Nadim Bashir – The Best and the Worst #01 – What is better than I’tikaf

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of helping people, especially those who need help, to take care of their needs. They emphasize the need to be helpful and ask themselves every day about what they want to achieve. The speaker also talks about a man who became mandatory and helped people financially, creating a legacy for themselves and their children. They stress the natural ways of helping others, including praying for help and asking themselves every day about what they want to achieve.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al Hamdulillah here but Allah Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah him Hamid while early he was a big marine about welcome to all the brothers and sisters watching to a new series in a new program inshallah called the best and the worst where we take a hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu it was set it up where he talks about the best word, the best people and we talk about the worst people and the worst things of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he has mentioned the Hadith. These are the worst words or the worst things that we can do. And we will talk about those a hadith inshallah the beautiful quotes of

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Today I want to share with you a very beautiful Hadith, they read by Jabra, Jabra the yellow time, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says L men, a believer is that person, you love what you love, he is friendly, and he is easily referred befriended. While a hero and there is no good in a person, female Allah yeah enough, when you will have in a person who is not friendly, and he is not easily befriended. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, will hide or NAS, the best of the people and for only nurse are those people who benefit other people. Now brothers sisters, I want you to think about this

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hadith, in my beneficial to other people, in my going out of my way to help other people out whatever I do in my helping someone else out in my making things easier for other people, or what I do is going to make things difficult for people, the man that you and I we love the most Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This was a man that always was looking for opportunities to help other people. Whenever people came to him, we don't ever find in the CETA of the Prophet that he said that I'm sorry, I cannot help whether it was before prophet hood, like for example, the injustices that took place in Mecca, and the very famous story of health and followed, where you have a man who

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became a victim of injustice Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became part of that committee in that assembly, that were able to establish proper rights for people and especially the foreigners who are coming into Makkah at that time. The Prophet SAW Allah set them he was part of this establishment and part of this assembly, even before he became a prophet, even after prophet hood Rasulullah sallallahu it was some even during times when he needed help the most, if someone came to him, and they needed help Rasulullah sallallahu someone's always willing to help. Because today at a time we're living today, that people may feel that you know what, if I need help, then why should I

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help other people out? But Rasulullah sallallahu, sometimes differently. The Prophet sallallahu Isom taught us that when a man came to him, and he was most certainly in need. This is the time when he was in Makkah. And we know the opposition of the Prophet saw some in Makkah. Yet when this man came to the Prophet sal Allahu Allah, he was sending them individually. And he said the yellow so Allah, I am a victim of injustice. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he stood up and said that he was in the masjid. He was praying inside the Masjid. He was making dua, and then he took care and he listened to this person, the problem he left what he was doing, to go and help this person out. Once

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again, brother and sisters, the question is, how much are we helping people out? I want to share with you another beautiful hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because when I came across this hadith, this simply blew my mind. Because this hadith teaches us that if you want to know something that is better than ear to calf, in measuring never we not for a day before a month that listen to this hadith. This is a Hadith narrated by Ibn Ahmad brother you Allah Quran Houma that a man came to the Prophet sallahu wa t he was cinnamon said yellow so long, who is the person who is most beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he responded

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by saying that uh huh

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Bucha humbleness it Allah, the Most Beloved people to Allah subhanho wa Taala is the person who benefits other people. And then he says that the most bet the most beloved, among other things that you can do, there are so beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, to put a smile on their face, to remove a difficulty from another Muslim, to, to take care of the loan of another person, a person has a loan on their shoulders and on their head, they cannot take care of it. Allah has blessed you, you remove that loan. This is something that is very beloved to Allah, to eliminate the hunger from a person who is hungry. And not only that, but to go with someone and to help them take care of

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their need. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that this is better than to do air to calf in this Masjid measure never we for the entire month Subhanallah helping someone else out is better than air ticket for a month. Why? Why is such a great reward. Because when you go and you are sitting air ticket, you are benefiting yourself. But when you go out and you help someone else out, or you're part of an effort that will help someone and they'll bring benefit to someone that you are not only helping them, but you're helping your cause also. So this is why it is so important that we always try to look for opportunities to help other people out. This is what we learn from Rasulullah

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sallallahu ala he was setting up and not only that, but this is the tarbiyah that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he instilled within his own Sahaba the story of Abu Dhabi the failure of the Allah I'm a very well known story. He heard about the Prophet sallallahu ala he was setting up, he comes on there's a fatty tribe and clan, and he hears about the Prophet so he comes to Makkah to inquire about the Prophet. And for three days he was in Makkah, he knew no one. He was staying at night at a place of allinone Ultron. And then after that, I lean over to Thailand, he arranged a meeting between a Buddha and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam met with him. He immediately a Buddha converted to Islam, he confessed the Shahada. And then after that, what did the Prophet sallallahu wasallam say? The very first thing he said is that now you are responsible of conveying this message to others. And then he says to the problem, he says to a Buddha, whether you allow time that our salah, a yen for our home beaker while you draw a coffee, feed him the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, that when you give Dawa, perhaps in in sha Allah, you will be beneficial to them, you will bring a benefit to them. See, once again, this is the therapy of the Prophet sal Allahu Allah, you are sending them. This is the very first

