Navaid Aziz – 40 Hadith On Wealth 18-08-2023

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of Islam, honoring guests, protecting one's wealth, and avoiding unnecessary expenses. They stress the importance of breaking down everything into Doriots and staying alive without it. The pandemic may have impacted the timing of events, but the overall message is that the virus is a positive thing for the future. The speakers emphasize the need for everyone to be prepared for the worst possible times ahead and emphasize the importance of taking a close look at the virus's potential consequences before making any decisions.
AI: Transcript ©
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to go

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this route man or him and then hamdulillah number one stay in one stock roof when they're also bIllahi min Shuri and fusina Woman sejati Anna Lena Maria de la who further medulla Who am I will delete who further her de la or shadow under Illa Illa who had the hola Shikata was shadow under Mohammed Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa the early he was so happy he was sitting them at the Sleeman Kathira

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Allahumma Medina Illa Madame tena alumna Maria and pharaoh now one fountain that jumped in I was in there and Maya Kareem, my dear brothers and sisters, Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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Well Barakatuh right. This is the final stretch, we're on the final six Hadith and inshallah we would have completed the book with Allahu taala.

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And then at the end of it in sha Allah, we will continue our discussion on insurance. So Hadith number 36. Every action column only for Hammond Allahu wa iya every action that brings about harm or prevents some good then it is forbidden. Al Bukhari collects from mobile Herrera who said that she, how many slides is this? Okay, two slides, so I'll try to follow on so as to come along, okay. Albuquerque collects from Abu Huraira Radi Allahu Anhu said by Allah, the One whom there is none worthy of worship besides him, I would lay on the ground on my side due to hunger, I would fasten a stone to my stomach out of hunger. One day I sat by the path they would pass by Abubaker passed. So

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I asked him about a verse from Allah's book, not asking except that he might feed me. But he passed on without doing so. Then over the past. So I asked him about a verse from Allah's book, not asking except that he might feed me, but he passed on without doing so. Then I will cost him passed by he smiled when he saw me seeing the need in me and in my face, and said, Oh abou hair. I said At your service, Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Come along, he continued, and I followed him. He entered his home, so I sought permission to enter and he permitted me he found a bowl of milk and said, Where did this milk come from? It was a gift to you from so and so. So

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Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I think this is it. So Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Oh, here, I said At your service, all those messengers of Allah Azza wa sallam, he said, Go invite the people of so far for me. He Abba Herrera said the people of a sofa were the guests of Islam. They had no family wealth, or anyone to rely on. Whenever some charity was brought to him, he would send it to them without taking any of it. And when the gift was given to him, he would take from it then send for them to share it with them. I became upset and said to myself, God, what good will this mail to do among the people of a suffer? I have more rights to

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drink from this milk, at least enough to gain some strength. So when he came and commanded me I would serve them. But how much of this milk would actually reach me

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In year two, there was no choice but to obey Allah and obey His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So I went and invited them and they came, they sought permission to enter. So he allowed them and they entered and took their seats in the house. He said, Oh abou here, I responded at your service. So Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, take it and serve them. So I took the ball and gave it to a man who drank his fill, then gave it back to another who drank his fill, then gave it back. And I ended up with Allah's Messenger, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And all of the people that drink their fill, Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took the ball and

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put it in his hand, put it in his hand, then looked to me and smiled. He said, Oh, trouble here. I responded at your service or Allah's Messenger. He said, no one is left but you and I, I replied through O Allah's Messenger. He said to me sit and drink, so I sat and drank. He then said, drink, so I drank, he continued, say to say to me drink, until I said, by the one who sent you with the truth, I have no space for it. So I gave him the ball. He praised Allah mentioned his name and drank the remnants.

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That was a long Hadith but a lot of forward here. But so in Hadith number 36. Let me give you the context of how Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah placed this hadith. So inside so Hal Bukhari, we're looking at how did someone like uphold era who accepted Islam in the eighth year after the hijra, so literally about three years before the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam just around the time of Clayborne? How did he end up narrating the most amount of Hadith? That's what we're looking at right? And the Mount bukata Rahim Allah, he brings several Hadith, one of them that speaks about while the muhajir rune were busy with their business and the answer, were busy with

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their harvesting their farming, I was in a very poor situation. And then this had the Hadith starts like this. So then we see that upholder or the Allahu taala, and who he's very poor, he's living in the masjid. But he's spending as much time with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, as he possibly can. And what this leads to is that he has to make a conscious decision. Either he can go to work, or he can spend time with the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and he often chooses to spend time with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he also had learned enough that it's not befitting to beg. And in fact, even as you're growing older,

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even as we are growing in our Islam, part of it was playing with the lights can we stop playing with the lights in sha Allah?

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Oh, is that what it is? Okay?

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This is the only long Hadith all the other Hadith are short inshallah. So that being said,

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as the Buddha or the Allahu Anhu was growing in his maturity,

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he didn't want to depend on handouts, nor did he want to beg. So he understood the generosity of the Sahaba, especially the greater of them, the likes of Abu Bakar, and the likes of Amara, the Allahu anhu, that it was only befitting that if someone came to you, and they spoke to you that you would offer them to come into your house, and you would feed them. And this was the normal tradition. And this is why a Buddha or the Allahu Anhu he went in he asked Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu about a verse in the Quran, rather than begging, just seek knowledge at the same time. And it's possible he knew the answer possible. He didn't know the answer. But the end result was he was hoping that he would

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invite him in and feed him. So this shows us that if you can avoid begging and asking, you should do so if you need to be more creative, do so. And this also teaches us the importance of honoring our guests. If someone comes to you, and is seeking you, whether for hospitality or whether for another reason, still show them hospitality still show them hospitality and that is the norm. And then finally he comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he refers to him as I will call him a middle class him was the cornea of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as Qasim was one of the children of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. For those of you that attended the Sierra

