Omar Suleiman – The Integrity of our Prophet

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The importance of trust in Prophet sallama's words and the qualities of trustworthy people are discussed. The speakers emphasize the need for a trustworthy person in society and showcase stories of the Prophet's teachings. The importance of showing moral high ground and showing faith in oneself is emphasized. The speakers also criticize false accusations and the belief that the Prophet's teachings are being "crooked by".
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Spinello hamdulillah salatu salam ala Rasulillah. Ali, he was happy to be here Manuela mashallah this place is always so full of Baraka May Allah subhanaw taala continue to fill it with the baraka May Allah Subhana Allah to Allah make this a gathering that is surrounded by his melodica upon which his tranquility descends, may Allah make us amongst those that are pleasing to Him. May Allah subhanaw taala bless miftah everyone say I mean, unless consob bless all of the students and the staff, the staff, the volunteers, the scholars, all of the people that make dua for it, may Allah subhanaw taala unite our hearts and make us pleasing to Him Allahumma Amin

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so the topic that I chose for tonight I'm gonna get right into it and shallots Anna, because I don't have that much time to talk about a pretty important topic.

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And that is integrity, integrity, but the integrity of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be very specific, the integrity of the messenger SallAllahu wasallam, that quality that he had.

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And I want you to think about the times that we live in today.

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And how the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam talked about a time where trust is lost, where you can't trust people. You can't trust leadership. You can't trust neighbors, you can't trust family, at times, you can't trust all of these people that you should be able to trust. And of course, he was speaking to a generation Sallalahu it was set up that he had raised where you had companions sitting amongst each other, that had literally guarded each other's backs and war, and had been through the hunt duck been through the trench and the messenger SallAllahu. It was and I'm talking about a time that trust becomes so rare once again. And I was thinking about the famous hadith of

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her they thought well, the Allahu Taala and who had been the amount and he was talking about the signs of the Day of Judgment, he said that there would come a time where trust is lost to an extent that you would hear about a trustworthy person somewhere. And you would say in the feed, Benny Fudan Raju and Amina that there's in that area, a trustworthy person, someone that you could deal with, I found someone that's trustworthy, that I could deal with. And it would be as if that strange to find someone that is trustworthy, right to do business with or whatever it may be trust. And then I go back to the life of the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa salam. And there are many qualities of the

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Prophet sallallahu Sallam to talk about, and I pray that all of you have developed a deeper connection to him through this conference. And that is something that you're developing, bitten into, he tied it because that journey of developing a connection with the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is a lifelong journey because you're literally trying to be more like Him every day that you exist on this earth. And he was described with many things. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam can our seamen Jimmy Elan Haleem, he was always smiling. He was a person who was exceedingly beautiful. He was a person who was exceedingly kind, Kadeem, generous forbearing. All these qualities existed of

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the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, prior to Islam, right? Before Islam, he has all these nicknames. But the two nicknames of the messenger sallallahu alayhi, wa sallam that stand out are, can anybody say him, or Sadhak al Amin, or sodic al Amin, he is truthful, he is trustworthy. And you know what that tells you the fact that those are the two qualities that stood out truthful and trustworthy. Two things number one, that those qualities are so rare to find in a society that when someone exhibits them in such an obvious way, that is what gains the admiration of the people, especially in a time, of course, where you had corruption. Once again, you had class hierarchy, you

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had tribalism. You had all of these different forms of oppression and transgression. And you had people that would cheat one another, especially the outsiders that came into Mecca. And you had amongst them a man sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw them, I mean, truthful, trustworthy. When he speaks, he speaks truth. And when you entrust him with something, you know that you can entrust him SallAllahu it was so number one, is that when people assign those qualities to you, that's because they're rare in society. That's why those become the most prominent qualities. The second thing is that you manifest them in a way that is more beautiful than even those who also possess those

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qualities. There were other people that were people of Sitka. namana people have truthfulness and people have trustworthiness, but there was only one Asad that Amin sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you could trust him.

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You knew he would speak the truth.

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And you knew that you could trust him. And those were the two qualities that made all of the other qualities beautiful as they're not mentioned. Because if you're not a trustworthy person, then all of the other good qualities and characteristics can actually become vices rather than virtues. Because your kindness is actually conniving.

