Navaid Aziz – An Introduction To The Life Of Imaam An Nawawi

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The importance of showing a pure heart to avoid regret and finding out who has been raised in the past is discussed in Islam. The title of Islam is not common among Muslims, and learning about its history and its benefits is crucial to achieving the ultimate goal of learning. The importance of finding the best teacher for one's knowledge and dedication to learning is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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In handling the metamodel who understand you know when to stop? when or how to be a human Sharon fusina woman sejati Amina

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da da La ilaha illallah wa Jalla wa shadow Ana Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa Ana said he was talking to he was seldom at the Sleeman CRR. Yeah, you know, Stefan Maha puttaparthi. He was

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the one to Muslim on. Yeah, even so Sakuraba como la de la familia de la comida Xhosa, robust amin humare Jalan Shakira manisa What's up Omar? Hello Geeta Luna v one of Sam in Allah China Allah Kumara Kiba Yeah, you had lagina Amano, choco moholoholo COVID and Sarita your Slayer and Akuma como de novo, some may use a la hora Sula, who suffer the size of Hosanna habima.

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For in the Orthodox, Alhaji Chiquita Baba has some kind of hota Allah, * * Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was Sharon moody most desalle to her wakulla morphogenesis in VEDA, local da da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, listen, sinner some bad.

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First of all, on a very positive note, it's nice to see that the population or the audience has nearly tripled compared to the five brothers or soever in front of me last week. So just allow parents all of you for coming.

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As a speaker, it's always nice to see more faces, some familiar ones, some not so familiar ones. It's still nice to have people in front of you, you're able to see that you're speaking to someone and not just the blank walls that are behind the people. Secondly, this is our second session in terms of our weekly halaqaat. Last week, we started with purification of the heart and of the soul. And we focused upon seven points in terms of signs of a pure heart and eight signs in terms of signs of a diseased or rusted heart. Generally, what I would like to do is, you know, have a recap of what we took last week, just so people know what we talked to those of you who missed it, obviously the

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all the sessions are being recorded, so you can listen to the recordings inshallah. But likewise, it keeps people on their toes. It shows people that when you show up as a sonata, you should be prepared that you might be question in terms of what we took last week. So I guess I'll start off with Kaushik and Salah, just mentioned one sign of a pure hearts Salah.

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Okay, in terms of the remembrance of Allah subhana wa Tada. We mentioned that the son of a pure heart is that he has an award a session of recitation of the Quran, and an allotted session of his Vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So each individual should have a time during the day with respect to the Quran, even if it's just five or 10 minutes, that's all that they focus on. And likewise, in terms of the remembrance of Allah subhana wa Tada, there are those remembrances that are allocated to certain actions. Like when you come to the masjid, when you enter your house, when you go to the bathroom, these types of ascar every single Muslim should be doing. This is something that we all

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need to learn and all these temperaments, but there is a type of Vicar which is even more preferred than this. And this is when an individual seclude himself whether it be in a Masjid, or in his house, and he just remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala and the pillars of victory are for and we all know that you're Sinaloa I trumped it enough, Allahu Akbar, and that either a llama, these are the pillars of Jacob. So we there are certain virtues allocated with these escar. And each day, an individual and each Muslim should take the time to remember our last and final words to Allah with us for a second sign of a pure heart,

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what I'm sharing

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you and who was here last week, I don't ask the uncle of the money. So for action.

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Excellent. The last sign that we mentioned that this was one of the clearest signs of a pure hearts, that when a person has a pure heart, he doesn't focus on the performance of the action, but rather he focuses on how well he actually did it. So in our times, when it comes time for Salah, Salah is almost like a burden to us, we pray this a lot and we want to get it over with as soon as possible and get back to whatever we were doing. Where as the individual that pure hearts, he tries to do it with as much for sure as much as he can. And this is the sign of a pure heart that is not worrying so much about performing it or not performing it. What do what he's worried about is how well he

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will performance and this is what the concept of sn is all about. That you worship Allah subhanho wa Taala as though you can see him and since you can see him

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You worship him knowing that he can see you. And this is the concept of Sn. And in terms of two points of a diseased heart, I know has been john was here. And as you can just give us one point in terms of a disease or you mentioned eight last week, if you just give us one of themselves.

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Right, in terms of a diseased heart, your hearts will feel no pain when you commit a sin, whereas the believer as abdominus old said, the sin weighs upon his shoulders, as if it as if it is a mountain, whereas the hypocrite as a as a fly that just landed on his nose, and he just waved it away. So the person with a diseased heart when he performs the sin, He feels no pain and no regret for it. Whereas the person with a pure heart, you will feel remorse and you will feel regret over it. And the stronger the emotion the stronger the regret, the more sincere the repentance to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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as indeed you were here last week, give me one sign in terms of a diseased heart.

