Nadim Bashir – Are You a Proactive or Reactive Muslim

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The importance of staying true to Prophet's teachings and learning one's spirituality is emphasized in the segment. The speakers stress the need for proactive management to avoid conflict and the importance of being proactive in addressing issues such as death and negative behavior. The speakers emphasize the need for flexibility and being willing to change in community settings.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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in Alhamdulillah Muhammad who when I started you know when I started when I was a bit layman surely and for cinammon sejahtera Medina, Mejia the healer for la mala woman yielded the Allah when actually the era illa Allahu wa the hula should eCola when actually do I know Muhammad Abdul rasuluh about for the caller Walter Baraka Isla mochila for called Hamid bother all the villa he mentioned it on rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem. Yeah UNSW Rob Bakula? De halacha comin nevsun Wahida wahala come in has Elijah Oba Salman humanitarian cathedra and when he says, What up Allahu Allah Rita says, We will our home in Allah can alikoum Raptiva will Allah to Allah? Yeah, are you Hi, leadin

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Amna Taku haka, Ducati, Aleta moto Illa and Tomasi moon, walk Allah to Allah you hallelujah I'm not talking about our Guru ponents that either you sit there Come on Where fella come through back home or my daughter in law have Rasulullah Takada affairs oppose and all the mess up Allahu La diem for in US local Hadith Nikita will law will hold heavy heavy Mohammed in sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was shown a little more remark to her. What quilombo

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Aquila be the item Bala Wakulla, Groton Finnur, I'm about

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I began praising Allah subhanho wa Taala in thanking Allah subhana wa Taala for all the numbers of blessings He has bestowed upon us, whether we are aware or unaware of them. And I began by sending our salaams and peace and blessings upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to keep us steadfast upon Dena Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah subhanho wa Taala keep our upcoming generations steadfast upon the Drina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah subhanho wa Taala take us from this dunya while we are upon the MILA in the deen of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah make us the beneficiary of his shift on the day of

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judgment. And may Allah grant us his companionship along with our families in Jana. Me, Robert, I mean,

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brothers and sisters, go back to the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the first 13 years in particular while the prophet son was in Makkah, the very first thing that Prophet sal Allahu Allah he was sending me he did was that he built men. He built people. He developed people as a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, a nice whom I didn't come I didn't have the hub, that people are like gold mines. And Apollo seven he realized that when you develop people and you make them into gems, that eventually these gems are going to make up a community. The Prophet said, Allahu alayhi wa sallam taught the Sahaba and in essence, he taught all of us that, that we need to

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every single day do our own Maha Sabha, every single day we need to look at ourselves in my a better human being than I was yesterday or not. And will I improve or not? In my making improvements in my life are not and improvements whenever I see the word improvements, when we hear the word improvements, it is not only from a spiritual point of view, it is not only from our not from the perspective from our connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala in my connection with the Quran or the Sunnah of the Prophet alayhi salam, but the Prophet saw some also taught us how we can become good individuals. How can we become people that have morals, how we can become people of character as a

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before he even he came character already existed and this is why he says that Boris Dooley Otay macadam, one o'clock, I have been sent to complete character, so character already existed. So the vase The point I'm trying to make is the Prophet sallallahu. It was some he taught us that every single day, we need to reflect upon our own spirituality in our own personality. In my a rough person, am I a soft person, in my easygoing person, it might be tough going person. And then the prophet is Salam every single day when the Sahaba would come to him, and they will ask them Yara Sula, give me an advice. Pay attention to the Hadith. Not always to the

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Prophet saw some say that connect with the Quran. It was always spiritual centric. But there were times when people's when people came, and they had flaws in their character. They had flaws in their behavior. They had flaws in their personality. And the problem is I'll send them here

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said that, for example, the Hadith of the man who came in he says the Olson era to Allah, the Prophet alayhi salam says Allah kebob, do not get angry, do not get angry. Again, he insisted, yes, I'll give me another advice. He says, Do not get angry. This is the Prophet SAW Salem focusing on the personality of the human being. The reason I say this today, brothers and sisters, is because while we are in so many cases, we are so much we are so careful, or we are we pay so much attention to our spirituality. If there's one area that lacks in our life, is our personality. There are so many deficiencies, there are so many weaknesses with our personality. And before we point fingers at