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Right? All the good qualities that you exhibit are to take advantage of people to exploit opportunities, because Amana ties it all together a trustworthy person. And if you live long enough, and you've been burned long enough, and by enough people who just said, I just want someone I could trust, you start to value friends, you start to value people on the basis of integrity, it stops being highly ideological, it stops being highly tribal, it really becomes, I love that person because I can trust that person. I know that when I'm talking to that person, I know that when I'm dealing with that person, that I'm dealing with someone who's going to hold precious what I share,

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they're not going to betray what I share with them. I know that I can trust that person. With something significant. I can be vulnerable with that person without them exploiting those vulnerabilities. These are qualities that you look for in people as you get older when you realize Amana is so rare in every generation, and the more that corruption rises, the less that you find the quality of Amana trustworthiness being present. Now, let's start with the Prophets lie Selim in this moment, Asad el Amin. sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and he invokes that quality. When he stands on a sufferer. He doesn't invoke his generosity. He doesn't say to the people, have I not been generous

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with you? He doesn't say to the people have I ever found that you? He doesn't say to the people have I ever brought you harm. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam invokes his trustworthiness. You trust me if I tell you, there is an army coming right? You know, I've got your back in this life. Therefore know that I also have your back in the afterlife. That's why even though he was as an imam shouldn't be to him, Allah says very beautiful Mohammed Amin says that the prophets I send them but she went to the right. He was a giver of glad tidings. And then he was a warner. He didn't you know, from the slope of Dawa from the manners of Dawa, you start with the glad tidings before the

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admonishing and the warning. But when the prophets lies, and I'm stood up on suffer, when you're talking to people who already know who you are, when you're talking to people who don't need you to soften the blow, they trust you. Right, he immediately goes to the fact of urgency, like, look, I'm trying to protect you, I'm talking to you this way. Because I really want to protect you know, me, you know, if you walk past a gathering, and you have, and I don't want to generalize and just say this is like evangelical Christians, but like, you know, at least, you know, I went to LSU, at some point in my life, Louisiana State University, there's literally a corner of LSU, where you had the

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preachers that were sitting there, and you're going to *, right there holding the science. And I'm like, you know, like, substance aside, this is really bad data. I've never seen anyone, like stop there and say, How do I not go to *? And I used to walk to the Student Union all the time, and I used to see them every single day for years, and I've never seen anyone go, you're right, saved me. So who are these guys actually talking to? Right? Were they actually trying to save people from *? Or did they have some sort of joy and pleasure or a sense of meaning maybe that they derive from being people to tell everybody else they're going to help? Right? Well, in the prophets,

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like some stands on suffer, this is not, this is not the manner of that discussion. Like you know, me, right? You trust me. I've got your back. And you know, I have your back. So just as I have your back in this life, I have your back in the next life as well. Of course, unfortunately, in that moment, Buddha hub, set the tone in a way that was detrimental to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but that's what he invoked, that's the quality he invoked and he invoked that quality for a reason. So let's talk about this a little bit. A few narrations in this regard. One of them is narration from abradable. The Allah Tada Anhu its narrative Sunon and it has various forms. The prophets lie some

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said a Muslim, man Salim and Muslim owner mini Sani here we are doing the Prophet size and I'm sad. And Muslim woman setting Manas. Actually in this narration when study Manas, the Muslim is the one from whom the people feel safe from their tongue and from their hand salaam they should feel salam from you. So are you really a Muslim? If people don't feel salam from you? You say Salam Alikum to your brother and sister, but then you pull out your phone and you give them no type of Salaam in the sense that you start to gossip about them, backbite them you undermine them, you betrayed them, you hurt them, people are afraid of you. They don't feel safe from your hand and your tongue. They don't

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feel safe from your harm. So how can you be Muslim? Of course the technical meaning of which is

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Allah Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah following the five pillars of Islam, but how can you be a true Muslim? If people don't feel safe from your tongue and from your hand if people cannot trust you to not go behind their back and to harm them? So when you say A salaam or an econ, you're giving your brother and your sister and assurance

