Sadullah Khan – Parables and Wisdom from the Quran (Manifold Reward) Night 23

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The Bible highlights the importance of rewarding good deeds with both reward and punishment, rather than just rewarding them. A sponsor-led YouTube channel and a parable about consistent behavior highlight the benefits of rewarding good deeds. In a separate incident involving a farmer's statement about a woman who talks too long, the speaker emphasizes the importance of collectivity and promises for rewarding good deeds. The transcript also includes a humorous incident involving a farmer's statement about a woman who talks too long and gives a hugely accurate expression.
AI: Transcript ©
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All the belimbing a ship honor rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala shuffle,

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mousseline sage and I want to begin Elmo La La Muhammad wa ala.

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He also had big Marine. They are atom ki M Salma Hayek Memorial

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Quran Al Karim nights of empowerment, parables and wisdom

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from the Glorious Quran.

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The very presence of a believer in any situation should always be a

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mantra, a source of benefit, a means of value.

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Who say every action should reflect Exxon Oh goodness.

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Because Allah subhanho wa Taala has prescribed the Assad in

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everything we do as the Rasul said, in Allah cuttable Asana,

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Allah Konishi, and Allah assures wax you know, in Allahu Akbar

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Mursaleen. We have those who do good and manifest goodness, for

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surely Allah loves those who do good.

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And as Allah rhetorically confirms, when he asked Halal

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Jessa only axon in the sun can the consequences can the consequence

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of goodness be anything but goodness.

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But more than that, there is an evident divine inclination to

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increase the reward for the good we do, though we should be

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cautious not to take lightly the punishment of Allah.

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Both of these are real. But there is a divine inclination to

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increase reward for the good that we do, but to minimize the

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punishment for the wrong that we do, part of the justice of Allah,

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but also the preponderance of the mercy of the Divine. And therefore

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Allah says in the Quran, mangia Abdullah Hassan a fella who ashram

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fairly woman job is say here, for now you

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were hula over the moon, whoever does good for such Allah will

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reward them and he says Allah will reward them tenfold 10 times the

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value of the goodness that they have done. And for those who sin,

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the retribution for sin is only to the extent of the wrongs that they

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have done. Reward 10 times, but punishment if there is only to the

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extent of listen for Allah subhanho wa Taala does not like

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those noisy of those who oppresses or does wrong.

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The parable for consideration here reiterates this promise of Allah,

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this promise for multiple reward for many fold reward. Allah

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subhanho wa Taala says, Massa do Lavina use visa vie de la cama

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Sally hub umbertide savasana

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Miata hub, Wallah, you got it from the magician. Allah was here on

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the parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah

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is like a seed of grain, which grows seven spikes and each spike

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100 grains. Allah multiplies his reward for whom He wills. And this

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verse of the Quran is further explained and corroborated by a

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saying of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam documented as a young Muslim, a very well known

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tradition with the resulted Kulu humbly Adam Yudof who has not

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actually earlier Allah Subhana Allah Subhan

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Allah subhanaw taala will reward the Rasul Tim has an ashram Salia

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10 times the value Isla saba meity, there have been up to 700

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times the reward.

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From this we get an impression in the pitcher created by this

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parable, like a single seed, a good deed which you have planted

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for which brings forth hundreds of grains, hundreds of benefits

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hundreds of rewards. Allah causes the rewards for the good deeds to

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grow and to multiply in a similar manner as to add seed defer to in

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the parable.

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Now, this is not intended this verse not intended to burden us

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with a lot of deeds. So we get a lot of agile, it doesn't mean you

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must always be busy doing something preoccupy yourself with

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a particular thing. Because whenever good is done sincerely,

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that is with pure intention that is of benefit. It can be feeding

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someone teaching someone lending a shoulder someone may be depressed,

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lending an ear to someone who needs to be heard.

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All of this are hashing out all of these are good deeds. So any of

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these good deeds we do. It doesn't mean Allah wishes us to be

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constantly involved in a particular form of worship in

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order to get this reward. Rather, this is a reconfirmation of the

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promise, whatever good you do, Allah however literally it may be

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or literally it may seem, Allah will reward you manifold, as it

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also sallallahu alayhi wa ala he was hard he was seldom said in the

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Hadith, documented in the Sunnah with him

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igloo home and family Michael Deikun. Emily, Eduardo, however,

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the good deeds that you must do, do it according to the best of

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your ability. Because the best of deeds are those deeds, which are

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done consistently, even if it's little by little. It doesn't have

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to be a tremendous amount of deeds. But what you do

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consistently, little by little, sometimes you find people do this,

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they won't do anything for the whole week, in a particular night,

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they'll pray the whole night Juden everything much of a good and then

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the whole week, they don't do anything. Or in Ramadan, they'll

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give all charity and the rest of the year they'd done with charity.

