Omar Suleiman – The Hungry Prophet PBUH – You Will Be Asked About Your Blessings

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet sallua provides access to things people can consume and is easy to access and affordable. Subhanabba gives people access to things they can eat and is crucial for avoiding burning oneself. The shaman shuns the shaman's actions and encourages people to count blessings and use them in a pleasing way. The importance of being aware of one's gratitude to the gods and gratitude to the gods is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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We begin by praising Allah subhanaw taala by bearing witness that nun has the right to be worshipped or unconditionally obeyed except for him. And we ask Allah to send his peace and blessings upon his final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family, his companions and those that follow until the day of judgment and we ask Allah to make us amongst them alumna I mean, the brothers and sisters, the entire hutzpah is going to revolve around one particular story but a story from the Hadith of the Prophet, slice alum and Sahih Muslim that requires quite a bit of buildup, because it starts from us adjusting our own lens before being able to really perceive what the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lived through, and to be able to properly contextualize the difficulties, the hardships, and the day to day of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with those things often being intertwined. The daily life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was laced with hardships, some of them unimaginable tragedies, some of them the daily struggles of one who lived in poverty, and one who lived without asking anything from anybody around him. So before we can even get to this particular incident of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I want us to just start off with adjusting how we view the eye that came down to the Prophet sallallahu. And he

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was salam that shook the companions. The i o was through mana to Soluna Yama is an anon nine. It's a very simple idea. It comes in certain McArthur we read it very frequently, that you will be asked about your blessings on that day, Allah will ask you about your narrow on that day. If you search that is within the books of a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you find no less than 30 incidents in which the Prophet peace be upon him reminded his companions at a time where they might have otherwise be literally a blessing that Allah subhanaw taala gave to them of the blessing of Allah subhanho wa taala. One at one one incidents, which is not the incident where the

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prophets lie someone Abu Bakar Well, the Allah I knew I had not had anything to drink for a long time. And then after a long, hot day and struggling someone finally offered them a sip of cold water and the profit size set. I'm just as Beckett on the line who took that first refreshing sip of cold water, said Latos law Nana Yokoyama, you're going to be asked about that sip of water on the Day of Judgment. Because otherwise, it's just a sip of water. When you live in the desert, when you live in heat. And in our situation, even when you're not living in that heat, you're constantly sipping upon water, you don't think about how am I going to get clean water? How am I going to access clean

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water, but how many people die in this in our current time, because they don't have access to clean water. So the prophets lie some reminding him that you're going to be asked about that sip of water or model the a lot of times I know a very similar incident or model, the law I know actually answered back the prophets lie Selim, he held the water in his hand, he said, And have they out of school Allah, about this. This is what we get asked about on the day of judgment in the Prophet's life. And I'm said, You will be asked about every single one of your niram Every single one of the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given to you on the Day of Judgment. Now in a world of

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convenience, or I shouldn't say in a world of convenience, but in in the lives of convenience that we live, because the world is not what we live

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in our constant state of consumption,

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and our seemingly unlimited access to things that we can consume.

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We often lose sight of these things in the blessing Subhanallah, as you sat here as you walked into this masjid, and you sat down how many people actually took the moment and said at hamdulillah for central heating,

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most of the world doesn't have this blessing. And for most people, and they can light up a fire and whatever it is that they have or turn on that that space heater even if it's you know if it says manual as they come when it finally heats up, and they finally start feeling the comfort to where they can start to remove some of those layers. They go and hamdulillah they recognize the blessing of that heat, you don't recognize it. Because it's too easily accessible. You don't even have to flip a switch, you have it automatically timed in your home, maybe you don't even have to think about it. It just happens. And you forget that it's happening because of how easy it happens. A lot

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of times when you don't have to struggle in the process of attaining something that in and of itself, is the reason why you lose appreciation for it. You forgot what it's like to have to struggle for it and strive for it but Subhanallah it's so easily accessible to you. So that might be why you lose appreciation for a blessing but Allah will ask you about this. Just as Allah would ask you about a sip of cold water. On the Day of Judgment. Allah will ask you about your air conditioning