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that there is no harm that's going to come to you from my direction. peace be on to you a Salam Arnica. So a Muslim woman Salima nurse, many Sunni he will Yachty he will move me No. Man Annie now nurse, Allah demand him. And while he him in this narration, the prophets lie some said and the Mothman The Mothman the believer is the one from whom people are whom people can trust with their lives and with their wealth with their lives and with their property. People know that they can trust this person a true Mothman a true believer is someone that people can trust. There's another narrations Palla from Ennis of nomadic or the Allahu Taala Anhu. And especially those of you that

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are students of knowledge, you start to pay attention to talking especially to the Mikdash students and shallots out of the seminary students you start to pay attention to the Zilla these extra words that indicate the frequency by which a profit sighs I'm so something it's narration listening I'm Ana Rahim Allah to Allah from ANA signal monocle the Allah Allah and he said that Mahatama now Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Illa called the prophets lie some did not speak to us sermonize us except that he would say La Imana Li manleigh Amana Tala Hu la Imana Li manleigh Amana Tala Whoa, you do not have Imam if you don't have Amana, if you can't be trusted, then you don't

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truly have faith. There is no faith for the one that cannot be trusted law Imana lemon law Amanda Tila, who? Well, Dina and there is no religion. Lemon Law had Allahu to the one that cannot be trusted with a covenant or to the one that undermines or betrays covenants and contracts. But Lavina humbly Ananda to him were either him or our own. Be Shahadat him called him and we're a people that take trust really, really seriously. And that's what we learned from our messenger SallAllahu sallam, and if he is the combination of faith and character, then the most important quality to match faith is can you be trusted? Are you someone who practices integrity. And of course, you know,

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they say the definition of integrity is that you do the right thing when people aren't watching. For us, it's increased son is that you do the right thing because Allah is watching you, when no one else is watching you. So you do even more than what's expected of you. Not only do you not undermine, but to beautify you excel, you go above and beyond even when no one is watching you. And the more that your access to exploitation or abuse grows, the more that Amana becomes a more grave matter for you.

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The deeper the secret, the vulnerability, the less accountability, the higher the position,

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the more amount of become serious, and that's why when the prophets lysozyme said that of the signs of the Day of Judgment when Amana is lost, when trust is lost, it's talking about leadership, the amount of

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the amount of knowledge that if you're a person of knowledge, you better use your knowledge to bring the people closer to Allah subhanaw taala. You better use your knowledge and teach it appropriately. And live according to it, you have an amount of you have a trust, you have a position, amount of become severe if someone is vulnerable to you, and they don't realize it so you have a secret that someone has given you. That is very sensitive, highly sensitive, and you have a moment where you could betray them and share that secret but you choose not to, or you could exploit and expose that vulnerability or that person hurts you and this is Subhanallah one of the greatest greatest traits

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of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, not just adult Amana, that you that you fulfill the trust to those that interest you one to one Mohana you don't betray those that betray you don't deceive those that deceive you. And I was thinking about this Subhanallah about the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And I guarantee you that there is a chronological fashion to this as well. You know, if you've had a friend or you've had someone that you said, You know what, I'm not going to go that far with that person. I'm gonna let it go, I'm gonna let it go. But eventually, they keep on getting dirtier and dirtier with the new say, You know what, forget about it.

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Right? It's time to respond and like manner, I've had enough of this person. If you look at the messenger, sallAllahu and he was salam. The aggression parallels the advancing of his age and of the data. They get more aggressive every single year with him. There isn't a time where they slow down. They get worse and worse and worse and worse. And what's amazing

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is that we often quote the story. This narration which is a profound and beautiful narration that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which is popularized in the books of Sierra when he made the hijra, the messenger SallAllahu Sallam left it ignored be thought about the Allah Tada and who behind and entrusted at eidl The Allahu taala. And who, with giving back the people, their precious belongings, their precious things, those that were persecuting the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam found no one more trustworthy than him with some of their most sensitive belongings so sometimes I'm like, you know, like if I'm on my way out of Medina, let me take a Buddha has watched

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with me right? Like let me let me take some of these people stuff with me they entrusted forget about and trust me, like you people have harmed me in ways that are beyond any type of human parameter of relationship. But still, they find no one more trustworthy than the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam to hold on to their belongings we quote this narration right. How many of you have heard that narration before? Many of you have that the prophets eyes I'm told that I need all the Law No, stay back and give this person back this this person back to that, and I need all the Alon who was risking his life, the profits, my son was putting his life at risk as well. In order to

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fulfill that trust. That's you gotta go back and give people this and give people that it's profound, right? But you know what I was thinking about?