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Halacha, two weeks ago, we spoke about the children of the process. And when he said that there were seven of them, and of course them was one of them. Then the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam refers to him as Abu hare. Yeah, about hair, right Oh, father of the cats and the kittens. And this was a nickname but he was even more a term of endearment. Even though he was known as doubleheader amongst the companions. abou hair is like a term of endearment that the province of Allahu Allah Salam is using. And this shows us that even amongst your friends and your companions, try to use those terms of endearment that you may have, but whatever is culturally appropriate, right? In certain cultures,

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it might not be appropriate for two men to refer to each other with these Terms of Endearment, if it is do so if it isn't, follow whatever the cultural norm is in your society, but Islamically it is permitted. And then notice how every time the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam gives him a command, he said

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Is Lubbock era so Allah Allah, he says at your service or messenger of Allah, right? And this shows us the responses that we should have for our leadership out of respect for them. Then finally when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam offers to give him some food, he I skipped a part here, let's go back to that the process and tells him to follow Him, they go into the house. And in one of the narrations, he asked, I shouted, Allahu Allah, Holman shake that is there anything in our house? And then she says, Yes, we were given this milk. And this is the beauty of it, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was so accustomed to giving sadaqa that he never knew what was in his

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house. So it's not like, you know, we have stored up food for days, the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam a lot of the time would only keep enough food for the day. And once it ran out, it ran out. So here we see that I shall have the Allahu Allah she says, Yes, we received some milk from so and so. And this shows us it was a custom again, to regularly send gifts to your neighbors who regularly send gifts to the people that you love. Oftentimes, these people had sheeps, and they had goats, they will take the milk and they would share it with everyone. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he takes this milk, and I want you to put yourself in Abu Huraira or the Allahu Anhu shoes

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right now, you're so hungry, that you've tied a stone to your stomach. In other versions of this hadith, Abu Huraira, the Allahu Anhu would pass out from hunger, and he would start shaking, so much so that people would put their shoes their feet on his necks, thinking that he was possessed by a jinn and they would try to beat the jinn out of him. Subhanallah they, that's how hungry it is. So now put yourself in this position, you're so hungry, and you finally see this bowl of milk. And, you know, milk was one of those things that while it is a drink, it was also a food for them. It was also a food for them. You're like Allahu Akbar, I'm finally going to be able to drink this milk. And

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then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells you wait before you can drink, go and get the rest of the sofa. And you can imagine there's about 30 Odd of a sofa that you have to go and get a Barrera or the Allahu Anhu he goes and tells them that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sharing meals with us, told them and he ran backwards. He wanted to be first disservice to himself. He comes back, he says, upload era you made it back, Allahu Akbar. Now you can serve them as they come. And you can imagine in one of them narrations as a Beholder of the Allahu Anhu he has this cauldron of milk. He is giving it to person by person. And he's literally feeling it deplete,

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right person by person it's emptying out. And with each person he's giving it to Miskin, his heart is sinking. Like all they wanted was some milk why can I have some milk? Till the final a person comes in you can see that, you know, Ebola doula who I know his his like heart has sunk, and there's only a little bit left. And the other version of the Hadith, he thinks to himself, you know, what type of person would I be? If I didn't offer it to the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam first. Now let's get back to this version over here. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam commands him to do something to go and get out of the sofa, even though he doesn't want to do

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it. What does he say? He says, I have to obey the command of Allah and His messenger and the showing us that attitude that we need to establish and build in ourselves. When Allah Subhana Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say something we hear and we obey, even if we internally may have other desires, we have to hear and we obey. Right final say that's what it is. So now this happens, and he brings it back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you probably saw them tells him to drink first and other versions the process and blue and add to the process of spit in it, the process and put his hand in it, and it replenished till it was full again. And he would

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finish drinking. And he would tell him keep drinking. He would finish drinking the President would tell them keep drinking till he says I can't drink anymore, yada so Allah there's no muss lick left, meaning there's no like vessel left in my body that milk can can fill it anymore. That is on the verge of like coming out of my nose now Subhan Allah, and then that time he was sufficed, and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam drank another valuable lesson over here is the fact that the general ruling is a believer should not eat or drink till there Phil right 1/3 For eating one drink a day 1/3 For drinking and 1/3 for air, but this hadith shows us that the exception is that it is

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allowed. So from time to time as long as not a lot of the norm you are allowed eating and drinking till your fill, but it should not be the norm it should not be the norm. And these are some of the narrations these are some of the lessons that we derive from this hadith. Now, the title heading of this hadith was every action that brings about harm or prevents some good then it is forbidden. I want you guys to be the scholars now. How are you going to tie the title heading and

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actually, how are you going to tie that title heading to the Hadith itself.

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Every action that brings about harm or prevents some good and it is forbidden Kulu to solder often Jura facade and Odessa has Salah hon. For Huberman here on angle

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how do we make a stellar Smilla?

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Why was it forbidden?

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If he did, if he didn't do it prevented it from happening. Okay, but as in I want you to be very specific everyone understands, but why was it forbidden for Abracadabra? The Allahu Anhu like what had happened that he had to do it

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excellent. That's all I needed. Does aka look at Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam commanded him. So this was something that he had to do, even though that he didn't want to do it. Then he had to do it and disobeying the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have been forbidden. Okay, well, except that answer what else?

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Go ahead.

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you asked,

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okay, because he's God's Messenger, He has to obey Him. Excellent.

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Unless you're like, No.

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That is very true. He can't say no to the prophets of Allah. Julio salah. Hello from the sisters. What do you think? How do we tie in the Hadith to the chapter heading every action that brings about harm or prevents some good, then it is forbidden.