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thing, the very first advice, the prophet is giving to a new Muslim at that time. And he says that when you benefit other people, Allah will benefit you, Allah will give you the Agile. And what we learn from this beautiful quote of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that when you take care of others, Allah will take care of you. When you look after the benefit of others, Allah will benefit you, when you take care of the creation of Allah, Allah will take care of you too. Now, the last question I have for everyone here, and this is a much deeper question. This is a question that, honestly, I think each one of us we need to ask ourselves every single day, when we talk about

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benefiting other people. I can benefit people today while I'm alive, but what about benefiting people even after we leave this dunya that's called leaving a legacy behind? That's the question that you and I we need to ask ourselves every single day. What legacy in my leaving behind for other people when I go from this duniya? Are people going to be relieved from me? Or are they're going to miss me and my contributions? Have I benefited people enough that when I leave from this dunya out there'll be a void there will be a vacuum in place? That's the question we need to ask ourselves. So how Allah in so the Hon Allah talks about people like fit our own, he says for my bucket Allah He

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was summer Well, well, my cattleman buddy and that when these kinds of people they die, then these are people that the skies will not cry over them, the skies and the earth will not cry or and they will not miss them. So the question is, what kind of a person am I now am I have? Am I a person that will just take care of my own family? In my a person that will just take care of the things that are associated with me? Or before I go from this dunya? Am I going to do something that is so beneficial to me, my family, my community, my masjid, the overall society in my doing something for my own nation? That's the question we have to ask ourselves that when we go

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From this dunya Subhan Allah there was a time when a janazah was taking place, and a man and it was a man whose job passed by, and the Sahaba they said such beautiful words about this person, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, was about to watch over to watch, but and then there was another person who passed by, and his janazah regarding his Janaza son, the sahaba. They said some very negative things about him, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Whatever wotja towards you, but and when the Sahaba the SER Sula, what exactly does that mean? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, that when you talked about the very first person, it seems

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that there were great things that he had done, the great accomplishments, accomplishments of this person, and not only that, but he may have benefited people in such a way that today people miss him. And this is why you said something positive about him. And he says that for this person, Jana has become mandatory for this person. And in regarding the second person and this person, he was a person that you said negative things about him and a perhaps he may have done wrong things for him. Jahannam has become mandatory. So brothers and sisters, once again, the question is, what legacy Are you in i Leaving behind? Once we pass away Subhan Allah we find from Abdullah have been out for the

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yellow line, people found out after he passed away, see, once again, I'm so humbled to have such a very, you know, Allah Subhana Allah has blessed this person so much financially, but he was able to use that money, that blessing of Allah to help other people out. People later on found out after he had passed away, that 1/3 of Medina, he had paid off their debts 1/3 of Medina had gone to Audra Harmon out, and they had took loans from him, and Agraharam and have never asked him again for that loan. If they gave it Alhamdulillah if they did not give it, they were able to give it up to him and if he was able to forgive them. And not only that, but 1/3 they were dependent on him, and he would

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give them sadaqa. This is what we find from the Sahaba Viola on home. This is what we find that this was their legacy. So once again, brothers and sisters, what legacy Are you and I will live in behind today. Subhanallah all the books that we read of our lemma, our greatest scholars of the past, this was their legacy. They left behind her and it was their legacy. Today when I say the word Yvan, what's the first thing that pops into your mind? It is below the ultra on that was his legacy? Every every person at that time we see the left behind that legacy? What legacy Are you going to leave behind? That's the question that we need to ask ourselves every single day in my benefiting other

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people. Will people benefit from me in my legacy? Even after I pass away? That's the question we need to ask ourselves. And I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala that as long as the time that we have in this dunya May Allah give us the ability to create a legacy for ourselves, brothers and sisters think about every single day before you go to sleep. If I were to die, it might just gonna be buried and people will forget about me or am I amongst those that people will cry and people will remember and people will benefit from my contributions and what I've done for this OMA, I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from amongst those that make make us for amongst those best people who are able

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to benefit other people. I mean, noble Alameen desert Malachite As salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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a levena woofie. Asana de force your own. Well, levena umani lovely, more ideal born. Well levena Levina homeless Zanka de lune Wallasey now who's only 4g him have you hone in

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as Why do you

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get amen for now whom will you marry me

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