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because that provides the same, the same effect of coolness on a hot date, Allah will ask you about it. It's a narrow, it's a luxury. It's a blessing that Allah subhanaw taala has given to you that many people don't have access to. You don't think about what it's like to access water because you have access to clean water. You don't think about these things. And when I say you, I mean me. Those of us who live in this narrow this perpetual state of blessing that Allah subhanaw taala has given to us and surely we have different degrees. But here's what the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, everyone in here, everyone has their different degrees of life standard, and some people live in

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homes that are bigger than others. Some people live in apartments, some people have nicer cars, some people have more money in their bank account, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said it his salatu salam and Aasbo him income, Amin and fee syllabi. Whoever amongst you wakes up safe in his home, the greatest blessing is safety. If you own the biggest mansion with all of the luxuries in Damascus right now,

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you wouldn't feel safe.

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And that mansion would do nothing to insulate you from the sound of the missiles and the airstrikes on the outside of that home.

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It would mean nothing. You wouldn't take comfort in your tub, you wouldn't take comfort in the the food that's being served to you that night because at the end of the day, you're hearing those bombs falling and you know that it's only a matter of time before they ended up in your neighborhood as well.

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The Nirma of being able to wake up not in a war zone Subhan Allah Who thinks about that, not worrying about it. You wake up at him to the law, we got to worry about home burglars, okay, you're not in a war zone. When us Bahama income, Amazon fees, there'll be a person who wakes up safe in his home, the feeling of safety, not having to worry about that insecurity. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said after that more if and fee just study,

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safe or spared in regards to his health, we might have health issues here and there. But overall, the neuroma the blessing of Apphia, the blessing of just having, you know, the capacity to be able to function in a normal way without being held back because of your health. Whereas once something starts to go wrong, and other things starts to go wrong, you have this uncertainty, which is at the root of it all the uncertainty as well as you know, the regular hospital visits or whatever it may be more often, he just said the. And then finally the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said or into who go to Yomi and he has enough to suffice him for the day he has his food for the day. ACOTA

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is usually in association with food, he's got his food for the day. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said fucka anima, he's at Lahore, dunya. It's as if he has conquered the entire world. You live like a king, relatively speaking, you live like a king. And you should be saying Alhamdulillah for that, that you live like a person who has conquered the entire world? What if I don't have all of these things? Well, that's your that's your portion. And you should still think Allah subhanaw taala for what you have. But if you have these things, which would represent the generality of what we have here,

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it says, If you you own the world, you possess the entire world and the Prophet slice on the saying, if you have that perspective, then you're grateful for metta to Aluna Yama in uninor Aim, the beginning of the surah is and how can we check after you've been destroyed by your pursuit of quantity, the reason why you can't be grateful for the small blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given to you small in quotation marks is because you're too busy trying to pursue more and more and more in the pursuit of quantity, you've lost sight of the quality of what Allah subhanaw taala has already given to you. You can't you can't develop that type of perspective. Because it's already

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there for you. It's already there for you. So when you think the meta twist or Neoma is an anime that you will be asked about your blessings you might be thinking about your home you might be thinking about your car you might be thinking about the nice clothes that you have whatever it is that you're thinking about. falls in the category of embellishment not in the category of Nirma of the of the bear blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has already given to you that you might not thank him for and that's why the majority of them will festival and if you look at even our bustle the allowance on annual I would love them as root a suit the all the way down. When they mentioned

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this is what is now aim and this idea. They said a Satow will aim

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your health and your safety, your health and your safety. If you've got your health and you've got your safety, you own the world. You possess this entire dunya you have everything that you could possibly want on the profit slice and I'm set to never miss two blessings that often go unappreciated.

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aidid underestimated in our lives unused, a satchel for rock, your health and your free time. Think about the neuroma, the blessing of your sad the blessing of your health. What would a person pay to get their health back, think about where you are right now with your health. What would you pay to get back to the state that you're in right now, if you found out that you are going to lose it all, if you are diagnosed with something that would cause you to lose this health, and you have to go through this treatment and that treatment, and you're going to lose the ability to to do this or the ability to do that, you would empty out your bank account just to get back to a semblance of what

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you have right now.