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selfish, in the real world to prevent some good by sharing.

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And who preceded him in that? who preceded him in that before Bordeira shared it, who shared it sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right? And this is what we established in the Hadith and whenever he had a gift, he would always share it with the people. So whenever you have something, take from it what you need, and share the rest with the people share the rest with the people. Excellent. And that's what we want to derive from the Hadith Bismillah heeta Allah so focus on this every action that brings about harm so if you are ever harming someone or even preventing some good then that is forbidden then that is forbidden Hadith number 37.

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The Most High statement or you who believe when you agree to pay a debt at a future time then record it I'll Bacardi collect some Aisha Radi Allahu taala, who said Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam died when his shield was appointed to a Jewish man as collateral for 30 psa of barley for his family.

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Much shorter, yes. So now when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away, he had left his shield as collateral, meaning that I will leave something of value with me with you, in exchange that you loan me something. And this is more as a guarantee that in case I'm not able to pay back my loan, then at least you have the collateral with you at least you have the collateral with you. That is what has happened. Now, what is the virtue of this hadith? What is the virtue of this hadith? Firstly, we have the statement of Allah subhanaw taala in Surah, Al Baqarah. And this is the longest verse in the Quran, it's called out today. It's the longest verse in the Quran, and it speaks about

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what to do when you're about to take a loan from one another, the importance of documenting it the importance of having witnesses, so on and so forth. Is it mandatory to do so? Is it mandatory to write it down? No. Is it good to do so? Yes. How do we know that this very Hadith over here, that there was no written contract between the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And this Jewish man over here, number two, what is the ruling of going into debt? The general ruling of going into debt is that is disliked unless there's a reason to do so. Unless that there's a reason to do so. How do we know this? The general idea of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were he seeking refuge in

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Allah subhanaw taala from being in debt. Number two, the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam refusing to pray the janazah of some individuals who died while being in debt and being able to pay it off and being able to pay it off. So these are all indications that we should avoid being in debt unless you absolutely have to. Now number three, we learn from this hadith the importance of providing for your family by any Halal meats, providing for your family by any Halal meats. So here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam needed food for his family. So he took a loan, he took a debt, and this shows us that debts don't have to be

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currency based, you can actually borrow a cup of sugar and return a cup of sugar. Right? So you can use commodities as well, you can use commodities as well. But what was the rule amount for amount, amount or amount, regardless of the quality regardless of the quality, ideally, it should be the same quality and you should never intentionally give a lower quality, but you are allowed to use commodity as well. And here we see, you know, the, the chivalry of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that when you have to provide for your family, there's no shame when you have to provide for your family. There's no shame, right? One may think, you know, what, as the Messenger of Allah, is

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it befitting that he's taking a loan, right? But here the problems are seldom is leading by example. And he's showing us by example, that for your family to provide for them, there's no shame in taking all the Halal means. So yes, being in debt may be disliked, but it's still within the realm of halal, it's still within the realm of halal, right. So when you have to provide for them, take all of the halal avenues take all of the halal avenues. And then I'll just emphasize this point. The general rule though, is if you're going to take a loan from one another, documented, documented, the amount documented the date document, the approximate due date, whenever you're able to and I'll use

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intentionally and because there's a hadith coming up about that, have two witnesses to it. And that is the safer and better thing to do that is the safer and better thing to do.

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Hadith number 38. The Most High statement, if he is in hardship, then respite until solvency called Huhtala we're in Canada are searching for another atone, LMA Surah meaning that if an individual has taken a loan, and they are unable to be solvent or unable to pay it back, then give them respite give them some time to pay it back. Most of them collects from Khalifa that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a servant from amongst the servants of Allah, whom Allah had endowed with riches was brought to him. He said to him, What did you do in the world? He said, they cannot conceal anything from Allah. He replied, Oh, my Lord, You endowed me with your wealth. I used to

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transact with people, and it was in my nature to absorb meaning to get to forgive and to pardon. I showed leniency to the solvent, those that were unable to pay and gave respite leniency to those that were able to pay and gave respite to the insolvent those that were not able to pay. Were upon Allah said, I have more rights to this, then you absolve My servant.

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For call Allahu Jalla Jalla. Lou, Anna Huck will be there make the jail wazoo, and Abdi. Now, what we learned from this, is this continuing this act of when you borrow something from people, how should you deal with them. So we've spoken about be documenting it having witnesses have an approximate date as to when they will pay it back. But now what happens if they're not able to pay it back? What happens if they're not able to pay it back? The first thing you do is give them respite, meaning give them more time. But if you find that it's actually becoming difficult for them, and you're really putting a lot of pressure upon them, that you're feeling this pressure, it's

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best to forgive, it's best to forgive. And this hadith is perhaps the greatest form of encouragement that this man whom Allah subhanaw taala had blessed with a lot of wealth. He used to be very lenient with the people, those that paid back, they could take their time, those that didn't pay back, he would forgive. And Allah subhanaw taala responded by saying that I am more deserving of this trait and this attribute of, you know, being patient with people and overlooking their faults. Now from the virtues of giving a loan is that the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam says that whoever gives a loan, it is as if they have given half of it in South Africa, it is as if they have given half of it

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in South Africa. So I want you to understand that every aspect of our deen has a fourth component, it will have a master hub component, and it will have a mobile component. So the fourth component with regards to your finances is paying users to get the most the hub component of it is giving sadaqa above and beyond. And the mobile component is the giving of loans, the giving of loans, but even the giving of loans can become was the hub with regards to how you treat it and your intentions behind it. Right when you're giving sadaqa your intention has to be pure. But when you're giving a loan, you can have a worldly intention. You can give the loan that you know I'm giving a loan to

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this person now, Inshallah, in the future when I need a loan, hopefully he'll give it back to me that something like that is allowed. But if you have a pure intention that I'm helping giving a loan to a person to help this person out.

