Nouman Ali Khan – Fatherly Advice

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The history of Islam is discussed, including the passage of the Quran and the use of the title "roqman" to describe the Prophet. The importance of a conversation between a man and his son is emphasized, as it is crucial for achieving success. The speakers also emphasize the need for gratitude and control over one's own behavior, especially in regards to work, risk, and appreciations. The speakers stress the importance of teaching children the value of work, risk, and appreciations to achieve gratitude and avoiding negative experiences.
AI: Transcript ©
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So this code is

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going to revolve around two I art of suits Lockman, sort of one is the 31st suit of the Quran. And these are very famous artists are famously called the passage of Luqman. The passage dedicated to a father by the name of laquan, who gave advice to his son. first couple of comments that I want to make about this is that a lot chooses in his Quran, sometimes to not name people like insulet yacine. Allah describes three messengers that came to one nation, we don't know the names of any of them. A legend says he sent them mousseline, he sent them people that were messengers, for others not be thoroughly clean. They were first to center them, then a third one was sent, and none of

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their names are known. Then someone came to help them and his name is not known. Mussolini's Salaam went on a journey to because Allah commanded him to learn from someone else. The narrations outside of the Quran tell us His name is Javier or COVID. But the Quran never tells us his name. Koran says its abdomen, a bagina it's just one of our slaves, one of our servants. So sometimes Allah decides not to tell us names. There are lots of messengers of the previous prophets like even among blue Swahili of color. You know if Colleen leanbean la home Ivana Mulliken, you know when a prophet of their said the Israelites, one of their Prophet said, or they said to their prophet appointed the

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king, they're talking about Sham wheel or Samuel in the Bible, but the Quran does not name him. So Allah chooses sometimes to not name and ally chooses to name and this man by almost edgemarc of our scholars Look, man is not a messenger is not considered a prophet, yet he is named. So the first thing that's important to note here is just the fact that Allah chose to name him is a special honor given to this individual. There are so many occasions in which the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke to to him, addressed him incidents happened with them. Allah did not name them. Sadiq was not named a legend says in the echolalia Sahih, Latin when he said to his

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companion, don't be don't grieve. He didn't say scholarly echolalia we record that accent, right? So this is a it's it's something special from Allah that Allah chooses to mention someone in particular by name. And that's an honor given to Lockman. Well, the Allahu anhu in the Quran. And so by highlighting that I want to also bring attention to the fact that what Allah is going to teach us in this passage is not to be taken lightly. You know, this is a, again, these are just moments in history that no historian could have recorded. This is this passage overall contains a conversation between a father and a son, that probably happened in the privacy of their home, or when they're

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traveling together, or journeying together or doing some work together. Nobody else is around, there are no recording devices. Nobody's documenting this conversation, the only one documenting this as a line, how many billions of times trillions of times, you parents have a conversation with their children, this is an everyday thing, it's part of our life. And yet this one conversation is so important, that a lot decided that the guidance that human beings will get until the day of judgment, there should be part of it, this little piece of conversation should be a part of it. So it's a big deal, that a law makes a celebrity out of someone who we would not have otherwise known.

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And Allah makes this conversation highlighted as timeless, which otherwise we would never have known, we would never have known this conversation between him and took place between him and his son. So with that, you know, it's important when we study the Quran, or we appreciate anything from the Quran, that first we take a step back and really value what it is that Allah has done for us. What is it that Allah has done that we only mocha Madam takuna, Allah moon, he teaches you, you couldn't possibly have known yourselves, there was no way you had access to this knowledge or this wisdom. So now with that we begin and we start with what Allah says about look, while we look at

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Athena, Look, man and Hickman that we gave Look, man wisdom. Some parts of this is discussion, I will be brief other parts, I'll try to detail I'll speak in more detail. And I really want to do emphasize one or two themes within this because if I spoke about the entire IRA, we'd be here for a long time. In any case, Allah says he granted him wisdom. The first thing I'd like you to remember is what wisdom means in the Arabic language. It's a little more natural, when I'm going to be beneficial knowledge that that's acted upon. So it's not just something you know, it's not if you have a lot of knowledge doesn't mean you have wisdom. The means you have, but that doesn't mean you

