Sadullah Khan – Parables and Wisdom from the Quran (Thikr in Perspective) Night 8

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The video discusses the importance of vContinism in religion and how it can be used to hold people's own position. The discussion also touches on the concept of vContinism, which is a creative and rewarding experience for individuals to reinforce relationships with their spiritual capital. Practice and repetition are essential for achieving understanding and appreciation of the Divine.
AI: Transcript ©
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shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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are hungry Allah wa salatu salam ala Asha Fillmore serene says and

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I want to be you know Maulana Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi

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Marine. We continue our theme Layali Temkin and third well heck

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Mohammed Al Quran Al Karim nights of empowerment, farewells and

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wisdom from the Glorious Quran.

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In an informative explanatory verse, which you heard tonight at

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the beginning of Surah, Anfal, Allah describes qualities of a

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And he says in the middle

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to Kerala, which he looked cooler boom, were either too late early

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to who's the Imana

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behemoth of a cologne and Lavina Ukri Munna Salah AMI Mara zakenna

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home Yong Hoon. Believers indeed are those who and Allah is

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mentioned, feel a vibration in their hearts. And when they hear

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the verses of Allah being recited, they find the faith strengthened.

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And they put the trust in Allah. They are those who established

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prayer and are generous with that which Allah has provided for them.

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Here the Quran makes reference to the sign of true believers. We

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know the haka.

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And he includes six key points. He says, They are those who remember

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Allah. And that remembrance has a spiritual impact upon them. The

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vicar has a spiritual impact upon them.

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Then the reading of the Quran that tilava It has

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an effect on them.

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Then Tawakkol there is a dependence on the pot on Allah

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subhanho wa taala. And then there is pursuance of spiritual and

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moral welfare, through the establishment of the prayer, the

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Salah, and there is a pursuance of social economic welfare through

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infarct, or sadaqa was Osaka through charity.

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So we see here that believers are described as those constantly

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conscious of Allah.

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And it is this kind of consciousness. That is the essence

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of what we call excellence in the hola catabolic sang Allah cliche.

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Allah has prescribed excellence in everything we do, or goodness in

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everything we do. And this is also further evident in the hadith of

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Rasul Allah Allah wa salam, where he defined the axon is endowed

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with the luck and Nicotra final into Contura HuFa into who you

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are, York is worshipping Allah, Hassan is worshiping Allah, as if

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you are witnessing him, for though you do not see him. He's ever

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observant of you. So here we see God consciousness, coupled with

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the practical expression of righteousness. The first point, if

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of these six points in the description of what we call the

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true believers, is regarding in reference to the whole idea in the

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notion of vicar

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and your vicar, remembrance of Allah. They are over 150

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references in the Quran, directly pertaining to the notion of vicar

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to remember Allah to mention Allah to invoke Allah to call upon

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Allah. The Quran in fact itself is referred to as a lickin in newness

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Zelina liqueur. The Quran itself is called a vicar and furthermore

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will occur the yes sir angle Quran Allah Vikram for helping him with

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the Quran. We have made this Quran this reminder, an easy source of

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remembrance, remembering Allah remembering your duty and your

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But even our prayer, it in itself is a manifestation of victory. As

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Allah says, our claim is solid and the decree established prayer for

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my for my remembrance.

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But in doing so, we also realize that though going through the

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rituals of prayer,

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there is an important component that must be present. And that is

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the remembrance of Allah. Because not remembering Allah in the

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performance of your Ibadah undermines the very essence of

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their eBUY itself. And that's why it's almost deemed hypocritical.

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In Munna Filipina you hold your own hola hola. Whoa, hold your own

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way the Kamui la sala de como Salah Euro owners who Allah the

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Quran, Allah, Allah kalila those who are hypocritical, try to

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deceive the Almighty, but actually deceive themselves for when they

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stand to pray. They do so in order to be noticed by people. But

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regarding the remembrance of Allah, they hardly remember him

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Then there is a conditional statement also in the Quran

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regarding vicar. We Allah says fifth Rooney of Quran, remember

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me, and I shall remember you.

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So when you speak of this remembrance in this dhikr Of

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course, there are many forms, it doesn't have to be only in the

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form of prayer, or only in the form of repeating the names of

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Allah. Rather, we realize that there are many dimensions to the

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Quran, to pronounce words, reflecting the attributes, the

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glory, the message, the message and the Majesty of Allah. It's a

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form of vicar. And that's the color by the tongue, then to

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understand and reflect on Allah's majesty, just by looking at the

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creation in the Halacha sama allottee what are the what the

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laughing lady were not the ayat in the Bob Avena years Quran Allah,

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they look at the beauty, the sunset, the sunrise, the ocean,

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the flowers, and they remember, is a creative behind this. That's a

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victory through the appreciation of creation. And both of these

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modes of remembrance are thicker, are desirable, and reinforce our

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acknowledgement of the Divine.

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So on the one hand, conscious oral repetition and graves the words

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into our hearts, while understanding and reflecting upon

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the creation of the Divine, brings us closer to appreciation of the

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All forms of vicar help us to develop and reinforce our

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relationship with our Creator. Modeling agility and Rumi put it

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very beautifully. He said frickley Kunta Awara he has a thicker hood.

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The secret Quinta Krieger that just said Vic Regatta, fifth grade

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to Bala Khaled. He said in a Persian, peace, meditate until you

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become free of thoughts of yourself. Because sometimes we're

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so engaged about ourselves, our business, we're not thinking we're

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not focusing on the divine. So he says meditate until you become

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free of all thoughts, even of yourself. Remember Allah in such a

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way that your entire being becomes thicker,

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such thicker, that even your consciousness itself becomes

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Three points for us for consideration here tonight. One,

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in today's troubled world, we are in see we are in search of what

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the Quran refers to. In fact certain times in the Quran, Allah

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refer to the concept of it Milan,

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we are in search of Milan. What is it we learn comes? solidity,

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peacefulness, tranquility, a state of composure of balance of

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that feeling of security, of peace of mind, of being at ease with

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oneself, a state, which is so sought after, yet rarely

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experienced by us, in this day and age, that pleasant and that noble

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set with Milan, which is attained, the Quran says through the

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remembrance of Allah, Allah be the Karela de Tata in Newell, Kulu.

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Surely by the Grace of Allah, will you find the contentment of the

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heart? Second point,

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Maulana Rumi mentioned and suggested do not only make liquor

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be thicker, what is the imply, if people see you that assaulted a

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true believer, when people see him or her, they are reminded of

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Allah, your truthfulness, your generosity, your love, your

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compassion. So by looking at you that only you're making liquor,

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your very being can then be a source of remembrance, and a

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source of reminder of Allah. Your very presence can be a vicar and

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responding to the concern I mentioned about the one verse, the

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competitive statement or we Allah says, for the good Rooney of good.

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The question is, if Allah remembers me, when I remember him,

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does he remember me when I don't remember him?

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This question was posed by two of the prophets that we dealt with

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Ali salaam, and to be an ISA, either he said, and Allah,

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according to some Hadith responded to them, when they express concern

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or Allah will remember you you remember us? What if we don't

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remember you? Do you still remember us? Allah responded in

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Neela and Sammy and Sani for cave and Sammy of Qurani I don't forget

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those who forget me. How will I forget those who remember me?

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Subhan Allah, but hamdulillah whether Illa Allah, Allahu Akbar,

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Allahu La Quwata illa Billahi shukran salaam aleikum wa

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