Omer El-Hamdoon – 10 Reasons why you should NOT Judge Others

Omer El-Hamdoon
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of avoiding car accidents and avoiding false assumptions and deeds, including hidden actions and false deeds. They stress the need to recognize and understand intentions before actions are taken, using mobile phones and not forgetting to use them. The conversation also touches on the negative consequences of actions and mistakes, the importance of knowing the context and circumstances surrounding a situation or person, and the danger of being placed in the same position as a judge and criticizing people for certain actions. The speakers emphasize the importance of showing oneself to be better and more knowledgeable than others, showing oneself to be more confident and confident in their actions, and showing oneself to be more confident in their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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My dear brothers and sisters,

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one of the

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common mistakes that many of us fall into

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is that we judge others.

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We judge others.

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And we all know and I like to remind myself and you always about this our purpose in life here is to reach our last panel, what are the safety and security are we can only do that by making sure that we behave in the best of ways, doing as much as an act, keeping away from the car and having the right attitude.

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most of us, if not all of us, have fallen into this trap, which is to judge others. We see people, maybe the way they are dressed, we might see people how they behave, maybe something they've said, we might have seen them in certain circumstances, we might have seen them doing certain things, we might have seen them not doing certain things, and we judge people.

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And today, I want to talk to you about the 10 reasons why we must not judge others.

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And why Sharia law you will realize at the end of this, that judging others is a big

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is a big danger, danger for your Eman, danger for your mind, and even danger for your Islam.

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First of all,

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when we are judging somebody, we are seeing a glimpse of their life.

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We're only seeing them at one particular time. And the reality of things is we don't know how these people will behave One hour later, let alone how their lives will be.

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If you saw now somebody

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holding their sword up

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and announcing I hate Islam.

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And I don't believe that there is one God.

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And if the Prophet was here, I would kill him.

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What do you think about this person?

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What do you think about this kind of person? What would you be your judgment about this person?

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No need to say.

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But that was exactly how Omar was. That was and if you saw Omar macatawa that time

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you say this guy has no hope.

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There's nothing

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yet fast forward a few more years down the line is Yamaha Bob, the best one of the best people to embrace Islam.

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And in fact of the lie Mercer author of the alarm when he commented on Omar hottub life he said his Islam

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can Islam Fatah Islam was the conquest is a factor for the Muslims because until he had become Muslim, the Muslims were were feeling dominated by by the by the machine of Mecca but when Amaro de la Vega, Islam, people back down. Can Islam in fact, how can he job to Manasa

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he was a he was a great person. But when you look at his moment of life, you saw this guy

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was hating Islam at the prophesies, and he wanted to kill the Prophet irritating the Muslims. And yet we don't know how he's life change. And you can say that by about most of the Sahaba who are like that, and some of them lead wars against the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And in fact, some of them killed the Sahaba as well some of them towards the Sahaba but Allah Subhana Allah guide.

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we don't know what their hidden actions are.

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We don't know what their hidden actions are. Sometimes you judge somebody

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by what you see. You might see them doing certain acts or might not see them doing certain acts. You might not see them in the masjid regularly you might not see them in certain activities. You might not see that this but you don't know what they're doing secretly and hiding.

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And we have beautiful Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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about a man who used to be he used to have many good deeds. His deeds were very minimal

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If you consider these deeds in terms of the general a bar that you might say this guy is not much tougher.

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So when he was resurrected,

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the last time Allah tala judged him,

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they had no good deeds, except that he used to be a wealthy person. And he used to loan people used to give them loans. And when he used to come and collect the loans, he will tell his employees

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that if a person cannot pay the loan, they have trouble they have difficulty. Just tell us leave them alone. Don't take the money.

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He didn't have any goodies at this and this is hidden you don't know this. You're not you know this about it. So

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cara, Lee,

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Jr. was born and he was saved to see that person. So last had on what to add on the David process.

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I am more generous than that person.

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To john was on the

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otherwise distant for the Hellfire because he hasn't got much detail. But because he used to pardon others.

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A law is more generous, he pardoned.

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So again, when you judge people with the things, the little actions that they do, you don't know what they're doing in secret, you don't know what they're doing? Hidden, you don't know what actions they have.

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There is a story as well, about a man who

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also didn't used to do much good.

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in fact, used to drink lots of alcohol, as well. And then many times drunk.

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And he had an eagle who was an Imam can't remember exactly who it is, I won't mention his name, but that he also didn't see much good in this guy, not doing anything, wasting his time in search.

