Muiz Bukhary – Is Envy Permissible in Islam

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary ©
The importance of Islam in bringing people back to their birthplace is discussed, including the negative impact of envy and the three types of envy that can occur during Islam's cycle. The importance of protecting oneself from evil and harms is emphasized, and the need for individuals to identify their emotions and bring them to their own values is emphasized. The importance of protecting oneself from hazards and maximizing one's trust in Islam is emphasized, and the need for individuals to use their own experiences for good rather than just achieving wealth is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa ala Ashraf, Colombia he will mousseline and I begin our Habibi now a karate ioannina Mohammed, Abdullah Ali, Ali, he was happy he after the Salafi bottom with the slim my back.

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We begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. We ask him the almighty for his help, we ask him to open those beneficial knowledge for all of us. We ask him for ease, we ask him for relief, we ask him for healing. And we ask him to send his choices of blessings and salutations upon the final messenger, our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of clamor.

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My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, I start off by reminding myself and then all of you all watching this video are tuning in.

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To bring in a life of taqwa. And that is to be conscious of your maker to be conscious of Allah, during every single second of your lives, if you wish to attain success and victory in this world, as well as the hereafter. May Allah the Almighty make us all from the people of taqwa. And may He make us from the victorious and successful ones. I mean.

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So, I think this is the first

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word shall, Friday hotbar the reminder after the month of Ramadan,

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last Friday, I'm not saying that this is the first Friday, there was a Friday before this, but

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we couldn't, you know, livestream due to certain technical issues, and Hamdulillah, we're back on track now. And hopefully every Friday,

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there'll be a reminder. And once things go back to normal in some parts of the world, things are going back to normal with the help of Allah. And here in my country, we are getting back to a new normal with the help of Allah. And eventually when we start delivering the sermons in the masajid

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the videos will be put up the audio will be put up in sha Allah. So until then, these sermons will continue.

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So for today's reminder,

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I'd like to touch on

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a very concise and beautiful teaching of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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and this hadith this narration is recorded in the book of Imam Al Bukhari and Imam Muslim Maha Maha mala Mustafa canali. In other words, it is its authenticity has been agreed upon. There is no debate in regards to the authenticity of this hadith

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as it has been recorded by Manuel Bihari Anima, Muslim Rama, Rama Rama Lyon there is no debate debate between them in regards to the authenticity of the Hadith.

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The narrator of the Hadith Abdullah hibbett ms. Rudra de la one, he reports to the prophets that along while he very seldom is reported to have said Abdullah he was rude, or the along one call Colin Abu salam wa alayhi wa sallam la has said that he left with nothing.

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So he states that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his reporter have said that there is no envy.

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La has said, there is no envy and we're going to be talking about envy. There's no envy, except in two cases. And in this particular particular Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam then went on to mention the two cases. Number one, a man whom Allah subhanho wa Taala has given wealth.

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Allah has blessed this individual with wealth, and he spends it rightly,

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Allah has blessed him with wealth, and he spends it rightly, in rightful causes.

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Number two, an individual whom Allah has given knowledge, Allah has given wisdom. And he judges and teachers with this knowledge with this wisdom. May Allah open doors of beneficial knowledge for us. I mean, may Allah open doors of wisdom for all of us, I mean.

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So when you look at this Hadith,

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the Hadith talks about two individuals, we'll come to these two individuals, but at the very beginning, the prophet talks about envy. In the Arabic language, this envy is known as hassard. The term used for envy is hassard. So the definition of hassad

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It's a negative trait, it is to wish for the removal of a blessing from another person. May Allah protect us. It is to wish at the many it is to wish for the removal of a blessing from a mother

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The person So generally speaking, when you talk about this trait, this negative trait, the words of the prophets that allow it very, very seldom are very clear in this regard. Abu huraira the one who he now makes mention, that is recorded in the book of Imam Abu Dawood Rahim Allah in the son of a mama Buddhahood.

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The prophets lie Selim is reported to have said iya Kumar has said

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beware of envy. Beware of hazard the same term beware of envy. For in hazard, the ja Koolhaas cannot Kamata kulu now

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and then he said a long while he really was meant to say for indeed jealousy gobbles up. Jealousy eats your good deeds up just as fire gobbles up firewood hottub firewood. So when you have firewood, dry firewood, and if you were to light it, what happens to it? It crackles it burns and after a while, you come and all you have is a pile of ash. So likewise, our good deeds.

