed bin Hasson and the abuse of so

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there is no real formula that we can attach here to say what happens but what we need to understand is that when we say Abu hanifa said, then that doesn't necessarily mean that's the Hanafi method. And when we say that this is the Hanafi madhhab. It doesn't necessarily mean that this is the view of Abu hanifa is a clear. Breaking News, isn't it? Five? What is the issue of remember Hanif and hanafy method? Well, we know that Abu hanifa Rahim Allah didn't leave us a book, you know, pseudo as him I'm sure he did. But his students obviously knew his methodology in coming up with rulings and they documented it for us. So we also have the Hanafi madhhab is number one, the Quran. That's the

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first point of reference. Number two, the Sunnah, because you always hear a lot of stories about the Hanafi madhhab and the Sunnah, and rejection of Hadith, and so on and so forth. But this is incorrect. This is the statements of those who don't know, but think that they know, right? The sooner the second point or every book in the Hanafi bathtub that you open, you'll find that the second point of reference is the same. There might be differences in working with the sun as I shared with you examples previously, based on a range of matters which are also shared with you. The third point of reference is Iijima Iijima and we discussed what is the fourth point of reference is

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Ts and Ts is analogy

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is analogy. And Ts refers to the presence of a situation that has a ruling based on the Quran and the Sunnah regarding it. So that's established when you have another situation, which is similar to that situation, but it doesn't have a ruling from the Quran and the Sunnah about it. So through chaos, you transfer the ruling from that scenario, which is established from evidence from the Quran and the sooner and you shift it across to your new situation. You understand that? That's chaos, for example, we say alcohol is Hara. And that is established because Allah subhanho wa Taala warned us against it. We understand why is alcohol haram because it causes us to lose our mentality, our state

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of focus, right? It affects the mind and one of the objectives of the Sharia is to protect the mind.

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Okay, so we have a situation and we have a ruling established from the Sunnah and we understand why the Sharia has made that Hara then we have fermented grapes. Somebody says I have grapes and I've placed them in a situation in some water and I've left it in some heat and or date. Sometimes people leave dates in water. Right? They leave it for a while. And when you drink it what happens here hamdullah you don't know. So So somebody comes to you and says, Well, what about fermented grapes now we don't have a ruling from the Sharia that tells us fermented grapes is haram but we know that grapes when they

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meant intoxicates. And we know that the Sharia has made her on that which intoxicates. So we shift the ruling from alcohol and we share it with fermented grapes. That's Yes, that's analogies are clear. That skill needs a very deep understanding of the ALA, the reasons why something is wired up and the reasons why something is wrong. It's very important. And a lot of differences of opinion are based on this concept of as someone MSA the reason why this is forbidden is because of the central dogma say no, it's because of that, like in Riba Why is LIBOR in measured items, a harem dilemma defit, the Illa in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade us from selling wheat for wheat

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and barley for barley and dates for dates and salt, for salt and so on and so forth. What is the reason they are different? Some said because they are items that are weight. Some said no, they are items that can be stored. Now you see how the difference of opinion happens? Because there are lemma who say it's something which is weighed, they will through chaos shift the ruling to other things which can be weighed and the LMR who say no, it's not that which can be weighed, it's haram because it's something which can be stored, they will shift the ruling to things which can be stored, and those will Mr. Won't. So now you have a difference of opinion. Again, you got to understand the

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intricacies. This is what the whole focus of our time together is let's say us now yes the HANA V's as we discussed, they use gas to a greater degree than the other modality Maybe Mr. Malik falls follows close behind the Hanafi madhhab in the usage of Ts, because we did discuss that for example, if a hadith comes through a singular tradition had it or had it wasn't narrated by so many Sahaba and the Hadith goes against something established by a Ts, and that the US was based on evidence which was considered certain the NF is would you stay us over that Howdy. So in that regard, I would say that under fees were applied the concept of as in a more wider fashion Okay. Then, after they

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asked there's something called is the sun is the sun now is the sun is something which I'm sure he debated Mohammed even has an in the hand of is about is the sun is the sun and we don't have time to delve into them a lie they intricate topics to explain, but I'll try my best to share with you something that might make you have a tozawa. Okay, we're not going to give you the stick will give you the solar regarding is the exam is something which the handoff is used and the medic is used as well. In fact, my medic says that it's the exam is nine tenths of knowledge on a law.