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others, we point fingers at ourselves. Today, we're very quick, we're very hasty. When it comes to pointing fingers at others, we want we want we know everyone else's flaws. And not just only the people in the community, we know the flaws of our family members. We know the flaws of certain relatives of ours, we know the flaws of our wife, we know the flaws of our husband, and then we know the fathers of our children. But at times we need to look at ourselves. And Allah subhanho wa Taala he says in the Quran, that if we want to make a change in the environment, we want to make a change in the community. You cannot build a community till you don't have individuals till you don't have

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men till you don't have good human beings. And once again, going back to what I said earlier, the prophet saw send them the very first thing he did is that he built human beings. And when they built when he was able to build them into great human beings, great individuals, and then he migrated to Medina, then he was able to establish a community. Sometimes we don't look at the Sierra and we don't read between the lines. And that's why today as a Muslim Ummah, where we are where we are today, we want to go and change the entire world. But we haven't changed ourselves. We went to go and change the entire world. But we haven't changed and we haven't affected our own family members.

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But go back to the seat or look at the seat of the province of Salem. He went in order first he built people then that build families and then came communities. So if I want to make a change in the entire world, it has to start off with me. Allah says in the Quran, in Allahu Allah UVA you might be Coleman hotter you are you might be unfussy Him.

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You cannot change the world till you don't change yourself. That is the principle of Allah subhanho wa taala. Now today, there is a certain issue, or a certain matter, I would like to address something that I have seen so much in our communities. And not just when I say community, I don't mean the epic community in particular, this is an issue with the entire Muslim world honestly. See, as growing up, I'm sure a lot of you, you've seen this while you're growing up, you see issues. And when we get together in our social circles, we always say no, this is the issue and that is the issue. And to be truly honest, if we compare our Muslim world today, to the OMA and to the community

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of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it comes down to two things. The community of the Prophet SAW Salem and the Prophet alayhi salam he himself, he was proactive. We today as a Muslim community, or Muslim world, we are very reactive. We quickly react to every single small thing that happens. But then after a while, we calm down. This is who we are, unfortunately, today we have to wait for problems to come to us in order to become proactive. And even when probe when problems do come to us today. In the Muslim world, we don't become proactive, we become reactive.

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I want to share with you fewer hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because this actually highlights the issue or the the harms of being reactive. Or one of the other things about reactive is that you are either you're reactive or you are you

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the other word that just came to my mind. So either you are passive, or you are reactive, meaning what that today either we see a problem and we say You know what, it's not my problem. So we just let it go. We just completely ignore it. Or we become reactive. There are certain flaws of these kinds of people who are reactive. The first party that was so low it he was send them is the Hadith where he talks about that one time Djibouti Italia Islam was sent by Allah subhanho wa Taala to destroy a nation

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To destroy a nation. When Gibreel ism came to that nation, he saw that there was a very righteous person. He went back to Allah subhanho wa Taala and said, Yeah, Allah, there is a person within this community who calls out to you. He calls out to you. He's a devout worshiper, Allah subhanho wa Taala said, start with that person. Why start with that person, because this person is passive. What he has done is he has seen all the evils in his community. And instead of going out of his way, instead of getting up and trying to refrain or stop telling people to stop doing what they're doing, he chose to be within himself, and he chose to only care about himself, you start with that person.

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That is the consequences of being passive. Oh, go back to the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, where he talks about it and he gives the parallel at the example of a ship. And to end there are two levels of the ship. There is the people who are who are staying or who are on the upper deck. And there are people who are on the lower deck. And if the people of the lower deck keep on saying that, rather than keep on going upstairs and getting water, why don't we just make a hole in our part of the ship. And the probability some says that if the people have the upper deck, do not refrain the people of the lower deck from their foolishness, and what what they're about to do

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that everyone will perish. Once again, the Prime Minister was telling us that you cannot be passive about the issues that are going on around you, you have to become proactive. And not only that, but SubhanAllah. If you think about Allah loves this idea of being proactive, so much so that in the Quran, Allah subhana wa Taala mentions two stories, not about human beings, but about animals, about animals, that because they were proactive, Allah mentioned their stories in the Quran. That means that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not want us to be passive in our nature. Today will lie we are so passive. We are so reactive. And these are traits that we don't find in the nature of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa salam, when we say we follow, we we exhibit the character of the Prophet SAW Salem, we follow the footsteps of the Prophet SAW Salem, the prophet will Allah He was never passive. He was never reactive. On the other hand, he was always proactive, but go back to the story of Hood Hood. When three man allihies Some he says, Molly Allah Allah who the who the academy Aloha EB and low IV banana who either been shady then Allah Akbar Hannah who only to ni B so pani will be this entire passage that exists in the Quran. What happened to Hood Hood, Hood Hood saw that there was a comb, there was a nation, that they were worshiping something else besides Allah subhanho wa

