Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #16

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses various topics related to Islam, including Halley's ram in Egypt and the use of the Bible in Christian investigations. The Bible is a single source and the Parana Yakams are the same as the Bible. The mentality of treating human beings like a commodity and the high cost of treating them is emphasized. The potential treatments for COVID-19 are discussed, including the need for everyone to be aware of the risks and potential side effects of the virus, and the potential for treatments to be developed over the next few years and years. Everyone is cautious and taking precautions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Are all the Villa homina shaitan Raji

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say rotten say Yo rotten,

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Rita Hamza della della. Kalia Boucher Bashar

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Al Assad. ruhul Viva La La Li mu Bhima Malou. Pleasure Obi

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box in the Rocky Mountain Duda. Maka newfie he mean as he the rubbish it suddenly were suddenly Emory Hello Dr. melissani of cocoa leaf and hamdulillah salat wa salam O Allah Rasool Allah Allah Allah he was at 9am about once again everyone Somali Kumar.

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Today my intention is to cover some lessons from is number 19 and 20 of sort of use of and this is the next major scene The next major events we've left going on now. Or we're on the outskirts of cannon way out there in you know, in that ditch, where use of Halley's ram has been left, and a caravan is going to come and picking up pick him up and in as number 19 and 20, we're going to see the process by which he ended up in Egypt. Before I go on. Those of you that are following the series regularly notice that for two days, I took time off from this series to have a discussion about the biblical subtext. And also the comparative analysis of these I art with the Old Testament

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and the story of Joseph in Genesis. And a lot of people you know, I observe comments and what people are asking, and some people say, what's the benefit of doing this? What's the point we have the word of Allah, etc, etc. Those are all really good questions. And it's, I'm glad that those kinds of comments surface because it gives me an opportunity to illustrate the thought process behind doing such an analysis. The first thing is that the the people that came in according to some narrations, the people that came and asked the prophets I send them about how did the Jews end up in Egypt? If you are a messenger of God, then you know, then you will know how they ended up in Egypt. And part

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of that answer is actually the surah he's revealing that answer to him to answer them also. Now the people who asked that question are the Israelites, they are the Jews of Medina. and by extension, you know, the Jewish people around the world. But But in that immediate context, the use of Medina and of course this story has it's been significant, some in Christian tradition, also, the Quran is now going to take that opportunity to not only answer that question to prove he's a prophet of Allah, who receives Arabic revelation, but he will also set the record straight about what happened. And when you say setting the record straight, you have to see where it deviated to begin with. Right

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You have to understand and they're they're going to hear those who are familiar with the story. When they heard the Qurans version, they saw some very distant, very significant differences between what they knew all along what was passed to them generation after generation after generation, and they believed they know the story of use of Elisa, they know that story. But when the last hold the prophets I said in the beginning, we're in quantum in public, he let me know roughly, when it comes to the story, when we are reading that opening, is when it comes to the story. You were definitely from those who have no knowledge who are completely unaware, meaning unaware of this story. And the

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prophets I saw them had no idea who uses them isn't what the story is that that I explained to you and became to that idea. But now we're also by that comparison, we're also seeing that those who thought they knew the story, those who thought they knew what happened with his brothers, those who thought they knew what jacobellis and responded with the response of the crowds not even found in the Bible, what jacobellis Sam said, for example, and so many of the details are so incredibly divergent, they're so different, that it's basically like it had to be retold, to set the record entirely straight. Now, I want you to think of it not as a story, I want you to think of it as a

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criminal investigation. Okay, think of it as a kidnapping and a criminal investigation. And if there are investigators working hard to uncover what the truth is, and they've got one version, they've got like 567 10 details that are way off. And then you've got another version, which has, you know, basically the right version, basically, now clarifying what really happened, right, which is what the Quran is claiming. But in some cases, I can on some points, they seem to be some similarity, or you could take the account that has a lot of discrepancies, but 1% 2% 5% 10% of it corresponds with the right account. Right? What is that? Do? We shouldn't say, Well, at least this much they got

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right? It's not that's not the purpose, even then, because you know, when someone is wrong on 567 or 10 fronts, in any investigation, they've lost credibility, you understand? They've lost, so even the part that they got, right, it's not this, what they're saying, is not going to verify what the right version is. Instead, the right version.

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verify what they're saying so that we're not doing the seed of the Quran through the Bible or understanding the Quran through the previous what is left of the previous scripture. Rather, the Quran says Mohammed and Ali. The Quran is here to guard over the original teachings that were sent before in the Parana Yakuza antibodies, antibodies like nahezu Quran, Yakuza 11, Israeli actor 11 via telephone, this Quran narrates onto the Israelites, most of what they have disagreements about. So, what are the reasons for studying that is what are the disagreements? What are those disagreements that the Quran is saying? It came to set straight for them even for even them and this

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is part of, you know, Allah Kunal ignacy, hajah alikum, Pooja lllt novella momento, so that there will be no case that they can make against you on Judgement Day also, that you hit this all day, you know, because they said, We have our scripture, we don't need to follow yours, we already have something to believe in. What Allah says, No, come come. Look at what I'm telling you. He's inviting them to the word of Allah. Right. And so that's one clear benefit. The other really interesting benefit that's on earth more recently, Western scholarship generally believed that the Quran came into contact because they don't believe it's from Allah right? They just believe it's an Arab