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Right? And remember, Shafi says, Whoever practices is this and then they've taken the place of the Sharia, he was totally against it. But when we look at the evidences, we find that what Imam Shafi was talking about that wasn't what the Hanafi is in the Maliki spoke about. So if we had didn't have the correct understanding of what the hanafis meant, when the Hanafi said is the exact and that's what the Imam Shafi is fault, because as we know, Abu hanifa didn't leave him a whole lot any book describing what is the sign is it was an understanding that existed in the minds of the students of Abu hanifa. So it's the sign in the Arabic language, language and its linguistic meaning means to

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declare something better

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based on your desires.

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And to me, this is better and due to him that is better. That's why I'm a chef. He was against it, because how can you work in the shadows? I like this, just declare things which you feel is better. Right. But Abu hanifa and Eva Malik and others, they said no, no, this is not what we mean by what we mean by is the sun is to leave a deli for another deli, because of a deli. I'm trying to simplify it for you. If I go into the technicalities, you all fall off to sleep. So I'm trying to simplify it that that in a nutshell is the exam is leaving the work or leaving the practice taught to us by some evidence to us practices taught to us by other evidences. And the reason why we leaving this

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evidence for that evidence because of another delille that teaches us to go to that evidence. So isn't that based on Delhi that seems ricotta, understand that dilemma that existed before us have an appreciation? So hey, you might name your children, Abu hanifa tomorrow, Rahim Allah. Let me give you an example. Right? I mean, the example might not be entirely correct in my particular view, but it's an example that our lemma always share when the discuss is the reason I'm making a disclaimer in my particular view based on my understanding of his status, and I don't think is the ideal example, but I'll share it with you. We know that if an animal that kills drinks from your water

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bucket, then that water becomes naturally impure. Now comes a situation where you left your water bucket outside and the ego came down and drank from your water buckets is the water pure or impure impure from based on Ts on

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analogy because now we use analogy. What will we say? We say, okay, we don't have a specific ruling about the eagle drinking from the water, but we have the ruling about the blood, the animal that eats blood that drink from the water. And the Sharia told us is the eagle also eats blood. Right? Right. It has claws and so on and so forth. So he asked is that the what is alternatives? But now what is the sun, the LML will say that we leave working with the evidence about the animal that eats blood and drinks from your

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water bucket. And we use the evidence where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that the cats for example, if they drink from your water, then that water is pure because the cats are from the top 15. And the top effect meaning the cats that live in and amongst you. Right? The Sharia doesn't want to place difficulty on you. Right? If you know the cats living in amongst you. So it's a situation where you will always have cases where cats are drinking from your water. And if you're living in the desert, that's a problem if all the water has become energies, what will you do? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said it's fire, the water is clean. So they left working

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with that evidence about the the hunter drinking from your water, and said, We will use this evidence about the cat drinking from your water. What's the ruling if the cat drinks it's pure? So we will say that if an eagle drinks from your water, then it's pure as well. Why?