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Another point in terms of a disease torch is that when they receive admonition, they're not affected by it whatsoever. It's as if it comes through one year and goes out to the other almost hand over to Allah says was a clear sense of meaning and remind For indeed the reminder benefits the believer. So Allah subhanho wa Taala specifically mentioned believer over here because it is only a higher level of Eman that will be affected by an admin by administration. Whereas the person who is diseased in his hearts, Allah subhanaw taala describes him as caliber neuron Allah khudobin the mechanics, the bone that Indeed Allah subhanaw taala has worked put rust over their hearts due to the things that

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they used to commit. So nothing which is their hearts, the hearts have been covered with a cover. So these are just some of the points that we took last week. And recently Tada. Today we're starting with email, no waste 4030

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and there is no better topic or no better way to introduce the topic of insomnia was 40 hygiene. But rather than buy or accepted by discussing the author and compiler himself, he nominally

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in the history of Islam, there are a couple of names that each and every Muslim knows. We know the name of the Prophet Mohammed sallallahu wasallam we know the famous companion, a bit Miss Earth Ayesha Herrera, and other than them, and then there are certain group of scholars as well, which every household will know. Every household would have heard of Imam Al ghazali. Every household would have heard of a bin saying yes, every household would have heard of evil Hydra scan. And the individual we're discussing today are him hollow rock metal mafia, is an individual likewise, which every household has learned has heard of, and more than likely even has one of his books. He has

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none other than Mr. Malawi. Or him Hola. husana.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the 96, if Surah Maryam in alladhina amanu amilo saw the hottie say a Jaguar rough man would that indeed those people who do righteous deeds and believe Allah subhanho wa Taala will create a special affection and a special love for them. So when you want to see the status of an individual in the community, even in history, you look at how loved he is and how remembered he is. If he is remembered for good, and you have a special affinity and a special affection towards him, and you remember him in good, then know that he must have done something good in his life. Just Allah subhana wa Jalla allowed him to be remembered. And this is what Allah

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subhanho wa Taala says about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, one after another. And we have raised for you your remembrance, and that is why in our times, whether Muslim or non Muslim, everyone has heard of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in one way or another. This is how Allah subhanho wa Taala raised his remembrance, and such were the scholars of the past, those who did righteous deeds, those who had a phallus, they all were raised in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that Allah subhanho wa Taala increased their name amongst the people. So now what exactly is the point of studying biographies? What do we get out of studying biographies?

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Firstly, I must find out what Allah says in the hundreds and 100 and 20th ayah of surah who's

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talking to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and addressing him, he said, that we have sent down the stories of the previous prophets to you, so that your hearts may be confirmed. So that when we hear of the stories of the people before us, the struggles that we went through the adversities and that what's the persevered over, it brings comfort to our hearts, making us realize that these individuals, these human beings, just as we are human beings, blood flows through went through their veins, blood flows through our veins, if they can persevere and they can be paid.

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And they can Outlast any trial and tribulation, then inshallah I can as well. And this is what I was finding with the Allah revealed some of the stories of the prophets to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this is point number one. So that's our for our hearts may become form and established in the remnants of Allah subhanho, wa Taala, and then hope and intellicode. Secondly, it is to emulate these great individuals. When you study the history of Islam, throughout the millions and billions of Muslims that have existed, there are only a handful not behind you visit a couple of hundreds couple of 1000s that are actually remembered throughout history. And this

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is again, as we mentioned, due to the great things that they did, so they're only worthy of being emulated. And as they say, when you emulate the best, or sorry, when you want to be the best you should emulate to the best. So if you want to achieve that which email no weed if you want to achieve whatever gerace you want to achieve what email resoundingly been saying yes, and all these great scholars achieve, start by emulating them and emulating those people that they even emulated. So these are two main points in terms of why we studied the biographies of our scholars, one to tell us how we should live and how we should act and how you should be in our day to day lives. And

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secondly, so that we may know that all the adversities and trials that they went through and lasted through that even us as individuals, even though we might not be at their level, we can possibly and visualize Allah go through those trials and tribulations and persevere as well.

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So remember, knowing what exactly was his name? Where was he born? When was he born? And where did he die? These are the basics of any biography. Mmm, I know you're allowed to either. His name was yahia. Then shut up. So his father's name was sharp, and his name was yahia. His for his grandfather's name was Marie, and he was the son of Hutton, who is the son of a saint. So his name was yahia ben Shara Bill Murray. Then Huston binfer, saying, This is the lineage of a mama No, we are no longer China. Now, some people might be thinking, the hustle and bustle, as mentioned over here, are these the grandchildren of the outsourcer No, they're not, as you will see, in the day

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that he nominally was born, which by the way is 631 mama no is born into your 631 after the digital department promise of aloha lucidum. So there hasn't been mentioned over here or not the grandchildren or the publicized elements, more than likely there's no relationship whatsoever.

