Nouman Ali Khan – Ramadan 2022 – The Religion of Your Father #03

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the history and importance of Islam, including the birth of the father of Islam, the deification of Islam, and the importance of having a strong faith in one's religion to avoid becoming a believer. The speakers emphasize the need for a support system and the importance of showing gratitude to powerful people. They also discuss the use of words like "has" in relation to "has" and the potential for confusion in one's culture. The segment concludes with a brief advertisement for a new video and a brief advertisement for a new video.
AI: Transcript ©
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ropa bIllahi min ash shaytani R Rajim

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Okay, the holy cannoli Ibrahima Mallacoota sama worthy when

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Walia Khun Amina mu Penny

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rubbish Travis Adria, silly Emery Nakata Melissa Lee of Coco liver hamdulillah salat wa salam ala Rasulillah ala alihi wa sahbihi.

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Allah azza wa jal could have sent Ibrahim Ali Salam in any environment. But Allah chose to make him the exclusive thinker that will that will think about Allah and question everything single person around him. And he's going to think differently from every single individual around him starting from his own family is going to challenge the programming, the sociological programming, the familial programming that he was raised with. Because we start we tend to accept the things that we were raised with as true and we don't question them. And he's going to have to challenge all of that from the very getgo It is an incredible thing that Allah did for a profit. It's not just any profit,

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it's Ibrahim Ali Salam, the foundation for all of our creed, all of all of our like I was mentioning last time, that even though the religion of Islam one of its names in the Quran, is you know, military, Iraqi military Rahima hanifin. Like Allah azza wa jal associated his creed his conclusions with Islam itself for the rest of us, right. And then Allah chose to put him in this incredibly, I mean, you can't think of a more an Islamic environment, the ultimate crime against a life Schick and he's in the hub of shark. We don't have a lot of details about Aza we, you know, the father that was mentioned by name in the last time that I talked to you about, we don't know a lot about him. The

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only information you can get that's a little bit detailed will come from Jewish sources. Because for the Jews, Ibrahim alayhis salaam is actually a patriarchal figure. He's a, he's a fundamental figure. And they call themselves children of Ibrahim. They're the His name is different, the name of the Father is different, it's not as of

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and what we do learn about him is that he was mainly in charge of, you know, carving out the idols, it's also not not far fetched to think that the main temple in their village or their society, the city, the ancient city of old in Babylon, modern day

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that that city was, you know, whatever main temple, they had, the custodian of the main temple was, in fact, his father. So he's born in the temple environment, he's, I want you to imagine when he's little, all he sees around him are people that are worshipping these gods doing all of their services, you know, I was, I had the opportunity to visit a police, which is one of the smallest states in Malaysia. And I had a really amazing opportunity to travel with the Tunku, the head of the state in Malaysia, and we went to deliver zakat to villagers. And one of the stops we made was actually to the minorities because the majority Muslim, the minority is is Buddhist, and we went to

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a Buddhist temple. And they, you know, the custodians of the temple actually give us a tour of where they teach the children, how they worship, and all of that, and I've been in, you know, Mushrik environments before, like, you know, idol worshiping environments I've been in before, and there's a certain feeling you get when you're there. There's a certain kind of, at least for me, there's a, you know, it hits you really hard.

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But it was it was still a learning experience. And I wondered, and some of those kids, they're learning this stuff from childhood, they raise their like an orphanage, so they just raised their right. I have, I want you to imagine that Ibrahim alayhis salam, our messenger, our father Rahim, Ali Salam is in that environment, since he remembers being conscious, like he grows up in that environment completely. The most normal thing to you is what you were raised with, right? That's the most normal thing to him. And Allah chose to put him there. And then he starts questioning everything. Why would he do that? And then why would he call that the religion of our, you know, our

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religion is his religion. Why? Because Allah is telling us that we unlike every other faith, every other credit tradition, every other creed, we cannot be believers, because the surrounding is that of believers. Because we come from a believing family, because we have a believing support system. That is not why we follow the religion of Ibrahim religion. If we're truly loyalty Ibrahim Ali Salam, each one of us has to have our own conviction. We have to be we have to have our Eman not because it was passed down to us but because we ourselves are on our own terms. Absolutely.

