Navaid Aziz – Uloom Al Quran The Basmallah And How The Quran Was Preserved

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the chemical change that causes "slacky appearance" in people's eating habits during the menstrual cycle, including the use of granite and diglycerides in making meat and the "immediate of" or "immediate of the" of the Prophet sall Drive. They also discuss the importance of the Prophet sallali wa sallam's stance of not wanting to be associated with Muslims and the need for people to study and research certain figures. The speaker emphasizes the importance of reading and memorizing the Quran in protecting the Quran and reciting it in a way that is fearless and requires effort.
AI: Transcript ©
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salatu salam, ala.

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Prior to the last break, we didn't have a question and answer session. So the the lights

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will go through some of the questions that were brought forward quickly with the lights on.

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So the first question states soleimani can can recite the Quran at the time of period? Can you hold the Quran at that specific time? So this sister is asking that is it permissible to recite the Koran during her menstrual cycle? And secondly, is it permissible to hold the Quran during that menstrual cycle?

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As for the recitation of the Quran, and obviously both of these, first of all, first of all, both of these questions or the answers to both of these questions, one needs to understand that there is a valid difference of opinion in the answers that you'll find some scholars who go towards one opinion, and scholars move towards another. But to summarize it, and without going into too much detail as for the recitation of the Quran, then

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inshallah there is no harm in reciting the Quran, while a sister is in her menstrual cycle.

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As for touching the Koran, then there's a stronger difference of opinion over here. And to stay on the safe side what the sisters should do is wear some sort of covering either some gloves or have a sheet between herself and the Quran. This is just something to be on the safe side rightly mentioned, there is a difference of opinion some scholars have said it is permissible for to touch it Some said it is not. But again to be on the safe side she should put a barrier between herself and the Quran something like gloves or a sheet or law hutan.

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The second question save states what should be the strategy for us dealing with halal and haram and buying products of regularly use what should we look for out what should we look for out of research, and how should we verify something has undergone is the highlight any rulings on common products like soap, toothpaste, bread, ice cream, deodorant, creams, etc. And then the rest is crossed out.

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The general rule in food products is that it is permissible until it is proven wrong. And this is the third thing in everything with the exception of the bad guy that has made our lives facilitated for us. So when it comes for food, the general case scenario it is permissible until the person has a reason to think that there is something Haram in it. Now let's just say you come across

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an item that should say maybe cheese or bread that has rennet in it, or has mono and diglycerides in it. Now these products can be derived from unquestionably haram sources, the likes of pig and the justice, let's say the likes of big and you can come from substances, which are sometimes hard and sometimes how long the legs of me to witches are from cows and from sheep. And other than that, depending on whether it has been slaughtered properly or not. Now, when these products are composed, I guess that's the most appropriate word is when they're composed and put together and compiled. They go through a chemical transformation. And again, it's a very detailed process, what amongst

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this chemical change that the components go through, it purifies the substance. So

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things like granite and mono and diglycerides, vast majority of the times they go through this chemical change, and they are this become purified of the original substance that was in them. An example of this, or to get a clear example of this is you can take the example of vinegar. Vinegar is a form of alcohol and can lead to a form of alcohol. And its origin can be from like grape juice or from dates, or anything other than that. So this chemical process or this metamorphosis, at times can purify things. So amongst all three of the schools of thought, amongst the Maliki method, the shipping method and the method. We agree that this chemical change purifies it, and thus it is no

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longer an issue. Whereas an immense amount of honey for him. altana they say that it is this chemical change doesn't bring about purification verse, it stays on its original form of impurity. So the general case scenario is the symbol for everything that if a person is going to a meat market and you can go to a grocery store owned by Muslims who are trustworthy, it's better to go there.

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But if he's unable to do that, and he's forced to go to his local grocery store, like, I don't know what you have here, but in fact, we have IGA and Bob was and I've seen a no frills over here as well.