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phenomenon that happened to become worldwide. Right. So they, that when you study the religion of Islam, in western academia, you know, in orientalist studies, obviously, you cannot begin with the even the possibility that this is revealed. They're looking at it as an emerging social phenomenon and economic phenomenon, a political phenomenon, a cult that became worldwide. That's their definition, that's how they can see it. They cannot do any of the unseen cannot be part of it. So when they when they're explaining how he received this revelation Salallahu alaihe, salam, they have to come with every explanation except

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that's not possible. Everything else is possible. But they'll they'll claim him to be schizophrenic. They'll claim him to be plagiarizing from different sources and all of that. One of the things that this clarifies is he clearly didn't plagiarize from the Bible, because this is like totally the opposite direction from the

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the biblical account jacoba Salama is upset with us

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for for saying what he dreamt, the Quran is starting with yakugaku salaam, proud of us of and validating him for sharing the dream is completely different. What do you mean, he got it from the Bible? What do you mean, he got it from the people? It's a completely different account. The other interesting thing is some Western academics believed. And it was a long held view that the Quran is only addressing Jewish beliefs as they existed in the vicinity of Medina or the Arab lands tuition. Because you know, Jews and Christians have lots of denominations, right? Even today, they have lots of denominations. So the Quran was only addressing the views of the denominations that existed in

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that area. And the Prophet Muhammad Ali Salaam could not have known which what what's happening with Judaism in different parts of the world, or with the world of Christianity at large. Right, the Christianity has been around now, you know, by the coming of the prophets, I some, it's been a few centuries. So and Judaism is a few 1000 years old, and it's world they're desperate, they're worldwide, they're all over the place. And he doesn't have that global access to them. He doesn't know about their scholarship and their versions and their schools of thought and all of that stuff. So he could only have access to the Jewish and Christian scriptures that were in his close vicinity.

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And so the Quran is only addressing or answering their questions or what he came into contact with. Now with a careful study of the Quran with comparison to what is found in the Hebrew traditions, what we're discovering is the Quran is actually very in a very precise way, even taking sometimes verbiage that because you know, Hebrew and Arabic are sister languages, it's even taking verbiage that is found in Hebrew Scriptures, that there was nowhere near to be found. The prophet SAW Selim in his lifetime, and the Quran is answering it.

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Which which is which means he's not just the Quran isn't just a Dawa, a call to the using Christians of Arabia. It was actually speaking of the author of the Quran is the author of the original revelation of the Torah botany gene. It's the same author. And sometimes he's using the same verbs for the same phenomenon. The consistent verbs Arabic has a verb and you know, Hebrew has a verb, and the same verbs being used. Literally the same verb is being used, like, you know, in the interview process. One thing that, you know, soccer brought up was the Hebrew rendition, which phonetically sounds I won't even try to say the Hebrew because he said that you'll find it in the video in the

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second episode, but it's the closest verb and he said, he asked me, you know, I'm gonna say the Hebrew, you guessed the Arabic. That's what he told me. He said, I'm going to say the Hebrew you guessed the Arabic and he said the Hebrew and he's the Hebrew was about the sons of Israel being the sons of yaku being told you're not going to spill blood

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Right. And when he said that part, I said, Wait, that sounds like what is 100 Nami Sakuma tastic una de la Combe. You're not going to spill each other's blood. Allah says little Bukhara when he took a covenant from the sons of Israel that you will not spill each other's blood, same verb, same exact verb from the Hebrew text. And now it's being an, what is it occurred not even so the use of it occurs in subtle bacara. And in sort of Baccarat, Allah says he took this covenant from the sons of Israel, and the story is literally the original sons of Israel. Right. So the parallels sometimes are so powerful and remarkable that this itself is an important study for us to maybe even share and

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to appreciate what Allah has done in the final scripture, the final revelation, what he has done, and what was there before, and will lie every time we did this study, and even we discovered a little then a little then a little, it just every time, it just makes you go a lot further.

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It makes you just take a breath of, wow, this would have been so much more complicated if a legend revealed this to us. Like it just Will you Tim will matter who alikom so he can perfect his favor on you. Allah has been favoring humanity with revelation all along. But the perfection of that favor is the coming of the Quran. You know, you know in English, they say by opposites things are known.

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Or they say to other fool a Shia will be of the highest Arabic things are known by their opposites a similar expression, right? It's only when you see the contrast between what was before and what Allah revealed. Do you appreciate what Allah revealed one way you can appreciate it, you know, so that's, that's kind of a little bit about the, the, the backdrop. Now I want to move further with the story. We are now in this far off land, he's in this, you know, inside of this pit slash, well, that is unfinished. And Allah takes us immediately to that scene. So he already The last thing we have in the Quran is jacoba. Islam was telling, you know, Jacob was telling his sons that you've

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made something appear to be right for yourselves. I don't know what it is. But you've told yourself somehow sold it to yourselves as it's okay to do something heinous. Something terrible. And the only thing I can't get it out to you. So the only thing beautiful left for me now is patience. We talked about that before. And only Allah can help me against these creative lies that you keep giving me instead of giving me the truth. That's where we leave off. And now quickly, there's a transition. Meanwhile, back at the well. Right, that's what's happening now what this in those of you that watch movies and stuff, it'll know that there's cutscenes, right, so this cameras here, all of a sudden

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fade somewhere else. You know, in the older movies, they used to actually have a narrative and meanwhile back at the ranch.