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What's the delille that caused them to leave that delille and use the stallion you need delille as well. Not doing it from the head. They're not saying oh no, I feel it's better to use that. Yeah, let's do now is evidence they say that our Sharia is built upon the concept of alleviating difficulty, right. And it's easier for you to protect your water from hunting animals drinking from it, but it's not as easy to protect your water from hunting birds drinking from it, number one, number two, the eagle doesn't kill with its mouth rather, it kills with its cross talents, right? And they say that the eagle cleans its beak on sand and so on and so forth. And this is an observed

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characteristic of these beds. They clean, they clean their beaks, they dust it on the sand and we know that sand purifies. So based on number one, number two, number three that I've shared, this is evidence for us to shift working with that delille and work with this deli that is data. So what do they say? They say that your water is pure based on the Hadith of the cat. And the evidence for us to shift from using the closer Hadith to using the further Hadith in terms of association in terms of scenario and situation Are you following terms of scenario and situation? We the evidence that shifted us is the concept of alleviating difficulty,

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as well as the talents and cleaning of the beak and so on and so forth. This is his

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This is his or her home Allah Allah He they were allama yummy. So this is a station Okay. Now, let's take a practical example. There's a contract known as this this is a contract known as this now is this is a contract who's the HANA visa as permitted. And the other thing I say is not permitted. And the evidence of the HANA V's now this is how you build rulings when we say from the pursuit of the Hanafi method is this now you have to know what it means. What do you mean when you tell me from the sutra of the Hanafi? madhhab? Well, what I mean is that don't be surprised if you find a ruling in the Hanafi method that you won't find what the other lemma

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even though it's from the author of the Malik is used as the accent but they have different conditions. They differ in that. Right. But the crux of it is that the * of is now could build a ruling based on is the sandwich the chef is humble is etc will not do this, you have a ruling that doesn't exist there. For example, act is the snap act is this now, to present it to you very simply, is a contract where you enter a contract with somebody, you tell him for example, you build the building, and I will pay you after you build the building. Does that sound familiar? That's what everyone does today. Right? Right. You go to the carpenter and you say make me these cupboards. Do

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you do a down payment? Or do you pay for the for the material in advance? No. So it's the snack refers to delaying the payment,

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as well as delaying receiving the product. At the time of the contract, there's no payment received, and there's no product received. And this goes against the teachings of the Sharia, in terms of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prevented us from Bay, Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda and so on and so forth. We are forbidden to sell a dead for a debt. Right? And that is why the only exception is seldom the forward sale in the forward sale where for example, I come to you and say, Man, man, what I want from you is dates. Right? You a farmer, you need money. I have money and I want dates. What I'll do, let's enter a contract. now. I'll give you

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The money to give me 10 kilos of data after six months. And as a result, by default, I will buy the dates cheaper and you will get liquid cash in your hand to do your work right there. lmsc This is called a forward sale.

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But from the condition of a forward sale is I have to hand you the capital,

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I have to hand you the capital. It can't be that I didn't hand you capital and you didn't hand me a product and we did a contract. There's too much deception horror, in that particular context. But when it comes to this, this nap, which we all know we do today, the handoff we said it's allowed, it's an exception to the rule why they say from the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it was happening, and nobody spoke against it. Thus based on is the sun is the sun upon what upon necessity, that it happened at the time of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam out of necessity, and nobody spoke against it. And it's even becoming more of a necessity today, we accept it as a

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valid contract. And lo and behold, today the fatwa of all the majority, and here is what the NFL is saying, they can they consider act is the snare, a correct contract. And that's how it is today. Whenever we go, for example, we want to buy a computer we ordered the specs, we we don't have to pay for it, we come then we do the deal now. But we come the next day when the computer is ready, and then give the money and take the computer, even in a contract is when they build buildings, right? The job is they produce the material, the workforce, the labor, the time the contract is signed, they have a deadline to produce this building in such an amount of time and they don't receive a

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cent from the person who has requested that building to be built. Is that not true? There are cases like that, you have to pay a down payment. So but it's in Saudi Arabia, these contracts exist. And even in other parts of the world. And I'm pretty sure over here, there's cases that exists like this, where you go to the carpenter, for example, or you go to a computer company, for example. And you can purchase the product without paying for it. Now, basically, that's good piece of advice. But these contracts exist. And I'm sure some of us have done this before in our own trades with one another, we might have gone to somebody and said, Look, just buy me that thing, and you entered the

