Musleh Khan – Life #25 Oh Allah, are you actually there

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the complexity of Islam and how it is impossible to determine who is there. They also mention the importance of the title "Art of Allah" and the use of the word "Art of Allah" to reinforce the existence of Allah. The speaker also discusses the importance of the title "Art of Allah" and how it puts the speaker in a place of comfort and faith.
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How do I know Allah

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is really there?

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Yes, believe it or not this is an

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important question.

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Every single Muslim out there should be able

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to answer

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this. How do we know Allah is there?

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We can't speak to him because we don't

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hear a voice in return. We can't touch

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him, we can't see him.

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So how do we know he's actually there

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and Allah exists?

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So in the Quran

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there are dozens of Ayat that indicate and

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tell us Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is there.

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Here's the first.

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in the second Surah Surat Al Baqarah

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in the second verse Allah says

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In this book, there is absolutely no doubt

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which human being on the face of this

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planet can make that claim.

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Who can author anything and say in this

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book it's absolutely perfect. So La Rui Bafi

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also mean perfection.

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Like there's nothing in the Quran that's going

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to confuse you. There's nothing in the Quran

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that contradicts itself. And yes, I know what

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you're thinking, but I heard this debate. I

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heard other people say there's contradictions

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in aya. Some things don't make sense. Some

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things aren't as clear. That is not a

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problem with the Quran.

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That is a problem with us.

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We are the ones that may lack the

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but the Quran itself

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actually challenges mankind. So here's another way that

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you know,

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the author is not you and me. It's

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not an actual human being. But this author

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has to be something above and beyond, an

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entity above and beyond.

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Because in the Quran, several places Allah

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to make something similar to it.

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Who would do that?

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Who would put such a challenge to mankind

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and say look I've authored

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a book,

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here it is, I challenge the world to

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author something similar to it or better. Because

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this book, there's no doubt in it, it's

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No human being can make such a claim.

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But the Quran at the very beginning starts

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to speak to you, starts to reinforce

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that this Quran is not from the Prophet

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alaihis salatu wasalam but something beyond.

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So that's the first thing. It's just the

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existence of the Quran and the way the

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Quran is structured.

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Number 2, the Ayat of Allah.

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The complexity

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in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's creation. So what

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do I mean by that?

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Take some time if you haven't done this

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and just watch an animal documentary

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of any animal. It could be on insects,

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the ants, the ladybug.

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Watch a documentary on sea creatures

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and you'll notice right away

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just how complex

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the animal kingdom truly is.

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Right now it's said that we've only explored

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maybe 2 to 3 percent of ocean life

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on the planet. Think about that.

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Millions of creatures

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have been found floating and living

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in oceans across the world, but that's only

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2 to 3%.

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So there is life deep within our oceans

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we've never seen, we don't even know exist.

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So the fact that that level of complexity

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in the animal kingdom,

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think about how animals live, how they survive,

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how they live amongst each other, the communities

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that they live in, the habitat in which

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they live in, all of that it synchronizes

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to perfection.

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So the animal kingdom in general is a

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great way for you to know

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there has to be an entity above and

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beyond that controls all of this, that designs

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all of this. And the last and final,

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Ayah. Amongst many ayah that proves Allah's existence,

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just look in the mirror.

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Look at the human body.

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The human body, and look at how complicated,

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how precise,

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how every

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single cell and every single part of our

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entire structure is so meticulous and so perfect.

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If you literally remove one part of your

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body, it affects the entire function. If you

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have a headache, if you get sick, it

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affects your ability to perform. It affects your

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ability for the entire day. Something so simple,

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something that goes off just the slightest bit.

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How does this happen?

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We can't even repair it. We can't

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do something to our bodies that stops it

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from aging, that stops it from becoming weak,

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that stops it from becoming sick.

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So when you put this entire package together,

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you realize that the heart is dependent on

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something else for it to continue beating.

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When somebody's heart stops they pass away. We

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can't stop that process.

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We would want our loved ones to be

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with us forever,

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but that process comes to an end which

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common sense will tell us

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something else is in charge here

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because I have no control

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over myself.

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I may think that I do but I

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really don't.

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These are just some of the things brothers

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and sisters for you to think about. There

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are literally dozens upon dozens of ways

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that we can see and know that Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala is really there. And so

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I guess the last thing I'll leave you

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with is this,

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the people who have a connection with Allah,

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you and me, the people who strive to

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pray and worship a creator,

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does this make sense if I say to

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we just know he's there. You just know

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That's what iman that's what true iman does.

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It puts you in a place where you're

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you're confident and you know a 100%

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is out there. Some

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things we just can't explain.

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This perhaps could be part of that conversation

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but I hope these few points insha'Allah

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can reemphasize and reinforce.

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Feel confident,

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feel positive and know with certainty Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala is there. May Allah

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keep us close to him. Allahummen.

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