Muhammad West – Heart of the Quran #3

Muhammad West
AI: Summary ©
The Surah Fatiha book on Islam is a combination of multiple verses and not a monologue, and is not a monologue. It is important for us to prais and understand Allah's actions and intentions, including his actions and accomplishments. The title Islam is the one who gives the risk of praise and is the one who creates everything, and the universe is his. The importance of mercy and showing mercy is emphasized, as it is the only way to show mercy. The episode concludes with a brief advertisement for a program.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hello James Miller man Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen or salat wa salam ala Sayidina Muhammad Ali, he was a huge marine. Our beloved brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh cycloheximide Alhamdulillah Allah has brought us here to the third night of the Blissett month of Ramadan for us in Cape Town for some of you around the world you already on your fourth night and I hope insha Allah for us here the second day of fasting it was easier than the first and Allah Subhana Allah Allah grant us all the goodness and the blessings of this month and I mean while hungry lamp, we continue inshallah our Tafseer of the of Surah Fatiha and yesterday

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we we spoke about the names of Surah Fatiha we mentioned how sort of Fatiha is not only the greatest chapter and revelation in the Quran, rather, it is the greatest revelation that Allah subhanho wa Taala has ever revealed. And we mentioned some of the blessings and the virtuous horrified to him. We also spoke about this the other regime and the way we sit some scholars have held the opinion that it is the best manner Bismillah R Rahman Rahim is the first verse of Surah Fatiha. Rather the majority view is that it is not the first verse of Surah Fatiha, it is like in all the other schools, it is rather an introduction away an opening statement before the chapter begins. Today

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inshallah we will actually go into the deaf seed, the explanation of the Surah Surah, which we've learned, basically on the laps of our grandmothers our mothers, may Allah grant our parents by placing Jenna the surah, which will happen was so young and we recited daily, and in fact, it's always being recited, we perhaps have not fully understood the magnitude of the surah. One Hadith really shows us how amazing the surah is, inside our Muslim. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam says that Allah himself says so this is a hadith could see it means it's a hadith that goes all the way up to Allah. Allah says that a lot of the glorious and exalted says I have divided the Salah, or the

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prayer between myself and my servant and my slave equally, and my servant shall be granted what he asks for. So when Allah speaks about the salaria he's not talking about the mother to be shy. fudger Salah is talking our last panelist talking about Surah Fatiha sort of Fatiha is called the Salah. Now a side note, the word solid linguistically, and we understand Sala to be paid for the is a DA it is invocation if you will from from a linguistic standpoint, and so Surah Fatiha is actually a dua Surah Fatiha is a dialogue conversation that we're having with Allah subhanaw taala. And Allah Himself responds every time someone with a slight sort of a low response to your your invocation.

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And so Allah says I have divided this amazing door in half. And basically as we know sort of it has seven verses three of them will be exclusive for Allah three of them is about praising and glorifying Allah, and then three is for us. And then these are powerful middle verse which links the two which links us to Allah. It's an amazing surah when you look at it in that regard, and we'll get to inshallah, each verse and explain them one by one. So Allah Subhana Allah says that I have divided the Salah, meaning Surah Fatiha in half between myself and my servant equally and the servant shall get what he asks for, and to the very first verse of Surah Fatiha, and the first day

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for the first verse of the Quran. And what an amazing way to begin, if you think about it, a lot of Hana data is speaking as the Lord of all creation, with such power and grandeur and majesty, when he begins by saying, at the beginning of everything, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. All praise belongs to Allah alone, the Lord of the worlds, the Lord of all of creation. And Allah Subhana Allah says that when we say that Allah responds by saying, My servant has pleased me, my servant has glorified me. So let us just do but if they've seen a bit of in depth of see and won't be able to do this for every verse, rather just this one verse inshallah we want to break it down. So our last

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panel data begins by saying a hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen that all the praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds now it is a what's amazing about this, it's a statement of fact, Allah is not commanding you praise me. Allah is not saying you should make hummed, oh, I say whether you make Hamed of him, whether you praise Him, we don't praise Him, whether there's no one on the earth of believers to praise Allah, Allah saying It all belongs to me from the beginning, even before they were creations to praise Allah. Allah says I am deserving of all praise. And Allah subhanaw taala also puts the definite el el Hamed meaning not just a praise, some praise every single thing of