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So even when

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this guy died,

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there was almost like question about, you know, what kind of status is your disease? And what does he deserve to be

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thought of as a good person remembered with an exception.

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And that is a man who maybe had written off that person in his mind. He saw that person in the dream.

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And he saw that he had a loss of hand or dad had forgiven him. And he had entered imagine that he was surprised he was shocked.

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So he went to the wife of that person said, What? What did this guy used to do? As soon as I saw him, she said, Well, you know, his situation, he didn't do much to do much good. He used to drink alcohol. But one thing that he used to do, he used to continuously give money to these orphans used to look after orphans, and he never used to let them go.

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And that he man said, that must be what he has given him this result, the status.

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Normally hidden actions. Thirdly,

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you don't know people's hearts. When you judge people.

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You don't know what is in their heart, what their hearts on life. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he talked about taqwa.

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He didn't say talk wise how long your beard is, or what kind of clothes you wear. Or taqwa is not about how much you say and how beautiful eloquent speeches you give or how beautiful Your voice is in the Quran. He said that taqwa Hakuna

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Matata is here, and he pointed to his heart.

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So taco is hidden. Why not Rama combine the law at the most honorable of you in the sight of a lot of the ones who have the most backlog.

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So how are you going to judge it? You can't because you don't know who is in the office. And we all know the famous story of Osama bin Zayed when he killed that man

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in battle.

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The man was a machine he was a disbeliever.

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Osama had managed to disarm him. And as the samurai raised his sword, the man said a shadow.

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But Osama went on and killed him.

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And that was one of the worst days for Osama. he regretted it so much because when he met the prophet SAW Salem, the prophet said Helen lash out of time. Did you open

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It's hard to see what was in his heart. Do you know what did you know what the reason was for him saying this? So how could you judge him? You have to take what he said at face value you can't judge wasn't hot.

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And they used to be a man

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who used to always be brought to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because he used to drink alcohol.

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And drinking alcohol is a major sin in Islam, but it's also something that is punished

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and the punishment is to be whipped or to be hit. So this man used to drink alcohol it used to be bought to the proper size.

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The profit would order for him to last he relaunched it go away. Sometime later, it can be bought back again, having drink alcohol and so on. He's a repeat offender, basic. But one of the people one of the Sahaba said,

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Lana Lama, Tabby metalworkers him, he's always been brought back, he judged him. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that the support, do not cursing but he knows.

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He loves Allah and His messenger. Don't curse. You don't know what's in his heart. Yes, he's doing these bad deeds and by sins by his heart, you don't notice.

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And similarly, the same thing you could say about that person who killed the 99 people. And then he killed he finished them off to 100

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you didn't know what is in his heart, his heart was that he wanted to change he wanted to repent to Allah subhana wa Tada. or indeed the woman

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who committed Zina

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And again, when people thought bad of her, she came up she owned up to her sin. And she thought that people thought bad of her, committed her arm. How disgraceful is this.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said she has repented to Allah, such a repentance, if it was to be divided over the people of Medina, it would be enough for them.

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Such a powerful repentance that it would be enough for all the people of Medina, Donna was in the heart, you just never actually know what's inside.

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The fourth thing is

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we don't know the intention

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of people.

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You know, sometimes

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people do actions,

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and they do things. And you might judge them that they're doing this for a certain reason, but you don't know what their intentions only Allah subhanaw taala knows their attention. You might be judging them in that way.

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Because you think you assume something is wrong.

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Like what we have these,

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these times when we ask people to give donations, you know, these open fundraising pledges, somebody might put their hand up, say,

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donate 5000 pounds.

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Now you might say, Okay, this guy, he's just showing off 5000 pounds, who knows, you're thinking his intention is to show off and to put you down, but you don't know his intention. His intention might be to encourage people to give.

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His intention might be to be the person who

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pushes people forward,

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and to lead the way, and so on, so forth.

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So you don't know people's intentions. And when you don't know people's intentions, you cannot judge them.

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Because you don't know why they're doing things for what reason they are doing things.

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Number five,

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you don't know the context.

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And the circumstances of why people are doing things or why they are seen in a certain way.

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And if you don't know the context and the circumstances, what might mean seem

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outwardly something that's bad or mistake it might be.

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And this why one regards.

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You might see somebody for example,

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a man walking in the road and is holding hand of a woman.

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And you know that this woman is not his wife, because you know, he's got a wife, not his wife or you happen to have, but he's holding the hand of another woman.

