Muiz Bukhary – The Legacy of Khadijah Bint Khuwaylid

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the struggles of the Moagne Qidied and their family members during the time of Islam's "The Great War" and "The Great War." The segment discusses the characteristics of powerful women in the world, including their status, rank, accomplishments, and their use of nicknamics to describe individuals and their weight in the culture. The segment also touches on the importance of privacy and the return of Islam to Jannah, where the return of a woman named Kari Mattila is highlighted. The segment also discusses the use of language and language learning in the context of Islam, including the return of a woman named Xena and the use of necklaces for religious studies.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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wa sallahu wa sallam either. Shafi nambia you will mousseline begin our Habib in our karate our union our Mohammed bin Abdullah la vida de he was happy he uploaded solid atomic asleep my back

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for the follow along was about a katana for analyzes that we'll be learning him in a shape on a virgin

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Marina de la Haku

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use less silicone

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silicone going on back on woman

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upon the phones and now the

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all praise and thanks be to Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala who is no doubt our Creator sustainer nourisher protector and cure. We asked him the almighty shower his choices of blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who is a his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of

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my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam. First and foremost, I advise myself and all of you all present here to adopt a life of taqwa. And that is to be conscious of our makeup during every single second of our lives in order to attain success in this world, as well as the hereafter May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us all from the people of taqwa. And may He make us from the victorious and successful ones me.

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Discussing the lives of

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great women from the golden pages of Islamic history is extremely important, especially in today's time and era.

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We live in a modern world, a modern world,

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that is * bent on targeting Islam and the Muslims. There's obviously a ferocious war against Islam, and most specifically against the women of Islam. And who are they targeting, they're targeting women who are pious, who are righteous, who are mothers who are covered, who are well versed in regard to the Islamic teachings and who are striving to adhere to the teachings of Islam to uphold the teachings of Islam. Those who are proud those who are proud to be identified as Muslim women, they're targeting them.

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They carry empty slogans, in the name of granting our women rights.

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They are in reality, stripping them of all rights and exploiting them. There is a huge agenda, to mislead them to lead them astray. The plan of the devil basically is being enacted to take them farther and farther away from the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So during such an era, it is vital, it is extremely important that we refresh our memories and that we recall the great women of Islam. So having this intention in mind today inshallah Tada. I hope to talk about a very, very great individual. She was such a great individual.

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She was so pure, that even during her john helia helia in the sense during her days before Islam before the advent of Islam, she was suited with the nickname for Hara. In general, when you talk about nicknames people do suit nicknames upon people. And if it is not a praiseworthy nickname, then it is not a good practice, but in general nicknames are suited to highlight certain defects of individuals. But she on the other hand, the nickname that was suited for her was for her, in the sense pure one, because she was such a pure individual, a truthful individual, a trustworthy individual, an individual who was honored by all the people of her time, the people in her village

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in her city, they all looked up to her and she enjoyed a high status a high rank due to her praiseworthy traits and characteristics. She was the first person to declare the oneness of her makers with Hannah who was a healer, after her Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wasallam. She was the first person to bow down

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And pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala behind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam, she was the first person to listen to the powerful words of her creator through the tongue of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. She was the first person to be given glad tidings of Paradise by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she was the first person.

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The first person, if not the only individual, and to whom Archangel Gabriel gibreel Allahu salatu salam was sent down to earth, to convey to her the slums of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allahu Akbar. She was the person who carried the first child of our beloved Prophet Mohammed Salatu was salam wa la. She was the first wife of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa ala he was sending my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam.

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Words shy away kalimat words shy away, and feel overwhelmed when trying to describe and talk about this particular individual because she was the Beloved of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Remember whenever we try to honor Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to dignify Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam with our words, in reality, our words are not honoring Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam our words are not dignifying Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam but rather it is the other way around. The mention of Mohammed Salatu was Salam. O Allah is honoring our words, the mention of Mohammed salaatu wa Salaam while he is dignifying our words, our words are not

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honoring him. Our words are not dignifying him because we do not know how to honor him properly the way he should be honored Sal, Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam, she was the first person to affirm the message of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam when he came with the message. And to illustrate further, I have a hadith to share with you all and this particular ad has been recorded in the book of Imam Ahmed Rahim Allah if I'm not mistaken, the sort of line he said a long line he when he was sent them. He was once with the Sahaba one letter, I think imagery Marine, and the narration goes along the lines of these words, he was with them.