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The ability to sit and stand and walk Subhanallah person suffers a physical injury, and they're unable to walk for, let's say, you know, three months, the way you feel once you're able to somewhat walk again, it feels like you're a king.

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Why does it take the break, for you to be able to appreciate that for me to be able to appreciate that, once a person starts to lose us, nothing else matters at that point. Everything else gets put on pause, work gets put on pause, the pursuit of dunya gets put on pause, your goals are put on pause, it's all on pause because you want to regain your health, you just want your sat back.

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And the irony of this hadith is that many people have time because they don't have health acetyl l ferok. The reason why they have frog time is because they don't have health. And when you're on when you don't have health and when you're going through some sort of medical tragedy or crisis, then suddenly you have a lot of time on your hands. And at the same time, many people who have health don't have time, because they use their health in constant pursuit of dunya. So they don't have time to make use of the what Allah subhanaw taala has given them as an ability to draw close to Him. So these two things, when they're combined in a person are often going to be unused, unappreciated. And

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a person will develop a general attitude of ingratitude, an inability to understand what they truly have. The cold right now, if you just drove just a few miles out, you will find people that will not be able to sleep

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Subhanallah there's a church and I'll actually Oaklawn United Methodist Church in downtown Dallas opened up they did a pop up shelter where they let the homeless come and sleep inside their church for a night.

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And I was talking to the pastor there and just saying when people left the next morning, it looked like they were walking out of paradise one night to sleep in central heating.

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You have that?

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What does that mean? In regards to our responsibility to other people, there are people that are freezing to death in Dallas. And there are people that are freezing to death in the Muslim world and all over, because they don't have access to the basic things that Allah subhanaw taala has given to us. When I was in the refugee camps, I just needed to make wool and Subhanallah I was just looking at these at these people and going to the bathroom is a mission, I would have never thought them and then under name means the bathroom. Having a bathroom you don't say Alhamdulillah for the bathroom. You don't say it hamdulillah for the ability to use it for the comfort of being able to use a

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restroom going to the bathroom has a mission.

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It requires all sorts of hurdles to be able to use the restroom. And then to do will do the water is unusable. You have to sit there and heat it up. And then you know make sure that it cools down to an acceptable temperatures that you don't burn yourself. The process of being able to make Whirlpool was a 45 minute process. I thought to myself Subhanallah these people in order to worship Allah have to go through these hurdles. But don't you think they appreciate it a little bit more than we do.

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Once you finally get that cool water and you start pouring that cool water Subhanallah and you start thinking about that hadith as you're making model and the freezing cold and that water starts to warm you a little bit you say and Hamdulillah

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this water feels incredible. And Hamdulillah you start to think about these things a little bit more. Now as I said I wanted this all to build up to one Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that honestly causes a lot of problems, causes a lot of problems. And I'll tell you why the Hadith in Sahih Muslim it's narrated by Abba Hodeidah Well, the Allahu Anhu who has his own famous story of hunger, or the Prophet slice on recognizes hunger who was homeless for some time, and he used to go hungry many, many days and nights but Allah subhanaw taala blessed him eventually, to where he had a home and had those basic things. But listen to this Headies nearby Abu Dhabi, Allahu

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Tada and who that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He went out of his home at an odd time of the day.

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In an odd time of the day or the night, so it was a time that the prophets lie some typically would not come out of his home. So it can be assumed that it was between the harasser or was sometime in the night the prophets lie some came out. When he walked out, he noticed two people sitting in the masjid Abu Bakr and Omar, may Allah be pleased with them. Typically, this story would end up going in this direction they then went and they worship the loss of Hannah to Allah or they proceeded to some sort of Expedition or some sort of place in Medina or to visit somebody because that's how it always was right? The prophets lie some people reckon and Omar how many a hadith start off that way?

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The Prophet SAW Salem and Abu Bakr and Omar, may Allah be pleased with them both. This one is different.

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The prophets lie Selim comes out of his home at an odd time of the night and he notices Oh, Beckett and Omar sitting there.

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And he says to them, ma Kurata commandment beauty comma, how the SA what is it that brought you out of your homes in this odd hour? You know what they said? They said Allah Jor el rasool Allah, starvation on Messenger of Allah, we're hungry.