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We put in so much of hard work in regards to our good deeds, yes or no.

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Take the month of Ramadan, you strove so hard. You woke up early in the morning, you pray that the 100 you were up in the arm,

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crying and reading the novel on fasting, spending from your wealth left, right and center, giving out Southern giving out Zika

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and then you strive you go on or ombre, you go on Hajj.

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You maintain your family ties, you hold on to patience, you control your anger. You do all these things you think good about others, you don't entertain negative thoughts about others, you do all these good deeds, striving for the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala and firmly believing that eventually when you stand in the court of Allah, you are expecting to see these good deeds with you as you stand in front of Eliza virgin. But on the other hand, what's scary

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in terms of what we learn from this head, it is if you entertain her acid, then acid is going to eat away at your good deeds, these hard earned the good deeds.

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And then you're going to be left with nothing but a pile of ash. Like with the case of dry firewood May Allah protect us all. So it's important to create an awareness in regards to this trait because this trait

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it lurks from within. At times it's difficult to identify it to to diagnose it. It's a spiritual malady. It's a malady of the heart.

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It it riddles, the heart with negativity,

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with ill feelings with toxicity, May Allah help us to purify our hearts? May Allah help us to think good of others, May Allah help us to eradicate this negative trait in its negative form from our lives. Now that's that's a key point now, in its negative forms, maybe wondering, so chef, does that mean that has said you know, you were talking about the hazard all this while does that mean that it has a positive form? Now we come back to the editor I started off with the Prophet goes on to make a exceptions, exemptions, that you can actually entertain hazard in regards to certain individuals. Now what type of hazard is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam talking in talking about in this

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particular Hadith.

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So for that, you have to understand the term hazard. hazard is of three types, at least. In other words, envy is of three types at least. And I'm going to run through these three types very quickly.

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Number one,

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type number one

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is the type of envy where when an individual looks at another individual enjoying a blessing of Allah subhanho wa Taala hypothetically, let's say, Allah has blessed someone with wealth. And this as per the hat is the province of Islam and what is this individual doing? He's using the wealth that Allah has blessed him with.

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Not to earn the anger of Allah but rather to earn the pleasure of Allah. He's using the wealth that Allah has blessed him with.

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To do good deeds. He's spending it left, right and center for the sake of Allah. He's spending it on charity. He's spending it on good causes to help humanity to help the orphans to feed

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Hungry to feed the poor,

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to help ease the the difficulties that others are going through to lighten their burdens. He's giving out soda car. He's helping good causes helping organizations that are

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working towards eradicating poverty, charitable organizations is helping masajid is helping my Doris is helping, you know,

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people involved in good work is supporting the deen of Allah, he's supporting the scholars the spreading of knowledge, the spreading of positivity, he's involved in all these good forms with his wealth. He's doing so financially. So now you look at this individual. And we're talking about the first type of hazard, which is the permissible type, the good type. Now you look at this individual, and you think to yourself, yeah, of law, if I were to be blessed with wealth, like this brother, like this Sister, I too, would like to do the same. Now, this is a positive form of hazard, you're not wishing for the destruction of the bounty or the blessing of the individual. No, you're wishing

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if I had wealth like this, I too, would inshallah do good. If I had knowledge like this individual, I too, would

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help people, I would teach people I would educate people, I would remind people, I will help them in their pursuit, towards getting closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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You're not wishing for the destruction of the bounty of that individual, for the blessing of that individual. But rather, you're praying that you're Allah, just as how you have blessed this individual bless me as well, just as how you have given this individual, this, give me similarly, so that I too, can do good deeds, I too, can do this, and that in a positive way. This is permissible, like we mentioned, category number two, or type number two, is where you look at the blessing of another individual and you wish harm. In other words, you wish that it be removed from that individual and that it be given to you, for example,

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there's someone working above you.

