Navaid Aziz – A Glimpse Into The Life Of Imaam Al Bukhaaree 1

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary ©
The title "attempts" in Arabic language is a title that is considered the beginning of a period of madness, and it is important to learn from the experience of others to gain knowledge and act on it. The speaker discusses the loss of the mother and father of Benidim, the generation of the church, and the historical context of email. The importance of learning from the experience of others and not just from one's own lens is also emphasized. The transcript discusses the success of Islam, including the use of deemings and deemings to describe the period of madness, and the importance of technology and education in the past.
AI: Transcript ©
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This modality might not have him

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and him Did he know he didn't mean nothing neither one is dying no one is still fiddles on are also being the human shadow the unforeseen a woman say yes Yama Nina.

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mo de la mejor de Lille, who further * Allah, wa shadow under either a Lama who has the audacity to shadow Muhammad Abdul Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira.

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We start off by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala either thanking him seeking his aid and assistance.

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And we ask from us China, which is forgiveness, and we seek His refuge from our evil deeds, and from the evil of our souls.

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And I testify that he whomsoever Allah subhanho wa Taala guides, and there is no one to lead him astray. And he whomsoever Allah subhana wa tada allows us to stray, then there is no guide for him.

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today and from the law, by the grace of Allah subhanaw taala we have been gathered here to recollect over one of the greatest personalities that this oma has ever known.

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And we know for a fact that a person's greatness over time is known to several things. And considering this from Islamic perspective, the more a person fears Allah subhanho wa Taala The more he implements the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu send them Angeles, the more he stays away from those matters which are doubtful, the greater a person becomes, and the sight of a less tenuous

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and when the less tenuous, and I love a person, and he wishes good for a person, he raises his rank and status in the dunya as well. Like Allah subhana wa tada says, The rfl love and levena M and o minco. While levena o GA, they're almost final, which Allah raises those of you in rank, who have belief and who have been granted knowledge in many ranks. So we see from this, that almost kind of what Allah grants is a status, He grants nobility, and He grants a shot of to those people who have faith and have been granted knowledge. And likewise, we see that those people who have knowledge will not be successful in this dunya or the ashira until they implement with Dino.

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So this is just something to keep in mind. That this is how for those people who are seeking status in this dunya the only two status that you will obtain is once you have raised reached a high rank with Allah subhana wa Tada.

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And like we mentioned, that we're going to be discussing one of the great personalities of our time, or actually of our this oma and he was a memorable party. And I do not know of a single Muslim who has sought any form of knowledge, except that he came across this name, email, mobile 30. This is due to the fact of the great efforts that this man put in to his work. And thus Allah subhanho wa Taala granted him preservation upon this earth, He granted him service and Mr. Karma and he granted him acceptance. And this was due to all these traditions that we mentioned previously, the fear of Allah subhana wa Tada, his sincerity, his passion in trying to preserve the Sunnah of the Prophet

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sallallahu sallam, not only preserving it in his books, and in his lectures, and so on and so forth, but rather his actions as well. Because a man's actions speak louder than his words. And if you were to see this man, then you will see that this a man who loves Allah as messengers of Allah when you send them because his actions, or coincided with the actions of the prophets of Allah, Han do send them so that's we see, that a person who tries to portray the life of the prophets of Allah who lives in him, whether it be in action or in speech, or in writing, then almost kind of either due to this man's efforts and to his due to his sincerity, or grant him a place in the hearts of the

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Muslims. This we see that Mr. McCarty became renowned not only amongst the Muslims, but amongst the non Muslims as one. If you go to any secular educational facility and go to these funding departments, you were guaranteed to find some of his works and to find biographies about him and to find notes or lectures about him. This is due to the great position that Allah subhanaw taala granted him so emammal Bukhari Rahim Allah, he was an alien from the AMA. He was a star from amongst the stars. He was a signpost from the scholars of the past and the present, and he is a man who will be remembered until knowledge remains upon this earth. So we start off by his name, his first name

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was Muhammad. This is a name that his parents granted him and with no doubt

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without any hesitation, this was due to the fact that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the last prophet and messenger. He was the seed of the MBR, and the most saline, and the amount of the muscle pain. So in the parents had this hope for the son that we want to, we want our son to be like the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the granted him this name from the beginning from the etiquettes of Islam, and likewise from the etiquette of the people of the past, is that they would take something called a cornea and a cornea has many derivatives and many understandings and many reasons that a person may have. And what this means is that a person takes the name a blue colon, or

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a blue something like a mammal Bukhari Rahim Allah, he his cornea was a Abdullah. And likewise, we see from the companions of the low tide on whom you had companions like Abba hora de Allahu, and Abu Musa. And you had bumalik and some of the most famous of them aboubaker radi Allahu anhu imaginary. So these were almost like titles that they took upon themselves, either pertaining to children that they have, or something that they were known for. And the ideal example of being a hora radi Allahu forever in the Arabic language, it means like a small kitten. So why was that? The Allahu anhu. Given this title? Was it due to the fact that he had a child's name, whatever? No, it wasn't. It was