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And he drew four lines on the ground for lines on the ground. And then he looked at the Sahaba at one later Island marine and he asked them all my Sahaba or my companions, do you know what these lines stand for? Or what they signify the Sahaba they responded

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stating Allah what sort of who Island and this was the usual response in the presence of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they responded Allahu, Allahu, Allahu Allah, Allah and His Messenger know best. And then the supervisor among wild usnm went on to educate them went on to clarify that these four lines stand for the fall. For most women in this world, the four foremost women the best of women in this world, and he said a long while ago when he was 11 went on to list them. Khadija didn't have a lid number one, Khadija didn't have a lid rhodiola one ha Fatima bint Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam probably a lot more.

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Maria bent in Milan,

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Maria Binta and Braun and as he has been in possession once again, Khadija been graded or the last one ha Fatima bint Mohammed Saba while you are the other one have Marian been to Iran. And as you have been masa him,

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radi Allahu Allahu Allah. May Allah subhanho wa Taala show his Miss mercy and blessings upon all of them. So for powerful women, he said Allah while you it was seldom mentioned the four of them and we obviously have a lot to discuss in regard to the four of them, but today inshallah I'm going to be focusing on Khadija to beat Whaley there'll be a lot more on her, the beloved wife of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Now, based on this narration, you might think to yourself, okay, we know about the characteristics or at least the treats in regard to Khadija de la Mancha. We know about Fatima or the alarm line How will you know about Maria Malika Salah, and in the salon, the mother of Isa Alayhi. Salam, we know about us you have been massage him, the wife of Iran, but we know very little about us here with mazovian. You see, the thing is, she enjoys such a high status such a high rank and let me just touch on this briefly before I go into a little bit quesadilla weinheim she enjoys such a high status such a high rank and she is such a great woman because she was the spouse she was the wife of

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a diabolical tyrant or ruler who was an oppressor of violence for our

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he was an oppressor a tyrant, and she was

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his spouse, she stood by him she observed all of what he did the cruelty that he perpetrated, and the declarations that he put forth stating that he is God Almighty. But in spite of all of that she did not waver, she did not lose hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And her belief in Eliza Virgil was so strong, even though she was put through so many trials and tribulations through the hands of around, let me give you just one incident, there was another lady and Afro we're talking about women today. So this lady who is another great lady who lived during the time of your own, and she worked in the palace of Freetown, she was known as Marcia Kubernetes. She was the hairdresser of the

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daughters of around. Now, one day, she was tending to the tresses of one of the daughters of around, she was dressing the hair of one of the daughters of Iran. She had a comb in her hand, and she was dressing the hair of one of the daughters of Iran. Now why is dressing the hair of that lady? The comb fell from her hands to the ground, no sooner it fell to the ground, she whispers she cries out Allah, she cries out a lot. Now alarm Allah means my God. So the daughter who heard her say that she looked at her and said, You mean my father? You mean do you mean my father? To which the lady looks at the daughter of Iran and says Allah hora de wa buki? She said, No, Allah, my Lord, your Lord and

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the Lord of your father as well. Allah, my Lord, your Lord and the Lord of your father as well. I eat a lot of pheromone as well.

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The daughter of around becomes upset. She rushes to her father, and she informs her father about the statement of the hairdresser that I own is enraged. Because like we said, he's a tyrant. He's an oppressor. He immediately calls for the hairdresser. And the hairdresser. She was a widow. She was without a husband and she had four children with her three children and one suckling infant. He calls for the hairdresser with her children, and he threatens her. He threatens her and he tells her the if you do not take back what you just said, he first asked her Do you really mean? You know what you uttered when you were in the presence of my daughter? To which the lady she responds, stating

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Yes, I really believe in what I said. And I do believe in Moosa, the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah and Allah, I believe that there is no deity worthy of worship, other than Allah and she was saying all of this in the face of a title. Look at her look at her courage. Look at her bravery, immediately for our orders for a cauldron, a huge pot to be brought. And that pot was filled with oil and it was set ablaze. Now the the oil is boiling, it's boiling hot oil, and around looks at the hairdresser and says, Look, if you do not recant, if you do not change what you just said, I'm going to have each and every one of your children put into this cauldron right in front of your eyes. And

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then finally, I will have you thrown in as well. She does not waver.

