Musleh Khan – Quranic verses that change your life #07 How The Quran Reminds Us Of Death

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the importance of understanding death and the event itself, particularly as it reminds people of the law of death. It uses various examples and references to illustrate the need for this clarification. The transcript also touches on the negative impact of actions that do not eliminate death, such as the man returning something at a store and the importance of avoiding the worst things that happen to them.
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So don't want an equal marginal to lucky robot of care to at hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was salam, ala rasulillah, well buried. So before I begin, something really interesting happened at the mall yesterday, you know, I'm going to the mall, and I wanted to return something at a shoe store. And as I'm standing in line, there's a dude in front of me that's getting really irritated, not at me just like the whole process that he has to stand outside, follow social distancing, and capacity in the stores, and so on. So and it finally came to his turn, he went inside, and he just went ballistic on everyone, especially the cashier, he was actually returning something at least that's what it looked

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like. So I'm also in the line, I can see a few people ahead of me that this guy is just screaming, and he's like, I don't like this. And I should be able to just come in and return something and bla bla bla bla bla, by the time I got to the cashier, I could see that the cashier, although she had her mask on, I could see tears in her eyes. So I asked her, I said, You look upset. That is it, because same guy. And then she was just saying that he was so unfair, he was so unfair. And it turns out that that guy was returning something, and then he was also buying something as well. And he demanded that, you know, he gets some kind of compensation or discount or something like that, just

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so happened that even at that same moment, the manager of the store wasn't even there. So by the time all of this was sorted out, that cashier actually gave him a discount on one of the items. And she paid for that discount out of her own pocket. And that's what Yeah, and you know, when I was hearing like listening to her, she was saying that, you know, I just decided just whatever, you know, he was getting so irate that she just paid him 15% out of her own pocket. So I looked at this as an opportunity from Allah subhana wa tada to do something good now again for somebody else. So when it came for my turn to pay for my things, I gave her 15% extra, just so that she knows that

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look, we appreciate these, these acts of kindness, these acts of righteousness. And we look for it as an opportunity for ourselves as well that we could do something good for people who do good for others. So the point is now hold that thought after I've told you that story. This is going to lead into today's reminder, today's reminder is not just about death in the sense that Okay, we're all going to die. We have to be accountable for our actions, etc. That's a separate conversation. I want to share with you just one of the ways of how, and reminds us of death. It's easy for the poor and to just say we're all going to die. And here's the thing, there are three verses in the entire poor

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end that explicitly tell us that we are all going to pass away kulu Neff sin, the impact will melt. Now you all know this, these verses This is mentioned three times in the entire poor end in three separate sources. The first source is sort of Andy and Milan The second is suited to the NBA and the third is sorbitol amicable, but they all are connected in a really interesting way that helps us to understand how the poor and reminds us of death. The first one and sort of earlier in Milan, Allah said could lunasin that equal to remote every soul shall taste death. What intimate to a felony, Judo communal piano. So then Allah subhanaw taala shifts the attention now from death to the day of

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judgment and accountability is talking about actions. It's talking about deeds. Allah subhanho wa Taala is reminding us in this verse, that all the edge and the reward that you're seeking, while compensation now for that is going to happen on the Day of Judgment. Now keep in mind, you have the mention of death, the day of judgment and and deeds. Here's the second verse in Surah, two NBN Allah subhanaw taala says kulu Neff sin the input will not one who can be Shall we will highly fitna. What Elena total geryon we are going to test you and put you through trials with the good and the bad of fitna. In this world again, what is it referring to? it's referring to actions again. Then Allah

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says, What Elena total geralyn you'll eventually return to us. So what is the law referring to here the day of judgment? Do you see a pattern now? So the first verse versus the second one, here's the third one in sort of, uncoupled Kowloon F's in that it will melt Thelma Elena to geralyn. Every soul shall taste that death, but instead, Uncle bucola just jumps to the gun and says, and all of you will eventually return to me, again, the day of judgment, accountability, everything about the Day of Judgment captured here. So what's the point of all of this and the verse that we've put for today's reminder

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is not equal to Mt. It's actually the last verse of sort of look, man, we've talked about this verse before about what Matt tended enough. So meta tech civil of other women tended to be a little determined a lot. So we don't tells us You don't know with what you are going to be able to do tomorrow in terms of deed and righteousness. So act now, don't think about what am I going to do? And what am I going to be able to do tomorrow and just concentrate all of your focus and attention on that, but actually think about the present. Think about now because why you could die today. That's the point we could pass away today. Allahumma sorry, May Allah give a strength? So let tells

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us and in addition to that, women tend enough some be a Adlington would you have no idea what spot you're going to be standing on and death will find you now put all of this together. One of the ways the Quran teaches us that we're reminded about death is through our actions. And this is one of the patterns that we saw in those first three verses of kulu nevsun, that you put them out. But I want to bring your attention also to how this a a begins kulu nefs. Allah says, Every so not everybody, or every person, every soul is going to taste death, meaning every soul is going to experience the transition of leaving this world on to the next world or the afterlife. So when people say that,

