Sadullah Khan – Life Lessons from the Stories of the Prophets

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of being a worshiper and showing love before teaching, as it is crucial for parents to teach children and their parents. They stress the need for patience, avoiding arrogance, and moderation in social engagement. The importance of patient perseverance, community engagement, and moderation in social engagement is emphasized, along with advice on using words and expressing one's thoughts. The speakers also emphasize the power of words to bring people back to life and caution against Yo Accounts and hesitation in social interactions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Learn your

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iman and what is her than the way you're in learn Kenny. Also

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all the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Hawala Jamia cambia

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Homoserine Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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We continue our theme the Rowsell higher Anil Casilla Ambia vikita

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Billa life lessons from the stories of prophets in the book of

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the Quran has a Surah Surah 31 Chapter 31 titled look man

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and look man, a man who probably lived the time of Tao with Ali

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and Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is reported to have said

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regarding the man according

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to the law and who said to get assaulted when you could look man

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to be and well I can can I be done? Cuz he hasn't really again

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has not done cathedral some hamdulillah to Allah for familia

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Allah he will hikma Okama call Allah, the Prophet is reported to

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have said that man was not a prophet. But he was a worship of

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Allah, conscientious, deep thinking, positive in attitude,

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silent the orphan who loved Allah and Allah loved him. So Allah

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wanted him Allah granted him depth of wisdom.

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Now, we can get lesson from the fact that Allah subhanaw taala

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document as part of his divine revelation, advice on a man gave

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to his son. And this is captured in the surah

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chapter 41 As I've mentioned,

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we are going to focus only on the Naseeha very briefly.

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And each point is a lesson in itself for all of us.

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But it is absolutely relevant to note and most beautiful that look

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man Ali salaam begins his advice by saying yeah, Boonie

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In other words, when he's speaking to his son, oh, my beloved Son, oh

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my young boy a term of endearment. The same term we found earlier on,

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used by Ibrahim to sunny smile, and use by yaku ballet salon for

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his son Yusuf Ali Salaam. In other words, Allah wants to highlight

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that it is one thing for a parent of a father to teach a son, but

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another to show love before even teaching him beginning with that

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endearing term, follows nine particular points.

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First point, look man, Ali Salam advises his son regarding to heed

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the Tawheed is the foundation of Islam, upon which all other

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teachings and all other practices of Islam depend and lean on.

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Point number three is also about the omnipotence and omniscience of

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Allah, Allah, all powerful nature, and the fact that he has knowledge

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of everything. Point the METU immediately after it flows in the

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Quran exact Allah to be Shaya will be the word is what Kabbalah

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because that

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will be invalidated. Immediately after the command. To obey Allah

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comes the command to respect parents. So the second point

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immediately after the story, and in between to read and speaking

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about omniscience of Allah comes advice, respect for parents,

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because we come into the world through the agency of parents,

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they are nurturers, our caretakers, our protectors, our

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sponsors and our supporters. The first one is

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to establish worship.

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Because, hey by the Salah prayer is a manifestation of obedience to

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Allah. And it is a submission in practice and it is an expression

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of one's faith. The first point is in joining what is right and

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forbidding what is wrong

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because evil and wrongdoing is a spiritual, a moral and a social

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concern is a violation of human goodwill. It is an affront to

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human dignity. Cause must be avoided at all cost. The sixth

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point is the exercising of patient perseverance. Life is a test and

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test requires our awareness that you go through challenges and

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challenges require patience, perseverance, and patience is not

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only a virtue in Islam is an obligatory virtue is to you know,

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be so

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But he was salah, seek help of Allah patient persevere in prayer,

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look at how Allah link

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emotional capacity for patient perseverance. And that was prayer

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which is one of the highest forms of worship and one of the pillars

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of Islam. So patience is an obligatory virtue, and it is

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intimately tied to the practice of our faith. For example, the end of

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Surah Imran Allah says, Yeah, are you under the Amanu? Yeah, are you

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already the AMA news bureau was our bureau Robbie, but Allah,

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Allah, Allah, and numerous ayah in the Quran, oh, you will believe Be

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patient, mutually manifest patients. In other words, try to

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assist and encourage one another to be able to facilitate patience

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among yourself and Strengthen yourselves by mutual bond. So the

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notion of patient perseverance as integral to our lives, and it's an

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obligatory virtue. Number seven, the avoidance of arrogance

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to play Hadith

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documented Bizzarri olbas Lara documented Hadith Allah Medina

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Nisha Kula, which is Subhadra which is the INS of Iraq were

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free. I didn't ask Kabira Allah, let me be grateful to you. Let me

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be patient in my tribulations that will be small in my own eyes, and

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high in the estimation of others.

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Number eight, to be moderate in social engagement. When you engage

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people we are social beings. How we engage one another is very

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significant. It's a reflection of our character. So be moderate in

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social engagement, moderation and humility, whether in our talking

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in our demeanor in our walking while

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telling us what items shipped out the Mara in Hola, hello, darlin,

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for Cora, he says, and turn the other cheek away from people in

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pride. No walk was rudeness to the earth.

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Verily, Allah does not like any arrogant boasting.

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The prophets of Allah Allah so most advice Mantova Allah refer of

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Allah, whosoever humbles himself for the sake of Allah, Allah will

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elevate him, and the ninth point, to be careful how we communicate

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and how we use our words, and how we convey what we convey.

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Words have meaning and can have incredible power. He has the power

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to inform or to inform, to persuade, or dissuade, it can

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hurt, it can heal. So consider careful what you say and why you

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say what you say and how you say it. That's why another verse which

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will often read in the hood, before the person's is killed

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Tunica in marriage, he says, we read the Naseeha yah, Armineh it

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Aquila Kulu, colons added up, oh, you will believe saying words that

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are straight. Before you say I accept the person in marriage, who

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will call and said either, if your words are say, you slip.

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Your actions will come right. And Allah will forgive you your sense.

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So there is tremendous depth of wisdom and great ethical value in

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these nine points of advice from man advice, that are timeless

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advice that may be communicated from father to son, from parent to

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from fit to family, and through the ages, to members of society.

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And I hope I've done that here by giving the small talk to you in

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sha Allah. May Allah make us walk in the footsteps of the prophets,

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and learn from the wisdom of the wise, just, by the way, in a

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humorous note, but it's true. They asked Luqman again. How did you

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become wise? He said, observe the foolishness of the foolish and I

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avoided that foolishness. And as I said, I'm saying, Allah gave me

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power to bring the dead back to life. But he never gave me the

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power to remove the foolishness from foolish people. So maybe be

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of those who are wise and take wisdom insha Allah will my Yotel

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hokhmah facut oto Craven, cathedra Akula kolyada was tougher Allah wa

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Salam aleykum

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