Saad Tasleem – I Called Yahya Ibrahim!

Saad Tasleem
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of apologizing for mistakes made by children and seeing humility in personal experiences. They also emphasize the need for parents to see "ironic" in human beings and personalize experiences. The discussion touches on the impact of COVID-19 on people's personal lives, particularly women and children, and the importance of intentions in modern manhood. The speakers also mention a recent event where they received a award for their work.
AI: Transcript ©
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Don't want to lie about a cat two y equals set up to lie about a cat johari my brother good shit How are you? I'm come to love very well Mashallah it's very nice to see you after such a long time a lucky Vedic feature sad it's an honor and a privilege I hope to meet again in in real life soon inshallah. inshallah tada how's everything going? It's early there right like six in the morning. Yeah, so did did my father actually put on my motorcycle jacket in honor of you bro. Wow, I don't so

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that's I was looking at your jacket like that when you pop on screens. The first thing I noticed I'm like, hey, that's a that's a nice jacket.

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Yeah, and I thought I'd go motorcycling for you man. That's awesome. Do you had you ride? I do but I my wife has asked me to to chill a little bit. You know? She goes we need you around a little bit longer. I said no, no, I'm the law. We'll take it nice and slow. But definitely when you make it down here we're gonna go for a ride. Yes and charlo sure for sure. inshallah, I'm really I like I really like Perth is one place and every time I see pictures of it, I see your videos. I'm like man, I really got to go there just looks like a beautiful place.

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Some like I'm super excited Shall I hope I can come come see you there inshallah. Welcome I mean, how's the little guy doing over there with you? Mashallah.

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Good hand in late, the older one. He's five now he's growing. He's going super fast.

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younger ones again. He is one and a half. So, yeah, how are your kids doing? Yeah, my shabby. Mashallah. So I remember people asking me about my kids. And it's almost like it was yesterday, I was saying, Oh, she's six years old. And somehow Milan now she's, you know, she's in the teens, and she's just getting older and older. My son My shareen is 13. He was turning, turning 13 soon in shot law. Adam is turning 10 in August at the end of August. So I'm becoming old brother the whites kind of coming in and I'm running look like chef for need now.

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No, man, you look my shell on my bed. You look good, man. They look very good. Wow. I got I got white to man. I mean, people don't see it. I mean, it's only a couple of strands. But people around me are like, Hey, is that is that a white hair? I'm like, I'm looking so closely. Yeah, no, it's actually my kids that are the ones who pointed out I was like, blah, blah. Are you getting old? And I go, boy, why are you saying that? Man? I'll take you on the court right now. Man, I'll show you how old I am.

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A ball with a man just to get just just to show them their place near and dear boys. Are they still at an age where like, they really look up to you. And they're like, they want to do everything that you do are they like, past that age now. So my boys know definitely what they want and don't want. So there's aspects of it that they really do like, of what we do is, you know, I see moms and community leaders and teachers

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say I have the privilege Alhamdulillah to being a teacher at the school where my kids are. So it's a double edged sword in the sense that, you know, everyone knows their dad, but also their dad is the mom. So it's like that, you know, you know, there's that little bit of so as they get older that big that changes from being Oh my God, your dad is Chef. Yeah, yeah. So Oh my God, your dad is Chef. Yeah. So yeah, it's a little bit of a balance and it's actually something that

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I do. Always keep in mind. So I kind of keep them at an arm's distance as it comes to school relations and conflict issues and things like that. So it's it's a wonderful kind of experience, Mashallah. But I know that my boys don't want to go down the road of community activism and leadership and things like that. So my man my son, Ahmad, he's a tinkerer. I just actually ordered for him. He doesn't know so hopefully he doesn't want to I ordered him a new 3d printer kind of thing. And

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yeah, my boy Adam wants to be a gamer. I don't know if that's gonna work out for him.

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These days.

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These days, you can have professional gamer these days. So yeah, you know, popular one in Perth that they kind of they met somehow at EB Games, which is a game shop and they're like, oh, Baba, you know he's a millionaire is like Oh, cool.