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sale, but you haven't given him anything. Right after one week, you can give it to me kind of thing. This is this now, because the right way of doing this is to pay money in advance. If I go to the barn, and I say, you know what, I want you to build me a computer. These are the specs, this is the processor, this is the speed. This is the motherboard that I want. These are the graphics cards and the chips that I need, and clock the processor to a certain amount, use your expertise, so on and so forth. Now, I've contacted him to do something. So what do I do? He says, okay, it will cost you so much I pay it, I pay the down payment in advance, this is a forward contract, and He will give me

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the merchandise in exchange for this payment at a later date. That's forward purchasing by a seller. But it's this net is different, is this net is different. I haven't paid him and he hasn't given me the product, we've entered the contract, he is obliged to do his part and I'm obliged to pay him but we didn't do anything now. So this is based on need. And this is how it is in Saudi Arabia. A lot of building contracts happen like this, that the the contractor produces the workforce, the labor, everything, the contract design, right? He has to produce when the building is done, he gets his payment. Right? There are variations where sometimes you say look, I'll pay you every quarterly,

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right so on and so forth, or there's a down payment, but we're talking about is the snare in his general context, this contract, the handoff is allowed based on his son, saying that there's a need, there's a necessity. And this was we know, by and everyone agrees that this happened at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he didn't say anything about it. So, based on necessity, the evidence of necessity has shifted us from making it prohibited to making it something allowed and this is the factor of the majority of zakiyah as I said today, irrespective of their method, but when they do the HD had in terms of this particular contract, they say that is this now is a valid

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contract. So that is the reason have we done with our existence and because

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you burn a few calories studying by very quickly, the books in the Hanafi madhhab very important for us to know about some books we can talk to each and every one of us we can share with each other all the books but you know for those are going to purchase and for those who might research you must know that the certain books which you must go to and refer to it's very important. And as we said earlier, Abu hanifa Rahim Allah did not leave any books rather he left two books, one in Akita called alpha caliber. And he left another book called an island when we tell him the scholar and the student and it's a book that talks about the etiquettes of the student of knowledge. And again, this

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brings us to this point etiquettes etiquette etiquette manners, manners manners from the books of the Hanafi madhhab is L mob suit, l mob suit and I remember suit Mashallah is an encyclopedic book. It was written by a man a surrogacy, surrogacy, some say a surface event. It's a surrogacy, mm, a surrogacy and it's an encyclopedic book Mashallah. It is

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mentions sometimes statements of the other mazahub and he mentions very Wyatt of Mohammed bin Hassan from the six books which are considered by her rewire the books that Mohammed even Hasson wrote wrote that encompass the Hanafi madhhab. He wrote six books and all these books are known as VA here are rewire meaning what he took from Abu hanifa or what rulings were established through their sittings and he jotted them down sir Roxy Hema Hola. He mentioned in his book The statements Mohammed even has said in those books in via via a Sarah Caballero Sarah sorry, Rashad Huckabee, and so on and so forth. Another book, which we have is alma tasar, and matassa dasar. And it's better

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known as masal kaduri. Right? For those who have friends who study in the dark rooms, for example, it's a book which they teach. Now, I'll kaduri emammal kaduri. He was known as a mohawk, he was a fifth century scholar if I memory serves me, right. And he was a mahaki. So he's got this book where he just mentioned his views in it. He's not discussing views and so on and so forth. he considered himself a mohawk. And he was Mashallah. So he sort of just mentioned, a scenario ruling, scenario ruling, and so on and so forth, where it says como de la casa means summarized, and the hanafy is really a take care of this book. And they've explained this book, and there's many explanations of

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mythos or elk UI. And in it, he said that he mentioned 12,500 rulings in the summarized book 12,500 rulings. And as I said, this book is a reference of the Hanafi madhhab today, right. So if you are researching the view of the Hanafi Meza been a particular thing, and in your thesis, you mentioned that this was said by Emanuel kaduri. it's acceptable, it is acceptable. And he said that he when he finished this book, he went to Makkah and he held the book up by the Kaaba and Lido to Allah subhanho wa Taala to give this book acceptance and by Allah it has been given acceptance. And the book has many explanations, many of the dilemma of the Hanafi method after that went into great