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due to the fact that I've heard your love. I know. He had a passion and a love for cats and kittens, right? And he was always seen by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam having a kitten or a cat in his possession. So due to this fact, about the Allahu anhu he was granted this title by the prophet sallallahu sallam. So the cornea of enamel Bukhari Rahim, Allah was Abdullah, so we mentioned his cornea was Abdullah, and his first name was Muhammad. Now his father's name was a snide comment even as an Aryan Ibrahim his, his grandfather was Ibrahim and his great grandfather was Elmo Vieira. Now, this is his lineage. So now just a point of benefit over here. Now, it's not a form of criticism or

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anything. But this is just my advice to the people in general, that there's a famous thing in the Arabic language that goes lol No, I don't, well, kita tokaido. that knowledge is like a wild game. It's like a wild beast that needs to be retained. And the only way it's going to be retained is by writing. So from the etiquettes of his students of knowledge, and for people who want to preserve this knowledge, and not only just hear something and then let it go through the other ear, is that you should be writing those things which should be which are going to be beneficial to you. So we mentioned that he was Abdullah, Mohammed, even a sinner in even Ibrahim yBnL movie of Al Bukhari. Al

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Jaffe al Bukhari. This is a title given to him added on to his lineage pertaining to the area that he was from he was from the area known as bokhara. And bokhara. In our current times, is the whole region, close to Afghanistan, to Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, this whole area was known as Pokhara, right so when we say al Bukhari is actually pertaining to the area that he was from, so this is how he was given this title. And it's amazing that even though the Muslim Ummah has known so many scholars from that area, when you say emammal Bukhari and the great Imam Al Bukhari, that you only think of one person, even though so many of the great imams came from that area, only one person

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comes to mind. And again, this shows the stature and the prestige that Allah subhanaw taala granted him that even though you may just say something very general, like if I was to say, the Imam of the United States of America, or the Imam of Canada, nothing comes to mind because there's no one that sticks out over history. Or even if you were to say the system was the majority of us from here, or from Pakistan, if you were to say that the amount of Pakistan, no one comes to mind, but when you say, Imam Al Bukhari, the Imam of Pokhara, automatically one person comes to comes to mind, and this again, was due to the prestige and the honor and the effort that Allah Spanos Allah granted him upon

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this earth. So in hon Hari Rahim, Allah Hosanna. He was born in the month of showen, which is the month that comes after Ramadan, on the 13th day, which was a Juma in the year 194. So going on, this is the birth of Imam of Makati, and a brief introduction to his lineage. So now let's talk a bit about his parents. His father, his nine, was a scholar of Hadith and his own prestigious rank. He was a contemporary of Imam Malik Rahim Allah. He narrated from the great scholars, the likes of Abdullah Mubarak, and he benefited from them greatly. So we see something interesting over here, that a son who was granted so much prestige

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Learned under his father was granted a bigger title and a greater name than his father, that even though he learned from him in the early years of his life, he became so great that even though we came from his father, he became bigger and named than his father. And this is again a father or a procedure Allah subhanaw taala has given to very few people to come and to be granted the lineage of scholars that a person is his father and his father was a scholar and his ancestors were scholars. So again, we see that this is an ability that Allah subhanaw taala granted him right. So the ability to come from a family of scholars and to become renowned is a father that Allah subhanaw taala

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granted very few people. So now, we said that his father is naive. Rahim Allah was a scholar in his own rank. And he was known for his tidy, he was known for his good memorization of skills. And he was known for his love of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And likewise, you see that the greatest of his students was email Vasari. Now, the interesting thing about this is when emammal Bukhari Rahim, Allah was 18 years old, he compiled a book known as Saudi Arabia, or the great history. And what he did in this book, he compiled all of the narrators of Hadith, and put their names inside and their lineages when they were born when they died, and noble traits about

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them. And what this was Hades has said about them. And what we mean by this is that, obviously, we know that some areas of hygiene were stronger than other narrators of honey. And likewise, some narrators of Hadees are acceptable. And other narrators of Hadith were not accept it. And this is due to several several reasons, whether it be due to weak memory, whether it be due to sense that they fall into or other reasons, that did not allow people to accept their narrations.

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So in this book, theorical kavir,

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al Bukhari mentioned his father, and the way he mentioned him phenylalanine is something which is great. And this is something that I want to share with you. And he mentioned this about his father, that he goes, amen. entered upon my father is naive.

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And the father said, and look at the title and the honor that his father's had, he goes, I know all of my work.