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But what the Quran does, it takes you straight to a different place the cameras now back at the at the well, or in the vicinity of the well. And we're taken to we're taken to a caravan a caravan is a you know, travelers that are passing by, they've got their camels, horses, donkeys, they've got their stuff loaded, they've got servants who, you know, they're the merchants who are the wealthy people themselves, who are carrying all those goods, they're the ones that are gonna make the business deals, but they've got a bunch of their servants, and they've got their slaves and slave trade was part of, you know, part of the industry in the world back then. So they've got those and

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they've got people that are that cook the food, etc, etc. So they've got this bunch of people that are just loaded and they're, you know, this was old school logistics right? Nowadays, Amazon, this was the old day Amazon, okay? This is how Amazon deliveries used to happen literally through an Amazon jungle. But anyway, so. So this is they're traveling through passing by. But you know, nowadays, when you have a highway, you get like a rest stop 10 miles away, or five miles away, you see signs for like, there's gonna be a hotel, gas station, or whatever, right? And so you get one of those signs, but they don't have that this is this is the old world. So Allah describes how things

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used to work in the old world. It's the same needs that people have when they travel. But the world is without this modern technology. It's without these highways. It's without, you know, the the modernity of civilization. It's the old ancient world, right? So how did things work back then? You see what john, let's say Yellowstone, and a caravan came by in a caravan moves slowly. Right? So it's just kind of coming by. For us. Hello, Florida home. So they sent their water fetcher. And the water fetcher can be a person it can water fetchers water, it can also be a group. They're basically scouts. They see trees, they're like if there are trees here, there must be water nearby. Or

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greenery. There must be a river lake. Maybe there's a pond go see because they're running short on water. Because their animals are drinking they're drinking so every time they pass by somewhere where the terrain seems to be maybe there's a little ravine a canal something that maybe we can bathe in it or we can get water and feed our animals etc, etc. So they send scouts out to look and the scouts from what are that actually occurs interestingly enough in the story of new Saudi Salaam, what am I What are they

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And now when he when he fetched the waters of Meridian, and now here, you've got they're fetching the water or the water fetchers are going out the same word is being used, why did and what are the, so they go out there and they're looking for the water, you can imagine maybe there's five of these 10 of these guys that are supposed to be scouts. And they're looking and they're going in different directions. And one of them notice is a hole in the ground, right for shallow water down.

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So he lowered, slowly lowered his own bucket down. So he sees the hole, we know this job, which means the bottom of the well is so dark, it's black. So you can't really see the bottom of it, right. So he doesn't even know if there's going to be water at the bottom. And this well is so unfinished. You know, you imagine if you if I asked a kid to draw Well, today, if they've ever seen one, they would imagine like Windows, you know, cylindrical, maybe some little brick wall structure, and there'll be some kind of a hanging arch on top, and they'd be a bucket that you lower down. Right. So the well has its own bucket, right? The well comes with its own bucket, but you notice as

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well as so unfinished, that he lowered, Allah says, Allah de la, he lowered his own bucket. So they actually came with their own bucket, knowing that this area probably doesn't have anything finished. Also, the idea that they sent water fetchers tells you that this is out in the wilderness, because if this was civilization, you don't send people out looking for water, you just stopped by at the gas station, you stopped by the restaurant, you know, you stop. And you know where the well is, or whatever is because there will be, you know, a village or something like that. So this is clearly out in out in the middle of nowhere. He puts His he starts poking, putting his bucket down at the

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law means to slowly put down data to pull up to slowly pull up. And then law is used in sort of law to describe how the devil slowly revealed Adam and Eve towards himself. And it's compared with the slow railing of a bucket down a hill.

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You know, or you know, sometimes they have these animal traps, where they're trying to catch a rabbit but it runs too fast. So they'll tie a carrot or something like that to the the you know the string and the animal comes to it and pull it just a little and pull it just a little there. Pull it just until the trap falls on top. Right. That's also the law. But anyway, the idea he's slowly dropping it down. So I don't want you to imagine that he took a bucket and chucked it down the well. And it hit use of it someone the head or something. And he heard an outage and he goes What's going on? That's not what happened. He's lowering it down slowly, until it's gone so low that he can't

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even see it anymore because it's to pitch black. Yes. Now the Quranic language color. He said, Yeah, Bushra has a hold on. Now, I'll give you the Old English translation that I totally disagree with. Maybe it used to work in like 1830 but it doesn't work now. Oh, glad tidings. This is a guy. This is a lad.

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So the thing with that are, you know, let me give you a contemporary translation. Whoa, yo, Bushra. Wow. Oh, my God.

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That's that's your Bushra. And how is it? This is a boy. This is a boy it means it's a kid. Oh my god, it's a kid. Oh, and yeah, Bushra is there's Wow, that can be like, but there's while there could be like you're happy about it. Bushra actually comes from good news. The Arabic word good news. Funny enough, we were discussing today. Some of us who don't have very creative interpretations of Bashar that have no basis. But it's still fun to read. Some thought that there's like, because you know, there's a group of them, right? They're all looking for water. And one of them found a hole and he's like, I'm gonna call the other guys when if I find water. So as he finds

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this kid, I'll describe the scene about finding the kid. One of the other guy's name is Bushra. He goes yo Bushra, it's a kid.

