Omar Suleiman – Late Night Reflections 05

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of Prophet's teachings and the negative impact of sin on society, including the loss of human rights and the use of drugs. They emphasize the importance of acceptance and avoiding sinful behavior, and stress the need for avoiding harm and seeking ahead instead of justifying behavior. The speakers also touch on the negative consequences of missing]] and the importance of finding one's mistake and avoiding sinful behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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So you're getting on an annual Sahil Southern system in cathedra. So it took us a while to get started. We were getting set up just perfectly at home the dinner. And chef Yasser took my car somewhere. I don't know where he is. But if my car pulls up, please let me know because my keys aren't here and the mom took my car

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right now.

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So, tonight Actually, I wanted to reflect on an advice that was given from any mathematical himolla territory. Mama Shafi Rahim Allah and before I kind of give you this advice, I want to set the scene for you for a moment. Mr. Maddock, Rahim Allah out of all of the Imams

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past, in the past, and when we're talking about from the the most prestigious era of Islam.

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He's a controller in Hebrew. He had the greatest presence of any other amount, meaning it was you know, hey, Buzz and almost intimidating presence. enomatic Rahim Allah had a healthy, intimidating presence, not one of arrogance. It wasn't because he was so prideful. It's just that when you were in his presence, you were completely awestruck, okay, because of the way that he carried himself because of the knowledge that he had, because of the position that he commanded in the message of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. He set the tone. He wasn't someone that would would show arrogance, but at the same time, his presence naturally his demeanor naturally committed that humility from

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everyone around him. And of course, you know, the very famous statement that no one would give thoughtful automatic is in Medina, no one would dare to even issue a verdict, while Maliki malmark Rahim Allah was in a Medina in his lifetime. So he commands such a presence in Medina, shortly after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the love of the people around and a certain respect and dignity from everyone around him. Now, Imam Shafi Rahim Allah to Allah is an orphan from her husband.

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His mother brings him from Gaza. And, you know, they she's a single mom, and she has to struggle with him just to make ends meet. And she cannot even afford paper to give him as he goes into studies with people so he doesn't have any money to pay us tuition, if you will, when he goes and studies whether it Mr. or any of the the people that would teach put on at the time.

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All she has is just enough to barely be able to feed herself and her son and Mama Shafi Rahim, Allah has this special inclination to knowledge and he has a particular brilliance that's very clear from from his infancy, is a descendant of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So he's from Banu Hashim. He has a lot going for him, but is in complete poverty. And his mother used to go out of her dedication and go to the dumpsters in Medina and collect some of the the thrown away paper to provide to him so that he could go sit in Dallas, in the hallowed halls of Mr. Malik, and take notes and he would sometimes even use His bozak His Spirit to take notes because he didn't have any ink. I mean, he's a

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poor orphan from Palestine, sitting in the matchless of the greatest Imam of the time, especially in that in that context of space. And he walks into Mr. Malik's halaqa. And he just blows the mmamoloko away with his brilliance this kid that memorizes like no other kid before. This kid that just shows a level of wit and intelligence that none of the students have emailed Malik showed. And one of the beautiful qualities of the mathematical him a whole lotta is he used to give mentorship and private advice to his students as well. So you take his students to the side and he advised them about things that he saw on them. So shaeffer is this super genius kid that memorizes the plan that

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memorizes the book of Imam Malik and motha word for word, and is demonstrating a lot of brightness for the future. And he mmamoloko him a whole lot goes up to him and he gives him an advice that Imam Shafi said I would never forget. So he mama chef or he would often recall what Imam Malik said to him. He walks up to him and he doesn't tell him calm down or break his spirit and tell them you know, don't get too far ahead of yourself. Sometimes in our sincere intentions to actually grow someone or encourage someone we actually break them you know, and giving advice we the advice comes in a way that would discourage a person rather than encourage them and that's not from the Sunnah of

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the prophet sly some of them I'll see how or from the writers that when they gave advice, yes, they put you in check, but at the same time, they encourage you in a way that you've still feel moved to do something good. So Imam Malik doesn't tell him Look, you're too far ahead of yourself. You're just a kid.

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Stop, stop thinking that you're going to be this great thing one day even though your mama safaree wasn't say it the way that you're answering the way your caring self Imam Malik wants to tell the mama shafr is something he can remember for the rest of his life. So, no email Monique is after the Sahaba for profits license. So he goes up to a safaree sitting in the masjid. And he says to him, listen to me. He says in the era, and Allahu Akbar, Allah, Allah beacon Allah. He said, I can tell that Allah has put some light in your heart. There's a special light that Allah has put in your heart, he says, fell out towards fitful bewilderment in marceia. Don't extinguish that light with

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the darkness of sin.

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So listen, you're special. I can tell you have a special brilliance, you're intelligent. You have qualities that other people don't have. You have a bright future ahead of you. And he told him I can tell that there's goodness inside of you a lot. Put a light in your heart, do not extinguish it with the darkness of sin with the darkness of disobeying Allah subhana wa tan, you mama shepherd. He never forgot that advice. And he would often mention that advice as in when he became an adult that he meant Malik told me this Don't ruin it. And of course there's another very famous poem.

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You know where he mama Schaeffer he authored where he said, I went up to a great muhaddith of the time a great scholar Hadeeth button they will care of ninja law, Haman lots on it. And well here it was what Kia was known for his memory. He was a tad Berry, he met some of the companions of the Prophet slice of them, a great scholar of Hades, and he was known for his memory, a chef or he said, I asked him

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that, you know, Shaco to a level here so I have the valve shut. Anita talking about LC I asked what here I said, You know, I feel like my memory is suffering. I don't have the same memory that I used to have, that there's some weakness in the knowledge or my memorizing skills and what Kira told him, stop sinning, don't disobey a loss of handling time. And he said that in my line or on the knowledge of Allah is light when all along you know your attorney RC and the light of Allah will not be given to one who is engaged in disobedience of him. So this was an advice that a Shafi would receive later on in life as well. But it starts with the Imam Malik and there is a lot that we can take from this

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and much to reflect on

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the ayah that was revealed in regards to the Islam of Hamza when Hamza bin Abdullah McParland became Muslim.

