Musleh Khan – Tafseer Surat-ul Mulk – V01-2

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary ©
The Shay K photos concept is emphasized, with a focus on the Shay K photos, and various interpretations of the concept. The Shay K transition is discussed, with the understanding of the "haste," meaning a transition from one stage to another, and the importance of understanding the process of creation. The importance of learning from one's past is emphasized, along with the knowledge of one's sinister and forgiving qualities to determine who is the most sinister and forgiving person in the world.
AI: Transcript ©
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So we have bat Hill mulk, in whose hand

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the dominion is in. And this all goes back to the absolute ownership and control of Allah subhanho wa Taala over everything. Well who are either Cooley Shay in pudiera? Now Allah azza wa jal affirms this. If Allah says Tabata can lead the big hill mulk It explains everything we know exactly. Now, everything is under a loss, Hanson control, but a lot of firms is our firms as well who are Allah coalition Kadir

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and he has all of them. He is the one that has everything under his control, and every color and every will that Allah azza wa jal has, this is something that belongs to him. This obviously can be translated as, and he is over all things competent. And this reinforces the, the idea that there is no control really, except under Allah subhanho wa Taala is controlled. Now you might be asking yourself,

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you know, what's the pattern that's developing here in this particular sort of suited model is a sutra that affirms all the authorities and power of allies. So as a sort of monk will continue like this, then we're going to get into some of the things that will happen in the Senate and the audit. Then we will talk about the shell team a little bit, then we will talk about some of the creation, we'll talk about the job of the public. We'll talk about the job of the node, then we'll talk about gender. Then we'll talk about various ways that Alice sends down his lorries upon his creation and how he feeds the birds and the pigeons and all of these things. All of these things come back under

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this one theme of the Soto and because it's a Mickey sorta Mickey solos, this is one of their patterns or themes. It's that they're very concise and very short and quick to the point. And it always sounds as though a monkey sorta is pleading a case. Since pleading for you to understand is make sure you know this make sure you understand this concept. So Allah azza wa jal continues.

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Alessi Haleakala mount, well hired Leah Beluga comb eucom San Juan mela, so this is verse number two. Allah azza wa jal says that he is the one that has created death and life. You notice that it doesn't say Allah The Hala palha tal mode, it mentions death first, and then life and not the other way around. Scholars, they say that here, the reason for this is of course, because death is more inevitable than life. Life is something alive. So agile has to create it has to be by his coddled by his will. But by default, anything that's already alive or already created is inevitable, it's going to die or going to be destroyed. So that's more common than somebody or something to have life or to

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be given life or to be created. Because if Allah azza wa jal doesn't want to create something, he won't create it and if he wishes to he will, but what's already here is inevitable, it's going to reach that point. Death, of course, is translated in the Shetty era, as a separation of the roar from the bed in a separation from the soul of an individual from the body, and life is the complete opposite. It's the attachment of a soul to a body. Now, the soul it never dies, it will always remain alive. And we know this from a * very long Hadith narrated by the companion by the name of Al bara ebonheart, zip or de la Juan. And this is an authentic hadith that is narrated in almost all

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the books of Hadith. And this hadith is very, very long, many of you I'm sure you've heard of this hadith when the prophets I send them after finished burying someone, he sat down and he began to discuss to the companions, some of the events that happen when a person is buried, and he mentions a very long hadith of how the soul is snatched out of an individual and how it's taken up to Allah. So again, the good soul is shrouded, and the bad soul is shrouded, but each route is a different type. One is sweet smelling, one is filthy and so on. And it goes back and forth to Allah zoa Jen, and then Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in the Koran, what muffled fire, that for the evil soul, as

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it's making its trip up and down to Allah azza wa jal, there are birds that are assigned to * away and pick at the soul as part of a punishment to that soul. So anyhow, all of this here, it indicates

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though that the soul eventually remains alive and never dies, one may ask the question, why does Allah then say kulu neffs in the equatorial mount, every soul shall taste death. So how do you put these two together? Well, it's very simple. is death, the end of everything? No, it's not. What is death, it's simply a transition from one stage to another. So why death isn't the transition from the world to the Hereafter, it's not the end. So what alized so agile is saying is that every soul will taste that transition from A to B, from dunya. To era. So a lot of people they get very confused when they say, Well, how what do you mean the soul will never die? If Allah says this, and

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they completely ridicule or reject this whole concept of the soul, not dying, but Allah azza wa jal clearly mentions it. So it's important to understand that concept.

