Nadim Bashir – Khatira – Hadith Qudsi- How To Become Rich

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of "richness" and how it is measured by the number of points earned on a test. He explains that people's points on a test are not something that can be measured in isolation. He uses the example of the success of the movie commercial, where everyone has a chance to win. He uses the example of the movie screen to illustrate how points earned can be greatly impacted by human interaction. He uses the example of the movie screen to illustrate how points earned can have implications for human behavior. He uses the example of how points earned can have implications for the behavior of animals.], [The speaker discusses the concept of points and how they relate to behavior and behavior in humans. They explain that points can have implications on behavior and human behavior, such as behavior in relation to money, money, and money laundering. They also mention the importance of human perception in decision making and how humans can use perception to influence behavior. The speaker emphasizes the need for a human
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One of the things that we find the Syrah or in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that he says that low, unusually low, unbelievably erythema worthy. I mean, there have been a hub that eCola huadian Rasulullah. Sasa has made it very clear in the Hadith that you and I, we all have been created with the love of this dunya. We all love to have more and more. And no matter how much we have today, we feel like we don't have enough and we always try to acquire more and more. If I have one business, I want to if I have one store, I want to, if I have three, I want four, this is how the world that we live in. And this is the nature that Allah has created us with. And no matter

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how much we have, we always are going to feel like I don't have enough and I'm poor. I'm poor compared to others and we look at others who have more than us, and we compare ourselves to them and we say that I am poor, I'm not rich. Rather than looking at people who don't have we compare ourselves to others Rasuwa Allahu Allah, he was sending them one time he asked a Buddha or the Allah one that a boozer What do you think about a person who has so much of this dunya would you call that person rich? And he says yes, indeed older Sula, South Salem Yeah, Rasul Allah. And then he says that what would you say about a person who doesn't have anything of this dunya and he has very less

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than this dunya would you say that he is poor? And he have without or the Allah one? He says, Indeed, yeah, Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. Now this not happened one time, in the Hadith of the Prophet Allah. He has some he mentioned this three times. Basically he asked a Buddha, the same question three times to make sure that a Buddha he understands what he's saying. Because what the prophet Allah is someone's about to deliver and what he's about to share with over a Buddha or the Allah one, he can keep that in mind. And then he says, a Buddha, this is the wrong definition. This is the wrong way to look at richness. And this is the law or the wrong way to look at poverty. Then

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Rasulullah sallallahu it was some he says, A Lavina. Phil called while fucker Phil calm. He says that it's not about how much you have in your hand. It's not about how much you have in your bank balances is not how many properties and assets you have. But richness in poverty comes down to the heart. If a person then the property is some says a person who has a person who has richest in the heart, no matter what the situation of the world is there always going to be content. When COVID first hit, will law he you will see the situation and the affairs of everyone. Oh my god, we're gonna lose our jobs. We're gonna lose our homes. We're not going to have anything to eat. There was

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panic will lie. There was sheer panic in the air. People's people's jobs were slashed. people's paychecks were slashed. And there was pandemonium in the air. And at that time, you have some certain people that if Allah subhanho wa Taala gave them Hina in their pulp. If Allah per richness in their heart, they knew that no matter what the situation is, Allah will take care of me. Allah is my sole provider and Allah will look after me. If Allah has looked after me so far, then why is it that Allah will not look after me after this? They knew that Allah subhanho wa Taala will look after their affairs. And then Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says to Buddha Radi Allahu Allah and

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that a person who has poverty in their heart, a person who has poverty in their heart, no matter how much they have is dunya they're gonna feel like they have nothing And subhanAllah we see the same situation, that people who have so much I mean, think about it, if Allah is the One who has provided me till today, what guarantee is there anything that I know or Allah has sent to me a message that I will not take care of you going forward? We have to always keep in mind that when it comes to richness, and when it comes to poverty, brothers and sisters is son about how much we have. It comes down to the heart, and this is why Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in order to earn this

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riches in the heart Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he mentioned that Allah subhanho wa Taala said, mean that this is a Hadith of Bootsy mean that this is Allah saying something through the tongues of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he says that oh my slaves, this is Allah subhanho wa Taala addressing us, oh my slaves to Pharaoh, that take time out of your busy schedule. The word to find out means that make yourself free for some time. It doesn't have to be the entire time you have 24 hours you have so many you know you have so many responsibilities, but take time out of their busy schedule to full of Larry Bird the t take time out of your busy schedule and

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dedicate that time for my free badda. Allah is saying that take our time for my iba and what will Allah subhanho wa Taala give in return? He says I'm looking for the rock of Heenan. I will fill your chest i

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will fill your heart with Rena, I will make sure that you feel internally rich want us to do fucka rock and I will stop and I will prevent poverty from getting to you. This is Allah subhanho wa Taala saying, so we have absolutely no doubts that here he could have said this, through the words of the Prophet SAW Selim there probably some could have told us this. But Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to understand that how important it is for us to take our time that when we keep on running after this dunya and then rose and then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, And the next part of this, let's see what it'll take to file. And if you do not do this, mean, what do we what do we don't do, if we