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We came OUT out of hunger,

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a bucket and Alma. These are the three most important people in the ummah.

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Think about that. And they're sitting in the masjid. And they said the only thing that brought us out at this hour was at a tour. We're starving, we're hungry. And guess what the prophets license us? What an hour Lilina fcbd. He said an eye to buy the one and whose hand is my soul. Now Raja Nila the raja coma. I only was brought out of my home because of that which brought you out of your home. The Prophet SAW Salem and Abu Bakr and Omar were hungry.

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And they were coming out of their home at an odd time of the night. Because they were hungry. If you just stop and pause at that, for a moment, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who had the most adoring set of followers of any men in history, who had the greatest generation present with him in the Sahaba of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, HydroMax economy, the greatest Ummah, the greatest generation of people, the greatest man with the two greatest man of the Ummah, that were not prophets

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in the masjid, in a prominent place, because they didn't have anything to eat, and they could not sleep because of their intense hunger. The man who aren't in his salatu salam used to have people at his door all throughout the day and night knocking and calling out to him always making demands of him about whom Allah revealed suited for gerat

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people calling upon the profit slice on the suit of the federal route, because they were calling upon the Prophet slice on throughout the day throughout the night night and really harassing him he was being harassed. It is Salatu was Salam

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to listen to this person and listen to that person and do this and do that and not being given his privacy not being given his personal space it His philosophy was set up and they were hungry. No one noticed that the prophets lie Selim, Abul Beckett and Omar we're hungry.

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And this is a reality by the way, that we have to understand that usually, caretakers are never cared for.

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It's a part of our human psyche.

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No one thought to ask the prophets lie Selim. If he was hungry. No one thought to ask a Wilbekin or Ahmad if they were okay. The prophets lie Selim, who used to go out and would if he noticed hunger in your face. Think of the narrator of the Hadith, Abu Huraira who wants the prophets I'm just knew he was hungry by looking at him and took his hand and found him something to eat for the night. He knew it from your face. The prophets lie Selim, who spent day and night in the service of the people feeding the people. No one bothered to ask you how to sort of La Are you hungry?

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Can a whole local whole Quran his whole look, his character was the Quran.

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Taxable home Alinea. You would think that these people are sufficed because of their TAF because of his modesty Salah Hardy, who was selling

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it never showed he was smiling. He looked fine. The prophets lie Selim never showed discontent with his companions. He never showed them that he was hungry. He never showed them that he was in need. In fact, the only time he did it so Allah Harney was salam was when Oh model the Allahu Anhu one of the three hungry men at that time walked up to the prophets lie Selim in the Battle of Azov and hunted up and pulled up his shirt and showed the prophets lie some that he had a stone tied to his stomach because of how hungry he was. And the profit slice some pulled up his shirt and he had two stones tied to his. That's the only time he ever disclosed his situation at his salon.

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was Saddam tan A Holika whole Quran? He was a walking Quran you know what, this is the implementation of learn Reedham income Jezza and voila Shakira in the monitor amo commonly watch Allah We feed you for the sake of Allah. We don't want anything from you. No thanks. No gratitude, no compensation, all model the Allahu Taala and who, who went out of a bucket on the Long Island Omar, who were competing in serving the people in the obscure parts of Medina

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were hungry. It's not an excuse for the ummah. That doesn't mean the community got a free pass. Like oh, okay, well, it's their fault. No, it's not their fault. People need to pay more attention.

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The volunteers, the caretakers, those who lead in whatever capacity they also need to be cared for, because if they're cared for, they can care for better.

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But out of their o'clock, it didn't show so these three men Subhan Allah, the prophets lie some Abu Bakr and Omar all gathered together hungry

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and so he is living his own example it is thought to a Salaam and that's the peak of service and not having any expectation of the people. Far from living like a king. The prophets lie Selim was living poor than everyone else that he was serving.

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And he'd never complained to the people.

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The story continues, the prophets lie Selim said to them, como, get up and let's go find some food.

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The prophets lie Selim the greatest creation, the greatest human being ever alive. And I will record an homage to the greatest two men of this ummah, walking around hoping that someone will find them and give them food.