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have hikma hacked by something else. And hikma does not mean that you can drop lines of poetry, or you can say things and people go Oh, well, that was deep. That's not that's not necessarily wisdom. According to the classical Arabic definition. hikma is actually to say something to know profound things to know deep truth or deep and profound truths, but actually to live by them as well. Just to live by them as well. This is something that was understood classically, to the point where even a mama Shafi Rahim Allah when he reads when you only Mohamed Kitab al hikmah, that Allah teaches them the book and the Wisdom hikma. He understood wisdom to mean the Sunnah of the prophet slice of them,

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famously right because sometimes the practical application of the knowledge of the Quran, so he understood that connection very immediately. And so he interpreted Heckman asuna In any case,

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Allah says we gave Lockman wisdom meaning this man lived a certain way. It's not just that he knew certain things that he lived a certain way, practically. And now it was going to summarize his entire life. Like, what is it? What does it mean that someone has beneficial knowledge, and they live a certain way. The summary of that is initial Laila to be grateful to Allah. And this, this is in the AMA form, it's actually what are called artina. Look, manual hikma and the Quran, Allah is the expected form. But those of you that are a little bit sensitive to natural, there's a immediate switch to an initial coronella be grateful to Allah, as if a command is existing here he lived a

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life telling himself over and over be grateful. Not so it's actually a conversation he's having with himself. Allah has given him the wisdom, to have a conversation with himself to talk to himself and say, Be grateful to Allah, be grateful to Allah be grateful to Allah. That's important because we're going to find ourselves in situations where we're going to look at the problem in front of us look at Haleakala in Santa Monica, but Allah created the human being drowned in labor and difficulty and stress and problems and depression and anxiety. And there's troubles around us all the time. And whenever you're surrounded by troubles, you and I are preoccupied with the negative.

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When you're preoccupied preoccupied with the negative, there's no way you can think about what to be grateful for. That's impossible. You can't be drowned in negative thoughts and be grateful at the same time, those two things cannot coexist. The only time you can be grateful is if something good happens to you or at least you recognize something good has happened to you. Someone gives you a gift, you say thank you. It's simple. It's not complicated. So the idea here is that he used to make an extra his life was one of telling himself constantly no matter what the circumstances, I have to look in my life for what I need to be grateful for right now. The thing is in human nature, because

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a lot of soldiers in the in the in Santa lava lumen cafaro, lives already told us this human beings are very wrongdoing and they're extremely ungrateful. And what what is one of the ways in which we're extremely ungrateful. We always have reason to complain. Always. If somebody says, Hey, what's on your mind? Say Nothing? Nothing. Okay, no, no, you can talk to me. All right, here's a list. And then there's a list of all the issues. I mean, it's too hot. I hate, you know, I hate I used to live in California, and I was living in Texas. And you know, you got all kinds of problems, or money issues, health issues, family issues, personal issues, you know, all career issues, education

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issues, self worth issues, self esteem issues, all kinds of issues, and we're drowning in those issues. And if if you were to just take a moment and think about what am I actually thinking about, that I should be grateful for? It's actually very hard. It's it becomes a difficult exercise. I can't really think about anything right now. I'm drowned in the negativity. And it doesn't matter how much knowledge you have, it doesn't matter how long your beard is, or how how tightly your hijab is worn. This has nothing to do with the outside of our Islam. This is something that's happening inside of our hearts. So you can I could be the father of the Quran, you could know have all the

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knowledge in the world. But gratitude isn't there because we're always negative. We're always complaining. We're always looking at what's wrong around us. The word sugar has to be understood a little bit deeply also. Sugar is different from hummed around begins with Alhamdulillah. That's where the Quran begins. Now the words Alhamdulillah the word hummed is actually a combination of two things that I'd like you to remember that I know there's I say a lot of things in football, but a few things I'd like you to keep with you even after you leave. So here's one of those things. Hum is two things. It's praise and gratitude. It's Praise and Gratitude combined together. And what does

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that mean? When you see a nice car drive by you praise it? Oh, nice car. You didn't think the car, you weren't grateful to the car, you just praised it. So that's praise. When someone gives you the nice car, then you're very grateful and you say thank you. That's gratitude. Sometimes you can have praise without gratitude as possible. And sometimes you can even have gratitude without praise that that happens to I mean, Ibrahim Ali Salaam is really grateful to his father who raised him.

