Shaytaan Description Deceptions Destruction Part 1

Murtaza Khan


Channel: Murtaza Khan

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The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases.

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of the general public

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possibly one of

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the great

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things for them

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call their own

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in general,

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one's own country can become one

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of the current breaks in politics

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in the West

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is designed

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to call

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and to dominate the

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enemy is one phone call

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the enemy

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can become

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your family, your spouse's and your children

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but obviously, if you start

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certain occasions they can become the enemy

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enemy becomes

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a common practice

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calamity before the individual

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relationship, a loss of property

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get into the perfect

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to control the masses to believe what they want to professing society

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there is no concept of the enemy

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I will never stop until

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individual entity

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of a complete

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this country

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then you begin to understand that

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this is the Empire

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between 470 million people

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in place, you have

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to dominate, to control

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to begin to think about

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the physical understanding of our people and then when they come upon them, to overtake them, but we we seem to fail to understand

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to entertain these people

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before we even

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knew what

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this enemy knows

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The movie industry

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to begin

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in this

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it can become

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good evening

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good representation

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now we need to claim the claim and begin to study

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In the previous

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Bringing together

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different types of