Musleh Khan – Tafseer Suratul Fatiha – Verse 4 #3

Musleh Khan
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The importance of the guidance and guidance to receive guidance in Islam is emphasized, along with the use of "ar Interrupted" in Arabic to signal the need for help and protection. The speakers emphasize the importance of unity among Muslims and breaking up large community. The speaker emphasizes the need to keep one another as members of a large community and to be mindful of others' actions. The speaker also discusses the benefits of being a soldier and protecting one's future, including being a "has been praying for" person. Finally, the importance of asking for help in past and present day affairs is emphasized, along with reading up on language translation to avoid confusion.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah he sallallahu alayhi wa ala early he will be here ultramarine buried. So let's continue in sha Allah with a number four of iya caribou, what kind of staying in of course in sorta tel Fatiha. Another interesting example, if you'd like in terms of the order of the A n, is why and we touched on this very briefly, but let's just bring some clarity to it. Why does that verse start off with he can attribute a kind of staring and not yet kind of studying what he can output. So why not invert the two verses or sorry, the two words, scholars, they, if you look at the area, constructively in a

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nutshell, you cannot receive istana which is the help and guidance or protection from Allah azza wa jal unless you have worship unless you're worshipping Allah azza wa jal, so they complement and they work with one another. You can't expect that Allah azza wa jal will assist you unless you give a lot, so much of the rights that he deserves, which is that you worship Him. And it's very, very important because of this concept. It really addresses those individuals that say, you know, every single day, I'll ask a lot to give me give me give me or help me, help me help me or assist me in this and that, but no answer is given to them. And they ask the question, Well, why does this

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happen? Why is it that Allah doesn't give me what I asked for? And then these individuals if you ask them, well, do you make Dora in your prayer? And they'll say, Well, now really, because I don't pray every day. So then if you ask them, well, do you do that? in Ramadan whilst you're fasting? Really, because I haven't fasted all my life. So that's what it keeps going. So how do you expect Allah azza wa jal to respond to this? And this is also based on an authentic Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam referring to a man who was a traveler, and his clothing was hot on his food was hot on his drink was hot on. But still, he would turn to Allah and ask Allah to give me give me give me

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and the prophets I seldom mentioned in that same Hadith, how would Allah answer this door? How can Allah respond to this? So it clearly shows brothers and sisters, he can do what he can, staring to get the help of allies. So Jen, you need to perfect your worship towards him. And that's what we find here in this verse. And that's why I mean, even if you look at this in a logical sense, logically, this also makes sense. Imagine you have a friend, right? And you hardly know that friend. And one day that friend comes to you and asks you for some help. And you know, that person. But the idea is, is that the last time you asked them for help, they didn't bother helping you. They just

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said, Man, I'm too busy. You deal with it yourself. But the next the next time they come and they ask you for help? How open or what's the chances of you helping out that person? Very little? Why? Because they didn't do much for you when you needed them. So why would you do the same for them, as opposed to the person that they've helped you? So in response, you're more than ready, very beginning, at the very moment, you're more than ready to do the same for them. So Allah azza wa jal, by keeping the area in this order, you've been worshiping me this whole time, the least that I will do for you is when you ask me for help, when you need me to protect you, I will be there to protect

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you. So they go hand in hand. And this is why the LMS say that even though the order is not inverted, still, both of them if they were to invert, they still complement one another, they support each other istana and any bad.

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Now, here's a question. Now when we go to the word is there and let's talk a little bit about you alone. We asked for help. And then we'll look at a couple of points regarding that verse. So iya caribou, we know a couple of things about this one, just just briefly summarize, summarize, we know why Allah azza wa jal says he yet first meaning that he establishes a law as so much and establishes himself a narrow blood and he brings the feral or the verb, what do you do with Allah? Now that you know who he is, what's the next thing or a blue or a blue robe back home, you start to worship Him. So and that's the first point. Secondly, we know the order of these two words why they've come into

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this order. A bed comes toward a stair and it comes second.

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Thirdly, we know the the pillars are very bad. We know what is part of our bed and what should be a part of it every single time we worship Allah, and it doesn't matter what type of worship that we do. But all of those five pillars that I mentioned to you in sha Allah should be part of it. You don't have to list them. You don't have to memorize them. But at least you should be aware and conscious of them every single time you worship Allah azza wa jal, in addition to them, a yakka we've spoke about a yucca, but just to add to this actual word iaca. This word here is also found in various a hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in one, a Hadith, one Hadith, a comb

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woven, I warn you, of assumption, faith in the world candidate for verily assumption is one of the greatest forms of lying in another Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam uses the same term and he says, a comb, while Hulu, I warn you of extremism. So here the idea that when you look at this, some of the scholars of the Arabic language, they say that the word a yakka, is used for a number of things. Number one, it's used to issue a warning to the person that you don't want them to do what you're going to describe. So you say a yakka, well, Horridge I warn you don't exit here, a kumal do hold I warn you don't enter there, he yaku will kill him, I warn you don't lie, and that

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sort of thing. So you're using it as a form to warn somebody that what you're going to mention, you don't want them to be a part of it. Now this is important. This is the second connotation if you'd like of how to use a yakka. iaca is also used for actions that are really profound and detrimental to you and your character. Let me give you an example.