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Literally convinced of it, you know, heart and mind, were absolutely convinced of it. And it has nothing to do with if there. If there was a million Muslims with us a billion with us, or nobody with us, we'd still be Muslim. And that's the first lesson that we're being taught. We're not swayed by the societal forces around us, which is absolutely miraculous. It's absolutely incredible that Allah azza wa jal did that, you know, in in our times, obviously, so much of the world is moving away from religion, not just Islam from religion altogether, but especially Islam too. And that's happening even in the Muslim world. You mean, you know, I went to some Muslim countries that shall

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not be named, they have bigger Christmas trees than I've ever seen anywhere in America. Right. And that's, that's in the Muslim world. So the, you know, the idea that Islam is a normal part of life, everyday life is not shrinking away. In fact, for many people that are in Muslim families, the vast majority of your family, with exceptions, the majority of your family doesn't look like Islam is a big part of their life. There are there are families that are having debates about whether or not drinking is okay at aid. And that's not that's not it's, I'm not complaining about that. I want you to realize that the what is considered the fundamentals of our deen are now becoming more and more

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rare, right? So instead of whining about that, I want you to realize the reality for like, Take Take, take a stock of reality first. Now in that reality, we feel the Muslim feels, man, I just want to I just want to go to an Islamic environment so that I can be safe. Right, if I'm just in a good environment, then I my Eman will be safe. Right? And there is some truth to that argument. We do need some kind of a support system. But there's a bigger truth. And you know what that bigger truth is, your environment becomes irrelevant. When you are truly the followers of the religion of your father, your brain. It truly becomes irrelevant. Like it doesn't matter anymore. Whether you're

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you're living in Las Vegas, or you're living in Kuala Lumpur, or you're living in MCCA. Your connection to Allah is not determined by your environment. Allah azza wa jal says SOTL uncovered, he said, yeah, by the Alladhina amanu. In the West Seattle, if I will, probably

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my servants my slaves who believe my earth is vast worship only and only me. Why would he say that? Not only was he out on my my earth is vast, because not everybody can move to Medina, can they? Not everybody can move to Makkah. And by the way back in when these ayat were being revealed, Medina wasn't exactly an Islamic environment. In fact, even when the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam moved to Medina, for the majority of the time, Medina was actually a pretty hostile environment. And there were the kinds of things that were commonplace in Medina, like alcohol, like prostitution, other things that were a common part of Medina and life. If you study the Sierra, and you study the

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context of the revelation of certain suitors, like sort of the *, you think, Wow, this was a crazy place. This was, we think of his era, you know, we think of all mushy the nubbly and the sounds, and the birds flying, and everybody's doing such that and we've got this picture in our head of what Medina is now. But this is now this was a different place back then. Now, I want you to realize that these first words that Allah gave us when he challenged his father, when he challenged his entire society, he left a legacy behind Ali salaam, he left a legacy behind us not being the followers of society. Of course, when society does something, right, we follow along with it, you

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know, and the norms of society are completely fine, but the morality and the way I see the world, what I see as right and wrong, you know, what I see is my purpose and my golden life. I can't copy that from anybody else. I cannot copy it from anybody else. And those that thing is easier said than done. When he challenged me, you could have these views and never be you're too scared to express them. But he does express them and where I left you off was how does he how in the world does he get the courage to do this? And so Allah says, What Gallica? Nuri Ibrahima, Mallacoota Sumati what are the well he akuna minal mopinion. This is one of those ions that like, you can read the translation.

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But it'll leave you with questions I can do like deliberately put a question in everybody's mind who actually thoughtfully reads the saya listen to the translation. I'll first briefly translate. There's a few things that just pop out in your head like what's going on here. First thing he says what canaliculi Ibrahim? And that is how we show Ibrahim not we showed we show. Now the first phrase was and that is how we show Ibrahim Mallacoota. salvati will early the remarkable kingdom and governance of the skies in the earth. And that I'll start over and that is how we show Ibrahim the remarkable kingdom of the skies in the earth, when he akuna minal Mukhin in and so on.