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She stands firmly and she says I had one law in the law, a bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship other than Allah, that I will nods his head and the first child was thrown right into the cauldron to that hot oil, and she witnesses her child in front of her eyes dying. As the flesh started to peel off from the child's body. She witnesses her child dying in front of her eyes, and around looks at her and says perhaps a change of heart now, to which he responds, I had one

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other witness that there is no deity worthy of worship other than a law that nods his head and the other child was thrown in as well. She does not waver, the third child was thrown in as well. She does not waver until finally she has the little suckling infant in her arms. Around nods his head and the gods fly away. That young child, that young infant from her arms, and as the guards were prying the child away from her arms. Tears start to flow down her eyes. She's a mother at the end of the day. It's a young child, a suckling infant, an innocent child was done no crime whatsoever. Look at this tyrant. Look at this diabolical ruler.

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The guards pry away the child and tears are flowing down the cheeks of the mother around with the eyes of a hawk he observes the tears flowing down the cheeks of the mother and he nods his head. The gods throw the suckling infant into the cauldron and the mother witnesses the child dying in front of her eyes. Now they're out looks at the lady and says perhaps a change of heart Now before you are thrown into the cauldron, to which she firmly and strongly states has had one La ilaha illAllah I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship other than a lie and innovation goes along the lines of these words around the looks at her and asks her Then why are you crying A while ago I saw

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tears flowing down your eyes. You know what's your response?

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Law, I think we men should be ashamed. She responds, stating, oh, I was crying. Because how I wish that Allah had blessed me with 100 lives so that I could give every single one of my lives for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala I'm crying because I have only one life to give for Allah

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that I own loses it, it becomes so enraged, immediately.

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orders for her to be thrown into the cauldron and she two parishes and just before she was thrown in, she makes a request. She says, Can I have one final request before you throw me in town says What is it? What do you want? She says, All I request you to do is after you have me killed, gather my bones as well as the bones of my little children, and bury us all in one grave and around agrees to honor that request. Now the point that I want to highlight here, my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, is that this incident Do you think it took place in the backyard of Brown's palace? It took place in the grand court of Freetown, and where do you think Asya was at that time,

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she must have been right next to Freetown, and she was witnessing all this cruelty all this oppression happening right in front of her and she could not do anything about it. She must have been so, so frustrated, but yet she placed her trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala. She did not waver in terms of her belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And look at the words of the Prophet sallallaahu Selim now she stands as one of the four foremost women of this world he lives in Panama. Now coming back to Khadija Ravana.

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many respects respected elders and brothers in Islam, Khadija long line Ha. She was born into a noble, prestigious and influential family within the families of Mecca. She was born into a very prestigious and noble family in Mecca.

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And she was such a righteous individual that everybody around her in terms of her family friends in terms of people who knew her they all respected her. They all held in high esteem and like I said, That's why she was known as fahara. The nickname was suited for her as the pure one. Initially, she got married to an individual by the name RTF, even though I've been in masumi. That's the name of her first husband, Khadija robiola one has she gets married to it. Even Abby didn't masumi and this individual he passes away and after a period of time, she gets married to another individual, whose name was Abu Hala, even as urata, meaning Abu hanifa, even azura, meaning the second individual, he

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passes away after a period of time, and she was blessed with a son through this particular individual whose name was him even a highlight. So this individual was the stepson of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Hindi, even behala he was the stepson of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And this husband two passes after a period of time, and now she decides to herself that after two of her husbands had passed away that she would not consider marriage for some time. Even though there were many, many proposals. Many respectable proposals that are lined up for her many suitors, many people asking for her hand in marriage, she decided to put the thoughts of marriage in

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the backburner. She decides to not consider it for a while and this was the case until she meets our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam. So after a period of time, and by the way, she was a very successful businesswoman, she was heavily involved in trade and commerce.