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taala. And now he could have said, This is not my problem. These are human beings. I'm a bird as has nothing to do with me. These people are worshipping somebody else besides Allah. It has nothing to do with me. But no, he was not passive. He went and he came to cinema Salaam. And he said to summarize Islam, that are you aware that there is a nation that is worshiping something else besides Allah subhanho wa taala, this proactiveness of voodoo hood was so beloved to Allah that Allah put his story and Allah mentioned him in the Quran, as some other mother have mentioned. Or go back to the store or go to the story of the aunt and Solomon salaam, survived some of the about to come and

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think about his army, think about his entire entourage that is coming. And no one can survive that these are the tiny creations of Allah subhanho wa taala. But and so this and could have thought to himself that you know what, there is no need, we cannot go inside. We cannot escape from somebody, Sam and his entire entourage. Let it be, he could have he could have said that he could have thought that. But the fact that he warned the people, I mean, he warned his other fellow ants, he told the other ends that go inside go into your holes, otherwise you'll be crushed to death by Sunni man and his army. This in itself. This proactiveness was so beloved to Allah that Allah mentioned the story

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in the Quran, brothers and sisters. Let me give you some examples of how today we are passive or we are reactive and you can ask for yourself, are you reactive or passive? Here are some that here are some of the things in

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If you easily get offended,

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or you like to blame others for your problems, then you are a reactive person. Today Subhanallah look at the state of the affairs of the Muslims. Whenever these kinds of issues that come up, the very first thing is it is their fault. It is these people it is that people, we love to blame others go back to the seed of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never did he blame others for problems. In fact, go back to the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when you had people who came to the Prophet, and they said yes to Allah, the persecution, the torture is beyond us. We cannot handle this any more than the promises Salam? Did he get up? And he said, Yeah, you

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know what, you're right, man. These people are issue. These people have problems. These people don't believe in Allah. That is not what the problem he did. See, he taught us how to be proactive. He taught us that sometimes reflecting upon the other issues will help us in our own issues. What did he tell the sahaba? The Allah on home? He taught them he says that you're complaining about your torture, you're complaining about your hardships? Do you? Did you forget that there are people of the past? Who came? They were sawed in half? Are you being sawed in half? These were people of the past that their skins were being were ripped off from their body with metal combs. Are you going

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through that? And the problem taught them that sometimes you have to reflect upon other people and their issues in order to understand that what we are going through is not so much today in America, we talk about the issues, the issues of Islamophobia that we are going through, but do we ever reflect upon what our Muslim brothers and sisters are going through in Kashmir, what they're going through in Palestine, what they're going through in Syria, what they're going through all of the other parts of the world, including Burma, and China, and so forth, when we reflect upon them, then what we go through is nothing, that becomes proactive, we can either sit here and blame the entire

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world, when there are things that go wrong in our life, we'd love to blame others. Imagine a person coming into coming or rushing somewhere and you get into an accident. First thing you will do is you blame the car in front of you, you blame the car behind you. But how many times do we actually sit there and we say, You know what, this is my fault. Why do I have to blame the entire world? That is what we do first, when you blame others, you are a reactive person,

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a person who gets angry, and then they say things that they regret. This is a sign that we are reactive. And one thing is I want to go back to the example I gave earlier today when we talk about the Muslim world and their issues.

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We always blame others. First of all, we blame certain countries, we Bert, we blame certain denominations, certain people, certain religions will do whatever we do at times. But what we need to do is we need to become proactive.

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There are people in our community who are doing whatever they can. And yes, they cannot do everything. But they do whatever they can. But on the other hand, what makes me really upset is that there are people who just keep on talking, talking. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. And you will not do anything to fix the problem. If you are not part of the solution, if you are not doing anything to help resolve the issue, and I'm sorry to say resolving the issue is not only just giving you a donation, or to spread videos on WhatsApp that what is going on, that's not the solution that may be part of the solution. Or that is not the entire solution. But today we do this little and we think