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And Maxi as well, and any other grocery store that you may have, that our panels on it didn't make this life extremely difficult for you. So those things which you need like cheese and,

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and bread, you have the benefit of the doubt that inshallah is permissible for you products like meat within of itself, then this is a more debatable issue, which again, I know every single person likes to ask, can we the meat of the people that work in this land or not? Next week that comes you can ask him that question, inshallah. But as for myself, I won't get into the details of it as it requires a lot of explanation. But in terms of other things like the soaps and the cheeses and the bread, things that are regular to use, our panel data has made this easy, and he doesn't need to get into too much detail when looking into these issues. And Allah Subhana Allah knows best.

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As for the third question,

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the questioner mentioned that there are people who challenge the Muslims to show miracles of the Quran. Please advise us how to answer this question.

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The miracles of Islam are many you know, one is the adamancy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was going to be discussing shortly, is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was an unlettered man that the process of them didn't know how to read or write, for him to come with the Quran. And again, this is historically documented that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't know how to read the rate. So in for an unmarried man to come with the Quran. This is a big miracle. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spreading the Quran and the Quran documenting this, this is a big miracle when you have the scientific miracles of the Quran, which was published

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by Dr. Maurice Buckeye, that he published the scientific miracles of the Quran. And then you have some of the books that talk about the other miracles of the Quran. So all this, you know, these are miracles that Allah subhanaw taala granted, but again, this should not be our general approach to convince people about Islam. As you mentioned in yesterday's class, Allah subhanaw taala, he created a filter for people or a natural disposition, that all risks were created upon Muslim work after we have this natural disposition, where Allah subhanaw taala made something inside of us that we naturally inclined towards worshiping one Lord. And if you can ignite that fifth around inside the

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person, the inshallah the person will seek out Islam for themselves, only boundaries, reigniting that, or kindling that fire of seeking the truth inside the person. And once you can do it, then inshallah that makes the task more easy. And, again, in terms of miracles, there are numerous amount of miracles up to the person to go back to the books and study them and bring them forth. But again, I wouldn't advise this to be the core of your discussion in getting down, but rather should be what was

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the Prophet sallallahu wasallam being sent to all of mankind? And then you can talk about the Quran some of the miracles in the Quran, which don't make it the focal point of your discussion, Rama husana.

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Now, people may notice Why am I being so brief? and answering the questions, we have about 20 hours of material, which we're trying to cover, in a total of six hours, to spending times on spending time on questions that aren't pertinent to the discussion, obviously takes away from it. But likewise, at the same time to not answer those questions, is also quite rude.

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So now getting back to the discussion at hand, we mentioned some facts prior to the break about the Quran. And we talked about the number of verses and one of the brothers came up to me, and he asked me the number of verses that you mentioned was this includes the best Mullah as an ayah or does not include the best mullahs in Iran. So I thought it would be an ideal opportunity to bring this up now. With consensus, the best meta is only part of the Quran in one ayah and that's in certain number is number 30. This is with consensus, when it is part of the Quran only in one ayah. All the scholars have agreed to this, where Allah subhanaw taala says, we're in the home so the manual and

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then indeed this is from Solomon, and it says Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.

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Then the second strongest scenario is that the Bismillah is part of sort of the Fatiha This is the second strongest location where a lot of the scholars have come to agree that the best manner is part of certain facts. But upon further review, and Allah subhanaw taala knows best, the correct opinion is that Lieber smeller, is not part of so little Fatiha. Again, there's a lot of discussion, what we're just mentioning opinions for the time being. Now as for the rest of the source, then

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the more correct opinion is that it is not part of any other sort of

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Supporting sort of the practical side. It's not part of any other song. And again with consensus, it's not part of sort of tober. We'll notice when you read the Quran at the beginning of October, even as somebody which is