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He may become from those that are absolutely convinced, it seems very ambiguous what's going on here? That was the first phrase is where I got, I got locked up. And that is how, and that is how, you know, first you say, okay, he had a journey, he reached a conviction. And then at the end of it, you could say, and that is how Allah showed him. Right? But the idea before was what he challenged his father, he challenged his society, he said, Are you seriously taking these idols as gods, and the next ISS and that is how we showed him the kingdom of the skies in the earth. What is the connection between these two things, in fact, that connection is remarkable. You know, what you

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believe? What I pray, I'm able to give clarity to you in this and myself, what you believe can just be an idea.

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That could just be a thought that you have.

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But you don't live by what you believe.

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You and you see the contradiction against your belief all the time, and it doesn't bother you. And you just go along, even though you don't believe in it. Those everyday example, you don't believe that the certain kinds of conversations that your friends have have at work, the kinds of comments they make with each other, the kinds of conversations they have over lunch break, you're bothered by it, but you're still sitting there. And you don't say anything, because you want to stir any trouble. Right? Or they're inviting you to the office party, or whatever it is. And you're like, it's gonna be bad if I don't go I don't like that environment. I don't believe in that environment.

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But you know what I got to I got to play the game. If you want to move up, move on ahead. You got to learn to play the game. So I'm going to go even though a stock for Allah, I want to be in a corner, right? So the idea is you can believe something, but that doesn't mean it's manifesting in the way you take a stand. Those are two separate things.

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It Allah azza wa jal instilled in Ibrahim alayhis salam, that the King of all kings, the owner of all things is Allah, the skies in the earth are being governed by Allah, the moon and the sun are being governed by Allah, every leaf falling from every trees being governed by Allah, controlled with every wave that it falls under. And we're exactly as it's going to follow, let us go to Minmatar Baraka, this is recorded by Allah controlled by Allah governed by Allah. And when you internalize that philosophically, that sounds like really psychedelic is really cool. Well, everything is controlled by Allah. But he realized something, you know what that means. If

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everything is controlled by Allah, then I don't have to succumb to the authority of anyone else. Because if the entire universe is under his authority, then I don't have to be afraid of the authority of my culture of my society, of even my father of whatever structure there is, I don't have to be afraid of it, I only have to be afraid of him. I have to surrender to that King, in everything in everything that I say in everything that I do. And the first demonstration of that was him challenging his father, and actually challenging when that that King of Kings is being denied, is being rejected by these false gods at that tequila SNAM and earlier, we, I've talked about this

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in other places, but I want to remind you that that, you know, shirk isn't just a crime against Allah. There's a reason for doing Schick and the people who invent shirk, the people who invent the machinery, they put up the temples in the whatever, you know that entire, the mythologies, they have their own objectives. And the followers, the blind, they have their own objectives, there are two different objectives. So the people who set these things up, you know what their objective is, to get money out of people and to get control out of people. Because they use religion as a means of mass control. That's why Historically, many religious societies outside of Islam, religious

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societies, they were funded by kings or governments. So you know what used to happen, you go to these priests, you go to these, these, you know, pundits, whoever, and you get your blessings from them, you'll get your prayers answered for them. And the king is funding you allowing you to teach this stuff because the king only wants influence for himself. So why would he allow for religious influence? Because the religious influence will say, you have to show loyalty to the king because the king is blessed by the gods. Right. So they, they there was a backdoor connection between religious institutions and governments all the time, the Catholic Church in the Roman Empire, really

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good example of that. Even the Ferghana and his priests are a good example of that their religious institutions are backed by power. And all of that is a means of keeping people under control. And by the way, when governments are oppressive, right, when governments oppress people people want to have a rebellion don't they? Like we had enough we're gonna overthrow the King. But then the religious institution comes along and says, no, no, just pray and do this this this and your problem will go away away and the next year you will get more more rain and you'll get more crop will solve your problems. You're having problems with oppression. Now that's just because you didn't do enough

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worship. So you don't question the king. So the religious institutions, we became a way of controlling the masses, so that when someone questions those machineries of Schick, when someone questions that they're not just questioning