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But he's not going to praise his father because his father Father bills idols, so you could pray some you can be grateful to someone, even though what they're not praiseworthy. musallam was grateful to the pharaoh for raising him. But that doesn't mean he's gonna praise Him. Those two things don't have to go hand in hand. You know, sometimes people when you thank them, they expect you to praise them also, those two things don't necessarily go together but with a law they always go together, praise and things always go together. This passage is actually not about praise, because it's not an medela. You see, it's initially about gratitude alone. Just being grateful we're

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not even getting to the praise yet. When you have gratitude and praise combined, then we graduate to something called hum. This is even beforehand. This is even before him this is the the starting the first steps in our relationship with Allah if you want to get to to where you need to be you need to have

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Have a conversation with yourself, I need to have a conversation with myself about what is it that we should think of Allah for initial Lila? And actually, I told you before wisdom isn't just beneficial knowledge. It's not just thoughts. It's actually what translates into behavior translates into Outlook translates how do you how do you perceive things? How do you understand things? You've probably heard the phrase a million times is the glass half empty, half half empty or half full. Someone with praise of Allah is going to praise a lot that it's there's water here, someone without the sugar of a lot rather than the gratitude is going to say why isn't it full? Why isn't it? Why

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would didn't you bring it from the fridge? Why is this room temperature? All the things that are wrong with it? That's the attitude of someone who doesn't have sugar. Right? So this is an attitude that he embodied and that then Allah says, profound wisdom from Allah woman. Yes. Good. Enough is good enough. See, cuz allies, this is what allows way of telling us that what he's teaching us right now isn't just about Look, man, he says, and whoever is grateful, meaning not just look, man, whoever learns from this and becomes grateful that he's only doing so for his own self. Now, am I a shrewd enough? See, you're only doing it for yourself. The thing is, either I'm greedy or unhappy

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all the time. Right? I'm unhappy with the relationship I'm in. I'm unhappy with my children. I'm unhappy with my parents. I'm unhappy with my friends. I'm dissatisfied with the house I live in. I'm dissatisfied with the job that I have with the clothes that I'm wearing. I'm just dissatisfied with the way I look. I'm dissatisfied with my education and dissatisfied with people's opinions of me. I am constantly dissatisfied, right? This if this is who I am. If that's the case, then you know what, and you think I want more of this and more of this and more of this, then actually the is teaching us you're only harming yourself, you're actually hurting yourself. You're drowning yourself in

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negativity, and it's paralyzing. It becomes paralyzing for you. living a life of gratitude is actually liberating. It frees you from negative thoughts and makes you capable of doing more with yourself. It actually gives you energy, it makes you optimistic, it gives you a boost and you're able to do things otherwise you are unable to do some. I find that this is my experience. Hopefully yours is not the same experience, unfortunately, in the Muslim Ummah, as the only experience I have is this oma, we are really addicted to negativity. We're addicted to negative. We, as a matter of fact, we're so addicted to negativity, if someone's doing something positive, you know what we say

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to them? What's the point? Nothing's going to change? Why do you even bother?

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And so instead of looking at anything positive, we say, Oh, you think you're doing something good. Look at all these problems that haven't been solved? Would you just come back? Join the negative club again? Why are you being so positive? Like someone being optimistic is kind of, we almost get an allergic reaction that this isn't? This isn't how things supposed to be? Why don't we bring you back down into the negative world again? Right. So this, and unfortunately, sometimes this from those we look up to parents, for example, look, man is going to be described as a father, when a father is constantly negative. When a mother is constantly negative, what do you think is gonna How

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are you raising your kids with sugar? If you're if they always see you complaining, if they always see you upset? If they never see you appreciate? Not them, not anything else. They're just there's a there's never a happy look on your face. And a lot of people that come up to me and speak with me, a lot of them don't identify themselves as religious Muslims. Right? Some sometimes people come to meet me and say, I've seen some of your videos and stuff, but I don't really go to a mosque or I don't you know, but I said, So tell me about this. Why, you know, why don't you identify yourself with a religious community? Why do you feel uncomfortable with you know, people that you think are

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religious? You know what they tell me? They're always upset.

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Because they look angry all the time. They're just really angry. How is it that the people that have divine wisdom, which is supposed to translate the wisdom equals gratitude in this ayah hikma? The summary of the holosophic motherlove of hikmah is what is sugar?