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Many of the scholars say that that's when Allah Subhana Allah revealed the infallibility he accidentally either let the VENA Cobain or Donaldson Kandahar Leon hemming, respond to that which is evil with that which is good and you would find that your greatest enemies would become your protective friends, meaning keep on responding to those that are harsh with you with with goodness, keep don't do not let them spoil your mannerisms spoil the way that you carry yourself. And you're going to find that some of your enemies will become protective friends. And so this was sort of a celebration of the Islam of Hamza and it was also a bushrod was a glad tidings of a bigger Islam to

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come a bigger convert to come which was Ramadan hopped on all the time on that Hamza is the first step and Ahmad is the second step. When Amara becomes Muslim, it's even bigger for you as as a community and then all the alerts around home becomes Muslim and Allah subhanaw taala mentions a woman can Amit and Gina was the owner who neuron emcpe furnace was he not dead and we gave life to Him. And we gave him a light by which he walks amongst the people, he navigates himself he navigates amongst the people. So Allah mentions that he gave a likes to this person who repented to him that there's a certain light that comes to that person's heart. And if you think about a thumb, and you

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think about the shape on staying away from him that he was able to conquer his devil to a point that his shavon was afraid of him and wouldn't be on the same road as him. Alma also had pristine intellect and was able to see things properly he was able to analyze things properly. to a point that revelation divine revelation would agree with the opinion of Omar and certain things in the profit slice and I mentioned that he was more in depth. He was from the white death on white that's the one mark that there's someone who's spoken to by the angels, like more diff is the one who's speaking.

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Someone speaking to Mohammed death, I'm sorry, Mohammed the throne. So there's my head. This is someone who's conveying what had death is someone who is who was spoken to. So the prophets I said, there are people in my nation who are more had that feeling who were spoken to

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By the angels meaning they were divinely just guided to write decisions and he said, If anyone in my nation is like that it's called babatel the law No. So there's a direct correlation between his conquering of sin and disobedience of Allah subhanaw taala and his ability to see things properly and the way that he was just rightly guided towards decisions and it also led to Sofia success in his knowledge and success in his in his leadership. So the prophets I some made a connection between all of those things. So when you go back to this advice, remote monitoring mama Shafi Listen, in the era and Allah, Allah Allah kobika Nora, I can tell that Allah has given you some light in your heart

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financial fit will be able to be automated marceia do not ruin it, do not extinguish it with the darkness of disobedience. What I want us to get from this

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amongst many different lessons.

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Number one, the far reaching impact of sin, the things we don't often consider with a sin. What are the what are the real punishments of sin? Like what really happens to you when you live a life of disobedience or when you insist upon certain sense? We know that you get a sin that you get a bad deed, obviously. And then you can hope that if you repent that all of that would be taken away. But what else happens to you? There are many things we don't consider. Imam Hassan basally Rahim Allah said the greatest punishment of sin is what does anyone know?

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That Allah allows you to sin again.

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Meaning one sin opens the door to another sin, and then another sin and then another sin, and it opens 10 doors and then 20 doors and then 30 doors, meaning what you're eating away at your natural goodness, when you start to commit these acts of disobedience. So you commit one act of disobedience, and then an act within the same category of that disobedience suddenly is not so bad to you anymore. The barriers have been broken between you and a major sin. So between you so for example, there's adultery.

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Okay? What stands between modesty and adultery, like the actual act of adultery, okay. First certain barriers, certain etiquettes of relationship and conversation that might not have been okay for you in the past suddenly start to open up.

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So you start to flirt, then you start to abandon some of the important you know, important etiquettes of conversation and of relationship. And one, you know, slowly, slowly you lead you go down this really, really dark path when it comes to money. A person starts off with one small crime, financial crime, if you will, and then they get used to some, some form of stealing and then they become, you know, huge corporate swindlers, right I mean, they become horrible.

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You know, monsters with their finances. If you think about alcohol, casual drinking leads to alcohol abuse, you start with one drug and then next thing you know, you're doing that drug all the time and the next thing you know you're selling drugs, okay? Meaning one sin breaks a level of higher a level of modesty between you and Allah subhanaw taala and slowly slowly you find yourself delving deeper and deeper into it. So there's punishment from Allah subhana wa tada that he allows you to fall into Fergerson that the natural door that was between you and that sin has now been broken. And it's no longer that bad. So it keeps getting worse and worse and worse but you don't recognize you don't

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recognize where you are anymore because you're just diving deeper and deeper into that may last Panesar protect this from the hotel lot the shape on this, the footsteps of the devil was privatized as well as a teddy roosevelt a lot of shape on don't follow the footsteps of the devil. Because if shavon comes up to you and says, follow me, you probably don't listen to him. Alright, but he puts these traps and footsteps and you slowly slowly start following these footsteps until certain things become acceptable to your heart. All right, it also the greatest, you know, what we find from the greatest consequences of sin is distance from Allah subhana wa, Tada. Distance from your Creator.

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You know, you're not you're placing a natural distance between you and your Creator. So instead of filling up your time with doing beneficial things, or doing things that bring you closer to him and living up to your purpose, you're purposely ignoring him because every time you sin, you intentionally ignore a lot. Think of it every single time you sin in order for you to send you have to intentionally ignore him. You have to actively remove a lot from your thoughts and from your heart.