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okay, we're all gonna die, our bodies will die, our, the physical, the physical, I guess you could say, outer shell of our soul, which you and I see and touch and we take care of that's going to go away, but our souls will remain alive forever. So when the a is talking about every soul shall taste death, meaning every soul shall experience the transition of worldly life to efeito life. Here's the second point, Alice palatinus says, taste death. That's not how we remind each other about death, I don't go to you and you don't come to me and be like, you're going to taste death one day, you know, Brother, you are going to taste this death, it's going to happen to you like, and that kind of

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language is is really unusual, when we're talking about a subject as serious as this. And the scholars tell us that the word that's used here that imply that apart from the vilka zylka literally means to taste something, but it's something that you would never taste, you would never desire to taste it. So it could be the worst flavor, the worst item, the worst drink or food item, you would never taste it because it's just not edible. Allah is saying that at the end of the day, most if not generally speaking, all of mankind will not look forward to leaving this world, it will be a reality that will we'll accept, because we have no choice, it will be a reality that we're constantly

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reminded of because people die every day, all day all the time. And we hear about it. And we experienced that through other people's realities. But the point here is, is that Allah subhanaw taala is as if Allah is saying, no matter what you say, no matter what you do, no matter what you think, don't worry, you'll start to taste the flavor of it's, first it's going to be a fragrance. In other words, you're going to start seeing people dying around you, then alone, add another layer, then you'll go to your first funeral, then a low will add another layer, then you'll touch your first dead body, you know, you're part of the whole soul, or the washing process. So you see a real

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dead body in front of you for the first time of your life. Then Allah will add another layer your prayer first janessa, you go to your first funeral, you do all of these things. And before you know, somebody dear or close to you, whether it be a friend or family or relative passes away, and before you know it, that's how the reminders happen. So what does this all have to do with how these verses continue? They continue about righteous deeds. Here's the point everybody, righteous deeds, doing good deeds is our constant, daily reminder that we are going to pass away. Because what other incentive? Does anybody have to perform righteous deeds? We want gentlemen, we want to let them be

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pleased with but for all of that to happen, where do we have to go? What has to happen to all of us, we have to pass away. You know, I can sit here and talk about this stuff, but in the back of my mind, in my heart, yet, it is a very, very sensitive topic. It's not easy to talk about subjects like this. So you might see strength on the person's reminding you of death. But deep down inside there is an element of fear that we all have because why death is the last step before we confront our Creator. It's after death. Then it's the day of judgment, Star resurrection and we're brought untried in front of our Creator suppressible entirely subjective.

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Very sensitive subject. And most, if not all, people in general, when we think about that death, when we think about our time to go, all of the memories, everything that we've done in our lives, the families and friends that we can potentially leave behind all of these things start crashing down. And so death is not something that we want to think about or dwell on too much. And so what Allah subhanho wa Taala is helping us to do here is yes, you are going to pass away, yes, death is inevitable. But what's important here that as long as you are alive, it's all about doing the right thing. And every time that you do good deeds, there are challenges in that it's not easy to do good

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deeds all the time, all day, every single day. And so this is helping us to understand that the end of the day, when you do righteousness, the motivation that all of us need to keep us going even on those tough days, even when we face resistance when people you know, just discourage us or insult or critique us in any way. At the end of the day, the motivation is, look, I am doing all of this because I know I'm going to leave this world and I want to leave this world in the best way possible. I don't want to confront my Creator, the best way possible. So kulu neffs, in that equal to melt three workplaces, it's mentioned in the poor end, and each of them end off with righteous

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deeds or deeds in general and the Day of Judgment, you will return back to your greater simpatico with our Allah. And that at least gives us a good indication of how the poor and reminds us of death. It reminds us that as you think about your time to leave, as you remember death, at the same token, allow your life to reflect that remember that remember, it's by doing the righteous deeds and the good things that we're supposed to do. This is one of many ways how the poor end teaches us or at least encourages us to live. And this is of course, definitely one of the poor ethnic verses that hopefully will change your life always for the better. So May Allah subhanho wa Taala continue to

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give us the strength, the health, the knowledge and the wisdom that we continue to do our very best to perform righteous deeds. It's not easy, we're going to make tons of mistakes, we're going to do a lot of things that we're not supposed to do metal luffs Pamela Tyler forgive us of those mistakes, the shortcomings, the errors, the misunderstandings all of the floss that we have as human beings May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept from us our efforts and forgive us of our shortcomings in our mistakes. May Allah bless you guys wherever you are until we meet again for another reminder just like mellow heighten was set them on equal water to love people about a cat too.

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