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How is it that someone who's closer and closer and closer to a lot learns more and more and more about a lesbian

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is more miserable. As a matter of fact, the more grateful you are, the more positive you are all the time. You just have a positive outlook on everything. And even if you are down, which of course it happens, we are there are moments that were down. we tell ourselves, What am I going to be grateful for now? And you pick yourself up again? I'm reminded of you know, Musa alayhis salam. I'm always reminded to Masada But still, I'm reminded of Masada, some he crosses the water. He's with the Israelites there. They left their home. They're homeless. There are hundreds and 1000s of their homeless in the desert. They have no roof over their heads. There are men women, children suffering

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crying. Can you imagine the state like right now? We're 20 minutes outside in the 100 degree weather in Texas and we're like, I gotta get inside. These people are living in the desert outside of Egypt.

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This is insane. And he's going to give them a hookah. He's going to calm them down. And what does he say to them? he basically says the hookah is the in shaker tone la casa de la calm if you're grateful I'll give you more. I thought he was gonna give them a hug Baba patience. No, he gives him a hug, Baba gratitude.

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And like, what what are we supposed to be grateful for? Look at the weather man. Look at how bad the temperature is, my kids, I'm starving, we don't have any other clothes on our backs. Where are we gonna get food from in the desert? Grateful Grateful for what.

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And if you stop for a moment grateful for the fact that you weren't just killed, or you didn't just drown, or you're no longer slaves, you're no longer humiliated. Your babies aren't being slaughtered anymore. Your women are being allowed to live and live in degradation. The men of this community don't have to watch their women being humiliated in public. They don't have to do that anymore. You're not grateful. you're complaining. There is always something to be grateful for. There's always something to take you it takes you out of pulls you out of, there's always something that could have been far worse. And so this wisdom is very hard to live by. And if someone does, then the

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only beneficiary is themselves. Well, my name is Guru nuptse. And this is a profound wisdom from Allah. If you and I can become grateful, then you know what happens? Let us see the nakoma lost promise I'll give you more and more and more and more and more, Allah will increase and give you more of all the good in life, guidance, health provision, everything will start putting it falling into place. If you can develop an AI can develop gratitude. That's the that's the wisdom of it. And woman Kapha and whoever wants to be ungrateful, whoever were to be ungrateful for it no mahogany. Allah is not in need. Hamid, Allah is already praised. He doesn't need you to thank him, for him to

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feel important. While the law that human beings human beings need praise, Allah doesn't need praise. Some people say why should I be grateful to him? You know, atheists, common atheists argument, why does your God need praise so much? Because, you know, when someone needs praise, they're absorbed in themselves. Why don't you God always ask for praise. Allah says, he's Gunny. He's not in need. He didn't need that praise that was for you, that you were the beneficiary of it. And then on top of that, he says he's Hamid, whether you praise him or not praise already belongs to him, not only belongs to him, 100 belongs to him on top of that praise belongs to him. And gratitude belongs to

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him already. Without even if he didn't exist. He's not waiting on you for it. Then from that man living that life of gratitude, and that shaping everything that he does, the attitude with which he does something you see, it's not just about the acts that we do, please pay attention to this part. It's not just what you do, it's how you do it.

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It's not just what you do, it's how you do it. You can eat the same plate of food, same exact plate of food, and the person next to you is eating the same exact plate of food, and they're eating it with gratitude, and you're not.

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You did the same thing. You ate the same food, you ate it with the same hand you both had Bismillah everything looks the same, but one of them has sugar and the other one doesn't have sugar. One of them will benefit in this life and in the next, the other one will not the other one, close the doors to that those blessings because of the attitude with which they carry themselves. Sugar is more than just an act. Sugar is also an attitude. Now what does he say to his son with color Look, man, we live in an era

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when a man turns to his son and says to him in the in a moment where he was giving him counsel and advice. He says to him Yamuna, my young son, my beloved Son, not to Shrek Mila, don't put anyone next to God. Don't put a partner next to Allah.

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But the conversation wasn't about Schick, it wasn't about worshipping idols. The conversation in these ions was about being grateful. We're learning from a literary point of view, there's actually a contrast shake, shook, there's a play on words. But there's also an important thing here that we need to know. Allah is telling us that the heart of our relationship with Allah is actually gratitude.