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detail in studying this book and explaining it like for example, the explanation of a boiler a summer candy and others. These were people who explained motors or Alcoa duty. Then we have al hidayah and Al Qaeda in the Indian subcontinent is the they say it is the hub of the Hanafi madhhab. Its review is mentioned in Al hidayah, which was written by boreham wood Dean and Marina perhaps berhanu Dean l Marina. And so the views mentioned in this particular book, they will use those views especially in the Indian subcontinent. The views mentioned in that book are the views that the allameh will use. So it's a book that Allah has given acceptance to as well. Then we have a

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beautiful book, but their Asana feet are thebe ashara. By Allah cassani beautiful book, Allah He This is a book that, you know, you sit on a Sunday on your recliner, with a cup of tea, and you sip your tea and you read and you enjoy Mashallah amazing aliem got out of school, and so on and so forth. And he's explanations that are amazing, like, opens your mind and blows your mind apart. Another book is Sha, Allah deal shallowford halka deal is an explanation in some way or form of Al hidayah.

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Who wrote today, and Marina so Charlotte healthcare is another book that you you know, maybe you can drink raspberry tea, when you want to reach out for help a deal. But you know, it's those books that you just sit down and say, Bismillah and you read and you just can't put the book down. Now, for those who have issues with the Hanafi madhhab regarding Hadith, go and buy chef, because he was a scholar of Hadith. The author, the author's name was command even better known as a blue man and Hanafi. So for those who ignorantly have issues with the Hanafi madhhab regarding Hadith and say it must have I have no idea go and buy the book and see. Amazing, full of Hadith and not only the

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Hadith he deals with the Hadith in terms of its authenticity and so on and so forth. He has a lot of skills with it. Now come out of the blue Ma'am, or Hema hula when he wrote Sherpa teleca de he reached Bab el wirkkala and he passed away. So after him by the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala came a gentleman, a scholar by the name of tabi, Zed, Avi Zed

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and COVID completed the book on behalf of Kemal Abraham a Hanafi scholars helped each other and and they assisted Russia in work against each other, they assisted each other and allowed him to develop and this should be a total be a lesson for us. Right. And as I said when we learn fifth it should be therapy of our Eman And it should be tarbiyah as well. of our

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we don't data collect. Fortunately today is one of data collection. You know we we are in awe of the one who can say in the hands of you said this and amalickiah said that in the chef he said that and the humble he said that and this is data collection.

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Sure, wow. You know, it's not about that it's not about that it's about tarbiyah to knifes and rules and culture in your mind, right? Anyone can be a photocopy of a book Ayesha

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Curry Mahathir says and you know, the students who are shouting out is that photocopying of books here not coming with anything new. You're telling us what people believe the work, you're telling us about the work of those before, but become a person who is who has been nurtured and you have the ability to deduce for example, and then we have our alma mater, Alma Mater, and that is a book of urban Abilene, and I told you about it earlier. Right. So that is the heavy metal. In conclusion, my dear brothers and sisters, I thank you all for, for being patient. And sitting in and I pray, I was worthy in sharing with you, whatever I shared, I'm not going to make excuses because excuses is a

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sign of weakness. So I'm not going to talk about the previous travels in these last few days. But at the end of the day, I took on the responsibility of coming to share with you and I pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala made it a worthy participation. And ask Allah subhanho wa Taala, to forgive. One thing I'm going to share with you my dear brothers and sisters, and this is just something I've been hearing time and time again, since I've come to the UK and I've been hearing it from before, because I've been blessed with our trips here to the UK many a time. And one of the things that keeps on coming up time and time again, is this concept of half knowledge and budding youth who endeavor to

