Nouman Ali Khan – Ramadan 2021- Qur’anic Expression #13

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The concept of " blames" in Arabic is discussed, with the use of "bringing on" in Arabic being a reference to "bringing on" or "bringing on." The speakers emphasize the importance of gratitude and acknowledging blessings, as well as the need for development in mindset. They stress the importance of not feeling sorry for one's own success and acknowledge gratitude for one or more blessings.
AI: Transcript ©
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camera and then oh, okay, we're live.

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We're live. Hello salatu salam Allah so Allah Allah alayhi wa sallam, he has made some money from everyone here another episode of Dr. summarise book, A tabula Karani. And what I want to share with you today has to do with the word blessings.

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I think a lot of Muslims are familiar with the word near Ma.

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And so today we're gonna dig into that a little bit. But before we go to the screen, I'll tell you a little bit about what he's saying here in his chapter about this word. So in English, we have this concept of singular and plural, right, so this is a box. And if I had multiple that would be boxes, right? You just add an s a lot of times to make something plural camera cameras, computer computers, microphone microphones, etc. Right? So

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their concepts of plurals is pretty straightforward in the English language. In Arabic, it's really interesting. There are different kinds of plurals. There's actually a whole grammar study of different kinds of plurals. So you have, we remember it marries the masculine plurals, which is used for people, men and women. There's the feminine plurals which is used for objects, but it's also used exclusively for women also adds an atom, right? There are some words that are plural, because the Arab said they're plural. They're kind of like the collective nouns in English.

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And then there are something called broken plurals, right. But there's even something more than that, they have this concept set out what that means is the plural, that means the plural of many, and the plural of few.

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So they have the plural of many and the plural of few. So it's kind of like this, if I was to try to help you visualize that in English, even if you don't know Arabic.

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To give you an example of that, so you have the word book, right?

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And obviously, in English, what's the plural of book books? books? Right? So it's like, so it's like they're saying, there's the word book. And there's a one version of the plural that's books with with the giant s. And there's another version of book with s with a small as a tiny as, okay, so And I'm not talking about capital and lowercase, I'm just saying, they mean there's a version of books, that means lots of books. And there's a version of saying books that's a few books, usually less than 10 are just a handful, you can say a handful of books. So they have a word for many books, one word without saying the word many, they have a word for many books, and they can have a word for a

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handful of books. This would be jumbo kathira. This would be the equivalent of wild Jim the Hoggart huge general

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whispered gene is your gene general kasra

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meaning the plural of many

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and then they have this thing called general killer of appropriately small,

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the plural of few.

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Okay, so they have this thing plural of many immoral of few. Okay. So and I said, today I'll talk to you about the word blessings. Right. So the plural the Arabic word for blessing is NEMA.

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is a blessing. Okay. Number comes from the Arabic word neuroma. neuroma actually means softness. from it, we also get the word an arm like sutra and on the sixth surah which is the word for cattle, cattle because they move softly. And because they react softly. Other animals are very quick to react and other animals are gentle in their reaction. Because they've been domesticated and their their senses the animal senses have been dulled. Right? So they're not able to run away from a predator. a goat has no chance. Right? A cow has no chance a deer has chance because it's not domesticated. Right? So that's why they're called a blessing in Arabic is something that makes life

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soft and gentle. Okay, so that's that's where the word Nyima is called a blessing is because things that make life gentle and soft and comfortable. That's what the Arabic word blessing refers to or the the this word in Arabic. So it blessing it doesn't really cover it, but it's close enough. Okay, now, yeah means a blessing. Then you have an unknown

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unknown one. Okay, which is blessings. But I'm gonna put I'll make the s on blessings. Small. What am I trying to say? This must be the plural of

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plural of many plural a few. A few. Yeah, this must be the plural of few. So a good translation of an ohm is a handful of blessings.

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That's a good way to look at I know. Okay, then you have the Arabic word near.

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me make that bigger.