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Another word to warn somebody in Arabic is to heal. To hear comes from the word Hazara. This is why sometimes you'll look at a sign and it says caution, or it says warning, high voltage or something like that. And it'll use the word to zero, it doesn't mean you use the word El Camino high voltage. So what's the difference between the two scholars, they say that to zero, it also it means the same thing, but it's of a lesser degree than equal. If you use ECAM, it means what is going to mention is going to be 100% detrimental or a problem for you. Whereas if you use the, it's not always going to be that case. So even though you use to hear and something and it says high voltage, really, what

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it's telling you is one of two things may happen is that if you get into that premises where there is high voltage, it's going to be life or death, or there is a possibility, a strong possibility, you're just going to injure yourself, but inshallah you're going to be alive, and you'll be cured, and life will continue for you. But if you say he yakun it's much greater than that it's a higher degree. Basically, what you're saying is that it's life or death period. If you do it, it's going to destroy you completely. This is why scholars they say from this Hadith, he qumola Hulu prophecies solemn warning us about extremism, it means that if the person was to fall into extremism, there's a

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number of problematic issues. Number one, it becomes a problem in their worship. It becomes a problem in the worship in the sense now the chances of that worship being accepted by Allah is decreased or diminished completely. Number two, the method and how that worship goes against the the method of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So again, it's nullified. Number three, is that when a person falls into extremism, what they're basically saying is, the limits that Allah has sent is not sufficient enough. It's not perfect, there are still some flaw in that act of worship, and here's the way it should be done. So that's why those words that come are those feral, those actions

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that are described when you use a cat or a comb are very, very powerful, very, very strong. So what basically another way to look at this verse is that a yaka narrow bow do what he can staring, it's as if Allah is warning us, I am the only one you should be worshiping. And I am the only one that you should seek help from. So this is extremely important how this word is used as well. And I kind of like it because it kind of illustrates a nice image of what this is should portray for the readers as well. I mean, we can go on and on how I love this idea so much another if you'd like benefit from the a is imagine when you're praying, you're an individual, you're one person

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and praying. So why would you say, You alone, we worship, why not say you alone, I worship and use it in the singular form. Because if you used it that way in the singular form, then it would sound like a yakka. Our border was

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a stereo, you wouldn't say necessary or narrowboat anymore. Scholars, they also give a very interesting benefit behind this. And it shows here the importance of unity amongst the Muslims that even we come together and we worship Allah azza wa jal, the most prime example is how we pray. Just look at how Muslims we pray, no religion in the world could pray like the way we do, not only do we get together in one premises or one message in one building, but in addition to that, we take off our shoes, and we stand together. And we actually have to touch one another. And I say this all the time. Just imagine if you were walking outside in the sidewalk, and some guy walks by you and you're

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just walking and you got a brush shoulders, what's going to happen? It's going to be a problem, right, guys? What's your problem? You went? Why'd you touch me? I mean, we live in a society where it's like, if you look at somebody the wrong way, it's going to be a problem to let alone touch the person but it's the complete opposite for us. We're told to stand shoulder to shoulder and then according to some are the man when the prophet SAW a sudden the mentions in the Hadith and Buhari the stand heel to heel, it means to touch heel to heel, according to summary lemma. They say I'll Caribbean cabinet to actually touch. But many of the football has said it means to line up heel to

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heel. But in any case, that's another issue. The point is, is that Imagine if you do Touch heel to heal. Now this is your feet, touching another man's feet. And again, it's a very intimate part of you. But why do we do that it all goes back to narrowboat, we worship you, Oh Allah, in the sense that we come together for your sake. Our religion has so much emphasis on unity and brotherhood, it is absolutely amazing. It's so profound. Almost every single surah in the Quran has some reference to brotherhood has some reference to Muslims and believers sticking together. And this is why it's absolutely sad that if you have a large community of Muslims, it starts to break up. And one

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community where you can have one large messenger to cater for all the Muslims ends up being five or six. And then you know, you have the West Indian message, you have the Somali message of the Pakistani man, you have this you have that. And then Mashallah, for five salats, you can have five different messages for each prayer. And then you can probably have five versions of those prayers as well. And and this just continues to go on and on and on. And this obviously goes back to a verse in sort of the Toba that Allah azza wa jal mentions that these are the people who will build masajid but are actually causing misguidance in the community. Can you imagine you build a Masjid and as a

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result of that message, people are misguided. People are led astray. There's a verse in Surah Toba that talks about that type of massage. So we ask a lot as surgeon to keep us as the people that when we come together we worship Him we worship him sincerely, and we worship Him as brothers and sisters as one oma as a source on the lahardee he was settled and tells us that the movement to another movement is California and you should do battle to who Baroda they're like one building one piece one structure, one falls apart or one feels pain than the other will also feel it too and soda to tilba will mean una Mina to borrow to whom Alia or borrowed, believing men believing when they're

