Muiz Bukhary – He Kissed a Woman and Goes to the Prophet Muhammed ‎ﷺ

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the history and importance of Islam, including the birth of Islam in the first century and the use of "has been" in various ways. The speakers emphasize that the event is being recorded and that forgiveness is expected from the court. They also discuss the history and use of technology, including the idea that technology can be used to avoid physical harm.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, the beautiful month of Ramadan has arrived. And I would like to share a short reminder tonight the Hadith is recorded in the book of Imam Muslim rahima Hola, a Buddha in a lovely Faria rhodiola. One who he narrates the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam his report to have said and the entire narration goes along the lines of these words, the Prophet sallallaahu Selim talks about the last person to exit from Johanna and he will be the last individual to enter Paradise.

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This man will be brought in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And it will be said, present his minor sins, present his minor sins, and now his minor sins will be presented. And it will be said Oh, slave, so and so. You committed this on this day. You committed this on that day you committed this here. You committed this there am al Qaeda, Al Qaeda yo mcheza what

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my dear brothers and sisters you have to understand that all of this is being recorded in a clear book.

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And on that day on the day of the AMA in justice will not be served

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the Quran. I'll make us a panel with Allah He says, When elder Xena this funny Omen, the mighty fella toda la mo nevsun Shang

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and replace the scales of justice for the day of the AMA. For to the lemon nevsun shade, no soul will be treated unjustly at all. We're in Tana with color have bettin mean her DeLeon Athena beha and even if there is something to the weight of a mustard seed, Athena beha we will bring it forth.

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In another place Allah says for me or melmoth color the rotting while you're doing it wrong one me Miss Carla rotten shell whiny wrong. The one who does good even to the weight of an atom will see my yam and Miss call as rotten, Sharon Yara and the one who does evil to even the weight of an atom We'll see.

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We're going to be judged upon an atomic scale, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. So it will be said bring his minor misdeeds and now it will be presented. And this man One can only imagine the emotion the emotional turmoil that must have been going through this individual as he would be thinking in a way he will be sighing sighs of relief that Oh, you know what? My major sins have not been presented? It's only my minor sense. And and he must be sighing sighs of relief. And then now as per the Hadith many brothers and sisters in Islam, it will be said in place of all these misdeeds, replace these misdeeds with good deeds. replace these misdeeds with good deeds, you're at

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the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now this man, this poor slave will cry out Arab, Arab. Oh my Lord. Oh, my lord.

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There are there are other misdeeds that I have committed that I don't see on this list. Just a few seconds ago. He didn't want to expose themselves. But right now when he sees the sheer Mercy of Allah, the infinite mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala he'll cry out, oh my lord, oh, my lord. There are other sins that have committed that I don't see on this list. Why is he saying this? Because he's hoping that Allah would transform them into good deeds as well and so that his good deeds will increase. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam as per this hadith he mentions this many brothers and sisters in Islam, and he smiles he smiles so much that his back teeth could be seen to be at the

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mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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in another hobby, and now it's Omar Abdullah hombre de la one who is reporting the Hadith. The Hadith is recorded in the book of Imam Al Bukhari and Muslim Rahim Allah. So they were with the prophets that alone while various elements suddenly they spot a woman,

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a breastfeeding mother who was looking for her child frantically she she had missed her child, which is looking for her child, and apps they were about to go and help her when suddenly they see that she finds her child. She finds her child and she takes the child to her chest and begins to nurse the child with so much of love and you can see the grief. You can see the happiness the relief rather, washing over her face. You can see how relieved the mother is the profit

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that allow you to leave Islam after witnessing the spectacular. He asks the companions Do you think this woman do you think this mother would throw her child into the fire? They all responded in unison knowing at a sort of law. No, she would not. Throw this child her child into the fire to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then goes on to say, and the entire narration goes along the lines of these words, he says, Allah is more merciful unto His servants, then this mother is to her child. Allah is more merciful unto His servants, then this mother is to her child. Look at the way the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala is depicted in these hided in these narrations, my dear

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brothers and sisters in Islam, it fills one's heart with hope. And as we enter into this beautiful month of Raja, this beautiful month of hope, this beautiful month of Toba, this beautiful month of forgiveness that has that has have hope in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. For he as Virgil will definitely forgive us of our shortcomings forgive us of our sins. Let's turn to him subhanho wa Taala before it's too late. And as I conclude, the reminder, my dear brothers and sisters, you might be wondering, well, these had these are the one that I mentioned initially only spoke about the minor sins. So what about major sins? What about major sins, scholars go on to mention as they