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That's actually one of the interpretations of it. That's not the interpretation. And then some said maybe Boucher is the name of a girl, like a woman because you know, nowadays, you have many people named Bushra. Right? So no, and

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I've met some funny people. People say, What do you name your babe? We started when we named her baby Bushra because it's in the Quran.

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Like where I know it's in the Koran Where? Oh, yeah, Bashar.

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Bashar is not a girl's name. If you can use it for a goal, it means good news. But Bashar here just simply means Oh my god, this is great.

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This is awesome. And I'll explain why he thinks this is awesome. Why would you lower a bucket in a well pull out a child without a shirt on? And then say, Wow, this is awesome. As a kid this this is great. Well, this would be an odd thing for you to not be happy about, but apparently he is happy about it and that deserves attention. Why is why is that happening? Now, before we get to that? It seems that when he's pulling the bucket back up, the image you might get in your head is

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He's pulling and pulling and pulling and pulling, or he's just casually pulling it up. And when it comes all the way up, he's like, Oh, it was a boy. No, because a bucket full of water and a child of a certain age, I think there's a little weight difference. Also, a bucket full of water won't wobble and move around. But it's an actual child. And even the act of the child climbing into the bucket or holding on because the buckets probably not big enough for the kid to fit in it. If a user is under fitness, he's hanging on to it, or he's climbing on the rope or clinging on the rope. So there's some tug, when you do that, right. So what's happening is he slowly lowered his bucket, user

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friendly salon, obviously, when he moved in the rope is gonna pull. He's like, What's happening here?

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What, and then he starts pulling his bucket back. And as he starts coming up into the light, little by little, he goes, Whoa, it's a kid.

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That's that's the scene that's being described here. Not glad tidings. Here, we have a lad.

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So he's, he's just shocked that it's a kid. And when he said, Well, it's a kid, and he screamed it out. There are other guys that are looking for water in different places. What do they do? They converge towards this one guy. And now they're coming closer to him. So he pulls this boy out, Yusuf Ali said I'm out as butchulla Hakuna. Now when I'm in Arabic, by itself means boy, by itself, and similar to Fatah, in Arabic, means young men and Fatah in Arabic means young girl, but when you put an A Botha on them, meaning if you put them in a, you know, in a possessive phrase, so for example, for the article for the article, or Fatah who, you know, if Allah Musa de facto, right, when you put

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when you when you say, his boy, or his young man, or his young woman, that actually was all language for his slave or a servant. Okay, so column itself doesn't mean servant. But if you say, his boy, or his column, or this one's column, or that one's column, that actually was a phrase for not my son, but rather my servant. Okay, so that's, that's old language. But they said, interestingly, they said the word hola me, which doesn't mean slave, because there's no attribution of possession yet. It's a boy, it's this kid that they just found. Now, it's important to understand the scene that I've painted for you. A lot deemed it important enough to say that not that the caravan found him that

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the caravan found him. He didn't it important to say that the ones who found him were the water fetchers. Right. So that detail is mentioned by a lot deliberately. Okay, so they, and they lowered their bucket. That's another detail. And you're like, what's the significance of this detail? We didn't, he could have just skipped all of that and said, No, and a caravan did find him. And we could have filled in the blanks with our imagination, they must have lowered the bucket, or they must have heard him cry, and they must have pulled him out, etc. Right. But Allah deemed it necessary for us to think about these pieces of information. Now, this is important, because when

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they when they fetched him,

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they are not the ones who own the caravan. The caravan is run by some millionaire. He's got his hundreds of 1000s of dollars worth of goods that are being carried. He's paying the security guy, the cook, the cleaner, and the water. fetchers. Right. He's paying all of those, they all work for the boss. So these guys are not the boss, they work for the boss, which means they don't make a lot of money. There. Poor. Yeah. And these poor men who are barely making anything, obviously, you're not doing well for yourself if your career option is water fetcher for a caravan. Right, so you're, you know, you're not living the life. And they know that boss makes a lot of money selling slaves.

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He makes quite a bit of money, because I'm imagining the caravan probably also had slaves in it that are being taken for sale. And now they've got a boy and they know how much money is made from safe so they don't look at human beings. As human beings, once they are turned into slavery, they look at them like sheep and goat and cows or whatever else. It's just a commodity to sell. And for these men, when they pulled up this child, now you understand why they're so happy all of a sudden, oh, I heard Oh, boy. And the fact that he's not wearing a shirt makes him look more like a slave already.

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Right? Because if he's coming from there's a family or there's you know, dignified clothing and things like that, you might think that somebody cares for him. Or you can tell he's not as safe. But the way they left him he they left him in this destitute state covered in mud. He's at the bottom of a well after all, so he already he's got a slave look. So this is why we can make some money now finally, Boss better not find out because the boss finds out what's boss going to do. add him to his stock, make a little bit of money for himself. So the

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few guys that are there that catch him. First of all, they think it's great news. You see, there's no other logic by which you can explain that then finding him is great news for them. Because those of you that have jobs and don't like your boss, when something's great news for your boss, that doesn't mean you're happy for it.

