Omar Suleiman – A Dua Away #04 What Is The DuA For Marriage & Companionship

Omar Suleiman
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The speaker discusses the concept of romance and how it is a form of divine visible-force. They also mention a story about a baker making love to one of their spouse's spouse, and how desperate their desire for love to drive them crazy. The importance of trusting the Prophet serving their needs is emphasized, and the use of the rainbow to indicate a desire for a better relationship is discussed. The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding a duusually beautiful combination to indicate a desire for a better relationship.
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You might have heard the saying that romance

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is like rizq.

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In reality,

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every single relationship in our lives is a

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form of rizq. It's a form of divine

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I want you to think about how many

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unlikely friendships there are. How many unlikely relationships

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there are. And you think how is it

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that these two people ended up coming together

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or maybe someone that became your best friend

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in life and it seemed completely random

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how you met them. If you remember when

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the Prophet said,

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that souls are like conscripted soldiers, that they

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are driven together

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by virtue of their likeness.

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Sometimes it's not the divine decree that drives

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souls together based upon their likeness.

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Sometimes it's actually someone's Du'a that drives 2

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people to each other.

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The prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said about our

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mother Khadija

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that verily I was sustained

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by her love. Her love was a form

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of rizq for me. I want you to

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think about this. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says

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to the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam,

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wa jada kibwalanfahadahwajada

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He mentions that he enriched the Prophet Sallallahu

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Alaihi Wasallam through Khadija radiAllahu ta'ala Anha. And

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this isn't just talking about the position of

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the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam after marrying someone

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like Khadija radiAllahu Anha. I want you to

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think about what Allah inspired in Khadija radiAllahu

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ta'ala Anha before the prophet salAllahu alayhi wasalam

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even received revelation

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to where she saw something in him

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other people would see in the Prophet SallAllahu

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Alaihi Wasallam what they would see in him.

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She saw in him Alaihi Wasallam

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the societal gap,

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the best human being to ever walk the

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face of the earth. That's something that's divine

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and that's something that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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truly descends

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as rizq. And again, it's not just marriage.

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SubhanAllah, there's a very beautiful narration from Alkama,

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Waheemahu Allah. He says that, Qadim Tu Sham

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fasalaytu rakaatein that one day I went to

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Syria and I entered into the Masjid and

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I prayed 2 rakas. And

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then I said, so listen to the dua,

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O Allah grant me a righteous companion.

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So this is actually a dua, Allahumur zukni

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jalisan saliha, O Allah grant me a righteous

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So he said,

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So I came to a group of people

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in the Masjid and I sat with them

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and he said,

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And then he said, suddenly an old man

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and he sat right next to me. So

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I said, manhadah, who is this? They said

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that's Abu Darda radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu who's literally

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one of the greatest scholars of the Sahab

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of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam who was

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the teacher of Asham and it was on

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the basis of that du'a. We have the

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famous story of the baker in the time

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of Imam Ahmad Rahimullah

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who made du'a to one day see Imam

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Ahmad. And Imam Ahmad Rahimullah

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gets kicked out of a masjid

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and dragged by his feet until he enters

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the bakery

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in front of that man on the basis

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of that man's du'a.

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Sometimes it's a du'a that drives

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someone to you or drives you to someone

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because realize it's not just your heart that

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has to click, it's someone else's heart that

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has to click. Now SubhanAllah, as you go

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through the different duas

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that pertain to marriage,

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they're actually remarkably

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unspecific. What do I mean by that? Usually

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when people make du'a for a spouse, they

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make du'a for a very particular person and

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they are desperate for that person because love

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can drive you crazy. So you're sitting there

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and you're saying, oh Allah, give me this

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person and you're putting on the blinders. So

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like the opposite of Istikhara

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where you're trying to make the best decision,

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you're putting on the blinders to all the

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potential pitfalls. Maybe you're not even listening to

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people that are pointing out to you some

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potential problems or it all seems to be

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just right. But the point is is that

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you're so desperate for that person and when

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you look through the du'as that we learn

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from the Quran and the Sunnah they're actually

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not specific, they're actually very general and that's

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for our best interest and that's part of

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that tawakkur in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And

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so of the greatest du'as for marriage is

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the one that we actually learned from Musa

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alayhis salam, where Musa alayhis salam is in

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Madyan, and Musa alayhis salam

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has just escaped Egypt

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after a horrible mistake that he committed,

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and he is completely

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abandoned, a fugitive,

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and has no idea what his next step

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in life is. And he does this small

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good deed and then he rests under a

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tree and he makes this famous du'a to

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,

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He said, O my Lord, indeed I am

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for any good that You bestow upon me

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very needy. You Allah, I need You. And

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he doesn't say what he needs from Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala because the list is actually

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pretty long there. Safety,

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you know, food. The last thing he's probably

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thinking about is a spouse, but that's actually

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the point. He just says, You Allah,

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I need any good that You're going to

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bestow upon me and I am in a

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state of faqr. I am in a state

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of complete

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to you. The scholars say, 1st and foremost,

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Musa alayhi salam employs what is known as

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how you describe your state, and he says

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I am always

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in need of you. So I am faqeer

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whether I am in the palace of Fir'aun

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or whether I am lost under a tree

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in Madyan, I am always in need of

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you, oh Allah.

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And the scholars mentioned here as Imam Sa'adir

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Rahimullah says, wassuaalbilhalablaawminassuaalbidisanalmaqal

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to ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala by presenting

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your difficult situation

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is even better than asking Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala directly with speech. It's just You Allah,

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here I am. Now last time we spoke

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about how you shouldn't say I'm unworthy.