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And you wish this person must be removed from his job, and I get his place in the corporation in the company. Now, this is bad. This is either you look at someone who has a good spouse, a compatible spouse, and you wish evil, you wish that you know what, the management's hit the rocks, they must part ways that I can get married to that person after that. So you're wishing for the destruction of the blessing that that individual has been blessed with so that you can acquire it so that you can * it from that person's life. This is extremely negative, it's very toxic. And this is the type that we have been warned about by the prophets that along Wiley wisdom, we have one more type The

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third type, which is worse than this type. But this type is bad. And we must stay away from this type, where you wish for the destruction of the bounty In other words, for it to be snatched away from the individual who has been blessed with and for you to acquire it. So Pamela, do you see the comparison and then the difference between the first type and the second time, the first time, you're not wishing for anything negative for the individual who already has the blessing?

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No, rather, you're praying Allah just says how you're blessed, this individual blessed me.

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So this is permissible. But the second type, it is impermissible and we must stay away from it. May Allah protect us the third time.

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And this is the worst type, if you will, where

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you wish for the removal of the blessing from an individual

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in such a way where even you don't want to have it. As in, you're not asking for it. You don't want to acquire it, because you can't achieve it. So it's almost like you can't achieve it. So it needs to be snatched away from this individual as well. Let me give you an example. Let's say someone is

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beginning his or her journey in terms of furthering their knowledge, whether it be you know, from a worldly perspective or a beanie perspective, let's say someone's looking at acquiring a degree and you're not in a position to do that. So there is no way for you to acquire it so you wish and harbor negative and Ill thoughts about this individual you know you do you try to hook up a scheme perhaps to try and sabotage this pursuit of this individual so that you know what I don't have a degree so you should not have a degree as well. I don't have a car you should not have a car. But you know, you see someone having a car and you don't have a car you have the means to buy a car. So you don't

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want a car nor do you want this individual to have a car so you wish that you know what let this car be destroyed and you feel you know you have all these negative and Ill thought

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This many brothers and sisters in Islam is the first time and the most toxic type.

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So it's important that we understand and we label these emotions. Like I said, For some of us, it's lurking from within. It's important that you identify this emotion, label it and remove it, or regulate it to make it from the first slide, which is permissible. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us to do so.

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But the brothers and sisters in Islam, when talking about has said you have to understand that it has so much of ill effects and that's why the prophets lie Selim has warned us in regards to harboring this this quality, because it's so toxic that it goes on to actually lead to other things. It starts off with this ill thought this envious thought okay. And this is why we have been instructed to do what to seek the protection of Allah and how do we do so, in Surah Surah Al Philip min Sherry has been either has said, We seek refuge we seek protection in Allah from the NVR when he or she envies why, because when they envy many brothers and sisters and scam you have to understand

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that that envy can lead to so many other ill things

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where they can try to harm you, if not

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verbally, then if not physically then verbally if not verbally, then through a line which is translated as the evil eye.

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So it has said that leads to it. So you know that in terms of align it is not something superstitious, it's not a myth to brush aside.

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The profits that allow Alibaba celebs report reps that I know happen, Ebola is true. So these are the words of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we believe in his words, because he does not speak out of his own desires in regards to the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala what he speaks is divine revelation as per the iron slow to najem my empty guanine However, in who I allow human you have.

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So we have to be very careful of this, of this trade, of this concept of acid and align.

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So there are ways many brothers and sisters in Islam for us to protect ourselves from hazards. So number one, seek the protection of Allah subhanho wa Taala that's number one.

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Seek the protection of a lot through prayers seek the protection of Allah through the eyes, seek the protection of a lot through the Koran. So it will follow up sorta NASS, you know these two powerful surahs known as more outweigh the thing called out to be a bill Falak where we seek refuge in Allah, the Lord of day but I will also be Robin NASS, the Lord of mankind from the different forces of evil that are lurking out there. May Allah protect us for We seek refuge and protection in Allah through the adkar taught to us by the professor nihilism avocado Saba, he will miss the morning and evening Africa. For example, aerobically Mattila hidin Madam Chair, Rima haluk, Bismillah Hila de la yo Dora

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mass media shape and fill out the winner for semi semi utterly I could see these are all powerful, powerful recitations that will serve as a protective armor to protect you from the forces of evil that are lurking out there to protect you from behind to protect you from the effects of hassad May Allah protect us on number two many brothers and sisters in Islam is to bring in taqwa, I started off this virtual reminder by reminding you to bring in taqwa. dupois, the consciousness of your maker will protect you. Allah says in the Noble Quran, and sort of Allah in Milan, but interest bureau were that the who lie Oh Lord, rupam k Dongsha. If you were to be patient, and bring in the

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taqwa of Allah Subhana Allah Allah, La eurocon k do their plots.

