Nadim Bashir – The Prince of Egypt – Kalimullah

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of teaching children the meaning of "order" and working with others in life, as well as the success of their own education. They emphasize the need to use one's time wisely and emphasize the importance of helping young people achieve their goals and benefit others. The speakers also share stories about their own education and emphasize the importance of building up skills for future success. The upcoming week's episode on Islam emphasizes the importance of being responsible in one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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so I'm on a call Muhammad Allah here but aka to select man or Haman hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi marine about Welcome to another segment of Kali Mala, where we go through the story of Musa Islam and draw lessons and reflections from his story. So we have got to the point that where Musa alayhis salam has been returned to his mother, by the Promise of Allah subhanho wa taala. The Quran says, For rather than Allah who ILA only he Keita Cara, I know how Allah doesn't. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned this idea, and now we get to the point that now mousseline some he has grown up. Now remember that in the

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Quran, as I mentioned last week, Allah subhanho wa Taala does not share information, or he does not mention anything that is irrelevant. And the reason I share this is because going from the time that Musa alayhis salam is a child all the way to the time that he is a young man, Allah Subhan did not share any details because it is irrelevant. So now the next thing is that before we actually get into the story of Musa ism, again, I wanted to quickly again, go back to the story of and talk something about the wife of Finn own, I just want to say something about her. So you have to understand that the wife of Iran is living in a very, in a household that is filled with turmoil is

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it is a house where she is witnessing her husband, you know, ordering the execution of innocent children, you know, making decisions that where they are oppressive, and demeaning, and so forth. And it is just not in her nature that she can keep on watching this. But at the same time, she understands that if I want to separate myself, I'm free to own than free to own is Judge he's juries executioner, there's no way I'm going to get out of the situation, you know, in a pleasant way. At the same time, we also learned that in the beginning, there was no physical abuse taking place against the wife of his own. So the reason I'm sharing this is because we have many of our Muslim

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sisters and our Muslim mothers who are living in an abusive relationship, or they're living in a relationship where they are not simply happy about the religiosity of their husband, there's a very low level of religiosity and their husband, and they feel like that, how's this going to affect the children and so forth? What do we learn from the story of or what do we learn from the wife or fade on is that she was able to overcome her grief by focusing on Musala Islam by investing her time her energy and teaching Musala Islam, that is what she was able to do. So this is why my advice to our sisters and our mothers who are living in a relationship, where they are not necessarily abused,

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where but they are not happy with the religiosity of their husband, or the level of their religiosity or their husbands are committing haram and so forth, then try to use your time to focus and invest into your child. And if there is any woman who is living in an abusive relationship, then it's also important that tried to go and seek help. Now the next thing that we learn from the stories of Musa alayhis salam is that Allah subhanho wa Taala while he talked about all the privileges that Mussolini some had, the one thing that Quran highlights is that Musa alayhis salam, he was given knowledge and he was given wisdom by Allah subhanho wa Taala what Amala or should the

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who was it now? Hockman we're Elma, this is Allah subhanho wa Taala manage mentioning the subtle passes, but what I want to highlight is this, before even knowledge is mentioned, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions wisdom and SubhanAllah. Today what we see is that, you know, wisdom is sort of synonymous with old age. You know, as you grow older and as you age, then you're going to have your you'll be more wise. And what's important to understand is that we need to teach our children and we need to teach our youth though the real concept of wisdom. What does wisdom mean? How do you apply wisdom in your life? The Quran says util Hekmati manga sha Allah gives wisdom to whoever he wants,

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but he all and then further on, he says, well, may you tell Hekmatyar fucka, Ooty are higher on Kathira Allah Allah says, The whoever has been given wisdom they have been given immense and they have been given a lot and abundantly. So this is why it is very important that we teach our kids how to apply wisdom, the meaning of wisdom, how to apply wisdom and see this the difference between wisdom and knowledge. Knowledge is simply you know, have knowing something, having facts or having the knowledge of