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out, then this becomes a noble intention that you will be rewarded for. And if you treat him with respite and forgive the loan, if you're unable to pay it back, then there's a greater danger as we see from this hadith. Now, the

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important thing I wanted to highlight over here is Allah subhanho wa Taala His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he highlights the fact that this man was rich right

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there to be outdone, meaning a bird he atta hola who murdered right this was a slave from the slaves of Allah whom Allah subhanaw taala had given the wealth to, and this goes back to our discussion on what is the ideal case situation, we're going to go back to halacha number one, where we highlighted the ideal case situation is you're a person of Taqwa that fulfills their personality by doubt. And Allah subhanaw taala has given you wealth and Allah subhanaw taala has given you wealth, and you'll find the various Hadith that phrase these sorts of people. And this hadith can only be implemented by someone with wealth. You can't be poor and giving loans to people, you have to be rich. In order

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to do that you have to be rich, in order to do that. So this shows us that again, we need an ummah that has Taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala fulfills their personality by that and Allah subhanaw taala has blessed them with money

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had he favored number 39 utilizing all means in repaying one's debts, widowed collects from Abu Zubaydah Hodari, who said one day Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered the mosque. He saw there a man from the unsought called Abu Omar. He said, What is the matter that I'm seeing you sitting in the mosque when there is no time of prayer? He said worries and deaths that have had that have ensnared me Oh, Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he replied, shall I not teach you words by which when you say them,

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by which when you say them, Allah will remove your worry and settle your debt. He said, of course, oh, Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, say in the morning and evening, Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from worry and grief. I seek refuge in You from incapacity and slackness. I seek refuge in You from cowardice and miserliness. And they seek in you from being overcome by that and subjugated by man. He said, When I did that, Allah removed my worry and settled my debt. I say a Budos was silent about this hadith. And the supplication is narrated in Soho Bukhari from an S as well. Now the Hadith from Anasazi Allahu Anhu. He actually mentioned that I

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memorize this dua, by how frequently the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to see it, and memorize this dua, by how frequently the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say it, what is this dua Allahumma inni are also becoming an hammy one husband, while Adze Wilkerson actually I'll use the version over here, Allah Khomeini I will become an HMI when hazard while also becoming an agency Wilkerson. Well Oh, they'll be criminal geovany Well buckle, we're also becoming the collar but today's worker Rachel and in the version of Al Bukhari, they are also because not repeated repeated, I also become an HMI one hasn't well Adze Well, castleville

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bookatable Jouban Wadala identity, what kind of material that is the version of self recording.

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So there's a couple of lessons that we learned over here.

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Number one,

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is that the stress and anxiety of debt is actually very overpowering. It will cause sleepless nights, it will increase your blood pressure, it will make you lose your appetite. It will make you less social, you will not want to interact with people, but that person in general, you don't want to be seen by them because you're afraid. Will they ask me about my debt. So this shows you the crippling effect that debt has. And this is why the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sought refuge in being in debt, because it is very, very overpowering. So we see a boo mama, that he's in the masjid now. And you can imagine that he's just filled with anxiety. He wants to be in a

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place where he feels at calm and at peace. And that is what the massages are for. Right? Their homes of tranquility, their homes of peace, that when you're in the masjid, you are safe, right? This is your sanctuary. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sees him. He doesn't let him be like, you can imagine you come to the machine. There's no one else here and you see someone in the corner, what are you going to do? Are you going to let them be? Or are you going to ask them? Are you okay? Is there something I'm going to help you with? And this shows us that particularly for leaders in the community, it's not okay to leave someone be. If you're not a leader in the

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community, you can go either way. There's more flexibility with that. But even then, it's good to say salam alaikum how are you? You know, are you okay? Just ask those basic questions. Just ask those basic questions. Number three,

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There is nothing wrong with being vulnerable. The clearly this man he has a problem. He is in debt. He wants to overcome his debt but he doesn't know how. And hear the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he doesn't say, You know what, let me go and get a loan for you so that you can pay off your debt he's easily could have done that. Yet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw in this man you know what this man is taking physical means, let him provide that we provide him a spiritual means. And this is goes back to the title heading. Utilizing all means during repaying back one's debts. Physical means we all know how to take but are we taking spiritual means as well? Are we

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taking spiritual means as well? Now let's look at the actual dua of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This hadith mentions that you say it in the evening. The other version of us it actually doesn't mention morning or evening or any time. Whenever you feel anxiety when you're you feel overcome with stress, you can say this dua and it is to say Allahumma, in the obika, that Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You mental help me will hazard hum is to grieve over the past, I still be worried about the future. And hazard is to grieve on the past is to grieve on the past. And it's okay to have both things will happen in our lives that we're grieving about. It's fine. But you can ask

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Allah subhanaw taala to help you overcome that grief. And this shows that you're not meant to live a life of grief. Right? And I'll use a very specific example, for saying there are the Allahu Taala and who was the grandson of the prophets of Allah, Allah who has Santa from the afternoon bait, from the most beloved of human beings, to all of the believers to all of the believers. Yet it does not mean that we continue to live a life of grief, particularly in the month of Muharram. So much so that it leads to us doing haram, like hitting ourselves and beating ourselves and things of that nature. Right? This hadith shows that that you're meant to overcome your grief, you're not meant to

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live in grief forever, someone close to you passes away, there is a restricted amount of time where you can grieve out of the norm. After that, let it be a normal grief. From time to time, you will see something that reminds you of them, and you will feel pain, you'll feel sad, that's perfectly fine. But to completely change your lifestyle. Oh, I'm always going to wear black for the rest of my life, so that I can show the world that I'm grieving over the loss of so and so. No, this is not what the Prophet said I'm taught us know the companions. This is not how they acted when he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself passed away. I mean, how many will husband while I'd Z while

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castle from being incapable? And from laziness. And this is sort of like, you know, when you're old in age, you're incapable of doing things. And then when you're young, you're just lazy. Right? So Allah's Messenger SallAllahu Sallam is seeking refuge from both of those things, that I seek refuge in Allah that when I grow older, I become incapable. And while I'm young, I'm lazy, and this shows us the danger of laziness, right? You're young, make the most of it. Make the most of your life and do as much as you possibly can. And it will custom one, Bulkeley will joven from stinginess, miserliness, meaning you have something to spend, but you don't spend it. You're always hurting.