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don't take our time from our busy schedules, and give it to Allah subhana wa Taala the standard that we have to do the bare minimum that we have to do, if I'm not willing to take time out of my busy schedule for Allah subhanho wa Taala then Allah subhana wa Tada says, that I will fill your heart with poverty, I will first of all, I will make you more busy. And I will fill your heart with poverty and you will keep on remaining busy this is how it is that you feel like the let me make myself more busy. Perhaps I can overturn the poverty and I can taint change that poverty into richness, but not realizing that if we don't take our time for everybody, Allah will keep us

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occupied, and he will keep us occupied in such an extent, though, then we will not have time for a bad and I may be thinking that I will overturn this poverty into richness, but Allah will keep us in a state of poverty. Why? Because deep down in the heart, I'm never going to be satisfied. I'm never going to have the contentment. So this is why we have to it's not about how much we have is comes down to the heart. If we have richness in the heart, then we are going to be satisfied. Now the question is that what is a sign of riches in the heart? What does it mean to be rich in the heart, you know, subhanAllah there are people who do certain things. Besides Reba first of all is a person

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who is connected to Allah subhanho wa Taala they have such a connection and such a love for Allah subhanho wa Taala that there is they cannot even really describe what that love is. But they have such a connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala that they cannot explain to others but they enjoy that connection. They love that conversation with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. They don't converse with Allah only once a day. They converse with Allah five times a day, and they know that they have this connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala that I can raise my hands and I can ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala will give me not only that, but then when we do other things

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that brings us happiness in the heart when I go and I give food to those who don't have food, and they have a smile on their face, and they say thank you, or they say desert como la Hey, Willa, he that brings you such happiness in the heart, that a person who has so much of this dunya and you may not have so much of this dunya but there is such internal happiness in your heart that there is no money that can buy that happiness because you know that there is something that I have done well when you go and you help someone else out when you go and you do something that is good, when you go and you have performed for example, Allah has given you tofi to go perform Umrah and you perform

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Umrah and you come back and you feel that happiness that out of the entire dunya Allah chose me and so many others to go and perform Umrah. You know how many people have so much money and they can go for Umrah anytime they can go for Hajj at any time. Yet they have not gone for ombre for so many years. They have been deprived from going and visiting the city of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam they have been deprived from going and what and seeing the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala but when a person has been given Tofik by ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and you see these beautiful things, then you feel the richness and the heart. The Allah gave me something that Allah did not give others that is

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the richness that the Sunnah is talking about. So this is why brothers and sisters is not about how much we have. It's comes down to the heart. If the heart is rich, then we'll love you, you are indeed rich. If you feel that satisfaction and that heart is connected to Allah, then you are internally rich, and that is the true richness of this dunya and a person and a heart that is deprived from Allah subhanho wa Taala Wallah, you may have so much or a person may have so much but then that means that a person is truly deprived and that person is a true poor person. Now, one thing that we have to also understand in this, it does not mean it does not mean that a person who

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has a lot either because if the province has someone saying this

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You might be, you may not have a lot of dystonia, but your heart is rich, it does not necessarily mean that a person who has a lot also it doesn't mean that they are disconnected from Allah subhanho wa Taala we have this wrong notion many of us at times, that when we see a person that Allah has given them so much of this dunya we feel like that they are far from Allah subhanho wa Taala No, that's not the case. See, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he didn't have anything. On the other hand you have Sahaba who has so much of their home and offer the ALLAH and he had so much

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fun he has so much. The point is this is that if we take out time for Allah subhanho wa Taala say, making sure that whatever responsibilities that I have to do from Allah subhanho wa Taala I take our time for that. That is what matters most there is nothing wrong in becoming rich. If a person says I want to become a millionaire become a millionaire for purchases, I wouldn't have become a billionaire become a billionaire. No problem, inshallah. But at the same time we see the world, the world that we live in today, the current world, the current world that we live in today, you see that many people for the sake of money, for the sake of richness, in the name of richness, they're

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willing to give up whatever they can have their Deen they're willing to cheat others they're willing to to deprive themselves from their Ibadah of Allah subhanho wa Taala they're willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that from my bank balance perspective, I am rich, but that's not what richness is. And that is not what poverty is if we what we think is poverty and what we think is riches is not so this is why we keep this in mind inshallah and we always take our time for Allah subhanho wa Taala whatever whatever our responsibilities are by Allah subhanho wa Taala we make sure we take out time for that I ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make us truly rich on the inside and may Allah

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subhanho wa Taala give us a clearer understanding of the heart and may Allah subhana wa Taala connect our heart to him as Oh jameelah Allah me desert como la Hey salam ala going to live on a cattle

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in mostly me now almost Lima Do you want to know meaning I will not Mina team will quantity now I look on it the more slowly been I was saw the bond the one saw the Rena was Slavia right the one before she you know wonderful she

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wouldn't voice hearing our voice she is the one downside btw no one tells silent the party was slow on me and I was all in

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when you have you Lena photo gentlemen one Hatfield one. It was good enough to get the was the guilt or I don't

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genuine now. Lien

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