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ideology. They're questioning an entire economic system, an entire political system that can be shaken when you question it. And when you when you question that when you come after powerful people, powerful people come after you. It's not a small thing that people said throw Ibrahim Ali salaam into a fire. You know, just cast them into it. That's later on. But there's a reason that happened. Even in the seal of the prophets, I saw them again, as a good review for you. He's repeating the legacy of Ibrahim Elisa, when he was questioning the idols of Makkah, if you get rid of the idols of Macau, what's gonna happen? What's gonna, all the tribes of Arabia are not gonna

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come here, because all of their idols were kept at the bottom. If they don't come here, then they lose their tourism money. Right, it was religious tourism, they're gonna lose their money, you can't get rid of these idols, even if we don't believe in them, you got to keep them because all these tribes are, we're gonna lose it. And then on top of that, if you destroy these idols, you have offended those tribes. And those tribes when you travel, they don't rob you, because you got their gods at the home base. But if you get rid of these idols, then they're gonna say, man, he got rid of our favorite one, the big purple one, and that one, you know, the, the the, and they're gonna take

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revenge. And then the letter schita it was safe is done is finished. So politically, political suicide, economic suicide. The real gods of the the, the elite, the real gods were not the idols, the real gods were the money and the power that came through the idols. And you've got to be able to see through that, and this is actually about my akute. They wanted molecules from themselves for themselves. Right. They want mother cooter for themselves, remarkably, in this idea, and this is how and that is how we show Ibrahim alayhis salam, the Maluku of the skies and the earth the remarkable kingdom of the skies in the earth, behind the machinery of ship was actually also a pursuit of power

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and wealth. And he he acknowledges that all belonging, leela, he has, you know, somehow it will, Allah alone owns the treasures of the skies in the earth. Allah alone owns the kingdom of the skies in the earth. And that is what makes him challenge. That's the first proof of his Eman that he was ready to challenge that. So Allah says, and that is how we showed him what can only can only Ibrahima Mallacoota Sumati will have the word Mallacoota is actually a strange word of the Arabic language. There's one narration of ignore Abbas or the Allahu Taala and Houma, which even suggests that this word might be borrowed from the devotee and language that Nebat you know, and it used to

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mean, you know, great amounts of kingdom so milk and milk are found in the Arabic language, but mother could like Jabbar root and you know, hubba root, there are different kinds of words that have this pattern. The wow and the Tao are used from Voila, so the incredible kingdoms of the skies in the earth. This I also led to some interesting opinions that don't have much of a basis but people, you know, looked at it literally, I'll share with you the opinion that I find most convincing. Some people use this idea to say, oh, Allah showed Ibrahim alayhis salam, he had him go through intergalactic travel and showed him the skies, like showed him all the skies, and he showed them the

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entire Earth. So Ibrahim Ali Sam saw the entire universe. And that's how Allah did that for him. But that doesn't add up with the rest of what's happening in the passage. And it also violates some basic common sense principles of the Arabic language. Like Lucia Rahim Allah points out, and I'm going to read that to you in a second. So actually, let me read that to you now. Have you hit a two minute rule here? Sorry, Mr. Arora is the auditor local via the Murray 30 minute law is Somerby Island Masaba. AR Ruffner who was sought now, what he's saying is, this is a form of str. Str is a concept in the Arabic language. Let me just briefly explain that concept to you because it's

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important for this is an important in understanding Ibrahim Adisa is the author I literally means borrowing in Arabic. So a stereo I borrow something, a stereo Shaman. Now in every language we use, sometimes we words have a meaning in the dictionary, right? But when we talk to each other, we use that same word. But we don't use it for the word that it means in the dictionary. I'm gonna give you a simple example. If I say for example, Man, that guy, he was a lion on the basketball court.

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He was a beast on the basketball court, who's been online is outdated beast. Okay, let's be contemporary, Man, that guy was a beast, you should have seen what the thing is the word beast in the dictionary, absolutely does not refer to an athlete.