00:33:14 --> 00:33:28

You're always, you know, thinking that if I just get you know, save one more dollar, I'll become rich and I'll become happy. You'll become more miserable with each dollar. That's the reality of it while giovane cowardice where you have the ability to be brave, but you don't do so.

00:33:29 --> 00:34:04

When I look at the world Joburg, Madonna I deign to be overcome by debt. Waka Harare, JAL was all about your region and to be overcome by men. So here the purpose of selling is seeking refuge from being overcome by debt, meaning that small amounts of debt are okay. But debts that become overpowering, avoid them by all means necessary and being overpowered by men, meaning being physically weak and not being able to take care of yourself and your family. So that dua you can also find in his non Muslim under the section of grief and anxiety, Hadith number 40.

00:34:05 --> 00:34:51

There is no consensus Sorry, there is consensus that if anyone leaves inheritors, his bequest shall not surpass 1/3 Unless they approve. Al Bukhari and Muslim collect from from Saudi Arabia Waqas Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam visited me during the Farewell Pilgrimage due to a pain that took me to the edge of death. I said, O Allah's Messenger, I'm very ill, as you see, I am not a wealthy man, and have no heir except my only daughter. Shall I give two thirds of my wealth away in charity? He said, No. I said, Shall I then give half of it in charity? He said no. 1/3 yet. 1/3 is much. It is better to leave your children wealthy than to leave them poor reduced to begging

00:34:51 --> 00:34:59

from others. The wording is from Sahih Muslim. So now, he mentioned each month that you're not allowed giving more than 1/3

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In your hacia, let's break this down.

00:35:03 --> 00:35:43

Just so that you know, in sha Allah, we've changed up the topic for next week's halacha. Because the last three Hadith speak about the will, next two weeks halacha is actually going to be how to write in Islamic will, how to write in Islamic world. So that's going to be next week's halacha we're not going to do the leadership comparison, we've delayed that till September 17 Bismillahi. Tada. So we're being do a detailed discussion on that. So in summary, what happens to your wealth, when you pass away, the first thing, your janazah expenses need to be paid. Number two, your debts needs to be paid off. Number three, your car needs to be fulfilled. And then number four, your inheritance is

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distributed. Let's go through these one by one, the payment for your janazah is your own responsibility. So this means that this is something that you should be saving up for. And you shouldn't be putting to the side Bismillahi Tala that in the situation that it arises, is already taken care of. In certain cities, you can actually do this proactively, like I remember before my mother and father passed away Rahimullah, they had purchased their plots in Montreal. And whenever they were mentioned to pass away, their their plot would be ready for them. It was a quarter of Allah, my father passed away Rahimullah in Montreal, so his point was taken care of, but my mother

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Rahimullah, she passed away in calories, Pamela, So Al Hamdulillah, we were able to donate that plot to someone that was in need. So if you see yourself in a circumstance where you can purchase your plot in advance, that's actually the better thing to do, because over time, it's just getting more expensive, right? So that's the first thing. So this will cover any

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expenses, like the washing of the body, putting you in the cafe and applying the Carrefour and the fragrance, the coffin itself, transportation from the hospital to the masjid from the machine to the cemetery, and then the posting ad to the cemetery, it will cover all of those costs be in Elahi Tana. So that is the first thing number two is the paying off of debts. And some of the narrations mentioned that the soul is suspended between the dunya and the reckoning of the Hereafter till the debts are paid off. And it's just like a form of persecution till the debts are actually paid off. So we want to make sure that is the second thing so if you have debts, try to pay them off while

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you're alive. If you're unable to do so make sure you leave enough money behind so that your heirs can pay your debts off for you. Number three your will sia your Basia is money that you're leaving behind for someone or something that is not naturally inheriting from you. So your parents will naturally inherit from you. Your siblings will naturally inherit from you, your children will naturally inherit from you. All these natural inheritors, Allah subhanaw taala has decreed the portion that they will receive. But how about if you have a really close friend? How about if you have a really close cousin, how about if you have a really close neighbor, how about if you have a

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masjid that you really love, and you want to leave something behind for them, you can what is the utmost limit 1/3 So up to a maximum of 1/3 of your liquid assets or or your assets in general, you can leave behind as this act of sadaqa. But this sadaqa It is better if you do it while you're alive was permitted after you die, it's better to do it while you're alive. And then number four, your inheritance is distributed at that time your inheritance is distributed at that time. The last portion of this hadith, that when we think Isn't it better to give sadaqa like shooting to give as much sadaqa as you possibly can. And here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is reminding us

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that it is better to leave your family in a situation where they don't have to beg that is better than giving a sadaqa that is better in giving in sadaqa

00:38:59 --> 00:39:41

Hadith number 41 The Most High statement your father's and your brothers you do not know which of them will be closest to you in benefit. Al Bukhari and Muslim collection of numbers that Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, granted the inheritance portions to the recipients whatever remains goes close to the closest male relative. So you will have certain situations in Islamic inheritance where all of the wealth is not distributed, where all the wealth is not distributed. What happens with that remaining wealth, it should go to the closest meal relative and we'll discuss this in detail. Next week. Inshallah, you'll have the appendix in front of you. And in

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the appendix, you'll be able to see all of the different scenarios how inheritance is distributed. So in the case where the family has received all their shares, and there's still some wealth left over than the closest male relative will get the rest and this is known as passive. This is known as

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Hadith number 42 And this is the last Hadith Bismillah Hinta Allah.