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goodness you see in the world. It is it ultimately goes back to Allah subhanaw taala. So if you look at someone and you praise them Mashallah you have a successful career Mashallah, you've done well in your, in your exams, this is actually a gift from Allah subhana wa tada from his wealth and his knowledge. And so if the thing everyone else that is praised, is praised, at conditionally, but it is Allah himself that is being praised. Allah is also saying that the praise to Allah is not situational. And that is and this is very important for us as believers, that we praise Allah in all times that which is good times which are easy times when we are comfortable, when are wealthy and

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even when times are tough when we're going

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through hardships when we are even as the hiding says even as we are dying, we only say to Allah hum that Praise to Allah subhana wa Tada, everything of goodness belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, and that he is the most deserving of praise. To understand the difference between him there's a very accompanies a word that we know which is very close to it, which is sugar, sugar is like just like a, you know, a foreign, you know, my last final data reward, you always say sugar, thank you basically, sugar, the difference between Hamden, sugar, sugar, we respond to someone that did something good for us, whereas hand goes to Allah, even when we and we always have something to be

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thankful for, even when we are, maybe in a situation we are going through difficulty, we still give Hamden Praise to Allah Subhana Allah, Allah Subhana, Allah says, He is the most deserving of that. what's beautiful about this phase 100 if you think about it, we know from the hadith of an apostle send them that the very, very first words spoken by mankind, our Father in the item, the first thing he said, was a hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah, or how so we know the Hadith, that maybe Adam alayhis salam was a statue and he stood as a statue for a long period of time in Jannah. And then Allah subhana wa tada blew into him a soul. And as the soul You know, it came down from the head and it

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moved slowly down is from the forefront of his head. And when the soul reached his nose and every atom sneezed, and after he sneeze, intuitively, something in his DNA, something which is ingrained in us. Now, the item said, Al Hamdulillah, he as we know, when you sneeze, you say Alhamdulillah. And so this is the first statement made by mankind, and allow was the one that responded yet hunkler that a lot responded by saying, I will have mercy metal have mercy upon you. And so this began the relationship between us as servants and Allah as our Lord, we begin always praising and thanking Allah. And Allah responds to us with mercy and with kindness, also, very amazingly, as Alhamdulillah

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is the first thing we said as a creation. It is the first thing which begins the Quran, it is also the last do our we will make engender now in general, there is no Salam hamdulillah you don't have to worry, you don't have to wake up for fudger in general, we are no longer weeks in general, there is no fasting in general, you know, one sister was speaking about, about the amazing things of gender. And the sister said I only have one question, do I have to wear my hijab in general and Subhan Allah No, there is no hijab in general either. But there is some form of a of a sugar of a dog that will evicted if we will, and in sudo Yunus Allah subhanaw taala higher that we all we all

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know a lot of analysis or that our houfy has behind a cola that in engender, the call will be super Chanukah, la or Taha tofi has Salam and the greetings to one another will be salam wa wahoo. And the final two are the final hour will be al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen, meaning the people of gender after getting and receiving for all eternity every time they receive a blessing. They will say hamdulillah this will be the the final sada so even though Salah will not continue into gender, what we'll continue is this phrase is the curse of praise be to Allah, Lord of the lord of the world. So it is the first stage our we made and it is the last to our will make and it is the other begins the

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Quran and begins to refer to him. So Allah says when you say Alhamdulillah, Allah subhana wa Taala responds here this is my servant has made him to me he has praised me. Then also in this ayah which is very important, something which you don't think about the word or the phrase and that's the rigid Allah the name of Allah. What does Allah mean? Now we know that every name of Allah subhanho wa Taala is attached to an attribute or a quality of Allah. So when Allah speaks about the use of Harlech, He is the Creator. We understand from that, that he is the one that creates things when we say he's the one who gives the risk meaning he feeds the creation. Now, the word Allah the phrase

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Allah What does this mean and there are many discussions around the origin of the word of life we go linguistically. One of it is Walia which means to be infatuated with love and to to be something are beyond our amazement, our to be so deeply in love with something that it cannot be comprehended. This verb also means that if you were to lose the object of your life, you will become you know, be completely overwhelmed with grief. So, realize that one that comes, you know, all your love is devoted to also it could meet at one of the scholars have said, it comes from the verb Allah Allah, which means to turn to protection in terms of turning to Allah in protection and to be praised. But

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the most critic meaning and this is the Tafseer of even Ibis and many of the scholars. The word Allah, the term the name, Allah goes back to a verb called le ha. And Alia means that which is worshipped. So anything that is worshipped is an era like La ilaha illAllah. The word Isla is something which receives worship in English we call a deity, and there are many, many healers in the world. Jesus Christ is an era because he receives worship. We have money isn't enough for some people, they worship the money themselves, they pride, the business, whatever it might