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Do you know how many secrets the prophets lie some probably had about some of his enemies that he never divulged.

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I mean, 40 years.

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Don't you think there was something personal that the prophets lie some could have used against some of those people that were trying to undermine him?

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He never did.

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Does the Prophet saw some ever get dirty with Abuja? Does he ever get dirty with Abu Lahab? His uncle I mean, family you know, family secrets, dirty family secrets, right? Does he ever get dirty with his enemies? How many secrets do you think they confided in the prophets lie some with either had the theological Hadith Hadith juggled the Allahu taala, and who the Sunni albida would either had the theological Hadith submitted taffeta for here, I'm Anna, if someone says something to you, and they turn away, that's a trust. That's an amount at that point. If someone sends you something, that's an amount of don't screenshot it and forward it to someone else. If you think that it's going

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to be bothersome to that person, that's an amount of that's a trust. Someone said something to you, no matter what happens to your relationship after that. In that moment, when they spoke to you that way, when they were confiding in you that was an amount that was a trust, the prophets lie, some never, never divulge as those things never I can't think of a single narration of the prophets lie, some getting dirty and personal, and scandalizing his enemies, even though you know, he knew some stuff. These were corrupt people. You know, he knew some stuff Salallahu Salam, but it wasn't his character, a man of integrity, and Subhanallah those enemies of the prophets lie Selim. They did

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not. They did not leave a single insult out. Right when they were coming up with the insults. He's a madman. He's a poet. He's a sorcerer. But they couldn't call him dishonest. They couldn't call him a Kozub they could not. There would there would be no potency whatsoever. Imagine how honest and trustworthy and truthful the person you have to be that people feel like they'd have a better chance smearing you with madman than liar.

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Like we would get away with calling him a crazy man. Before people would believe us and calling him a liar. He's too honest, his track record is clean.

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his track record is spotless. sallallahu alayhi wa salam and Allah kept that track record that way for him, that you will not find anything to delegitimize him with, you'll come you'll try. You will try but ultimately, you will lie and fail in the process. You will not find him to be anything but saw that I mean, a man of integrity a man of trust,

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never betrays people never undermines them. Never deceives woman Hashem Elisa Mina,

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whoever deceives is not one of us. Stereo Hadith by the way, scary Hadith whoever deceives is not one of us. Don't consider yourself from amongst us if you're a deceit if you're a deceitful person. We don't take deceivers and this OMA that's so far from the character of the prophets lie Selim. So despicable to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that anyone who would deceive would come to the masjid saying that you know Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah and pretend to be a noble person, how could you claim nobility if you're a deceitful person?

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And that cognitive dissonance can develop? You know, subhanAllah I spoke about this and not this previous hope but the ultimate before actually spoke about this in

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I recently binominal the Allahu Taala and Houma very powerful narration about cognitive dissonance, right? And a man comes in he says, you know, yes, Allahu and hookman Baroda he was asking him about double barreled about the blood of a mosquito. So you know if I if I kill a mosquito while I'm praying and the blood of that mosquito gets on my clothes, as my salah Correct. had been Amaro, the Allah and Houma goes, You people spilled the blood of the grandson of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam you killed her saying well, the Allah Tada I know, you murdered a person the prophets ice on us to stop is hot, both poor and put in his lap, and his sweet, his sweet grandson

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Salallahu Salam.

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And you're so religious that you're coming to see if I get some blood of a mosquito on my garment. Does it break my prayer? What?

