Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Talk

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The coronavirus pandemic has impacted society, causing the loss of lives of people and the loss of opportunities for businesses. The speakers discuss various topics such as social distancing, lockdowns, and the loss of lives. They stress the importance of persevere and staying in a neutral way, as it is a sign of anger and distrust, and the need to be patient and perseverance. The importance of learning and imagineizing oneself to achieve success and avoid mistakes is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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So Mr Kumar Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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Janardan memahami rasool Allah

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Muhammad Rasul

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Heini or Asana honey or Asana

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hi here I

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have long

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hamdulillah Europe Delilah Amina

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your beer sir ternary overstorey Obinna your meals of Thirza Nubian

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Susan Obinna, you won't be able to original guru before rich curogan

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you here on the island we will be finishing Roma Homina Homina also

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done I hope that will help them and your book will help but I'm

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learning your Korean buena Illa COVID Yeah and even the Celtic

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Elsevier on the whole kick your teeth on the Celtic which have

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been a joy to be in Morocco Geez in the air conditioning produce

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while she was in

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Yemen be to me

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was a row two men and moved to T ball Turton. We'll call this we'll

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do clamor

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for shadowing so you didn't want to be in a volume and Oh, have you

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been to Mohammed and also novella Risa will also have a mobile

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Crusher for November. But how could you have the terrible your

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pain? Well as I've already have the community cushion for deja vu

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God Algoma Jimmy a facade if he saw Nevada he saw Allah Allah con

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la jolla animal who might have put in a certain Amanda had he had a

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biography i from that and Islam in

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La Jolla Saturday, sedative kelong

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is very very Yamaha the whole Mowlana Tamala Kosmo Fifi

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terribile Aziz are the Rudy below him in a show you Tony regime.

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Yeah, you have seen

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his deal bill. Warsaw Do you want to be to what the law has come to

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free home? So the Allah

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Allah subhanaw Medina says in suity, earlier on

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in the last verse of the Surah, verse number 200,

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addressing the believers

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always want to tell him because of the true believers, me addressing

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the believers, Allah subhanaw taala says, Yeah, are you hola

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Xena Avenue? For those of you who believe is Biru.

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Warsaw viro

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and endure and forbear

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Warabi to

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and secure yourselves.

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What up Allah

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and be mindful of Allah subhanaw taala

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in all of that which has been commanded,

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to whom to flee home in order that you might be at the successful

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Yo, sup iota. Allah has commanded us with four things.

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The fourth one is necessary for all

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The first three to be realized and that is Taco Allah because without

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Taqwa without being conscious and mindful of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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we won't be able to do anything for the sake of Allah subhanaw

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we won't be able to shield ourselves from all that bad

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behavior that will bring upon us the displeasure of Allah subhanaw

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taala no would we be able to do all those good things that indeed

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would cause us to be enveloped by the grace and the mercy and the

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pleasure of Allah Subhana.

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So, let us look at these first three and then we'll come back to

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the top one, which is the fourth one at the end also on a dialysis

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or those of you will believe you have levena Is Bill.

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Now this word is there is a fair amount, it's an intended

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interrogative verb of what it is a, a fair hour. It is a command,

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not interrogative. It is a command from Allah subhanaw taala. It's an

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imperative that is the word I'm looking for. It's an imperative

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verb is built from savara. Yes, Spiro, is built.

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And in order for us to understand this word server,

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which we all know the English translation they have, it means to

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be patient it means to persevere.

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In order to better understand it, let's look at where the word

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originates from. It will it originates from the words Savera

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or a Suburu, which refers to the buttress of all plants, the aloe

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And so summer, which is patience, and perseverance is something that

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is, it's better. It's something that requires Taqwa. It requires

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consciousness of Allah subhanaw taala, in order that we should not

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be rude and authority in order that we should persevere, no

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matter how bitter, no matter how difficult it might seem. We have

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to persevere in the obedience of Allah subhanaw taala

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will saguru Garcia Aina Spiro and Maha Silla and we have to

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persevere in abstaining from the disobedience of Allah subhanaw

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was someone who is better and we have to be patient and persevering

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during the time of trial and tribulation, Allahu Akbar. So a

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very encompassing word and someone who is very important, just very

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important part of how you learn. In actual fact, as someone who

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needs food in a cover, call interview, sort of loosen up

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whatever profit some Muslims in that suburb, patience and

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perseverance in the obedience of Allah in abstaining from his

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disobedience, and being patient and persevering at the time of

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trials and tribulations and calamities. This is hard to hold

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faith, this is half of it. Amen.