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I know all of my work, and none of which has come from a foreign source, none of it has come from a foreign source. And there is not a single their home and their home is the currency that was used. And that time, he said, There is not a single Dirham that I have a doubt about, that it is sanctified for me, or that it is permissible for me. So this shows the great fear of Allah subhanaw taala that he had. And obviously, the the social situation at this time was that people used to be travelling through deserts. And they used to be going through many hardships while traveling. And there would be a lot of robbers in the ways of the desert, and so on and so forth. So it was very

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easy for people to run by the people. And likewise, people will come to town and stay with, you would honor the guests by allowing them to stay in their houses, and basically was very easy if a person wanted to cheat a person out of money, or to steal money from them, or to be involved in interest, or whatever the case may be. So this is something to keep in mind that for those parents over here, the fathers and the mothers. And so those of us who assume the fathers and mothers didn't lie to Allah, that the importance of a Highlander is the importance of having a permissible source of income. And it is due to this permissible source of income that are standing with me grant you

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many blessings that you may not see right now, but your children we see and you will see how this relates to later on in life pertaining to the amount of authority because what happened was Mr. Bukhari Rahim Allah, he became a proper student of knowledge. He became a scholar of Islam, and he didn't busy himself with working right he busied himself with seeking knowledge and the money that he had was inherited from his father. And it is very amazing that amount of equality Rahim Allah, He lived from the year 194 to the year 256. Yes, very seldomly. Did he work? Right, and he just survived off the inheritance of his father. So we see that through this halaal risk that almost

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panatela had granted his father and through his Halla spells for the SOT Allah subhanaw taala put so much about us getting this money that is lasted him a lifetime. So this is what I was saying and was trying to relate to the fact that the importance of saving 100 is not only does it benefit yourself, but it's going to benefit those people who inherit

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from you, right, not only will it grant you a prestige in this dunya and grant you safety in the Acura, like a common problem in our times, is the concept of interest, we see that a lot of the people when they first came to North America, they started to deal with matters of interest, taking their houses on mortgages, taking a course on mortgage. And even though they did live in difficult times, the ends is not justified by the means, right. And what we mean by this is just because you needed to get a big house, and the only way you could have done so was through a mortgage or whatever, it doesn't mean that it becomes permissible for you to take a mortgage, mortgage just

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because your heart desires. So, right, this is something to keep in mind that when I was fine with Allah, He sends down a law, that interest is forbidden for mankind, it doesn't become permissible. And thus Allah subhanho wa Taala, he made interest, one of the greatest of sins, so much so that he said he voted that the person who takes the interest and the person who gives his interest, let him prepare for war with Allah subhanaw taala. So again, this is these are things that it's going off a bit bit off topic, but these are benefits that we're trying to derive from the life of Imam Bukhari. Rahim Allah husana. So in Malmo Bukhari Rahim Allah mentioned about his father, that he was a person

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who is pious, and who fear the last minute to Allah. And even though he may have had the ability to get money and in income from non permissible sources, see fear Allah subhanaw taala to the best of his ability, and so his income from halaal sources only. So this was his father. His name is Israel. And he was a scholar in his own right of Hawaii now as well his mother, the people who mentioned the biography of a member of Makati Rahim Allah Allah, they mentioned that his mother was a person who likewise like his father was the person who feared a less tenuous and worshipped Allah subhanho wa Taala greatly. She had a love for Allah subhanho wa Taala that is seldomly seen in people. She made

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a time and for last time, it was a busy day and remembered Allah subhanaw taala as much as she could. And the scholars mentioned this very interesting story. And we haven't even gotten to the life of a mountable party yet. But we're taking glimpses from his early stages of life. And that was that when Mr. Mobile Claudia Rahim, Allah was still an infant, he was very young in age, Allah subhanho wa Taala took he stayed away.

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Now many benefits can be derived from this alone. And that is the fact that we know from a from a medical perspective, that when one's

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instincts or senses, one of them is taken away, you automatically become stronger in some of your other senses. Right? Like a person who is not able to see his memorization skills improved greatly. And likewise, his ability to hear because improved immensely, and and his ability to sense that reach levels that a regular person would not reach. Right? So remember procardia Rahim Allah, He lost his eyesight. And we find from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he said about a person who loses his eyesight, that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not take away the Ice Age of a person and that he is patient, except that He replaces or grants this person gender, right,

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He replaces the loss of eyesight with gender.