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More More than any other feeling we have towards Allah, we are His slaves, we are afraid of him, we recognize his authority. We recognize Him as our Creator, our maker, our guide, all of those things are true. But more than all of that in our hearts, the first thing that needs to be there for us to have a real relationship with Allah is sugar. And if that's not there, then a kind of shake will exist, that you may not be able to battle because it doesn't look like an idol. It doesn't look like something you can like a false god that you worship. And so it's an idol that lives inside.

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And so he says to Shrek Bella, don't do shall koala. Instead of saying Don't be ungrateful to Allah right because if the if he was taught wisdom to be grateful, you expected him to say don't be ungrateful. But he says that to Shrek Bella, don't do check with Allah. Don't put something else next to Allah where Allah belongs. What in the world? How in the world? Do we understand that? What is the teaching that look man is giving to his son and by the way, it's not just fathers talking to their children.

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It's anyone of influence talking to anyone who is under their influence. If there's anyone in your life that looks to you for wisdom, if anyone in your life looks to you for wisdom, and especially I'm talking to fathers, because it is obviously about a father. But even outside of that, if you're the older brother, if you're the mentor, if you're someone that they're looking up to, and this is a teaching, you need to impart down to them, how do I teach this to my kids? I asked myself this question. You see, some of you, Allah has given you have good job, you're good business. Money's, okay, houses, okay? rent is paid cars there, everything is there. And your life is a lot easier.

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Your children's life is a lot easier than your life. When you were children, it was much harder. I remember when we used to go, I used to live in the country and my on aid, we used to go get a burger.

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And we would, we would cut it up and we would have a burger, the whole family

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that was already and I'd be looking at the piece my sister God because you want to get the middle part of the burger, because that's the biggest part. So you know, cuz kids always want to get the first piece I'm like, I only take the first piece. The first piece is the side, that's mostly bread. So

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the point is, our kids don't know that our kids say, hey, I want to get I want to get cheese on mine, I want to get mayonnaise on mine, I want no cheese, I want onions.

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They don't have the life that I had. They don't see that it was difficult. I don't have the same level of struggle. When your teenage kids are saying, I don't know if I want to go to this college or that college. I'm not sure what kind of car I'm gonna get. And you're reminding yourself man, I used to get pushed around in the bus. I was delivering newspapers, I was getting yelled at and fired from my job for not showing up three for showing up three minutes late. I was barely making enough money to pay for tuition. And I was actually whatever money I made was going into paying for the groceries for the house. And my kids were saying, Yeah, I'm not sure if I like this car, that car is

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gonna bring your head into a wall. What just happened here? Because our kids are so entitled, they're so entitled, they can't possibly be grateful.

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That's not how you become grateful.

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Or, you know, we have to teach our children the value of money. Giving your children a better life doesn't mean you get them a nicer house, you may have destroyed them by getting them a nicer house. If your house is full of so many toys. And their eyes are always on the next toy that you're going to get them and the ones you just got them two days ago are trash.

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Right? They're just trash, then we don't know what this means. Why are we even reciting this?

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anish kuruvilla as a father means you first of all, live a life of gratitude. You live within your means. And you teach your children the value of work, the value of risk, the value of appreciating what they do have not keeping their eyes on what they don't have ain't just passed by and unmarried, the kids are getting rich.

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Right? But when this was a great opportunity to teach our children gratitude, why because at the end of Ramadan, Allah says that Allah come to school. So you could be grateful. But we man, how much how much did you get? You got $20 I got I got 15

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we're not we're not in a state of giving. We're in a state of taking we're taught turning our children into monsters into consumers and consumers and consumers and they want more, they want more and they want more. And the moment you don't get them what they want. I literally have to do, I've had to deal with parents whose child said you're gonna get me a new iPhone. And they said no. And he said, I'm gonna kill myself.

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And they had to come see me.

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Because the kid was ready to use making these kinds of threats because he's not going to get a new iPhone. Because the internet will be cut off.

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Because they don't have Wi Fi in the house. This is the opposite of shocker. And this is a form of shake with a law.

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This is a form of quinoa when sugar is gone, the only thing left to shake, then the only one you're grateful for is to your your you're serving yourself, you worship yourself a lot. Hahaha, the most important object of pleasure, the one you want to please the one you want to satisfy. The one you want to submit to is your own whims, your consumption, your consumption, children don't know they have to be guided. If you they will become what you make them. And you you and I can't afford to do that. Just because you have money doesn't mean you do this with your children. Of course, the opposite extreme. Some parents don't do well or even if they're doing well, they give their children

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nothing. And then they use this.