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become those icons in society and they feel that we are going to be the means of change and so on and so forth. These budding youth, there seems to be a disconnect between what they want to achieve and how they should achieve it. Right. What we need to understand is our Sharia is built upon Muslim upon benefits and reducing harm. And there is no Hillel that can be done by doing Hara the sucharita. Is the guide, you can say, ends justify the means it's not from the Sharia. The ends don't justify the means you can't say I did haram and I got to a halal and so you know, the ends justify the means is not from the Sharia. And what's happening is we have in groups of youth,

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Mashallah who are bubbling with energies, they're coming together, and they discussing the mistakes of their teachers and the scholars, and those students of knowledge that Allah subhanho wa Taala might have placed in our communities to look after our affairs, and they will probably hear before we were even born, and it was probably their guidance that our parents took to guide us. Right. And sometimes shavon through his whispers, justifies this concept of Riba and I'm saying Riba because that's what it is, it is Riba when you discuss the faults of your scholars, because discussing the faults of scholars has rules and conditions and adapt and criteria, and even the people who do it

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the Shetty I have spoken about them. So that's something for any Mohammed Yusuf and Hussain to take under their belt and say we are the scholars of Japan to a deep, right, we are the scholars of criticizing those who make mistakes in society. And now we are here to put an end to those mistakes and so on and so forth by Allah are servants of Allah, and oh child of Adam, Fear Allah subhanho wa Taala the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the people who don't have mercy upon our youth, will let me walk there, Kibera, and they don't respect our elders are not from us, are not from us. I know, we feel that this is a concept of Joshua and to deal with the dilemma of highly specialized

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in when they discussed the change of narrators, and so on and so forth. And they criticized certain narrators of Hadith and so on and so forth, to sort of make manifest the mistakes so that people were aware of their narrations, different science work together, and SubhanAllah. It's amazing that these people who use as evidence that we're not making LIBOR, we are doing a deal. It's amazing that they doing this without even reading the books of giant I did go and see what their allama have said regarding your hotel. Did Allah have a segment in the books of Joshua, a deal that discussed the concept of criticizing contemporaries, just a crime? And if a scholar criticizes another scholar in

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his same time, what should be our position from his critique from from what he said? Is it something we can use or not use?

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And today, we don't have time to go into it, whether it's right whether it's wrong, what the scholars have said that's irrelevant, but the fact that they've discussed it means that question marks were raised. And today what we are doing is criticizing contemporaries and by Allah, they're not even contemporaries. They are ahead of us, they are ahead of us. And we need to be honest with Hannah who attalla in this Yes, we are allowed to have a difference of opinion.

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With a scholar, we are we are allowed to have a difference of opinion with a

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scholar. However, it doesn't mean that this difference of opinion, should flower into fasset into disrespect into backbiting, into splitting the community into spreading ill knowledge of this particular person. Because sometimes when we become under the the influence of shavon, not the influence of alcohol, the influence of shape and greater influence, the influence of shape and we end up saying things that we didn't even have to say about this person. And by Allah, if you live your life, not covering the faults of your fellow Muslim brothers and sisters, then fear the day when you went to Allah subhanho wa Taala, to cover your faults. And the sell off. I've said this

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time and time again, that you release the faults of others, beware on the day of pm of it because you have false and the gamma is a day of justice. Now, I'm not saying that the Sharia has not given us times when we are allowed to observe However, there are times like for example, if your Muslim brother doesn't pray, you're allowed to go to his father and say he doesn't pray. Right. But the MSA allowed you to father because

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the reason why you're allowed to do Hebrew here is because of a need and needs are studied in light of the need. In light of the need. You don't have an open ticket to go into excess. For example, if your Muslim brother doesn't pray and I said this last night and he might drink alcohol when the below me Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us You don't have to go to his father and say he doesn't pray anything's alcohol. You can stick to one and say he doesn't pray because if he solves praying, then inshallah he will leave alcohol and in the process, you did your job and you hit his mistake. Is that clear? So we really need to fear Allah subhanho wa Taala. And it brings me back to the