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So again, these are some of the benefits that Allah Allah bestowed upon emammal Buhari, that even though he lost his eyesight when he was young, we see that his memorization skills improved. And now getting back to the fact that we were getting to and that was pertaining to his mother, that his mother, we mentioned was a person who feared Allah subhanaw taala and had a great and immense love for Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So it is narrated that when emammal Bukhari Rahim Allah lost his eyesight, his mother used to weep immensely, she used to weep greatly and make a lot of dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And she used to cry, you know, he Allah, my son is young, I wanted him to become someone who preserves your deen and who preserves the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. So please grant him his eyesight back. And she used to claim internet she used to make a lot of art. So it was narrated after that by a famous scholar by the name of Mr. Lee. It was a sunny Rahim Allah, that he mentioned, that when these eyesight of irremovable quality was lost, his mother used to weep

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immensely, and she would always have a hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala that he does, what is best and this is basically a form of trusting Allah subhanaw taala. So when she used to weep immensely, she used to make a lot of dry Yala, please resend his return, if I say so. He can be a person who helps your deen and so he can be a person

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Who preserves your deen? So one day when she was sleeping, she met Khalid or Osman Ibrahim Alayhi Salam in her dream. And Ibrahim alayhis salam said to her in her dream, that it is due to your image we think, and the magnificent and the great blue eyes that you made. Tell us China was Allah, that Allah subhanaw taala has returned the sight of your son, Muhammad today. And then when she awoke from this dream, lo and behold, Allah subhanho wa Taala had granted the eyesight of email nobody back.

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So now again, another thing that we notice from this is the death of the mother and father for the children, that this is a form of dua that Allah subhanaw taala accepts, right? So when a mother and a father, they wish something for the children, let them sincerely ask Allah Subhana Allah, let them get up in the middle of the night and ask Allah subhana wa tada Yeah, Allah make my son or my daughter successful in this dunya and in the Salah. Oh Allah guides my son and daughter, the understanding of this Deen and make him from those people who will have no fear upon the omo piano. These are the types of drives that the parents need to be making. And they need to have hope in

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Allah subhanaw taala because when a mother or a father makes sincere to ask for the children, then Allah subhanho wa Taala he becomes shy and not responding to this law. So this is another lesson that we derive just from the parents of emails, Bukhari that the great advocates are making to offer your children and we see that this is something that the people of the past used to do that the elder is used to make dua for the younger ones, and we see this likewise with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and Abdullah in the Ibis, radi Allahu teradyne Houma and ability of us was the cousin of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he

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made to ask for him, Allah Hamas official for Deen or I live with that with that, Oh Allah, grant this man the understanding of the gene and grant him the interpretation of the Quran. So we see that Subhana Allah has been the one in one of the greatest scholars that this omega came to see was Abdullah Abbas. And what do we learn from this is the dua of the older person, of the senior relative for the younger person, and how Allah subhanho wa Taala responds to this without any hesitation, and indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala is capable of all things.

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So now, we talked a bit about the parents of email Bukhari Rahim, Allah Hosanna. And we mentioned how his father was a great scholar in his own right. And his mother was much Abby, that she was a worshipper of Allah subhanho wa Taala, who had great fear and hope and Allah subhanaw taala.

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Now, let us discuss a mama Bukhari Rahim Allah Himself one email because he was young.

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He was a person who was known to be very enthusiastic in learning, whatever he could learn about the deen, he would try to do so. And it has been very that amount of Bukhari by the time he had reached the age of 10, he was already a half as of the Quran, he has become a person who had the ability to memorize the Quran. And now one of the lessons we see from this is that for those parents who are upon guidance, and for those parents who want their children to become a father, the Quran, you're not going to wait or you shouldn't wait till he's about 16 1718 years old, to memorize the Quran, but rather in his early years of infancy, from the ages of five, six and seven, get them to memorize

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the Quran. Because this is an age where a child, he grasps everything that he hears, and he memorizes and learns everything that he reads and is repeated to him. So that's what we see that from the methodology of the people of the past is that they would start nurturing their children at a very young age, and this was seen from a lot of disclosures of the past. Likewise, it was even scene from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself, that in the early ages of nearly years of his life, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was nurtured by Halima rajala, Han Han, and on Baraka A man was the Allah, that he was sent to the desert. And over there, he learned his

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etiquette, and his morals and his manners. And likewise, he picked up the eloquence of the Arabic language, because in those times, there was the desert that were renowned for their eloquence and their languages. And it was in the desert that a person would go to seek the sciences, because the cities had become places of trade, and then become busy with the worldly life. So the dented deserted areas were areas where people would go to basically learn the sciences.

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So likewise,

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We have seen something like this in the life of Imam Shafi Rahim Allah, that during his young age, his mother sent him to the desert as well to learn either Arabic eloquence and poetry. And it's like, right. And likewise, another example from the Sahabi from the Sahaba de la Hondo is the example of unmiss Malik, the great companion of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that at the age of 10, the merger of Ernesto Raja Allahu anhu, sent him to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and said Dr. rasulillah. Take him as they call them, take him as one of your helpers, and teach him to Dean. So we see that the people in the past, they knew what they wanted to do with their children.