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How did this happen? How did you become so disconnected between your faith and your practice? Now of course this is an extreme example murder and a mosquito. I'm talking about what's a more common thing, which is you can't take for granted that a person of Deen has Holyoke in fact is unloved. MOBOTIX Rahim Allah Allah said, It is dangerous when a person has deen and not Holyoake because that means that means that they're either hypocrites or that they have misunderstood the religion because what they know of the religion has not rectified their character, and anyone who knows the religion properly or rectify their character, many of us know people and may Allah protect us. Let's

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interrogate ourselves first that our religious practicing ritualistic, horrible people, though,

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cannot be trusted, will betray will undermine will corrupt and be corrupted. I mean, it's like wait, what? How could you be praying and fasting and doing all these things and then be hurting and harming and the prophets lie? Some wanted to end this cognitive dissonance, right? Like this is not the way we approach religion. And how did he do so satellites and I'm in Russia, Felisa Mina.

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If you're selling in the marketplace, and you put the good wheat and you hide the bad wheat, from Russia, Felisa Mina, that's what he was talking about Slice Allah. No, no, let people see what it really is. Don't betray people don't deceive people. We don't take that. And it might be that someone would say, Well, this is a small thing, but if you allow the small to go and rectified, then the large will eventually follow and dominate and it becomes a characteristic and becomes a quality.

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So are you a trustworthy person? Can people trust you with their secrets? Can people trust you to not take advantage of them and exploit them? Do you excuse deceiving even a person who deceives you? Do you harm those who harm you?

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Or are you a person of Amana? A person of integrity? The messenger SallAllahu sallam was a man of integrity, integrity. And you know Subhanallah he never disappoints does he not in weakness or in strength, not in political vulnerability or in political power, not embedded nor in the fatigue, not in poverty nor in prosperity. He's the same person so lie sound like there is no poor Mohamed Salah Salem and rich Mohammed slice LM. You can't distinguish the Hadith about who he is and where he is because the character is the same and in fact, even the revelation Subhan Allah as you are going through the revelation of Quran.

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The Quran, the character of the Quran being the prophets lie Selim and the character of the Quran, when it takes a harsher tone, it does not take a harsher tone, because of the prophets lie some of them being in a more favorable position to use a harsher tone rather, because the circumstances which are very clearly tied to it, right require the type of a tone, but the character of the Revelation, the author of the Quran being Allah subhanaw taala is the same throughout and it's very clear the vehicle Salah instead of being a man of stability, a man of character amount of Amana, trustworthiness, truthfulness that you could always trust, no matter what the circumstance was. And

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you knew that he wouldn't take advantage of you. You knew he wouldn't wronged you. Like if I was one of those enemies of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, right and I knew that he had some dirt on me, but I trust him enough that he is so noble that he won't use it against me.

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Powerful, profound.

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And so when you see fit to him, aka the conquest of Makkah, and the prophets, I some has these people at his mercy

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inside of them, they know

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that if we were in his situation,

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this would not be a discussion.

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This would not be a conversation right now. They had bad intentions with him sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But He's different. He's different. Now with the last few minutes that I have, I want to give you two gatherings because there's something that is very profound about our religions that oftentimes these qualities are so intertwined. Sit, Amana saw

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Other Colombians, sometimes they're even translated in a way that's interchangeable trustworthiness and truthfulness. Right? Sadiq Abubakar Sudhir Claudia Allahu Allah and who would not hesitate when he heard the truth to dedicate himself to that truth, right? He completely dedicated themselves to it as well. Was the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam Asad el Amin. Was he also a Sadiq. Of course. Prophets lie Selim Did he have any Turok did any hesitation when the truth came down to him from Allah subhanaw taala? No, he exerted himself fully and lovingly and obediently to Allah subhanaw taala so he was Sadiq, a Sadhak. A Sadhak is someone who speaks the truth and so there in

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the might say very, very beautifully that a subfield called to be truthful in speech means that your words line up with reality that you are representing reality in the best way with your words. Okay, that your words represent reality. A simple phenomenon to be truthful in your deeds mean meaning on on your job on Sadako na Had Allah it that there are those who are truthful to the covenant that they took with ALLAH SubhanA Montana. To be truthful in your deeds means that your deeds match your words. truthful with your words means that your words match reality. truthful in your deeds means when you say something, you're going to do it or you're going to intend to do it you sincerely

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intend to do it. When you make a promise you sincerely intend to fulfill that promise when you say something? You're going to do it the opposite of hypocrisy. Lima taco Luna, Nikola Tesla alone Why do you say that what you don't do instead? Oh you who believe it tequila how Hakuna Matata saw the pain be with truthful people you know by the way when you're surrounding yourself with people and you're thinking about your company

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you know as as one of the the self says I'm trying to think which one of them

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Menaka that you like a hadith and Phantom and no young lady a hadith ik who is that? A Jeffery?