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A time comes about when she hears about an individual, a young individual from the lens of Makkah from the tribe of Quraysh, a man a very handsome individual and individual just like her, who was known for his uprightness who was known for his truthfulness. He was known for his trustworthiness, he was known as a mean Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. She was very, very intrigued when she heard about the characteristics and the traits of Mohammed salvaterra beaver Salaam Wylie so much to the extent that she decides to allow him to manage his trade. And she sends forth a proposal for Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to manage her trade and he accepts at that time this was before

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social isolation and was appointed as a prophet. He conducted many successful journeys, three journeys, and by the day, the journey along one hand was becoming more and more impressed by Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And if you will, you can even say her heart was filling with the love towards Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that she started to reconsider marriage. Now what did we say earlier she had put marriage on the back burner, but now she started to reconsider marriage and she does something out of the norms of handle

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Hola Hola. quwata illa Allah look at the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala. She does something out of the norm. And what was that she sends the proposal to Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this time it was not a business proposal, it was a marriage proposal. And why I say it was something out of the norm. Because in those days, a woman in general would not send forth a proposal and I think it is even considered a norm now, where it is out of the norm if a woman sends forth a proposal, but when we look at the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he should understand that general norms should not be considered part of the dean are part of the teachings of Islam

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because we see a Dr. Viola on her when she felt like she wanted to get married. And this should be the case even today. If a woman feels like she should get married, and she is considering an individual she should speak to her parents and the marriage should be sent forth, but rather, we tend to stifle such initiatives and that results in many how long and illicit relationships breeding May Allah subhanho wa Taala save our families. I mean, howdy God alone one hand there are many reports as to how this proposal was sent to Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one version states that she sent one of her sisters. Another version states that she sent a servant to propose to

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, regardless of the narrations, but we need to understand is that information went to or the proposal went to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he starts to consider the proposal. He goes and discusses with his two uncles Hamza or the Allah one and Abu Talib. He discusses with his two uncles, and they decided to go ahead with their marriage. And now all of them they go to the house of Khadija rhodiola. One has to propose an ask for her hand in marriage. Officially, the idea of marriage was sent by Saudi Arabia, LaWanda. Now Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is going to make Kabbalah he goes and at that time her ankle, and ribbon

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acid was with her and the anchors of the professor lie listen and make the proposal in a very beautiful way in a very eloquent way praising Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and praising God along with the anchor of honey God, Allahu Allah was highly taken up. And he stated certain statements along the lines of these words where he is reported to have said that if a proposal were to come from an individual like Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, there is no way that anybody you know, in his or her right mind should turn down the proposal, and he accepts the proposal of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam because Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to was from a very

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noble family and like I said he had, you know, a stellar record amongst the people at that time, they all looked up to him and they all respected him. sallallahu alayhi wasallam so the marriage is now pronounced as per the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam met his hubby Gerald de la weinheim at the age of 25, Mohammed Salah al Islam was 25 years of age, and howdy God Allah when he was 40 years at that time, and this is something amazing.

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This marriage completely debunks certain ugly accusations that certain individuals criticize Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam when they criticize the marriage of the Prophet Allah listener with a shadow the alarm one hand, they say that also divine he said Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam was a womanizer, and they say dirty things. But at the end of the day, the barking of the dogs in no way affects the beauty and the grandeur of the heavens. And Mohammed said, a long winded value SLM is far above the heavens. So who cares about the barking of the dogs, but still, when we look at this marriage, he said along really well, he was selling what was in the prime of his life. And if

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he had wanted, like I said, he was a noble individual, he could have married a woman of his choice, he could have married a young lady of the age of 16 1718 1920, if he had wanted or someone similar to his age, but look at his choice. And look at his marriage. he marries viola, one at the age of 40. And the criteria that he plays fourth was, she was a very intelligent lady, a righteous lady, a lady full of wisdom, a lady who was known for her praiseworthy traits and qualities. This was what Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam saw in honey jar, the along line. And another thing that needs to be addressed is today, at times when we look at compatibility, certain parents make a big deal a

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big issue, if perhaps the woman is two or three months older than the male,

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or if even she is older by a year or two.

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At the end of the day, this should never ever be the criteria. As we all know Deen is something that we have to look for. And as per the words of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, a good wife along the lines of these words, a good wife is a wife when her husband looks at her, he is pleased. There's no mention of Asia and look at the age gap between Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wasallam and viola Juana, she's 40. And he's 25 Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. 15

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years of a gap. We're not talking about months here. We're not talking about one year, two year, three years, we're talking about such a huge gap. So let's not you know, bring in these thoughts and obstruct certain marriages. At the end of the day marriages are decreed but Allah subhanho wa Taala in the heavens, keep the criteria as Dean. Keep that as the main criteria and you will never ever go wrong you will be successful in this world, as well as the hereafter. So anyway, the marriage is enacted, and a beautiful life starts between Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Khadija de la Mancha. Now I'm going to share with you all a beautiful narration

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and narration that is just amazing. Amazing. And I want you all to pay an attentive Yes,

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it is innovation that has been recorded in the book of Imam Bukhari and Mr. Muslim Rahim Allah, and it is upon the highest degree, the highest level of authenticity above or below one who makes mention of the narration and outcome of Allah Allah salat wa salam, the narration goes along the lines of these words.