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Great news is when you get a bonus, great news is when you get a free lunch, great news is something you know, you get extra time off. But what if the boss makes more money, and he's happy about it, and you got nothing out of that doesn't do anything for you. You know, so they're happy. Because it seems and this is one of the interpretations, there are several options that are offered, I'm offering you in my reading of this text is not the only way to explain this text, what I'm offering to you is what I find the most compelling way of possibly looking at this text, there are details missing. So we do have to fill in the blanks and Mufasa don't have tried to fill in the blanks when

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it comes to this ayah. And what's really going on here, but I'm giving you one account, which helps explain the rest of the text in a certain coherent way. Allow Ireland one day allows xojo by His mercy enters into gender. And we can interview Yusuf Ali Salaam and asked him for two seals through the use of ourselves. You know, and ask him about these is what was going on here? What was going on here? But what's going on here? But anyway, haha, hold on this. It's a kid.

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Wow, it's a kid. And they're happy about it. And we how do we know we're happy? They're happy. Yeah, Bushra, okay. What are some Ruby Latin.

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And they, they kept him a secret. This is important. Now they kept him a secret. If it is a large caravan, then the carrot, the owner of the caravan doesn't have to keep on yet another commodity a secret. Or it could be that when they came back to the caravan, he said, Don't Don't show them because the family might show up. We don't know where this kid is from, maybe he just fell in there and their family will come looking for him, right. But there's another motivation to for these men that work under the boss because this see an opportunity make a quick buck maybe. So they're like, we got to find a way to hide the stash this kid when we go back with water, and not let him know

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that we're hiding him. So they hit him as bibliothon actually means like a commodity. They they hit him as something to sell some part like a like a, you know, retail item, they hit him away, or something that they're gonna make money off of now bedarra comes from builder. And builder in Arabic means a cut off piece of flesh. But that also means bit I mean a line

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is actually when you take a piece of your wealth for further investment, when you cut a piece your money out, and you put it away to make investments. So they took him and they hit him as if it's something to cut off from the rest of the caravan to use as an investment. interesting use of the word because he's also been sliced away from his family, right? He's been cut off from his family. So so they say that, you know, the IRS says that they hit him away as an investment now at this point, he's a kid.

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And the Quran doesn't go any further in describing the the the steps that happened thereafter. Obviously, they found this kid, if he tries to speak to them, Allah doesn't say he tried to tell them, Look, I'm from here, please let me go. My family lives nearby. I you know, they might be here. He's even if he's saying these things they don't want to hear Do they? Because all they see is what? They just see money. So they might even hit him to shut him up. They might even gag his mouth. They might even tie him up and stick him at the bottom of a bag and throw other things on top. They could do whatever because it's a thing to them sort of person. to them. It's a thing. This is a thing of

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economic value, his life, his dignity, his needs, his emotions, his feelings. None of that matters. What matters is we can make a little bit of money. That's what matters.

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And I wondered as I was contemplating this ayah because Allah will give us realities in this surah that are going to be realities until Judgment Day. It's not just a Sula that happened a long time ago. These are realities until Judgment Day. What is the reality that a lie is teaching us in this surah

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human beings are their value doesn't come from the the social position that they're in. Here you have one of the most influential human beings that ever lived. He is the reason Egypt became a superpower. He's the reason

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and he is found in a pile of mud in a ditch at the bottom of a well,

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you don't know the value and this is from the worldly sense in adonia sense. In only a materialistic sense. He ended up changing the economic landscape of Egypt when you look forward, but right now he is just a kid without a shirt and a pile of mud and a hole in the ground in the middle of nowhere, worthless and to the people.

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People who picked him up, they see him as no different than a cow or a sheep, or even a piece of meat that they can sell in the meat market. That's how they see him. That's all they see him as nothing, nothing more. The first thing the Quran is teaching us is that human beings, when when greed becomes powerful, and when people live in certain kinds of economic situations where they see everybody's looking out for number one, the boss is looking out for himself. So we should look out for ourselves, when a when an economy or when a society becomes hyper capitalized. When capitalism becomes an overdrive, then compassion and humanity starts disappearing, you would think normally a

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child in desperate need any human being would see a child like that, and would want to have compassion, find their parents, you know, that's normal human response. But when a society becomes desperate economically, or greed becomes the religion. When greed becomes the religion, when the most important thing on the minds of people in the hearts of people is, where's the next dollar going to come from? Then the compassion or the humanity side of human being starts declining? And now let's compare that to our times, is it possible that you can have, I don't know pharmaceutical companies that are making billions upon billions of dollars, that can have so much profit, that if

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they give their shareholders and their their top executives, more money, they can ever consume more mentions that they can ever live in more cars that they can ever drive, and, and still have that leftover, but dropped the price of certain medications that certain starving countries need because they have a pandemic of some kind, or a disease of some kind. And they can make that that those pills available for practically nothing a cent a pill, because it costs them less than a cent to make it. But no, they'd rather sell them one cent pill in a package with $50.