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The Most High statement commanded of you when any of you if visited by death while leaving behind some good is to write a will.

00:40:17 --> 00:40:26

Where ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says, hola hola hola cootie baja de comida haidara Docomo mauto in Tharaka. Saira Anil was sia and if

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this idea is used as a proof that it is highly recommended to have a will and it is also used as a proof that it is obligatory to use a will. So minority group of scholars said it is obligatory the majority said it is highly recommended to do so. Al Bukhari and Muslim collect from Ibn Ahmad Radi Allahu anha that Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, it is unbefitting of a Muslim who has something which is to be given as a request to sleep for three nights without having his will written down regarding it. Abdullah bin Ahmed said since I heard this from Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I have not slept for even one night, except that my will was with me.

00:41:11 --> 00:41:59

This is the wording of Muslim in Buhari sleep for two nights in Makati sleep for two nights meaning that you shall not let two nights even pass let alone three, let alone three swallows use this hadith again, as I mentioned to show the hubbub or the highly recommendation of leaving a will behind and Inshallah, this is what we will be implementing Bismillah heeta Allah next week. So your homework for next week is one of two things. You go to the ICS website on the very top right corner, download Islamic will download it, print it out, bring a printed copy with you. Or number two, those are that those of you that are technologically savvy, bring your laptops, bring your iPads, bring

00:41:59 --> 00:42:40

your tablets, so that you have it ready to fill out as we do it to Bismillahi Tada. That is your homework for next week. Bismillah heeta Allah and we will implement this hadith together. And this shows us you know the importance of protecting your wealth and protecting your assets, and making sure that it's done properly, making sure that it's done properly. This is a HAC from Allah subhanho wa Taala that we distributed this wealth according to what he has decreed, right? It's not for us to choose. But Allah subhanaw taala has chosen for us. And there's a divine wisdom in this. Because we see that had Allah subhanaw taala left it up to us, we would fight tooth and nail with one another

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to get inheritance. Yet even when Allah subhanaw taala decrees it we still find a way to fight, but it's less we still find a way to fight but it's less May Allah subhanaw taala make things easy for us and grant us personal hajima mean and hamdulillah before that he wanted me to masala hat. And with that, we conclude the book. And I'll just read what Chef Joe says. It says the end All praise is due to Allah through whose blessings God is completed. And may He sanctify our power Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his companion his family and his companions are together.

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He says with hamdulillah Allah de bien Yama, Tahiti, temozolomide was SallAllahu ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edge marine and Hamdulillah. with that we conclude now let's get back to our discussion on insurance from last week. So last week, we were speaking about insurance and I wanted to play a small at you know what we have? We have time because the iodine is at 851. So Salah will be at 901 So we have about 15 minutes inshallah till the farmer. Okay, so now, here's what I want you to think about.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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actually we Okay, let's do it this way. What is the ruling on eating meat that has not been slaughtered? What is the ruling on eating meat that has not been slaughtered? So I'll give you a very specific a cow eating the meat of a cow that has not been slaughtered. What is the ruling on it?

00:44:15 --> 00:44:16

Haram anyone believe it's salad.

00:44:18 --> 00:44:19

Okay, excellent. You believe it's halal?

00:44:22 --> 00:44:25

It is necessity, but we're not talking about the necessity over here. Excellent.

00:44:29 --> 00:44:35

How can something be halal? Not halal, but permissible. How is that possible?

00:44:39 --> 00:44:42

No, but I'm saying this cow was not slaughtered at all.

00:44:43 --> 00:44:47

It's it just naturally died. It got hit by a car.

00:44:50 --> 00:44:55

is haram right? Okay, now let me give you only one

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only if you like you need

00:45:02 --> 00:45:10

Okay, next time, raise your hand in sharp next time, raise your hand. And that's exactly what our caller said over here. Now, let me give you a scenario.

00:45:11 --> 00:45:25

You're slaughtering a cow. And the cow has a baby cow inside of it. That baby cow dies along with its mother. What is the ruling on eating that baby cow?

00:45:28 --> 00:45:37

It is halal? You think so? Okay, let's do democracy over here. How many people believe eating that baby cow is halal? Raise your hand.

00:45:39 --> 00:46:22

Okay, hands down. How many of you believe it's haram? It's not allowed to eat? Raise your hands. Excellent. Now let's go back to what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, called a an abuse of Allahu alayhi wa sallam, the cartoon Janeen the character only that the slaughtering of the fetus of the baby cow is what the slaughtering of the mother is with the slaughtering of the mother? Why do we need to understand this principle? Because we learn a very is why do we need to understand this hadith because we understand a very important principle that in things that follow, there is room for ease and concession in which in the foundation, there is no room for ease or concession.

00:46:22 --> 00:46:39

This is what we're establishing from the principle. So sometimes, if you were to buy something on its own, it would not be allowed for you. But if it comes in a company meant to it, then it becomes permissible. What is an example we were speaking about insurance, you want to get

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around you want to rent a car?