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Now, mmm, I know we are having a hula hoop Tada, he had a cornea. And cornea is an Arab custom, where an individual would be given a title, either for a child that he has, or something that he was popular for, or even something that he possessed in terms of a child that he had. We know that usually when people

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are named afterwards, and they have a child, they name their child Abdullah, and they become known as Abdullah. And this is due to Mr. mathemagician altana, that his name was Ahmed. And he named his first son Abdullah. So he became known as above the law. And this is a trend that generally continues. Now in terms of a position that a person may have. We have the likes of Abu huraira, Jawaharlal Nehru that he was known to always be in the company of kittens and cats, that he was given the title of Abu Pereira. Now in terms of an attribute that an individual may have

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I can't think of one off the top of my head, but there are also individuals who wants to be known for the attributes that they possess as well. So mmm I know we have him alongside his cornea was a music career. Now something interesting to look at over here is Mr. manoli Rahim Allah he never got married and he never had any children. This is something we'll discuss later on this night either. Yet is funnier was I was like Korea.

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Now Can anyone tell me why he chose the punia abuse area? Or why he had to avoid that area?

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Yeah, what about Yeah.

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Okay, what about him?

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Okay, so in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala established the establishes the father and son relationship with yahia and his Acadia who is the father who is the son.

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Okay, and Zachary was the son.

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So yeah, he was the father and they were both the prophets of Allah subhanaw taala. And that area was Western. So again, we're talking about affiliation of names that inherit custom when an individual has the name is automatically granted.

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Particular prinia. So if you were named yahia, you'd already automatically becomes a carrier. So there are these different affiliations that they have. Likewise, when a person is named Ali, he automatically takes the 20 Oh, I will happen. Professionals the oldest son of an era the Allahu Allahu Allahu taala. So this was a meme, and now we Scania, in terms of his locker. And lots of general refers to a place where they were born, or, you know, a place that they migrated to a mama No, Mama was born in a small town, by the name of Noah, Noah was the name of the town, and thus his lots of anguish he became famous for I know where we come from this very town. Now there's a

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difference amongst historians that what exactly should be the name or the luck of the Vietnam I know we, when Firstly, when a person is from Nova, should it be no away, or Now where are we, and both of them Allah, Allah knows best, are acceptable, and they don't really make much of a difference. It's just a small technicality that the historians bring up

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a points to show him I know his humility, and modesty is that he was also given a title by the scholars of his time, and the scholars that came after him. And this was the title of most of the dean, or money sooner, they interchange amongst themselves. They either call them idiots, or mushy sooner. Now to go on and show him I know, he's humility, and how humble he was. And this is something we all need to strive for, in terms of abstaining from praise is that he said, a very, very bold statement. He says, whoever calls me this name, Maja Dean's are, must be a sinner, I will hold him accountable for it on yo mo PM, that whoever calls me the revival of the religion, or the

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revival of the sinner, I will not forgive this individual on Yeoman piano. So this goes on to say, to show how noble or and how humble and how much humility he had, that he didn't want to be faced with the people. Firstly, our Dean is not in need in terms of any revivalist and Muslims that are in need of revival. So the name it wouldn't have itself isn't exactly the fitting. Secondly, a man we know he was just a very humble individual. And this is something that as students of knowledge, and as Muslims, we need to strive for, and implement within ourselves.

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A question for the audience. And this is a continuation in terms of learning Islam. And in terms of learning biographies, and learning our film, there's a very important aspect that we need to understand and that we shouldn't be little. And that is that our history, a lot of it in the early generations, was transmitted in terms of a teacher and the students, that knowledge was transmitted in this way. And this is the traditional method in Islam in terms of conveying knowledge. As time went on, people weren't as accessible or crowds was too vague, or for other reasons. Then people started compiling books, and compiling books and authoring books, before it became more rampant. And

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the scholars went on to say thereafter that has knowledge is the knowledge of books. Half of knowledge is knowledge of books. So if you want to know where to find certain issues, where to find the biographies of certain indian indian individuals want to find, you know, a certain explanations of a heartbeat, or is a difference, you need to know which books that are in and that's half of knowledge is the knowledge of books. Now, in terms of biographies, there's one very, very famous book by your mama Daddy, mmm is gonna be compiled to this book, and it is none other than

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exactly cephalus Sierra Nevada, Sierra Nevada is a monstrous work by him and the heavy. In this work, he took the life of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, the famous companions, and every famous scholar and worshipper from the time of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam up until his time, and he mentioned what who the students were who the teachers were, what they were announced for, and whatever he knew, and was able to compile it from their biographies. So a mama Daddy, Allah He died in the eighth century of the Age of Law. So two centuries basically after you know and no we so we compiled something in terms of a mama no worries about him on lozada physical description. So

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the physical description of the mama No, we was that he was an individual who was pink complexion. And then something interesting, very interesting to note. That even in our time

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to relate the story in Medina, at the university once you leave the university that's

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Street is called 30 kazamia or the street of the university. And on that street, that street is just filled with bookstores. You know, that's pretty much all it is until you have the first traffic lights. And then after that first traffic light, it's all the restaurants, your McDonald's or Burger King, your subway, your Hardee's, you know, everything else is on that street. But before you hit that traffic, like, it's all bookstores, and one of the best bookstores in Medina, is this bookstore called McDonald's.

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Now McDonald's employees had a Syrian worker by the name of Nepal, and excellent and beautiful brother always trying to help all the students of knowledge anytime you could do with discounts he would if you had any free books ever to give out, he would only give them to the students of knowledge. And he was just a very pleasant and humble brother to be around.