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certain things and certain affairs and so forth, whether this knowledge has come through observation or study or experience or research, but wisdom means to use that knowledge in the right way at the right time. And in the right situation, what knowledge should you use? And what should you do and what situation? That's called wisdom. So hello, today, we know that there are a lot of people who are very intellectual, very smart, but they're not many people who have a lot of wisdom. They're not many people who know what to do, what is the right thing to do at the right time? At the right situation. There not many people like that. And just to give you an example, Rasulullah sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam go back in his life, and we find the very famous story about the man who came and urinated inside the Masjid. I mean, think about what a what a, you know, what a wrong thing to do, what a vile thing to do. And you know, the Prophet salallahu it was sent him he's watching this, the Sahaba are watching and the Sahaba want to go and you know, they want to throw this person outside the Masjid. But what did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam do out of his understanding and out of his wisdom. At that time, the right call was what the let the man take care of his business, let him take care of himself, and then relieve himself. And then after he was done Rasulullah

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sallallahu, some He called this man over. And he said that this is not the right place to do something like this. He talked about the sanctity of the budget, you know, what does it mean to respect the budget and so forth. But that is called wisdom, knowing what to do at what time that is something that many of us are deprived from. Now, the question is that, okay, if Allah subhanaw taala, taught, Musa alayhis salam, and he gave him wisdom, and he gave him knowledge. The question is that how do we teach our children? And how do we teach our youth wisdom? There's three ways I'm going to share with you, number one, talk about and mentioned the stories of the Quran and mentioned

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the stories of the seed of the Prophet sallallahu is setting up in particular, to show what does wisdom mean? How did the Prophet SAW Allah? Why is some apply wisdom in certain scenarios? And what is the positive outcome of applying wisdom in your life? At the same time, we need to teach our children that what are the consequences of not applying wisdom in your life, share stories like that share stories from other places, that that, that exhibit and that really highlight the consequences of not applying wisdom in your life. Next, we teach our children by putting them in situations that how to apply wisdom. One way that I read in many books, when it comes to, you know, you know, when

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it comes to parenting, is that putting your child in a situation where they will have to make their own financial decisions, we have to put that pressure upon our children, eventually, when they grow up at a certain age. And not only that, but put them in that situation where they have to make tough financial decisions. As a parent, you you're there, you're there to provide support, provide, you know, suggestion to them, but let them make the decision. And eventually what happens is that when our youth have to make tough decisions in life, eventually they will learn wisdom, they will learn that there's, there's, you know, there might be several decisions I can make, and all of them are

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good. But for this situation, this is the right decision that I will have to make. And the third way to teach our children wisdom is when it comes to working with other people when it comes to making friends, and so forth. This is also one way that we can use to teach our children how to apply wisdom when it comes to working and dealing with other people. Once again, we find from Lhasa, Allahu alayhi wa sallam that he applied so much wisdom when he came when it came to dealing with other people, such as dealing with other people's foolishness or nonsense and so forth. How to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, he kept himself composed, and how do you apply wisdom in those kinds

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of situations? This is what we need to teach our children today, today. So holla we're teaching our children so many more other things, or we're not teaching anything to our children. We need to give our children knowledge and we have to also provide them with wisdom. Now, coming to next one, what is the next thing that we learned from the story of Musa alayhis salaam? And this what I'm about to share with you is a dream scenario for any Muslim youth, especially the young men. Now, if you ask if I ask any young man, what would be a dream scenario for you? You will find every single youth who will say I want money, I want fame, I want things materialism, I want power. You know, I want to you

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know, I want to be in control of the situation. And not only that, but I want to be strong, you know, I want to be very bulky and you know, and so forth. You know, subhanAllah when you say the story of Musa Allah He said

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Musa Hassan was living that dream. I mean, think about it. Number one, he's a prince. So he has everything accessible to him, whatever he wants, is just like at the snap of a finger, he'll get whatever he wants. He had money because because of that he had money. He had fame, wherever he went, you know, whatever you want. Everyone knew Oh, this is Musa, this is the prince. This is the adopted son of fit on and so forth. Everyone knew who Musa alayhis salam was, I mean Musa lesson could go into any store he wanted and just wanted it whatever he wants, and it would be his and now not only that, but on top of that he had power, you know, powers of two types. Power is that no one messes