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Yeah, you know, it's kind of like being a mom's kid. I you know, I speak to a lot of ice I know a lot of emails, but I also know a lot of times kids because a lot of like speakers and whatever, like their kids always tend to like, I don't know, they seem to get along with me. Well, they like to hang out with me and stuff. So you know

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One of the things I've noticed always is like, it's it's not it's not fair a lot of times to like public speakers kids or a moms kids, because people have like these super unrealistic expectations of what they're supposed to be like, right? So they'll have a certain standard for the Imams kid. And then everyone else has a different standard, you know, so that's it's rough man, it can be rough. I think a lot of that relate to the Imam themselves. So I'm, I'm, I'm an undercover Imam. So I'm just the way you take me as I am. So I'm not,

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you know, I don't dress it up for anyone. My family and I are very, very conscious of that. So

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those who who know me, in our community, and those who know, the, you know, I guess, the and virtual me, they kind of see that. So there isn't that expectation, neither by the school kids, or by my own kids, that I hold those kind of standards. And I think that that becomes really, really important. So, for me, if any of my kids, you know, kind of step out of line, it's not, you know, you're gonna embarrass me, what do you do? And that kind of thing is it's not at all. So I think it does take a little bit of balance, and it does take a little bit of work, and learning to be apologetic to your kids. Yeah, so that's one of the faults I've seen with a lot of parents, but in particularly some of

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us as parents who kind of have positions of trust that we kind of, always are the people who are balancing other people's lives that we forget that hold on a second, we step out of line all the time. And when we step out of line myself in particular, that there are moments where you have to apologize and say, I'm gonna look I'm sorry, you know, I actually shouldn't have missed that. Or I should have actually been there. And that becomes really important. Yeah, for sure. I mean, that's one thing I've always tried to practice like in my house. I'm like, I can't expect late to apologize if he hasn't heard me apologize. Absolutely. Yeah. So like, they have to see that, you know, my dad

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or my mom, like, they're, like, they make a mistake. They're human beings. They're human beings. If they make mistake, they'll apologize. And it's rule number one, honestly, in in, in, in raising adjusted children that they must see humility in you, they must be able to know that they can call you out, and that you're not uncomfortable. You know, I'm certainly not untouchable. Absolutely. I was, uh, I was going through your, your Instagram feed, just to just to see like, you know, let the life of your dreams. Oh, no. So a couple things. I noticed a couple couple certain things. I mean, some of the stuff already know about you, you know, obviously, cuz I know you personally as well.

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But I know like you like colognes and perfumes and stuff. I knew that already. But I didn't realize you're such a big fan. So

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I think it got imprinted in me way back in my first experience

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to visiting Mecca. And I was like, maybe 1110 or 11 my dad, maybe even younger, 10 or 11 I believe. My dad took us for a model. We were in Egypt and took us for Omaha. And I just smelt this smell. And at first it was you know, it's an acquired taste, of course, right? Like copy the first time you have it. It's not like oh my god, this is delicious. But the second and third time is like oh, coffee. And I smelt it as we were, you know what it was walking through the streets. And I was like, that's a really different kind of smell. And then I can and so Pamela, I experienced the black stone. And it was I remember it very clearly. It was a saw that time and I got called forward. You

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know, I was looking in the police officer was beaten these people get away from the black stone that Yvonne is going and you know, you don't know where it is, right? Yeah. And I was looking there. And I was like, standing in line, like this really good, chubby Canadian kid. And this guy kind of saw me watch it. You know, he was like, You felt sorry for me like I you know, it was hot nose. And he said, lol, and I ran forward and a belt alhaja. And just as I was just before I did that they had already perfumed it, you know, they do it at every slot out. So the guy who just put food. So I went in and I you know, I kissed it. And my hand had this sticky, dark resinous pavement.

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And I like the smell of the Kava and I was like, Oh my god, that was it. It was imprinted. And I've loved it ever since. It had a lush if you know that story, explains everything. Because Yeah, I know because I personally, I do not like, like, at all. I don't like the smell of it. If it gets on me, I like obsessively try to wash it off. It'll like bother me and Salah like I just can't and people people

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They like you haven't smelled good enough. I've smelled really expensive.