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discuss this Hadith, and other high did the talk about the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And they go on to explain, stating that and I was reading this the other day, that in terms of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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You have three rivers of mercy, that one can purify oneself, or in other words, there are three rivers of mercy in this world, if Allah will is good for a slave of his, he will purify the slave of is in one of these three rivers or all three rivers,

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before this slave goes to an IRA, because if this individual is not going to be purified, if this individual is not going to be cleansed, in these rivers, then this individual would have to be cleansed in the river of the Hereafter, which is the fire of Johanna May Allah protect us all. So what are these three rivers of this world? What are these three rivers river number one, Toba Toba river number 2am Allah salejaw good deeds river number three. Alamosa, calamities trials and challenges. Let me repeat it. Number one river number one Toba river number two good deeds river number three calamities. Now in regards to river number one it's clear we have ample evidence from

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the Quran and the Sunnah to illustrate that it is upon us believers to constantly keep turning to Allah subhanho wa Taala in Toba seeking His forgiveness and he has the Virgil forgives all sins. For in aloha young Pharaoh de Nova Jamia Indeed Allah Subhana Allah forgives all sins in the law hola yo Pharaoh Are you Shaka be here

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Delica Lima Yeshua, apart from shark every sin is forgiven by Allah subhanho wa Taala and even ship

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as long as you do not die upon ship. An individual who is committing shark turns to Allah subhana wa Taala seeking His forgiveness and

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bearing witness the day is no god worthy of worship other than Allah and that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is His messenger that his sins are forgiven is given a brand new slate.

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So you see Oba but to boo in Allah He Jimmy and you help me known La La Quinta flaperon julio de la Vina a Rottweiler and foresee him takuna to me rock Mattila, do not lose hope in the mercy of Allah in Allah have Pharaohs don't obey Jamia Indeed Allah forgives all sins in Allah or fool Rahim Indeed Allah is the most forgiving the Most Merciful so

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Toba is a powerful and beautiful river to purify yourself many brothers and sisters and the month of Ramadan is known as the month of October. So let us turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala is seeking His forgiveness. So that's river number one, river number two, Amano. salejaw good deeds.

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Allah says in the Noble Quran in Al Hassan al uniben essiac. Indeed, good deeds expiate and erase bad deeds. Now let me mention a hadith. And this hadith is recorded in the book of Imam Al Bukhari and Muslim Brahma Humala. All of the Hadith that I've been mentioning so far are all

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upon very high levels of authenticity. And this Heidi who recorded narrated by Abdullah bin Emma saludo, the last one who who says that

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a man

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approaches the professor, Islam and innovation goes along the lines of these words. And this man, he tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi, wasallam sort of law

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kissed a woman. In other words, the statement was I've indulged in everything that a man and woman indulge in in terms of intimacy apart from *. I've done everything else with this woman. jasola and this woman is not my wife, as in it's unlawfully done, I've done it unlawfully. I hugged her kista been intimate with her. The only thing that I have not done is is indulgent sexual *. But apart from that, I've done everything else with her jasola he comes and confesses to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And interestingly, Omar have been hottub or the one who was in the gathering and then he looks at the man and he says, Allah has covered you, why are you

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exposing yourself? Allah has covered you, why are you exposing yourself? The prophets that along while you were you were selling me looks at the man and he keeps quiet, he keeps quiet. And after a while, the man gets up and he leaves and in a bit the prophets that alone while he really was a lamb summons demand again he sends someone and and has demand called to his presence. And when the man arrives the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam goes on to read ayat that were revealed unto the prophets Elijah Islam in regards to this man,

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we're optimists are allowed to offer in a hurry, he was willing for me to lay in AlHassan at you the hibben essay yet, and he goes on to read the ayat and offer prayers. At the at the two ends of the day and in some hours of the night talking about the five daily prayers, in Asana to the hibben essay, indeed good deeds remove or erase evil deeds.