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From your conscience, so you're You are the one that's distancing yourself from Allah subhana wa Tada. You know, there was a Yunus debate hemagglutinin, he mentioned that a man

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looked in the mirror one day and he saw gray hair and he said, You know, I've been distant from Allah for so long. And he said, you know, even if I tried to make Toba what's gonna happen not like it's too late. I've been I've just been doing so much I have years and years of distancing myself from a loss of time. So he said, That man saw a dream done. And it was said to him, Holman I had an utter Baba now what's Aradhana? Has anyone ever come to our door and we turned him away? So when you ask yourself, why you're distant from Allah subhanaw taala, ask yourself, well, where did I go, Allah hasn't moved a lot did not leave you, you left him. You intentionally ignored him and try to

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you try to dole that consciousness so that you can do those sense every single time. You try not to think about Allah subhanaw taala when you commit these sins, so the distance that you that you find from Allah subhana wa tada that you no longer find that, that the lack of pleasure that you derive from your your good deeds and from your acts of worship,

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right, a sick heart, a sick person doesn't enjoy the taste of their food. Right, so a sick heart doesn't enjoy acts of worship anymore. So even though you have these acts of worship, but you're not enjoying them, you're feeling a disk, you're feeling almost a discomfort. From acts of worship, you can't taste the sweetness of these acts of worship because of the sins that you're committing. The Prophet slice I mentioned ahaadeeth and nomada really interesting is an authentic hadith he mentioned sallallahu, wasallam. And Knox for risk,

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that from the consequences of sin is that you lose sustenance that it actually starts to affect your income and your sustenance.

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One of the salaf mentioned he said that whenever I commit sin, I can see the effect of it in my marital relationship, and I can even see it in my camel or in my horse. Like so think of it like there, the buttock and my car starts to go away. All right, my car starts to break down more frequently. Okay, but I start to see it in everything. Okay, the effect of sin starts to starts to cast this cloud over everything. Now I lost parents, I test people with different things. That doesn't mean every test is ascribed to a sin. Because if that was the case, the most tested of people are the prophets of Allah. And Allah did not test them because of sin last test that tested

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them as a means of elevation. But the point is, is that sin has, you know, greater consequences than simply a.on your record. It ruins something about you, it spoils your qualities, spoils your qualities, you have certain things that Allah subhana wa tada gave you and it ruins them. And if you think about Imam Shafi Rahim Allah so a chef, is this super genius, right? never loses the debate and his entire life. This guy who, who has a photogenic memory, who's brilliant, eloquent, you know, he has everything that you could possibly want. If a chef or he was evil, man, would he be evil? Right, so if the qualities that are lost hundreds out against him, if a chef Rahim Allah use those

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in shot or use them in evil, as opposed to the goodness that he used them for, like imagine how far he would have distanced himself from Allah subhanho wa Taala. But because he was constantly self aware that a lot of times I gave me these qualities Allah gave me that like, don't mess it up, like he was telling himself his entire life, don't ruin it, don't spoil it. Allah gave you something, don't mess it up. Don't extinguish the light inside your heart. Don't extinguish the goodness that Allah subhanaw taala gave to you. We find also when we look at our messenger it is Salatu was Salam and from the advices that he gave to us, that the prophets lie Selim used to warn people of

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qualities of hypocrisy if he saw them in like the pre emptive if you see yourself about to be taken a straight with a certain quality, then do something about it. Now, if an ambassador Lila and we also comments on this about sin, and it's really interesting, he said that in the listener, that a good deed is Leah and Phil watch one neuron film. So he mentioned its brightness in the face and it's a light in the heart. And he said, we're certain for the risk of loss, it expands a person's risk by a sustenance or a habit and Phil Hulk, and a lot of anti puts the love and the righteous amongst them. You know, the Hadith of the profit side summary mentions that Jabra Islam, there are a

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lot calls why Islam, the angel Gabriel, when he loves someone and says I love someone so love him and then Jabri and loves him and then gibreel called

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The angels and they love him and then the angels and the inhabitants of the heavens love him. And then you are allowed to Kabbalah Florida law places acceptance in the hearts towards that person who who does Allah place acceptance in the hearts of the righteous or sila him so not just the love of anybody the love of a sila hain the love of the righteous towards that person, because there are really evil people and wicked people that do horrible things that are loved by many.

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But they're loved either for the wrong reasons or love for wrong perceptions about them. Okay, but a lot puts hope beside a hate the love of the righteous in their hearts. So then he said, What in the sea he said that, that sin is you know, is that it? it darkens a person's face, it darkens their heart, it extinguishes all light, it reduces their sustenance, it leads to both will Hulk leads to a hatred in the hearts of the writers towards that person and starts to ruin everything for them as destruction. So it starts to cover all of their different elements and their different aspects. And the darkness here obviously is not a physical darkness. Okay, it's not a physical darkness that

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we're talking about a spiritual darkness. And it's really interesting here because the profit slice I mentioned philosophy

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you know, beware of the insight of the sight of the believer the philosophy of the believer. There are numerous narrations and from the solid came from the writers about this know y'all be * in LA, he sees by the light of the last penciler there are certain people that can see certain things in you. They don't read your heart only Allah has access to your heart but from your behavior from your character. It's like they can tell something's wrong with this person. Something's off about you. The righteous in particular, they can tell something is wrong with a person, environment city, Rahim Allah tada said that if I used to look at Imam Hassan rusli Rahim Allah, if he extended in the

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you know, if he extended his presence in the company of somebody, then I told myself that's a righteous person. And if I noticed that the mom has an embassy Rahim, Allah didn't like to be in this person's company for too long, then I started to shun that person. Because I knew that he was a righteous man. And I could tell that he you know, you know, they say just just innocent people see innocence and others or they can, there's something about the righteous and the last print, it gave them this ability to see goodness and to feel an affinity towards them. The profit slice on mentioned at Ottawa had, you know, done with john Maeda, that the souls are like conscripted

