Mufti Menk – The Wisdom Behind The Name Of Allah – Al-Wahhab

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the use of the name Wahab in the Bible and how it is used for gifts and family. They also mention that people are becoming more married and wanting to have children, but it's important to be mindful of the timing of these activities. The speaker emphasizes that it's not about time and that it's a process of "bringing light" to one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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says: Grant me Kingdom ownership of that which

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You won't give someone after me.

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He says, He

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uses the term Wahab, the name Wahab.

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You are indeed the giver.

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Wahhab is one who gives gifts,

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the one who gives gifts. Al Wahhab,

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Wahhab. I know of another place where the

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term or the name, should I say, Wahab

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is used

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in a supplication.

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It's used in a supplication.

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Guess which supplication?

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Anyone knows? In the Quran.

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Where else is it used for? What other

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thing? Here Suleiman alaihis salam is asking for

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well for you and I it's impossible, obviously

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for Allah it's not. He's saying give me,

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give me that which you're not going to

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give someone after me, something.

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Thank you so much.

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The name Wahab is, although it's not used

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there, but it's used for family and children.

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The name Wahab is used for family and

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children. Let me read a verse for you,

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So you know Zakariyah alaihis salam didn't have

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children, right? What did he say?

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He says:

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Again he used the term hab. Hab means

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grant me a gift.

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Grant me a gift. Of what?

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Of family, progeny, children who will be a

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gift from you.

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And Allah

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says, We gave him the gift.

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And so in the Quran it says,

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Al Wahhab,

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the name of Allah that is used, wahab,

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in this case as well. So Allah is

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giving the gift, something that you lost hope

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but not from Allah, which I didn't lose

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hope in Allah, but I lost hope

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in worldly things. People get married, and it's

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happening often.

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May Allah grant ease to all those who

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are married

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in their marriages, and those who don't have

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children. Allah bless them with children as well.

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But it's quite stressful when years are passing,

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and you know what?

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People are just looking at you, thinking it's

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about time you started a family, and you're

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busy thinking: It's got nothing to do with

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about time I, I wanted to start a

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family the day I got married.

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In fact I started a family.

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But it is up to Allah when He

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is going to bless us with children, right?

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People might say, well you need to, you

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need to be on a strict diet, you

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know, get off sugars and gluten and this

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and yeah, that that may help you. It's

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good to do things that perhaps might, you

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know, purify your reproductive system in a beautiful

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way. Perhaps, yeah, you can try that out.

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It's worked for a lot of people, but

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at the same time, isn't it some

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emptiness that you feel within you to say,

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I don't have children yet, man, Allahu Akbar,

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here's the name: Seek forgiveness of Allah, Rabb

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Ghfirli. O Allah forgive me. And then that

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wahab, Innaqah antal

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Oh Allah grant me. Grant me what? From

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my wives, from my family members, from my

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those who will be the coolness of my

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eyes. So not only am I asking for

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and family, but I'm asking for those who

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will be the coolness of my eyes. When

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your child grows older

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and they're adolescent

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and they grow beyond that, you'd like to

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at least be happy. Hey, that's my son.

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That's my daughter.

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