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The minute desire to read this man asks the prophets Allah Islam jasola is this ayah especially for me, is it just for me is this ayah I mean, is the ruling of this ayah just for me, the prophets that along while he really was lm he goes on to respond by saying it is for all of my followers, it is for my entire nation until the day of karma, law. Look at the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala in another Hadith,

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this hadith is also recorded the book of a Muslim rahula a man he comes to the Prophet sallahu Islam, the narration goes along the lines of these words, and he says yeah, this would allow Assad to have a sub two hudon jasola I have done something where the head that needs to be imposed on me. The prophets that along Wiley ready Islam now it was the time for Salah, the man kept saying this. And the prophets Alliance and M was leading him and took him to Salah took him to the prayer. And once the prayer was over, and now they're leaving after the prayer demand goes to the prophets of Allah Islam and he says Dr. rasulillah Assad to had that I have done something where the hand has to

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be imposed upon me for him. fee Kitab Allah so established the book of Allah upon me. The Prophet said a long while ago lucidum looks at the man calmly and he asks him, did you not pray with us? Did you not just pray with us? In other words, indicating that the fact that you prayed with us this prayer has raised your misdeeds it has raised your your your wrongdoings. SubhanAllah look at look at this hadith media brothers and sisters in Islam. And there are other Hadith as well. For example, the Hadith that is recorded or the book of Imam tirmidhi Rahim Allah.

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It talks about sort of a sadhaka to the charity extinguishes sins, charity extinguishes sins, since

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it's almost as if sins are like a fire like pieces of coal, that will end up burning you. So Southern charity extinguishes the fire of sins. It extinguishes it then it raises it Subhan Allah, May Allah help us to give out more charity. So as you can see, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, this this particular river, and you have to bear in mind that there are I mean, discussions that are further discussions in this regard. If it's a major sin, then yes, it has to be Toba and it has to be Ama salejaw. Because some of these habits that I mean that I mentioned are pertinent to minor since the last river My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, and approaching the conclusion of

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the video, it is calamities.

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We are living the time and we are all being rocked by calamities by turbulence by chaos. Let me give you another Hadith and this hadith to is recorded the book of Imam Al Bukhari and Muslim rahamallah Abu huraira de la mano, he reports the prophets Allah Allah Islam is reported to have said

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nothing afflicts a Muslim of hardship,

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illness, anxiety, sorrow, harm

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Stress, even the breaking of a thorn, except that Allah Subhana Allah Allah accept that Allah Subhana Allah Allah will forgive his sins through it will expiate his sins by

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nothing afflict a Muslim through hardship, illness, anxiety, sorrow, harm, distress, even the breaking of a thorn, Subhan Allah, the breaking of a thorn and your sins are being forgiven my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. Now you might be wondering,

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you know, calamities and then my sins are forgiven.

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It also depends on how you react during the calamities if you hold on to cyber. If you hold on to patience, yes, it's going to be a means for your sins to be forgiven. But on the other hand, you're going through calamities, but you're grumbling you're whining, you're complaining.

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You know, you're questioning Allah. Why is this happening to me? Why is life so unfair? Why is Allah doing this to be why only me, then? No, my dear brothers and sisters, but on the other hand, you're holding on to patience, like a YouTube la salatu salam, like Yaqoob Allah to Islam and he saw when he lost his beloved Son, use of Allah to Islam, when you hold on to Sabra, when you hold on to patience, what happens? You're being rewarded by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Your sins are being forgiven by Allah azza wa jal, you are being purified. It is because Allah loves you. He is purifying you in this world, as you can see. So these three rivers, many brothers and sisters in

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Islam, at the split, pray and hope that we are purified through these rivers through Toba through Armada salejaw and through the calamities that rocked our lives, that the challenges

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you know, and May Allah Subhana Allah protect us from being purified in the fire of Johanna. Therefore do not lose hope in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala use this month of Ramadan to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala in Toba, seeking His forgiveness use this month of Ramadan to do as many many good deeds as possible. And as we go through calamities, trials and challenges, like the lockdown that we are in, like the pandemic that we are in like the financial instability that we are in like the economic crisis that we are in, let us hold on to patients that does not question the plan of Allah, it does not complain, let us not whine let us not grumble. It does hold on to

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patients so that we our sins are forgiven through it and so that we are rewarded by Allah subhanho wa Taala I look forward to talking to you all in another video soon inshallah. desikan salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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