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They worship it in some way or another. So the word le ha means something which receives worship. Now Allah is Allah, the one and only deserving of worship. And this is, so this name which is of course the most pronounced Name of Allah in the Quran. It is also the name. If you look at the Old Testament, if you look at the Bible and the Injeel, the original name of Allah subhanho wa Taala in those scriptures is you know him, and he that it is the same derivation of the one who deserves worship. So Allah subhana wa tada is saying, the thing that makes him because he is the Lord, He is the Creator, because he has all these amazing qualities, because he's perfect. He alone has the

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rights of worship, all worship should be alone for him. And so we say Alhamdulillah All Praise be unto him, the one and only object of worship, and the name of Allah subhana wa Tada. It appears over three and a half 1000 times in the Quran. And as we said, you would not usually Allah subhana wa tada will bring two names together, you will say for example, Al Aziz and Hakeem you know, they'll come in duplicates, Allah will bring two of his names together in many, many eyes. As you recite the Quran, you will notice this, whereas the name of Allah stands on its own, the name of Allah stands on its own. When you when you read the Quran, you'll find this is the name which which comes on its

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own. Why? Because all the other names are attached to the name of Allah when you say, oh, Allah helped me You mean Allah you who is as he is the most powerful? You who is the you who is eternal? You is a solid, who has no need of anything else you helped me? Oh, it can a lot conveys all these names, all the 99 and the other names of Allah which we don't even know. And that is why he alone because he has those qualities, He is Allah Allah, the one and only deserving of worship. So we say, and all praise be unto Allah. But one was these perfect qualities and who is he? He is Arambula. Al Ameen. The word Rob is another name of Allah. So anyway, I have a second name of a lot being

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mentioned here in the in the first verse of the Quran, Rob is the creator, he is the one who controls the one the controller, he is the one who owns it. And he is the one who nourishes the word Rob also usually refers to a shepherd, it refers to the farmer, the one who takes care of his flock who takes care of the plants. So Allah is the ROB of all of creation, he looks after all of creation, not only does he control it, not only the created it, but he consciously actively is involved, caring for it, looking after it. And so this is the first verse we say that he is all the praise is to the one and only worthy of worship, the creator and the Sustainer of the entire the

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alchemy, meaning all of creation, all I use the words I mean, meaning the world, because there are so many creations, so many types of creatures living and animate and inanimate, that we don't even know of, we know of the gene and the angels, there may be other creatures out there that we don't know of, that have intellect, we know of the plants and the animals and the creatures that are alive. All of these things are a family or a world on its own. And Allah subhanho wa Taala is the Lord of all of them, He is the Creator and he looks after all of them. You know, Subhanallah We live in a time when, you know, atheism is on the rise and to deny the existence of a creator is something

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which is has never been as been so common as it is, as it is today. One of the things I lost paradise without going deep into proving his existence, realizing the fact that they his creation. And as we know scientifically Now if we look into the universe, we know there was a point in time when the occasion didn't exist, and all of a sudden existed. So Allah says the fact that the worlds that they are that they is harmony in in the universe, there must be someone who created it, and looks after it and keeps it in harmony, and he is the one who is the Lord of it. And he To Him belongs all the praise. So we begin by saying hamdulillah All Praise be to Allah, our Lord, the

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creator of the the the load of the of All the Worlds, and then the next area, or last Panzers or Rahman r Rahim. Amazing. The first thing alone wants to tell you the first information about himself he wants to convey and he's a rock man in his era him that both these names as we know are derivations of mercy. What is amazing Allah says, I control this universe, and I nourish this universe with mercy with kindness with love. Allah subhana wa Taala gave two names both of them depicting mercy in the very first two Ayat of the Quran, he introduces himself if you want to know who I am, and how I control the universe, I do it with Rama. And I'm Rahman and Rahim and we spoke

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about this yesterday we said the difference between the two Rama Rama is much wider. It is a kind of Allah is infinitely Merciful By His nature. And Rahim fool is when he acts he also acts with with with mercy. One way of understanding it is saying, Allah is merciful with himself, meaning his natural state is that of mercy. And he's, he when he acts, he acts with mercy. So Allah once again

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wants to us to fully understand that everything Allah does he does with mercy, with kindness with love. And it's amazing that if we just stopped here, if all we knew of the Quran was this, these two verses, it would be enough. We learned from these two verses, that there is a lord, there is the one who created us that he is looking after the creation. And he is, he is infinitely merciful when he, you know, interacts with his creator with his creation. Now, we must mention that we are in the month of mercy, we have received the book of mercy from the tongue of the prophet of mercy from R Rahman r Rahim, the Most Merciful, and therefore for us what we take from this is a lot of the