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Okay and now I'm on his blessings also. Except I'm going to make the s a little bit gigantic

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Why am I doing that? Because this must be for many. Yeah, this would be the plural

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of many.

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So you could literally say many blessings

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Okay, a great many blessings. You didn't have to say the word many in the Arabic so near Matan a blessing unknown one a handful of blessings and yeah one many blessings. So in the Quran you find both pearls are being used once this one wants this one.

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Shakira only unami he aged bajo de la kurata Mr. Kim This is Surah number 16 ayah number 121 16 121 and the second one

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is 3120.

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I have highlighted the word here already in red.

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So you have what is behind a con Nia Maho wa Hilton wobba wabanaki nothing Yeah. Yamaha. So, now notice unknown

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unknown keep the record in mind unknown many or few many

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unknown unknown little few. So the top one shocking only unknown me here many of you owe me many of you and many many as they come niyama who? Many? Many? So the top one is few. So the 16 one 21 is few. And the 3120 is many, right? So let's read the understand what the is talking about. And then let's figure out what Allah is doing here by using few one playplace and many the other place right. So the 16 121 the conversation actually starts in 16 121 I have before this, it may have Rahim I can almost call it Angela he

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hanifin Willem yaku Miguel mushrikeen no doubt Ibrahim Ali Salam was a nation all by himself submissive before Allah solely focused on him and had never committed ship he was never one from those that had associated a partner with God. Shock you're on the army as he remained grateful for his blessings. Meaning Abraham remained grateful for his blessings.

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Just about who Allah had chosen him will Haida who and he guided him he lacinato most of him to a straight path. Who is this talking about? This few one is talking about Ibrahim Ali Salaam.

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So it's talking about the Rahim Ali Salaam and it's saying that he was grateful

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for blessings Allah has given him Okay, so grateful for the blessings Allah has given you. Okay, then I don't at all Haven't you see, remember who I am Rama Rama Rama, Rama.

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Anaya aina. And Tara unto my Tony and Tony, Tara, Tara and then alone takes the noon away. So I'm Tara I can't find my mouse. And I'm thorough is Haven't you seen? An Allah that Allah Subhana Allah con subdued for you.

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overpowered for you. Now for some are worthy or my friend or the whatever is in the skies and whatever is in the earth. Well as Maha and unleashed alikum over you, Navajo he unleashed his blessings there's many blessings over you mahila tenemos la Tina time in the art in obvious ways and secret ways when the nasty will usually do for liability element, and yet they are from among people, those who who debate with Allah without any knowledge without hidden and without guidance. We're lucky Tammy Mooney, and without a book that gives light now here, the part that mentions blessings is Allah saying Allah unleashed.

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on you.

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Okay, Allah unleashed blessings on you.

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Now it's interesting. So, one time, Ibrahim is being grateful for Allah's blessings. The other time, Allah is unleashing the blessings Ibrahim Ali Salaam as a human being, and he is one of the most grateful human beings that ever walked this earth. And yet a human beings life is limited.

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As grateful if every second of every human beings life is spent being grateful to Allah, they still only are able to be grateful for a few blessings compared to the actual blessings they got. Think about it this way, everybody.

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We have the blessing of sight Yeah.

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We're able to see Yeah, but we're able to see every single second and every millisecond. Right. And every moment of our site is actually a new lesson.

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And the fact that we're able to see an ROI isn't getting exhausted, that I actually not giving us pain for doing the work. Because you know, when you, when you use a machine, it gets used up, and it gets grinded up. And the more you use something, the more there's wear and tear and it breaks down. The AI continuing to not give me pain and still allowing me to see by Allah's blessing is a blessing that for every millisecond, I should be thankful for it, then the AI helps me see something that benefits me. Right? The it is the AI that helped me see the word on the screen for that moment, that allowed me to learn, and that learning then continued to give me other benefits, meaning that one

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blessing of the AI and the ability to see is now benefiting me in countless ways. And each one of those ways I should be grateful for there's no way for me to keep track. There's no way for me to keep track of. And by the way, the neural connection between my eye and my brain, I see something, and I'm reading it, and I'm reading it, and then I'm seeing it and I'm seeing it and I'll be able to have somebody else here and communicate with me, oh my god, the amount of things that are happening inside my body. The amount of things that are happening outside of my body, all because of this one blessing are so and so limitless, so uncountable, that we're not even able to actually fully count

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one blessing.