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Well, that's holding a basketball wearing a jersey wearing sneakers, a beast is an animal, right? You borrowed that word to bring to mind a creature that dominates his space, like a lion, a tiger again, or whatever. And nobody comes near him. And everybody started by him and he dominates that space. So what do you do? You take the word beast, and you borrow it and you use it somewhere where the dictionary says no, no, that doesn't belong here. But what you did in English there that time was his era. That's actually called his era. And this is a common feature of many languages. And it's obvious it's not some rocket science thing. It's obvious

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So it's the IRA is being used in this IRA. When Allah says Allah showed Ibrahim Alexandre kingdom of the skies in the earth, it's not literally he showed him the entire kingdom of all the skies and all the earth. But actually, what is behind the skies and the earth, the actual Kingdom behind him, he made him realize it. That's what this is saying. He made him realize the actual kingdom of the skies in the earth. So showing him is being borrowed as if he was so clear about the real king of kings, as if he can see him.

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So that's why these tiara is being used. That's why the word notary is being used, it highlights that but then the other thing that that hits me really hard, is Allah said I remember how I did. He didn't say he showed him he said he shows him. Look at Ali Canary Ibrahim, we show him that showed him but that happened a long time ago. Why is he using the present tense? The wound can say there's a coup nama HUVEC kundalika Kunta Nuri Ebrahimi Mallacoota similar to a lot, but that doesn't. That's a technicality I won't go into right now. But I'll tell you what, what this is. And I'll read off of Lucy rahamallah, who talked about this beautifully. What kind of war hero arena we see little

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melody and the obvious was that it should have been arena we showed him in the past tense, Elana who idolizes Eagleton mostakbal except Allah use the future tense or present tense, we show him and we will continue to show him he got a little Hallel, Malia is born the suraksha had an aha, Masada.

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Actually, this is a technique used in the Arabic language to talk about something that happened a long time ago. But you want your listener to feel like it's happening right now. I'll listen to that again. When it's when when somebody is talking about something that happened a long time ago, but they want you to feel like what it's happening right now. By the way, this is not some crazy ancient abstract to Arabic thing. This happens all the time.

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Okay, it's a set a long day.

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Is seeing the Mallacoota somehow. Anyway.

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So the, you know, a good storyteller is talking about the ancient king and he says he takes his sword out, and he moves forward and he doesn't say he moved forward. He says what? He moves forward and people that are listening on it. Then what happens? Well, it already happened a long time ago. But in your mind, you traveled to that place your imagination took you there, Allah azza wa jal wants with this part of Ibrahim Ali Saddam's description. He wants us to visualize this happening. He wants us to be there. And he uses gnudi for that purpose. He says he shows him the great kingdom of the skies and the earth tie this back to the previous idea. He shows him that Allah is the real

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king, and that's what makes him question his own father. That's what makes him question his own. You know his own nation. He truly internalize the kingdom of Allah, the kingdom of Allah Azza Gallica Nuri mbae Rahima Mallacoota Sumati. Well, Willie akuna minal Mukhin. It's okay. Let them be. Okay. Okay.

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Well, Leah akuna minal McKinney so that he may be from those that are absolutely convinced. Now this is an interesting thing. I mean, I said this Lahaina stuff scene of this is something really cool. He said, Well, what's happening here is Allah showed him Allah is the King of kings. So he could show it to his people. So he could question his people. But on top of all of that, there was something else he himself needs to challenge and be challenged, because that will make him truly convinced. Like, you don't really know how convinced you are until you are why challenged, you have to be ready for a child, you can't be in a protective environment. You have to be ready. And you

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know, the Quran, the Quran, the concept of Joel Haku, was a Huckleberry Finn, truth came in falsehood has disappeared. We, because of these ayat, this is so impactful. You and I have to be so strong in why we're Muslim.

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We have to be so deeply rooted in why do I believe this to be true? Why do I believe in the existence of a god? Why do I believe that God sent messengers? Why do I believe these messengers are actually representing God directly? Why don't I believe that they're liars? Why do I believe that the Quran Now in my case, why do I believe that the Quran is cannot be human, it cannot be human. It has to be from Allah, the same Allah that created the skies in the earth. And that's why when I want to show my, my reverence for the King of all kings for the Master of all creation, then I will have this all for when I'm reading His words, why should I have that I need to have absolute conviction.