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You're automatically saying something going online.

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But this woman could be his daughter. It could be his sister.

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It could

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It could be anyone. It could be his sister from breastfeeding, you don't know. And you might not know who his wife is, as well. And that's why the prophet SAW a lot of article said that when he came out of the masjid one night and with him was a woman.

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He was an active calf and he lifted the calf and was walking with a woman at night to over Sahaba. When they saw him,

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they took a different direction.

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Because they thought that they want to confront the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is working with a woman, another woman. So the prophets I sent him when he saw them. He said, honestly, Kuma in the house of India.

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Wait, this is Sophia, my wife

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might not know her, but this is Sophia, my wife. So don't think bad.

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We'll come back to that one as well. And

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that's why even one of the righteous people said if I heard somebody standing on the top of a mountain and say, No,

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I am your Lord Most High, I would think,

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or at least our excuse to say that maybe he's just reciting the verse, which is a part of a verse. And if I saw somebody with his beard dripping of alcohol wine,

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I will think maybe somebody, maybe somebody spilled that in his face, you know, we don't know, if you saw somebody coming out of a pub.

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You automatically assume he's gone in there for a drink, he might have gone in there. To use the toilet, for example, I don't know if there is karma being broken down. He's going in for some help. Use the phone. I know nowadays, we have mobile phones. But in the past, in the old days, there was no mobile phones, you have to go and find the phone box. So don't if you don't know the circumstances and the context, you can't judge.

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Number five,

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sorry, number six.

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It is not your right to judge

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a loss of height, it is the one who judges in Kokomo, Indiana.

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Allah is the one because he knows all these things. He knows the intention. He knows the context. He knows the hidden acts, he knows all of the he knows how people will behave. This person that we spoke about in the beginning where you might think He's the worst of all, allows creation.

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Just imagine some of the world leaders today.

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without mentioning the names, you might have already labeled them as a stamp on their head going to *.

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You don't know how they're going to change, you know how they'll be one year's time, two years time if Allah guides them or not.

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It's a loss of hands, who knows how they will act.

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And they may be in the value on the estimate or loss of hamdallah greater than one.

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And that's why the Hadeeth

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when two men, one used to do a lot of a lot of the children of Israel. And the other one was not doing so much a bad he was doing a lot of bad things. The one who was doing lots of AI, the ones passed by this guy who's doing bad. And he said, Well, why don't you lay off

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by Allah will not forgive you.

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He just him. And not only did he judge him, he also placed a ruling on him. On the day of judgment, Allah subhana wa tada brings that person and says, amen, what

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where is the one who swears on me by means that I will not forgive someone so I have forgiven him. And I have

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brought your actions to know

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you've lost all your actions.

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And they take him to the fire

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because he judged he did something that is not befitting for him and it's not his rights. And not only that, you ruled on that person, and he placed him in a category and he sent him to the fire.

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And that's when the opposition to this and that's that's one of the dangerous points because you're competing with our laws.

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You are now saying I am in a position to say who's right and who's wrong. Who's going to the fire who's going to Agenda

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number seven.

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When you judge others,

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it means that you are practicing suspicion one

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and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned us of that he said he Yakumo one, four in the phonetic rebel have enough one that they will have

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Beware of one viewer suspicion, because it's the most false of all saints, and the loss of Hannah Allison which can evil Kathy Robin on one.

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Keep away from most of suspicion, because some of it is isn't. When you judge people you are directing things, you're assuming things. And like I mentioned to you before, you don't know, you don't know the realities. So you have to be careful. Because combined combined with number eight, it's a dangerous point, because you have to be occupied with yourself

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and a crew and full circle, you have to be occupied with yourselves,

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you will be asked about yourself, what could look

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at it further, all of them will come on the Day of Judgment individuals. And the law will ask you about you. Now, if you spend your time and your precious moments, judging others and saying this guy's this, and this guy's doing this, and these are you forgotten who you should really be worried about, which is you.

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This is the eighth point, that when you start to judge others, it means that you are following the mistakes and the errors and the shortcomings of others when you should be thinking about your own mistakes, your own shortcomings in your own errors. And you should be correcting your mistakes or shortcomings in not being occupied with other people.

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Number nine,

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when you judge others,

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you're being arrogant.

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You're being

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and being arrogant.