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Forget counting all the blessings. We can I can't even fully count one blessing. So I could say something like, yeah, Allah, I'm grateful for the eyes you've given me. Right, I could say that. And now I won't say that every day. Sometimes it comes to mind and I'll say it, but even if I said it every day, even if I said it every second of every day, even then it would not cover the ways in which my eyes are blessing, or the ways in which my nose is blessing or the way in which my clothes are blessing, etc, etc, etc. You get it. This is why Allah says what in Urdu near Matala, he lot of suha. If you were to count the favor of Allah, meaning even the single fever of Allah, you wouldn't

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be able to fully grasp it. You can't even understand how one blessing fully benefits you. It's too much, there's too much for you to know. And there are even if we didn't know if somebody says no, no, I'm going to do a scientific calculation of how many ways in which my eyes blessing me in this second, if they did that, what did Allah say? Well, I suppose they called me Mo, WA he'll attend in ways that are obvious, and in ways that are not obvious meaning even if I did analysis and research, I can only find out things that are obvious, which is hard enough and impossible enough. But then there's another universe of blessings. That is what not obvious. And this is, this is what makes it

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impossible for me to be grateful enough to Allah ever. No human being IU. In fact, if all of humanity all we ever did was sugar to Allah, it still wouldn't even come close to being enough. It wasn't even a drop in the ocean, to what we say, when we say Alhamdulillah. It's as if we surrender the idea. And we're not capable of it. 100 self belongs to Allah, and all of creation is falling short. That's actually what we're saying it on hamdulillah. So as amazing as Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam was, Allah use his example, to humble us and say, in the end, an entire life of being grateful, shocking, and by the way, a heart and it's an SM, which means constancy. So, from the Bulaga sense,

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it even means that he was constantly grateful. And even as a life of being constantly grateful, he could only manage to be grateful for a handful of blessings.

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Then imagine where we stand, because a human being in the end can only do so much.

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But compare that to the actual blessings, Allah unleashes. That's way, way more right. So then the plural of many got used. He unleashes onto you his many blessings, the ones you may be able to find see in the seen world, and the ones that are in the unseen SubhanAllah. It's an incredible comparison. Just by using the two plurals Allah taught us an amazing lesson. He told us taught us the lesson that we have to be grateful our entire life, but never should we ever think. I think I'm grateful enough I got it. Like I can move on to other things. Now. The grant of the year the gratitude is check. Or you know, some people forget some people I or you might end up carelessly

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saying, you know, I'm really grateful person, are you are you because if I'm a really grateful person, that must mean I'm working

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accomplishing Allah gratitude for neon.

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But I can't even get close to what I know if that's all Ibrahim or they could do. So we should you know, there are some things that that are we we say them casually, and they might end up being a kind of self righteousness. Allah says latos aku, enforcer calm, don't declare yourselves pure. So, you know, I'm really grateful now you can say, your law, I'm grateful for this blessing, or I'm really grateful like I can say I'm really grateful to have the chance to share the Word of Allah with you. Right? I'm really grateful to have access to resources that allows me to do that. I'm really grateful for having my students. I'm really grateful for having parents that are making golf

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for me. I'm really grateful for having healthy children, you can meet you can say those things, that's fine. But don't say that about yourself as an I'm a really grateful person. Not a healthy thing. Right. And we should constantly acknowledge how impossible to count Allah's blessings are. This is the last lesson I'll share with you from this. If you really and I really understood this,

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then complaining about our life would become very difficult.