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They had a goal in mind for their children. And they would start to implement this goal and try to fulfill this goal starting off from a young age. So this is likewise happened with email, as we'll call it, that like we mentioned, his father was a scholar of Hadith in his own right. And his mother was much Abby, that she was a worshipper of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So coming from such a background, likewise, his parents just wanted the same for him. So they started teaching him the Quran at a very young age, that until he read he until he reached the age of 10. He had already memorized the Quran, the speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So, after he had finished memorizing the Quran, he moved on to the sciences of hygiene. And it was narrated about him that Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah, that at this young age, he developed a love for Hadith that was seldomly seen in any people that at this young age, this ripe age of 10. People could already tell that this person was going to be someone special in this oma that this person would be granted a status in this oma just due to the fact of the love of Hadith that he had at this young age.

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So at the age of 10, Rahim Allah after he finished memorizing the Quran, he went and he started learning the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa alayhi wasallam. So he started sitting in the circles, and it was seen that he was a man of great intelligence. He was a man from Allah subhanaw taala has granted a lot of wisdom to and he is a man whom Allah subhanho wa Taala has granted a great capacity to memorize. So much so that it is narrated that at the age of 11 years old, he attended a circle of knowledge with one of the famous scholars of his area by the name of adaxially.

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Now this famous scholar a decade, he was a person

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who had become a noun in this area. He was known that if you want to study Hadith, you go to this person, or to the Chef adaxially and 1000s of people would gather around him, and would sit there to benefit from his knowledge. So one day, when emammal Bukhari Rahim, Allah was sitting in the circle of knowledge, with the great shape of his area and time, definitely, he started to narrate a hadith. And as we know, that Hadith is composed of two main sections, it is composed of a Senate. And imagine the standard of a hadith is the chain of narrators. Like, I'm speaking right now. And the person, the people who are sitting here, they will say, I heard from Muhammad. And I heard from this

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Muhammad, and his students is going to say, I heard from amin, and he is going to say I heard from use of and whatever the case may be. So all these people in the chain of narration, there are known as a robot. robot is the job of Ravi and all he is a narrator of Howdy. So this is the first section of a hadith. And this is called the snazzy chain of narrators. And the section the second section of the Hadith is known as the mutton. And this is the actual text of the Hadith. And like you would say, I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say that none of you truly believes until he loves his brother, what he loves for himself. So this text over here, that none of you truly

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believes what he loves to his brother, until until the last who is whether what he loves himself is known as the motion of the body or the actual textual portion of the body. So we mentioned that the Hadith is split up into two parts, right? So the gracias I definitely was mentioning the inheritors of the Hadith. And he said, that I heard I was aware, narrate from Ibrahim, and then he mentioned a hadith. Now, look at this for email Bukhari Rahim, Allah was only 11 years old at this time. And he said that he raised up his hand and also lateness and in wisdom and with good manners and etiquette, and he said on overshare for mine, this hadith was not narrated by I was aware, but rather it was

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narrated by the wire himself. So we see

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That even though Mr. mcquarry Rahim Allah was only 11 years old, at this age, he had reached a level in his knowledge, where he was already correcting his teachers. And this show is the prestige that Allah, Allah granted him at this young age, that he was granted so much knowledge. And he was granted the capacity to memorize so much that he was able to retain what he learned. And not only that, he was able to bring it forth when times of correction needed to be made. So we see that likewise, his mother was a person who feared Allah subhanho wa Taala greatly, and she was someone who had made a lot of dua for me, Buhari himself, not so much alone for his eyesight being returned.

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But Likewise, we mentioned that he become a great scholar of the deen and Eddie become a person who upholds this Deen wherever he may be. Then we mentioned that email Bukhari Rahim Allah, you started learning. And we mentioned that some of the benefits from this that we derive that amount of acquiring memorizing the Quran at the age of 10. Is that a peep that people need to keep their goals within perspective, and they need to know what they want to do with their children. Right? We all have goals for our children, some of us, we want them to become doctors and engineers. Similarly, we want them to become scholars, or whatever the case may be. But the point that we derive from this is

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that whatever you want to do with your children, started off young, teach them manners from a young age, teach them how to memorize at a young age, so that you expand their minds, right? Give them high hopes at a young age so that they have

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trust within of themselves, that they have the ability to do things. So these are all things that we learn from the life of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah to Allah.

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So moving on to a next stage or a next part of imaginable parties life, and that is ineligible parties studying of hudy. Now we mentioned that the moment the party Rahim Allah was 10 years old when he finished memorizing the Quran. And at that stage, he had developed a love for a hadith.