00:46:43 --> 00:47:25

In the car rental agreement, they give you the option? Would you like to take insurance with us, you have the option to take this insurance based upon this hadith, as long as it's within the same contract, it would be allowed for you to do so. Now, after the contract has been signed? Can you take an external insurance? No, you should not take an external insurance. Because it's no longer a part of the same contract, bring it to something for the youth. Now, you're going to buy an Apple product, you go to the store at the Apple store, you buy the product, they ask you do you want to buy Apple Care if it is a separate agreement, it is not allowed. If it's within the agreement, it is

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allowed. So when you buy the Apple product at that time, they will include the Apple Care within that same agreement. However, if you take their product home, and then they give you 90 days to buy the Apple Care, at that time, it will not be allowed at that time, it will not be allowed. Okay, so that's why we needed to understand this hadith. Now let's go back to the scenario I gave you last week, which is you're at work and your work is offering you insurance life insurance, where they say that we will contribute 80% You have to contribute 20%. So for you to purchase life insurance for yourself will not be allowed with exceptions that I mentioned last week. However, the fact that you

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have a job which is halal, and they're giving it to you, they're paying for the vast majority of it, and you're asking you to contribute 20% Then this is something that you are allowed to contribute to this is something that you are allowed to contribute to based upon this hadith based upon this hadith. And there's a whole bunch of Kawhia here that would fall under this hadith a tarbiyah Tabea. Right. Well, Hoekman Motobu hochma Tabea while your therfor Phil Tabea Mala yoke tougher Phil multiple, all of this guide would fall under this hadith. So that was the discussion on insurance. I wanted to share with all of you. There's a specific type of insurance I wanted to answer

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Khalid he had asked about we'll open up the floor for questions in a second, Khalid had asked about the ruling on buying medical insurance ruling on buying medical insurance.

00:49:01 --> 00:49:48

So in filk, we have this principle of breaking down everything into Doriot necessities that you can survive without it. Hygiene, that if you didn't have them, you could survive with life would be very difficult. And then taxing yet, which are things that are considered luxury or comfort based. So now where do medical expenses fall under this realm? So yes, there's basic medical coverage for every Canadian, right? Everyone has basic medical coverage, you can go to the hospital, and you would get taken care of. And then when it comes to getting medication, that may not be the case, unless you're like low income family, you would need to pay for your medication, your self. So if you have

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medication, you have to do a specialist checkups. All of these would be extra expenses. So how would we break this down? It would either fall under a dura or fall under

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Raja, if it is a dura, meaning it is a necessity. We have a principle that says adorato Toby Han Mahabharat. That necessity makes the impermissible permissible. And then we have a second principle that says, and how Jihad tahoka Medora rot that we have that even the needs will take the rulings of the necessities. So medical insurance would be a loud based upon these principles, will Allahu Tagada type, let's open up the floor for questions and shall go ahead

00:50:38 --> 00:50:40

even like, you can even

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doesn't need to be currency. That's correct.

00:50:51 --> 00:50:58

Or other stuff? Yes. So as an example, here as an example, he gives me

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about a MOBA shirt. Okay.

00:51:05 --> 00:51:13

And then the day comes where? Yes, but I cannot. It's like I can see something else. But I would say.

00:51:16 --> 00:51:56

So in that sort of situation, you should speak to the person that you're in debt with. So the person our brother's saying, I bought a bag of sugar times come to paid back, I don't have a bag of sugar, can I pay something else? Can I pay something else? In this sort of situation, you go back to the person that you borrowed from, and you come up with an agreement at that time. So in an ideal situation, they forgive you for your debt, and you don't have to pay it back anymore. Or they say, You know what, you take some more time, whenever you're able to give me that bag of sugar. Give it to me, what you want to try to avoid is the discrepancy in great amounts, right? So you borrow a bag

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of sugar, and then he's like, You know what, give me some eggs instead. Because eggs are really expensive right now. Right? And that's what you're trying to avoid. So in an ideal situation, either it's forgiven or it's delayed till you can actually pay back what you're borrowing in its original state. Allahu Allah. Go ahead.

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00:52:21 --> 00:52:22

the same amount.

00:52:24 --> 00:52:39

As a general principle, yes, it would be allowed it would be allowed but not to the degree to something which is more expensive. If it is something less expensive, and he's pardoning the rest. That's fine. If it's part of the universe, that's fine, but he can't ask for something that's more expensive. Allah why then go ahead.

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00:52:43 --> 00:52:46

one for like under $1,000

00:52:47 --> 00:53:00

Okay, installments 1200 Yeah. Is that okay? Yes, it is. Because as long as you know the price that you're agreeing to and there's no interest involved, then that's perfectly fine inshallah.

00:53:03 --> 00:53:21

So let's say you you go hunting right you should mammal guide or what if it's dead and slaughtered straightaway? Is that correct? Yes. So as long as the animal is not dead, and you do the Bihar at that time is perfectly fine. Inshallah. Allah Allah, go ahead.

00:53:26 --> 00:53:39

What is an amount that you should put aside for funeral expenses in Calgary, about $7,000 was $7,000 is how much I would think would be a safe amount to put to the site. Aloha. I'm just gonna go to sister's gonna come back. Go ahead.

00:53:41 --> 00:53:42

So when we talk about like,

00:53:44 --> 00:53:48

there's a lot of florists and so the particular time you hold someone money,

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and then have the reasonable time for exchange, the money has value.

00:53:56 --> 00:54:35

Yeah. How do you manage that? Excellent. So with regards to foreign exchange, the currency that you borrow in the currency that you should pay back in? That is the essence. Now with regards to inflation. It's loans are meant to be loans of transactions of generosity, meaning that there's an element of harm, which is being compensated by a budget, right? The only exception to this is when you have hyperinflation. Hyperinflation takes place in the currency has completely been devalued, like Zimbabwe, you know, for example, then that sort of situation, you can find what the average cost in like a reserve currency would be. So the amount that you bought at that time in US dollars,

00:54:35 --> 00:54:40

you can return that amount in US dollars, but that's the exception to the rule and isn't the general rule.