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There's a difference between saying I'm unworthy or

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I'm from the wretched and I have absolutely

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no right to ask you, oh Allah,

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and saying You Allah, I'm in need of

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you. You Allah, I'm always in need of

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you. And presenting your brokenness to Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala. So long as you're not suggesting

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when you present that brokenness to Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala that you're irredeemable.

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So Musa Alayhi Salaam simply says, oh Allah,

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I am for any good that you are

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going to descend upon me constantly needy, whatever

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it is. And I could list out what

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those are, oh Allah, but I'm just leaving

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that to you. And at that point, Allah

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Subh'anaHu Wa Ta A'la

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his future father-in-law.

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And this is what Imam bin Ashur Rahimahullah

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says, alhamashuaiban

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andyursila wa ra'ah that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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inspired Shuraib

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to send his daughter to him and that's

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why the ayah says, Fajaa a tu ihdahumah

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that one of the 2 women came to

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him. The letter fa here indicates that it

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was a result of his dua. So if

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you could see the dua in working,

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Musa Alaihi Salam calling out to Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala

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with a general du'a that I'm needy

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and whatever it is that you're going to

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send me I'm going to be pleased with.

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I need it from you, oh Allah. And

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then suddenly the inspiration

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coming to the family of Shu'aib and then

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this woman being sent towards Musa Alayhi Salaam

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and then finally Musa Alaihi Salaam finding out

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of that miserable situation,

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a beautiful marriage. This is all part of

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the decree of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and

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so truly here

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of the best du'as to ask Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala for a spouse is then this

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du'a, rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayamin khairin faqir.

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My Lord, indeed I am for any good

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that you bestow on me

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very needy. And by the way, there's also

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a sign here that you don't actually have

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to know what khayr, what good you're asking

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from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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You just have to know that you are

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delegating it to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. You

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don't even have to know what the way

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out is. You just have to know that

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is capable of giving

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you a way out and then trust Him

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to do so. And so sometimes we don't

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even know what we're specifically asking for, but

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we trust Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta'ala

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with that ask. And so you have Khadija

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being driven to the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam,

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you have Awud Darda radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu being

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driven to Alkama,

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you have Shua'ib and his family being driven

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to Musa Alaihi Wasallam. These duas that are

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being made for a good spouse, for a

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good companion.

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What about the du'a of someone who is

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divorced or widowed? This is where we look

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to Salama radiAllahu ta'ala Anha who when her

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husband Abu Salama radiAllahu Anhu passed away and

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he was one of the best companions of

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the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. Truly a remarkable

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man, an amazing human being. And Salama radiAllahu

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Anhu thought to herself, how could I possibly

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something or someone

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better than him?

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And the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam teaches her

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the dua,

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fee muslibati

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wakhrufli khayram minha. Oh Allah,

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compensate me

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in regards to my tragedy

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and give me something better than that which

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was taken away. And when Umsalama radiAllahu anhu

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is making this du'a,

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she doesn't realize what the khair could be,

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what it could possibly be that Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala would give her in place of

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Abu Salama. Is it Jannah? That would be

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But in her situation, she said Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala gave me the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi

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Wasallam. She never even thought that that was

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a possibility.

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And he was the one man Alaihi Salatu

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that she could say without a doubt was

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actually better than Abu Salama because if you

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asked her about any other companion of the

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Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam she wouldn't be able

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to tell you who was better than Abu

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Salama radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu. Now someone might be

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saying, well look,

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you know, my previous husband wasn't exactly Abu

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Salama. I got divorced and I had a

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nasty divorce or, you know, perhaps even though

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I'm widowed there's some trauma there and I'm

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having a hard time getting over it and

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who's going to look towards me? The point

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is dear brothers and sisters when you make

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this du'a there's surely something that is prophetic,

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there's surely something that can come out of

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it. And just like with every other du'a

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we've covered so far, you're saying let the

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khair be in the Hereafter or the dunya,

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and privileging the Hereafter to the dunya, but

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knowing that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala can give

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you both

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if that's best for you. So this is

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the dua for the single person in regards

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to Musa 'alayhi Salaam, the Dua for one

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who is divorced or widowed in the case

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of, Salam radiAllahu ta'ala Anha and then finally

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the Dua that is comprehensive in this regard,

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aayun wajAAamalil mutaqina imama. Oh Allah grant us

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from our spouses and children

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the coolness of our eyes,

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and make us imams, make us leaders for

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the pious. In this du'a, it's important to

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mention that this is not just the du'a

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that you make after you get married.

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This is a du'a that you make, period.

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And it has to match up with your

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actual priority

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in regards to who you choose as a

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spouse. So you can't say let us have

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in our spouses and our children the coolness

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of our eyes and people that are religious

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and people that are practicing but then not

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really have that represented in your criteria for

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marriage. So that's one group of people, right?

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Like let me make this Duaa

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but you're not choosing people

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on the basis of the criteria of your

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But for everyone else when you're making this

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du'a just like every other dua, this is

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a Qur'anic dua, this is a beautiful dua

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and it represents

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not just the desire for a companion,

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not just the desire for children, but it

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what would be driving you to make that

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du'a in the first place which is to

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first and foremost, increase

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the obedience to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala on

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this earth. Because the coolness of your eyes

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in marriage and the coolness of your eyes

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in your children should be to see people

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that are in the worship of Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala. Then certainly to benefit from their

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companionship as well.

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But you keep on making that du'a whether

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you're married or you are not married and

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certainly Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will continue

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to bestow upon you as a result of

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it what you were seeking from that dua

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in the first place. But you don't have

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to be specific

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to have that blessed sustenance from Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala. Allah

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knows what

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and who is actually best for you in

00:12:32 --> 00:12:33

this life and in the hereafter.

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