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Allah azza wa jal also continues and he says holla melt. Death is something that Allah creates and it has to happen by his will, by his by his creation, Allah azza wa jal does this on his own. Now Haleakala melt had has a number of interpretations amongst the scholars of Tafseer. Some of them have said that when he creates death, meaning that he has created something that eventually will die, which might mean the beginning stages of the creation of a human being, when it reads when it goes through this the three main stages of creation and eventually becomes this full grown flesh, this full grown body, then it goes to death. It's one interpretation but the point is, we always

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want to just keep in mind is that alive so a gel as long as it's create, it's inevitable it's going to die. Next point with the same as Allah says, alethea hola como tal hired Li Abu acoem. Allah dozen Allah azza wa jal says Lee Abu welcome back lamb before this word. Now, the Abu acum. We've talked about this word in our previous episode, it comes from the word Tila, which means to test or to put strain on something, it's to, it's to put a strain or stress on a particular thing that causes it to work harder and harder. So when we say that life is a test, what it means is that life is not difficult, or life, it's going to have its hardships. That's what a test mean, when you tell

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somebody, it means that there's going to be some areas in your life where you're going to be constantly challenging yourself each and every time. So Allah azza wa jal, what's interesting is that that's the first reason he gives us why he's created us and given us life. The first reason that I want you to know why you're alive, it's because it's going to be a challenge and a test for you, that's already puts into perspective why we're here. We're not just here to just enjoy life. We're not here to just have children and get married and just, you know, go day by day. But our primary goal here is that whatever challenges are placed in front of us, we're able to overcome

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those challenges. That is the natural fit total, or the natural inclination of the human being, is that whenever hardship comes, you don't just start crying and pulling your hair out. But you try to take these things one step at a time, as best as you can. Allies. So a gel tells us that's the first reason but look at the wording of the sentence. Allah says Leah boo accom, a youcam, San Juan mela mockcall. He doesn't say a Yukon XL, Guatemala. He says that I want to test you to see who is the one that's going to have the most righteous of deeds. He doesn't say I want to test you to see who's going to have the most deeds. So this here, it clearly shows that when it comes to doing righteous

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deeds, it's always quality over quantity and not the other way around. It doesn't matter how much you do. What matters is how sincere you are with the little that you are doing. That's why in a Hadith, Pudsey, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that Allah azza wa jal himself, Allah azza wa jal says, I love what my servant Does, does that is consistent, even if it's just a little as long as he keeps doing it. That's what I love the most, as opposed to somebody that starts off too big and then quits and stops halfway and gives up. So you want to try to also avoid and this here the the area clearly tells us this. Now put these two verses together.

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You started off with praising Allah.

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And you started off by you're introduced to whom Allah azza wa jal is tabarrok Allah the bat he'll mulk well who are Allah Cooley Shea in Kadir Allah, the Holocaust

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melito will hire Leah blue comm au comb Isola not once that Allah tell us His name yet, he's not referring to his name, he hasn't put the word Allah in anything yet, which again, it shows.

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It shows a type of uniqueness to the pattern of how these verses are being brought to us. You're not ready to know who Allah is so much as name is yet, what I want a lot of studying, what I want you to focus on are the things around you, I want you to focus on your purpose and the wisdom and why you're living and your why you're created. I want you to focus on that first. And this will eventually lead you to understanding and knowing who I am in this versus here, Allah calls himself alizee, the one he keeps himself oblivious, like he doesn't specify who he is at this particular point. So it's really interesting the way the wording of this as it presents itself, the evolution a

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youcam isin, Rama which we've discussed, will who will, and then Allah, Allah azza wa jal continues, will who will or Aziz will have four and he is the most powerful and the most forgiving, put it all together now. Praise be to Allah, hos whose creation and affairs is under his dominion. And he is he has the father of everything and anything that is that he has created that's in front of him on the earth, and in the skies, in the agenda and so on. He is also the one that has created death and life in order to test those with the most righteous of deeds and He is Allah Aziz Allah for question. Why does the verse end off with Li Z's and aloha for and not something else? Remember, I mentioned to

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you brothers and sisters, that one of the most effective and most accurate ways of studying Tafseer is to study how verses begin and how they end, study how verses begin and how they end, they don't just end as just a random praise or acknowledgement of something. The way it ends is always connected to that particular verse. And this also just just shows some of the miracles behind the Quran. In terms of its perfection. Allah says that he is alive disease, he is the most powerful, this affirms that he is the one that creates life and death because why the machinery cool, they scrutinize this point to to the very end, how is it possible that we're going to be dust and then

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Allah is going to recreate us again. And then the response of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is that Allah has done it once and then he'll do it again. So maybe you need to come somewhere your he come from LA he told us your own, Allah is going to continue to do this over again. And so if I've done it once, what makes you think I can do it again? So here Allah affirms that He is Allah Aziz Allah This also explains a number one which is of course, the authority and power that Allah has over his creation. We will come to Allah food in a moment after we take a short pause, inshallah.

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