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So, during this stage, obviously, it wasn't very easy for him and it wasn't accessible for him to travel outside of his lands, to go and study with the great scholars of hadith of his time, the likes of Imam Ahmed, or the likes of yahia new Marine, or the likes of Ibrahim IRA Hawaii, but rather he started off by studying with the scholars in his own. Right. So now, this is another benefit that we derive that for those brothers who are always anxious to study the deen. They always think, okay, you know, I want to go to Saudi Arabia, I want to go to Yemen, I want to go to Egypt, I want to go to Syria, or I want to go to Jordan. But one of the etiquettes of seeking knowledge is

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that you take knowledge from the people of your own lens first. And we see that this was seen in the life of a mockery Rahim Allah as well, that he started studying Hadith, or studying the narrations of the prophets of Allah, how do you set them in his own lens.

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And there were four, actually three major scholars in his time or in his area, only learned from them. And inshallah we're just going to be discuss a little bit about them. And then we'll go on to the next stage of email johari, the first great scholar of his area was a man, an island from the old ama, by the name of Muhammad, Abu Salam. They can be Muhammad in new salam, and they can be and he was a contemporary of Mr. Malik. And likewise, he narrated and he learned from great scholars, the likes of Abdullah in the Mubarak and his new arena. And likewise, he was a man who was also known for his generosity. It was narrated that he used to donate to the students of knowledge, over

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$80,000 homes at a time that Mashallah Allah subhanho wa Taala had granted him a lot of work. And he used to distribute this wealth, not amongst the four people alone, but especially amongst the students of knowledge.

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So I'll turn it over to Allah, as we see from the sin of Allah subhanaw taala is that the more you give out in his way, the more or less time with Allah gives to you. And again, this was seen during the time of the last man of the house, and Abubakar Raja Mohan Homer and Osman me affirm that the more these people would give in charity, the more or less titles Allah would give back to them. And it was amazing to the degree that one day a person would distribute and give out all of his wealth in the way of Allah subhanaw taala. And the next day, somehow, one way or another, he will be granted the same amounts are double or triple what he gave me away, but less I know it's either and

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from this we understand that truly our risk or our sustenance, and our worth is in the hands of Allah subhanaw taala

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Anna, and you guys were screens this on your own, the uncles who are working here and the young brothers who are working, that you may be earning whatever you may be earning. And one day you will have $10 in your pocket. And with those $10, you will be able to buy so much you'll be able to buy the groceries for your house, or whatever or the necessities that you may need. But at other times, you may have $1,000 in your pocket, you hadn't really seen that you weren't able to do anything with this $1,000 you might have paid a couple of bills might have paid you whatever the leasing of your car, or whatever the case may be, but you didn't do anything else with it. So you see that Allah

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Spanos, Allah is the one who controls our destiny. He is the one who puts the blessings in our sustenance, and he is the one who takes it away. So those of us who seek our assistance in a halal way, Allah subhanho wa Taala puts blessings in it. And He grants as much good from the sustenance and from our lives. But for those of us who don't seek our sustenance in a healthy manner, or they do things which are not permissible with our worth, then unless final data, extract the benefits, or extract the blessings from this worth, or from the sustenance, and that's the money that you spend so much time earning becomes fruitless. So this is another thing to keep in mind that not only do we

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have to keep in mind, where do we get our money from? But we also have to keep in mind what do we do with our money? We see that Allah subhana wa tada bestowed upon him he was and I personally was splendid in various ways, ama spelt is spending in building a machine, he may spend it in building an Islamic school or he may spend it in gambling, or he may spend it in buying a $400,000 car, right you see two extremes. And you will be questioned about how you spend your worth. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that upon pneumophila, the son of the slave, so the feet of the slave of Allah subhanaw taala will not move, they will not move, until he is asked about five things

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and write these five things down because these are things that you have to keep in mind. So the five things that he or he is asked is his life, rights, his armor, and what he did with it, what did he do with his life. The second thing that he will be asked about is his youth, and what he did with his youth. Now, the third thing, he is asked, and these this has two questions pertaining to it, is what you sign and murni he, when aina esta Silva, who was 18 and soccer, that he is asked about his wealth, From where did he obtain it? And From where did he spend it? So we see that Allah subhanho wa Taala, he puts two questions pertaining to one's wealth. Where did he obtain it from? And what

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did he do with it? And the last question that you will be asked is about his knowledge and what he did with it in terms of his x, dy dx upon the knowledge that he had. So getting back to the issue at hand, we were talking about one of the teachers of email mobile karate in his area, by the name of Muhammad Yunus, salaam, and by kanji, and he was known for his piety as well. And the people used to gather around him and the 1000s and he was a person who had a love for this Deen and the love for the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And likewise, he inherited these traits from these scholars before him. And likewise, he passed it on to his students as well, as we mentioned, that