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I cannot be Muslim culture. I can't afford to be Muslim culturally then not in the religion of Ibrahim Elisa, others. You can you can be Christian culture, you can be a civilizational Christian. You can be a civilizational Jew, you can be a civilizational Hindu. You can be a civilization anything else

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What a Muslim. If you really if he or she realizes they're followers of the religion of Ibrahim Ali salaam, they have to deepen deepen their convictions, and that will give them a bravery. They're not going to want to be like anybody else. And that's the last thing I'm going to share with you. That's okay. So I it's getting louder and louder, though.

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It's embarrassing. Sorry, man. Your man. He's awesome. Yeah, just go just go get him.

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Okay. It happened. It's Ramadan. Yeah. It's not because I'm boring. Okay.

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That's what I tell myself.

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This is a reinforcement of

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actually, that reminds me of a friend of mine. I have to do this demonstration. I can't help it.

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I'm giving a lecture back in New York. And his brother sitting right here. He's at least 10 feet away. He was two feet away. He was right here. He was sitting upright like this listening to me listening to me Listen. And then he went like this on the ground a little bit. And then he went like this.

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And a few minutes later, he was like, laid out flat like this, right? And then he's like, this is somebody that I contact at least. And then eventually he goes.

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And it was so loud, I couldn't even hear myself.

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It was like, you know, evolution charts.

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Was like, the, the fall of a believer. And the holiday is amazing. Some of you the only reason you're sitting up in a hot bath because there's a person next to you holding you up like a domino. Like if you were in a row by yourself, you'd be flat out.

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That's okay.

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But anyway, coming back to the iron. Well, he akuna minal Mukhin in so he himself may be from those that are convinced, he had to be convinced himself, he had to see the falsehood of all else so that Islam could shine. He had to question everything he was raised with, that's not an easy thing to do. It's not an easy thing to do. And yet, that is what Ibrahim Allison was called upon. You know, the implications of this are very powerful, like,

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you know, the Jewish people, for example, but which the Quran talks about quite a bit, the sons of Israel, the children of Israel,

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they were given a book of Allah, they were given Torah. Quran says they made changes to it. And they lost the original teachings, and the mixed a lot of their cultural practices, a lot of their precedents on top of what they were given. And this, what they had now was a mutation between what Allah gave, and what they themselves mixed in with it. Right? But that's not how they saw it. They saw it is all of this is what Allah says, this is the right way. So if anybody came in question that then they were catheter to them.

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The basically because what they have they believe to be absolutely true. So anybody challenging, that would be a conflict. And this got to the extreme where we have Toluna and Ebina be very happy. They were killing profits without justification, what the Quran says. This is why they came after the Saudis, because he was giving them Torok energy when you Ali mahal Kitab al eco rot? Well in G. So the Turati already have their scholars in it. I started giving them the original target again. You know what that does? He saw this man puts himself in the same position that Ibrahim Ali said Ahmed put himself in. He's alone by himself speaking the truth is not afraid of who's going to come

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after him. He's gonna just say what he has to say. He's gonna challenge you know, everyone on it. You have to understand when a suicide Salam relives the legacy of Ibrahim Ali Salam on the one hand is challenging the machete cool who are either worshippers like the father of Ibrahim and his nation and he they were ready to kill him and Abraham I saw some people were ready to kill him. And they he expelled he expelled Ibrahim Ali Salaam and people of Makkah expelled Russell's Isola, right?

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On the on the next in the next phase. There's people that are arguing with him because they feel they know better. They're the people of knowledge, scholarship books, and Russell's Islamism, Nabeel omy. Right. And you could challenge somebody who knows less like the people of Makkah. But the people of Medina, the people of the book, they knew more. They know way more history, they know they've got way more scholarship, right? Who are you to challenge us? Right? So what's going to happen in our times, there's going to be people that come and challenge you that know less than you.