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earlier things that were said when we open our discussion. How the dilemma studied either before in By Allah, this religion can throw us into the pits of jahannam if we don't be careful, right? Because the misguided groups have as well. The fuqaha as well. of servants of Allah we have the orientalist non Muslims who can probably teach us Islam better than we can learn it. But they're not Muslims. They learned but it didn't guide them. No, it didn't. And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us limiter coluna meloetta I don't why are you saying things which you don't do? You teach a lack but you have the worst luck and that is why today many parents say oh we only send our child to Medina

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and want to send our child for his die so you know, I wish them luck. We have many her father Hamza Quran is protected, Medina is full. They have a backlog of lists. It's true. But teach him a HELOC. And for our parents here today, will law he takes this on head on. Don't expect the madressa to teach your child manners be teach and madressa has his own children who he needs to teach manners to. It's not his job to teach your child manners. It's his job to complement your role as a father and mother. That's what his job is to complement you teach your child or and he'll complement it for you. You teach him a lot, he will complement it for you. The problem today is we haven't done it in

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our homes, and we expect him to do it. And this is a travesty. Right? So bring this about this concept of let the elders come together. And by Allah to the youth or law he I was fortunate that I had a father who spoke to me he gave me advice. And by Allah, whatever he told me was golden was golden. Because there is no university that can teach you experience. There is no university that can teach you experience. And my dad used to always tell me about the University of life is to sit me down and tell me things till today. If I go on holiday, I will be sat down into I'll be given my own biology lecture. Right? Yes, Yes, I will. And he will tell me that I know you know it better

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than me. But it's my job to tell you and it's hard. It's his job to tell me because what law he myself and himself as he says we both on a journey. And the only difference is that his journey started 25 years ahead of my journey. So I have a loving father who phones me from 25 years ahead and say, son, you coming on the journey. Let me just tell you a few pointers after 300 kilometres. There's a police check. Be careful. Make sure you're wearing your seatbelt. Make sure you driving at the speed limit. I wasn't cause me delays after so many kilometres. It's a very dangerous area. A lot of robberies taking place in hijackings. Make sure your doors are locked in make sure you're

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looking in your mirrors. I didn't I was delayed. After so many kilometres, it's a dusty road. Make sure you stop and check your the air pressure in your tires before you get on that road. I didn't I was delayed. Now, as my dad told me you have two options. You either listen to my advice and do the same journey I did in five years rather than 25 years. And then use the other 20 years to achieve an even greater greatness that you can advise your child about. Or you can learn the hard way and you've wasted your life. Right? Well I II This is no Professor can tell you this, trust me. And I'll handle that I've been blessed to do my fair share of time at universities. No Professor can tell you

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this. This is the University of life the youth. Respect your parents.

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Respect your elders in society by Allah respect them. The cell of use to say, if we can join between the bubbly nature and energies of the youth, we can join the energies to the hikma and wisdom of the elders will move mountains. The problem today is there's a disconnect. The youth are bubbling and they just moving around volatile, like atoms have seen atoms in motion, moving around volatile directions flying everywhere, causing havoc. They need to come together. Right. And you have the people of hikma and wisdom who want to effect change but they don't have the energies that you have. They spent the life looking after you. So remember this are servants of Allah hamdulillah This is a

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wonderful city you have a lot of power and a lot of masajid and a lot of Muslims. Join the hearts together for the sake of Allah. Give your fellow Muslim brothers and sisters they have even if they are observing salah and other massage, let us not behave in a way that we forget that the Muslims and they have a right over us as we have a right over them. Don't forget this. Allah subhanho wa Taala did not create us as individual beings He created us as communal beings, we are co people of communities, right we interact and we inter share and we help develop one another because the believers to one another like a Boolean, you should do ba boom ba ba they like a building. Each