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Their schemes will not harm you. Law.

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And then we know of the Hadith of the prophets, Allah Allah Islam is reputed to have said that if you were to be conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala remember Allah be conscious of him. Allah will protect you. Allah will protect you. So this is how you acquire the protection of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And from the ways to protect yourself is to rely on Allah subhanho wa Taala. Place your trust in Ally's budget. Now you have done all these recitations and you know that there are forces of evil out there. But now that you have done your part, Now, place your trust in Allah, a dark pool in other words, reliance upon Allah subhanho wa Taala. And another important thing many brothers and sisters in Islam in terms of

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The steps to free yourself and to protect yourself from the negativity of this, you might not think of it as a step, but it is, I would say a step. In my opinion, it is to free your mind from overly obsessing over these things. Now, you'd understand that there's a spectrum. One is to completely disregard it.

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And and think of it as a myth. And you know, like I said, completely disregarded. And the other end of the spectrum is when you overly obsess over it, you have some people they are, they think that Oh, you know what everything is, you know, somehow related to the evil eye.

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That's being overly obsessed. You don't see that in the practice of the professor along while he was. The Prophet tells us a lie. You know, how can that yes, evil is true. And along with that, we know the prophets Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us about an asset as well. But it's important once you've taken all these steps to protect yourself in terms of the recitations in terms of the hours, in terms of relying upon Allah subhanho wa Taala. And in also in terms of adhering to the advice given to us to the Dean of alaba. We don't flaunt we don't show off, we don't brag. We don't behave in a proud and arrogant manner. We help the poor, we help the needy, we help the less

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fortunate. You see the beauty of Zakat, this is something I learned in the month of Ramadan, is that yes, it purifies your heart. It purifies your wealth, it also purifies the heart of the needy and the hearts of the needy. And the less fortunate. You might be wondering how Yes, it purifies my heart, it helps me to

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in terms of my attachment towards wealth, it helps me to detach from all of that, but how is how is it purifying the hearts of the less fortunate? Well, how it does so many brothers and sisters in Islam is by helping them to avoid harboring negative thoughts towards the rich.

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I think of it this way, you have a rich individual, okay, well, the individual and the less fortunate individual. Now this less fortunate individual because of the difficulty that he or she is going through, they look at the rich and at times they might it's just humanly it's it's humanly it can happen, where you might look at the rich person in a negative way. Now, by the by the rich person fulfilling

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his obligation towards the poor by adhering to the commandments of ally in terms of Setai in terms of Zakah he is purifying his wealth, purifying his heart and likewise by him now giving that out to the less fortunate they will not harbor ill feelings and negative feelings towards this

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towards the rich in general, you see, so there is this balance that is being struck and this is the beauty of the instructions given to us by our Deen by the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam. So like I said, once you have done all these steps, it's important that you free up your heart

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and not constantly be in this episode where you you think that you know what, you know, it's going to harm me I you know, I'm, I'm well narrable No, you have already taken the measures necessary in terms of donning the protective armor taught to us by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so you must remain confident now and place your trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala another step in regards to protecting yourself My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, I kind of touched on it a few minutes ago. Spend for the sake of Allah give out charity.

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We know that the Rasul Allah Islam tells us that charity from the teachings of the heart and the sooner we understand the charity, averts calamities, it averts calamities, it protects us basically, you know, so by giving our charity you are achieving the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. You're fulfilling your obligation in that regard. And you are also protecting yourself in a massive way through this powerful deed. So it's something that we have to constantly keep

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turning towards.

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So the last

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tip or piece of advice at this juncture would be to combine all of what was just said, Don't stick to just one aspect of it. Don't think Oh, you know what, I'll just stick to the adkar part of things. No.

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Seek the protection of Allah.

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Bring in taqwa.

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Give our charity

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place your trust in Allah, our code

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and free your heart in regards to these matters. This way you'll be able to lead and live a wholesome life and a bunch

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And life with the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala. With that I conclude today's reminder and inshallah I look forward to talking to you all

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through another stream, the coming Friday in sha Allah, Allah de como la who Hara with cinema aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Friday Virtual Khutbah

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