00:54:41 --> 00:54:43

Did you have a follow up or a second question?

00:54:45 --> 00:54:47

Noise any other sisters

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smella go ahead

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this time?

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00:55:13 --> 00:55:19

So wait till next week and shall ask next week because next week we're discussing the wheelchair to talk to you

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send me an email and we'll schedule an appointment and shall they go ahead.

00:55:26 --> 00:55:30

So why can you not purchase it later on? If it's still within that?

00:55:33 --> 00:55:39

It's an open window according to Apple, but it's not within the contract, your current sale contract of sale has concluded at that time.

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00:55:43 --> 00:55:51

It's permissible as long as within the same contract. As soon as one contract has included, you cannot start a second contract if something is clearly impermissible.

00:55:52 --> 00:55:53

Right? Yep.

00:55:56 --> 00:56:00

Work offers you like multiple different tiers of insurance. Once

00:56:01 --> 00:56:06

you start working, you pick tier one, and then later on, like, 90 days later, like, you know what I mean?

00:56:07 --> 00:56:32

You got to pay a premium to get to that level, are you paying Tom with like medical insurance or health insurance? Like what? You know? So with medical and health, I think there's more room for flexibility, because then you get like orthodontist coverage and those sorts of things, which again, they can consider to be can can can be considered needs and stuff. So that's fine. But in terms of tiers for life insurance, the absolute minimum, that's what I was suggesting. Yeah.

00:56:35 --> 00:56:39

Like, are we able to utilize whatever comes with our party?

00:56:41 --> 00:56:49

No, that's a different kind of worms, because which I don't want to open up right now. So let's talk about that later, inshallah. Go ahead.

00:56:52 --> 00:56:53

The first question,

00:56:55 --> 00:57:00

it's about forgiving a half of the money. So while taking a loan from a friend.

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00:57:04 --> 00:57:09

And I can't, I can't pay him back. And he can forgive me.

00:57:13 --> 00:57:13

For my

00:57:14 --> 00:57:35

words, so he can to do that by himself. So if you're unable to pay a loan, your creditor cannot just take your assets, this has to go through due process, and then whatever due process decides is fine. So you go to court, small claims court, and you figure it out over there. Now, if it still isn't settled, then on the day of judgment, there's exchange hasn't that answer yet?

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00:57:39 --> 00:57:40

Life insurance.

00:57:43 --> 00:57:53

I can't read what you said. It's under, it will not be allowed Islamically life insurance as a general principle is not allowed. So what if a tornado hits Calgary?

00:57:55 --> 00:57:57

What if you have a heart attack?

00:57:58 --> 00:58:02

When your time of death comes, it comes? Right? So it's irrelevant at that time?

00:58:03 --> 00:58:30

Right. So when you look at again, this goes back to the last week's discussion, where if there is a Sharia compliant life insurance, by all means, you can get that as far as I'm aware, in North America, there is no Sharia compliant life insurance, which means you have to go to a company where they're going to invest your money in Haram and pay you from haram. You're better off just whatever you're paying them invest that money more strategically, and have a cushion and have a cushion for yourself. Well, Allah Hutan Go ahead.

00:58:35 --> 00:59:01

Can you have home insurance if your house is paid off? So the general rule is you should not have home insurance. The exceptions to this is the example I gave last week on about Florida, a place you have regular tornadoes, you can't keep rebuilding your house, practically here in Calgary, if you live in the northeast, there's a very high chance you're gonna get hail damage, right. So exceptions can be made for things like that. But again, the general rule is that you should avoid it. Allah Allah. Yeah. Yeah.

00:59:02 --> 00:59:07

What are you talking about? Let's go to the beginning. You said you have to do

00:59:08 --> 00:59:09

your funeral. Yeah.

00:59:10 --> 00:59:11


00:59:13 --> 00:59:17

For example of an extremely close friend, and they really want to like if they want to pay for you

00:59:21 --> 00:59:29

know it's halal. If someone wants to paint on your behalf. That's not a problem at all. Chum, Allah Allah. Go ahead. And he comes in after Allah.

00:59:31 --> 00:59:43

Is it considered haram to work in an insurance company? Unless it's a case of necessity? Where if you don't have a job, your family's gonna starve? You should avoid working at an insurance company? Allah who

00:59:46 --> 00:59:49

seemed willing What if you work in the bank assembling

00:59:51 --> 00:59:52

stolen money from

00:59:56 --> 00:59:57


00:59:58 --> 00:59:59

let's say a house

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01:00:09 --> 01:00:14

let's discuss this next week when we talk about the will inshallah we'll discuss this next week as well. Go ahead

01:00:20 --> 01:00:22

offer is

01:00:23 --> 01:00:27

not new, but they just give you the basics. Yes.

01:00:30 --> 01:00:33

You can. Yes, yes.

01:00:36 --> 01:00:37


01:00:38 --> 01:01:20

Yeah. So the basic one is perfectly fine. That's actually better. Don't pay anything at all. Just take the basic and that's fine. Insha Allah, Allahu taala. They folks, let's conclude with that inshallah. Next week halacha will be at 730 Next week, it will be at 730 BitTitan Allahu taala. Tomorrow night, we have Sheikh Hamza at Fairview on Sunday we have him in downtown. So tomorrow is Be mindful of Allah Sunday's Tafseer of Surah Al Fatiha tomorrow. We also have Muslim heritage day at the Olympic Plaza. And then Wednesday, we also have Syrah in downtown Bismillahi Tada Zakum located in for your attendance Subhan. Allah will be handing a shadowline hydrant, a stockbroker to

01:01:20 --> 01:01:23

a lake will have the Adan and your karma right after inshallah

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