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Now, that's not how you do it. So goodness you do on those evenings

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and that month, must be perpetuated through the for that

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to become a consistent part of your character and behavior. So on

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this point, I want to bring two incidences, Wallace crudely

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humorous, and the other one is profoundly thought provoking.

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As for the, for the crudely humorous one, Juha a devout

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farmer, went to the sheiks class, but nobody turned up to the class,

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except for her. So she asked Joe, who was farmer, it? Shall I give

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the class you're the only one who's here.

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And Joe has said, you know, I have a farm. And if only one sheep

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comes, I still feed it. So she said Well, in the shed give his

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lecture. But lo and behold, the shed gave his entire lecture he

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spoke for over an hour. After the lecture, he noticed Juha the

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farmer was very irritated. And he said to him, what's wrong? Why are

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you so irritated? He said, she spoke too long. The Sheikh said,

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Remember, if only one sheep comes, you still feed it? He said, Yes,

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yes. But don't give him all the food one time.

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So not too much at one time, rather bit by bit, regularly is

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good enough. This is humorous, but even in the life of Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam. There were three sahab of the Sahaba

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versus was the one who made a vow among themselves because they

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wanted to purify and improve themselves with good intention.

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And this is yours will Allah wants it? I'm going to fast everyday.

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Once it I will be beyond the whole night every night. And once it

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I'll abstain from intimacy with my wife.

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Had you Hadith in Sahih Muslim?

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And they also said why are you doing this? I am the Rasul of

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Allah. I eat some days and fast some days. I pray part of the

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night and actually part of the night and I have intimacy with my

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Then he said in that hadith from a Robinson that the fundraiser money

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you always hear and then he got, let's say, from a receiver and

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sooner or later money, let comes from this part of the Hadith.

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Whoever doesn't follow my sunnah is not of Me. In other words, do

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what you can to the best of your ability. Don't overdo it. Allah

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didn't put a burden upon you more than you can be law you can live

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long enough sun Hills I was on. The other incident brings to our

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The one is now the humorous one do little by little don't give the

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whole feed one time. On the other hand, sometimes we do a good deed

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but don't realize how it comes back in a different way. If you

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don't see it, and Allah finds ways and avenues for those of us who

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are good in sha Allah, Allah brings the reward in different

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ways. This is an incident of a prize winning maize farmer in

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Azerbaijan prize winning maize farmer,

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his maize one at the National Agricultural show every year.

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However, it was found that this farmer, he shares the seeds with

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his neighbor.

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So the news reporter been to inquire Why would you give your

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seeds to your neighbor, because now they can compete with you, you

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are the best. So the farmer said

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the wind picks up pollen from the ripening maize and blows from

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field to field. If my neighbor grows inferior maize, cross

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pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my maize, because

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cross pollination, the seed from the comes, your mind goes over

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there. So if I want my good maize to be great, I must help my

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neighbor to grow a good crop. This is the power of collectivity

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basically implies none of us truly wins. On this earth, others also

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benefit from all of this, we realize the following one, Allah

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in his infinite mercy and wisdom multiplies rewards for our good

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deeds. Please don't take the punishment for granted.

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But do understand he multiplies rewards for good deeds. So be

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confident of the Promise of Allah subhanho wa Taala as Allah says,

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What are the Allahu Allah? What

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I'm in Saleh and Allah promises those who have faith and

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manifested faith in good deeds, the Houma Ophira for them they

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will be forgiveness. What are the men a tremendous reward? First

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point, Allah's Mercy multiplies reward for good deeds. Number two,

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our existence becomes enriched by enhancing the lives of those

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around us.

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And number three, whatever little we do

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our family in the best of these are those little by little but

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regular and consistent, but even little by little,

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whatever little we do, maybe like a drop in the ocean. But the vast

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ocean is made up of drops, no drops, no ocean,

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every drop counts. And Allah subhanho wa Taala looks at every

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little detail. And Percherons little the MacGillis manifold

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reward Akula kolyada was tougher Allah wa salam Wa alaykum wa

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