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So he was from Syria. And he was this individual, Mashallah, he had a big beard, he was, you know, had a fair complexion, yet somebody has stuck. What stuck out about him is he had a very rosy cheeks, that he had very rosy cheeks. And when you think about what Mr. manoli is described as Vietnam as a hobby, he says he was someone who had a pink complexion. He said he was someone who had a pink complexion, and he had a long beard. And he has the aura of the scholars, the aura of the scholars, meaning he had this ambience or atmosphere to him. It wasn't just like any individual, but it was someone that when you met him, you would be in a state of awe. Like when we are around one

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another, we are friends and brothers amongst one another. But think about the great scholars, or the great leaders of Islam. How would you be in front of them, you will be in a state of all you will humble yourself in front of them, you would probably lower your gaze towards them, you wouldn't raise your voice in front of you raise your voice in front of them, you will treat them with a special treatment. Mmm, I know we are a mahalo Salahuddin Hodges. And this again, is a gift from Allah subhana wa Tada, upon whom He bestows upon whom He wills, that there could be an individual that,

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you know, let's find out what Allah knows his virtues of yet we do not know his virtues of yet when you meet him for the first time, he will automatically have this dream and showing it to him, you'll automatically Humble yourself towards it, you'll automatically Lower your voice towards him. And this is something that almost kind of attalla instills towards the righteous. mm as it goes on to say that he left middle and avoided joking. He worked hard to speak the truth, even when it was bitter, and he did not fear the blame of others when it came to the rights of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So these are just some few brief points that Mr. Medina B described him with. And we now move

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on to his childhood. And his childhood is, you know, it's a tunnel or nothing short of remarkable.

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Our children when we wake them up, you know, we're giving them toys, we will put them in front of the TV in front of the computer, the you know, play games. It's amazing that now on computers even have games for children as young as two years old. You know, there's always this concept of keeping them entertained and keeping them busy. our predecessors, they will keep the children busy with the Quran and Athar and teaching them how to pray and you know, entertainment that didn't go in and corrupt your mind. And our times, it's the exact opposite. As far as I said that even you know, a lot of us here in the masjid, myself included, that we get toys for our children that you know, are

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of no benefit to them, and the only thing they do is keep them entertained. Whereas in the past, they would be busy learning and being entertained at the same time. Mr. manoli Rahim Allah Allah, He memorized the Quran by the age of seven years old. By the age of seven, he had memorized the pattern. Now how exactly was this possible? There are two stories, some scholars say that the same story, or they say that no, they're two separate accounts. But it's something to look at and be amazed that that, you know, he used to sit and he would just read the Quran in the masjid. And then once he was done reading, he would go back home. And then when it's time to come back to the masjid,

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he would be reading his forehand on the way back to the masjid because he was supposed to read to his teacher or to his shear. So as he was walking to the masjid One day, he saw a group of kids around his age, some younger, some older, and they were playing around in the street. And they said to him, you know, we're short one individual, why don't you come play with us? Just imagine you're playing basketball, you have, you know, you want to play through on three, you only have five guys, you need one more individual. You say, hey, ma'am, no, he can play basketball with us. That sort of scenario there showed one individual and they say, look, we know we need one more person, please

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come and play with us. And he said something remarkable at the time. He said I was not created to play. This is one version of the story, or at least one incident. He said I was not created to play. So from a very young age, you could see that there was something very, very special about this individual that he knew his role is in society. He knew his responsibility and he was

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Someone who knew how to prioritize, even at the age of seven. At that time, it was time to read Quran and focus upon the Quran and go to his teacher and read to a chef. And this is what he focused on. And another version of the story, or another incident, at least, the children actually got the best of him, you know, they actually forced him and convinced him to play. And, you know, whatever they were doing, whether, you know, the ball came towards him, or or something had happened, he just stopped and he started crying. And he started crying, and, you know,

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an individual comes to him and ask them, you know, young boy, what do you find? There's some that any one of us would do in a shopping mall, you see a team's client asking, Why are you crying? Are you lost, you know, that sort of thing? So someone came up to him, and asked him, you know, why are you crying? And then he said, Those words that I was not created to play, you know, I don't want to play I just want to study. This, again shows how unique and special in Am I know we are Mr. lozada, was even from a very young age.

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Likewise, in terms of his childhood, it's very important to note that

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genuinely our scholars, they have a lineage of scholarship, meaning that either their fathers were scholars, their uncle's were scholars, the grandfathers were scholars. And this pretty much applies to any scholar that you can think of, you'll always find that to be at home of scholarship. And when it came to a mama, no, we This wasn't found his father, he was pious, and he was known for his the fetishism. But he wasn't known for his knowledge. Likewise, his uncles and great and grandfathers and other than them, none of them were known for their knowledge. So remember, no, Mama was actually one of the few scholars that didn't have that lineage of scholarship. And what's interesting to

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note, is that when Islam actually went through its Renaissance, or the revival of Islamic scholarship, it started from the nominal with time, or very close to that era, that when you look from 631 onwards, you have all of a sudden you have all these great names, the likes of Taj and Dena simply emammal, a Araki, even saying, Yeah, you know, if I am the manager, and all these individuals, and all started joining him, I know his time, and for the next two or 300 years, there was a revival of Islamic scholarship. So Mmm, I know him online played a very integral role in terms of that, that even though he didn't have a copy of scholarship, everyone who came up to him was

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indebted due to the revival that he started in terms of Islamic scholarship.