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No matter what, if you if I really understood this, as many problems I could have in my life, as many problems as I could have. What is constantly happening, Allah is unleashing his fever on us. The ones that we can see, sometimes we can see a problem, we don't see the blessing. Why? Because the blessing is not lohit or the blessing is Bettina. It's in the hidden, right. And then what is the let's say, yes, there are some people who argue about Allah without knowing anything without guidance without a book that gives light because a person sees the pessimistic situation in their life. My my dad yells at me, my mom hates me, I lost my job, everybody, nobody nobody likes me that,

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you know, I'm in this situation that says, and there are those are real situations, they're bad situations. As bad as those situations are, there will still be things you can be grateful for. If you suffer, they some can be grateful in jail. Right?

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That, you know, I mean that you can't get like I've been kidnapped. My brothers tried to kill me. And now I've been falsely accused, and now I'm in jail. And yet he's sitting there. And when inmates come and talk to him, instead of telling him his sad story, he's telling him reasons why he why they should be grateful to and he says this is a less favor on my family. He literally said, Allah has favored my family, Jose.

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Yusufzai, you got so much drama in your family, you should have been like, man, my family got drama. And that's why I ended up here looking for my family and I blamed my family for my problems, bro. No, he says, This is not becoming fugly, like Elena and a nurse. But I cannot accept a nasty lash guru. This is the favor of Allah has done to me and for other people. But most people aren't grateful. When he refers to Ibrahim Ali Salaam. It's like he learned this lesson that entire life of Ibrahim Ali saw he was about to be thrown into a fire by his father, he got kicked out of a society or not done on fire by his father, but by the king. He had to you know, leave his family in the

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middle of a desert. His father expelled him from home when he was he was a child, he lived a lonely life, right, and an entire life of just being grateful. Like it's hard to think of a time in the life of Ibrahim alayhis salaam where he was living in comfort. It's hard to think of a time like that. And yet it's hard to think of a time where he wasn't his heart wasn't content, and he wasn't grateful. So where it's an incredible religion, we face reality, we're not blind to our problems. They do hurt us. The even the Prophet sites on them got hurt. And he was sad. And Allah would say to him, Well, I've got an animal and now you'll do osakabe Maya Kowloon, we know that your chest gets

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tight because of the hurtful things that they say. So Allah knows that the heartfulness happens. But yet at the same time, the sleeve remains grateful to Allah, the other followers of Musashi Salaam, when they came out of the desert, and they were like, in the hundreds of 1000s, and they were burning in the sun, and their babies were, you know, getting dehydrated, and the mothers didn't have milk to give because they hadn't had anything to drink themselves. And the old were dying and getting sick. And they're like what is Musab brought us into we're homeless, we're in the middle of desert, okay, the Pharaoh was going to kill us. But now the desert will kill us. Like, what are we

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going to do? And we'll see some gathers all of them. And he gives them a speech. And he says, What if the nambucca in Shakuntala zedan accom. And your master had declared, if you were to be grateful that Allah will give you more and more, just be grateful, just be grateful. Just be grateful, just be grateful. And even then you'll only be grateful for just a few things. While the reality is Allah is giving you many things. Right? Yeah, up when somebody tells you look at the bright side. Yeah, you're like what bright side?

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First of all, open your eyes and there will be a right side. And then there's another right side. That's always Valentina. It's always there. It's like somebody saying, you don't appreciate the air and you're like, what air I don't see any oxygen.

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It's always there. You're always breathing it. Right? So it's it's constantly there and we have to develop that Quran minds.

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And it will, will lie when we develop that mindset problems will start disappearing because when unless he's a grateful slave, then he makes the difficulty easy to handle. And he creates these two things he makes you stronger against the difficulty. And then over time he removes the difficulty too. But he he wants to see from us gratitude and larsa make us grateful people for the the uncountable blessings that he's given us and make us some of those who can at least be grateful for a handful of them in this life. barakallahu li walakum Samadhi come to my town America, guys, happy Ramadan, and remember, do your best and I'll do the rest summer

by Dr. Fadel Saleh Al-Samerai

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