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one of the first teachers of Emmanuel Bukhari was this great scholar Muhammad Yunus Salaam, I'll buy candy who died in the year 225. So he was one of the first teachers or a member of a party. Now, one of the other earlier teachers that Imam of Makati Hajj was a great scholar by the name of Abdullah Mohammed. Al Muslim Edie. His name was Abdullah if named Mohammed ulmus nadie Rahim Allah who Tada. So, likewise, he was emailed Vasari's share in Hadith as well, and he was born in the year 112. And he died in the year 229. And it was said about him that the thing that he became most renowned for was his precision. What we mean by this is that as we know, the ahaadeeth generated and many in

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various forms, and many, many ways that can be transmitted through reading, through writing, or a scholar me just read it out himself and his students read it, or whatever the case may be. Now this chef, he became renowned for his precision. And what we mean by this is that when he would recite the Hadith and when he was there is the Hadith, that he was so precise that he could narrate the same

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IDs 30 or 40 different times, yet, you would always find the same endings upon the words. And you as we know that in Arabic the endings of the words change that you have, you're done and your customer and your photo, your cell phone or whatever the case may be. And it is possible that a person may make mistakes. But he became renowned for his great precision and his ability to narrate the Hadees very well without making any mistakes or fuel mistakes at the least. So he was another chef that Mr. mcquarry benefited greatly from. He was, let's say, he was from the same tribe as the amount of Makati. And we mentioned the lineage of emails, because he previously, we said that he was a former

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Marine, even Ibrahim al mahira. Right. And we mentioned that his lineage goes back to a bokhara, which was the area that he was from. And we also mentioned another title that he was given. And that was a geography. And we mentioned and I've actually I failed to mention at this point where he got this title of algebra from. So as we know that during the reign of the whole of Russia during the times, of Abu Bakar, on Denali rajala, imagine that many conquests were made during this time, and bokhara, this area was eventually conquered by the Muslims as well. So not everyone in this land was Muslim. And likewise, you know, bucarest ancestors, they weren't Muslim. They weren't originally

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people who are Muslim would rather they were people who came to accept Islam. And the person who accepted Islam, in his family, was a lover of his great grandfather, and his great grandfather accepted Islam, at the hands of someone by the name of Lehman GRC, that he was a governor of that area where a ruler of that time, and his great grandfather accepted Islam at his hands. So it was from the customs of that of the people of that time, that when your family accepts Islam under a particular famous person, or from a famous tribe, that you become part of that tribe, or that clan as well. So this we see that this is how email Bukhari got the title of eldrazi, after he was

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Mohammed, even this man he lived in a foreign invasion. mohila al Bukhari as you see. So he shares over he Abdullah Mohammed Al missionary, he was a descendant, or a great great grandson of this man, Aliyah man, who had given power to his great grandfather Mahavira. So this is the second shift of email Bukhari that he learns from in Bukhara during his young age. And this is from the period of years of his age 10 to 16. And likewise, 16 is the next stage of his life that we mentioned that this is when the amount of equality he started traveling the lens of the Muslim Muslims, and going through the various scholars to learn the deen from them. So the last famous scholar of his that

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we're going to mention, he was Ibrahim, even though a shadow Ibrahim, if you will. And likewise, he was a scholar of Hadith as well. And he was very famous. And he narrated from some of the great scholars of Hadith as well. The most famous of them, were folded in ignore yob, which was a famous successor. And likewise, if you're aina, who is not a famous professor, and these are all the famous scholars of Islam, if you look up like the icons of Islam, or the great scholars of Islam, you will find your names in it. And you want to take it upon themselves, to read to take it upon themselves to read the biographies of such people, so that one can benefit from them and learn from their

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etiquettes and morals and how they strove to learn the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he narrated from for documentary out and everything. And he had a famous students as well, who was a contemporary of email and will party who is known as alpha ID. And as you may know, or may not know that there are many books of Hadith from them, you have the book of Sahih al Bukhari, Sahih, Muslim, Senator Mary synonyme, those certain images, these are the famous books that we know of, but there are other books that are not as famous. And one of those from those not as famous books was the mustard of alpha maybe. And he was a contemporary of amount of a party who had reached a high level

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of prestige in his times. So inshallah if there any questions pertaining to what we took, inshallah we'll address the questions, or lozada, Adam was still Allahumma salli wa barik ala nabina, Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam was moving

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In this Java email, McCarty's great grandfather, as far as we know, mohila I'm not sure about the race, the hobby was not the great grandfather of Allah subhanaw taala, but rather, it was just a person with a similar name for lozada. Adam, as we mentioned, we know from the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said, I don't know economy from Allah, Xena, yo Luna, Houma, sama la Vina yo Luna home, that he said that the best of generations are my generation, the new generation which follows them and each generation which follows them. So we see that the prophets of Allah Holly has said that he gave good tidings to the oma that in its early stages, they will have much success. And