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Now, in terms of his pursuit of knowledge, against vanilla, this is a, you know, very humbling to read, that when even when No, we are humble after we had memorized the Quran, after the age of seven, he wanted to go to Damascus, which was the capital of Islamic scholarship at that time, and study with the scholars of, you know, that were present over there. So he asked his father, you know, around the age of 89, my father, you know, can I go to Damascus, and study with the scholars over there? Because, you know, I've done it before on a study with the scholars here, and Noah, and let me go to Damascus, is what is that? No, you're still too young to study, you know, continue

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doing what you find over here. And we'll think about it later on. So remember, no, we worked with his father, by the way, his father on the forum and in orchards. That was what he did by profession. He was a farmer. So mama would help his father in the farm. And for the next six years, this is all he would do. So by the age of 1516, a mama No, we are an Allah, He benefited as much as he could. But he still had that zeal in him to go and study with a scholar and become the best that he could be. So at that time, he asked his father again, you know, my father, I've studied with the scholars of my time, and I think it's time for me to move on. With your permission, I would like to go to

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Damascus, and study with the scholars who are present over there. So his father finally allowed him to go and at the age of 17, remember, there are no way Rahim Allah was able to go to Damascus. Now, from the age of 17, or the ending towards of the age of 17, up until the age of 24. This was the years that the amendment no we're talking about love. Darla was purely a student. He did not do anything except study. He hadn't become a teacher at this time. Even though let's find out Allah blessed him with a lot of knowledge. He did not start teaching at this time. And he mentioned something about himself that during this time, and we'll try to relate everything together. That

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when you think of university students now, you know, we'll take about five classes a semester, you know, if you're very hard working, or others will take three or four, depending upon your schedule, and even five classes a semester. This is considered a lot. You know, this is considered a very heavy load of studying. Mmm, I know you're a human loudhailer. During this time. He used to study 12 subjects a day. You see now we know we know anything about himself.

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Students, which is, you know, we don't really have time to get into teachers and students. But if you were to just remember one of his students

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who is his closest student, he narrates that he used to study 12 subjects a day. 12 subjects a day, when would you find time to study 12 subjects a day? Even if you, you know, start from Niger, and go up until Asia, you barely have 12 hours there. You know, what about all the other chores, eating, sleeping, drinking spending time with friends, you know, other household chores that you have to do? That's something very important to think about. So remember, no, during the six years, he studied 12 subjects a day. Now what was enough to know his secret over here? How is he able to accomplish all of this? Again, he knows about himself. That's for two whole years. His side did not touch a

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mattress or pillow. for two whole years, his side did not touch a mattress or a pillow. So meaning that while he was busy writing, or while he was reading, he would fall asleep. And then he would wake up. And this is how it's like went for two years. This is the only sleep who would guess that he would fall asleep on his desk, or fall asleep on the floor while he was reading or writing. And this is what he did for two years. And this goes to show that greatness in Islam does not just come by relaxing. But rather it comes with hard work. It comes with dedication, that when you have a goal and you want to achieve it, a good intention will only get you so far, you need to actually go in

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and put that hard work. And that is why when we talk about bringing a change to the CIO short, the past 1015 years, we've all had pure intentions. We've all had good intentions, but it now it's time for someone to actually step up and do the hard work.

00:31:45 --> 00:32:26

So you know, I know, Mr. lozada, he only slept or sorry, he slept for two years while he was studying, that is the only sleep you would get during the day. And he would study 12 subjects a day. Now again, if you think about it, when we talk about studying, you go to a share, if you read a book, you know, that's one hour of class time. So let's just say each of those posts, objects required one hour of class time, that is 12 hours of your day gone right away. And as you will notice, in some of these nights, I know when, you know we further our classes, that Eastern education, it focuses more on memorizing it's, you know, there's a heavy emphasis on memorizing and

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then something that's a part of Islam, we're encouraged by myself for and we're encouraged to memorize the son of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was Western education, you focus more on understanding. So taking a moment know his situation, that he had memorized the Quran already. He was a great scholar of Hadith. He was a great scholar of film, there's a lot of memorization that's actually involved over here. So even to memorize all this, let's just say for each hour of class time, he would at least need one hour of time of memorization and one hour of review. So that alone is 24 hours, total of the 12 hours of class time and 12 hours of revision and memorization and the

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only 24 hours a day. And scholars use this as a proof that when a person is sincere and he uses his time wisely, he will be able to do with his time, that which other individuals could not do in double or triple the amount of time. So in an individual uses the blessings of Allah Subhan Allah to Allah, Allah Subhana Allah to Allah blesses those blessings. And like Allah Subhana Allah says, In surah Ibrahim will ensure consumed as he then know that indeed if you are thankful to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, then Allah subhanho wa Taala will increase you in those blessings. Now, sugar is done with the hands and with the tongue. In terms of the hands, it is to use those blessings

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properly in terms of the tongue it is to thank all of the finalists to Allah. So when a person has thanks to Allah subhana wa tada and he uses those blessings properly. Allah subhana wa tada will bless him in those blessings. So you have money, you want that money to be blessed. Spend a little bit a little of it in the way of Allah subhana wa Tada. And you'll see that you're able to do a lot more with that money. And this is how the scholars justify or try to at least, make us comprehend how an individual has spent 12 hours studying and 12 hours memorizing and revising, yet still has time to do these other chores during the day.

