Muiz Bukhary – Listen to what your Prophet ‎ﷺ takes an oath and says!

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 discusses the importance of fulfilling the oath of Islam by sharing three things, including adding layers of emphasis to one's life, not promising by name, and giving as much as possible. They also mention a prophet's oath to open doors of abundance and prosperity for individuals.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, if one of us were to take an oath by Allah and say something, would we not believe in that individual? If one of us were to promise by Allah and say something would we not believe in that individual? If one of us were to say, I promise By Allah, I swear by Allah, I take an oath by Allah will lie he and if he or she were to say something would we not believe in that individual would be not affirm but that individually is saying that what about in the case of the most truthful of them all, Mohammed Salah Torabi, wa salam, O Allah, May my mother, my father and myself be ransomed and sacrificed for him sal Allahu

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alayhi wa ala he was seldom he is reported to have said the Hadith is recorded in the book of Imam telemedia Rahim Allah it is an authentic hadith, Salah thetan, Salah thetan, aka seymore, Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he takes an oath, he promises with regards to three things, three things, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam remember my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, the most truthful, truthful of them all. And here he is taking an oath he is promising to add layers of emphasis, and he says, ma na casa Malou I burdin min sadhaka that the wealth of a slave of Allah shall not decrease through charity. Many brothers and sisters in Islam, the prophet is taking an

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oath, that charity shall not decrease your wealth, rather there will be increase, there will be abundance, there will be prosperity, when you give for the sake of Allah. So give, give, give as much as you can. May Allah open doors of abundance for you may Allah open doors of Baraka and prosperity for you. I mean barakallahu li

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