Nadim Bashir – The Best and the Worst #09 – Push and Don’t Break

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss two different types of behavior during daily activities: pushing oneself to please someone and breaking oneself. They stress the importance of pushing oneself to achieve success and breaking oneself to achieve success as a fundamental part of one's life. The speakers also emphasize the use of the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam message to teach others to stay in a spiritual balance and encourage them to stay in a spiritual balance.
AI: Transcript ©
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saw the house

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Nieminen Mussolini mostly

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said I want a call to law here but aka to Mr. alojamento He will hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Muhammad wa ala early he was a big marine about is somebody who Behati there's a story that once sort of salsa Allahu alayhi wa sallam he entered into his masjid. And what he saw was that between the pillars there is a rope that is tied. So you inquire the what exactly is this row for? They informed him that when Xena but of the Allah Tada and when she when she's praying and she gets really, really tired and exhausted, exhausted, she leans on the rope and she prays her Salaat the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that remove this rope and do not

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do this. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that when a person is praying salad, they should praise salad as long as they feel active, and when they get tired, they should take some rest. Question is why do I share this story with you? The reason I shared the story with you is because we find in a hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were in he says, a colorful Minella Malema 230 This is a Hadith found in urban imager Narrated by Abu Huraira or the yellow Tron that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says that take upon yourself good deeds and do as much as you can. And then he says for in height Allah Aman, the best D the best action is

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the one who were in con is that which k can be done consistently. That one that you do continuously. The one that you are persistent upon, though it may be even small with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam is teaching us brothers and sisters is that while we have to do so much and while we are told to do so much from Allah subhanho wa taala. At the same time, we should never exhaust exhaust ourselves to the point that then it becomes difficult to do the action. Once again go back to the story of Xena Rhodiola Tirana, the profiling is some is saying that Zainab and her Ibadah I have no problem with it. But if she gets tired that instead of leaning on the rope now one is a person

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pushes themselves and they stand up and they remain standing without any support. There is no problem in that. But the fact that she's leaning on the rope, this is not right now Subhanallah we also find there's a hadith narrated by Aisha the yellow Tron have that one she told the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam that there is a woman in the community, she does not sleep at night, and she engages in riba throughout the entire night. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam now you would assume that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would applaud her, you would think that the province of salaam he would praise her for the Prophet sallallahu I have some did exactly the

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opposite. And he says that deeds that are within your capacity, that is what you should do. And what he did in what he did was he disapproved of what that what that woman was doing. And then he says, Are you salaam, that Allah subhana wa Taala does not get tired of giving rewards, but the human being has this capacity of getting tired. So if you do get tired, then you will stop doing the action. And if you stop doing the action, Allah will stop giving, but Allah will keep on giving. But we have to look at our own capacity. And this is why we find that there's a difference between pushing yourself and breaking yourself. See, a person may ask this question that will wasn't I mean,

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don't we find stories of the Prophet sallallahu it was sent him standing up for such a long time, that sometimes His feet will become swollen. And we say yes, we do find those stories. And the person may ask that then isn't that really like going beyond your limit? And that's why I want to explain that there's two different concepts. One is pushing yourself to please Allah and one is breaking yourself. See, pushing yourself means that you don't want to make dua, but you force yourself to make dua pushing yourself means that you have to put like several alarms to wake up for southern Fajr. Pushing yourself means that Southern Fajr is difficult, especially when southern Fajr

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is early very early is difficult, of course, but then pushing yourself getting yourself out of bed, you know getting into the bathroom and making will do and so forth. That's called pushing yourself. Our dean has taught us the push

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yourself exert yourself was said he said before we find these words in the Quran, why? Because Allah subhana wa Taala wants us to push ourselves. And that means that when I push myself, I'm going to make small, I'm going to make some progress. But the progress is going to be done in a small manner is going to be done on a small scale. But if I'm consistent over time, though, it may be small in sha Allah, then still, after all, after some time, and overtime, I will accumulate a lot thing that I think about a person who works out, when a person is working out, they sort of they start off with a small amount of weight. And as they go on, they build up slowly. And gradually, they may start off

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with 50. And then so you'll they'll go to 70, and then 90, and then 110. And they're building up. But just imagine if a person just went and they're trying to go from 50, all the way to 500, it's not going to work, they may just benchpress once or twice, but then that's it. That's why it's very important that our deen has taught us that when it comes to doing our ML, when it comes to doing good deeds, do that which is within your capacity. And when you do something that's within your capacity, you will see progress over time. Not only that, but you will become consistent. Not only that, but then in sha Allah, you will have a firm intention, and you will have a sincerity and that

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intention. And not only that, but when you leave it out, imagine you are in the habit of doing something good. And you will leave it out, you will feel that there is a void in your life, there's a void in your day. But when you do things, and when we do things that will break us eventually will not build up upon that habit. And we may even lose their previous habits, it becomes burdensome upon us. And it can even break us. And that is what we learn that our Dean has taught us that we don't do these kinds of things. We don't do things that where we do it if only for a short period of time, and then we leave it out completely. So this is why our Dean has taught us to be methodical, or Dean