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So that is Mr. manoli in terms of his pursuit of knowledge, he studied for six years. And, you know, to all those years, it's I did not touch a better a mattress. Now why do we only mention six years of studying because at the age of 24, he actually became the headmaster of the school that he was at, which was a shafia if I remember correctly, the Sofia school, he actually became the headmaster of that school. And he started teaching in that school as well.

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Now another key aspect to him and know his life was what they call an Arabic

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Laura, and Laura is the fear of Allah subhanaw taala. or staying away from something due to the fear of Allah subhana wa Tada. And just to mention a couple of points, and we'll get into the key points that everyone wants to hear, why didn't you ma'am, I know we not get married, this will fall into into this category.

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So when one looks again, back into history, there were certain positions that were unknowable in society. If you are a philosopher or a scholar, Allah subhanaw, taala. And society, raise your hand, if you are the governor of a town, your rank was raised. If you're a judge, your rank was raised. So all these positions were raised in that society. So in our No, we've been, you know, a simple principle. One day, the chief justice or the head Judge of his community, and locality came to visit him. His name was Solomon azura semana de la he was the head Judge of his locality at that time. And he describes the events that took place at his house, he says, I entered into an Imam I know his

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house, and there was no place to sit, there were books everywhere, he had to get some of his students to lift books up and pile them upon other books, so that he would have a place to sit. That's how his house was just one small room, and it was just filled with books. So students picked up the book, move them to the side, so they might have thought I could sit down. And then as he sat down, even though he told his students, you know, bring food for him, and they brought what a mama know, he was eating, and it was soup, you know, just soup, just liquid. It was abroad, with no meat, no vegetables, nothing in it. And with some bread, and you know, a mama No, we are at mala, he

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started eating. And he said, you know, please join me share it with me. And so the man, you know, he's used to this prestigious rice, you know, the meat, the vegetables, you know, all this fancy stuff to us, which is a simple food. to them. It was very fancy. And he said, You know, I'm fine. Why don't you continue eating? So, so the man has arrived, he had his right hand, man. And he said to him, you know, go get some meat and get some sweets, so we can all you know, share and have a good time. So you went to get got the meat and got the sweets. And he presented it to Mr. manoli. And to Solomon is July. And so the man has the right tells him I know, you know that you know, eat,

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please join in the meeting joining the sweets. And even though he rebuked him, he says no, I'm not going to eat so much. Why is why is this food not salad is not permissible. And he says, yes, it is permissible. But this is the food of the kings and the tyrants. This is the food of the king and the tyrants, meaning that nice and sweet. This is the food of your people who have too much love for this dunya people will think that they're here to stay, they focused on eating these type of foods, whereas people who realize that they're just travelers and realize that this is not their agenda, then they'll be satisfied with humble foods. So this goes on to show that even though there were

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certain things, there were things which are permissible, due to the lifestyle that I'm I know we had to what she didn't want to ruin, he would even stay away from some of those things.

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Another example of his piety and virtue, is the concept of works in Islam. And it's something that we need to understand in order to understand the story. And that is the story, in simple words, is that Mr. manoli, or him Allah would not eat from the fruits or vegetables of Damascus, he refused to eat from them. And the reason behind this is the concept of alpha, or what they call in English, endowments. endowments, is basically when an individual is about to die. He has some sort of property, whether it be a library, whether it be a garden, whether it be an orchard, he says I'm going to leave this behind for a specific group of individuals. So I have an orchard. This is only

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for the year theme and Pokhara of Montreal, meaning that I have these fruits or these trees that grow food. It's only for the orphans, and the poor people in Montreal, no one else is allowed to eat from this garden of mine. So Damascus was known for this, that there were many individuals who left alcohol behind. And obviously, there wasn't some sort of administration or some sort of supervision that an individual would remember what type of our costs were left many years ago. So you know, in our generations, if someone leaves something behind, we'll know about it, our children will know about it. But over time, people will forget, unless you know there's a big sign saying that this is

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a walk or an endowment. So this is what was happening in Damascus, that people are passing away and they would leave a car behind they will leave endowments behind. But over time since there are no signs and there was no way of preserving of who those are belongs to

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People started taking those off again and benefiting from them, even though they were just designated for specific individuals. So do to remember no worries, piety, and it's fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala and not wanting to eat something which is the right of someone else. He said, I will not eat from these. Okay.

