Sadullah Khan – A time for this and a time for that.

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of prayer during the colder months of Easter, as it is necessary to increase one's sense of morality and be more attentive during those times. They also mention a teacher's advice to avoid feeling morally attached to a situation and to focus on the positive aspect of life instead. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not feeling morally attached to a situation and to be mindful of one's actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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ship on the regime. Commander Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu

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was Salam ala Rasulillah. While early he was such

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as people of faith, we all do mixing, we all do pray.

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We all do read the Quran somewhat. And of course, we do give charity.

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But in the Mubarak or the blessed month of Ramadan, many of us

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increase our prayer,

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engage more in the recitation of the Holy Quran.

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And many of us are hungry and further extend our sense of

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generosity by giving charity in increasing amounts during this

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period of fasting.

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Now, there are amongst us those who feel a sense of guilt

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because we do not maintain the same level of attention or

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devotion throughout the year. Look, you must do obligations. You

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can't say well, I'll pray Ramadan only. While read Quran only in the

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morning. It doesn't mean that we must do obligations we must do out

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soon. But we tend to be more focused and more attentive during

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the month of Ramadan. And some people feel guilty they feel I do

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this in Ramadan, but not as much throughout the year. And

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therefore, they almost feel a sense that they're being

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hypocritical in this regard.

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But when we are doing good, we should not be feeling bad

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is as part of the sign of a believer, when they do good, they

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feel good. They imagine you do good and you have doubt Am I being

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hypocritical and such an attitude is not a positive attitude. Such

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an attitude is not morally uplifting, neither spiritually

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beneficial, nor is it psychologically healthy for any

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So as we continue our theme for this Ramadan, gurus, Aamir Khan,

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Mina sera in Abuja, profound lessons from the life of the

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prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I want to reflect today on

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a teaching moment in the life of our beloved Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, a moment a teaching moment that perchance

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could help us deal effectively with this attitude or this method.

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It is documented in the Sahih Muslim in authentic narration that

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a companion by the name of Hans Tamimi, say Edie handler. He wants

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fires by another companion of the prophet, a very well known

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companion, saying Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah, who later became the

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Salif and he's he was crying in Abu Bakr told him, your handler,

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what is the matter? Why are you crying? And he replied, When I'm

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in the company of the Prophet, when I'm there in that moment, I

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am more conscious of the realities of life and about life and death

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and about the Hereafter. And when I leave this company, and I go

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back to my family into my work, I focus on other matters, and I feel

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guilty about that.

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Said Abu Bakr told Him for allah in Africa, Alec, surely I, I feel

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the same way. I experienced the same thing. In teleseminar, ala

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Rasulillah, let's go to the Prophet of Allah and tell him

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about the situation from Allah Mara, for Call of a Sunova so both

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of them into rasool Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam saw them coming, but he nope doesn't handle our sad and

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distressed by his face. And he said Malika hunger Allah, what is

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the matter of hunger and hunger the same Nafa Hanza Allah Ya

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rasool Allah 100 Allah has become a hypocrite.

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He said, How is that oh hunger, said Nicole to the Kiruna be

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gnarly while genetica Anna I mean, when we are in your company for

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profit, we speak and contemplate about the hereafter about Jana and

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Jahannam as if we see it with our own eyes when we are in your

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company, La Jolla officinal as well as well. When the Cena

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cathedra and when we get back to our family and into our sport into

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our business, in our meetings in our work,

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then we tend to do in our daily affairs

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to focus not on that as much and therefore I feel hypocritical.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam cheered him up this, this

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tearing humbler? The Salah cheered him up. He cheered him up with a

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light hearted remark. And he said, Yeah, humbler? Low the new moon

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either highly likely to pull the kupuna behind me.

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If you were to continue focusing so intensely on the hero

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stand those things like you say you do when you are with me. Last

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saw the Safa Hudsonville melodica FEMA Jalisco movie while our

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foolish, even the angel will come down and shake your hands, in your

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meetings in the street when you're walking and you will you will come

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and greet your hand in your in your bed. In other words, you know

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it's a remarkable thing nobody will do this. I don't expect this

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from you. And if you do this, the angels will shake your hand

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wherever you go. And then the Prophet said is very famous words.

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And he said it thrice. He said, Well, Kenya hamdulillah satin was

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satin messiah of 100 at the time for everything. Time for this. And

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this time for that. Allah's peace and mercy and blessings in our

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beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the ideal exemplar

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hooligan are the certain hustler Akula Kohli hada was the federal

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law was salam ala

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