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Once gibreel alayhi salatu salam went to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi

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gibreel Allah salat wa salam, he goes to Mohammed sal Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And he says, not a sort of law,

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or messenger of Allah. However he has.

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This is her teacher. And she is coming to you now, with a dish, a dish containing a meat soup, some kind of a dish, if you will, a food or drink, she's bringing you something to eat or drink.

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And when she comes to you,

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tell her inform her that I have been sent by a loss of Hannah who wants

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to convey the synonyms of allies of a gel to her. And I want you to convey my salaams as well to her Allahu Akbar.

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I want you all to let these words sink in. I want this Heidi to sink into your hearts digest this idea. Think about it. Let me give you an example. Say tonight, if you were to witness a dream, and in that dream, if Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were to come in your dream.

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I pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses us all with the sight of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in our dreams. I mean, if he were to come in your dream, and if he were to tell you and by the way, Shere Khan can never ever take the form of Mohammed Salah while you are listening. So if you see rasulillah in your dream, then that is Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and by Allah I have seen Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in my dream. If you see him, it is true. You have seen Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam in your dream,

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make excessive Salawat make excessive Salawat the most ahlawat you send upon him, you will insha Allah and if you have true and sincere love for him, you will most definitely see him in your dreams.

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So coming back to the example if you were to see Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam me my mother, my father and myself we ran something sacrifice for him if you were to see him in your dream, and if he were to tell you

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or Abdullah or pilot

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I have been sent by a law to convey the salams of a law to you, will you be able to sleep that night?

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Okay, another example, say if Abu Bakr, Siddiq or the along line who were to come in your dreams, or if

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your loved one who want to come in your dreams, or if are smart, even a friend or your loved one who want to come in your dreams, or if I even thought about your loved one who would come in your dreams. And for that you need to live like them. You need to look up to them you need to study about their lives. At times you know about celebrities, we know about actors, actresses and athletes that we see them in our dreams. But we need to be seeing the Sahaba in our dreams. If one of them were to come in your dreams. And if they were to tell you we have been sent by Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam O Allah to convey his salaams to you Just imagine how privileged you would be at times today,

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if a worldly ruler if a worldly president sends his closest minister or ambassador and tells us that the President of the country sends his regards to you, or the ruler of a particular country sends his regards to you. You consider yourself a VIP. Oh, no, a VIP.

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Talking about the king the law of all worlds, sending his salons to howdy God Allahu.

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Allahu Akbar.

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Allahu Allahu Allah, you ready to sell them he informed her as she arrived. He informed and you know what her eloquent response was? In LA who has said a woman who said Indeed Allah. He is

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he is the source of peace woman who set up and peace is from Him.

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May peace and blessings of Allah be upon gibreel and be upon you. You're a surah Allah, Allahu Akbar, and that Heidi's does not end there.

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gibreel rallies that Muslim mentor to inform the Prophet sallallahu Sallam Yasuo Allah and give her glad tidings of a special palace that has been reserved for her in Jenna. And that palace is made out of kaustubh in the Arabic language hustle.

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And you do know what Casa is? Can I tell you what Casa is? preserved in the Arabic language means look to a mucho wafaa A hollowed out

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a hollowed out plan. You can bring all the innovative architects, the engineers today who are at the forefront of constructions and whatnot, but they'll never ever be able to come up with a building within a pearl and that is Jenna for you. A pearl a pearl allow me to hollow out a pearl and make an entire palace. It has already been made for Khadija been to Hawaii literally about one huh and that is Jenna media brothers in Islam. mala

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Unum semi as well a hotter Allah Calvi Basha, a place where no it has ever seen, no ear has ever heard nor has it crossed the wildest imaginations of any any individual you can have the wildest of imagination, then you can you can imagine all you want, but you will never be able to imagine paradise. And these are the words of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who witnessed gender with his own eyes with his own eyes. You see, one thing is to have in regard to something and then bring about a thing. We have in we have knowledge about Allah and we have firm yaqeen but have you seen a lot we have not seen a lot. We have knowledge about gender and we firmly believe in gender but have