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supposed to say this, it isn't mentioned in this manner, but on this panel data, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam agreed that it wasn't to be mentioned before, so that the Toba shake was slamming him on low dimensions the opinion that the wisdom behind this is that it's a continuation of the sort of before it was certainly in finance with the Toba, you'll notice that the themes are quite similar to each other, that they discuss common themes. And in actuality, it's just a continuation of one song to the next with a separation in between. So there was no need for another Bismillah. And another opinion is that when you mentioned this Madonna menorah him that you know, the name of

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Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. How is commonly translated. It is it appropriate to the beginning of soba Rojas Pinilla, Donna mentioned that Allah subhanaw taala is free from them shrieking. So we mentioned that this is another opinion, where Allah subhanaw taala doesn't mention the Bismillah at the beginning of so Toba.

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Now continuing with our discussion at hand, we reach the topic of the compilation of the Quran. The compilation of the Quran, went through three main phases before it reached our time, and will only focus on those three phases, there is an actual fourth phase, which can be divided into many other phases, which is from the time of our time today.

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And what to be the nights are that we won't be touching on that, because again, there's a lot of time and there's very little benefit pertaining to it. So we'll take the first three time periods, the first of them being during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, how the Quran was preserved during that time, the second being the during the time of the Allahu anhu and the third of them being during the time of man or the Allahu taala. And so, these are the three timeframes that we will be discussing.

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Now, before getting into this one is to look at the historical context and the way society was at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So firstly, we mentioned several times previously and finally took it upon himself to preserve the Quran that Allah subhanaw taala mentions that he will preserve the Quran. Secondly, we need to understand that as Allah subhanaw taala promised us this, we should have no doubt as to the authenticity of the Quran, and how accurate the Quran is in relation to when it was first revealed that we believe that the Quran is just as it was revealed without a single letter or vowel or word missing.

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Now, thirdly, how did the prophets Allah, Allah, how towards society at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was unmeasured, or commonly known as illiterate. Now, this wasn't something unique to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But rather, it was something very general, that the Arabs of the past, they may have not known how to read and write. Yet we maintained that our currency through their speech and through their memorization, if you refer back to some of the books of history, we mentioned that during the time,

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of the harsh seasons of the hydro, something known from the time of Ibrahim Ali so now that people come to the Kaaba, and would perform hajj, or the pilgrimage and visit the Kaaba Abend prior to this season, they would have a competition amongst the poets, which they would call the fear of orchids. And in this fear, we will gather all the posts and all the posts would come together and come up with the best poetry or the most beautiful poetry in describing the Kaaba and the season of Hajj. So we understood that even though they may have been unmeasured, meaning that they didn't know how to read or write, they still maintained eloquence in their language. And another fact to keep in mind

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is that there are some reports in history that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in Mecca, the only 17 people who knew how to read and write this again, some facts that are documented in the books of history, when they were only 17 people who knew how to read and write during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in Mecca.

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So now How did this affect the Prophet sallallahu sallam, his companions and the preservation of the Quran? As you'll notice, that as Islam progressed, and more people came into Islam, if there were only 17 people who knew how to read and write it

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is a possible assumption that the companions who first accepted Islam, not all of them knew how to read or write, so that there is no written compilation or preservation of the Quran. Most of it was done orally and through memorization.

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Now, that having been said, What is the first

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written preservation of the Quran that we know of? We have all heard the famous story of the acceptance of the Louboutin angle, and how we became Muslim. And this is through when Omar Abdullah, who Thailand who visited his sister, who was married, who was made to suburbia,

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and he had with him a transcript of sort of Baja.