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soldiers, that the writers naturally bond together, they have a chemistry. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you go to hatch, right? You just have a chemistry with the jobs, right? There's a chemistry of the righteous, something that Bond's them. But then a person might feel a discomfort with someone that doesn't mean you judge their heart and the test of that righteous person is that he doesn't, you know, he says, you know, maybe, maybe despite his philosophy, despite him seeing something is wrong, or not feeling comfortable with a person. He doesn't make any definitive claim about that person, he doesn't judge that person. But you know, and he questions himself and he looks

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inward into his own sin, but at the same time, he might feel the discomfort with that person. Right, that something is wrong. If you look at what apostle the law was saying, you know, Leon Phillips, you know, a person starts to see a, you know, a darkening not just of the heart, but of the of the face as well, meaning the appearance as well that things start to look wrong, that there starts to be a natural aversion towards that person. Now, some of the biggest hypocrites in the world have the biggest smiles.

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So there are exceptions to this rule, there are exceptions to every rule, and some of the worst people in the world have the biggest incomes. All right, so there are exceptions, they're not talking about, you know, every single person and that this is some rule that applies to everybody and everything. It's for your own self,

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to think about what are the effects of sin? And particularly, what natural goodness that Alon gave me Have I ruined or am I ruining? What are the good qualities that Allah subhanaw taala gave me that could enable me to do more good for him that I might actually be using to distance myself from him. Every goodness that Allah gave you

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is a test

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every single goodness, okay, everything influence is a test. Money is a test you know, the test of beauty and I know everyone thinks that that's their fitness Mashallah. But the test of that's a test. The test of all of these are everything is a test. Because you could use intelligence is a test. I know everyone thinks they have that too. Alright. intellect is a test. It's a fitna knowledge is a test being an eloquent person is a test or idiom is a test all of it says

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test because the Quran, the Quran could become a source. The Quran itself is always a source of good, but you could use it for evil. Right? You could use the words of the Prophet slice of them for evil, you could use anything that's been given to have good for evil. So when he magmatic looks at this kid and says, Listen, you have something, I can see it Alhamdulillah don't mess it up. Don't ruin it a lot. Put a light in your heart. Don't extinguish it. Don't do away with it. Every single time you commit a sin or normalize sent to yourself, you are darkening. That light, you're doing away with that light, you're slowly extinguishing it.

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And so your own recognition, even of hasser knots, of righteousness of people of righteousness, of deeds of righteousness, all of that starts to them, a need to keep your heart alive by keeping those sins away. The good news is that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that the heart is always salvageable. Like you can always redeem the heart, the heart, as long as it's as long as you're not dead.

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The heart has redemption that you can you can restore that light back to the heart. But sometimes it takes time to do so. But you can restore that heart. Right, the profit slice on mentions, you know, every time you commit a sin, you get that spot on your heart. But every time you repent, supervillains Calvo, you polish it. So you don't just remove that, that that spot, you also polish it. So the same spot that you That was a means of distancing you from a loss of hundreds and now actually is rejuvenated, it's rehabilitated, it's actually now bringing you close to a loss of hundreds. And that's why someone who lived in deep sin could end up having the greatest connection

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to a loss of Hannah Montana, because they cleaned it all up and cleaned it all up. And they made an active effort to clean it all up. Just think about a room that is really dirty. And you know that there's a special guest that's coming to that room or coming to that house and you do your utmost best to just make it completely, you know, to have it completely spotless, pick up all the junk, make sure that it's just perfect. The effort that you put into cleaning it up and restoring that room. All right makes it cleaner than it would be on a normal date before you dirtied it in the first place. So sometimes the dirt is what makes you privy to the fact that you need to clean it all

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up. I need to completely set this room back right again, the same thing with the heart. There's room for redemption, but Subhan Allah, with the amount of Shafi Rahim Allah, it's interesting because you talk about that recognition, right? The light of the heart and the recognition. When Mama safaree became a teacher, you know, who recognized him right away when other people didn't.

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Your mom, or

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your mama was like, That man is special. So when he would always go to the druce of a chef or eat to the lectures of a chef, or while others were going to some of the more senior scholars, and they would tell him, why do you keep going to this young guy? Why aren't you going to some of the bigger scholars and email Muhammad Rahim Allah said what he has, is greater than what all of them have combined, trust me. And he took to that leaning towards him very early on. So that it was the purity of knowledge to recognize the purity of a shaft, and the maintenance of that purity of a shaft that a pure eema could recognize and him you understand how that light connects upon a lot. These are the

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things that are lost hundreds outputs, in his in his creation, that there was a recognition, okay, of that person and what he was doing. And, of course, at the end of the day only loss pinetown has access to the heart. But think really deeply. What are the qualities Allah gave you?

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And what is the light that you had maybe that you don't have anymore? Think about a good quality that you used to have, and you feel like you don't have it anymore.