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Right and have an exorbitant amount of profit share. Why? Because the people who can afford it who have the signals are going to pay us top dollar for it, there's no reason we need to help the poor with this. And in their mind, look, this is what you're suggesting sounds very humanitarian, but it's capital suicide, it's economic suicide, we can't do that to ourselves. In other words, the economy is more important than human life. Right? The economy's more important than human life. And we're living in an interesting time where I don't know if you can relate to this concept at all, that economic decisions are being made at the expense of human life. And we're not even batting an

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eye. Right? But this this concept that a human life can't be all that important. And then on top of that, you have something else, you have a class society, you're gonna have a society that buys slaves, yes, that's what's gonna happen later, we're not gonna talk about that today, you're gonna have it, which means they got money, they got money to buy slaves. And then you've got a society of people that are in absolutely desperate situation, where even if they are not slaves, you can make their situation so bad, they can become slaves, like Yusuf Islam is not a slave. He comes from a dignified family, but you can pick and find people that weren't meant to be that way. And they're

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only going from the economic point of view, further down there, spiraling down, you've got this class society. And the people on top have little to no empathy, or feeling or mercy or care or concern for the people at the bottom. You know, we have this your I mean, I'm jumping ahead a little bit but so you understand this picture. These people had no mercy for us or for Islam. And it doesn't seem like from here immediately, he ended up in Egypt. These guys, they they picked him up, and they hit him like he's something to sell. And then Allah says, well, Allahu IE won't be my arm alone. And Allah while Allah knew what they were up to, well, Allah knew what they were actually

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doing. Meaning Allah knows the crime that you're committing. But Mr. murase added a really beautiful insight to this. He said, it says if ally Singh, and ally knew that what they are doing is setting a chain of events in motion that are going that is going to fulfill the dream of user for example, they don't even know

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they're committing a crime, but their crime is going towards a goodness that Allah has planned that is much bigger than even their crime.

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And he Allahu Allah will be Maya Malone may even go back to his brothers. When they were putting him in the well. They were so jealous that use of has more preference to our dad and he's this or that or the other. They set the actions the created a set of circumstances that set in motion, exactly the thing they're afraid of.

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And this is actually a parallel again, so he pointed out today with the story of Musashi, some I didn't see it before. They You certainly some saw a dream and soon after that,

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Dream the evil doers set some events in motion that actually help fulfill the dream.

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The Pharaoh saw dream wanted to kill babies, which set some events in motion that got the baby Moosa to wash up to the shores of the palace, and set events in motion that are going to bring about the nightmare that he saw.

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So, the, the, what they're doing, they think they're doing the opposite of, you know, what they, you know, they're they're doing what they intend and Allah is doing the opposite with what he intends. So Allahu Allah will be my Avenue. Now we come to another comment, what shall ob be summoned in boxing, and they sold him for a price that was clearly unfair meaning of a shortchanged price. Now, this could mean many things. And let me finish the entire iron will comment on the whole lie altogether. So they sold him for a measly price. Or they sold him for a basically unfair robbery price, meaning they basically got rid of him for a price that's totally not worth who he is, which

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could be a comment on use of his time is priceless. So no matter what you pay for him, it's priceless. And by the way, in addition of even our buses, it was 2020 silver coins that were paid for him. And the Bible seems to also correspond to that. There's 20 silver coins or something to that effect. That's the kind of money that a farmer would normally make in two to three years, which means eventually the price paid was actually pretty high, was pretty high price paid for use of honey Salaam. But Allah describes that as a pathetic price. Meaning what he actually is, and what you paid are two very, very different things. This is the Quran way of telling us not just about

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Yusuf or Islam, but the value of human life. No matter what price you pay for human life. human life is the highest economic value, there's no monetary value that can be put on it. It's beyond price, and whatever price you put on damage done to a human being. That's tremendous. It's an unfair price. That was that that was not a fair price. daratumumab Duda a few Durham's a few drachmas meaning a few bucks, there's nothing they sold him off for nothing. Now, there is the biblical version, I told you, there are some points of conversion, the biblical Version says that his brothers threw him in the well then sat outside the well and had themselves a sandwich. And then like what should we do?

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Should we kill him? Should we kill him and he's still crying out for them. And they see a group of Midianites coming for trade, like we should pull them out and sell it to them, sell them to him? That so that's the Bible version. The Quran is clearly contradiction, that version, how is the Quran contradicting that version? The Quran is contrary to that version, because they drop him and they go that evening to their dad running. Yeah. And when they go to their dad running, then the sale is mentioned. So if we accept the biblical version and the current version, what would have to be the cases, they went home to dad running to him telling him we, you know, we were looking, we left him

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there, we went running, and we got we got sidetracked in a race and then a wolf came in, and all of that stuff. And then the next morning like God, we're gonna go out for a little bit, okay, don't ask us where we're going. And they're coming back to get grab him and sell him. It's implausible. The Some say that this is about his brothers. Now, among our tradition, those who say that this is this ayah is about the blood brothers sold him are trying to make a correspondence between the Quran and the Bible, like they're saying all these maybe there is one point of convergence. But the problem with that is if you look at the sequence here, they hid him as goods are the people who found him.

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And the people who found him for what purpose, were they happy, I already explained to you what's the reason they're happy, so they could sell them. So the only logical thing now is who's gonna sell them, not the brothers. They're not the brothers aren't interested in money, they're just interested in getting rid of him. who's interested in money, these the water fetchers. So they sold him for a measly price, meaning, the next time they came to a slave market, and the boss is busy making his wholesale deals, they go to the site, Hey, I got this kid you want to before anybody finds out before their boss even finds out and what you're going to try to sell something at an unfair price,

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or, you know, to get away quickly, then the guy was, he's worth 100, but I'll give you 20 Okay, whatever, just give me 20 I'll take it, I'll take it and split it among themselves, that I'm America. And Zeid will kind of be human as a hidden zone in Arabic means to not be interested in material things. To not be interested in the material world. So as I head in the spiritual sense actually means someone who's not interested in the world. They're all you know, remembering Allah, and they're just their only concerns or spiritual concerns. interesting use of the words I had here. It's as if they sold him as if they weren't interested in making more money off of him.