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Mask a new man and Sheikh Abdullah, you know, as the first say in order to move the camera man, I'll get it. Right. But if someone says something to you about someone else, the know that they speak about you to someone else. So someone is messy with you about someone else. They know that when they're with someone else, they're messy about you too.

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Right? So someone's messy. If someone talks about other people in your presence, then you better know that they talk about you in the presence of other people as well. Right?

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This is really profound. So Tapachula how Hakuna Matata saw the pain, be around truthful people, people of integrity, people of character, and Subhanallah this narration where the prophets lie Selim, he mentioned is actually comes in the form of an advice that you should know the Allahu TADHANA gives on behalf of the prophets lie some to those that are in leadership. Man, Audubon NASA besotted law, whoever pleases Allah and displeases the people on all the Allahu Anhu out of on NASA and Allah will be pleased with that person and Allah will make the people be pleased with them. And whoever displeases Allah by pleasing the people. Allah will be displeased with the person and Allah

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will make the people displeased with that person. You know what it means when you're a person of integrity? You know, when someone transgresses in your presence, they might find it very annoying, if you call them on it.

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And if you if you don't indulge it,

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like, you know, let's talk about something else. I can't wait you have to make this awkward, like, Oh, God, you know, this person's not messy enough for me, right? If if people find you to be that way that you might be annoying, sometimes it's like, and by the way, we don't have to be overtly like stuff, but Allah all the time to people, like there's ways to do this. But in general, if you don't engage the people in some of these things, some of that stuff that's not befitting to the believer befitting to our character, the backbiting and the gossip and the slander, then initially, it's like,

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you know, they're gonna probably be annoyed by you. But if you're a person who's so consistent with your principles,

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the prophets it says, Allah will be pleased with you, and Allah will eventually cause the people to be pleased with you as well. They'll respect you. They'll respect you. They might get annoyed with you a gathering here and there. But at the end of the day, like you know, that's, that's a consistent, good, decent person, I trust that person. Who is a better example of that than the prophets like Selim.

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Right, that initially, in Makkah, those same people that objected, they gathered around him So Ally Solomon, they found him to be a man who was consistent over two decades of persecution, and they all were ready to fight under his banner to pray behind him to give their allegiance to him. salAllahu alayhi wa sallam so eventually Allah brought them all around Assad, Al Amin and Nabhi Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I'm gonna give you two gatherings that I want you to think about. Okay? The first one is one that is very known to you because we're supposed to be followers of this man sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which is of course, the incidence before Islam, where they were,

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you know?

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competing over who's going to put the Blackstone and as they are waiting in there at each other's throats the prophets lie some comes in and they say, I mean what? Lena? Oh, it's I mean, we're pleased to tell I mean, we're pleased because they knew that the prophets lie some was a trustworthy man. He had our best interests at heart Subhan Allah, when you look at the death of the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa salam,

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and when he passed away, and the chaos in the masjid,

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when Abu Bakar acidic or the Allahu Taala and who stood up

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the people naturally gathered around him

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as if they were saying with their actions a Sadiq Alina.

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It's the it is a Sadiq right now. Let's listen attentively, because we know who he is. And we know that what he's about to say is going to be with profound wisdom and with our best interests at heart.

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And that is the follower khalifa to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and when we seek to be people who follow in the example of our messenger sighing salaam to bring about Syd, Amana, trustworthiness, truthfulness, with word with deed, then eventually you know what that will give us in this society. And this is what I want to end with. What it will give us in this society is the moral high ground when we speak, because we're not compromised. We're consistent. Having the best interests of people at heart. We have your back in this life and we have your back in the afterlife and we will not sell our deen. We are people who love our deen and were people who love the people.

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And we want what's good for them. And if we demonstrate that moral high ground as corruption rises, then that gives us a collective voice in the public sphere. When people are searching, to say this is the religion of Truth, and this is the religion of truthful people.

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