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So Omar came into their house and he's banging on the door, and he says, What are you receiving when he heard the Quran being recited? So as they open the door, they hid the cipher, or the scores that they have of the Quran. So then Omar said, I want to see what was being recited. And they brought out the verses from silica. So this is the first documented case that we have

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the Quran being preserved in a written form, and this was in the sixth year of the hlr. Now, a point of discussion arises over here is that when you look at the chain of narration of this story of Ananda lauten, and we're accepting Islam, if you look at the chain of narration, it seems that the chain of narration is weak. But another thing to keep in mind is that those stories that have no

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relation or even correlation to al Qaeda, or to wounds of Islam, the chain of narration needs to be doesn't need to be authentic or a strong to relate such stories. And this is opinion in the opinion of some of the scholars was rather the majority of the scholars who narrated the series that as long as it doesn't need this as long as you don't derive an account from it, and you're not mentioning anything pertaining to either when the chain of narration doesn't need to be as strong.

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So that having been said, How did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam go about preserving the Quran? Allah subhana wa tada mentioned the scenario of the Prophet sallallahu it was sent them in so tokuyama is 16 and 17th. Allah subhanho wa Taala says to Henrik be Lisa Nikita generally in

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honor, that Allah subhanaw taala says, and do not move your tongue rapidly in reciting the Quran would rather it is upon us to compile and to reset to the court. And so last panel, Dan is mentioning how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to be very fearful of forgetting the Quran. And he was very fearful that the oma might not preserve the Quran. So we will constantly be repeating the Quran upon his tongue very rapidly out of fear that the Quran might be lost, but almost final data consumers the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and says that it is upon us to collect it and recite it as well.

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And this is also seen through the large amounts of Quran that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say to during his neck prayers, and the narration of are different and in one of the newer generations.

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You see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam recited in one vaca SoTL Baccarat, similar to Anna marohn. And certainly sir, and not in that particular order, there was actually a doctor and the surgeon and in Milan in one Raka he said in this much cry, so we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was constantly and consistently reciting the Quran so that he wouldn't forget it.

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And likewise, it is narrated from above, from the summit to Thailand to the noble and illustrious companion, that each time someone would enter into Islam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would allocate for him a companion to teach them the Quran. So this was the first obligation after he was taught the Shahada, and he performed his other obligations. The first thing that he was taught was to read the Quran and to memorize the Quran. reading the Quran was known as

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it was doing in their language, meaning that it was understood. And then the Prophet sallallahu wasallam taught them to memorize it.

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So as time went on,

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this is how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam ensured that that the Quran would be preserved that through his own fear, he would constantly recite it. And then when someone would enter into Islam, he would make sure that someone was there to teach them the Koran, and likewise, amongst his companions, this was the thing that he taught them the most, that a lot of the times you'll see when a companion marries a doula, especially the likes of the dog or the dog

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Known as St. Augustine. We mentioned in the beginning of this Hadith, that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam taught us this, as he will teach us the Quran, meaning with the same enthusiasm with the same passion, with the same fear of it being lost, as used to teach us the Quran, he met, he will repeat it to us with patience and make sure we had it letter by letter.

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So now, during the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, there was a famous incident known as they are an owner, or the well of an owner. And what happened over here, there was that

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a bow, the pulse of aloha New Zealand took and selected the most knowledgeable of his companions, and he sent them to barrel Moana. And from there they were to allocate to different lands in Arabia or different cities and villages, as the province of alojado center had been sent a letter that you know, people are interested in Islam, we want to learn the Quran, can you please send us people who will teach it to us? So the prophets, Allah lohani was set up, selected 70 of his noble companions, the ones who advanced the Quran,

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and he sent them to build where they were to be received by a caravan. But what ended up happening over here was that the purpose of lohani Cinema was tricked, which was an actually an assault upon the companions, and 70 of the companions were killed during this attempt have given down and this was in the fourth year of the hlr. So we see that 70 of the companions,

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a portion of the Quran, or all died during bear unknown, and a similar scenario took place in tempo known as the Bank of Uganda, which we will discuss later on.

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Now the question arises, well, this having been said that 70 companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were killed and

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how many people actually existed?

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How many were actually from the companions? In a narration mentioned by unsub nomadic and Sahil Bukhari he mentioned that there are only four or five during the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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