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You know, there are some things like I used to have this quote, it's not just an act of worship that I used to do. I used to be a lot more. Fill in the blank. I'm not feeling that anymore. I don't feel like I have that anymore. Well, what happens? Ask yourself what happened? And try to redeem the heart in those places. And that's why of course in these last 10 nights alone in a careful and Karima to heaven, alpha firefinder Allah loves to forgive so forgive us because sometimes we don't even recognize what happened. We were still trying to figure it out. So general Toba for those things, repentance for those things, specific repentance, for the things you're not recognized for

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the things that you do recognize, that have taken you away from Allah subhanaw taala and dimmed or even extinguished, that light that he put in your heart or something special that he gave to you that you could have

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used for good but instead you used it for evil or you didn't take advantage of May Allah subhanaw taala protect us from sins that take us away from him. One of the ads that was

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that we that is narrated via Abdullah and robotic Rahim Allah to Allah one of the great pious predecessors a llama not cleaning him you know the newbie will horrify allottee tech be sued why not clean enough you know we will hop aisle at 10 00 Bella Allahu monokini mean as an OB will hotwire Lottie tech up so why not clean a minute no we will hop is at 10 00 Allah, Allah purify me from the sins and acts of disobedience that deflate my supplication that that void my supplications and purify me of the sins and the acts of disobedience that cause for for misfortune to fall upon me. These are this is an important day for us to make inshallah tada if you're able to in these last

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time that's a good time to do so. And last pentatonic protects us from all of those sins, may Allah make us aware of ourselves in a way that's good. Maintain the light inside of us And may Allah subhanho wa Taala allow us to use the light that he's given to us to navigate amongst the people in a way that is pleasing to Him. allama mean, questions?

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All right.

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All right.

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Okay, as humans we sin every day. So is it the actual sin? Or is it the not recognizing the sin in the first place? There are two, there are three elements here. Number one, the size of the sin doesn't matter. Okay, so major sins versus minor sins, there are certain sins that a person falls into on a daily basis, at will and salon prayer and just the daily actions of good, hopefully wipe away those types of sins. Sometimes things we don't even recognize. Okay. But then there's the sins that have more intentionality to them as well. Like you are actively searching for that sin, or a sinful habits or a major sin. Okay, so again, is it a minor sin or a major sin because the minor

00:32:18 --> 00:32:47

sins We ask Allah Subhana, Allah to purify us from them always just our good deeds by our will do in our salon, the prophets, I'm mentioning that the sins fall off of a person in that way. So minor versus major number two, habitual, habitual versus occasional or incidental. You know, there's certain things that you insist upon Islam, you insist upon a sin. And those are far worse. Okay.

00:32:49 --> 00:32:52

Number three is public versus private.

00:32:53 --> 00:33:30

Okay, you don't boast about your sins. So those are elements of sin, you know, in terms of the the daily sins and the things that you would commit, you're not proud of those sins, and they're between you and a loss of hundreds out of their sins that are between you and a loss pantai. So not just public versus private in the sense of making sins public, but also do they harm public? Or do they harm just yourself privately, all of us have sins, but you want to keep your sins between you and Allah subhanaw taala, both in the sense of exposure, and in a sense of impact and effect, that my sense should not be harming other people. If I'm sending, and we all are sending then those are

00:33:30 --> 00:33:34

flaws that are between me and Allah subhanaw taala that I need to keep on working on.

00:33:35 --> 00:33:54

So it's really the problem is when you insist on things and when there are sinful habits. And those are what dim the qualities because there are good habits, and then there are bad habits. Alright, so there are good traits and then there are sinful habits, the sinful the sinfulness, then does away it erodes at that goodness, over time.

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00:34:09 --> 00:34:17

Is it possible to be a hypocrite and not even recognize it? Well, Allah will not punish you for things you're not recognizing. That's number one.

00:34:20 --> 00:34:56

Meaning if you're trying your best to do something, and in the process, you're falling short, but you are doing your best and the last panel data is not going to punish you for those but again, I mean, only found Illa Manasa. No one feels safe from hypocrisy except for a hypocrite. So you should never feel safe from hypocrisy. But you know, you have to you have to search for your sins and try to recognize them and try to do away with them. If there are some sins in the process that you're not recognizing, and surely those sins exist, and you ask a lot for general that the general Toba will do away with that hypocrisy in that sense is included. There's some things maybe I'm not

00:34:56 --> 00:34:59

recognizing, ask a lot to do away with that, but it's not

00:35:00 --> 00:35:39

Like, you know, will not count alone, even Leon imana come, it's not like a load lose your faith will just cause you to just lose your faith just like that, where you've been actively working on it, and you're actively trying to do the right thing. And then death comes to you, and you realize you have no faith and everything's been, you know, a complete lie, it doesn't work that way. A person will not be betrayed by a loss. And a person will not be led astray by Allah subhanaw taala. And Allah mentions in the Quran, when Latina, jaha delphina, the unknown sabudana. But those who strive in our way, we will guide them to our paths. So guidance comes as a result of the striving a

00:35:39 --> 00:35:55

lot never turns a person who's striving away from him. That doesn't happen. It's a promise from a loss of hundreds and it's not like you go seeking Him and He says, No, doesn't happen. That's from his mercy that whoever turns towards him.

00:35:56 --> 00:36:01

If you go to a law with with the hands, he comes to you with an arm and if you go to him with an arm, he comes to

00:36:02 --> 00:36:17

the length of both of your arms spread out when the attorney I'm showing it to her, Well, if he comes to me run, walking, I go to him running. So you'll never take a step towards a law except he takes two towards you. You don't even have to think and that's part of personal bumbler just expecting well of a loss.

00:36:26 --> 00:36:34

How our sins and doubt related certainly sins, eat away at a person certainty and conviction.

00:36:36 --> 00:36:44

But, you know, somehow, so in the series that I'm doing the faith revival, and I forgot which episode but I talked about this.

00:36:45 --> 00:37:23

A lot actually rewards your doubts if you deal with them properly. Meaning the prophets I seldom mentioned, you know, when people came to him complaining that look, there are some things that we sometimes feel we don't even we're too ashamed to say we don't speak of them. We don't say anything. Just these thoughts, whispers West wasa and the prophets I seldom mentioned. And what do you do and they mentioned that we seek refuge in the last Pentatonix that that is clear email. That's lovely honey, man, that's pure faith. And he said Hamdulillah, Allah, the Eradicator, who was wasa All praises be to Allah who reduced the shape on just to whispering. So if you're having thoughts, and

00:37:23 --> 00:37:38

sometimes these bad thoughts and doubts, and we are very, we are programmed, all in our own unique ways. Okay. So sometimes, if a person has been given by Allah Subhana, WA, tada, just

00:37:40 --> 00:38:02

greater pathways to thought, meaning they think a lot about everything, they're careful in their analysis, there's a test that can come with that, that that could then start to penetrate into a man, you just have to, you have to be aware of that you have to deal with it the right way. But yes, since sins can cause an error, you know, they can do away with a person's yaqeen, or the person certainty for sure.