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we see that they will grantee success in many ways that the strongest times of the Muslim Empire were during these stages. And there are many reasons for this. And from the utmost of them, is their tamasak with dishonor, or their great strongholds of the deen of Allah, Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So as long as the people maintained sincere towards Allah subhanaw taala, spreading the deen for his sake, and learning the gene for his sake, they are granted the success. That's why you see that the greatest of scholars, they all came during this time you look at the email of the former head from Abu hanifa from EMA Malik from Indonesia, a

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founding member of the Hema home Elijah and they all came during this timeframe. And it was after this timeframe, that as time went on, the scholars kept on passing away. And likewise, the people of knowledge, they weren't there anymore to spread this theme. So that when knowledge was taken away from this oma, so was its prestige and glamour. So the greatest reason that this the oma was granted is prestige. Like we mentioned, it comes down to a couple of things from them was the sincerity that they had towards Allah subhanho wa Taala. from them was their piety and their abstinence from sin, whether it be hidden or open. There were people of piety, they wouldn't send an open, nor would they

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send in private. They were people who loved the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala and will do whatever it took to study the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So this was one of the main reasons that they were granted so much prestige. And that's when Allah Spanos Allah grants prestige to a nation, he brings about great people from it, right. So this we see that it was due to the circumstances and these conditions that they fulfilled, that Allah subhanho wa Taala granted, this timeframe or this time period, many great scholars, Allah husana even though the Muslims are upon the hammock, and we have been granted the truth, this is the religion of Allah subhanaw taala without any doubt, yet it

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is sad to see that we have become a people who have fallen back into races of technology and education, and medical facilities and social standards, or whatever the case may be. And this has many reasons to it. And this would be a whole series of lectures on its own. But one thing that I can comment on is that this is due to what the corruption of the people themselves that we see that people when they abandon the deen of Allah, Allah or they try to do with the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala other than what is intended for it. This is when Allah subhana wa tada disgraces of people.

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And we see that all the times that Islam is spread vastly that it was a bunch from the Eastern, the western reaches regions of China, all the way to the boundaries of friends, right? Over a period of 800 years. That's how far Islam it's spread. And they were the most technological people they were the most advanced in their defense facilities, in educational systems that whatever it was, and this was all due to the fact that they always kept the deen of Allah subhanaw taala as a priority and once they let go of this priority of the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala This is when Allah subhanaw taala humiliated them. And this is seen from the statements around Monaco Casa de la jolla, Han who,

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that when he was on his way to Aleppo, with Abu Zubaydah, honorable Shara, another companion, another novel companion of Vipassana, and actually one of the 10 companions who is granted the glad tidings of paradise. And likewise the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave him the title of the mean or the trustworthy person of this Omar Omar al Fatah was riding his horse and our way that he said to him, yeah, I'm evil mode meaning, we see that the kings of the Sun and the Emperor's, like miraculous in order to kiss maybe there are people who are dressed in nobility to present themselves well, they have the best of artillery, and the horses are this fast and of this breed. yet why is it

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that we are upon the truth, yet you dress in such a state and what he was referring to was the patches upon the clothes and you see the wisdom of armor of no photography Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala. And especially just a lot of them gave him the title of Al farrokh for a reason, his ability to distinguish between truth and falsity. So

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Amara della Han he said National comun as an Allah who in Islam is as I have in a nutshell VEDA is that the lady de la jolla that we are a people are more or less pining with Allah granted as honor and respect through Islam. So if we go and try to seek this honor and respect through other than Islam, then this is when Allah subhanho wa Taala humiliates us and disgraces us. So this is certainly what we've seen that even though we have quote unquote, Muslim lengths, that they have taken the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala and have done with it other than what Allah subhana wa tada is desired. And we ask Allah subhana wa tada to rectify the situation of the Muslims. I mean,

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so now mentioning, the second thing is with the resources that are used, then the one of the things that we'll be getting to later on was the explanations of Al Bukhari. And as most of you may know, the most famous explanation of Sahih al Bukhari was written by Dr. Alex Kalani Rahim, Allah husana, which was called touch will vary. And input will vary. It comes in 14 volumes, which encompasses I'm assuming about 10,000 pages altogether. He wrote an introduction called hideyo study, which was like guidance, one who trades the past. So he basically was an introduction to his explanation. And in this introduction that he wrote, to us are very, he wrote a biography of Imam Al Bukhari. And it

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took so many sources of the past. So this was my main resource when I did my research. Likewise, there's a famous book by Tasha Dena Suki, called upon to Saudi Arabia, which basically goes through the different Sufi scholars, from his time from the past, maybe from the moments of his time until the time of tragedy, which was around 800 or 980. Right. So he mentioned the biography of email Bokhari as well. So these were the two main sources, and as a sub source hamdullah when we studied a third party this year in the Faculty of study under the headings, plus the notes that I took from my teacher, that was that the third source for our session today.

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