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So that is the first instruction for those of you who believe is

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zero. And especially look at the time that we are in now.

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We are now into the second year of this Coronavirus COVID-19 whether

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this pandemic

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that and I was looking at the statistics last night almost 4

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million people have lost their lives as a result by the word of

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Allah and by His will look at Allah grant or disease or

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hypericin junkie for those with the copper shoulder. We had a

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couple shahada Tom masala Tala except the monitor Dr. Glover

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prophets also gave the glad tidings for the believer

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when he said that men met a photographer who Shaheed who ever

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dies during a pandemic and that person is a martyr, in the eyes of

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Allah subhanaw taala. So, we are now in the second year of this

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pandemic. And in the third wave

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and we see that this very nicely what they call the Delta variant

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is even more infectious by the will of Allah even more contagious

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by the will of Allah. More people are getting sick by the will of

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Allah and more people are dying by the will of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala and by his word alone,

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and still there is confusion.

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So people are arguing over its source style people are arguing

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over whether we should be distancing or covering our faces

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or keeping the massaged open and we are missing the point.

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We missing the main point and that is this is a test from Allah

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subhanaw taala.

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And in fact more than that, it is a sign of Allah's displeasure with

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the world

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thorough eye to riches, the Prophet SAW Salem and these

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infectious diseases. This is a sign of all this anger is a sign

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of wholeness, displeasure, how mankind has gone so far away from

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the laws and commandments of Allah subhanaw taala how mankind has

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gone to the utmost extreme in associating partners in the

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worship of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And so we need to come back, we need to take stock of ourselves,

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we need to

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do some introspection,

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and focus on what is the most important issue of the day, the

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name of the of the our day of the middle day of this moment, and

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every single moment from this moment forth.

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And that is that we need to persevere, we need to have

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summary, firstly within ourselves in obeying the commandments of

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Allah subhanaw taala in abstaining from the disobedience of Allah

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subhanaw taala. In continuing me to be satisfied with the Kadar and

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Qatar with a decree that Allah subhanaw taala has put out for us

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what some of you know, that's the next instruction. The first one is

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view that's within ourselves was so beautiful. That's with one

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We must and there is various interpretations, you can look in

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the different diversity. Some of the parliament even say that its

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view is true means to have server render submitted cooler under a

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submitted ruler and the profit sets of sobriety sobriety, meaning

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patience and perseverance is at the first happening of the trial

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and tribulation at the first happening of the calamity.

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Not to the person the calamity comes to trial comes the

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tribulation comes in the people like we say in a free culture he'd

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say imagine for Lulu they lost the man who is they went berserk. They

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started swearing and becoming angry and becoming aggressive and

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even violent. Well Aria, the biller, we seek refuge in Allah

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subhanaw taala. And then afterwards, oh there calm down.

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And in the meantime, know a songwriter submitted

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patience and perseverance,

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the ultimate form of patience and personally it's a truest form of

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patience and perseverance is at the first happening of the

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calamity of the trial of the tribulation.

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So I'll give you the first opinion and that is a spiritual Sadhguru

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meaning Be patient and persevere within yourself in your obedience

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of Allah subhanaw taala. And then we'll solve you to be patient and

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persevering with each other in the obedience. The other thing is, is

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zero means Be patient and persevering,

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was solid and continue to be patient in persevering. Don't give

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We're all the two of us.