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Yeah, I think like what you said about it being an acquired taste, it's definitely an acquired taste. And I think there's a lot of like, emotions that are usually attached to it. And so people, you know, they either love it or hate it, right? People who love it, like really love it. And people, there's people like me, but that story, I'm like,

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I'm sure that story, there's certain types of rude that. So there's, you know, three different categories of food, right. So you'll find the route that is an animalistic route, which is got a muskiness and an earthy, you know, an earthiness, that is really difficult. And that one you can't ever experience on its own road was always meant to be a carrier for other things. And it was always meant to be blended. So one of the problems, of course, is that people walk into like, the some of the Auto Show, and they're like, I want the most expensive route. And they smell an apple. But that was never meant to be worn on its own. It was meant to be something that's a carrier and as a base

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known to other things. So once I learned that, then rude che, you know, became a completely different thing in my life. So when you add the food and you let it brew for, like, say, six months, at a rate of say, one drop of food to 20 of taught if rows, and you just leave it for six months in a dark corner somewhere. And then you smell it. It's a religious experience, brother, it's a totally different thing. Yeah, so I got,

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man, I'm gonna send you some hot sauce convert me I'm ready. I'm ready. Yeah, I want I feel bad sometimes. Because like people really like earlier than I really, like, I want to appreciate this. I just don't you know, so I'm, I'm ready to sit convert me. Like if it's the difference between having a raw cup of coffee and having it you know, you know, a grounded and,

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you know, done in a percolator and having it done nice and adding milk and maybe a little bit of sugar. So the cup of coffee, you can have a black, Jet Black and that's an acquired taste. Or you can have a cappuccino, which is still coffee, but it's it's it's a different experience. So yeah, I'm gonna do my, you know, I'm gonna send you the Starbucks triple soy latte, you know,

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with a little bit of organic honey and, and cinnamon on top.

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I'm ready. I'm ready. The other thing I realized, when I was looking through your Instagram, was that Well, obviously, I like you have a beautiful smile. Michelle, I'm sure you heard that a lot alum about it. And you're very nice man. But you are, you have no qualms of taking selfies, like you have no problems with it.

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And that stuck out to me because, like, I get this all the time. So if I, if I post a selfie online, like I'm on Instagram or whatever, there's always like a few people who are like, What is wrong with you? Is this how we're supposed to give down? Like, you know, putting yourself you trying to be trying to show off and, and this and that. And, and then I'm like, Wait, hold on. Okay, so for a time, I was like, okay, maybe like selfie culture, like, okay, you know, then every other speaker that I look at, like, literally every person has like selfies, right? And no one says, but for me, it's like people like no, how can you?

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I'll tell you, I'll tell you what it is. I'm too old to care about people's opinion.

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But explain the psychology to me. And it's like, Listen, I'm in Spain. And I'm standing in kotoba I want to sell I want I want something to be able to share with other people and honestly, if you don't want to see it just log off man. I'm like

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the rationale of why I am very selfie prone. And I'm very

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pro documentation of moments for myself and my family is that it was something that my my dad to Panama when I was moving to Australia. He gave me like a carton. And he said these are all your memories. And I was like what Wow, memories, and he had done it and voila, he you know, I wear it like every other every at least once a week. He had it at my ice my hockey jerseys to play ice hockey for my high school team. And that's from like 30 years ago, bro. Like you know, somehow I'm an old dude now man, you know I'm pushing 43 shall lots of other cattle men and my dad gave me this hockey jersey from when I was 16 years old. And it had the name of Rahim written on it and Kipling

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And, and I was like, yeah. And then he gave me you know, photos of every stage of my life that was documented. And I was like, Well, why would I? Why would this stop? This hasn't changed my toe heat, it hasn't changed my approach to life, it hasn't influenced how I see myself. For others. It's something that I can look back and say, Subhanallah Yeah, I went here, and I've been there. And I can remember the exact moment This photo was taken. And the emotions behind it are very much attached to the, to the visual. Yeah. And other people who kind of see it in me, they can almost see that and you commented, when you were speaking about the selfies, commenting about my smile. And so

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that that kind of shows you that there is something that registers with other people in some of the experiences, the positive experiences we have. And I know there's this negative thing with Instagram and stuff that people only show the good things in their life. Well, that's I don't see that as being something that is driven towards that. It can be something certainly where there's this fake culture, where you're trying to, you know, sell an experience and other things. But for myself, and for the people that kind of follow me, and you'll notice that

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it's really I just want to keep it about what I'm doing. And I'm happy to share along in the wide with what other people are doing as well. So yeah, I've never I've never really taken a second look at that kind of bias. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I'm with you, 100%. I don't like I'm way past carrying, you know,

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whatever. And I think it's, it's very interesting to me that a lot of the criticism goes back to looking into looking at judging people's intentions, right? Like, oh, you posted it for this reason. And anytime somebody judging someone's intention, I'm like, I don't really care. Like, if you have valid criticism, like this action itself is wrong. I'm like, Okay, I'm open to hear that. But anytime somebody says, You're doing it for this reason, I'm like, I don't care. Right? But I'm just like, I'm more interested in why people have like, there's like, a different reaction to certain people posting selfies versus other people. Well, look, I'll tell you what it is, with you shows

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he got you got some swagger, bro. I don't know, man, that's not true, though. That's not true.