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Don't do that either way until he by no Delica sobre la there's a balance. But I wanted to highlight something that's that's important to highlight the value that we have to impart into our kids. When your kids become teenagers or even before they become teenagers. They have to work around the house. They have to contribute. And when they do they don't say how much you're gonna pay me as he tells you how much you're going to pay me. You sleep here.

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You live here. You have to take responsibility teach your children responsibility, not in exchange for something

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thing now, so they make money now, so they're gonna get this game at the end of the month.

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Not because of that. And if we do that if we keep making them into just constant consumers, and what are you going to give me? What are you going to give me? What are you going to give me? Guess what's going to happen? parents? Let me tell you what's going to happen. You raise the children not to be grateful to Allah. If they can't be grateful to Allah, how are they going to be grateful to you?

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Isn't those two those two things are connected Yes or no? Allah says, initially, we're live on a deck, be grateful to me and both of your parents same passage, those two things are connected. If we don't raise our children growing up to be grateful for what they have before Allah, then I can guarantee you the moment they become independent, the moment they become independent, they have nothing to do with you. They don't care when you call didn't respond to your text message. They don't they ignore you. They dismiss you. They walk out of the house whenever they feel like you're like what happened to this child? I did everything for you. I gave you an I gave you an I gave you

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and now you're you're giving me nothing. Yeah, because I don't need you anymore.

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You just fed my greed. And now now now I can feed myself. I'm independent. What do I need you for that transaction is over. Thanks. Bye.

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And now we're sitting in shock. What happened to our kids? Well, maybe we spoiled them rotten. Maybe we destroyed them. Maybe we did that out of love. In the mahalo calm.

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Allah says that for a reason. your money and your children are a massive trial. Because money and children when you don't handle both of those things correctly, especially money for children, when you don't handle them correctly, it becomes a massive trial, it becomes a disaster.

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Sometimes not buying your kids things is a good thing. Sometimes not giving them what they want is a good thing. Sometimes holding back from them is a good thing.

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This is important. And this is something that you have to it's not just theoretical. We can't just teach our children say Alhamdulillah it has to be lived which is why this passage began when I called it now Look, man and hikma give him wisdom lived wisdom lived teachings, to live gratitude. What you know what it means to truly? How often do our kids even clean up? How often? Do our kids organize their clothes, wash their own clothes? We're doing everything for them slaving away for them? How are we preparing them to be grateful? When everything is handed to them? minifee rounds.

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You know, they're going around St. kukula.

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I don't want I don't want you know, a burger today. I want pizza today. Let's go well, how the * and how to tell you the mentality.

00:27:35 --> 00:28:11

You know, this is what we're turning them into. And it's not their fault. It isn't their fault. When our when our kids are becoming spoiled. It's not because they're shouting. It's because we're not giving them the guidance. Part of wisdom is that you raise your children in the right way. You curb their appetites, you control them, children don't have that control, we have to exert that control on them lovingly. And this has to happen. And of course, the the ayah in the beginning was yagoona. Yeah, and this is what I want to leave you with, ya know, yeah, my beloved son, my young son, my little boy, meaning the father, talk to his son in a loving way. You don't listen to this and say,

00:28:11 --> 00:28:18

Alright, I just came back from Juma and things are gonna change around here. There's a new sheriff in town.

00:28:22 --> 00:28:45

Don't get too fired up. That's not gonna last anyway, do this in a loving way. have real conversations with your children, change their attitude towards things and tell yourself not and they can't do that. If they don't see it in you and me? If they will, if they don't see it in you and me, they can't they can do that. If we're throwing plates of food away. You know, and if we're ordering when we're hungry, we're ordering all the items in the restaurant.

00:28:46 --> 00:28:53

You know, and after two bites, like I'm done, and then you keep yelling at your kids finish your food, finish your food, like look at you.

00:28:55 --> 00:29:02

They're not learning anything from you. They're not learning gratitude. You're like yeah, I throw the rest of it away. Really throw it away.

00:29:03 --> 00:29:05

Eat less, consume less.