00:38:03 --> 00:38:04

Because when you you know,

00:38:06 --> 00:38:17

believing in something intellectually is one thing. experiencing something is entirely different. So the experience, the experience of faith,

00:38:18 --> 00:39:03

is not something that can be fulfilled by any intellectual pursuit, meaning I can have every, every intellectual proof of Islam at my disposal, but if I've never experienced the man, then this will not be of any but it's not going to be able to fill that void, I have to be able to put into practice. So if a person is living in that EMA and living in that faith, experiencing prayer, experiencing the power of supplication, experiencing the power of being restricted, and finding happiness in that restriction, Allah subhanaw taala actually closes the doors for you to certain deeds and you find happiness and pleasure in that if a person is experiencing that, then that blocks

00:39:03 --> 00:39:06

out shape on appeal in many ways.

00:39:07 --> 00:39:20

Like if I'm if I'm experiencing the beauty of salah and the closeness to Allah subhana wa tada and this divine revelation and say, Vaughn comes to me and tries to take me away with a cheap sin. You're gonna have to do better than that.

00:39:21 --> 00:39:30

You know, like, that's not working. It's not I've been there. Not appealing. So yes, there is a direct impact between experience and intellect for sure.

00:39:31 --> 00:39:34

I'm gonna go sister, brother, sister, brother, and it's gonna financial Yeah.

00:40:01 --> 00:40:01


00:40:18 --> 00:40:46

There's the major hypocrisy and then the minor hypocrisy, the major hypocrisy is disbelief. So it's posing as a believer for nefarious aims using using the dean in pursuit of something How long? All right. So that major type of hypocrisy is worse than disbelief because it's disbelief compounded with hypocrisy,

00:40:47 --> 00:41:18

the hypocrisy of not feeling motivated to good deeds except in the presence of people as opposed to being only in the sight of Allah subhana wa tada or feeling it okay to do certain sins when people certain people around or whatever it may be, the hypocrisy of discrepancy is a hypocrisy that the companions feared and that we should all fear but the major hypocrisy and hold on is a different type of hold on now is a different type of democracy. Now, if you're reading the Koran and you come across the

00:41:20 --> 00:41:40

the verses about the disbelievers or the verses about the hypocrites, you don't take a break and start associating in someone else. Like right I'm gonna wait till we get back to England with Tofino abroad or whatever it is, right now. I'm just gonna think about everybody else and be like, man, I feel sorry for them. Like they're gonna get so bad on the Day of Judgment. Now you you have to

00:41:42 --> 00:42:15

listen closely to the qualities that are being mentioned of those people. And then ask yourself, do I have any semblance of those qualities? Okay, so a lot gives us the stories of bending Islam in extensively the children of Israel because they were the nation that preceded us, the the immediate nation that preceded us, so learn from their lessons, so that you don't make the same mistakes that they made. So there's benefit to every verse in the Quran for us, every single verse has a benefit and something to reflect on.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:25

Like the prophets lie, Selim used to read every verse and he used to stop and he used to supplicate and make their act to a loss of habitat. It's not like he skipped

00:42:27 --> 00:42:33

through to the parts that were directly addressing him so a lot he was on them. So every single verse has some meaning to it.

00:42:40 --> 00:42:41


00:42:50 --> 00:43:29

yes or no meaning in Medina. Imam Malik Rahim, Allah was the you know, he was the recognized Mufti, if you will, and Medina like there were other scholars and other teachers, but Imam Malik Locky mala was the most senior of them for sure. And knowledge. So, as safaree gave lectures, and he taught walima Malik was alive. But the prominence of a Shafi definitely after it was, you know, reached its peak after my medical himolla Thailand passed away. Also a Shafi Rahim Allah taught in Iraq, as well, whereas Malik stayed in Medina.

00:43:30 --> 00:43:41

So as Jeffrey was in Iraq, he was in Egypt and Muslim at some point. So there are also different geographical considerations to with their schools of thought and their teachings.

00:43:52 --> 00:43:53

Just ask.

00:44:12 --> 00:44:12


00:44:32 --> 00:44:33

After Yeah.

00:44:37 --> 00:44:39

Alright, so the question of poverty.

00:44:40 --> 00:44:52

Intentional poverty, is how long? It's prohibited. Like, I cannot intentionally inflict poverty on myself and find it to be righteous, if you guys can.

00:44:53 --> 00:45:00

Sorry, guys. Intentional poverty is how long and we should

00:45:00 --> 00:45:40

Always seek to not be in a position of poverty, we should always seek to be in a position of strength, held our risk for obviously Halla sustenance not to do anything unethical in the pursuit of risk, but seeking risk is a good thing. Seeking to be a little earlier, the prophet sighs I mentioned it earlier, fatal, flaw, the upper hand is better than the lower hand. The other idea he had, when he had the souffle here sila, the upper hand is the giving hand, the lower hand is the receiving hand. So we should always seek to be that upper hand and to be people that are in a position of giving. The reality though is that that doesn't happen for everybody. The reality as

00:45:40 --> 00:45:41

well is that

00:45:42 --> 00:45:46

most people who are wealthy are deluded by their wealth.

