Riyadul Haqq – Shirk and Polytheism in Islam

Riyadul Haqq
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the worship of multiple goddesses and idols in Arabia, including those mentioned in the Bible and the Koran. The worship of these godesses and idols is described as bleak and ridiculous, with the potential for further falsehood. The worship of certain goddesses and idols is also highlighted, with the potential for further falsehood.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Ar Rahman

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and when it came to the worship of many different gods and idols, there were some chief fighters in Arabia and its surroundings and ally mentioned some of them in the Quran. These are the most famous ones. Well, these are the ones that Allah has mentioned. The most famous ones are for right or left or will a resume and a third of them.

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Allow mentions of sort of mention that what authority

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Do you see last resort and the third minute, lat? Rosa and Minot were three famous goddesses. They weren't just Gods goddesses, of Arabia. And these were considered

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some of the greatest goddesses and idols, whole tribes were devoted to these goddesses. And they were female goddesses.

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And quite famously, they were attributed to Allah as being lost daughters. So that resentment that were described as being the daughters of Allah.

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There were other gods as well, many throughout Arabia, though not mentioned in the Quran, there were some Gods from the time of there was another one from the time of Arabia, from the time of receipt of lots of love and even some of them and from before which is mentioned ban Allah subhanho wa Taala says at the during the battle with the National highly being, what do you call out to burn? And you abandon or you leave aside the best of all creators the best of creators Allah? So these are four that I mentioned and there are five of the gods or shall we say idols mentioned from the time of seeing them and more highly sought out what Sam mentioned in sort of more well, law essays what

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what are what don't what are swearing What are we Oh, come on us. And they said do not abandon your gods and do not abandon what am sola and you're Ruth, and you're all a mess. So these are nine idols mentioned in the Koran, La Rosa mana burn, what so are you who's your openness?

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Apart from these ones actually identified in the Quran, there were countless others, other gods and idols most famous one in the garba was Hobbit.

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And this was a god referred to by Abu Sufyan after the Battle of Oxford, where he said,

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and many of them would call out to Hubble. So Hubbard was one famous God. But it wasn't just a question of nine or 10. Arabia, as well as other parts of the world were filled with many gods and idols and goddesses. And things have become so bleak. And so ridiculous, even amongst the Arabs, that

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every tribe had a god, a super goddess or a super God. And then every clan had a god, sometimes a family would have would have its own unique, specific idol. And this is actually documented that when the Arabs will travel,

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they used to when they would

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break off their journey, and dismount and prepare to retire for the night or for a short while.

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The Arabs would gather four stones,

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three would be used as the

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base or the foundation for that cauldron.

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And their pot, and the fourth would become their temporary idol.

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So three stones for cooking, and one stone for worship,

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and would actually worship that stone. And when they would rise to resume their journey, they would abandon their cooking stones and abandon their

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temporary got. And stone, in fact, again is documented that they would actually there was one god that was made out of flour.

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So again, it was temporary, they would just simply need dough, carve, or form an idol from the dough, worship it. And then when they when it had expired, its need and usefulness, they would actually cook it

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and then they would worship sweetmeats now these may all sound quite humorous and far fetched but this is actually documented in Arabian literature.

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So this is how bleak and ridiculous the situation had become when it came to worshipping the gods goddesses, stones and idols. Apart from that, some some

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scoff at such wish.

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over time others have themselves whilst claiming to be monotheistic, whilst claiming to make religion and worship exclusive for Allah. They have apparently on a lesser scale, but with equal gravity as far as iron is concerned, they have also been guilty of policies. So the worshipping or the excessive veneration of icons, or ascribing

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partners to Allah, or children to Allah,

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male or female, and worshipping them.

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In the view of

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all of these forms of worship,

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besides the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala are equally condemned in the Quran. And this is what we see in the solar. It only contains four verses, one of all Allahu la Samad Let me read one a muted What a miracle no go for one. Yet, every one of these verses, excludes and precludes the possibility of any other type of form of deity besides Allah subhanho wa Taala the one that alone in the unit

An Excerpt from the Lecture, ‘Allah, The One, The Unique: A Tafsir of Surat 112 – al-Ikhlas’

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