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Because you are saying I am superior to the other person, I am better than him. And I can judge him. And I can say that this is what he is and what he does and etc, etc. So you're already putting yourself in a higher esteem when you don't know who you are. And that's also how long because it is also

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something that is a dangerous path to go down. And that's why Allah subhanho wa Taala said, allow Varma to Isa he will Kibriya What do you

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have on my mightiness and majesty magisk majesty, this

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is my

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And pride is my garment. Whoever tries to compete with me, I will break him from Amazon.

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When Amazon Yahoo

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was after

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enough with your UI cause him to I will break him to don't compete with a lot to say that I'm better than this other person.

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And the loss of Hanoi title also says fella to zip code emphasize don't make yourself purer than others, you know I'm better than you I can say things about and this is a danger because Allah says who I am, Taka Allah is the one who knows and has more knowledge.

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And lastly, when you judge others, when you speak about others,

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the reality of the ways that Allah subhanho wa Taala has placed in this life

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is that

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the same will happen to you.

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Either somebody else will judge you.

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Or you will be embarrassed by being put in the same situation that you criticize others for being in and this is the reality of my camera to do to the to them.

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How you deal with others, you will be dealt the same.

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And sometimes you think that's

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you know it easy to criticize somebody for doing certain things, you might see a certain behavior and never do that, you know, I've never done this act or I've never I'll never be seen or sometimes you see somebody children

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not behaving very well as I look at this guy's children. You know, if I had children never let my children do this, you know, I never made my children's or I saw on judging people and criticizing them and then Allah subhanho wa Taala will make you feel the same things because then Allah will give you children who are much more Tia and much bad, worse behaved. And then you report the situation where you have you cannot control

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and so on. You know circumstances, power you know different different things.

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happen. And we all know the scenarios. It's just that we don't have hindsight, obviously, hindsight is a good thing. We see things as we are now, for five years down the line, 10 years down the line, 20 years down, when we look at our lives, and we say, okay, actually, when I was 20 years younger, I didn't think so much differently. And we see that today, how much how many of them are today. And not just today in the past, they changed their opinions. Because and, and, and they criticize people for sometimes very, very strictly about certain opinions.

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You know, they even said certain acts without going to detail and this is wrong. And this is a coup for 20 years down the line, they changed their opinion, and they were practicing those things. This is well documented.

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So a loss of handle data will put you in a similar scenario. And that is the reality of the way that a lot

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of we had our stuff.

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In number one,

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de la vie, you will find me online

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by the light of the law.

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Yeah, you

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what's new for you?

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So what's the solution?

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Well, the simple thing is, you have to stop judging people. And you have to train yourself to stop doing that. When you see people in a certain circumstance doing certain things, maybe certain behavior, you have to think

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automatically is that I don't have the right to judge others. I don't know the story. I don't know the circumstances. I don't know the contents. I don't know what's happened. I don't know what their heart is like. I don't know the hidden actions. I don't know how they're going to be in five years, 10 years time.

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And so I should not judge you have to last to go through your mind.

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Because end of the day, you want the senate you don't want to be adding to your burdens by making judgments and assumption, which will be a burden on you in this life.

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you have to think about excuses for other people. make excuses for people. If you feel that there's such something that's really bothering you, then and you can't get out or think about excuses. You know, why is this guy doing something? Well, maybe he's got you know, an excuse, maybe he's doing there certain things that has pushed him to do this. And you can list it and there's famous sayings of the people over the past to find for your brother 70 excuses.

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And even after you've exhausted the 70 and you still cannot find that say maybe there's an excuse I don't know about or maybe the problem is with me because I can't see the issues.

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And then you need to make

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make dua for your brother and sister that Allah subhanho wa Taala guides them to what is best, if they are doing something haram they are doing something which is not acceptable, that Allah subhanho wa Taala guides them and gives them what is best and gives them and shows them

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but more importantly maybe graph yourself

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you need from a lot to keep you steadfast

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that person you criticize or you judge

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you might fall into the same situation and even more, you might become a worse person

00:28:59 --> 00:29:28

by very simple act that you do. Because you belittled somebody you thought you're better. You thought you are more pious, more righteous, you have more knowledge you have more Eman you have more Armand More Actions more you have better clothes you wear better clothes than any of you have excetera but you might be placed in a position where you are totally switched around. So that is

00:29:29 --> 00:29:39

along my uneven Colombia or a loved one who turns and changes the hearts keep my heart steadfast on it

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and by that inshallah data you will have the best ways in dealing with others in sha

00:29:49 --> 00:29:52

Allah Hafiz familiar now having no IP now I find them

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