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They come to the house of one on Saudi man and the unsought were a generous group of people. And the woman of the house was there and you imagine opening your door at this strange time of the night and who's at your door, the prophets lie, some herbal bucket an omelet or something must really be wrong. This is probably a death announcement. I mean, how does how does this happen where these three people show up at my house in the middle of the night.

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So she said model hub. Like she was shocked, she welcomed the model hub and

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greetings to these amazing people.

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And the prophets, I some greeted her back. And they asked her where her husband was she said that he went out to fetch some water. So he's a simple man, he's going out to fetch some fresh water for them to be able to drink for that night. But she invited them into wait for the husband, the husband comes back home with these canisters with this water. And he sees these three men sitting in his living room and he said Alhamdulillah All praises be to Allah who honored me with the most amazing guests. What privilege do I have to have these types of guests in my home.

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And so

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as he started to, as he started to see them sitting there, he recognized their need, he gave them water. And then he went out and he started to collect dates, a ton of all sorts of dates, right dates, dry dates, he starts bringing the dates and he starts hurrying up back to the Prophet, slice them into a bucket and serving them dates with their water. And then not only that, after he got them those dates, he takes his slaughtering knife and he goes and he grabs a sheep.

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And he wants to slaughter and cook for them. And the prophets lie Selim said, make sure it's not Hulu, make sure it's not a milk bearing sheep. And he knew his sheep that he had his flock, so he slaughtered he cooked. And then he served them. That cooked meat, Prophets lie some I will record an Omar sitting in your living room eating water dates and some meat probably for the first time in months.

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And at that moment,

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as they're eating to their fill, the profit slice that I'm who does he look at? He looks at a whole bucket and

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you don't get off. Because of this. He said, we're lucky enough CBDs look, we live this experience together. We live this that's an unforgettable night. That's an experience that you don't forget. And these are companions. These are three men that deeply love each other. And he says, well let enough CBD I swear by him in whose hand is my soul? Lettuce Aluna and Heather Yeoman Qiyamah.

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You will be asked about this night about this blessing on the Day of Judgment, a Harada committable Utica majeure.

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What got you out of your homes was hunger. And Allah subhanaw taala Thurmond ontology Rohatyn or cybercom heard the name but you are not returning to your homes, without having been touched by the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala you better be grateful for these blessings. Subhanallah It's unfathomable to think of the prophets lie Selim as the hungry prophet.

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You think of the brave Prophet, you think of the courageous Prophet you think of the eloquent Prophet you think of this

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But the hungry Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, the orphan Prophet it his salatu salam, the grieving widower it his Salatu was Salam, the grieving parents at his salatu salam, and here, the hungry Prophet, the hungry of a bucket, the hungry or Omar, who in their lowest moments, this isn't experienced this isn't the Prophet saw someone go hungry, often, in their lowest moments, are still being reminded to say Alhamdulillah because you will be asked about that blessing on the Day of Judgment. Now, to summarize, an attitude of gratitude hear from the shaman of the prophets of Allah honey, who was some of my time has run very short from the Shema of the prophets by some from his

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description, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was already expressing gratitude before that moment, he was expressing gratitude by not complaining of his situation. And by still being grateful servant to Allah subhanaw taala even as that situation was taking place, so it's not until he it's not when he prays the law after it was his attitude before he got that name, as well, from the attitude of the prophets like some from the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW Salem, as I installed the Allahu Anhu said, he never found fault in anything that was given to him. And he never criticized any food that was served to him. He never can you any king, Prime Minister, leader? How would they

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act with their food? What about us? What about the prophets lie Selim, he never once criticized the food that was given to him, not once, he never criticized a gift that was given to him anything that was given to him the prophets lie, some showed gratitude. If you didn't like the food, he simply didn't eat it.

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But he would not. He wouldn't look down upon it or talk down the gift or whatever was served him because that would be in gratitude, not just to the person who gave that that gift or served that food, but to the one who provided that in the first place. Hamdulillah he didn't he wasn't inclined, there wasn't a slip up the prophets lie some never showed in gratitude for anything that was given to him or criticize that whether he was in Makkah, or whether he was in Medina and aren't you shall have the Allahu Taala and her she says that three, he loves three crescent moons meaning three months would pass upon us and the only meal we had in our homes were a sedan, the two black things

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Allah or Tamil water, and dates. That's all we would have. If you had water and dates in the place of a meal. And someone asked you Did you have dinner? Would you say yeah, I had dinner and Hamdulillah I had dates and water. You wouldn't even say that. You wouldn't even call that a meal. That was the food of the Prophet SAW Selim many times.