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And it could be a play on words they were they were being real righteous when they sold him and give him a good price. Like I'm letting you have a really good deal here but it's okay. And allies describing their self you know, their their their fraudulent nature, when they're

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Making the sale. But it can also mean design can also mean they just wanted to make a quick dollar. And they weren't interested in him or his well being or what he's saying. His Christ went unheard. His pleas for help went unheard. Now use of it some used to be a boy. Now he's been sold as a slave, but the slave who the owner who buys him, maybe he's also a, he's a wholesaler himself, he doesn't need slaves, he only buys them to what? resell him. Yeah, so he's going to go find a new market, and we're going to sell them for a little bit higher price, then they're going to find him and they're going to sell them for a higher price. So he's going to get bounced off from slave trader to slave

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trader, because they see him as a good deal. And he is, especially if he bought if one bought him for a very low price, then he knows he can make a lot off of him. And the next one who buys it says this was still a good price, I can make a lot of him. So what's happening is useless prices increasing. But I want you to this is the economics of it, his prices increasing, by the way, his price is going to increase to the point where he's gonna end up in one of the elite markets, where the the the elite of Egypt, all the way to Egypt, we're in Canada now. He's being sold resold, resold, resold until he's were in Egypt in some market. And in that market, the elite of Egypt, the

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governors, the ministers, whatever, they only buy the high brand, right? They have this special section for slaves that are like, you know, for them, the good looking ones or the, you know, the stronger ones or whatever, the more expensive Oh, no, we've got a special section for you, Sir, come this way, you know, custom for you. And that now that's the market that you serve it Sam is in. That's the economics of it. But let's rewind. And let's look at the humanity of it. Here's the kid is a boy, a beautiful boy, who just moments before was in the loving arms of his father.

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And then is being abused by his brother. Then he meets the scariest people that don't even look at him like a human being, they look at him like a thing, and gag him and slap him around and throw him in a bag and hide him. Then he gets grabbed and just sold. And he then from there, he's being you know, whatever. If they're beating him, they're taking his clothes from him. They're rope pulling rope on his neck. They're yanking at him like they do with animals. And he's going from one slave owners, you don't imagine that these slave traders are humanitarians where they say, Come sit over here, you want me to get you something, you know, that's how they're gonna treat their slaves,

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they're gonna put them in line, right. And he's not just around the slave owner, there are other slaves there. And the other slaves are hardened and seasoned, because they've been doing that labor for a long time. So they see the new kid and they're bullying him, and they're beating him up. And kicking him around. He's going through this horrible experience, one to the other, to the other to the other, and no one's looking out for him. No one's concern for his well being. And he's going to know in this way and up all the way in the market of Egypt. And by the way, he, by the time he ends up there, you have to try and imagine the kind of trauma he's been through the kind of mental

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breakdown that is being done to a kid who's being put through this, right. You know, kids can get brainwashed, right? You have in the world today you have child armies, kids that are stripped from their families, and forced into militias. 10 year olds holding machine guns, that's, that's done. And they make them kill someone. They make them do it. And they do it so they can mess with their heads and remove humanity from them, turn them into cattle. So they can be used as the front line of fodder. So the first people to die are these kids, because they're worthless, we can just go grab more from the next village, we can just do that. And when you're treated that way, you start seeing

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yourself that way. And that's an important thing. When you are if someone's being told all the time, you're worthless, you're worthless, you're worthless, you're worthless, you're worthless. You know what, eventually the person starts looking in the mirror and what do they start saying to themselves, you're worthless.

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Their their self image changes, because of the effect of the environment. But there's something special about Yusuf Ali Salaam. He's being dragged around the no clothes, no shirt, and probably even worse, and then, you know, being tied up and sold and bullied and pushed around. But he's not losing who he is. He's there's still something in him. And they're they see him enough that even a slave trader see enough that say, Oh, this kid, maybe we should put them aside because I think some of the wealthier clientele might be interested in a servant like this one. He looks more refined. He looks more educated, he looks classy. Some other classy clients, they might want to serve it like

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gets a good look for when they serve tea. It's a good look for them, right so they want to go back into

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A day nowadays when you go to somebody's house, you look at their nice furniture, or you look at the car or whatever, back then Wow, they slave. Wow, did you get that this is this was the mentality. And again, this was back then the mentality where human beings were looked at as a commodity, but I'm telling you that the modern world has its own way of doing this.

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It may not be children being slowed, sold into slavery, literally. And that still may be happening in some places. But even in the so called modernized, civilized, you know, refined New World, human beings are looked at as commodities

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they're looked at is nothing more. I remember reading on the one of the most disturbing,

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you know, research papers that I ever read, when I was in college. And I was in college and my first business international business class, we, we read a research paper on low income workers in the United States, like minimum wage workers, so people that work in like a restaurant, like a chain, like McDonald's, or Taco Bell, or something like that, or people that are working at the backs of warehouses, stocking and unstacking loading and unloading, and grocery stores, things like that, right, the laborers, or the cleaners in the kitchens. And, you know, and places like that. Those people, they were talking about how those people have high rates of depression, and anxiety. And

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they have, you know, they have very difficult lives. And they have difficult situations, so a lot of them have, and they might even resort towards crime, or try to steal from the restaurant and things like that. And, you know, the larger businesses, these franchise companies, they keep track of that stuff. But they don't keep track of that stuff, because they're concerned about this one person who's going through a hard time. And then historial $5 from, you know, the cash register, they're concerned that if they do steal $5, and we have to fire them, then we have to hire a new person. And in the middle of that hiring process, we have to have paid HR money to hire the new person. So it's

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a higher cost.