00:45:47 --> 00:46:03

That's not a statement from me, that's a statement from the Prophet slicin. And that the majority of the people of Hellfire are rich and powerful. So most people will not be able to properly handle the test of wealth. When they are tested with wealth, they will

00:46:05 --> 00:46:46

forget who they were, they change as people, they they start to become unethical, addicted. All of these things start to happen. Unfortunately, usually when people become wealthy, all right, we change and there's so much better because sometimes in in seriously in poverty and being poor, I mean, there's Baraka in it, there's a blessing. So the reality is that many most people in their humility in their in their poverty or being poor, many of them will be humbled, grateful when they have something from Allah subhanaw taala. So the majority of the people of Ghana are poor, weak, oppressed people. That's the majority. The majority of the people of Hellfire are rich and powerful.

00:46:46 --> 00:47:08

However, you should not seek to be poor and oppressed. You should seek this dunya in a way that's ethical, and as a means of combating poverty and combating some of the hardship that comes with it. So all of these Hadith about poverty, as I said in that episode, number one, you ask Allah for refuge, Alemany or the becoming an cofely, will

00:47:09 --> 00:47:15

become an adopted copper foil I seek refuge in You from disbelief in poverty, and I seek refuge in You from the punishment of the great.

00:47:17 --> 00:47:58

But at this, but also the Prophet sly son was giving a message to the companions that you need to try to solve the problems of poverty, or the problems posed by poverty. So it's more of a community communal obligation that's being placed on everyone. But there are blessings of being poor sometimes blessings of living in hardship. Just like when it comes to health, you ask a lot for an iPhone, you ask Allah for afia for, you know, to be healthy, in your body allama if any fees if you just said the right you asked a lot for health in your in your site, and all those types of things. You don't inflict illness on yourself. But if you are ill, you recognize the blessings of illness at that

00:47:58 --> 00:48:12

time. So self inflicted harm is not permissible, obviously, but if a person finds themselves in those situations, then they should try to absorb the blessings of those situations as well.

00:48:13 --> 00:48:13

Hold on.

00:48:15 --> 00:48:20

All right, I don't know where to go. You guys all raised your hand at the same time. Put your hands down. All right, hands up.

00:48:21 --> 00:48:24

That's pretty good. Hands down. Hands up.

00:48:26 --> 00:48:29

Did anyone see a winner there? I didn't see a winner. All right, hands down.

00:48:30 --> 00:48:32

Hands down. Let's see all

00:48:33 --> 00:48:36

right, hands up. All right. Go ahead.

00:48:44 --> 00:48:44


00:48:48 --> 00:49:00

Oh, that I mentioned the one know the last one about asking a lot of protect this from sins that ruiner that's not in the Koran. That's just as I do that some righteous people used to make

00:49:02 --> 00:49:06

Alright, back to the sister Sorry, guys. Yes.

00:49:31 --> 00:49:41

Yeah, all hope so the question is, is okay for your hope to exceed your fear all hoping a lot is good as long as it doesn't become delusion. All fear of Allah is good as long as it doesn't become despair.

00:49:42 --> 00:49:58

finding the balance between those two wings depends a lot on your personality. Some people are more driven by pain and some are more driven by reward. Some people are more driven by mountains of Paradise Some were driven by mountains of hellfire.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:07

So every person functions differently. The goal is what brings you closer to a line keeps you away from sin.

00:50:08 --> 00:50:24

If it's hope, and the hope and the reward and that love and at the end of the day, you want your relationship with a lot to be so strong that it's independent, even circumstances. Meaning even if there was,

00:50:25 --> 00:50:36

you know, I want to call Pablo the Allahu anhu said about Sohail Rumi, it's so beautiful. He said Lola, half Allah, let me honestly, he said, even if he didn't fear Allah, he'd never disobeyed him.

00:50:38 --> 00:50:42

And that beautiful, even if he had no fear of God, he would not disobey Him, why?

00:50:44 --> 00:51:05

He loves him too much. He loves the law so much, that even if fear was completely removed from the equation, he would not disobeyed him, he would not find it in, he would not be able to disobey Him because of how much he loves the last printout. So ultimately, that's something to strive for. Right to where you don't need that. But

00:51:06 --> 00:51:08

obviously, we do need them.

00:51:09 --> 00:51:25

The fear of a loss as healthy as long as it doesn't lead to despair. But how much of what dosage you have of each hope and fear that goes back to your personality. And the result is what you're looking for, which is to distance yourself from sin and bring yourself closer to them. All right.

00:51:26 --> 00:51:27


00:51:38 --> 00:51:39


00:51:42 --> 00:51:49

the richer We are the greater chance we have gone to * fire? That's the question. Well, still trying to get rich.

00:51:50 --> 00:51:52

But just give all your money to Valley Ranch, Moses.

00:51:54 --> 00:51:54

All right.

00:51:55 --> 00:52:07

As long as you do good with your money, inshallah you'll be okay. So you should seek you should seek the goodness of this world and make sure you do the right thing with it. All right. That's all it is. And inshallah you will go to Gemma.

00:52:09 --> 00:52:09


00:52:23 --> 00:52:24


00:52:35 --> 00:52:58

So hypocrisy would be complete cut off of good deeds. So the question is, when you're in the midst of that's easy, you're encouraged to do these good things, you know, you see people around you, the environment just sets it for you. But when you're at home and outside of the month of Ramadan, maybe you're not as motivated, that's natural. The problem is when there's a complete cutoff of good deeds when you're alone.

00:52:59 --> 00:53:05

So all of it disappears when you're when you're away from the environment when you're away from the ideal environment.

00:53:06 --> 00:53:29

And especially if there are sins involved, too. So there are certain sins that you also would delve into an indulgent, that's where the problem becomes with the discrepancy. However, being around people who read Quran being around people as they are praying for all of that, even the Sahaba were moved by that. Okay, even the Sahaba sought those types of environments so that they could,

00:53:30 --> 00:53:52

they could move themselves to the next step. Think about it, you know, in terms of physical discipline, if I'm exercising at home, whereas if I'm exercising in a gym, this isn't the photo session on what gyms to go to art and things of that sort. But the point is that just seeing other people working out might be a motivation for me to work out right? Or to really get into my exercise.

