Nouman Ali Khan – Ramadan 2016 – Giving Charity To Allah

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of giving sadaqa to help people out and avoid decreasing savings. They give examples of giving sadaqa to their child and eventually giving it away, as well as the importance of giving in a rewarding and inspiring way. They stress the benefits of avoiding assumptions and the importance of giving in a way that is rewarding and inspiring.
AI: Transcript ©
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You can only spend for the sake of Allah and spend and gifts of the pie and help somebody out. And now think about what you have left in the bank. If two things are clear to you, number one, na na casa malum in sadhaka when you give money doesn't decrease. That's the promise of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam, money does not go down when you give sadaqa when you give charity. In other words, when you're going to give a lower place with better you want to promotion, give sadaqa you're not getting enough, enough savings, give sadaqa Allah will open more doors for you. That's the promise of Allah. That's one part of the belief. The other part of the belief is actually even

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deeper. And that is that when we are giving, you're not giving to an orphan. You're not giving to people flood victims or earthquake victims. You're not giving to a machine, your actual actually giving to Allah.

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You see here Allah says well me my

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spoon, but let me open up akuna Allah Allah Tama, you know, lol Masaki, Arnulfo Cora. He doesn't say spend on what he just says they spend, but actually realize that the spending that we do, this is why I shadowed the Allahu taala. And her every time she used to give sadaqa she used to put perfume on it.

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She used to preview it before she gives sadaqa. And that's why because she keeps on sending it to Allah and sending it to Allah. She's giving. Every time you give charity, it's actually an act of giving to Allah Himself. So how long Watada now that idea? I want to expand upon a little bit before we go any further.

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Think about it this way. The you know, I'll give an example I used to give many, many years ago, but it's still relevant. I find it beneficial. Children can be very selfish. Okay. So my kid, one of my kids, you know, Hassan, when she was little, she was really into chocolate. That's genetic problem we have we're all addicted to chocolate. So I'm eating chocolate. She's looking at my chocolate and says, oh, boy, Can I have some?

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No, you can't have any have a little bit. No, you can't.

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Can I just have a little bit? Okay, here, you can hold it. But after 10 seconds, you have to give it back to me.

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So I gave it for 10 seconds. And she's eating it as fast as she can bigger bites than her mouth.

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And it's not finished and 10 seconds are over. And I say I'm stuck and have it back. And what does she say? Mine and runs away.

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Your kids go to somebody else's house. They've got to you know, the kids are awesome. Kids never played with their own toys. Never played with their own toys. The only time they play with their own toys. If somebody else's child is there.

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Then they say this kid this toy is so awesome. It's mine. As soon as that kid is gone, they throw it away again. Like

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we just want to make that guy feel bad. So that kid keeps begging Can I play with it? Can I have a turn? Can I have a turn? Can I have a turn? And finally he hands him the Avenger or whatever. And he plays with it for two seconds, then it's time to go home. And the kid who had that who's borrowed the toy does he let go easily

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says Can I keep it?

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There mom said I could keep it.

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human nature from childhood onwards is when we are given things that are not ours. We're given things that are not ours. Very quickly, we forget that they're not ours. We start assuming imagining, we forget that part that was given to us we started imagining that it belongs to ourselves. That that it actually doesn't belong to someone else. And we want to hold on to it. And when someone wants to take it from us or like another Mine, mine mine, what is allowed to do a lot so much I could have said well you won't feel alone and they spend but he says Mimara zakenna whom you don't feel good from what we provided them were the ones who give you forget that you forget

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that it's not yours the clothes I'm wearing aren't mine. The money in the bank isn't mine. The car I'm driving is not mine. I say all the time my shirt by car, my wallet, my account my house. I use the word myself so many times that I forget that it's actually the belonging of Allah. So much so that my body my eyes, my ears, my nose. In Nadella he was in a Rajon. We ourselves belong to Allah, we're going to be returned to allow it to speak of our property. Our property is only an extension of the very property of a lot ourselves. So the idea that we easily forget that it's it's given by Allah, and that's why there's an extra sauce here. There's a special Tahitian that's why it's

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macadam for grammar students memorize acna home. You'll

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notice also that Allah says from what we provided them, they spend. In other words, the only past tense in the ayah is provision unless as they believe present tense

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They establish the prayer present tense, they spend present tense, but providing he didn't say my nosocomial. He said me murasaki now whom you call from what we provided them, they spent so what's the point of using the past tense here of the many benefits, think of it this way. You don't have to wait for a lot to provide you until you spend. Some people say I will give sadaqa I will give when Allah gives me

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right now, not right now hasn't given this cat for hinomoto lacunae,

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when he gives me then I'll spend Allah was Allah saying to every single human being, I've already given you.

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You already have something. If you only have two dates, give me one of them. If you just have an apple, give me a slice. If you have us, give me some of it. If you have energy, give me some of it. If you have talent, give me some of it. Everybody's been given something, you wouldn't be breathing on this earth, if you weren't given this. Allah is not just giving this ayah to millionaires. And he doesn't care how much you give. He doesn't care about that. He cares about the quality of what you give, not the quantity, these quantities mean nothing to Allah. Somebody donates. $20,000 amazing somebody donates $2 not that amazing, not to us. But the guy who has 20,000 maybe he owns 20

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And the guy who gave $2 only has $10 you know those $2 are more valuable to Allah than those 20,000. For us, we're like oh $20,000 check. Well, this is going to help a lot and the $2 bill or the $2 two single dollar

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inshallah more will come. But you don't know what that those $2 are more blessed by Allah. And they will bring more good than the 2 million you might raise.

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Because of the the intention that came behind it, and the sacrifice that came behind it. And when someone internalized from whatever little Allah has given me, I will come forward. This is why Allah says later on in the Quran in surah. Yvonne was he couldn't come forward, light or heavy. Doesn't don't ever underestimate what you have to give, you know, little kids, we should give them practice. Those are some of our kids collect coins.

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And they have just pennies, and they take half their pennies and put them in a sadhaka box. Right? And it's not valuable to you. That's what you give it to your kid. And it might not even feel valuable to the one who's collecting the funds at the end opening the box and going through people who have pennies in here. But to that child that's like his her life savings man. That was a big deal to her that she did that and she sent that present to Allah. So don't underestimate the value of your giving. Whether it's small or big. This is one of the models

Everything we have belongs to Allah, so when we give charity, we are actually giving back to Allah what He has gifted us. It is the intention and sacrifice behind the sadaqa, whether big or small, that matters most.

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