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you seen gender we have not seen gender. But when you have I mean when you witness something then your your pain, your conviction is very, very strong. Mohammed salah and Islam had an enemy attain in regard to gender as well as Yaki and he had seen gender as well during the amazing journey of Islam in Morocco. He witnessed gender with his own eyes, in one particular narration, as it is part of the innovation of Swami Raji solomani. When he was 11. He went up to the heavens,

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he saw a beautiful palace, made out of pure gold and that will be the construction of Jenna was a cover of a brick of gold, a bit of brick of silver, and not any worldly cement would be used to glue the bricks together. berada mask and sweet smelling sands will be used. For supplies, Alison observes this beautiful and splendid palace made out of gold. As soon as Alison asks the angels the man had

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this palace has been built for him. And it was said follow me fetta mean Christ.

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It has been reserved and built for a youngster, a young individual from the Quran. Now who comes to your mind when we talk about a young individual from the Quran other than Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam so he two for one and to me Anna who he thought the sunlight salesianum thought that the palace was reserved for him and he said oh it is for me. And it was said it is not for you yasunaga it is Liam O'Brien

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it is for oma Robbie Awad and then Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, as he was mentioning the narration he looks at Amaro the long line who and he says yeah, Omar for the record, erotic for

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at that point, yeah. Omar, I remembered your lawyer your protective jealousy. You see this is a this is not a blameworthy treat. It is a praiseworthy trade and we're supposed to today you don't men don't have IRA, we need to be

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protectively jealous of our spouses today. We don't care. We don't mind parading our wives on the streets and letting all the men ogl. And lust behind our women folk era is when you have this protective jealousy and Amato the last one who had this if you are a real man, then you need to have a

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supervisor evaluation looks at Mr. Villanueva and he says

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I just remembered your via your protective Genesee Yama and I turned away from your palace and it'll be a long line.

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He starts to cry. He looks so nice and Allison and he says i nikka Avaya Rasul Allah Allah Allah. Can I have protective jealousy over you? You're a pseudo law. How can I have protective jealousy over you? Or in matters regarding to you Yasuda?

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My dear respected elders and brothers in Islam Jenna is an amazing place. Musa alayhi salatu salam once asked Allah subhanho wa Taala about

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The last person to enter agenda the last person I want you all to pay. and attentive here once again.

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The last person you mentioned that had the last individual, the last human being to enter Paradise. What about his state and innovation goes along the lines of these words. Alliance he went on to inform about this last individual and it says through the words of the Prophet Alison, I'm sorry, the last individual to enter Paradise will be an individual who will crawl out of jahannam Allahu Akbar, may Allah save us from the blazing flames of Johanna he will crawl out of jahannam because he would have to be put into jahannam to purify himself,

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he to crawl out of jahannam

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and it will be said to him, you can now go to Paradise you can now go to gender. He runs to gender. He runs to gender. He runs to paradise, only to find paradise full, full in the sense that dwellers of gender have already taken their places their levels and there is no more space in gender Allahu Akbar. Do you know the trees of gentlemen, one tree in general that has been planted by Allah subhanho wa Taala. A fast rider who is galloping very fast would have to ride for 100 years me

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to cover the shade of one tree in gender

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and the space of gender will be full. The man will come back and say law, gender is full. I don't have any space for myself. There's no space for me.

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It will be said to him go back your places in general. He will go again and he will find gender full. He will come back and say you're a large and that is full there is no space at all for me. And then if I'm not mistaken, it will be said a third time it is an authentic Heidi. It has been the core of the book of Imam Muslim Rahim Allah to go back again or it will be said to him, oh slave of Allah, Allah will address the slave and say, Oh, my slave, would you be happy? Would it please you if I were to give you agenda that is equivalent to the possessions of a worldly King, the last person to enter Now hold on heading in here. Now think about the positions of a worldly King when is

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a person known as a king. A king is not someone who lives down a small tiny road who only has a heart to his name. Now, a king is a person who owns palaces. A king is a person who owns acres and acres of lands, orchards, gardens, vineyards and whatnot. This is a king. So you're going to get a gender equivalent to a worldly King. And then Allah has the virgin looks at the slave and asks him would that please you and the slave will cry out for the tiara Brody, I am pleased I am pleased the last person to enter gender and Eliza gel but then say and let me multiply it for you one.