00:40:19 --> 00:40:23

So this again, is an indication of the piety of Imam. And

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then lastly, mmm I know, Mahalo to Allah did not marry. And his students came up to him. And he said, Yeah, man, we've seen you implement and practice each and every soon they'll be published on the love on you send them yet you're leaving this great center behind? Why is that? And we responded by saying that I fear if I implemented this sooner, I will fall into many neurons.

00:40:52 --> 00:41:31

In our times when people get married, it's to stay away from the home. You know, you fear around you fearful upon yourself, you get married, remember? No, we are him. Hola, the exact opposite. He did not to get married, because of the harm that he was falling into. Now how does that make sense? Mm hmm. No, we had him Allah. He knew his status, he knew that he was able to control his design, and that he wouldn't fall into anything Haram in terms of the structure. But he feared upon himself, that he will not be able to feel fulfilled the rights of his wife. When you're an individual, you just have to look after yourself, you have no one else to worry about. When you get married, you

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have a wife to look after, you will eventually have children, these are all responsibilities upon you. And if you don't fulfill them, Allah subhanaw taala will ask you about them and you will be questioned about it. So remember knowing about him Allah not wanting to be questioned, and not wanting to have this burden of responsibility, he abstains from getting married. So this again shows his piety and asceticism, that he wants to dedicate his life to seeking and spreading knowledge. And he knew that getting married would be a hindrance, because he would have a responsibility towards a wife and towards children. So let's see abstains permit protecting himself from such a burden. Now

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all of these things, we are not required to do any of them you know, things are permissible, we're allowed to enjoy them and benefits from them. But to show or to have piety where one can abstain from those things that will you know, dwarf you or get you busy in the dunya This is a sign of piety and this is something that mmm I know we Rahim Allah had and was actually renowned for And in closing off just on two key points his writings we mentioned that each and every household has one writing of employment no we or another and we check that we will be studying business Isola is mmm no is 4030. Something interesting to look at is, throughout the history of Islam, there have been

00:42:59 --> 00:43:39

1000s of scholars who compiled 40 Hadith. And this is based upon the statements of the former soldier more is the same as that is attributed to the pastor. So now that whoever compiles 40 of my head, Heidi preserves them and memorize them them and spread them, he will smell the fragrance of paradise. Even though this isn't authentic, the scholars of Islam implemented it and that's a subject on its own right. But 1000s of scholars wrote 40 Hadith. So that image we read may be preserved, and people may learn from it and benefit from it. Yet it is only in our mind, no is no law that actually sticks around in our times. And this shows again, the great sincerity that he put

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into this work. And that is why our last panelist raised it above all the other 40 Hadith collections that are around us to do to mention some of his words that we are familiar with, we have remember with 40 Hadees then the other words that we are all familiar with, or the other side of him, every machine has this was a work by him I know we in which he puts various chapters of Islamic character and morals and manners and mentioned the eyes and hygiene pertaining to them. And then there are other books which are now more scholarly. You have Alvin Hodge, which was in hydrology, which is a book and stuff so and likewise you have a book which is even higher, known as much more

00:44:22 --> 00:44:26

shallow, which is a higher level book of film.

00:44:27 --> 00:45:00

And then Oh, sorry, I made a mistake over here. I mean Hij is the explanation of a Muslim just across that and in hajj is his explanation of Sahih Muslim. So the first three were books of Hadith, you know is for the for the for the author, Salim and amin has the main house was the explanation of a Muslim and then you have the books of Philip, which were robofont ab and then a much more official message than his or his books, which are at a very scholarly level and you know, the average layman will not read them nor will he be familiar with

00:45:00 --> 00:45:35

The one book that he wrote, which we should be familiar, familiarize ourselves with, which not very many people know, is a dn C as Addy homiletical for an or a clarification in terms of the characteristics of those people who carry or have memorized or deal with a firearm. And in this book, he talks about the virtues of the poor and how we should deal with the foreign matters that pertain to the Quran, he talks about all this. And this is a book which has been translated into English, that we should all try to get our whole to get ahold of.

00:45:36 --> 00:46:18

And the last point, this is Isola, the scholars discuss eight points of success that Mr. manoli Ramallah had, that made him distinct from everyone else. What made him nominally distinct from everyone else, were these eight points that the scholars have combined, or compiled, which I would like to share with you. I mean, for those of you who don't have pen and paper, design, sorry, can get off someone else, or you can listen to the recording again. And that was that he traveled to seek knowledge, that knowledge should be traveled for, and this is when it is truly valued. When a person goes and to seek knowledge, he puts in money he puts in his time, he puts in his effort to go

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and seek it. This is when knowledge is valued. And this is how it's retained. That he studied in the best of places that a man would know he studied in Damascus, the capital of Islamic knowledge of that time. And likewise, he started college in Makkah and Medina as well. So he studied knowledge in the best of places. Three, he was dedicated, that he was dedicated to seeking knowledge, meaning that he put everything else aside, he put the world aside before marriage aside, he put, you know, his family aside, and he dedicated himself to seeking knowledge. And as individuals, this is something that we need to strive for. Not every individual will be a student of knowledge. But we