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Those were his meals. How do we get down to this? There is a practice. Allah challenges you and I what intero do Nirma Tila hayleigh Torah so if you were to count the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala, you would not be able to do so if you took one blessing Allah gave you and tried to count the blessings within that blessing, you would fail I would fail to be able to, to fully count those blessings from Allah subhanaw taala. Secondly, always find something good to say about your situation.

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People are complaining find something good about the situation. If people are talking down something talk, talk it up. Always, why am I being material beggar for Hadith, speak of the blessing of your Lord, show that gratitude. Make sure that it's vocal vocalized, make sure that you're saying and hamdulillah for what it is that's been provided to you trying to pay attention to the things that others are not paying attention to, you know, you read all these websites on how to show gratitude. The first thing to say is a gratitude journal, write it down. Allah already said it when to do netmeds Allahu La Torre. So count your blessings. So if Jana 30 Rahim, Allah would make it a point

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to actually sit there and count the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala. What can I be grateful for that I wasn't paying attention to today, something that came very simple to me. count those blessings, say Alhamdulillah. For them always say something good about the situation that you are in find something to say good about that situation. Even if every one or everything around you is pointing towards the bad of that situation. And the last thing, don't you ever feel entitled?

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Don't you ever feel entitled we are not better than those people

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that are dying in the cold right now. We don't deserve it more than them.

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Our while are a test for us. Our state is a test for us and their state is a test for them.

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But no one deserves the blessings of this world like the Prophet slice on another bucket and Omar, may Allah be pleased with them, but they didn't feel entitled. It wasn't an entitlement. It wasn't the prophets lie, some saying it's about time you recognized my hunger and that you did a better job. They were not entitled. Instead, they were always grateful. We should be questioning ourselves as to why Allah subhanaw taala chose us for the comfort that we are in right now. And the best way to thank Allah for an aroma is to use that Nirma in a way that's pleasing to Him

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You don't fully appreciate that NEMA until you're in contact with people who don't have that same NEMA as you. That's why you visit the sick.

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You recognize the blessing of a Sudan that's why you visit the graves you recognize the blessing of life, then that's why you accompany the orphan you recognize the blessing of what's been given to you, those who are freezing those who are hungry, that's when you really fully appreciate it. May Allah subhanaw taala use us in the service of people make us amongst those who are grateful in our words and our hearts and our actions and may Allah Subhana Allah to Allah make us amongst those that will be raised amongst the Shakti and on the Day of Judgment Allah I mean, we will probably have more stuff like that accompanies that and listening for stuff we don't know for

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Now he'll blind I mean, what are Guanella and avoid I mean, what if you were to subpoena Allah wa Salatu was Salam Baraka abicor Asuka Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while earning he was happy to sell interesting and cathedra la Motril and what meaning what minutes when was the mean no one was smart. Yeah, even human Mr. Tanaka Semia on Caribbean Mooji without llama, Finland, our home network for and now we'll have to I didn't know but then our alumna and for Santa. Well, I'm tougher and then I'll tell him that an akuna minal ha serene alarm of really wily Dena Oberheim Houma Kamara, bonus era Robina habla naman as well as you know the reality now. Kurata ion channel Matina

00:31:16 --> 00:31:42

Imam llaman sola Masada ifI in a famous article audio Maha Rabia Lama ASA one is one and when Kobina FEMA Shire who are the Omaha Rabia Allah Allah Kilbourne Amina with light I mean, while reaching out with one and beating him certainly mean are about Allah and Allah azza wa jal gladly what it is and what the record quarterback, well Janna and fascia you will want to carry. Well Buffy, you're either coming out under come to the karoun Fifth Corolla has Kuru come watch Kuru VolunteerMatch is it luck on what are the Corolla Akbar Allah Yara Matheson Arun welcome

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