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I'll tell you what it is. It's, it's, you know, you teach a course about the balance. You know, you teach trends, right. And you teach about what's right and wrong. And many people assume that to wear something nice, or to wear something expensive, or to wear something curated, or to put colors together, right? Or,

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you know, to take a little bit of pride in your hair or in your beard or something, that there's something offensive or wrong in that, you know, Muslim should be very austere. And, you know, we give everything away. That's something that you fix with people through your words through your writing, but also through your very personal appearance. And that's important. So I think in getting those comments, it kind of shows that you're actually doing the data that's intended. So it's another way of you being able to set the record straight in a meaningful way with people who may not engage with some of the other ways that you you would discuss it with them. So they they come and

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it's probably a very, from a very genuine place. Why are you doing this? It's out of, you know, inquisitiveness, in that sense. So I think it's about getting your data in in a sense, I hope so. May Allah make that the case? I mean, I like that written go bro. It's looking nice Michelle. Oh,

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I you know, I said had a lot I I go through phases like people probably who've been following me online and watching my lectures, they've probably seen me evolve and go through. So I was talking to a lot about this as well, like certain fashion choices or what I never regret anything. Right.

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But like, I feel like I you know, there's different phases I go through. So there was a phase I don't know you probably remember I think the first time I met you I was wearing like

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shouldn't fashion regret role? There's always

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crap. Yeah, and I'm okay with that. Right. Because in that time, I've you know, I've felt good, it felt nice. I like the way I look. So these days, I met a little bit of a more of a minimalist by you know, so I like rings like this that are you know, very simple, very plain.

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You know, just like a little accent piece. So, this is like this kind of stuff I look for, but

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no, I love it. It's like Alaska, like Alaska. How are how are things over there man? why I wanted to ask you, you know, with COVID and all that, you know, things here just absolutely bonkers, insane. Crazy. I'm sure you hear all about it in Perth. We're probably the most unique kind of place in the world. I think. I don't know. In that we have just about

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Zero restrictions, and we're just a little bubble and how we're very similar to New Zealand, we have zero cases in our city in our state where the largest state and why, but we've isolated ourselves completely from the rest of Australia. And of course, you know, what's happening in Melbourne and in Sydney, it's actually quite, you know, getting a bit scary, and they've shut down, you know, Melbourne East Coast again. But for us where, you know, we're heading to law schools are in operation, everything, and there's no difference from what it was last year, except for travel restrictions. So that's a great blessing. But it's also something that's at the back of your mind

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how quickly things can change. Because Melbourne was where we were a little while ago, I think some of the research that I was just reading a little bit earlier, I have a Medical Advisory Group on WhatsApp, so it's, you know, 300 or so doctors from across the world that I kind of set up this group when you know, COVID first started, because I wanted to be able to provide a mom's instantaneous information. Our Dr. shefali bassoon is also one of the advisors on behalf of a negative he's joined on and for me, so basically, the research that they kind of share is now that they're saying, you know, with the COVID thing, it's more of a blood borne issue, in the sense that

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people get sick, but when it strikes the blood, it kind of stays with you, even after you're a lot better. So they say it kind of causes these mini strokes for an extended period of time, even when a person is better, that they don't feel that these strokes are happening. And what it does is that it effectually effectively, kind of you know, deteriorates your brain capacity and your you know, all these kind of things. So it's, there's a lot more to it than just, you know, how people kind of say, Oh, it's you know, so there were there were doctors who initially, you know, were a little bit skeptical, and this and that, but when you know, research is coming out. And when you're reading

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these kind of things, it kind of puts things into perspective. So May Allah protect you, Chef, I'm glad that you know, we do practices and practice the social distancing, I did watch that

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kind of thing that you had displayed, Mashallah, and how your community, you know, even even myself here, even though we're not in restrictions, I limited our schools, to just staff members, we prayed with just 100 people, because I want to send that message that we do need to be vigilant and we do we do need to take care. Does it feel like sitting there sitting there like the rest of the world is is burning down?