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we're doing so much. Please be part of the solution. When we criticize and we complain, that is a sign of being reactive. When we when we wait for things to happen to us, then that is a sign of being reactive. If you want to change you want everyone else to change around you, but you don't want to change. That's a sign of you being passive or reactive. Or if you only have revenge on your mind, if someone does something to you. And the only thing that's on your mind is that you want to get even with that person. That's a flaw in your character. That's a sign that you are reactive. Now go on the other side and you go to the scene of the prophets of Salaam and you will see that the

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prophets have never did any of these things I just mentioned. He never blamed people of their problems. He never blamed other people or he never criticize other people. He will never get angry at other people. On the flip side. Let's look at the signs of being a proactive

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diff person. And the reason I'm sharing this with all of you brothers and sisters, is because sometimes we need to look at our own selves. There's flaws within our own personality, and we cannot change even our family. If there are flaws within my own personality. The very first thing the Prophet saw me he did is he will brush aside issues very easily. When Allah subhanho wa Taala told the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who they laugh, more bill off what Jilin, there are people who are going to come who are going to be extremely ignorant. Let them go, let them be today in this dunya how many people say so many critical things about Islam? And yet when they say those things,

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I'm not saying that we should not get upset? Yes, we are going to feel that pain in our heart. But then what we do after that is not a sign of what a Muslim is, in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how did the person react to those kinds of people? Allah subhanaw taala said, just let them be. When the cartoons regarding the person came and they surfaced. Look at the reaction of the entire Muslim world. Look at the ingredients of the entire Muslim world. And people see this. In fact, there was an article written in the Dallas Morning News, where there was a non Muslim who's pleading to the Muslim community that please Muslim community do not react to these kinds of things.

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Because they love when they see the reaction where they love when Muslims they react the way they react. Instead of being proactive. They feast. They enjoy the way we react, go back to the prophet of Salam. Do you really believe that person would behave that way? Do you really believe does any of us believe that this way the person he would combat the issues never. When the Prophet Sal and when he came to first, as I said, people get angry, they say things. On the other hand, the Prophet SAW Selim, he taught us that thing before you do anything. Allah subhanho wa Taala taught the Prophet SAW Salem that before you jump before you get excited about any news that comes to you injure

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confess upon being infected by Yano, before any news comes to you and before you react. Think about it, investigate the matter. The problem someone has told us that he says in a hadith failure can hide on only your smoke. Either you say something good or stay quiet. When people get emotionally riled up. They say things when we are emotionally compromised, we say things that later on we regret. Later on, we'll feel sad about what we have said, the person taught us say something good or stay quiet. That means that we have learned how to be proactive when things go do not go their way to bounce back. To come back from that things in our life do not always go the way we want. But the

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person taught us through his own actions that either you can sit there and keep on crying about it. Or you can go outside and do something about it. When a booth polyp and Hadiya rota and her day passed away, the person realized that now he doesn't have any security. He does not have any protection in Makkah, he could have sat there, criticize everyone blame everyone and say that, you know, why did he pass away and so forth. But he was proactive. He went all the way to thaw if and he tried to invite those people. And even when five the people of five, they ran Mohamed Salah some out of town, what are the problems some of you do? Did he sit there and criticize them to know he moved

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on, he moved on. In times in life, when things do not go our way we need to learn that we have to move on sitting there and crying over spilled milk does not help anyone. When we look at what happens to our children, when we look at what has happened to our children or to our family, we can either sit there and complain about it. Or we can move on and make some positive, positive things or focus on positive things going in the future. Another part or another character of a person who's who's proactive is they focus on the things that they can do, or they are within their capacity. And they do not focus on things that are not within their capacity. Today we are sometimes we focus on

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things that it is not going to happen. Or we focus on things that it can never be attainable. When we talk about and I don't want to go there are some things that come to our mind right now. But I don't want to mention it because of the hotline and these videos are being recorded at the same time. But they are things that are Allah here are so absurd, so absurd. When we talk about the solutions to the OMA and how the solution they come up, they are absolutely absurd. Why not focus on the things that we can do. There are things in our community that we can do to help help our community there are things that we can do in our community, in our families that are attainable, why

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not do them in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam go back to him

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fool fool. This this path does pose some he was part of before even becoming a prophet. He could have sat there and said, You know what this man is a criminal, this man is such and such. But no, he realized that at that time, the best thing that he could possibly do is to stand up for justice. And that's exactly what the problem he did in later on in his life, when he would refer to that instead, he would say that if the same situation were to present itself today, like helpful for dude, I will stand up, and I will be part of that I will be part of Justice. Today, brothers and sisters, there are things that we can focus on and pay attention to. And there are things that we cannot what is