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Some of the elements it has to do with jihad

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with struggling in the path of Allah subhanaw taala with waiting

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from the one Salah to the next salah, looking forward to the next

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Salah in the Salah to Canada and moving Nikita Mota. Indeed Salah

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has been prescribed specific times for the believers, Allah Subhan

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Allah dialysis, but the barometer that must be really contextualized

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for us now is that we need to be patient in persevering within

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ourselves at the first moment of the trial and tribulation, well,

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some of you don't need to be patient and persevering with one

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another and we need to continue to do that. Where are we to and we

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need to secure ourselves from our enemies. We need to secure

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ourselves from those evil invitations and temptations that

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would know away and erode away at that server which will then make

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us lose that server and then stop persevering in the path of Allah

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subhana wa Tada. I want to become known for my other aka Hoonah

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phenomena that are suitable handed in some of the lawyers who will

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feel happy with Mustafa Al Pillai Abdullah was example

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the yellow dye award gambling machine to come up with a deal to

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them or your cooler you could loop in the Mohawk ball or helicopter

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in October.

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Handling Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Chateau the law who will you saw

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the pain but she didn't understand you didn't know when to begin our

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Haldimand or what have you been able her maiden also Allah

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quarter MB or even more selling I'm about to see more sequel

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SEOmoz limits I want to be to hold on to it. But I've got a lot of

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data if you keep up with it is by their own initiative. Yeah.

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But I don't know to see more. Accordingly some of our Tequila

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Hekima code

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has an attack tempo, we'll call it Inessa be hooking hustling.

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So the console will learn

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too much obviously, this is what we need to be focusing on is still

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be patient and persevering. Don't give up. Hold fast to the rope of

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Allah subhanaw taala. In actual fact, if we take this view and saw

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you know, in terms of ElDeen, holding on to our deen holding on

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to the indestructible rope of Allah subhanaw taala what was I

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was gonna say what tossin will be happy lay Jimmy or one after for

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Rocco. And all of you hold together onto the rope of

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each and every single one of us has to have that solid in

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ourselves, to hold them to that rope.

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And then we have to have the Masaba that we all hold on to the

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rope together. And where are we to, and we keep holding on

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securing ourselves together collectively, as the United from

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from those enemies, seen or unseen. Those enemies from the

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inside all the shayateen those enemies, whether they even be from

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it within our own selves, our wounds and our fences, our lesson

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desires, that we continue to persevere, that we can stay on the

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straight path of Allah subhanaw taala we are living at a time of

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fitna democracy. Last Shut up. We are living in a time of trial and

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tribulation. We are living in a time is the prophet described.

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Where things are hazy things are foggy, things are smoky, people

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are confused. That's why we need to come back to the book of Allah.

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We need to come back to the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, what Turquoise is at the end of the verse and be mindful of

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Allah de be mindful of Allah subhanaw taala so that you could

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have sovereigns in yourself, be mindful of Muslim Adonis. You can

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have someone with each other brothers and sisters in Islam. And

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be mindful of yourself that you could continue to guard yourself

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and protect yourself. When your alarm system goes off. Each and

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every single one of us have a built in alarm system, you know,

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when a Muslim wants to send in an alarm goes off. So the Prophet

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said son was in Israel, my hacker is somebody cut what character

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your polyalthia He does, and suddenly is that which makes it

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hard and easy and that which you wouldn't want other people to know

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about? So

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let us as we are now especially in these two weeks, we were mostly in

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our homes. Let us turn to Allah subhanaw taala and I started

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myself it just received the Holy Quran and I started myself laters

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insha Allah first what days they confessed and stand for solid

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tahajjud and I started myself to Michael was he mean, let us hold

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fast on to the rope of Allah, elitist persevere there in La Isla

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come to fit your home, as autonomously drive at the end of

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the first in order that you might prosper in order that you might be

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successful. Then after all the evil plotting that is going on,

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from the scene or unseen enemies from whatever corner of society by

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b. We know at the end of the day, while aka Makarova Quran weren't

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Allah in the Quran in Kenema Chrome, because all of

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us want to calluses and indeed, they plotted the plots

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And to Allah belongs all the plots, meaning all of us plan is

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the one that is going to prevail at the end of the day. That is why

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it was production.