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Like you're just

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reading numbers, you're kind of here, 5 million people in America are now infected, or you know, these kind of, I think there's always a little bit of sensationalism and a little bit of fake news that does come in I hate that term, but it's a reality. But at the same time, they people kind of underplay it. So then other people need to actually do shock people into being aware and wearing your masks. And, yeah, personally, I don't want Americans visiting Australia, Sorry, bro.

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I don't blame you.

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Don't want them visiting Toronto, my dad, my mom, you know, they're in Toronto, and don't want some guy getting off a plane who just got off, you know, Tennessee or wherever they're rebellious and don't want to wear masks and, and, and walking on Toronto and going into, you know, just shopping centers and things like that. I don't think it's good for the country. So, yeah, yeah, it's it's a balance, and hopefully, you know, officials manage it in the best way that they can. I hope so. Should I you know, I was thinking, I for a while I thought it's just, it's just an American problem, right? Like, we have like the anti mask. Yeah, people and all that, then I don't know if you heard

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but recently, I think it's like maybe a week or two weeks ago, there was like a huge protest in Germany, like an anti mask. Like, are we exporting like stupidity across the world? Like, what's happening? Well, look, you see, and it's something that in Australia, it was stamped out very quickly with fines. So Australia is a very free country to an extent. But here, like, we don't have guns, you know, we have very strict gun laws, we, you know, we're very regimented in certain things, with even with freedom of speech and so on. But I think what it is with America that you know, people do look towards America in terms of medical leadership and things like that. I think that

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doctor that Nigerian doctor whose video went viral, that was like, you know, and she had all these other doctors who were standing behind her I think the visuals of it was very intentional. And I think it was marketed not for America but for outside America. Yeah, I think it was, you know, having having her and I think it was just like there was something not right with that video and how quick it spread was Yeah, something that's

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and that's the problem with you know, social media and what like i a lot of the blame, I think goes to what's not WhatsApp itself, but WhatsApp culture where information is shared.

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unverified information

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and it gets a just it's spread so fast and keep me know people believe that stuff. So yeah, Milla protect all of us, you know, I mean, I mean, I wanted to ask you so if there are three tips

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for non Amen, I I need some Style Tips, bro. Okay, and I want to invite you I don't know if you know what I'm doing I have this online Islamic summer school so it's an online thing through my website. And Mashallah, there's what, 1200 students Mashallah that are enrolled, oh, wow, for those who can afford it, and it's free, for those who can't, those who genuinely you know, it's not means tested or anything like that. So, there's a section in one of the sections, it's called the heart of purity. And it's basically for young adults, and, you know, personal grooming and manscaping, and things like that. So I'd actually like to invite you in Charlotte, maybe to do a video for me on

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like, you know, what are the things that men should young men in particular, should think about? As it relates to those kind of personal issues?

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I was thinking of, you know, kind of recommending certain things to be used or certain tools, do you have anything like that, that, you know, what, what three rules should men know about the beard about, you know, the, you know, that kind of stuff. So I'll just break it down into three points. Okay. So, this minute, so the first thing I would say is,

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intentions are paramount, they're everything. So before you start thinking about before someone starts thinking about what to wear, how they dress, how they present themselves, grooming all that a believer has to has to understand why they do what they do, and whose pleasure they're seeking. Allah has kind of data. So that has to be the reason for everything that we do. I record a video, I was like, eight years ago, it's called How To Grow how to grow a manly beard. And basically, the, the point of that video is not, hey, use these oils and trim it like the point was, grow your beard for the sake of a lot, because that is the most important aspect of your beard. Right? So that has

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to be the first thing you know, before we ever think about this. Second, I think that the next step would be the bare minimum for me is implementing the guidance found in the shitty out in the sun and other parts, send them you know, just that even though it matters of the fifth law, which, yeah, you'd be surprised. A lot of young men are, they just don't implement that, or they're ignorant of some of the details. Just following those things would would cover like, a lot of the issues. A lot of I'll say that the bare minimum, right? Yeah. So that's, that's number two, educate yourself about the bare minimum and the purpose of the online Islamic school that that's really what I made it for

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our students here. And I know that there's a lot of people that are kind of under lockdown, and they don't have the opportunities to, to maybe

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how many how often I've never actually done it myself. And I've never seen it in any of our mosques in Perth, when there's a class for young men about how to remove hair. Exactly.