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And they will intimidate you, they will say Follow our way. We don't have to give you a justification. It's not knowledge, you better do what I say that's it. My word is final. That's going to be like the father of Ibrahim Ali Salam. But then there's going to be other people that are come to you and use what they think is intellectual arguments. And they'll make you feel stupid. And then you'll feel like, I don't have an answer for that. That must mean they're right.

00:29:54 --> 00:30:00

You know, intimidate you, based on your lack of credentials, your lack of knowledge, and you know what that

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It's a pretty powerful weapon but what they give are messengers I sent him. He empowered him with Quran.

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He empowered him with the Quran. So when Allah azza wa jal gave Ibrahim alayhis salam he showed him Mallacoota similar to a lot What did Allah shows? Allah showed us also Mallacoota Sumati will have by way of the Quran by the way, what is the Quran keep asking us to contemplate from the beginning. Reflect on the skies in the earth. How many times you heard that

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right contemplate the skies in the earth over and over again. In a vehicle somehow it will almost feel alien now. I Attila coming up on the noodle Bob Lee how many Archelon you know, a fellow young guru Illa sama ek PhotoFiltre LNG barlick, a philosopher Raila Odinga facility and all of that is actually what a repeat of what Ibrahim alayhi salam went through himself. He he he is the one who, who looked at everything and saw a contradiction between what he sees and what is behind it. That singular entity that's behind it. Allah azza wa jal and what he sees his culture doing his family, his society doing, that's the power of great Ibrahim Elisa to see the truth through all else. And so

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canaliculi Ibrahima, Mallacoota Sumati without Walia CUDA mineral Mukhin in so he himself could be from those that are absolutely convinced this is the last thing I'll share with you. There's a little bit philosophical, but it's important.

00:31:19 --> 00:31:25

We believe that we the only way you can truly be convinced of Islam is if you are convinced of the miracles of the Quran.

00:31:26 --> 00:31:33

We there's a new kind of thing unless you don't know the the miracles of the Quran. And you can't really be sure that Islam is the truth, right?

00:31:34 --> 00:31:41

There's a the conviction in Allah, the belief in Allah that Ibrahim Ali Salam had.

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And the belief in Allah that the Quran itself calls for is actually making a claim it seeing any human being, that genuinely contemplates the skies in the earth, genuinely comes contemplates this vast universe and truly contemplates it will have no choice but be left with believing in Allah.

00:32:04 --> 00:32:47

If they genuinely contemplate it, that's actually the Quran is clean the Quran his claim is not come first, you know, read listen to the ayat, then you'll come to know that there's a God no, the Quran is not saying that the Quran has the proof of God's existence. The Quran is actually saying the world around you has the proof of God's existence in Surah is like a de Haan or adjust sia or cough. In fish, somehow it will or the lie to me. Why? For this in the skies in the earth, there are plenty of miraculous signs. For people that want conviction, people have conviction. There's no mention of Revelation. There's no mention of a prophet convincing you nothing. In fact, if you're truly a

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student of the Quran, you will realize for pretty much across the Quran, Allah is not arguing whether or not he exists. That's not what he's arguing. That's already even the first first Surah after the Fatiha and the must have order. The doubt isn't about whether Allah exists or not. The doubt isn't what whether the Quran is the word of Allah Anna, that he can Kitab boo, not a Buffy now radical Allahu La Riva fee, or hey, the Fatiha doesn't go on to prove Allah's existence. It already assumes Allah Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen.

00:33:19 --> 00:33:46

And if Allah does challenge, he says, How can there be other Illa besides Allah? How can there be other Allah besides Allah? So the idea that Allah exists or Allah is real, that is actually something Allah gave the human being to reach every human being doesn't matter what culture, what society, what background, what time what century they come from, every one of them can reach Allah, using the heart and mind that Allah has given them if they truly contemplate disguising the earth.

