Sadullah Khan – Empowerment through economic independence

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam's teachings and how he implemented them. They also mention a recent incident where a man brought food and a piece of cloth to the Prophet's house, but the honor of the man was lost. The speaker emphasizes the importance of the Prophet's teachings and how he fixed the man and gave an idea to make profits.
AI: Transcript ©
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Older bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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as we continue our theme to lose army time in Sierra Nevada we are

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profound lessons from the life of our beloved prophet muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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we realize the immense capacity of the prophetic personality,

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to respond most appropriately to challenges as he faced them.

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And also to act most effectively in any circumstance,

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to try and empower those who are with him in those who are around

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And we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his

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life, all of it,

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the prophet preach, but you also manifested what he preached, it's

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okay to preach than to say what to do and say the right thing. But

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Alhamdulillah he manifested what he preached, and not only that, he

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will give ideas, but also actualize those ideas. Sometimes

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you find after much is said and done. Much more was said than

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done. Sometimes those who give the ideas don't implement Rasul Allah

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was one who acted and implemented, gave ideas and made it happen.

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One such exemplary incident is documented in the tsunami of a

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Buddha would be companion and has been Malik, but the Allah one, he

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said, A man from the insol came in the presence of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he was begging.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam approached the man and

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he asked the man, a MiFi beta cache. Do you have anything in

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your house? Do you have anything in your home? The man replied,

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Yes, I had some stuff in my home. So Professor Lawson told him go

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home and bring what you can.

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The man went home, and he brought two things. He brought a piece of

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cloth and he brought a wooden bowl.

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The professor asked him asked him,

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Can I sell this for you? And the prophet as the people around them,

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Minister her then who will buy these two items. The man was the

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prophet asking the people around. One person said Yara Shula, I'll

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give one deram prophecy, any other budget, anyone who's gonna offer

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me more for these two items? And someone said Yara Sula, I'll give

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to the rams and he sold it to the person who gave it to the hams.

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The prophecy was slim to get money into their hands and he gave it to

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the beggar

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and he told the beggar Eastery bid him out or Armin from Mithila Alec

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take one of the coins or one of the DMS and buy food for your

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family. Where study will ask her to do woman fattening Bihar. And

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when the other money, you buy me an x and you bring it to me by

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lax, and you bring it to me. The man went late to combat Rasulullah

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bought food maybe gave to his family and brought the X to the

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Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam but the handle of the x was

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broken. It was damaged for shut the fee here Rasulullah sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam couldn't be any better. So fixed up the handle

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himself. Rasul fixed up the handle himself. And then he told the

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person in hub faculty, whereby wala Allah Yun Nica from Santa

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Clara Yeoman.

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He has fixed it, take it, go and gather firewood

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and sell the firewood and come see me only after 15 days.

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The man took the axe, you rent chopped wood

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made some money. In fact, the Hadith says forget Asaba Asha de

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Rahim from the to DRAM he made 10 theorems in that period.

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And he came back to the perfect as the Prophet asked him and he

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informed the Prophet SAW Selim about what he did I took the x

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which you fix for me.

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And then I you know sold which are money brought food for my family

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and close for my family. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam then told him has a higher liquor mean Entergy al masala

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isn't this far bigger and far better for you than to be a

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beggar? Isn't this more honorable than being a beggar? All this in

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keeping with the general prophetic advice he always said this, but

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yeah, he manifested it. Hadith rasool Allah documented in Sahih

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Muslim Rasul Allah said, and yet as

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postmodern men have been for years Mila ha ha Lavalle for your be

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Man and yes, L Ron Julian up Oh, yum. Now who is it? If any of you

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were to carry a bundle of firewood on his back and sell it? It's far

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better and more honorable for him. Then begging from people and

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people may give you have people may refuse to give you. You see

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from this example is he the prophet that only preached don't

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The Prophet manifested what he preached

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He didn't only give them an idea, go bind x and do something, he

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fixed the extra the men gave him an idea gave him a time limit. The

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men saw how the profit even bargain will give me one give me

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give it to them. So he saw all of that in one action to the profit.

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He gave him an idea. And overall all of that he fixed up the axe.

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told told the man what to do. The man made a profit as well the

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Prophet advised him to do. And the Prophet then said, you see this is

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better for you. And from all of this, we see how the resources

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Allahu alayhi wa sallam manifested what he preached, gave an idea and

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actualize it. He saw a beggar and took responsibility by personally

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helping him to become self sufficient. Akula Cali Harada was

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the federal law was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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