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Exactly. You know, what? The news, how often to do it and exactly know, what are the limits? And then that's, you know, where do you get that information? I'll be real with you. I'll be real with you. There are young men who don't know what to do when they wake up after a *. Yeah, because they, you know, maybe their dad never spoke to them about it. They're to Chicago, their mom, you know,

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theories on that on that Islamic school. I have three parts on that man. Yeah, it's something you know, my boys are getting into that age, and it's something that's necessary. Absolutely. First rule is intention. And the second rule was to follow the Sunnah and to learn about it. What's the third one? So the third one.

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The third one is

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finding your identity and your comfort zone. Okay, yeah. So I'll tell you this. I never tell people how to dress. I never tell people like you should wear this and you should wear that. What I do tell people is that it is important to take pride in the way you look not pride as an arrogance. But meaning you care, right? So you've made an effort doesn't mean you have to fit some version, or you have to follow a particular fashion or particular style. You have to just make the effort to look good. That may mean something to you. It may not and if you need advice on like, that's, that's totally fine. If you need to go to someone and say, hey, what would look good on me? What do you

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think? Right? Yeah, but I don't I never feel that. It's one

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particular thing and I always tell people like you should, it's important to feel comfortable, you know, in your skin, you know, it's important to have to know and understand some people, honestly, they're very simple, right? They're like, I just need a few different things. And I, and I'm like, if you feel good in it, and you know, you take it, you've made you make an effort. Haven't done. Yeah, that's, that's, that's what that's what's best. And that's why I'm actually against recommending products to people. Because I get this question all the time. Especially hair products, like, oh, what hair products do you recommend? I'm like, first of all,

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everyone's hair is different. So I can tell you what I use. But it doesn't mean it's gonna work for you. And and, and not only that,

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you know what products are good for you. That's something that's a journey that you have to take. And I'm, I'm by no means like, I didn't go to school for this. Like, I didn't go to like, you know, cosmetology school or anything. It's just trial and error to see what works best for me. And that's what I recommend making an effort. But it's important to be true to who you are and understanding what your personal identity is. I guess that would be my my three, three points. And I can add a fourth Jeff, absolutely out your white socks with dress shoes. If they're dark in color, bro. Don't do it. Don't do it. I saved the brother's life when he was going to ask for a sister. And he's going

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over to her house man. And his brother had some white athletic socks on with

00:31:28 --> 00:31:34

say, I was gonna say you can you can actually do white socks. But they can't be athletic socks. They can't be like

00:31:36 --> 00:31:42

the Red Sox. Maybe there's room like they're you know, depending on you gotta leave those for the court, man.

00:31:44 --> 00:32:08

You can't go with those. I can make a list of like certain fashion foe pause, buddy. I think, man, man, I don't know people get really like to get really upset at that. But look, I honestly like, in my class I talked about like, one of my big things is crocs like I don't like crocs. I can't stand crocs. They're just not for me. And then like a bigger a bigger sin on top of that roll.

00:32:09 --> 00:32:11

Rocks are lifesavers, Bro.

00:32:13 --> 00:32:14

Bro, you gotta

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00:32:18 --> 00:32:51

So I always say I always say Look, that's just me though, right? Like, I don't like it. But honestly, if you feel good and crocs like you, do you but but but yeah, but yes. You know, and I think you know, and I think it's, we should. Okay, so that's maybe point number five. We should have enough alignment towards each other to accept the differences that we have. Right? I know. A lot of people don't like the way I dress. I'm like, I have no problem with that. The only question you got to ask yourself is is it helpful or not? If it's

00:32:53 --> 00:33:00

right, haters. Hey, bro. Always Hey, there's always gonna hate and that's part of life and you have to you have to come to terms with that.

00:33:01 --> 00:33:10

said it. No. and Roger has sent me a lot of ofI here we judge if you're a screen as a narrow they still say there's some crookedness you know?

00:33:11 --> 00:33:12

You're gonna hate

00:33:13 --> 00:33:31

taking a lot of your time. No, I don't want it. I don't know. I mean, the ones in the believers. I pray that you remain safe and healthy. Chefs out there was an honor to spend this time with you. Well, I I knew. And I it's nice to see you. Nice to see your face as well. I'm not lucky but a big

00:33:33 --> 00:33:35

shout out. It was an honor and a privilege that I'm wanting

00:33:37 --> 00:33:38

to learn warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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