00:29:06 --> 00:29:34

This is a the if this isn't there, Islam itself disappears. I tell you scary stuff. Islamic self disappears, which is why he says his son woman escort for into my schooling of a woman cafaro and ohanian. I mean, last bit of you know, an insight from these ayat, when Allah said whoever is grateful, and whoever is ungrateful. He compared the two right? When he talked about the people that are grateful it's normal, and fairly medallion. Amen. Yes score for inner mesh guru in FCW.

00:29:36 --> 00:29:59

But when he they use the present tense, and I'll explain what that means for a normal English in a second. And when he spoke of ingratitude staminal Modi called Omen Guevara, when American woman yuck for in a law firm called woman cafaro in a law when you mean and there's a reason for that. So he used he says, Whoever is grateful or whoever continues to be grateful, he does so for itself. But whoever doesn't or who

00:30:00 --> 00:30:10

Word to be ungrateful, past tense, whoever was ungrateful. This is a less profound way of telling us that sugar is something that is continuous because the present tense is continuous

00:30:11 --> 00:30:44

labuda in your stomach, it has to continue. It has to go on. Like you have to keep telling yourself I was saying in the beginning, it must carry on. And it's not like you're grateful for something once you're done. Okay, I already thanked a lot for the house. I'm dying to move on to thank him for something else. No, it's a continuous gratitude, continuous, you know, appreciation. And then on top of that gopher needs to become something of the past, in gratitude should become a thing of the past. And even if it happens once in a while, it should happen an isolated case. But if your life is one of being ungrateful, all the time, there's a serious problem.

00:30:45 --> 00:31:08

There's a reason that disbelief and ingratitude are the same word. Cofer means disbelief COVID Allah, this belief in Allah and co founder Nima from the same origin confirmed means denial of favor to be ungrateful. It says though, to Allah, a calf it is actually two things someone who denies a lot and someone who's ungrateful. Can you imagine

00:31:10 --> 00:31:36

someone who denies a lie and someone who's ungrateful, same thing, which is why someone who's grateful cannot be someone who does shark that's why because if you're good with a lot you can possibly do schicke May Allah azza wa jal protect us from the shift of being ungrateful. Allows origin make us of those that live sugar and make us of those that are able to impart that sense of sugar into their children. barakallahu li walakum filco Anil Hakeem when finally we accompany it with Hakeem

00:31:39 --> 00:32:01

hamdu lillahi wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Eva de la Vina Safa Susana Valley him Mohammed Nabina Muhammad in El Amin. Le he was a man called Allah azza wa jal Chiquita Karim Allah Allah Allah He ministry regime in aloha Houma la casa Luna Allenby, yah yah Latina amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam Moses Lima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed

00:32:02 --> 00:32:26

Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim al al amin in naka homido Majeed Allahumma barik Allah Muhammad Allah Allah Allah Muhammad Kamara Rahim, Allah Ali Ibrahim al al amin in nicomedia. Majid about de la rahima como la it took a lot in the La Jolla mobile it will shine when it will corba Vienna and infection it will mooncup Allah akbar Allahu Allah Mata stone Akan Salah in la sala de Cali mini Nikita Cava makuta

00:32:44 --> 00:32:44


00:32:47 --> 00:32:47

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00:33:07 --> 00:33:08

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00:34:52 --> 00:34:53


00:34:57 --> 00:34:58

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00:35:07 --> 00:35:08

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00:35:11 --> 00:35:14

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00:36:07 --> 00:36:09

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00:36:11 --> 00:36:15

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00:36:24 --> 00:36:26

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00:36:29 --> 00:36:30

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00:36:37 --> 00:36:39

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00:36:50 --> 00:36:51


00:37:15 --> 00:37:18

Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

00:37:20 --> 00:37:22

wa rahmatullah.

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan provides an elaborate explanation of what happens when a person truly establishes prayer in his life. The prayer should be seen as a seed and without it, we will not attain the end which is much more profound.

In Surah Al Luqman where the father is advising his son and is so important that it became The advice to be given till the Day of Judgement. What does he advise? He says to his son to establish prayer and once it is accomplished, one should advise others to do the right thing.

Praise and gratitude have to be the focus of our mindset and pour actions when we think of Allah and prayer is the best way to go about doing that. This should be the first step that one needs to take when he seeks to establish a firm, steady and rock-solid relationship with Allah that has been laid on the foundation of unwavering Iman and Taqwa.

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