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will be teachers, we will be engineers, we will be doctors, and we need to dedicate ourselves to these professions, so that we can be the best actor, so that when we want to teach other individuals, we're able to do so and is only with dedication that you will be able to do so. Fortunately, he took a large amount of classes. And this is what made him distinct from other scholars, that you have certain scholars who are specialized in howdy others who are specialized in others who are specialized in Nikita, and I will know about him on law. He has many specializations. He was specialized in, he was specialized in hygiene, he was specialized in asceticism, and you

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know, just these three things are great. And we will talk about that on when we talk about his death, that he was an individual who studied very various sciences, that you don't limit yourself to one thing, but try to broaden your horizons as much as you can. Safely he had a strong memory, like we mentioned, he was able to do in his time, in terms of memories that were foreign by the age of seven, the books that he wrote,

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in a moment, always 45 days. And you know, so much more. All these things were written by memory. Yes, he had his library with them. He was him. But it was all written from memory. So he wrote from his memory, and he had a strong memory sixthly great teachers produced great students. Mm hmm. No, we got him on Allah has great teachers. And this is something again, that we should aim for when seeking Islamic knowledge, we should try to find the best teachers possible. You know, we shouldn't just be satisfied with anyone who is just teaching in the masjid. But rather, we should try to find the greatest scholars of our times, and try to benefit from them and learn from them directly. Seven

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asleep, he wrote. And this was his research, that, you know, it's one thing to write memoirs and a diary to recollect everything you've done, but his form of research and study was that he was right. And this is why that during the span of, you know, 40 odd years, he was able to write 40,000 pages, if not more, and that was due to his style of studying, which was through writing that he would write. And this would be his way of studying. And as Lee, he was always busy with knowledge, that he always busy himself with knowledge, while walking, while being with his companions. This is all he was focused on. He would either be reciting the Quran, revising the Quran, teaching the Quran, or

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asking someone a question or being asked a question, or he will be teaching. You know, this is how he became a successful individual that he was an Imam. And now he Rahim Allah, towards his, the end of his life, he got very sick. And in 676 is when he actually died. And he went back to his father, and he will locality of his father. And his father actually outlived him. He went back to that locality, and this is where he died. And one of the biographers of him, I know we are

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Allah He said that if one was just to take one aspect from him, I know his Rahim Allah is light, it would be enough of a reason to travel and go and see him. If we were just to take one aspect, it would be enough. But there were three that he deserved traveling to him for the for his knowledge in them. And those aren't his knowledge of Islam, his asceticism, and his enjoining. Good and forbidding evil. histories of enjoying good and forbidding evil are absolutely remarkable, absolutely amazing. But that wouldn't have a self we require a whole lecture on its own, which we can possibly do it at another time. These are the heights honor. So concluding with this, remember,

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no mala was one of the luminaries of Islam. And like other luminaries who preceded him and came after him, it was through his dedication to the deen. It was through his sincerity. And it was through his hard work, that he became the man that he was. And you notice the status of an individual in terms of how much he is remembered after his time, a lot of us who came into this dunya and we will pass away from it, and no one will know that we ever existed. There are those people whom Allah subhanho wa Taala chooses as a selects list. Those individuals who are sincere and they work hard and they dedicate themselves to the deen, then these are the individuals that allow

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us to find out which Allah raises the rank in terms of remembrance, and we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make us of them. akuto Cody has watched us Rola honey, welcome developmentalism.

00:51:34 --> 00:51:36

movie from the Chateau de la land

00:51:38 --> 00:51:50

to a lake. And we will take questions in the lights Allah for five to 10 minutes. So if there's any questions from the sister side, please send them to the question. And from the brothers. We were just a question here in Selma.

00:51:52 --> 00:51:59

Where is Noah? Is it in Iraq? Where is it geographically? Noah is in the south of Syria.

00:52:00 --> 00:52:06

If I mentioned Iraq or anything else, it was a mistake, but it is in Syria towards the south.

00:52:10 --> 00:52:16

I think you have a question right there. So let's use someone's real question that you know somebody else.

00:52:18 --> 00:52:21

Okay. That's not even a question.

00:52:22 --> 00:52:24

Are there any other questions from the audience?

00:52:25 --> 00:52:26


00:52:29 --> 00:52:33

Any questions from the sister side? I think the sisters have questions the cinema

00:52:41 --> 00:52:42

was mentioned.

00:52:43 --> 00:52:49

His name was yahia. And he was nickname was the carrier.

00:52:52 --> 00:52:55

Because he was the father of

00:52:58 --> 00:52:59


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00:53:03 --> 00:53:07

the process of yes or no is mentioned is the

00:53:12 --> 00:53:13

order of the public.

00:53:23 --> 00:53:24

The sun and

00:53:27 --> 00:53:46

that's a very important point, which is the whole affair to the brother. You mentioned that in the Quran. * is actually the opposite of what I mentioned that yahia was the son of the courier and not vice versa. So don't both prophets of Allah subhanaw taala and that was a mistake on my behalf.

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