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proficiencies in the Quran, in the Hadith, that the Merciful, the people of mercy will be shown mercy, by our man by the Most Merciful, because they are merciful to those on the earth, and the one in the heavens will show mercy on you. So when we went to receive the mercy of Allah, we do we see His mercy, by ourselves showing this quality of mercy, the quality of mercy is something which is divine. And then when we are, we are, of course not in any way likened to Allah subhanaw taala. But in other Hadith, we know that every every bit of mercy on this earth is actually from Allah subhanaw taala himself from his divine mercy. And so it is up to us to be merciful, to receive the mercy of a

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lot. So again, we continue the conversation. When we say R Rahman r Rahim, Allah says, My servant has exalted me, he has elevated me he has raised it he has raised me up, then in the third area, and this is the third of the one half Allah when we say Malik, el Medina is to elicitation Xia Malik, meaning the Owner of the Day of Judgment, or it could be Maliki or me the meaning of the king of the day of judgment and both of them, both of them are excited, and why Allah chose the data and to use another name. So this is the fourth name, the first name was Allah, then Allah said or Rob, and then he mentioned out of mine or him and he uses the name Malika Malik, meaning the king and Owner of the

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Day of Judgment, why on this day, there is a day that will come when all the kings from the beginning of time will be the pharaoh will be the the kings of the different countries will be the Presidents will be the on that day, there will be no king besides Allah subhanaw taala on that day when all the sovereigns are put together, there is only one sovereign, when all of humanity stands before Allah, then there is only one owner now no one has a right of ownership of serenity besides Him, and Allah subhanho wa Taala also these these is what is the link between them, although speaking in them first, I

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mean, of this wall that we see. And then we will also he mentioned that they have kiama, meaning that there is another life beyond us. And our links these two with R Rahman r Rahim meaning that he's merciful in this life, and in the next life, but with his mercy comes judgment that allows mercy, at the same time is balanced with His justice, that is also a day where people will be rewarded, and they will be punished and held accountable for the sins and He still are a man Rahim. So again, it's amazing that these three verses brings our entire theology of the belief in Allah the belief in kiama, the belief in destiny, all of it is put down in these three verses amazingly, so

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when we say these three verses, and then we decide the middle ayah, which is perhaps the most important I have the surah we say he can i Buddha can Stein, Allah says, This is now between me and my servant, and now I will grant myself what they have requested. So the other half which we'll talk about tomorrow in Sharla, is about what we want to Allah. And we began by praising Allah, glorifying Allah, exalting Allah and then we say the link between Allah and us so there was an Ola we began describing to began describing his his power and his might and his mercy. Now the link to reach Allah is he can Abu Yala, you alone do we worship is you know, without it's very difficult to give

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the seed without going into the Arabic in maybe to make you understand in English. The object of a verb comes after the verb so we say Mohammed hit the door or hammer kick the ball, the ball comes off the verb of kicking uses this is normal spoken, this is how we speak even in Arabic. Usually the object comes after the verb that year in this verse, Allah says, You Allah, we worship, meaning the law comes first and then the worship yakka you we are allowing worship when he can sustain and you do we put our dependency on? Why is it like that? When you bring the object first and then the verb, it gives the meaning of exclusivity, that you alone do we worship, that all worship that we have

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every bit of worship is for you alone. And this? We've seen it so many times that this is the the theme of the whole Quran, that sort of it has sets up the whole Quran and this verse sets up the entire theme of the Quran which is our relationship with Allah is that of servitude and worship, and our worship is for him alone. Yeah, Allah you alone. We worship all our pray, all our fasting all our charity is for you.

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And your pleasure you alone we worship what yeah can sustain and you alone yeah a lot again we repeat a lot basically yeah can mean you alone yeah Allah, we depend that everything now now we have worshipped we depending on you yeah Allah to assist us to help us to our our job is to turn to Allah with worship and praise and then it is we hope and we and we depend on a lot of spunding with mercy and with kindness and then Allah says, When you say this, you have praised him, you have glorified him, you have exalted Him, and then you have turned to Allah in worship. Now we are waiting for all those responses. So Allah says, Now I will give to my servant that which he which he wants, and so

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we continue inshallah, tomorrow will the second half of the surah which is for us, what Allah subhanho data is going to give to us and answer to us, Allah subhanaw taala bless us from Allah keep us steadfast on his worship, May everything we do be for the sake of Allah and for his pleasure to cycle Okay, thank you so much. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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