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with you? Because they know that messing with Musa is like messing with it on. The other type of power is that you are you have physical strength. Allah subhanaw taala gave Mussolini some both types of power. Now think about Musa is this kind of person. Now think about Musa and think about any other youngster today. Think about a youngster who had everything there. His parents are so well off. He has any car he wants. He's living in a very big house, you know, and he's powerful, he's strong, and so forth. Today we find the majority of those kinds of youth, they're just wasting their life. You know, the only thing that they're doing is that they're trying to you know, build a build,

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build a big group of friends, eating, going out entertainment, sometimes haram, that's what their entire life is all about. Now let's go back to the story of Musa Musa huge sums of life is the ideal situation for us. Musa alayhis salam has everything that any youngster would want, but what does he do? Number one is that he is using his time wisely. He is helping other people out and we find this in the story of the Quran. What the halal Medina Tala Heaney reflet Alia for what is the fee ha Raja Ania Katahdin. We have Musa lay some coming to the city, he sees a one of his own people is being oppressed. He sees one of his own people being abused and treated the wrong way. And he's and he's

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calling out to moosari Islam and Musa has some goals and he helps them out. But before that, one important point that many of us we tend to overlook. Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned this story in the Quran. Allah is mentioning to us. Musa has some story that this youngster and this young man had everything when any other young man would ever want. And not only that, but he's going and he's using his strengths in the right way. He's using his time wisely. The fact that Allah mentioned his story is a sign that Allah subhanho wa Taala appreciates those youngsters and those young men and women who have so much but they are using their time wisely and they are helping other people out.

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This is something that is not worthy to Allah. This is something that is you know, loved by Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is something that Allah subhanho wa Taala he appreciates immensely. The fact that he mentioned Musa story doing this good while he has all these you know things going for him name and fame and everything. That that is a sign that Allah subhanaw taala appreciates when Musa Islam did. So if you are a young man or a young woman, and you have resources and there's so many things that you have, please use your time wisely. Number one, use your time wisely. One of the key things today that we find and I find amongst our youth is that their life is not structured, you

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know staying up all night long sleeping during the day, Allah create the night to sleep and the day to take care of your affairs. Have structure in your life. Wake up on time, sleep on time, try to keep yourself disciplined during this time. While we are at home summer you may not be taking classes have some structure in your life. Use your time wisely. There's so many things that you can learn build up skills in your life, the more skills that you have in your life, the more valuable you become Inshallah, in your life. And not only that, but at the same time we also find is that Musala is I'm doing something good. Allah subhana appreciates that we also find the Hadith of the

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Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that there'll be seven people who will be under the shade of the Throne of Allah subhanho wa taala. And one of them is shared wouldn't share a feeling about Allah, that young man who exerted himself despite his young age, and with all the you know, with all the passion and all the things that they would want to do in their life,

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they were able to still worship Allah Subhana Allah subhanho wa Taala in that situation. So our for our young men and our young women, please use utilize your time wisely. Do something that is good for the community do something that is beneficial to yourself, learn from the story of Musa Islam and finally I will share this with you, the prophets of Allah Allah he was sending out

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When he was a young man, he was a responsible person. He had a responsibility he was a shepherd, and is not easy being a shepherd. So please remember that whatever responsibility you have, take care of your responsibilities. Be responsible in your life has some structure in your life. Use your your, your, your resources, whether it's your strength, your intellect, whatever good that you have, use that to help yourself and to benefit other people. Just like we find the story of Musa alayhis salam. Now inshallah next week we'll talk about that when you know Musala ism punched that man and what happened? What was the reaction of Musa Assam there are lessons and reflections in that for us

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too. We'll talk about that next week in sha Allah, ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to give all of us ability to learn from the stories I'm a little bit I mean, does that como la hate salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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in Muslim me now almost Lima Do you want to know meaning I mean it will quantity now I look on it the more slowly I was saw the bond the one saw the Rena was love your art the one before she you know before she

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was before she I mean I want to call her she didn't want one downside the lino one downside the party was slow on me now was all in

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one heavy Lena photo gentlemen one half quality was good enough. Guess

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what's going on? I don't know who

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will enjoy one Eileen

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