00:53:53 --> 00:53:59

Whereas, you know, maybe if I'm alone now, I'll cut on my reps. I won't do as many of the reps.

00:54:00 --> 00:54:12

So spiritually speaking, it's natural, and the Sahaba understood that, but there should not be complete include long, complete abandonment of the good when you're alone.

00:54:13 --> 00:54:29

reduction is okay. reduction, it's natural, and you won't be healthy. That's why coming in total we, I mean, look 200 Pm will lay at home by default is better than pianola in the masjid. But if you know that if I pray at home, I'm going to pray for 15 minutes.

00:54:30 --> 00:54:50

Whereas if I pray in the masjid, I'll force myself to go for the full hour. Then obviously this is better in the sight of a lost parents on it. It's your sincerity that's driving you to the masjid. hypocrisy would be let me be in the masjid so people can know that I was there and they can see me there and they can say Oh, she stood for the entire time where she prayed all total where he prayed all total

00:54:52 --> 00:54:59

sincerity is I'm going to go there instead of praying at home because I know I'll pray more and I'll get into it and I'll benefit more

00:55:00 --> 00:55:05

For my spirituality, so it wasn't the people site that drove you it was a lot that drove you.

00:55:07 --> 00:55:08

Alright, last question.

00:55:09 --> 00:55:14

All right, I'm going to take you guys to questions, all right, because I'm not gonna let your hand not. Alright, go ahead.

00:55:16 --> 00:55:16

What's your question?

00:55:34 --> 00:55:45

shallow? That is a really good question. That's strong. Mashallah holonic You know what, Hema Malik told me Mama Shafi. I'm saying it's, you know,

00:55:46 --> 00:56:10

Allah bless you. That's, that's amazing. So the question when when, you know, just like a sin opens the door to another sin, does a good deed, close the door to a sin? Or does a good deed merely lead to open the door to another good deed? So the prophets lysozyme says at bear as siggy and Hassan tiempo ha, follow up a sin with a good deed, it will wipe it out.

00:56:11 --> 00:56:36

So you need to find every time you commit a sin put a good deed in its place. All in one clip, on the other hand, who said there's so many of these sayings of how are so profound when you think about it in your practical life. He said that if you committed a sin against the last penalty in a place, and you recognize that, don't leave that place, except that you've done a good deed in that same place so that you can replace the sin with that good deed.

00:56:37 --> 00:56:49

All right, unless it's like a place where no good deeds can be done. All right. So you're in this place, you're like, you know, I guess I gotta stay here for 10 more minutes and do the kid certain places just leave all right.

00:56:50 --> 00:56:50


00:56:53 --> 00:57:18

otherwise, you know, don't leave that place. Don't leave that context until you've committed a good deed and replace that sin with that good deed. So you should use your good deeds to seal your sins. The time that you were spending on sends you should start using for good deeds the energy that you're spending on sends us to start using for good deeds so definitely replace bad habits with good habits not only will open the door to more good, but it will shut the door of sin inshallah.

00:57:20 --> 00:57:24

It does both. Best question all night. Mashallah. Is that good luck?

00:57:26 --> 00:57:30

With Did you have your hand up many times? Okay, so I'm gonna take your question, then I'll come back to you.

00:57:32 --> 00:57:33

The senior citizens get all the questions.

00:57:39 --> 00:57:39


00:58:03 --> 00:58:06

Every one of the 40 moms had female teachers.

00:58:08 --> 00:58:34

Okay, a mama Shafi Rahim, Allah had a teacher. by the name of enough he settled the alarm on her. She was so precious to him, that when his gin how's it took place? They took his body to her home, so she could pray separately on him even. So all of them had female had the thought they had teachers, scholars, female scholars have had Ethan scholars and that taught them in some capacity.

00:58:37 --> 00:58:44

I mentioned them, just not today. But I you know, I agree we you know, typically a lot of that gets lost.

00:58:45 --> 00:58:47

All right. Well, yeah.

00:58:49 --> 00:58:50

Last question.

00:59:01 --> 00:59:16

If you find yourself in a habitual sin, what are some advices to get out of it? Cut the means to that sin, if possible. That's number one. Cut the means to that sin, what are the mediums to that sin, if you can try to cut them then do so.

00:59:17 --> 00:59:24

So if it's environmental, try to reduce your exposure to that environment. If it's you know,

00:59:25 --> 00:59:59

something again whatever it is cut, put distance between you and that sin by cutting the means to that sin as much as you can. If you can completely cut it off, then completely cut it off. If you can reduce it, then reduce it as much as you can. And if a person is unable to conquer a habitual sin alone, then they should seek advice from someone that can help them overcome it. Not as a means of publicly boasting about it. But again, just as a means of Okay, look, I've tried, what are some ways I can quit this? How can I be helped to quit this habitual sin

01:00:00 --> 01:00:36

Alongside him, all right, just like one long fight on May last, I don't have time to accept all of your your ibadat this night and the other nights in May last night grant us the reward of Laila to other men last night's out preserve the new order that he has put inside of us, and allow that light to be nourished and nurtured in these last two nights and through this month of Ramadan may last hour protect us from doing anything that would earn us his displeasure, or distance us from him and ultimately earn us His wrath on the Day of Judgment. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us gentlemen for the dose and the companionship of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allama I mean most of them

01:00:36 --> 01:00:40

most of them are going to be no Mohammed. Or not only was zachman law famous though

Imam Malik’s Advice To Imam Ash Shafi

2017-06-20 – Ramadan 2017

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