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brick helps the other brick do its job. And in the same way that brick helps this brick do his job. Just like Imam Shafi Rahim Allah, he's a student of Amity, been humble and the teacher of Amity been humble and the opposite alike. So let us not data collect and let us take from the giants and take a lesson by Allah. Take these lessons, and you will see successes that you never ever imagined. Yes, we might have scholars in our midst who might have changed some of the views. Some people say they've become lacks in their views. Some people are saying they're adopting wrong views. But by Allah, don't ever forget the amount of years they have on you. And the amount of years of the bed

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and the worship of Allah they have over you never forget that. The years of the bed alone should wake you up and teach you to be humble that will lie they worshipped Allah more than me, many, many years more than me, and I don't even know how many years I have left. They might have done one act that through that act, Allah subhanho wa Taala has given them gender. One of the sell off used to say one of the celebs said he met or he saw another of the seller feed his dream and he asked him what did Allah do with you? He said Allah subhanho wa Taala forgave me. Why? Because I used to teach Surah Fatiha to new Muslims. Allah forgave him because he used to teach sort of it had to do

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Muslims. Now we're not in the business of narrating reams of the pious and so on and so forth. But there are certain narrations that have come from authentic Allah and the narrations are authentic and exist in authentic books that compile these things. And that is a lesson for us that if Allah can inshallah forgive someone for teaching Fatiha to non Muslims and Allah forgiven these other mistakes, how do you know that this person you speaking about is not forgiven? And a man from gender already and you want to become self righteous and work against someone who might be from the Olia of Allah, Allah he do good karma and Allahu Allah, this is the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon

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us to be the best of people as Allah was best to us. When Allah sent Musa and Harun to be round. He said, Go and tell him a soft word, a soft word, this is how you do. You don't do that. by burning bridges. You do that by making purchase. Sometimes you have to meet somebody and not discuss the false. You have to keep quiet and develop a relationship with them. This is wisdom and hikma. But don't backbite them and then justify it and say so I'm just what I do for a living on the day of piano, those who backbite Allah will shift their good deeds to these people. So all you are in this world was a person to help this person go to Jenna for his job because he made mistakes and your job

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was to clear his sins. May Allah subhanaw taala forgive us I know he's smiling, but it's a reality. And I'm taking time on this. But it's a message that needs to be driven home let us be people of worship Ah, the middle Amala he don't become people of fashion we just doing things because it's the in thing this is how it is I know in Britain is out of fashion and you know the Shabaab and it's the same thing. And this is how we walk and this is how we talk and this is how we handle things by Allah be the different one be the herb, be the one who's different. Be the one who's calling to sense when the world is living in chaos, like Ibrahim alayhis salam, everyone is worshipping idols

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and he comes and says, but do these idols benefit you or harm you in any way? One boy is calling to sense in a world of chaos. Be Ibraheem alehissalaam be the strange one, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said for to ballyhoura photo ballyhoura the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that glad tidings for the strange one. So P the strange one, don't be the one who just follows blindly and is from the group of people who don't know and think that they know I hope I've driven the message home loud and clear and ask us to take heat from this. Yes, once again we are allowed to differ with people, but let us differ with adverb of luck. And let us use the means

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taught to us by Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Sahaba

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And the Imams and the pious predecessors that has used the hillock in dealing with matters, the oma needs to show Islam. The non Muslims have to see Islam. It's so unfortunate that today Islam is in the books and on tapes and on CDs and on hard disks. Well, life is something we read about and we listen to, but it's not seen in the Muslims. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a walking Quran, become working for ants because you are commanded to follow the guidance of Hamas Allahu alayhi wa sallam holla at him. Everything correct said is from Allah subhanho wa Taala and he's perfect in any mistakes of myself and SharePoint and I see colossal panda who attalus forgiveness

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Allah He everything I should do is from the bottom of my heart. I consider you my brothers and sisters, and I truly love you for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala when I say that, and I pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala forgives our sins, forgives our mistakes and gathers us together many many times in this dunya before gathering us underneath is option that they have before gathering us in general with Mohammed evening Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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