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let me multiply it for you twice. let me multiply it for you thrice. let me multiply it for you four times. let me multiply it for you five times. And at this point at the fifth time Allah Subhana Allah mentions it the slave will cry out Rob era. I am pleased I am pleased. But Allah the Most Merciful, the most forgiving will not stop until he goes on 10 times until I multiply the possessions of a worldly King by 10 and give you that the last person to enter Jannah Allahu Akbar. Think about it. The last person to enter

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this is Jenna for you. And Khadija been to Hawaii literally Allah 100 will be given a palace made out of a hollowed out burn in the highest highest ranks of gender. And this was because of her sacrifice her love for Mohammed Salah wakatobi wassalam y la Madeira respected elders and brothers in Islam after a period of time. It was an amazing night, a powerful night, a night where

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the entire creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala stood still a night so powerful that it was almost as if the stars wanted to come down and hug that night. A night so powerful that the mountains all covered together. It was the night when Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam set out to Jabu Nur, the mountain known as mount new to a cave known as var Hara. He goes to that cave and he starts to ponder in regard to Allah subhanho wa Taala. He starts to ponder about the greatness of Allah azza wa jal, and it was it was decreed that Allah subhanho wa Taala that that was going to be the night where he is going to be appointed a prophet.

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And that night, my dear brothers in Islam gibreel alayhi salaatu wa Salaam descends from the heavens, and he goes to Mohammed Salah long while you sell them. Now think of that particular phenomenon. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his first encounter with Gabrielle

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Writing is slow to slow his first encounter.

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His heart is pounding wildly, and she began he slack wassalam is telling him Cora Reed Reed, O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is responding man. I cannot read because he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was unlettered jabril Islam keeps on repeating read and he hugs Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and as per the words of the Prophet denialism his heart was so tight that it was almost as if it was total isolation and could not bear it anymore. It was like his lungs were about to explode such a tight hug such a tight embrace and read Cora Cora.

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Some capital sigma and a big party, I cannot read, I cannot read until verses were revealed unto Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam it cannot be a smear of beacon the economy for calling upon his

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son Amina Allah

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Kong lie I learned.

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I learned

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I attributed to Mohammed Salah Lama when he was seven, and after that encounter, he runs back home. You have to think of it for a long while evaluation of the first encounter. He was so scared. He was petrified. He runs back home. He runs straight home. He's sweating. He's red in color. He's perspiring. And he goes into his house and he says yeah, howdy Jasmine Nilo, Nizam Milani Cover me up, cover me up due to the excitement due to the fear. He was trembling and shivering. Khadija the alarm wine, a very wise woman. She did not look at her husband, like some of us do today, both husbands and wives, the way we look at our spouses and say, you know what all the drama about what's

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wrong with you? She didn't ask any questions. But instead she immediately erupts in with a wrapper, a blanket. And he said a lot of it already was psyllium comes down and then he tells her about the ordeal that took place in the cave. And then he tells her you're Khadija I fear for myself I'm scared and I fear for myself. And then Khadija the alarm went on to tell him

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Keller will La Isla De La Hoya de

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ne Allah will never ever disgrace you because you are a person who upholds the ties of kinship. You are a person who is very generous. You honor your guests, you help those who have been stricken with calamities, trials and challenges in life. And she goes on to praise Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she offers words of comfort unto Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam And not only that, after he had come down she takes him to her cousin waterpots Eben nofollowed Dr. Marwan yes obioma Why? Because lots of lines are long while you Eddie was sending this report Rob said that he saw a dream where waterfall for the long one was in Jenna was in paradise. In another narration, he was

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wearing white clothes in a very blessed state because he was a Christian at that time, and he did not commit ship he had not associated partners unto Allah subhanho wa Taala. He believed in the ISA Allah salon, and Mendoza the vice president was taken to him. And when the entire incident was narrated unto him, he goes on to inform Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasalam that that was the now moves the messenger, the same messenger that was sent to Moses sent to Moosa Allah so that was it and he has been sent to you and how I wish that I was a young individual to witness the time when your people will drive you out of your own lands and vice versa them in surprise, he was perplexed