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happening to some people overseas, sometimes there's only limited things that we can do. But at the same time, there are things here that we can focus on today. We are so much focused about what's happening overseas, that we're forgetting about what's happening here in the in our backyard, what is happening to justice, justice is being slaughtered. Justice is being you know, left behind there is no justice today in our communities. Why now we go in we signed up for that. And finally, finally, go back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his life. And once again, you hear me keep on saying the seed of the Prophet because there is so many things will lie that we can learn

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from the life of the prophets of Salaam. Today we read the Sierra as this many people this this many people that we don't reflect upon the lessons. The last thing is the power some he rise above everyone else. He put himself above everyone else he realized how they think and how I need to think how I need to do things. When the post when the person came into Mecca, he conquered Mecca. These were the people the Quraysh, the Moroccans, they were scared of Rasulullah sallallahu ala he was setting them. But what did the Prophet saw some, he says, led to 30 but they come on Yom Yom Fetullah, hula, Hula, hula or hammer rock. I mean, because a person who's reactive, you're always

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thinking about revenge, a person who's proactive, they think about moving forward. These are things of the past that are petty issues, they learn how to move forward, the person taught us how do you move forward. So when you go back here and say the seat of the province of Salaam, he was never reactive. And once again, I say that if you are easily offended, or you blame others, or you easily get angry, or you wait for things to change, without you doing something about it, or you wait for other people to change, or you have revenge on your mind, then these are signs that you are a reactive person. And and we have to if we are reactive, we have to change ourselves to become

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proactive people as long as we are a reactive community will like things are not going to change. Things are going to be the way it is we can do whatever we want, but things are not going to truly change. But if we change, we can change our children. We can change our family and in essence, we can change our community. Then you will see the Muslim world changing in sha Allah, I ask Allah subhana wa Taala to give all of us the ability to add what's been sent hurt, we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make us like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like the community of the Prophet SAW Salem that they were proactive and they will not reactive. We ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make us

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productive, productive We ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make us efficient in the way we are in terms of our community and in terms of all of our affairs. I mean, nobody I mean Bartok hola hola Anna, welcome to triple and all the when I find out what yeah come ready with the kill Hakeem stuff with Allah Hi Lea welcome well Eastside Messina festival fellow in the hula hula Rahim

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Mr Lai Rahman Rahim in Alhamdulillah Muhammad who want to start in the morning stuff you know when I was with him and surely and fishing I'm gonna say yeah to Medina. Man you had to Hillel for a mandala woman you live for that her dealer wanted to do Allah illallah wa woulda, shoulda, coulda, woulda, shoulda done the Muhammad and Abdul rasuluh I'm about for the Palo Alto vertical watada Africa emerging African Hamid bow that would be a mishit onward Jean Bismillah Rahman Rahim in Allahu wa Monica who use a Lunarlon EBU leadin mo Salah Allah He was selling to steamer a woman Salah Mohammed Salah Ali Muhammad Kamal Selita Rahim Allah early employment in the Gambia Majeed

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robotic Allah Muhammad wa ala Ali Muhammad can Baraka Ibrahim Ibrahim in Nicomedia Majeed Allahumma Sunni Islam when Mr. Amin Allahu monster Islam what a Muslim if equally makan Allahumma sunnah alum and holofcener wa Fabula then I will ask the holier than what female vana will often with Alana what Hamilton I will be at NIDA qualified while tsunami coalition were FURTHER NAM equally died. Aloha Maka. Cinerama Cushitic Emma the whole lot murder who will be here being obeyed them also take them into take them out to whether they're gonna be genetic. Only opinion matter who we interview and I'm sorry but dunya Matera Nebia Smarty now what I was talking about what in my head and I was a little

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them in which I started on our alignment Valentina one sooner

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or later darling we'll see but then I feed in in a rather jolly dunya Atwater Hamina whatever Novare Marina wala international Sedona Reto Sunita, Elena medulla Ramona along in Anna sort of element Nafisa. Well I'm gonna Monica Bella, what is fun was what she felt. I mean colada. Allahu manana was becoming a million when Albula Yaksha Amina Silla touchbar Amin dua Allah used to jab I mean robola Allah mean in Allah hey I'm gonna be out anyway I said, Well eat either CORBA when Howard fascia or both Yeah, I love that the Quran first clonee EarthCam wash cruelly will attack Funaki masala

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