00:33:47 --> 00:34:04

That's that's given. Then on top of that, now that I've reached that there is a God. I know there is I know this didn't happen by accident. My favorite passage on this is an earlier Imran incredible. In FSM. It was the leveleleven IATA Luenell involved

00:34:06 --> 00:34:38

in the creation of the skies in the earth, and the conflict of night and day, there are enough signs for people who truly have sound minds. Now they're remembering Allah. They're like thinking about this, this being they're remembering him night and day. And they're thinking about the skies and the earth and they're realizing Rabbana Mahabharata and and you didn't create this without purpose. There's got to be a reason everything seems to have a purpose. There's no way I'm purposeless. There's no way there's no moral code. There's no way there's no such thing as right or wrong. Do whatever you feel, there's no way everything is relative that cannot be I cannot accept it. But I

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cannot figure it out on my own either. I have some sense of it. But I can't figure out the whole thing. I need something more. So they turn to Allah and they they they want to hear a call or a calling to Eman. When they hear a messenger, half the conclusions were already reached. It's the other half that is coming from a messenger you

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Understand, the Quran is the religion of Ibrahim Ali Salam is not you know that the the Quran is going to come and give you from zero to 100 No the zero to 50 You reached on your own.

00:35:14 --> 00:35:51

The Quran came and neuron Allah No, it's like on top of that light. It's that first light that's being talked about here. How did Ibrahim Ali Sam reached the conclusion that there can only be one. And the all of these false gods are wrong. That's Ghazali Canary Ibrahima Mallacoota semana God, when He akuna minal no cleaning. So he could be absolutely from those who are absolutely convinced. That's the argument that's being made here. And then once he was convinced he wanted to show everybody else how this works, he wanted to show everybody not to look at the the, you know, the not to look at the sun and then turn it into a God, then look at the moon, how amazing it is turn that

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into a God, then look at a mountain turn that into a god, you know, turn that amazing tree, turn it into a God isn't that what happens is in history, there are so many gods are trees, Moon stars, etc, etc. Well, you know what he's saying. He's saying, I want you to see the sun. And I want you to think of the source code behind it, and the moon and what's behind it, and the tree and that's where and they seem to be working in harmony with each other. So there must be there must be they all different creatures creations, but they must go back to one harmonious source. He's looking at the source code. Last thing I share with you for today, I said we're gonna go long PM. Next week, I'll

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mentally better mentally prepared, we'll do one session today and have some macaque.

00:36:33 --> 00:36:43

Last thing I'll share with you today is art. Art in the different societies in the world is an expression of their worldview.

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So art tells you a lot about a society. It tells you a lot about historically, right. And you know, there are societies in the world, when you look at their classical art, you know what they are, it's like a mountain and a house or river. Right? There's a portrait of a scene, or they'll draw portraits of people, right? Or they draw portraits of the sky, the sunrising you know, beautiful landscapes. You know, what those images are? Their images the world as I see it.

00:37:12 --> 00:37:14

That's the world as I see it, right?

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The future if you look at Muslim art history, what are Muslims drawing? Because Muslims are also an advanced civilization. And you'll notice most of our art has to do with symmetry.

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arches, geometric shapes, patterns, right? We're not drawing mountains and birds. We're not drawing rivers, you know, we're drawing these abstract shapes. You know what that tells you? The way they see the world is what you see is what you get.

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And the way a Muslim sees the world, they see the source code behind all of existence. Because you see the sky, we see an entire geometric system behind the sky, behind the tree. We see order and harmony and how things connect how things come together. How to Allah, Allah, even our worldview, you know, even our calligraphy was all about exact, you know, shapes and angles and lines, you know, look at look at the art inside of our massage and compare the arts inside art inside churches versus art inside massage it right you'll see a difference. You will see that our our expression was inspired by the the worldview, the the, I would call it the Ibrahimi worldview. The Mallacoota

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Sumati will have what is behind the visible that's what Allah showed him. That's what he was able to see. And once you're able to see that the stuff you see no longer dazzles you no longer scares you no longer intimidates you, it loses its power because you know, its power only came from the source and you're connected to the sword. It's incredible. Allah azza wa jal instill in us the conviction of Ibrahim Ali's and make us a people like like what Allah wants us to be military or becoming Brahim, who has a maximum so with that, inshallah we'll conclude for the evening BarakAllahu li Walakum karate Hakeem. Whenever anyone here can be it was a crack in Santa Monica later.

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Today I'll go easy, especially

An incredible description of the source of Ibrahim (AS)’s conviction

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