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and he asked what are the long one hour mukerjea who will they drive me out? They respect me they honor me Will they drive me out and then what are called went on to inform him whenever a person comes with the truth when they message with the message of Allah, the people they despise, and they drive away those profits but if I am alive at that time, I will support you and I will stand by your side. He believed in the message of Mohammed Salah while he was sending me dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, as you can see for these are the Allah Juana. She offered support she was a pillar of support, and she continued to support Mohammed Salah al Islam with her well, with all the

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abilities that Allah had blessed her with until she breathed her last at the age of 65. She passes away at the age of 65. And Mohammed Salah long while he already was still in place, his her places her in the ground in her grave, but now he was not placing her in her grave. Barada, he was placing her into a beautiful garden from the gardens of Paradise, and even after her death, the civil rights among them continuously used to fondly remember her because he loved her so much one incident and a ripoff. inshallah, during the Battle of whether

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there were many captives taken many prisoners and from the prisoners there was one individual whose name is Abdullah. And he was the son in law of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allahu Akbar. He had not embraced Islam, and he fought against the Muslim during that particular battle. So he was taken prisoners

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He had married zenobia long line had the daughter of Khadija between rhodiola and the daughter of Khadija Yamaha. Do you all know who the children of Viola one ha, the children of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he was blessed with a son by the name Qasim. And that's why he's kunia is Abu Carson and four daughters. Zina, Fatima amaku and Rukia mela Chava his blessings and mercy upon all of them. I mean, so this son in law had married Xena brother, your long line her she was in Makkah, and because he had not embraced Islam as yet he did not allow her to migrate to Medina. It was after the Battle of bed and he was taken as a prisoner and Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam had declared that

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the relatives in Makkah could free the prisoners by sending a ransom ransom they had to pay the middle of an amount and they could free their relatives. They nebrodi along one had the daughter of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam comes to know that her husband has been taken as captive. And she sends a necklace.

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She sends a necklace to see her husband.

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The necklace reaches Medina

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and this beautiful and exquisite necklace is taken to the presence of our beloved Prophet Mohammed Sal, Allahu Allah anyway, listen. Just think about it. My dear brothers in Islam, his own son in law is captain for what was he greedy for power? He was doing it.

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Allah Kelly Mattila so that the word of a law of flies and so is high, his own son in law, his daughter, his beloved daughter is sending a ransom to flee her husband and look at the ransom it is a necklace. The necklace is taken to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he starts to weep and he starts to cry.

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The Sahaba reborn later Allah Allah image I mean, they asked us to lie salesianum Yasuo la Have you done something? Why are you crying?

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And the sort of lie he said, Allahu Allah when you send them he says that Nicholas is hideous. That necklace belongs to Khadija. And she gifted it to my daughter on the day of her wedding.

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And she is sent back as a ransom to free her own husband, the son in law of Mohammed Salah mahalo, he

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also lives in a lot more alley where he was he looks at the companions and he says, if you wish, take the necklace and free him. But if you feel it's appropriate, send the necklace back and send him also back with the condition that he sends my daughter to Medina. They send the necklace back and they send I will ask back and he goes back and not only honors His word, he also embraces Islam radio one one, and he sends the daughter of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he died as a Muslim robiola. Therefore my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam,

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I've run out of time, if not, there's so much to talk from the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this is why it is so important that we study about the lives of the legends of the past, about the male companions and the female companions, the more we hear about them, the more we study about them, our our hearts, are filled with so much of love for them so much of a yearning for their lives, Allahu Akbar. And look, they have left behind legacies that are being remembered today, and will be remembered until the day of the AMA Do you want to be remembered until the day of the AMA then If so, you have to live like the Sahaba. And for that you need to study about them you need to

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know about them, and you live like them. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us all to do so. May Allah azza wa jal open the doors of beneficial knowledge for all of us. Many help us to study about the lives of the great companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mean he helped us to study about the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a proper way, that he may help us not to misconstrue the teachings of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam I mean, he helped us to stick to that which is true and authentic from the teachings of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam maybe help us to stay away from innovations that displease Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah May Allah

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azzawajal bless us all. I mean, he accept us. And just as how Unitas here in this beautiful Masjid may unite us in the gardens of Gentiles, our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while he and his beloved wife Khadija been to Hawaii with rhodiola one has an inverse relationship with the admin

An emotional Jumuah sermon describing the life of the beloved wife of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at the Wellawatte Jumuah Masjid, Galle Road, Colombo 06 in Sri Lanka.
The Legacy of Khadijah Bint Khuwaylid (Radhiyallahu Anha)

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