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And that is why we must bind ourselves with patience and

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perseverance to the book of Allah subhanaw taala and to the way of

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life of a beloved Prophet Muhammad salatu salam Rouhani because at

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the end of the day in order,

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in order Allah Musa alayhis salam was gonna tolerate sighs what he

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said to his people in theatres, earth belongs to Allah to nobody

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else. You need to hammer your show everybody, he will allow to

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inherit this earth from His servants those that are pleasing

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to Him, while Akima to Turkey and the final victory, the ultimate

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success, the ultimate promise, the ultimate prospering will be for

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those who have been mindful of Allah subhanaw taala shielding

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themselves from all that which will bring upon them is discipline

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Should Ellis Mamata Allah guide us cuantas to think divine guidance

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to take this all comprehensive advice in the Silicon Valley in

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one verse number 200 Go look it up read it, ponder over it and it is

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implemented into our lives. Now I look to flick home in order that

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we might get through this whether we might get through this

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pandemic, we might get through this trial and tribulation and

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whatever is coming day after that we might get through it and we

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might hold on together united as an ummah and then inshallah we'll

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get the ultimate success of being entered under the flag of whatever

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Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem on the day of Yamaki Emma Feagin to

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know him

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well, I've got a lot of articles to add a few key terminologies

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back I wouldn't be learning a shirt on there but you in alarm

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America tell you something that I'd never hear you would have been

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suddenly Taslima although Sanjana helmet hammock Eurosonic

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I'm homeless.

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Come up to

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one of the alarm

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worker well I'm on Horace Mann or anyone who hasn't heard her saying

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what I'm saying so Haverty

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Hold on.

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Hello my resume is mostly me. Will it be fun if you can maintain

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happy with Dean also requirement for Steam if it was a hospital

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although 108 aside I covered a chromium Allah was from Alana

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Alana Shimon Alana Alana Allama Smorgon are humble diner and

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booked him see me particularly

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I got in the morning it will be it really is incredible. We don't

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have any fashion it will carry with nothing he already can come

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Lando come to that karoun como la so much come your hammock of Allah

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wa back in

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everyone welcome

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still got to deal with me

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this window why Manuel Rafi handled in Europe when we arrived

00:22:54 --> 00:22:59

earlier rushing in early do we do you open up a boudoir Yakunin

00:22:59 --> 00:23:04

staring if you do not see her on time times that Sirata Lena and

00:23:05 --> 00:23:11

him are going to be on the

00:23:14 --> 00:23:15

Iran earlier right?

00:23:17 --> 00:23:22

Well, I'll say New Year's horse host Loreen Amador I'm sorry. How

00:23:22 --> 00:23:25

do you want to also Bill helped me with the wall song this song?

00:23:26 --> 00:23:26


00:23:29 --> 00:23:30

So may Allah

00:23:32 --> 00:23:33


00:23:37 --> 00:23:37


00:23:40 --> 00:23:41


00:23:44 --> 00:23:45


00:23:48 --> 00:23:53

Moroccan Eva have been around I mean, a rush man in Washington

00:23:53 --> 00:23:58

United Kiyomi de el tonight cannot put you up here to stay.

00:23:59 --> 00:24:02

And it'll sit on still to you. So as I look

00:24:03 --> 00:24:08

at him 100 of the way I lay him on the

00:24:13 --> 00:24:13


00:24:19 --> 00:24:20


00:24:22 --> 00:24:24

so, Allah, Allah,

00:24:25 --> 00:24:26


00:24:29 --> 00:24:30


00:24:31 --> 00:24:33

Allah, hola

00:24:36 --> 00:24:37


00:24:50 --> 00:24:55

Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah As Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

00:24:59 --> 00:24:59

wa barakato.

00:25:00 --> 00:25:00

As a journalist

00:25:06 --> 00:25:08

well I'm known for silhouette

00:25:11 --> 00:25:12

lamonica to communicate them in a way

00:25:14 --> 00:25:15


00:25:17 --> 00:25:21

other or Yeah How you gonna steal his own either we're gonna Stygian

00:25:22 --> 00:25:23

Aquila hola

00:25:27 --> 00:25:31

hola Shimogamo Hamilton Imodium sing along Furby hello we can have

00:25:31 --> 00:25:35

a little bit on the camera and see what this will delay the reverse

00:25:35 --> 00:25:37

mission prolonged beneficent I will also be learning

00:25:38 --> 00:25:44

imagination for survival so Milani nitro virus nation for survival.

00:25:45 --> 00:25:46

So the hello

00:25:47 --> 00:25:49

is eco city

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