Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Masjidus Sunni (19 July 2024)

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases.
AI: Transcript ©
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You all

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I should

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never have.

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have a shot?

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Be nice to me and I knew initially you're kind of regime switched I

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have Rahman Al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu

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was Salam masala Tumwater Sleeman Connie Bhima kami me really be

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Immerman mursaleen

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in law who will you saw?

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I shall do Anessa your dinner whenever you know all the men our

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heavy burner Muhammadan rasul Allah term will be evil mursaleen

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Solyndra whomever wa sallim wa barik ala hasn't been healed. I

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mean, he was so Huberty he lover railway. I mean,

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do you want me to sit on Malik? Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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God Allah Tabata, Kota Isla de Ketopia he lives his father will

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be learning Minister your town that regime. Well,

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we're looking what hola Pfitzner Hola, Mundo ajuda nauseam. We'll

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call it to Allah in nama Luca fitna, Allahu Ando LG Ronaldo sada

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so in continuation

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with our gift,

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gift for who for the Shabaab for the youth, youth you

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all of our fasting for Yo Ma Shura, and grant, our previous

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year of sins, minor ones automatically and major ones with

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Tober Allah subhanaw taala forgive us for all our sins. I'm in

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Europe, Alana 1446.

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And I'll gift for the youth

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in continuation of our explanation and our commentary on the hadith

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of our beloved prophet Allah Subhan

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Allah Dr. Li obala

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Sherpa Nisha for you. Tonight I want to Jelani to harbor for

00:08:50 --> 00:08:51

Elijah toma Hollywood

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or copy SATA, Katyn Fafa hatherleigh Talla. Mishima.

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Family for color in the half Allah origin on

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Origin Zacher Allah fallen for fall that I know whom in a debate,

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seven types of people

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will be called on the day of judgment to rest in the shade of

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Allah on the day when there is no shade activity except the shade

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number one, adjust leader number two, two brothers in Islam or Two

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Sisters in Islam that come together, express love each other

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for the sake of Allah important that love.

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The third one, which is the one that is Inshallah, the

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continuation of today's topic was shabu Nasha. At light Island, a

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person that has spent the youth in the path of Allah subhanaw taala

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number for a person who gives a charity with such sincerity, that

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the left hand doesn't know that which the right hand is given. And

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the person that is invited towards the act of promiscuity

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The key of evil fortification, fornication and adultery and they

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say indeed I feel Allah and the person whose heart is attached to

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the masjid and the person who remembers Allah in solace

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in basically in solitude, and the tears flow from the eyes, may

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Allah subhanaw taala make at least one of these seven

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so, in continuation of where Shabbat Nisha theory but last week

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we spoke about the role of who of us as parents, especially us as

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As husbands and fathers what do we we are the We Are the son. We must

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bring the light to Dean into the house

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