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So that person becoming so desperate that they steal, is a higher economic cost for the business. So what we need to do now is we need to institute services for these employees. So they put in services, they call them chaplaincy services. So any, they would give these brochures to these employees that are working, you know, and have the tendency to kind of falter, or fall apart or quit or whatever. They say, Hey, are you feeling down, there's free pass torial services, there's our 30 minutes every week, where we get, you know, somebody to come in and talk about God and how life is good. And like they bring in someone to mellow these people out. So they get the fear of God, so

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they won't steal that $5. But that's not because they're interested in God, or morality. That's because to them, these people are basically on the thin the thin ice before they become a liability to us. And to keep them above that, we're going to do whatever we can to just keep them at a level where we need to take full advantage of them. It's like they're treating human beings, like you would treat a recycling facility like garbage. That's that's what this is. That's what we've done with in modern economics. And so, you know, when we read the story about this sold him for a small price, and they were so quick to just sell them off. And they didn't value him. Think about all the

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all the, you know, businesses in which employees are not given basic rights businesses in which, you know, and in governments and countries in which, you know, their children working in factories, or there are people working 4050 hour weeks, 70 hour weeks without a break. I won't even name the country because I don't care to name countries. I went to a place where the you know, the guy was happened to be from Pakistan that my taxi driver happened to be from Pakistan. And I just started talking a minute ago, just sharing stories or whatever. And literally two minutes into the conversation the guy was in tears was like, Why? What happened? He goes, nobody says Salaam Alaikum.

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To me. I've been driving a taxi for like three years. Nobody says somebody comes a Muslim country. Nobody says somebody come to me, they treat us like garbage. You're the first time somebody thinks somebody come to me.

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And I started talking to him, he tells me three years he hasn't had a day off. And if he's sick, he has to pay for it. And if some drunk gets into his cab and throws up all over, he has to pay for it comes out of his paycheck and he hasn't seen his family and he hasn't done any of that. But I said why don't you just go back he goes well, you want me to starve. This is the only option I have. That's not modern economic slavery.

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That's not slavery. And then those same places have the fanciest malls and on the outside well Alan come here. All the restaurants are Hello. Yeah. But those people aren't those what you're doing to those people is haram. That's that's evil because you're treating people like a commodity. You don't care what if they get injured during you know, construction accident, you don't care.

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You don't care if they get sick on the job. You don't care if their families are devastated because of the way you're treating

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Then you don't care that you're paying them, not even a fraction of what you would consider humane, but you don't, because you can get away with it. So you don't care. He just doesn't matter to you. You know, you don't care that there's some cases, or my employer got angry with me. So he stopped paying me. So I'm hoping he pays me or, and he has my passport too. So if I make noise about it, he'll just burn my password, he'll send me back. Or he has connections with the government. They'll never see me again, don't tell anybody has done anything. Don't tell anyone I said anything. While

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that's that's the reality, a lot of people live in my shadow, be feminine boxing, rahima, Maota, wakanow, feminine zahedi, Allah put a profit of his use of a profit of his through this.

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So that we would pay attention to when someone goes through this. Like it brought it a law brought attention to human beings being treated like a commodity.

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And if we become supportive of economic structures, businesses that have these unethical practices, and we do nothing about it, then we are no better than the minister who bought him. And we have a good I don't have a good opinion of the minister By the way, then we have a better opinion. I personally don't have a good opinion of him. Why? Because when he bought him, and he said, honor, his housing and all of that he's still keeping us slaves. And he, if he really liked this kid, so much he couldn't Where'd you come from? Where do you live? What's your father's name?

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Let me just get you back. Was that possible for a minister in Egypt to do? Yeah.

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So yeah, he's not beating him up like the slave traders are, but he's oppressive with a smile on his face. You see, there's there's blue collar oppression, and there's white color oppression. You know, there's the streets oppression, and there's the corporate headquarters oppression, there's still oppression, it just doesn't look as bad on the outside. You know, it's done with a smile, but it's still oppression. It's still slavery. It's still wrongdoing, it's still robbery. So a lie is actually showing us in his heart on the ugly reality of the outside world. The Ugly reality of how what, what an unfettered, unchained greed can do to a world, and how even those who naturally we

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would have mercy for children will be nothing. Before the agenda of greed, there will be we will run over even children. To fulfill greed, the needs of greed, allows them to protect us from becoming parts of such a machinery. melasma will make us aware of the evils that are happening in society around us, and at least not be a part of such evils. And at least have the courage to speak out about such evils when they do take place in Alaska to protect us and our children and realize oh, don't make us of those who, by their, by their earnings and by their spendings make the world a more ethical place a place closer to what allows origin wants for us in light of his book barakallahu li

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walakum filco Anil Hakim, one of our annual IoT with Kima sermonic by Ricardo

00:53:07 --> 00:53:08

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The Economic Value of Human Life

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