Naima B. Robert – Advice for Muslim Women Choose to be Happy! MUST WATCH!

Naima B. Robert
AI: Summary ©
The speaker invites the customer to embrace radical gratitude, which is a way to see oneself as a hero and create positive emotions without harming the other person. The customer is encouraged to use their own experiences and thoughts to make their own story bigger. The speaker emphasizes that this approach is necessary for the customer to be successful.
AI: Transcript ©
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What would you say if I told you

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that you have

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everything you need right now to be happy?

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Would you laugh at me?

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Would you scoff at me?

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Would you feel a bit insulted?

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Would you say, sister Naima, you have no

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idea about my life. You do not know

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my trials, my difficulties, my challenges. You don't

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know how hard it

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is to be me, to be doing what

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I do.

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You've just got no clue.

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And that may be

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true, but it is also of no importance

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I know for a fact

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that every one of us

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is blessed beyond measure.

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The very fact that you are watching this,

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that you are listening to this, that you

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have access to this shows me that you

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already have

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a ton of blessings that you may not

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be counting.

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So, I'm going to invite you

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to embrace

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Embracing radical gratitude

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means choosing gratitude

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as your emotional home,

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choosing to see the cup as half full

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at all times,

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Choosing to believe in Allah's mercy

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and his generosity

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all the time in every situation

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and every circumstance.

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when you choose gratitude as your emotional home

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and everything that you see is seen, everything

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you see, everything you read, everything you do,

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everything you experience

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is experienced

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through the lens of gratitude.

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You will soon come to realize how blessed

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you really are.

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that radical gratitude

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approach is what can

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the way you see yourself,

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the way you see your life

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without anything else

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in your

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Because the only thing that needs to change

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in your situation, in your life for you

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to be happy

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is you.

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It's you.

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It's your perspective.

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It's your thoughts.

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It's the emotions that come from those thoughts,

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and it's the action that you take.

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So embrace radical gratitude

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so that you can truly show up as

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the hero

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of your life story.

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