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supporting casts for one another. We see that also in a yak and arable do what he can staring. Do you see why we started off the discussion mentioning that this the self said is the secret of sort of Fatiha this one verse alone. one verse alone explains all of sort of fattier, this one verse it is then the second half of the verse, what he kind of staring. So I hope now in sha Allah, when you're praying, and you get to this verse iya kerabu then I hope that in sha Allah now you could have a good strong perspective of what it is that you're doing what it is that you're saying to Allah azza wa jal you're not just saying oh ally asked you for your opinion I'm just saying all lie

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Where should we but it's gonna entail all of these different points that we've mentioned here so far. Now, you alone we asked for help. So in about 15 minutes inshallah we will conclude so we will conclude nicely also with this particular area.

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This here means that we do not seek aid from anyone but you Oh Allah again.

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We do not seek any help and anything any aid or assistance except from you, Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, this brings an interesting question that some of the scholars they've asked

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why would you ask Allah to help you? What's the point of asking Allah Oh Allah help me if we already kind of. If you're reading sorta Fatiha, you're praying and you're seeing iya Kinabalu, you've already kind of gotten that assistance and that guidance and that help from Allah azza wa jal. So what's the point of asking for it again in this verse? So I hope we understand this, what's the point of having this particular verse here? Now scholars they divide this answer into two main points number one, is that when you say what he kind of stare in, his stare in comes from the word is their owner, which means to help. So when you ask Allah azza wa jal for this number one is that

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you're asking Allah to help you in your past and your present day affairs. So everything you've done in the past, you're asking, oh, Allah helped me in learning from it and getting through it and showering your forgiveness upon that, get it out of me erase it from my scale. And then your present day actions you're asking Allah will protect me from ever falling into the same mistakes, again, protect me from ever doing the house, again, protect me from ever doing the same thing each and every day. So that's the first one. And then the second point

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is that you ask a lot as soldier to protect your future, not only for yourself, but the future of your family, the future of your children, your progeny, everybody, you're asking, oh, Allah protect them. That's why you say, nest styrene. And you don't say, a staring, you're using it in the plural form or alone, we ask you for help. Again, we meaning myself, me, the person, and everybody around me and all of my family and my children and so on.

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The word is sterile, and as we mentioned, comes from the word Sorry, it's Mr. income. So the word is Stan. Stan also has a root word, which is I know your own honor. Now that when you hear that word, I know it sounds very different from esteana. Now, here's just a benefit for those of you who are fluent in Arabic. And even those of you who are studying the Arabic language. This is a really beautiful benefit. Every time you're you're working with verbs. Anytime you take a verb, and you add three letters to it, Alif TA, and seen or lift seen and Ted. Anytime you take a three letter verb, and you add a life scene and tear to that verb, you've now changed the meaning to, to to mean

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requesting and asking for something. Let me give you an example. The word bar lib, which means student comes from the word pallava, which means to request, where if you were to say, a stealth pallava, which means you've added a live scene into what you're saying is that you are telling that student I request you to be a student of knowledge, I'm telling you, I'm asking you to be that student of knowledge. I'm asking you to go to that class and learn. Let me give you another example. All of us can relate to we all go to the bank machine to get money at some point that that action of going to the bank machine is called is the whole Raj is the whole Raj, Raj comes from the word hot

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Raja. Hot Raja means something that will exit something that has exited out of the building, hot Raja, he's exited. But if you say it's fraud, you're saying, I request you to leave, I request you to exit. That's why when you when you withdraw money from the bank machine, it's called St Horridge. Because what you're doing is you're requesting your money to get out and come into your hands. So that's how beautiful Arabic is you add these three letters. Now what does that have to do with the eye and listen to the I am yet canabalt? What yakka ness styrene it's got the noon, it's got the scene and it's got the Tat, it's got the three letters. The Elif is replaced by the by the noon

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because of course it's referring to a plural form rather than a singular form. The point is, those three letters are there. So what is the what is the verse really asking? Oh Allah, we are requesting an asking from you to give us your help to give us your assistant. Do you see when you listen to a verse this way? Do you see how dry translations can be? But if you just happen to I mean, it's really sad some of the translations it's not even even though it gets translated into English it's not even in the English that we you and I would say

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Speak, you'll find something like, Nay, Thou shalt not seek to thy neighbor or something like it's going to be in this old classic English, that you need a dictionary or another, you know, explain to to figure out what is it telling you there. And this is why I'm not a very strong advocate or supporter, you know, you go to a lot of dinners and events and the person will recite the poor end, then after the poor end, the person will come and read the translation. But nobody understands what he's what their translation is. The purpose of the translation is so that others can understand but they still can't understand because it's old, classical English. And that's why I always tell these,

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these, these event organizers to write up a small summary of what is going to be recited and then read that to everyone. Read in the language that people can understand. That's simply what it is, or the person will start up. Allah azzawajal says, Thou shall not seek to thy neighbor to the home, and then and then just use all of these really old old words and nobody can understand. The point is here yet can do what he can a staring

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