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has taught us to be wise or Dean has taught us that when you want to bring some good in your life, do it at a you know, take small, small steps, even Subhanallah even when it comes to people and Muslims who want to change their life, you know, subhanAllah how many times I come across youth and I get calls and emails from youth and many even adults, that they want to change their life and they tried to change their life so drastically and so quickly that it backfires on them. That's called breaking yourself. Once again be methodical in your steps, you know Subhanallah even when it comes to our converts, I always advise our converts that I understand that you have become a Muslim, I

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understand that you want to learn more and more, but at the same time you have to take baby steps. At the same time you have to be very, you know you have to understand where you have come from and how you should take baby steps. And the last thing we learned is that even part of breaking yourself is that you exert yourself in one area so much so that then other aspects of your deen began to become, you know, weak. And what that means is that sometimes people want to exert themselves so much in a badda that then when it comes to family time, their family time suffers. They want to exert themselves so much in like some Dawa or like to be affiliated with some organization and so as

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something that they are passionate about, there's nothing wrong in doing something that you are passionate about, if it is good, but at the same time not the at the expense of your other aspects of your deen. See one once again we learned from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that when he was told about this, that there is a man who does this, the Prophet SAW Allah while he was setting them he heard actually about Abdullah ibn Ahmed Ali Allah Quran and that he would pray throughout the entire night and he would fast every single day and he will do almost 100 Quran like he will finish a Quran every single night. And the Prophet SAW Allah while he was someone he heard

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about this, he never He never credit him for that. He never praised him for that. But the Prophet SAW Allahu Allah He was saying what do you say? He says Latifah and do not do this. He says on one arm stand up and sleep. And we find this from the Prophet sallallahu it was done a few times here and there we would find the Prophet saw some he would exert himself in a bother throughout the entire night. But if we stay the Sita other Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam brothers and sisters, we learned that for the most part, for the most part, it was where he would take some rest during the night, and then he would engage himself in a bother. It was a balance in the life of the

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prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Prophet alayhi salam says to this person, I believe but he says so what after that some days you fast in some days you don't fast and then he says for in the lead

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So decoholic whup your body has a right upon you. We're in. We're in India I inika alayka Huck, there is a you know, rights of your own eyes, and so forth. And so this is why we find from the prophets of Allah hottie he was sending him that he is trying to teach a certain level of balance in our life, even when it came to Abu Dhabi, or the yellow line, cinema or Farsi, or the OTA. And he's seeing a Buddha that he's praying throughout the entire night and his wife is concerned about this. And what did he say? He told a Buddha the same thing. The Buddha you have other aspects of your life to your wife is there your kids are there, your household is there. There's so many other aspects

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you cannot exert yourself in one area while you are breaking the other aspects of your deen. This is not what our deen is. And later on when Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he found out that a Buddha was given that type of advice. The Prophet saw some he approved of that advice. He said that the advice given to a Buddha was spot on, it was absolutely correct. So this is why brothers and sisters, there's something called pushing ourselves, there's something called breaking ourselves. Number one is breaking our software we are physically unable to and we keep on putting more and more upon ourselves. Or it also means that when we do something so much so and we are breaking the other

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aspects of our deen once again, I don't care what people have told us with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he heard about this, he said Latifah do not do this. This is probably some giving a command do not do this. So this is why part of our deen is that create a balance. Push yourself no doubt but do not break yourself. Do not do so much where the other aspects of your life that other aspects of your deen are suffering. And not only that, but as a prophet. It is some he said in the Hadith Narrated by Abu Hodeidah, that the best Ahmed is that Amen. That is done consistently, though it may be even small, if you can give only 50 cents a day. And that's all that

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you can do. A $1 a day. And that's all you can do fine that stick to $1 but be consistent. If you feel like that you can do one good deed but you can be consistent. Now of course a person a person should not say I'm just going to stick to only this. No of course you always try to grow in your spirituality. You always try to grow in the good deeds, but once again, not at the expense of breaking yourself and at the expense of other aspects of your deen and your life. Ask Allah subhana wa Tada to give us consistence consistency. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us continuity. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from amongst those who are persistent and consistent on those armor though

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it may be small, that is pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala I mean, what would it mean to Zakouma law? Hey Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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in Mussolini now almost Lima Do you want meaning me nothing will quantity now I look on it the more saw the pain I was sliding on the one saw the Rena was Slavia right the one before she you know wonderful she

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wouldn't fall she mean I want to fall she I think one downside BP no downside the party was slow on me and I was all in

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one heavy Lena photo gentlemen one half year warranty was good enough long I guess.

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Was the guilt or I don't know hula

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